xt79057cvf6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79057cvf6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1983 1983 1983-10-12 2020 true xt79057cvf6r section xt79057cvf6r I
. ._ ..__ . ____.._ _.__ ..._ . -. - ._- _..-__
___3 .3 ;3_ . _ .M3M33i3: ting“: ~ 3 ., . ,3 3 3, ,,,3,_33_3,_,_333 3, 3 , 3 3 ,
WWW“ §§,,,t,t_!ze .» ll“, ._ Mdmrmmr Wishe- Mt Mud-v. Octet-r 12. ti:
1 C
_ ""' ‘ ‘ ' .4 y ' A “erg... , 0 O O
3 I v 2% I . 9 Radar failure allowed etliner
3 . ' m“
-.» . . .’ ' " 5 ‘3 ;. - tel"?!
3333 3 3., ..3 .
12 u- - - , 33. - to fly over border Sov1et says
, 3L 3‘ 1 _~__ 33 ,
3 . 3 - -. . i . OfflClals discuss halting arms-limitation talks With (2.8.
I ~ . ’ . 3 ,s ‘3 3 Associated Press some t S intelligriwr satiric-s luw uni tlui lt nu
\ 33 ‘ '3 3 § “ )fl 3 d u h. ilht‘l) the Sonet pilots did not iltelitifx the ptalk' a a
.._ 3 3.6-»- __ 3 . M(S(‘ti ' A. An ( 10% source sai yestert ‘_\ t it «'iiilianalrliner

a ' 1‘ V ' ' ~. 9 ' two 50“” radar failures and confusion h." 69‘9““ ““1“ There hate been iiiii'olifirliiul lei-iris that {up an do
"- .. .. . - ” ' manders allowed a South Korean Jetllner i“ ii) through li-ltse ottlclals iii chargi- .ll hrlliii haiku were tirwf alter
a . - Soviet to space unnoticed for more than two hours hr the incident Thru- n-pnrts “mild .ipnrnr tughlx lilirls
{in fig 3’ ,_ . ” ,. ? ‘ fore it waishot down it as the Sonet source claimed there Vials such a nun 33,
h,ii~~.‘33°i‘3i$i‘§i . K i 1 A The source. who SW9 m condition that N "Oi ln‘ siw failure of bowel mdnr equipliio-lit or in the men
33l'33fgkg’” J: ’M _ 2 »- identified. contradicted the official government tersioli (xix-ratingit

$33¥2§3§*33g . ‘ '~» (X events that led a Sox'iet warplane tn destro) the ho The new iliforllintioli :1 rolTnt imitriidir tn the lb

33:,3s‘h33 3323 . l -" s. ‘ T _ ‘ rean Air Lines Boeing 747 near Sakhalin Island in the scription of ments littered .it .i \l-pi so new“ mule-renu-

r3”mts,.:~é’;fi§2mi t . ' _ 3 3 .3333 _ senof Jaoan ti} Nikolai \ ilgarkm the deprilx iii-lemu- minister and

,siih“ 333"? “3’?" .._ ' '3 3.... 3 3 3 3; ‘ ‘ 3‘ Y He said two of three radar stations on the Kamchatka chief of the general stall

3‘“ f§§w3$wai§ém 3 33. _ 33/ ' _ _ *' 3 peninsula that should have detected the plane Sept 1 He said Soul-l rad.” ttl'\l l-egiiii trnrlring tlw plalw

. , I " gong, " 3s 3 ‘ ,- , 3 were not working and that the plane's intnlsmn of Son before it mum-d Klulil‘lmlka and out tour sow-i light

, t _ 35$ 3 ‘_’ 3 333 , 3 3 I i et airspale was not confirmed until it reached Sakhalin on scrambled from the [I‘llltuuld in .t uni attempt to

33W. 3 MW 3: 3 -.-..3-...-..»u.,.,....3 . - 3;. .313: ‘4‘- ; Island. 44!) miles southwest of Kamchatka gel the )etlinei’ to idenllh itself and in Lind

3 ’ ' '._ ’ ’ Air defense commanders reacted in confusion attcr A radar ltmltulk‘tltlll ltKllil promo mplam .. \llllllflf
the intruding airliner was found in Sovtel airspace. the incident in April 15ml when .i Nitllli Ktlft‘ull )rtlinl-r nrvl ,
source said. and Soviet commanders and pilots involved for mu"- than two hours mei- northern \mlet .Ilf‘tnt‘f
' in downing the plane down did not know it was a civil tun”. (fife-“591.1993 mm“. 3: ”N, in,“
lan craft carrying 269 people All aboard WPt't’ kill?“ The Sonets are also discussing dropping negotiations
, - including 61 Americans on nuclear weapons \ch the l s
The source also claimed that air defense commanders "We would hope they tltllt ultlh ilul mm in.- otti
‘ ordered the plane ShOi down because they had proof ii cial. who declined to be identified He Will the Minot
t. was transmitting intelligence information to t‘ S sp) iii pom“, m u“. Sim "mm“ (33”,, m “on,” 533”,"
- m :3 .. stallations. "9 did "0‘ 58)‘ what kind 0i proof iht‘) land. should become clearer lodgli when .l ri-si-iluw tn
' 3 4 3 claimedto have 3 3 President Reagan‘s lull-st proposal is ("ll“ltil
(“SAND“HH‘4“ W"U“"’ The lnlted States and South korea have denied the file l'nlleti States with the support of its dill!" has
Buy me, please airliner was onaspymission pledged to keep the talks going men it .in agreement is
.. . . . . . . It was imposs1bletodetermine independently whether not reached h) lh‘emN-r 11". mm.” m”. 3“,"
Bruce Eckerle, first year graduate student in animal seience, has been selling puppies in front of me new information provided by the Soviet SOtlrt‘t' was threatening. (in and off, in NL‘lI‘tMl m, rig-“liti‘timn ii
Patterson Tower this week. He started Monday With seven dogs and sold all but two by yesterday correct or if it was an attempt. after the fact. to con there is m accord
afternoon. Vince a skeptical world the Sox'iets did not know the That thy-"r vowed "Tm”, _,i W. “mm,“ lWfllttllllllu
plane was an unarmed passenger )0! table. is being taken seriously . the Uttlt‘lfli sultl
Faculty students ammend conduct code | SA V’s first m
9 I pro gra ,
By JOHN VOSKUHL basic rules of University life, Zum- recommendations. which may or mittee will initiate some proposals ‘ 0 0 9
As winkiensai be yrs-ea zumwm s22 ViSions debuts today
“A lot of people think the student The Board of Trustees will make Joseph Burchhassome ideas " ’

A committee composed of UK stu- code is the actual book itself, but the final decision regarding whether , . . . _ . 3 3
dents, faculty and administrators that‘s not the case," he said. The the proposed revision actually Burch. dean of students and a 32,225.?”pr lirmltiimrr'(hrlinlm-i“ «fwd
will be considering amendments to booklet is divided into four sections: comes to be. he said. The board will member of the revision committee, p‘ 3,33. 2,... '{mfn 53:. 333m"; 333er
the University’s student conduct The Code of Student Conduct, which probably vote some time in April, he said the committee discussed some “we", Ammm T3313,“ . m 33, :3, 3. 1-,," Wm”, 33 ' "at, '3:
codeforthenextsixweeks. deals with the rules, procedures, said. and any amendments would possible proposals at its first meet- 33,3“ 3.3333,", 3L3 rémwr, 3:31“ km; fix,33.,h'u,wn. 333,331 333 id

, . rights and responsibilities governing take effect Fall 1984. mg on Oct. 3. One of the ideas dlS- .. . . p . p h ' , ' ' I“

The committee Wlll accept propo— non ~ - ~ . - - ~ 2 . . . Visions, at 4 .tll pm today in be dlrt'tl ttll‘lr lnngtr-riii and

-academic relationships, se- Zumwmkle said anyone Wishing to cussed dealt wtth controlling fire- 2
5315 for amendments to the docu- lected rules of the University Senate propose a revision should submit a armsoncam us leStudenttenter Addition Shun ”rm Kw" TN) “m hf
‘ merit from students, faculty and . . ~ - . - . - p ' wins Straub. chairman of had scrim damn: about the foul
. governing academic relationships, written recommendation to either , . . 3 3
staff members through Nov. 18, said ~ - 2 . .. SAT\. said the program will liility oi lhe idc-n Thai senator
. . regulations governing time, place himself, Joseph T. Burch, dean of It would be premature to call , _ _ , 3 , _ .
Robert G. Zumwmkle, Vice chan- - _ d th' . mainly (‘tlnSlSt of the adult!” waslnuls Straub
. . and manner of meetings, demon stu ents, or Art Gallaher, chancellor is a proposal right now, Burch 3 ,
cellor for student affalrs and chair- . . 3 . . 3_ , that took place during Homecom llurke and Kennedy bald the)
. . strations and other assemblies. and for main campus. said. i havent made the proposal 3
man of the Student Code RieVision . . - - . ingweek planned on putting out lullhour
. rules pertammgtostudent records. The committee has received very —nobody smade the proposal. , . 3 , . .
Committee, . . . . . ., . 3 Other showings of the Illlminute shows with funds from NM.
The rev'swn committee W1“ deal few proposals for changes in the Presently, theres no rule that program Will be shown at 4 p m which would tn- broadcast by
Zumwinkle, however, also said he only with the student code, Zum- code for the past eightor nine years, says you can‘t have a firearm on , . ‘ 3 , . 3, _ 33 ~ '
3 _ , 3 . . 3, ,, . 33 .3 on Monday. Wednesday and PH table on public nut-as channels
expects only a very small percent- Winkle said. ReViSions for the aca- ZumW'm‘le said Students had campus? Bum“ sa'd "m“ day of next week The following iii-r and six in rim l'irl'utt rv
age of students to propose any demic rules come under the jurisdic- much more interest in the code in nothing to prevent someone from , , . ’ , . ‘ .-
. . . . , ,, . ,. week, it \Hll be shown at 4 p m on in the Student i enter
amendments tion of the UniverSity Senate, he the later 605 and early 705, he totingashotgun around the place , , . , _ ., 3 3 3
,, . . - H . . . Tuesday and Thursday All show latentuall). the prop-rt rer med
It tends to be about 1 to 5 percent said. The other two sections are ad- said. That can be interpreted a Regulations do exist governing , , _ , .
. . . . . . . , . . . ings will be in the teletlsion room will) from 350A, and the senator
of not only the student body, but the ministrative areas promulgated by couple of ways. Either there is a firearms in LniverSity residence , . . ,

. . . . . . . . . . , ofthe Student t enter Addition who was Militant to fund the pro
general UmverSlty population that President ous A. Singletary, he general satisfaction With this docw halls. Burch said. but the provosal guauh 33,3 mm, 3.333 3 “3,3 , ., 33,3", ,3, (.umm (.MWNn
go to the trouble of submittinga pro- said. ment,orthereisalackofinterest." being discussed would apply to the dela' m 33303333333 the [”333 m $333333) (“3.3M m3 333 m" m d
posal," he said about the annual re- The committee will act in an advi- A major source for reVlSiOll this entire campus. including UanEl‘Slty gram M32333“. 0” 3,03,33,33,, 3,", ‘3“... “a," m s" A W. “m 3,. ,3”
vision process. sory capacity to Singletary, he said. year could be the committee itself. apartments and fraternity and so ‘ , , ‘ .' ' ..

. ,3 . . . . . . gettingthe proper equipment in the typical sophomore slump

The Code of Student Conduct is We Will recommend certain said DaVid Bradford. president of l‘Ol'Ity houses. 89mm Homwom, . .

. . . . . . . . . . ng includ- and afltr Burke and Kennedy
part of the Student Rights and Re- changes in the code to him. He for- the Student Government Association Burch said the impetus for this mg the ”03mm“ of the Homecom heard he was 330m“ 3” 3 3' 3h”
sponsibiliti'es, a 72-page booklet pub- wards the recommendations to the andamemberof the committee. particular amendment came from ', . ' .. . lit - '

. h b h' h tl' th Boa d f Trust al 'th hi “13,5 ve b] that the 3 d 3. 3 3 ing Queen and the beach party on asked him to ln- thairman of their
llS ed y UK w ic ou mes e r o ees ong Wi s ry pOSSI e com- su en in eras. South campus 33 5933303333)" ”gamut“,

. . . . warehouse fire on Broadway “That’s where the iron) in after

St t t I 11 f .1 .I Street will be featured in the pro I gave them such a hard time the)

a e 0 088 1111 10118 1 1111881 BS 111 , group says firzmhgsaidd 33 03 mangam ~

.‘trau an is inv vement ut t organiutlon got off to a

By ANDREW DAVIS will lose a substantial amount of “the first strikeofthe Mx will beon local SANE members, In an effort to With SATV trash With his crit very slowsurt through ml-ult

Staff Writer money iftheMX is built. the American economy, not the Saw get him to change his mind about lClsm 0f the organization H? ""1 at it! 0w". Strum Hid W I“

“We computed the economic ef- etUnion.” the MX. Nationally, SANE has 75,- it was Indirectly because of his thr- necenuiry oqtnpment was at-

Kentucky stands to lose $321.8 mil- fects,” Russell said. “We calculated Other losers include Indiana, West 000 members across the country. doubt-9 about SAT" that ht W83 dcrt’d In Milk lhl')‘ MVP only '8
lion if the MX missiles are built, how much money would come out of Virginia and North Carolina. Twen- Hopkins has met with the group {our chosen as chairman 0' tht’ Urum- cently begun serious work be
according to Dianne Russell, field the taxpayer’s pocket andhow much ty-two states would lose money if times —— in Roma, Lexington, Rich- ution came of problems in getting
organizer for The Committee for a would be returned, and then are the MX is built. The District of Co- mond and Versailles "9 said the group was militia“? equthm' "will“,
SaneNuclearPolicy. they (the states) a loss or gain," lumbiawmildlosesmiljmillion. Hopkins was quoted as saying by started by Bl" Burk? and Dolls .133, 3m had 30 be M

Russell was in Lexington yester- Russellsaid. California, Massachusetts and Col- SANE that “our missles are old, Kennedy 88 a small public rela‘ 33,33,323 "53 "33 33:3; 30'
day in an effort to promote her orga- According to Russell, Kentucky orado, however, would gain money therefore weneedne'wones.” tl‘ms outlet for the Student! ACth' [“33 of "351m! :13 mtm

' nization‘s policy on nuclear disar- would lose $321.8 million. “Kentucky — $9,571] million; 32,0042 million; Russell said the MX has 10 war- tiles Board “Burke was a motor be. broken m“ , 3" ab "3""
mament and to make Kentucky doesn’t get anything back. Not one and $4,347.9million. respectively. headson it, with each being 35 times last year who saw a need for a 2M - - ’ "'
residents more aware of the upcom- red cent.“ Other states would fare The study predicts that it would more powerful than the atomic “Udall TV 5W2" 5"an “Id Straub and MTV» writing. Id
ing MX missle vote. much worse, with Texas losing the cost the average American family bomb droppedonHiroshima “Doug Kennedy, Student Activ ministrative and production staff:

The Mx missle would be a {than most at $1.7 billion; Illinois, $1.6 bil- $400 apiece if the MX project is ap- “We must look at arms control in tiles Board Publlc relations dlrcc are now expanding While one
cial loss to the American public. lion; New York, 81.5 billion; and proved. a very different way," Russell said. tor. saw that it would MW to be a show in being edited another may
according to a SANE press release. Michigan, $1.1 billion. The study ap— Congressman Larry Hopkins is a “We should have a bilateral veritia- separate entity " be m the worlu. he said This
SANE conducted a study which pliestothelm fiscal period. supporter of the MX. SANE said his ble nuclear weapons freeze. It would Kennedy and Burke said they way, one show can be made every
showed that 392 or 90 percent of the James R. Anderson, author of the district wuld lose $50.2 million. stop all nuclear deployment, testing sought funds for equipment from two weeks. healiwnid
nation‘s 435 congressional districts study, said in the press release that Hopkins has been meeting with and building." .. ______ .. .. ____.__ . .

E Dean strengthens educational standards in b 'n ll
ByWANDA BER’I‘RAM _——"‘—— Tom Ingram, assistant professor TeaCh _ St d t R tios,
w are: Reporter of marketing. said he is “very 9" u en a o
M , Nil-"#3?" ., first: “H - pleased" with "'60 mum
3W? The College of Business 4. Eco- avmg our own . .
‘4" “4* r3“ . woos-“t; norm'cs has been mformed from department Will help to m Businss Partnership Fund:-
mafi ”- Sue! , a non-accredited uistitution toa co recrultfacult tion has been esta ished under . . . . .
imam-3. ' .. W lege with new opportunities and y hint as a means to meet those .
it”. 3; . goals, Richard ["urst. dean of the ” goals. “This is a condition under .
" ' ’ ' “ coll mem ers. whichl here " head It
”grip"? of ‘*“~‘ ege,says. . came . l .“ Ill . . . . . . . .
3 -- m“,mm inn: said he began working with Ric’la'd Film. vehicle ilimugii which we do rim
, . “WW m ago; the school and the businas commu~ ME Dean l‘lllills and develop tla With the
5" “pfim » nity to achieve better educational buineucommunity.“ . . . . . . . .
”*uflfi" ”'9'; . , _ ;.., standards when he arrived in July _ Punt said the HP? raises finch
, flirt 3 m Ml. of accountim, said. “Re (first) has through twoendowed chairs duality . .
:wssmy'W-..» owned mmwfi A: for as public schools are con- provided the opportunity for the fac- position funded by mm at . . . .
M3. .333. 3 ' corned, first said he wants UK‘s ultytodorecurch." 8| million each: The Chair in Bank-
~ - «w ~ , CollegeothEtobocomeoncofthe Hotniecaidhealsoexpecutooee ing and fimncial Service- md a . . . . . . . .
belt bullies: schools in the cotmtry. improvemaitl in {mm and new Chair in Man-mt Information
“We also need to form a prtnerfliip faculty positions Systems. So far. the chairs have
with the balm community." he Nutm- other dance: have nindatotnloulmomo. ’.\ é

333W W ma3.-M0nstatethanothnve boatltnplenuitodimotheoollqe niacin-ci- allowodfa’thecn- Q5: (:5)

W3 («he ,3, ., . . “ them tobelpi- reach this tilde hmt's direction. In fact, atlon of MBA Pnrtnenhlp Schol- ‘ .___
.:,,..o~..o.i-e, .- M “a , -, goal. The University has given I. first said he has ‘W the Mp and Intern-tops. when pro —
,v,,t?" WM‘, , ,Qi ,. .

3 , 3.. , - m m, but not men for whole collqe. The calla: In: in- via m with Hm Import ”WWW”"’””"’*”“""”‘“‘”"”‘"”‘ m“ "”"""""’,"°"“T"‘.":;" ’53:;‘33, 3,;
3, . ,5? .33. .2 . 3,33, _? ,3? mtwemod," M its lllnhl' of Ichooh {run and «Hui-job w. The per ,,., _.-,...-..,..,.,.., 53:”? 4’4 2.;
33 “$3” "wemupoctlmblgthiwfmm uncommobydmm nboptwldufornewmnnd Ult’a ‘312273, CMCOI

,3 «t» , _, the BF? —— a clot! relationship mum into tine mate who. at the We - - W . . - EC

_.....,.3 fluids... 3mfifl33€l with the bulbs: annuity." arm: marketing, fill-nee and unn- , MW "'4 mm
v. ' ‘ Juno m, mm W W- guaranty-cu MIA-um!" 2637);]

 t ' \ .
2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEI. WM, 06m 12. 1'3
' ° S Af ° ° (1 t' th 'd f
U . S . ties in . rlca questions at an l-apar e1 con erence
By ANDREW DAVIS dents to the coniereme. which was “coordinated actiaagalmtus. col- “111ey’re being cooperative with third world wtflu onmtlilieir min- students plan to mine protuts
“a Stafterter . heldOcLer. Jabmtioowith wldtemlaoeity Swarm. lute-d . m “Wm other, ' ”5'”- W’ M. MW in
“I basically thought the confer- regime (1 South Africa," according themtochame. quires US. businesses in South Afri- corporations and banks with ties to
New York University was the site enoe was fantastic." Seavers said. totheeonfereneepressrelease. “Washirxton wants to maintain ea to comply with certain fair South Africa and to protest the Rea-
of this Fall’s American Committee “It was also timely became there is The conference criticised the Rea- stremth there for US. corporations employment principles for all of its gan administration’s current policy.
On Africa national anti-apartheid an escalating war situation in Africa gan administration’s support of that get high returns in South Afri- employees. It also prohibits the im- Thus far. students have helped di-
conferenee, which attracted 300 stu- thatisatlu'eattoworldpeace." South Africa and its current policy ca," Neasen said. “South Africa portation of Krugerrands or any vest $300 million in public monies
dents from across the country, in- The focal point at the conference of “constmctiveengagement.” plays a regional role, and it has a lot otlole; South African gold coin and linked mto South Africa through U}:i
cludi till-ecstudentsfromUK. was to show the committee's sup- “Constructive engagement is their of minerals. It will be easier for pr ‘bits any new loans by US. fl- inves , through municipal a
Cornbgin Scavers, editor of the Ku- port of the minority liberation (US) policy of how to handle South Washington to get minerals (with nancial or lending institutions to the state legislation. the press release
aaaa Journal — a quarterly joumal movement in South Africa and to Africa," Joshua Nessen, student thecturentgovernment). South African government or any stated.
on south Africa. went with the stu- strike up a yearlong program of coordinator for ACOA, said. “South Africalus invaded Angola, entities controlled by that govern- ,
Zimbabwe and Namibia.” he said. ment. mag“; ‘32:“: ml 3:} ‘33::
l “The U5. didn't condemn them, Students will also protest the lion illiveswd in US$20; ni d
"'W'Y ' “'0'!" l Domestic 'tuineion Civicc-mor- which gives South Africa an excuse South African situation this Spring . , - ~ 98 88 an
CCI’ “W'C. MAG|C PA" to stay, South Africa can get away throughl the .SprinTE lM‘Weeks of banks InvalvedlnSouth Africa.
L “d “V lll R __ N H" with it, because they have an ally ln Natlona .Actlon. e antl-apartheld Resolutions were also passed at
oco 0 2.133352; CiPcil‘CthCR Bldg. 0‘20?” Warmth“- _ weeks, discussed at the conference, the conference for students who plan
BUY Lexington Ky " ‘ Athosltlons treseae‘lmda‘rlngld: “Wethatiile as! ex— :3: run from March 21 to April 4. to work against US. intervention in
. - 0504 oKitchcn m Y erous 3‘ ua 0" ere, - _ _ Central America. a inst racism in
KERNEL Noxt Door to Ford'. lltnass Contor coining Room but I don’t want to see troops in March 21 ls the anniversalfy 0f the America and for the:a nuclear freeze,
CLASSIFIEDS! Apply in Person South Africa. lie (Reagan) and 1960 Sharpevtlle Massacre in South through regional coalitions that have
10% Discount w/I D 2-4 p.m.Monl.Sot. :ther “33:11“ favor profits over Afngiciiaswhere :7me :e wllraed kg: yettobeformed.
- - ,. umanrl .” a woun . 01cc 1
Harvey Harris Owner PM: dig“ Son.” Dressen said he believes there are on a crowd of 10,000 stone-throwing Nehran Gahed, Egbert Makaya,
Phone (606) 2534717 " ‘ two bills now before the House that blacks demanding to be arrested to and a third University student who
could change U.S. relations with protest conditions in South Africa. wishes to remain anonymous, were
South Africa. April 4 is the anniversary of Martin the representatives of Kentucky.
I: GENERAL CINEMA One is House bill 2957, which calls Luther King Jr.'s death. They are members of Socially Con-
for a billion dollar limit on loans to According to the press release, cemed Students.
! , $2.00 fitbll'lg‘gln. D l t' n of c 1010 nc IFC relieves presidents
» a v 0 urges éTIlRFlAND MALL from some duties ;
1 , \ selection 0* narrows ID summon lit-mt I I. O t f
, sets srae 1 1n 0 a renzy _ ,
. ,/ . w, c is in y .2} The preSldents of each frateml-
( l t I" TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — lsrael's fected by the devaluation. Car ty are “0 longer required to attend
, \ ' ' ' - Central ‘ "531‘55‘57‘59'5 new government devalued the cur- prices were to go up by from $1,875 the thterfl‘atel‘mty COlmCll meet-
‘. l . l J 1 ,. ., fency Z3 nt yesterday and to $6,325. Alias are imwrta and Ings at -UK, said Christopher Kae-
‘u .' I 1 Kentucky! ; FAVE"! MAU- : raised the price of basic foods so heavily taxed. The cheapest models 1m, . Vice-presidenttat-large for
, ,“ lKfloulVlllllllWUlfllIDS777-6661” percent, setting off a stampede m costabout810,000. publlcrelatlonsofIFC. .
\ . "J ’~ -‘ buy meat, milk and bread before the The austerity measures, prompted
‘. , ,4 ‘ ' ' ‘ mcmmmefiect, by a widening trade deficit and a __,.-“" ' ' “"' t
\ , l z , , --——,-——--——-—--—-——- ~;,—‘
‘ w newsman :hrirgsliizllasiziemm ~
, factory prlcos- 1i; 2;; member labor federation, set a two g" two ears in which Israelis ,
- fl , I" —lw::5.a.m‘::l hNI‘ warmng' strike for tomorrow’s have enjoyZd a rapidly rising stan-
V a, i . f8 quo y mwm“n .::.. tgmpg-otest the osfteadlliyn eroding pur- dard of living. 1 GI‘OOk
\ / 3 m8 power wor gpeop e. Most significant was Finance Min- LE1TERS '
-' ~ “Yul w. The devaluation 0f the Israeli she ister Yoram Aridor’s warning that ~‘ ,
W LII“? he! and the price Mk5 were 3‘10th the government would depart from ' a». ._
/ , ‘m ”u m “M out I, m m it a nine-hour overnight Cabinet the custom of automatically com- ;___>________ __ _-_ g
- , 1.... contact Lenses at no come meeting held just hours after Pm“? pensating wagecamers for price -'€&#:::E%§fi=
, mfifgx‘wgwgfmfim Minister Yitzhak Shamir was sworr hikes.
// mwlmsrrgimly lizodby In by Parliament as Menachem 38 Until now, salaried people have According to Kaolin, until re_
m'ih‘? some gotta; (0:7: gm ssuccessor. , received a hike 0f 35 percent Of the cently, the president of each chap-
l,,, y ‘ Motorlsts quickly lined Up at 885 inflation rate every three monthS. ter was required to attend these
‘m::.°.‘TLT:ZJ;‘::;°I' “tat‘OhS and showets {100de stores but Aridor said this time he would meetings with an we representa-
"‘““,‘f'f,“::;’:,1‘2.’m‘;°.;“"" '9 “um? ““3“?“ men” and my not pay the full compensation. tive. The change is intended to re
alo SAVINGS! 8°°ds bet?” Pm“ me- . The measures were aimed at st0p- lieve the president of some of his
'flumflmg" _The maln purchases were baSlcs ping an economlc ShOWball that duties and shift more responsibili-
LOleS' Dross COO", humanism-m bk; fwn meat, mh‘lk' flour, bread began last week With the. publication ty t0 the representative.
“more". an e mg 01. w 066 PFIC‘S were of figures showing a 21 percent in— IFC and the Panhellenic Council
Jackets. Down Coors. Rolncoots and Blazers. ....°;.'::.::.":.. to go up 50 percent today as a result creasein mefmign trade deficit, are also sponsoring a retreat for
Cuttlcllm d a reductlon 1" government Shhs" Israelis feared a devaluation of the weekend of Oct. 14, 15 and 16
336 8 [I l nd D ' L - W d‘f'qum of milk sow from 16 8 3‘9 :heggnd medfto slump their which will be held at the Carter
01] 1 a FIV _ - an s an y orelgn curren- Caves State Park.
6 CXIHSLOH 21. 1 160 m‘ , M813 to 25 Shekels — or about 31 cy‘ Bank SlDCkS are the mmt profit.
1!; sum Q cents. A loaf of bread uses from 6.5 able and safe hedge against infla- NATALIE CAUDILL
' ,_ shekels to 10 Shekels — or about 15 tion, but the banks said they could
cents. The devaluation was likely 10 not withstand the sudden run on Greek Letters is a greek column
pushtheprices higher. stocks, so the stock market closed that appears weekly.
Prices of imported goods were ef- on Sunday. I
, ‘H 'V ’q 'f I
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the H w p. N
news DEADLINE EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 1 8. 1983 a, ,0" . t‘ a
.. ~ $‘fl'67‘ M
g. I/gla/I (M l. ,.,
t‘ l - l t
n l lcxmgton, Kentucky t‘ t‘ 2
Due to the fact that the new insurance company did not get the fall :9: ’0' 9: Parents of University Of Kentucky Students! ). I.‘ l
semester information mailed prior to the start of the semester. ”I? f, 9‘ ———AT-—-—-————,——_——'—- :0: :0:
enrollment and continuing payment deadline has been extended to t: :4 "mm at unit/emu}, 0f Kentuc'ky' y: t: >
t‘ , .
00'01’9' 13~ 1933- :0 a Real Estate Investors! to :0:
To Enroll In the UK Student Insurance Plan: :z‘ ‘9 z‘ t: ‘g ’3‘
‘ '4 ! 't l‘ N
H II . . ' ' ‘
Pick up a packet form the New Enrollment Packets sec- l,‘ 3‘ The ultlmate solutlon for owner and OCCU‘ l: '5 l:
tion of the pamphlet rock to the left of the elevator at the :6 g pant. . . a product now available for the first t. l.‘
. e l l . . . . . ‘
thirté'iloo; if lthe Afigdlsal'Cerver Amer: 4 (th: Ple‘lllh Setrv- , g % tlme near the UDIVCI‘Slly of Kentucky in lcxmgton. :0 :0:
Ice mic. o ow emsrucnonson opoc a. cross - . . a a
are on the back of the application form'which is port of :0: :0: Bonchmark/Atlantlc Company, the natlons :0 :9:
the brochure. Your application and payment must be :0, ’4 leading developer 0f univemltyorlented 00"" :0 ’0‘
mailed in as specified on the application and M051 3! ,0, 3:; ,9, domlnlum apartments, announces a new I30-unit :0 3:; :0,
Posrulaaxcn av ocroaaa is. was. t: :4 offering, Brighton Close. Scheduled for Fall 1984 oc- i: l:
to: :9: cupancy, preconstructl'on reservations are being to to:
To Continue Your Participation in tho UK Student Insurance ,’ ’4 taken now. :‘ :0.
Plan (formerly Blue Cross/ Blue Shlold): t: {4 Two bedroom. two bath Garden apartments and t: i:
If you have not received information from the new insur- :t .0 :9: two bedroom, two and a half bath Townhouse :. #t
once company or it you have lost that information, pick up i: '0‘ apartments are available, fully furnished, including .. f.
a packet from the Contmumg Payment Packets section ,. $4 all accessories at $59,500. Nothing else to buy! 90% t. ,9
of the pamphlet rock to the left of the elevator at the third t« u financin is val] bl t alified hase t. l.‘
floor of Medical Center Annex 4 (the Health Service Clin- ): D: g a a e Oqu p we ’5' t. it
ic). Follow the instuctions on the pocket. The rates are on t.‘ b; t: l:
the back of the application form which is part of the bro- l.‘ lg t. l.
chore. Your application and payment must be mailed in as t.‘ # lkvrloped and marketedlzv CALL COME” :0 #
specified on the application and MUST as rosmaaxsn :5 3' © (606) 276-5375 to '5
av ocrossa is. less. y 33 Benchmark Atlantic Open 7Days a Week ’5 '5
a a 108 Stone M. Suite 3. Lexington. Kenludry 40503 t. :5
’l 9.. l Please send-me ,liuiFlQS'EFlQEIJJchQEEQELE'-""m§§"l ,0. ,0.
l .I It'sAOoodPollcyAtAOoodPrlco } ’r' :0 :o: l l l: l:
l ‘ Don't Lotthoboodllnos 8le Iyl ’ ‘ ‘ f. a t m" t l. :‘t
. ~ ,o, '59, E ___———————————— i .55...
. 30M
0 0 l ' O 0
M H g t- M
l: l: city state n‘p ): l:
Note: This pohcy with Credit Life Insurance Company of Springfield, ’5 '0' _____________——————————m . t.‘ ’5
Ohio, replaces the UK Student Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan of lost to: to‘ "“3 "”“W' ’o‘ ’o‘
year. .0 ' ° ' ' Anmn'r ms sane m sue a 1cm. M 40501 "-"- '0‘
t -”------ ---.----------“- -------m----..- -----“-- D 0 '
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: i3 , g If _ _ Luau; Aux-Li.»
cc to W
.' g. N l . . .
0e owar returns to the limelight 10 years after his death
use TheMaster‘?TheMasterofwhat? reply when anyme hld, in his (pin- —. dren let 5 siltt).i' the delight or the whoyou are tidal “hen one Yuri Tim” Alan \lrm‘hen dim 1.;
“Oh, you know, Jackofall trades. ion. 0! audacity to quation the l moment (Mine and kiss me do! woman told him he was Sir thine ttl [In much «it l’rnseti: laugh
e86 the masterolnone." meeting of his pt nickname. “The lung bemre .niu bod» rot: and Harthncke he mere-it snapped tor and “gun tor Inii‘.‘ “at
mil- Th” words were N“! cow‘rd's Mute? " Jahn worms I“? I"- and ““l ‘l' \“h' “'0' blt‘k. YES l am Ind l \e hr?“ dead he an lulu! («Mani lnauv- il .4”
and GR'FFIN sockets ttrthe last thmtears the maid) summer \ltl l tin-iii.
Facets 0t toward can lI‘ found The climax at his popularity came tioru henna teen
throughout his 'n’tn‘rf And ll audi‘ tll Jan 1 1970 when Queen l-Iliu ,
-o at enees weren’t quite head) to appu- heth knighted him for his theatrical But after MUM "a" hr WI“
plan Though he did 10 years ago. ('ow- ciale him through his work at least contnbutinrn N char‘ed h” mm“ M “i" ‘ ”u
' in ard is mly now being recognized {or thet adored him at work “lien Hut h, v,“ m, h, mm m, u s” crd in: «ugh :1 ln .rm ,7“ aw.-
i in [1 his thorough mastery of all aspects t‘oward hit the cabaret scenes m the Noel tor long In 191'?! «mud and “”0“" ”l“ "ml” ”‘4‘ "“l
t- -, otthetheater. late "as the tans didn't stop turning trom a heart attack tintt death droll, "t “'d "m'mm‘ “”""’“"t"‘
have . For years he had been treated as out ended the rim oi plan poems In" "'1 m" "n”! ""- “m‘” “r
1 ‘ the darling this worth of the liter‘ Tht' Master was even held oter iii songs bullets and other aesthetic hwm
_ / \ ale. civflized world Sporting 8 '008 [as \egas where quality is Virtuall) pleasures hegave the world .\ever me to hate another now
Y: ' Cigarette holder, the cynical dilel- nonexistent. giving him a Victory of When he died he was hailed by him with mutt imam tv--\;itnl
W 0 tante of the gay, unthinking set personalityoverem‘ironment one and all as the mint t-emtile an epttaph (it hitht llm' in”
wire / 3/, I raced about the 'm like a cyclone. Alwuts \lnflln‘ his own pieces theatrical genius at his time But again. col) t‘t'l\0\\ the vltl.fittl\ ot
th- . A /,/// rarely stopping {Of fear Ol getting t'uward made his audiences realize shortly after his death ”I" that his whin- [1'an).-
/ , ' ’ , bored . their ttill dramatic worth And he had praised him \N'llit'd to turget Hutlhetinc
His plays mirrored the emptiness sold a song to his audiences like no their taunt-ls That it'll! rm i.'e hex-tn
of his surroundings. always suggest other toward and hi\ works lt-ll into rs. moat] H. mm ii gm:
ts "18 the hidden scream 0‘ 9909'? Goddard liebctson. who was then sudden disgrace .itmmi as it their Aluicnttntim..u
wanting {DWI l“ ”“5 W8)! Coward president of t‘olumbia Records. magic had vaporized t