xt79319s346k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79319s346k/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1926 journals kaes_circulars_001_4_189 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 189 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 189 1926 2014 true xt79319s346k section xt79319s346k ‘ Hifi
_ I Extension Division I \;§i
` J THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director.  
CIRCULAR NO. 189 - _  
S1 ,. • • ` T `
u _A__   im Junior Food Project Programs, I, II and III. _ , jj
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  Lexington, Kentucky. V ~  
i January 1926 ,  
' Piiivlisliuil in connection with the {`I§'l’I(‘lIiIIll`lII extension work CHI`-  
rind on hy cooiierution of the Collegwr o1` ;\§l‘I(‘UIIl\l`9, Uiiivcrsity of 54
K*J|`lIIl(`I{)', with Lho I', S, ].>epni·t,iii0nL oi` I\§1'I(ZIIiIUI`L3, and dist1‘ii»— ` P
nlud in 1`ui·tl1e1·ance of the work provided for in the Act of Con— .
moss of May 8, 11*14. I

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_ Junior Food Project Programs _ _ _ _i ,  
Junior Agricultural Clubs. i A T " e  
The Junior Food Project Programs aim to accomplish the ,` ’ '  
following: , . · 
1. To give girls a knowledge of wholesome foods, their pre- _ 1 . 
paration and combination, thus aiding them in selecting ‘ 
an adequate diet. T  , 
2. To teach correct table-setting and service. V  ;
3. To improve health habits.  ?
4. To promote a more varied and well-balanced diet. »  
5. To provide a more enjoyable life thru the maintenance 1 _ *  
of positive health.  
Any girl between the ages of 10 and 18 years may enroll ig-*3
for food work, by filling out a club enrollment card and return- T  
ing it to the local leader or home demonstration agent. In _  
case there is no home demonstration agent in the county, ap-  
Dlication for membership may be made to the State Club Office, 1 J  
Experiment Station, Lexington, Kentucky. N  
Since tl1e girls enrolled for this work constitute a project  
§El`0ll]) they are entitled to membership in a junior community  
club. Definite instructions in the organization of such a club  
Hrc given in Club Circular 117 and also in the Club Secretary ’s  
t ui

 - l
i i 4 Kentucky .Extcnsi0iz· Circular N0. 189
  book, both of which may be obtained from the Heine Demon-
  stration Agent or from the State Club Office.
  In order to stimulate interest and develop leadership U
  among the girls carrying on a project, it is advisable for them 3
  to select a name for their project group, elect officers and plan v
  a program of work. The secretary of the project group will V
  report the progress of her group at the regular meetings of the . i]
  junior community club. A good meeting of the project group P
  consists of a snappy business session conducted by the group I
  chairman, a discussion by a club girl on some subject pertain- 1,
  ing to the project, the work of the day, an assignment for home H
 i   work and some recreation consisting of games and songs with L
 gl club girls in charge. Discussion topics should be assigned and E
  y leaders for games and songs appointed when the program is H
  made. Q
  , The following program for one meeting may be suggestive j
  in planning the year ’s program for the project group:
Mir J
  Date; October 28, 1925. Place: Home of Mrs. Joe Clark. ,
  Leaders: Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Robert Holt. I
g i: · Business session in charge of group chairman.
  Call to order l
 §;_ il Reading of minutes <
 lg Reports of committees
  ‘ Old business
 e New business _
 EQ;  Diseussion—Methods of Preparing Cereals. Mary Jones.
 gg ` Work for the day--Demonstration. Cooking Cream of VVheat. Mrs.
  John Miller.
  i Demonstration. Fruit Combination with Cereals.
Y  _ Jane Higgins. i
  Score cereals prepared.
  Home WOFl{—E&Cll girl will cook a breakfast cereal at least twice at T
  Game—Buzz. Leader, Mary Brown.
jitji Music——A musical romance contest. Leader, Josephine Stanley.
  Song—Oh Me! Oh My! (ln club song book entitled "Sing
  Songs" page 48.)
`  ·`li

l li;
_ J mzrior Food Project Programs 5  
°¤· Lnaiinnsinr y i  
_ There should be a local leader in charge of each group of A  
hir girls in the food project. The local leader, with the assist— A  
mm ance of the Home Demonstration Agent and club specialist, , ’  
mm A will see that each girl has the instructions essential to good A'  
Nm work. The leader should be a local woman who is interested , i  
the ‘ in girls and one to whom the girls may go with their problems. , __ A ,  
wp Former club girls who have initiative make excellent leaders. A A " . A  
Dllp ln order for a club to be most successful it should have two A, _  
lm' leaders to share the responsibility of instruction, recreation j  
mw and other club activities. Arrangements can be made with the , A _  
'lth College of Agriculture for a specialist to hold a training school A A . » ·  
wld for leaders, provided at least four communities in a county — _ i , A 
1 IS are sufficiently interested to secure two leaders for each project . A  
group. Application should be made tln·u the home demonstra- · ` A  
tion agent or to the State Club office, Experiment Station, Lex- , A·  
tive ington, Kentucky.  i
Each member is required to keep an accurate and up-to- A  
mk date record of the time spent in working and the cost of the .  { 
products. A record book is supplied each girl enrolled. At , _ -.  
the end of the food program this record book properly filled  
out, story included, is to be returned to the local leader or · ' l A  
home demonstration agent. When a complete record has been i ,  
tiled with the home demonstration agent. an achievement card  
will be awarded.  
Mrs. ij?
legis. At the close of the work the girls will want to hold a . V  
community achievement day, the chief purpose of which is to .  
_ Show the community the results of their work. This can best A‘  
:6 at he done by a public exhibit. The nature and arrangement  
of this exhibit is to be determined by the girls in consultation r  
Witli their leaders and home demonstration agent. They may  
n1ey· arrange an educational program with each club member taking l  
Sing Dart. Each girl who has satisfactorily completed her work  
will rereive a certificate of aehievenient.  

 = l
 , 6 Kentucky EJDf07tSl-OIT, Circular N0. 189 .
  Demonstration is one of the best educational methods em- il
  ployed in presenting information. Two or more girls working V
  together in presenting information compose a demonstration il
  team. Demonstrating creates in the team members poise, the h
  ability to think quickly, to express themselves before an audi- H
  ence, and makes for those qualities of leadership which are so e.
 it often undeveloped. In addition the team demonstration is a o
  graphic and very effective way of acquainting people with the l<
 " benefits of club work and of passing on to them a knowledge P
 ;i of home practices which have been learned and adopted by club li
  A demonstration team is composed of girls who have sue.
  cessfully carried on a piece of club work and who have been
  i trained during their club work to demonstrate publicly some
  phase of the knowledge they have gained. A good demon- {I
  . stration presents one idea and carries this to a successful con-  
  elusion; for instance, preparation of a breakfast, cooking d
  eggs, wholesome beverages, serving a breakfast, are good sub- 1*
  ` jects for demonstration. Various types of demonstrations are i
  outlined in Team Demonstration Circulars. These, however, are _
  only suggestions and it is hoped that club girls, with the help of E
  their leaders, will organize and outline their own demonstra- I
  tions. In planning and outlining a demonstration one should
  21lv\’HyS keep in lnind that the primary aim is to show the audience
  how to perform some home practice. This practice must be pre-
  sented very elearly and simply if the hearers are to adopt it with-
  D out further instruction. Club girls must repeat a. (l€lHOllSt1`2lilU}i Y
  many times before they become skilled in presenting it publicly. ` C
  A team or individual demonstration can be used profitably asa
  part of each project meeting. These demonstrations should he Q
  very simple and present only one idea. Participation in a team 1
  demonstration makes the work more educational and vitally ih- {
  izeresting to the club girl. `

I  \;;i gy
Junior Food Project Programs 7  
sooamo - . ·  
It is well to have all foods prepared scored by the girls V _  
(im` in their group meetings. This knowledge of scoring is very V I T V  
king valuable and later forms the basis of selecting girls to compete . VT `  
men in judging contests. This can best be done by the leader or T  
.’fh€ home demonstration agent explaining to the club girls the 4 A  
iudi- ‘ meaning of the various points in the score card, and taking up . V _ . _ T    
re so each point to be sure it is thoroly understood. One good way a V T v V  
is 3 of knowing that the girls understand the score card is for the V . V  
h the leader to give the group a demonstration in scoring some I  
edge product. After this demonstration the girls will want to take o V ( · V . I  
Club part in scoring which can be made a very interesting and in- V · `V  
structive game by organizing the group into judging teams. · . V ,  
2 Ek
suc- · · T 
been JUDGING TEAMS i `  
Some Training in judging can well be a part of any club pro-  
m0U· gram. Thru judging girls learn by comparison which of a , T  
con- group of articles is best and why it is best. This knowledge  
oking develops appreciation of a well-canned product, an excellent  é 
Sub loaf of bread or a beautifully made garment. These apprecia- VT  
S are tions help to create higher standards of living. ’ ’ T  
I_ are (NOTE.—i\T3I€l‘lill. on How to Organize and Conduct Judg- _ _ , .  
V’ f ing Contests may be had from the home demonstration agent V I FA? 
glp 0 or by writing to the State Club office, Experiment Station, T  
'lsmf Lexington, Kentucky.)  
hould _  
liencc ` 7  
3 pw EXHIBIT  
with- An exhibit is an important part of the club work. Each T T  
ration member will be required to make an exhibit of her work in the iT  
yliely. Gfmlinunity or county fair, preferably both. T  
V- as a Efwll pr0j€Ct group iS urged to have a community display  
lm be of WG Work of the club. This may be in the form of a meal. T  
tonln Food to be   should be fI`€Sh.     is f]_°€Sh \VhC1l V  
lv iw llrouglit it will remain in good condition long enough to be  
‘ Juclged successfully. __

imc  ' ·
ii i  S Ifcricfucley Exfcvzszon. Czrcular N0. 18.9
 · "¥
  Outline of the breakfast project.
..2  · .
  1. Selection of food for health.
 •?  . ·
   ‘ 2. Planning the family breakfast.
...,;$  . . . . ·
@.2;  Fruits, their preparation and service.
Qi"?  ‘
  3. Breakfast cereals.
i t 4. Beverages.
F if 5. Eggs and other protein foods for breakfast. .
 g,_`T 6. Quick breads.
 l i Serving the family breakfast.
  7. Preparing and serving a breakfast.
  D S. General review and Achievement Day.
  `) 1 ’
g is Suggested l rograms for F00cZ Club Mcelmgs.
  The following is only suggestive. lt is intended that tln-
  girls make out their own programs, choosing only those topics
· Tl; listed which will meet their needs.
  Mimrrnsc I.
 .§§Q%l§ 1. Business session.
  2. Study and discussion.
' —`¥il:
  A. Selection of foods for health.
  1. Foods needed every day in order to be well and
1 *45 .
  2. Normal weight for age and height.
  3. Scoring food habits.
$? YEA
  B. The place of the home library in food selection.
*3;*xT* as . * ' `
 —-¤; 1. (bard <·atalo<¤· ot recn Jes
l$$:.·:i ° I '
  2. Advertisement food circulars.
  · 3, Government bulletins.
@1.:li 4. Bulletins from State Extension De Jartment.
I " tl _ I
  5. Home economics books
  6. Articles in magazines.
sail ·

. ag
_ Junior Food Project Progrcmzs 9  
3, Demonstrations. LL  ~ L f  
A. Show grouping of foods needed in a day ’s diet, giving `  
reasons. (List on board.) L  
Some foods from each group may be exhibited. 4 ‘ —  
B. Have individuals make out score cards. “  
G. Make a table showing height and weight of each mem- _  
. Lber of the group. · A L V  
4. Home work. A L 1L ._   L  
A. Learn the health creed. '  
B_ Lean; {O gat a new vegetable. L L `  
`   Recreation. V . _ *r?
A. Songs. _ · L 1 _ ·  
B. Games. ·   1 t  
Review. , L.  
1. Make a set of health rules suitable for a girl of club age. y L — L 
2. Explain why vegetables &`i11(i fruits are very valuable for ' , ?
the diet. L L
t the 3. What should a schoolgirl eat for breakfast?  
Opigg Note;—Club members should report home work at each ` * 
meeting. Q 
L  :**1
Mizerine. II. 1 _ y .  · 
1. Business session. ‘ _  
2. Study and discussion. ` L 1  
A. Planning the family breakfast. ` 1  
I and 1. Kinds of breakfasts needed by thc different mem-  
bers of thc family. y  
  \\’hat is meant by balaneed meals.  
B. Fruits.  
1. Importance of eating fruits regularly. L L  
· 2. Fruits most needed and why. — »L  
L 3. Fruits suitable for breakfast.  
3. Demonstrations.  
A. Show attractive ways of serving fresh fruits. L  
B. Cook dried and fresh fruits (pruncs, apricots, apples y  
or fresh fruits in season).  
C. Serve cooked fruits in a variety of ways.  
` ,

 iz, l
 {  . -
  10 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 189
  , · .k 4
  4. Home woi .
  A. Select recipes for ways of cooking and serving fruits.
  B. Prepare f1·uits for at least three breakfasts.
  5. Recreation. 5
  A. Songs.
  B. Games. _
 i Review. .
QE  1. IVhat are the important points to be considered in plan- T
‘:. nl} . .
  ning a meal? I
 ` 2. \Vhat is meant b r a well-balanced breakfast? ·
i*"<§  5
  W. ls coffee and bread a suitable breakfast for a. schoolgirl?
ffl;  4. How would sausage, hot cakes, fried potatoes and coffee
  do for a schoolgirl’s breakfast?
i l 5. 1Vh are tomatoes and oranges such wholesome fruits?
r l Y *3 . .
  V 6. \Vhat fruits can be eaten in winter if fresh fruits are not
 I available?
  1. Business session.
  ‘ 2, Study and discussion.
  A. Breakfast cereals.
  1. What they are.
".  2. Value in the diet.
Qi"  3. Kinds and methods of preparation.
  4. Relative cost of bulk and package cereals.
  y 3. Demonstrations.
  A. Show samples of various cereals—uncooked and pre-
 i pared.
  B. Cook cereals (oatmeal, cornmeal mush, rice or cream
im~;f· ‘— .
  of wheat).
  ..—i· * ` .. .
  C. Show ways of adding variety.
  1. Adding fruits (raisins, prunes or apples).
  2. Cooking in milk.
  D. Make a 1'ireless cooker.
 ir.}  `

. ge
Jimior Food Project Programs 11 i ‘  
4. Home work. _ , . _  
l A. Cook cereals for two family breakfasts, and report 1 ·  
‘¤ItS- work at next club meeting. - .  
B. Make fireless cooker if one is needed. Z  
5. Recreation. 1 . l  
A. Songs.  
B. Games. l ·  
1 ~ · . we
Review. V- l in w y A  
1. What is a cereal? i _ V  
plan- 2. Give three reasons why cereals are valuable in the diet. V n.  
3. Give general directions for cooking cereals. 1 » _  
4. Name some whole-grain cereals. Tell of their value as A l _ —  
rl? food. · ,    
Offcé l\4[EETING IV. 1 ,   A _  
,,2 1. Business session. · L 
E not 2. Study and discussion. 1  
A. Beverages. y  
1. Water, the most important beverage. 1 1  
2. Milk, a food used as a beverage. i  '
a. Amount required daily. L y  
3. Coifee and tea. V    
a. History. `  
b. Harmful effects. . v y  i
4. Cocoa and chocolate. V  
a. History.  ,_ 
b. Manufacture.  
c. Price, brands, etc. 1 1  
3. Demonstrations.  
pm- A. lgfake cofftiffandf tea and ishow $10;;* properly made y _ i  
everages 1 er rom poor y ma e everages. .  
B. Make and serve cocoa and cinnamon toast. y i  
mam 4. Home work.  
A. List two breakfast menus used at home on two succes- .  
sive days.  
B. Plan two family breakfasts. 1  
5. Recreation. ‘-

 yi 12 I\7C’NZ'1(('d'_Ij E.ffC}1S?-071· Circtrlar N0. 78.9
·‘.I _
{fa!  Rcvzcw.
Q.  `
ei. . . . . .
 =.;.  1. VVhv should a growiii · boy or girl avoid coffee a11d tea 
  e O 5
  2. How much milk should be included in the day ’s diet? How
 .1 ,  much Water?
  3. Give methods for making tea, coffee and cocoa.
sgi} l ·
 ,1 1. Business session. _
  2. Study and discussion. ‘ ,
 Mi A. E<>·¤·s and other rotcin foods for breakfast. '
vit . ‘
 Q; 1. `Ways of preserving eggs. .
"\..:  · ·
  2. Value of e¤>·¤·s in the diet.
  3. Foods that may be used for breakfast in place of
we .
 §1 eggs.
w"'·ii\° . .
g il p B. Discussion of menus made at home. (See home work,
  meeting IV.)
._,‘ii` ] ·
 · ll p 3. Demonstrations.
' 1  A. Cook and serve eggs in three wars oached scram-
v I D 7
 Q bled and soft boiled.) Emphasize low temperature.
· ~.¤ an .
  . B. Prepare and serve minced or creamed meat on toast.
  4. Home work.
*;»‘:il· . . .
Efgggii A. Cook eggs for the family in a new way.
`éiil B. Cut out Jictures from magazine advertisements and
  make posters of one satisfactory and one unsatisfac-
  tory breakfast menu,
Q all 5. Recreation.
.- a_
  ~ Rctview.
e$QZ`_f _ ’
  1. What foods can be substituted for eggs in the breakfast
Q5, ,? OD
  2. Discuss the food value of eggs.
—‘¤..,. ’. . . . . . . .
s.  3. Give directions for cooking woached hard boiled soft
, ( 0 1 v 7
  boiled and fried eggs.
  4. How can eggs be stored for winter usc?
_§2—i  Q
m igi 
` fé; 

 T » l.»
o ’  
( I R'.}
Jiwzior Food Project Z’rogrom.¢ 13 I  
l\TEE'l‘ING VI.   1 i  
r 1. Business session. . _  
low 2. Study and discussion. I  
A. Quick breads. ` T I  
1. Hot breads and the question of digestion.  
2. Batters and doughs. Proportion of materials and ’  
methods of mixing. i · · ` .· _ `i  
3. Leavening agents. i l ¤  
B. Serving the family breakfast. ' i . i  
I ’ i 1. Setting the table. _ i  
2. Table decorations and table linen. ‘ A i    
» 3. Correct ways of serving. . [ l i  
Q 4. Table etiquette.   p It C °  
B OI C. Selection of the most satisfactory breakfast menu for i A ~ i 
the demonstration meal. The selection to be made '  
Wk, f1·o1n the poster menus. Meeting Y. A  
3. Demonstrations.  
A. Make muffins or drop buscuit. V  
am- B. Lay a. breakfast cover for one person.  r z
. C. Serve muffins, jelly and milk. - 1  ‘
HST- 4. Home work. ~ · V  
A. Make muffins three times. ‘ V _  
B. Set table once a day for a week according to instrue- V  
and tions received at the club meeting. i  
fag- 5. Recreation.  
· Mnnrino VII.  
1. Demonstration. ‘ V  
Cook and serve a break-fast. (Plans made at previous J  
{ast meeting.)  
2. Home work.  
A. Plan, cook and serve a Sunday morning breakfast to `  
soft the family. p  
B. Learn how to launder table linens.  
C. Remove fruit and coffee stains from table linen. '
i t

 —. e
  14 Ifmzlzwky Exfenszon Circular N0. 189
  1. Short business session.
~s¥f  . . . ,
    2. Discussion.
  A. Report of members on " Value gained from this proj-
  B. The relation of tl1e breakfast menu to the whole day ’s
  menu. .
  C. Project work for next season.
 H 3. Demonstration.
  A. Check up on individual score cards.
  B. Weieh and measure each individual.
gis D
  C. Award H-(3lll€VGH1€1lI· cards.
  4. Recreation.
  A. I-like or a picnic.
  ~ Books:
  Household Arts for Home and School, vol. 2. Cooley and Spohr.
  _ Macmillan Co., New York City.
  Food and Health. Kinne and Cooley. Macmillan Co., New York
  Food Planning and Preparation. Mabel T. Wellman. Lippincott
  ` and Co., Philadelphia and Chicago.
 I Boston Cooking School Cook Book. Little, Brown & Co., 34 Beacon
  A ree , oston, ass.
il  { St t B M
  Good Proportion in the Diet. U. S, Dept. of Agr., Farmers’ Bul.
  No. 1313.
 Ll Table Service and Table Etiquette. Extension Circular No. 154,
  V College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
  Cereal Breakfast Foods. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. No. 249.
 ’ 1 _ How to Select Foods, II, Cereal Foods. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers
D fztai Bul. No. 817.
  Cornmeal as a Food: Ways of Using it. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers'
  But N0. 565.
  Rice as Food. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. No. 1195.
  Use of Fruit as Food. U. S. Dept. Agr., Far1ners’ Bul. No. 293.
  Milk and Its Use in the Home. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul.
gy; N0. 1207. ‘
¤ vi
‘·" °Fsl
i l

. Jmzior Food Project Programs 15  
Production of Clean Milk. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers} Bul. N0. 602. - V ‘ ,  
How to Make Cottage Cheese on the Farm. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farm- ‘ i ‘  
ers’ Bul. No. 850. _ v_ _  
Cottage Cheese Dishes with Recipes. U. S. Dept. Agr., office of the  
*J· Secretary, Circular No. 109. ( l -  
Eggs and Their Value as Food. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bul. N0. 471. ‘ ‘  
as Preserving Eggs. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bul. No. 1109. _ p  
How to Candle Eggs. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers} Bul. No. 565. *  
` Home-made Fireless Cookers and their Use. U. S. Dept. Agr., ` . - · _.    
Farmers’ Bul. No. 771. V - . _  
» i  
Ott pi  
‘ · i JY
non _ j _  
lul. `2
4g_ , ·  
rs' v·  
sul. i  
l f
. iv-I

 , 16 Kentucky EI[lC7lSl·07l Ciireular N0. 15.0 I`
  F.m111.Y SU1¤1·i2Rs '
 { Outline of the supper project.
 i 1. Supper menus. n I `
  Milk and ways of serving it. .
  2. Cheese. _
  3. Salads.
  4. Simple supper desserts.
` L 5. Candy.
  6. Quick breads. l
  7. Preparation and serving of a supper.
  8. Achievement day.
v ii
 L  V Suggested Program for F00d» Club Meetings.
  The following is only suggestive. It is intended that the
  ` girls make out their own programs, choosing only those topics
 A listed which will meet their needs.
  1. Business session.
  2. Study and discussion.
  A. Supper menus.
  1. Discussion of what makes a satisfactory supper
gi   or luncheon menu. ·
.`.g   2. Kinds of suppers—family, company and Sunday
ggegit 3. Foods suitable for children ’s suppers.
  12. Mak.
  ·1. Food value of milk.
  2. \Vays of using milk.
  3. Demonstrations.
  A. Make cream soups. (Tomato, spinach or pea.)
"l yug

‘ ‘?·'.1
A J zonior Food Project Progra-ms 17 1  
B. Prepare creamed vegetables. (Beans, cabbage or tur— ~ ’  
nips.) `  
4. Home Worl;. i ‘  
A. Make cream soup demonstrated at club at least three : _  
times. K V  
B. Make a cream soup using some other vegetable not used _  
_ at club. ` 1  
C. Collect recipes on ways of using milk. ‘ ` I ~' _ `A  
5. Recreation. ` _  
A. Songs. i y  
B. Games. V  
Review. p   t 
1. In what ways are luncheon and supper menus alike? _ i _ i 
2. Describe ways of making suppers attractive. .  
3. Give method for making white sauce. \Vhat is the ditter- »  
ence in white sauce for soups and for vegetables  
the 4. XVhieh vegetables may be used for cream soups and how A 
)ics should they be prepared? .  _}
Note:—Club members should report home work at each  5 
meeting.  :
Mizmime II. . , »  
1. Business session. ' .  
2. Study and discussion.  
A. Cheese. -  
P"` 1. Kinds.  
hg 2. Food value. V  
B. Left—over meats. A  
1. \Vays of serving. N  
C. Potatoes. F  
1. Food value.  
2. \Vays of cooking and serving. `  
3. Demonstrations. EV
A. Make cottage cheese and serve in several ways A  
(Plain, as salad, and with scrambled eggs.)  
V t

 I 1S Iferntczmky Exzfensirm. Circular N0. 189
  B. Make a cheese dish, using American cheese. (Welsli
Z  rarebit, macaroni and cheese, or Italian rice.) Z
  C. Bake a potato. It may be stuied and cheese used on — f
  4. Home work.
  A. Prepare cottage cheese according to instructions. l
  B. Use cottage cheese in at least three diiferent ways. _
 ‘ 5. Recreation.
  1. Descrilge methods of making cottage cheese and tell some
4;; ;  ways o servmg it.
  2. \Vhat is the essential point to remember in cooking cheese?
  3. What are the advantages of cooking potatoes in the jack-
  4. In what ways have you used left-over meats at home?
5*.-*E  `
  ‘ 1. Business session.
  2. Study and discussion.
 p ig _ A. sands.
  1. Essentials of a good salad.
  . 2. Value of fresh vegetables in salads.
 g g 3. Salad dressings.
  4. Salads for different seasons.
 gpg  5. Use of canned vegetables for salads.
  3. Demonstrations.
_   A. Make salad dressings.
  B. Make salads of `
  . 1. Spinach or other greens.
  2. Cabbage in various combinations.
  3. Canned vegetables or fruits.
  4. Home work.
  A. Make a supper menu for each of the different seasons
.f;".PQl of the year—fall, winter, spring and summer—con—
  sidering foods obtainable in locality at these seasons.
  5. Recreation.
·‘  q"! .
 ai  »

` (  
Junior F00d Project Programs 19 ( ‘  
Blsh Review. _ _ i  
1. NVhat is the value of raw vegetables in the diet? i  
_ QD . 2. \Vhat vegetables can be eaten uncooked? Which are — ‘  
better cooked? ; .  
3. Give some good combinations for salads. i —»  
4. Name oils used in salad dressings. 4  
, 5. What difference does the season of the year make in 4 I ‘ ·V  
menus? ‘_ V .‘ l p i  
Mnnriuo. IV. ' ` 1  
1. Business session. . A (  
Omg " Stud ‘ and discussion ‘ l `  F15
.. 5 . .,.
BSB? A. Biscussion of supper menus planned at home. (Meet- p 8 ’ i ~ 
ick- ing III.) p 4 Q 1  
1. Study these to see if the desserts are suitable to . » f 
be eaten with the rest of the meal. ‘ _ 
2. Scoring. ‘ D 
B. Simple supper desserts.  
1. List a number of simple desserts. . 
3. Demonstrations. t  
A. Make tapioca, cornstarch or snow pudding. p  
B. Make soft custard and serve it in various ways. . ._  
(Floating island, with sponge—cake, or with fruit.) V V ff.
C. Serve a canned fruit with sponge-cake (cake not made * . ( ‘
at meeting). G _ G  
4. Home work. zi 
A. Prepare other desserts by recipes given in food man-  
ual. (  
B. Make a picture chart of the menu which received the  
( highest score. _ .  
5. Recreation. .  
( {
V Review.  
l. VVhat determines the kind of dessert to serve at a. meal? .  
*0115 2. Give method of making soft custard. Describe ways of  
301* serving. ( ij?
(ms' 3. Give ways of serving canned fruit as a simple dessert. »i.

 .. \
tel  . . .
  20 Kentucky Extension Ozrcular N0. 189
  1. Business session. _ A
  2. Study and discussion.
 -;  A. Candy. ._ p _
  1. Food value of sugar. 4 _A
  2. Overuse of sugar and its effect. A V _
  3. Candy as dessert. p `
 l B. Planning the menu for the demonstration supper.
  3. Demonstrations.
  A. Make fruit candies. (Candied apple rings, stuffed
  dates, stuffed figs and Parisian sweets.)
  B. Make fudge, molasses candy or fondant.
  C. Prepare an attractive gift box of candy or jellies and
  marmalades. '
  4. Home work. i _
  p A. Make a gift box. Use a spray of holly, pine, bitter-
 ‘! sweet or mistletoe for decorating the box.
  B. Review table manners and table service.
  ‘ 5. Recreation.
 sl · · · ‘
  I Review. _
  1. Wlieii should candy be eaten?
  2. V\ll1at precaution should be taken in buying candy?
 5ii 3. Describe two ways of using fruit in candy.
. §1
  1. Business session. p
  2. Study and discussion.
I;   1 A. Quick breads.
  1. Kinds of flour.
  2. Value of whole grain ilours.
  ,3. Cereals other than wheat used in bread. _,
    B. Table etiquette and service,
igiiifl 1. Setting the table.
  2. Duties of a hostess.
  3. Polite table manners. i
 ` if

 . It
A I lie.
Junior Food Project Programs 21 A  
· $13
4. Care of the silverware. I i ‘  
3. Demonstrations. — l  
A. Make corn batter bread. · `  
B. Make soda biscuit or graham bread. I  
4. Home work. A ‘·  
A. Make breads according to method given at club meet» V . .  
. ing. _ A  
I B. Clean silverware.   A l r` V it  
5. Recreation. v_ y i_  
i Review. ‘_ 1 » 4  -
1. `Why is a whole grain bread a more satisfactory food than I ` i .  
and white bread? · I i ·  g
2. Give three ways of using corn meal in bread. .   _ I ( A _ . 
3. 4What are the duties of a hostess? ` ,_   ·  
;ter- 4. Give directions for cleaning silverware. . i l 
_ Mamma VII. · ; 
1. Demonstration. A  
A. Preparationland serving of a supper or luncheon to I I  
` parents. ~ · it  Zi
2. Home work. _ ,  
A. Help prepare and serve a company supper A  
B. Make or buy a needed kitchen convenience. '  
l\/lemme VIII.  
1. Exhibit.  
A. Posters made by club members. ·  
B. Recipe {iles. y  
C. Record books. i ’ I  
Y 2. Demonstrations.  
V A. Serve a mock meal or give some other demonstration ·  
relating to project. (May be given by club team  
made up of girls who have been the best demonstrators.) g`
i B. Show how to make a kitchen convenience. °

  22 Iictnitztcity E(ITl'€'77/SI-(}7'l Circular N0. /89
§2%‘?Zi  .
  3. Talks by prominent persons.
‘i.£g`  A. Balanced meals.
 . , B. Club work (inspirational).
  C. Presentation of achievement cards.
  4. Songs and games. O
  B0oks:——See page 14.
  Food for Young Children. U. S. Department of Agriculture.
  Farmers’ Bul. 717.
  Good Proportion in the Diet. U. S. Department of Agriculture. V
  Farmers’ Bulletin 1313. ·
  Table Service and Table Etiquette. University of Kentucky, Col-
  lege of Agriculture, Extension Circular 154.
  Cheese and its Economical Use in the Diet. U. S. Department of
  Agriculture, Farmers’ Bulletin 487.
  Cottage Cheese Dishes. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Circular
_   109.
  V Preparation of Vegetables for the Table. U. S. Department of Agri-
  culture, Farmers’ Bulletin 256.
  . How to Select Food, IV. Vegetables and Fruits. U. S. Department
  of Agriculture, Farmers’ Bulletin 808. ,
  Milk and Its Uses in the Home. U. S. Department of Agriculture, i
  Farmers’ Bulletin 1207. _ `
 it ` Sugar and Its Value as Food. U. S. Department of Agriculture,
 \. , , . ,
  Farmers Bulletin 535.
  Honey a.nd Its Use in the Home. U. S. Department of Agriculture,
  Farmers’ Bulletin 653.
  Baking in the Home. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers’
  Bulletin 1136.
’·f  Pamphlets on the manufacture of Hour published by large milling
· sg  _ companies.
a  _ The Wife Saving Kitchen. University of Kentucky, College of
  Agriculture, Extension Circular 158.
  ` Weight Records. Single copy 5c; additional copies 1c each. Su-
  perintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington,
i»'— r xii D. C.
` vél
; .l€";

J uinior Food Project Programs 23 l  
Unrr 111 . . r  
FAMILY Dmnms . _  
Outline of the dinner project. i ‘ 1  
1. Study of food needs of the body. .  
Suggestions for dinner. _ _ i T  
2. Place of vegetables in the diet. A ll ,   g`  
Essentials of menu planning. V _  
3. Use and cookery of meats. i `A A  
V Discussion of family menus. . _  
4. Making of yeast breads. 1 i _ . »  
5. Preparation of pastry and pies. A p A  
A 6. Cake making. . . V [ A  
7. Preparation and serving of a dinner. · ~ Y 
8. Achievement day. A V . 
§ .
Suggested Programs for Food Club Meetings. .  
The following is only suggestive. It is intended that the    i.
girls make out their own programs, choosing only those topicS { 
listed which will meet their needs. ‘ A i f
Mnirrino I. , .  
1. Business session. , y  
2. Study and discussion. A'; 
A. The food needs of the body. .  
1. Grouping of foods according to their use in the _  
2. Planning meals for one day. S l S .  
B. Advantages of planning meals in advance.    
C. The score card for family food habits. i  
D. Suggestions for dinner dishes. .  
3. Denionstrations. H  
A. Cook a one-dish meal. (Stew or pot roast.) . QQ
B. Make corn meal muffins.  