xt79319s4m6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79319s4m6t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1975 1975 1975-09-04 2020 true xt79319s4m6t section xt79319s4m6t  

Vol. [XIV No.
Thursdav September 4 1975

finances and classes

It} .l,\\lll‘.‘ l.l'('Kl‘I
Kernel Staff Writer

Free l'niversity will partially finance
itself for the first time this semester but
\\lll continue to ask Student Government
~86: for the greatest part of its budget.

“We‘ll offer to finance $50,"Free ('
coordinator Maddie Teller said. A request
for additional funding from SG will be
submitted to the Student Senate within the
next few weeks.

’l‘eller was unsure of the amount to be
requested but almost all of the money will
be used to print the class catalogue. she

”I can‘t really tell how much money
w e‘ll need this year until l get an estimate
from the printer. Last year‘s catalog
cost $230 for 3,000 copies," she said.

Free [' has been completely funded by
St; in the past. but is now attempting to
become more financially independent.

A Free Usponsored film festival this
summer netted about $125. The festival
was “moderately successful.“ Steve
Winkle. a former coordinator said.

Free [7 held its first organizational
meeting Wednesday night. (‘lasses include
bicycle repair. fantasy fiction, gay studies.
cowboys and Indians. and war games.
There will also be a course taught by the
Rape (‘risis (‘enter.

“I‘m pretty optimistic about the
classes. It all depends on student interest.
[is hard to get people on this campus to do
anything except go to basketball and
football games. “ ’l‘eller said.

“""slheie spiobably not the great interest
there was a few years ago. but that s not
Free l"s fault. There‘s only so much we
can offer. It‘s the student‘s prerogative to
take advantage of it." she said.

'l‘eller predicted that Free P would
continue to support the (lay (‘oalition

lniunction extends ban on

Free l sponsored a gay dance last year
after 8“ rescinded a resolution to sponsor
the dance.

“If the ((an (‘oalitioni want another
dance 1 think we'd be more than willing to
sponsor it.“ she said.

Design proposals for this semester‘s
class catalog were also discussed at the
Wednesday night meeting. Free U
traditionally prints its catalog on the back
of a poster.

The catalog and poster should appear on
campus the week of September 15. (‘lass
descriptions are now being compiled.

“A lot of people hand in classes at the
last minute.“ Teller said.

The average attendance at the first
meeting of Free U classes last spring was
about 10 or lSpeople. Winkle said. About 30
classes were offered spring semester.

'l‘eller was unsure if that many classes
would be offered this semester. “It‘s really
the quality of the classes rather than how
many we have that's important. We have a
lot of classes that are not so frivolous this
time a lot that more students might be
interested in."


A local chapter of the National
Organization for Reform of Marijuana
Laws (NORMLJ will be part of Free U if
there is enough campus interest

NURMI. is a Washington-based group
which works for the lowering of legal
penalties for the illegal use of marijuana.

“It certainly won't be a big pot party.
Whether a person smokes or doesn‘t
smoke is irrelevant. What we want is an
organization that will lobby peacefully for
less strict marijuana laws,“ Maddie
'l‘eller. Free U coordinator and NORMI.
organizer said.





an independent student ne

Free University plans ,

wspaper »}




2] University of Kentucky

Lexington Ky. 40506



——Ed Gerald

Coolin‘ off

lleather (‘auiplL 7. stares fascinated at her reflection in the fountain in front of
Patterson Office Tower. Wednesday‘s high temperatures made the fountain a
popular place.

Red River construction

IOl'ISVll I F (AP) - A federal judge issued a preliminary in
junction Wednesday extending a ban on construction of a pioposed
dam in the ited River Gorge.

U .8. District (‘ ourt Judge Rhodes Bratcher issued the injunction
at the request ofopponents of the controversial project .

'l‘he opponents contend a dam in the area would have serious
adverse effects on the gorge area.

Bratcher said a preliminary injunction holds everything in a
state of abeyance. "

It stops everything, until the court hears the case and decides it
on the merits," Bratcher said.

Bratcher had issued a temporary restraining order last May
prohibiting the Army Corps of Engineers from further preliminary
work on the $32 million project.

Earlier this week, C. Wesley Cowan, archeologist, said 76 ar-
cheological sites found in the gorge could make it one of the most
important archeological areas in the eastern United States.

Cowan said only a small portion of the gorge has been examined
and that he feels certain that the area must contain many, many
more as yet unrecorded archeological sites.

Cowan and Frederick T. Wilson, also an archeologist, were hired
by the Kentucky Heritage Commission to get infromation for Gov.
Julian Carroll.

Carroll said he needed to weigh the archeological discoveries in
deciding whether to back or oppose the controversial project.

He has promised to announce his decision by the middle of this





Letters and Spectrum articles should be addressed to the Editorial Page Editor,
Room ii4 Journalism Building They should be typed. double spaced and signed
Letters should not exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 750 words

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

(tinny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor
Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor



it’s easy to tell when political
issues have the slightest potential
to be "controversial” — political
immediately clam up and hem and
haw around when questioned by

Gov. Julian Carroll is no ex-
ception. He’s been throwing up
artificial barriers to refrain from
revealing his position concerning
the Red River dam for eight
months now.

Come on out of the closet,
Governor. Your excuses are all
used up and we’re waiting with
breathless anticipation.

Carroll first delayed announcing
his position on the $34 million
Powell County dam because he
said hewas waiting for the General
Accounting Office (GAO) audit.
The audit’s purpose was to in-
vestigate the economic Army
Corps of Engineers’ justification
for building the dam.

Well, the GAO audit has been
with us for two weeks, Gov.
Carroll. But now, Kentuckians are
told they must wait for release of a
study compiled by two state ar-
cheologists aimed at determining
the historical significance of the



Red River Gorge.Why one needs a
study to prove the historical
significance of a place known to
contain unique flora and fauna is a
mystery, but anyway, the study’s
results were announced Sept. 2.
In response, Carroll’s press


Hamming and hawing

secretary said the Governor will
”possibly” announce a position
next week. What could "possibly“
take so much time Governor?

The GAO audit found the Corps’
estimates of the dam’s economic
benefits were overstated. in ad
dition, the auditors pointed out
there is no need for building the
dam to fill the water supply needs
of central Kentucky cities.

The archaeological study also
did not support the dam’s con-
struction. It found the gorge has a
wealth of known significant ar-
cheological ruins as well as
”many, many more“ still un-
discovered (Kernel, Sept. 3, “State
archeologist says gorge site

But still the Governor is stalling.
Our guess is that he’s waiting for
one of two things. Either he sup-
ports the dam’s construction and is
waiting for some obscure reason to
crop up to announce his support,
while appearing quasi-rational. Or
Carroll is hoping to hold on for iust
a few more weeks so the an-
nouncement of his position won’t
greatly affect the outcome of the
upcoming Nov. 4 gubernatorial

Either way, Carroll’s actions are

unfair to Kentucky voters. He
should come out of his closet and
allow Kentucky voters time to
make up their minds on their
choice for governor.



The Student Center Board
(SCB), apparently one of the last
UK bastions of liberalism, has
opened the homecoming queen
contest to men. Now, according to
SCB President Georgeann
Rosenberg, we can all rest assured
thatthe contest is no longer sexist.
(Kernel, Sept. 3, ”Male
homecoming queen? Student
Center Board votes allow men in

Rosenberg said she expects ”a
lot of positive feed back” to result
from the board‘s action. Sorry to
disappoint you Georgeann, but
somehow it’s unclear how opening
a homecoming queen contest to
men makes it nonsexist.


—~—To the point\
Queen for a day

The action might encourage
increased student participation in
the contest itself. And now we can
all whistle, scream and drool while
the candidates speed by during the
parade. But there’s no loss of

Of course, opening the contest to
men might just boost their morale.
After all, if you’re white angio-
saxon, protestant and male these
days you have nothing to be op-
pressed about. There's no
movement to identify with — no
crosses to bear. Male WAS P’s have
been alienated too long from the
ioys of oppression. The SCB has
paved the way for a new






$453,798,83M1N W1!

Direct rule: a socio—political Eden

WASHINGTON — Fifty people sitting in
thesun porch of what was once Sen. Hiram
Johnson’s Wasington home. The California
Republican, dead these past 30 years,
might have approved of the meeting. He
was a great one for local, popular control
of the machinery of government, and
that’s what these people from places like
Baltimore, Louisville, Pittsburgh,
Philadelphia and Brooklyn are in the
business of trying to do.

Von Hoffman

They’re mostly whites from inner city
neighborhoods, people who stayed on after
expressions like ”inner city“ and ”urban
crisis” fell out of favor and the foundation
money was redirected to more fashionable
concerns. They have a forlorn tenacity
about them, like the young woman from a
run-down, mostly black Washington, DC
neighborhood who, after recounting some
of her community organization’s ac-
complishments, began to weep as she
predicted that she and her associates
would fall, that the people in her area
would be driven out with the cockroaches
and that local self-government would
elude them.

Milton Kotler, the director of the ln-
stitute for Neighborhood Studies, which
convened this meeting, points out that at
the end of the American Revolution. New
York and Philadelphia had the only two



city governments in the country. New
York was already in trouble, but the rage
to adopt this form of urban polity was

"By 1922, Boston had a population of
43,000 and had been conducting its
municipal business by the general meeting
of the inhabitants for 230 years. in some
years, as many as 6,000 residents attended
the deliberation,” Kotler explains. “Yet
the townsmen adopted a city government.
instead of 6,000 Iegislating in common.
now only 56 persons ruled... However this
decrease may be called representative
government, it still amounted to an
oligarchic revolution.”

“The new alternative has to be every
man a legislator,” said Sister Paulette, a
nun working with a community group in
McKees Rock, Pa., but if the municipal
representative government has been a
selfevident disaster in so many places, no
one knows how to re-install direct,
democratic rule.

”How do we get power?“ another of the
conferees asked with little hope of quick
answer. "People are so tired of constantly
acting as pressure groups, of always
protesting without the power to act on their
own problems."

Thereare success stories, of course. One
of them, concerning the Northside neigh.
borhood in Brooklyn, was brought to the
meeting by Ron Shiftman, a young ar-
chitect from the Pratt lnstltute's Center

for Community and Environmental
Development in New York. When the City
moved to demolish the homes of some 90
families to accommodate the expansion of
a manufacturing plant, a social worker
was able to rally many of the Polish,
Ukranian and Russian-American
residents to put up a tight so that, with the
help of Shiftman and his students, 41 low-
income but private housing units were
built to accommodate the evictees.

What was done in Northside is im-
pressive: new housing on scattered-site
vacant lots at a phenomenally low price of
$28,000 a unit, land costs included; but it is
also depressing when you reflect on the
near heroic measures needed to bring off
something that should be routine self-
government, if what's left of our neigh-
borhoods are to maintain themselves. in
addition to Shiftman and the social
workers, there had to be picketing, civil

disobedience and unceasing struggle with
the municipal bureaucracy.

“instead of legislating their community
affairs," Kotler says, "citizens are
reduced to complaint and grievance.“
Begging and beseeching is what he calls
this repetitious, enervating process
whereby everyone ls so worn out trying to
get a stop sign put up or the garbage
collectedthat most people are too drained
and too discouraged to attack the larger.
more institutional questions.

The social structure and wealth of some

suburbs does give their citizens a little
more of a handle on things, although the
residents of those communities which have
had freeways jammed through them will
dispute that. However, except in the
richest communities and those places in
New England that have kept their town
meetings, every sort of formal decision
has been taken away from the local level.
The people on the block, any block,
anywhere, must go miles to beg and
beseech, to petition and plead to effect the
simplest changes.

The experience of direct self-rule is
already in such a remote past, we regard it
as an unthinkable lmpracticality, as a
socio-political Eden from which we were
driven by the forces ofhistory, never to
return. The suggestion that even
something as easy to do and as intensely
local as the power to zone by vested in a
neighborhood assembly is received with
incredulous concern. We couldn’t handle
that. We don’t have the expertise. We’ve
lost confidence in ourselves. We know the
units of government we depend upon for
the most necessary service are failing us,
but like the community organizer
foreseeing her own failure, we can't
imagine we could do it better for our-


Nicholas Von Hoffman is a columnist tor
, King Features Syndicate.




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