xt79319s4n3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79319s4n3m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-08-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1981 1981 1981-08-31 2020 true xt79319s4n3m section xt79319s4n3m ”www.3WWWWMe VWWs‘WWMW’L start 33:28 e2». . ~ . 2
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E, . I. 1 ~ vol. LXXXIV. No.l3 . . University of KentuCRy I .fl
. Monday, August 31, 1981 An independent student newspaper Since um Lexington, Kentucky .' .. ', .
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Patlo Peers By DAVID COOPER/Kernel staff
Marisa Williams and (‘arla Huber. both x-ray department employees at the L' K Medical Center. spent their lunch hour peering from the excellent vantage point afforded by the patio of the Nursing/Health Sciences Learning Center, g
l B o n p'ck B eath'tt Geary as trustees
_ -—'T"'—— William Sturgill said he imagined that board as chairman while sewing as unavailable for comment on the ap- only "I want you to serve and do what would take on the UKbudget. “I’m go-
. By ALEX CRQLUI the emeritus status would be decided governor from 1963 to 1967. Last year pointments. is right." ing in with an open mind."
Senior Staff Writer at the board’s next meeting on Brown appointed him to the CHE, but Sturgill “looks favorably onthetwo Breathitt emphasised his position He said he had not talked with ‘
_w___...h,.-.__-_-#.*.._...-U September 15. Breathitt said he. would resign that new trustees" He mentioned par- on the importance of teaching. “The Brown since the governor called him ;
! In making his announcement. position to become a trustee. Donald ticularly Breathitt’s “record of loyal- most important single factor (in a several weeks ago to say he was con- ‘
. Gov. John Y. Brown appointed Brown described Breathitt as “one of Clapp, vice president for administra- ty to UK." university) is to recruit and retain sidering Geary forthe board.
,' former governor Edward Breathitt the state‘s strongest supporters of tion. added that he did not foresee any Breathitt did not commit himself on great teachers. That should be the no.
‘ and Ronald Geary. an accountant. to higher education for many years as a conflict of interest in Breathitt’s posi— the question of state budget cutS. say- iobjective of education.“ he said. Clapp said that both Breathitt and
' the Board of Trustees on Friday. legislator, a governor and as 8 tion on Southern Railway. ing he wanted “to study" the situation Geary also said that it would be Geary would probably be sworn in at
. Breathitt, '8 vice president With member of the Council on Higher Brown also said that Geary’s “com- further. He added that Brown told him “premature" to say what position he the board's next meeting.
Southern Railway. will fill the seat Education. mitment to the university and his .
. vacated byA. B.Chandler on June 30; "His commitment to a quality taient and time to devote to board
Geary replaces W. '1‘. Young who system of education in Kentucky is matters will make him an outstanding an s Incrm '
resigned in late July. unwavering and his counsel and ad- member" of the board. Geary served ,
Brown is expected to request the vice willbeinvaluable to the universi— as Brown’s campaign treasurer in l l 2:3; .
board to allow Chandler to continue as ty." 1979. thra h stadent actlv fee ‘5?
> an emeritus member, and chairman Breathitt previously served on the Pmsident Otis Singletary was 32%
_ ' I ' ' W Decorators, the Adult Student wA two-week notice is required for . it?
om exp es In ran prlme mlnls Bureau Chief Organization and Stray Cats. The conSideration by the committee. 3%
- Honors Program was granted $150 but wAny request for assistance shall not 3
‘ . , d t ta t h dth d f A t II n M h d Beh ht' fi—k—-‘~~W—-———— declined the grant. deciding it did not exceed $150. 5
* ,_—‘_.— ue as r ...we ear esoun 0 an ya 0 a 0 amma es 1, con- need themone at that time. .
25:53:: @5325; ARAMARZI explosion. followed by a midi column 's‘idered. the second-most powerful Atypical 0‘ the financial situation in Grant appliZatiom must meet the Organizations which receive grants
‘ of smoke rismg from the prime figure in Iran after revolutionary most UanCt‘Slty departments and following requirements: must submit itemized expeme reports
~—»—v -~—»~A~——«—~~~~-r~w~ minister‘s office building." Rafsan- patriarch Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho organizations. Student Association ,Au funds must be used to benefit to the Student Organization
. BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - A jani said.“'I‘he session began, and it meini. and the Student Center Board receiv~ students directly. ‘
. powerful explosion ripped through the was only later that we learned that the Ra jai, who had been prime minister ed increased financial allocations this wF‘unds requested for charitable Assistance Committee for review
\ 1 prime ministry in Tehran on Sunday. explosion had occurred in a room in of the revolutionary regime, was year. organization projects will not be con- within two weeks of allocation of the
f' injuring Iran's president and prime which President Rajai and Premier elected without serious opposition to . _ , s i d e r e d . funds.
' ' [g minister. Tehran Radio reported. Dr. Bahonar were gathered with succeed Bani-Sadr in July. Bahonar 9““ Brockman, SA preSiderit. Séld
.‘ The official Pars news agency said several‘others." then was appointed to fill the vacant SA 5 allocation from the University
is five people were killed and 15 wound- The 3 p.m. explosion — 7:30 am. post of prime minister. general fund “f“ untouched "“5 year. s d '
ed. with some of the bodies “burned EDT — touched off a fire. but the of- Tehran Radio said the Cabinet was 5" has received 5122400!” the Past tu ents earn 0" It
' beyond recognition“ in the eXPIOSiOn ficial Pars news agency said the blaze called into an extraordinary session ”(0 years from the UniverSity. he .
and fire that followed. was “fully under control" within 2‘2 at sundown by Rafsanjani to discuss said. - -
} President Mohammad Ali Rajai hours aftertheexplosion. “important matters of state. in- However, for the first time. the by aPPIYIng educatlon ,:
i t and the prime minister. Hojatoleslam No group claimed responsibility for cluding the explosion at the prime association will receive $1 for each :3. ‘
Mohammad Javad Bahonar. were the blast. It highlighted the urban minister's office." student per semesterfrom the student
. ' taken to a hospital. the state-run radio guerrilla campaign that secular lef‘ Pars said ambulances rushed to the activity fee, adding approximately _ . .
' I said. There was no word on how tist foes of the Islamic fundamentalist prime ministry to carry the victims of 335.000 to its budget. W cofirses 3‘1“" eh: 0‘ she" ”loam :-
. seriouSIy they were injured. regime have been waging for the past the explosion to hospitals. It said a . . Re rter c°_ eges ten _ ve epartmen re«
‘ b d t ' t ' Ir n‘s t ths helico ter also was called into service Brockman said the money WI“ be po quirements.smtis adwsable tocheck 5‘79
. ' I", a ma cas m erView. a we mon ‘ . . p . . used to improve programs for _W__~__#___ A,__._ withafaculty member, Stone said. fig?"
parliament speaker. Holatolesman Iran has been rocked by political to help transport the injuredThe news students “The money comes from the , l' ,
Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. con- violence since the June ouster of agency quoted Iran's health minister. ' - . . . . Moore 5 app ication 9’09“” e. was ‘2
. “l tdt h 0d t Pr "(1 tAbolh B . D H . M f‘ . 1] th . students. It seems only fair to return English junior 14,53 Moore spent a fairly Simple. She was mterViewed
demned the exploSion as a . as" l c m era e mi en assan ani- . r. am am i. as saying a . . e in- it to them through programs they can semester overseas in London. for different job optiom at the office,
. effort by American hirelings and Sadr. luredwereinsatisfactory condition. benefit from "he said En land stud 'n the function oflaw th t f _ t . 'th I .
- said the two injured leaders were On June 28. an explosion at the rul- The clergy~led regime has arrested ‘ ' . g .' y]. g en 5‘"? or m emews w1 sever a
. . . . . . - in English somety. thanks to help companies. 2
. together in the room where the expld ing Islamic Revolutionary Party thousands of leftists and executed Aportion 0f the money has Paid {01' from the Office for Ex riential Aft M f. 1. edhe . te hi 2 ..
‘ sion took place. headquarters in Tehran killed more more than 470 “counterrevolu— SA‘s speakers bureau. The associa— _ r , pep _ . 9" core ina ‘2 rm rns P p; -
“J t enin session was th n 70 litical leaders includin tionaries"sincc the end of June tion has arranged for former South Educat'on.‘ “Adm“ Adm‘msua' dec'smn' She‘ “‘9 all Pmmt‘ve m‘ '
us as our ev g a po ' g ‘ Dakota Senator George McGovern to tion Building. Moore received college terns. was required to fill out a learn- " ‘
\ speak Oct 1 Brockman said. credit by interning under a law firm ing contract and placed under the ‘__‘
‘ Students learn art of selfidefense - - ...p....... 0. . .0“... faculty
SA said n how to bring 5"” Ed‘ Although Moore was responsible for member.
——-—————— with the club for the past two years ward Kennedy. ”Mag" and Sen. research of soliciting cases and doing The office will also assist in fin-
By BARBARA SALLEE and currently holds a first-degree red Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz.. to campus analytical reports. she found time ding new options that haven‘t been ‘
Reporter belt. He will serve as the club‘s "“5 year. during her stay in Britain to visit opened. There is a resource room in 7
. s“~_.- __.__..__ *_~___ -_ secretary for the upcoming semester. Binds for the Student Center Board Westminster Abbey and Buckingham the office that contains all contacts .
' v T‘ J' Neary, an. entomology also come from the student activity Palace. presently available.
. WW J . a .. Tae Kwon Do. an art of self defense sophomore. has been With the club for fee. John Herhst. director of student Experiential education‘s main goal An internship can be secured for ,
. mkwfii; which originated in Korea centuries two semesters, and has advanced activities said for the past 10 years is showin students how their majors any major. 5am Mary Katherine m, ‘.
.2 ; ‘ ago. has been practiced on the cam- from a yellow belt to a green belt. SCB has‘been granted 31 for every and theoEies the' have learned in experiential education represen- .
gift .. ' pus for the past seven years by the Neary said the club was fun and has full-time student plus a 2.3 percent in- lass can be a iii ed to the outside tative. Paid internshipsareavailable,
2 . 5 / Korean Karate Club. helped him gain confidence. crease to meet rising prices c Id . d e pp riential education but the majority are voluntary. .
i . ‘ Theclub. which consisted of26peo— Jeff Weddle. an English senior. will ‘ wor ‘ 58‘. xpe. Some samples of internships ‘
. . . . . ‘ . representative Louise Stone. She add- . . . . . f
. a a pie last semester, will meet Monday be president this semester. Weddle S(,B has been appropriated $37,500 ed that many students have declared available include. a finance major _ _
- .~ 4 and Wednesday evemngs from 3 Um” has been In the club for the Pittst tW0 for the upcoming year, an increase of majors but aren’t certain that is what working as a stockbroker trainee for '
. $1“ 10 in the conditioning room of the years. and is now a brown belt. He 32‘500 over last year. they want Merrill Lynch. a computer science .
- :j 2*» .. - Seaton Center and is open to both men said the club provided good exercise Kuparr noted SCB will be matching ' ' major developing new computer 7
"a .« 5;?" 5f“? a and women.'I‘he first hour is for begin- and activity and helped to increase its funds against rising prices. “We‘re Theoffice finds intermhips suitable systems for IBM. or a business and ;
V , V - Q, T. u ”5 ners. and the advanced students meet concentration. holding our own right now.“ he said. for these students. allowing them to ministration major working as
_ . w ' u f j during thesecond hour. Although the purpose of Tae Kwon “We're just going to stretch as much sample a variety of jobs within their manager and. captain aboard the i _
, . 3' 2M ‘ ’” _ Doistheartof selfdefense. few of the out of eachdollaras wecan.“ course of study. Other benefits in- Riverboat Dixie Belle of Kentucky ,2 _. .
‘ ‘ r. ' 3.3% .‘ ‘ Stevan Farmer is WSW-““8“ the club members have used it for that “The programs we sponsor have to elude gaining experience that can be River Excursiom Inc. 3
‘ T fl 2 club. The word Sunsang refers to the purpose. Recreation and the beselfsupportive,virtually.“hesaid. applied to serious job~hunting after Oneinterrship that will open for in- X '
~ . '-'3j~‘~ . instructor in the class who has the strengthening of both physical and SCB said it hopes to co-sponsor graduation. the challenge of job terviews later this semester is at Walt . ‘ ,
, r: highest level black belt.Belts are mental fitness were the main goals events with other University responsibility. and a boost in self- Disney World for business and heme 5-, ' .
' ' ‘ja it awarded in 9““an order 0" the Cited by Farmer 80d Neary. organizations to save money. help confidence. economic majors. Oncampus intern- V. '1 ‘ .1 ‘ .
. 3 ' W “3‘ has“ 0‘ achievement: yellow, M- There are area competitions within organizations experiencing budget Eligibility is usually limited to ships are also available in anything ' , . j: ‘
f W H . ' purple. red. brown and blackA White a lmmileradiusotlfixinsthnd 00' reductiom and encourage groups to sophomores. juniors or senior: who from personnel to the Student Center ‘ - 3- ,
' . be" is issued ‘0 a new member and casionatly the club participants. The work together. Herbst said. have completed some of the basic Board. "., ..
. g *5 ‘ ' ;. holdsnospecial meaning. man who awards the degree changes ‘ .1.. _ :
E: 1' Partner. I five-year veteran 0‘ the to the club members is Master Hyun Part of SA's money is used for the O O ' 52:43 -_ ’1‘;
tin, club. said Tae Kwon Do promotes 0kShin.aneighthdegreeblack belt. SA Student Organization Financial l S] e “
5.941 3 ”superbphysicalconditioning.“ Tae Kwon Do began in Korea ap Assistance Fund. University . fiat-akin
.1 2* " ' v, “There are four ways T89 Kwon DO roximatel nine centuries ago It anizations needing money may 39‘ ~ “m “iii-{i
. . By STEVE SIMONSIKernel Staff helps a person." he said. According to ans introdgced to the United States in gigfor grants from thefund. Where else but the Commonwealth can you find H.200 people losing heir . ,"figfifiwd
5:57.371: - move Farmer. a "71 UK graduate. Farmer. Tae Kwon Do increases 1947_ Brockman said 3750 was a: minds overabsttle for the possessionofsrubber ball. Seepagu ~§§e$§§n
3,, ‘ begin practicing the martial art of speed, strength. endurance. and flex- The karate club costs $35 a propriated to organizations over . {it $593255"
ff; .:2_ . .. Toe Km Do In five years ago and is ibility. semester to join. and the club will pre- summer. Organizatiom receiving Everybody's got a different reason for coming to LK. and some of them may ,s
i. i new the T" Kwon Do Club‘s “" John 39“”. a graduate student 0‘ sent demonstration at the Complex 3150 ants were Bacchus. the sueryo‘l-SRP'R'5~ ' tar-3“;
. m. ' businéis administration. has been Commons tomorrow evening at7. Amerigsn Society of Interior ' ”a
a-.. ..»~.- .c... ~ 2~ ‘~-o-evw~m0- - « ----~-~- r " . r “ t ‘ " ‘-'...:7~*"‘:t* . ‘ *WW‘yW‘ -” “32.1%” 'e" .. Ms t ‘ i
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“1;“, ‘ we. ‘s~’ .t s. -.. es --s «3.9“. a .“3 ‘ .. ..., w «s -MWWmQ.‘ our «pawn... raw-..“ _. ,. go . h” ,. t-‘A‘r' “if; 4:41;, ‘3‘; ‘W*'~fiw N; :,~‘,~_~~.M,Tfi “WW'
s - _
,"‘:‘f§“{j‘"ii Bill Steldeii Chris mi Ken Althe Anne (harlot Lin Wallace M. (handler Bella , ‘
2395‘}: r ' . Winona Edita'ialEditor Peggy k WWW hmmmdltu WWW V
~» » ersuasno ' 3°" >
‘9’“ i3 p VicklPoole Alex Ouch
'. ‘3. . Nth-m Editor unliindnhn
_ , ‘, Jackifludd Leone Michelson 0‘“ G-M‘W’“ Steven w.inwther JobnGrlffln Kirby Stephen.
_,~ . ' ,‘ ‘Doy Editor Ediurillmmant BiiruuChiefI AulIIanISpu-u Editor muuntmlemtnmaitudito. Graphic-Editor _
‘ ' as! "N
‘b' ‘ ‘ R ’ - - II. . '.. . .. iii? .:.::.. . .... .:: .... ......,.........:::.::..::::::::':::::::::::.:::::::2: . -
_ , s ' ; ttgt. as as assassin; ‘
. - :st- of 1 W -:..:s:ss... :::E::SEE :: as - ”in???“ ..
. , sass : l' ltassszss'tss sa's iiiiiiiii ii s= , itsel'litité "
threatens present world peace t I figmwt , :..
. ' 3:3:- 0 32:. 33333:“: :3‘ 3:: 33:32: 3. ' 0 3333333333 ‘
. iiifiiia. ..:EEE. REE? iiiiiiiiiiiii . ESE. . SSEEEEEES E. .35. .i. .. . EEEESSEEEEEEE ‘,
Last week. a group of unsuspecting tourists raised their voices in a rousing chorus of the ,. t. ‘
‘ at Sagamore Hill near Oyster Bay. New York, “Marine Corp Hymn" as the President toyed ’tt‘t‘tttutiititit"“t‘ / ‘ ’“t’,,.;mistn‘§‘ i . ‘
were nearly startled to death as Teddy with the idea of leading a horseback charge up ’:‘///7r 0/ , tt”t‘*,t" i ,
. Roosevelt sat up in his grave and bellowed Cuba ’8 San Juan Hill. , '- / 1/1/ //I i'»
“bully good!“ In their orgy of patriotic fever they come . \ "’. a t‘ ~ .
The days of TR. and his “Great White niently neglected to mention in their press ‘ f ‘ e 7 i
' ' Fleet“ had returned again as President releases that attacks on US. planes, especial- 5555???""““-55i§§§§, \ : /’\ Z,‘ - ' ’ r}; r , - t’ ‘ ' i '
Ronald Reagan, determined to show the world ly on the borders of the Iron Curtain, are ‘2" ‘ / -. ' a: / /‘ ', ’s f
who’s boss, ordered a confrontation between nothing new. They have been an everyday ' ,ymhlf‘éfi , V , . Ml / u e if ,
. two US. fighters of the 7th Fleet and the part of life for American pilots since the Cold ‘ ‘3 _ . x"\ V ,1
' . cream of the Libyan Air force, a pair of aging War began, and with all due wisdom, return . E f '. ./ / V J \ II‘ tie ~ ~ . ,
Soviet TU-28 that proved no match for our fire has been expressly prohibited in favor of . , ' lbw I \\ , v’u , l’{ (a . l g .
post space-age tchnology, resulting in an in- far less dangerous evasive manuevers. "h , a. ‘K I "t W , .. -
credibly one-sided victory. What every sensible American has always ‘5 , . f 7 ~ , | \- i ' é
Th d th f ' 'l l - f ed h t — th Gold t t ‘ this t” t , hints ~ ” . '
\ 0n urs ay,ano er groupo Slml aryun ear as come 0 pass e we er 1 ) g ,m . 3,7, , g ., mm“ , / i
suspecting tourists were once again “nuke ’em back to Stonehenge” mentality is (% ll ‘ 4‘ \ ‘ {V .
traumatized by T.R.’s mighty roar as the truly at the helm. The apparent moderation / ‘ i/ , , fgg l
government denounced as “an act of practiced by Reagan on the home front does ‘f 5, " ' ‘ ’ " fl
lawlessness“ a missile attack on one of its spy not apply to our dealings on foreign shores. A a ' , .
1 b N th K Th .. - .. W'th ' '1 f' ed h - - ul 35255? 4/ '=sszssssssssstszssssssh :ssssésiasssssssssii as . -
. . p anes y or orea. e aggresswn was i every "“881 e 11‘ over suc minlsc e ..= . -:::::::::::::::::::::::. ‘ a... , 3,33,33,33”: A :3 . . ,
‘ . just as futile as the Libyan effort, of course, disputes and with each new finger pointed at l ' i/ ‘ ’ ‘ . m, . _
foiled by electronics far beyond the capacities the “Red threat,” the war frenzy in j _ ' - ’ if ‘ = s
of both the Koreans and their Russian allies. Washington grows, the balance tipsa little fur- . w " "'===" \ t ‘ , ~
Immediately. it was announced that we would ther and the highly effective holding action ’ l . / . 2 . ,
- use our immense weight in the UN. Security which has kept the superpowers out of direct / 2 , 5 .
Council to pursue sanctions against our awful conflict for the past 36 years is slightly eroded. . , , .
.. foes. Supposedly, America has always ,
-. Throughout the nation Republican chests represented the calm, level-headed half of the A
‘ swelled with pride, knowing that we had held world, controlling the fantic excesses of the , ~ ._
; the line on the pesky little Reds with a couple communist world with our willingness to place (f—‘r
2: of good clipping actions in the best tradition of practicality over pride. But with Washington ~ ‘ ,
. :i (‘01. Roosevelt himself. And in the Oval Office, flirting with an equally ideological insanity, WIDE“ " 2
; Alexander Haig and Ed Meese undoubtedy the final cataclysm cannotbefar behind. l
‘ 'i t 5‘ “ I ‘ 1-5 ' " ' . " I” f 'I// ' ., ‘
I i.;.i"".'ji:'i;i“5:_. _ . _ .. , _ _J_ .. . .. . . fl _, , ”/(4/ In _ l .
- : _, : DONT 80TH£R v - .. we ,. . we: ., . c nged entre Kernel' operation . >
. . 3 . :. .__._l 17., To WA _ ,,.......-..._-...,,,‘_ ‘MoffT/x" fijflm,’ / 7
. ~ ~ ' .~':;'::‘. ' .. l ., 5'51: k5 HIM . - “2- ‘V\‘/ z/m%f“’fl ”‘7 years ago! a struggling " '
-.wm,m,WWWS'wW .Wemwmmmu-I
., :-:;:~.-::t.~;:-~I.r.,-:‘.-_;.-v_::..~:5«r:_-‘:.er»;-:,-.-::;_.:::: .-_::5:5r:::' ,v ..-;.-;_:; *-‘-:'-.:. S T E .-'::'-':}_.-_~:r'- r _ ‘t fiz . tucky Kernel bought itself a A
. . . . t, ”Wei/w linot achin Th idea t
‘ :v‘ o “al-s’v: will“! "m . ,« ,_ ype m e. e was 0
” ’ 1,1,,“ ., ., .. V, .3 600D Guys 1,, ,5 1,, a I,” y/\ A & gave/.5 (4/13., enable students to set type and would be its final year. Even this
. * g ' ‘ ii iii . .3 , ,, /-¢ -< publish a real newspaper b, was not enough tor some — then-
‘ .“ s~cs TA RT To 5-,; ‘ ’ , h: w I“ H i it», a, . 7‘2 “I, themselves . . . sometimes, it's board member and former Gov.
‘ l . , I 1 . ' 1 . funny how old events can come Albert 8- “Happy" Chandler was *'
9s\\‘2\¥~\\\\\s‘ _, ,. _ I.“ , - _ l‘ y gee , 1971-72 Kernel editor manslaughterlwanted murder."
‘ T Net‘x‘sst \uhs‘ e; t - 'i i ‘ ‘ . I” ' 4,7” It //I . [A A . . . I tros t, theeliminat' f
'; "5’ \‘v.\ /M/’4p/ %,/MW;’ ' ,z .' l ,r j‘ T 4 , A; f} ,, ’ Every publishing day Since Sept. suplper: fore the Kernel Mimi: _
.- 7 "W“"5W““W ' , . _ “47V » ’ ' ;' " '9," ' 7 ”V3 ‘ 1~ ”’1' the ”WW"? Km“ has evitable and its fate seemed ob-
? \\\s“,\\\,\‘ .. , l ”M '41,, } I, ,1 1,1,, 4/1,, I” , Wax/6,2"? 4 . . . proudly 0811183100 its nameplatea vious thlaw 196% it 1 ‘
. , ,, , i . / /%%;%%%W%WW ' ////// , short 21:24:20: inflctaiing tint, it Ill: had been charged with subversive
, _ ./ ' ' ,7” ’7 ’//////////////}é// an p n s u e leanings by numerous influential
. y . 5% it“; ~ ‘ / 1 "if? {if-"J” //// " / ““5939” Kentuckians. Even ism-72 Kernel
'2; , x ._ V ‘ , . 3 12‘ :i;' I' ,1".- :“ .‘; :1 , 7'” - Editor Mike WM ”1‘ onicall a
3,; _, .\r x, ‘7‘ 4 \\/\ . . t ‘ l ,. at .747; .' -- .- 3; - I. ’9 , ”A 7,26,” However, sharp observers Win CINE relativeofmine) who prezid-
, by." ,2 o' . . we“ / ’3 ’ a ' Z 4t if ”1 " . ’15: havenoticedthatthisyearvthe .. -
,4 . . . a”, ,. . '9‘” . , . ,, , ,, , ,1 2 ,V- edoverthepapersfirstdaysasan
5”“ 1' ~ ' ""‘r'n‘l , - . m . ,. , ./ I, g to,“ 5, , ”I, l :2; messagehasbeenchangedtoread - - - I
, .3; ,....l ,,.., L. .Hg ,._ . . at.“ , , , , ....... __ . . ,. , j .1; . M .. . independent daily, recognized the ,
it»: "an -s.::-;' ~~ / - 4”" ; 77 . ’4 2 4‘ ., w/ ~ "" a" ”dependent “We“ validity of the charge that the
. . 3,,43L'xg "“;.‘?-._n:se- " ,, , ,,,. ., ‘ 5',” . , ,,,,,,,,,/,, ,, a ,,,,,/,,.,,,,,y,,,,;,/; /// ,, x t,,-; " ‘1; ; :57}, newspaper since 1971,” and in Kernel had “ignored the campus
, 1 3‘ 1kg“..- :, :5. ~.,,, J -. ,1 . . , , , ,1”, ' y _“l ’5” 72:72, {Zr/14% / ”u; {I . ’ / ft ," 4% January, theKernel Will publish a in favor 0f wire service stories and L
_; : " : ,. f -‘5 . 3., y - , ' ”'41:; n ,eyzWO/e//W% ”2% / 35$, mmfiefl°iiflg newsottheradicaipress."
. \“ ' . . ' 0' . , / r, . 7 ,‘ ”Mr/,9, 1/, 7,». ///////’I ,‘ , ”I” //5:// ‘ / ' v/y‘ I”, z 1/ ,",,"’:‘l?/’/V;Ifl. v,” ,/I , ' , ‘l/w , ,, l - ‘
. ¢ 2 ‘3‘ :~ 7,. . J ’1’! , Wyn/v», ,, I, 1’? W/Wf/WW/Zfly/Wflflfléwafl/”WWW cial severance from the Universi- .. “hemp editors hadn’t helped "‘
. ‘--= , ' ' 1.. ' , ,WeWKé/WW/r/Wrie W tr he Kenn-s Mn, my be »
: , . r M / ///,;//////,/////// //%/’///////,’ 1e ”exam/”tr “em ”em 3,,“ 8 [mp published‘ ppeabefore the onset of full
. ten it ‘storyat .More n . .
, . . . . . finanCial independence. “As a .
.. Admlnlstratlon at fall/t a few “3th and 3‘94“ dissenting voice in a conservative
government leaders have Visited
. . town,thepaper came under attack
-, I - . our offices in the past few years, for everything from alleged Com-
? . must ta e ame or Lib an crISIS m... m... ms... mm... .. .
, - coverage of their organizations, pa y. l, . q
‘ . often an eatening to 9".“ the“. But the Kernel staff that year i
_- tin June a, 1967. the Naval, in two Libyan plans, his words were The demonizing of Khadafy will grievances to the administration was perhaps the most dedicated _
telhgence ship Liberty was sailing, m greeted with long and inteme ap proceed apace. Now, I am willing to because after all.we pay forthis ever, voting to take a pay cut \ .
alone. in neutral waters. flying our A plause. Weinberger called the inci- grant that Khadafy is a demon. I do paper, “’0‘ ratherthanseethepaper {Oldtand {'
- flag. After Six hours of low-level photo . dent regrettable. But these super not so much wonder at the devil as at mummy, Mimidems bring President Otis Singletary showed ‘
. reconnaissance by Israeli planes. yet I do not think the presence of one patriots showed no regret. For them, the exorcists who are volunteering to a smile to the face of the editors his concern by frequently visiting 1
aircraft and torpedo Iboatstned to Shlp, '." international waters, without pretty clearly, killing people is a drive him out. When we decided to who then present the ace.in.the: the newpaper office in the jour- ‘
/ smk the Liberty and kill all itsrcrew. offenswe capability, near an allied business weshould get back into. knock off Castro, we gave nothought hole by pointing out that the nalism building as it strugled \
., Rocket and torpedo assaults crippled country’s shore, was provocative — And Muammar Khadafy is, pretty to the question: What do we do with Kernel is supported solely through through its first years of financial i ‘
.,' the Ship, and napalm was dropped on certainly not provocative enough to clearly, the guy we would like to kill. Cuba after we get rid of him? Earlier, its ownadvertising revenues. insolvency. i
, deck to spread through the interior Justify killing 287 Americans (as the The CIA has already broached plans when we connived at Ngo Dinh Diem’s
3 and prevent survivors. attackers tried to do) —— or even 34 for his overthrow with the congres- downfall in Saigon, we at least had 3 But even the staff of the Kernel Equally dedicated was "‘9
‘- In fact, the ship limped to safety. Americans (which was as many as sional oversight committee. Against few candidates to replace him —— sometimes forgets the history of newly-appointed Kernel Press,
. ‘ . : andonly34Amencans were killed.in- they could manage). that background, our presence off though they turned out to be even the paper's independence. Those Inc. Board 0‘ Directors, Wthh
stead of the full 287, But the napalm But I would wager that my cor- Khadafy‘s shore does look deliberate- worse than hewas. times of student unrest seem very under the leadership of a new stu-
t (WMY supplied to Israel by respondents think it was heinousof Li- ly provocative. Were we daring himto That is normally the case. The CIA distant to us now, and only the dent publications adviser, Nancy . .
:‘ Americal took its toll — 171 were in- byan planes to scramble when 3 attack? wantstoexpel demons, all around the bound copiesof the 1971-72 editions Green, staked its reputationonthe
, .._ lured. . , hostile fleet with aggressive potential It so. we can settle his hash —aswe world, but it has not sufficiently are still around to tell the story, continuation 0‘ the Rem?! as the
t . ‘. I referred to this attack in a recent ostentatiously maneuvered just off determined to settle Castro‘s back in studied the wisest bit of demonology although the veterans of thestrug- student volceofUK. . ‘
, column. and correspondents made it the Libyan coast. Now we shall bear a the 1900‘s. Khadafy is a threat to in the whole New Testament. I quote gle for independence can at times -
, sound as it I were committing an ag- great deal about international waters peace — so we had better go to war from the Gospel of Luke (11:24-26): belured into reminiscence. B“: as Green never fails to
; greasion by mentioning the aggres- and the freedom of the seas. Now the with him, to prevent him from star- “Whenademonis driven froma man, recall, each d” she and the ; '
‘ l'. slon on our ship. Three cor- “provocation"defense willberetired. ting a war. It is convenient for it wanders thewaterless places look- In lWO,ashort—lived newspaper "9°” ‘9“ Md to endure the .
l respondents defended the Israeli at- Some people in this administration Secretary Weinberger, who wants us ing for surcease; and finding none, tagged the Wildcat appeared on phony snuleeofhostile Wm ,
. _ tack by calling our ship's presence in seem to be aching for a fight And armedtotheteeth, tohavean incident says, ‘Iwill returntothelodging 1 was campus, its right-wing staff charg- {fwty member: ‘3 they WW“. ’ .
, , l_ neutral waters "provocative." We parts of the public are egging those that proves we need all the arms we driven from} ing that the Kernel was a '0 {0“ made it "mach another _
. _ ‘ , I had beenwarned tostay away. Israel poeple on. When Secretary can get, just at a time when other “And arriving there it finds the mouthpieceoftheradlcal l0" and day. ,
_. 1 ,; was, about to launch its attack on Weinberger told the Veterans of Reagan officials are showhig dismay lodging swept and in order. Then it thereforenotrepruentativeofthe
«.3, cf, ,, i: Syria,and didnotwantuelistening in. Foreign Wars that we had shot down atthemilitary budget’s growth. goes and gauge" seven otherdemona, generally comervatlvemejorltyof Aridlothexemlhudgonefim .
3,: III m 0|; rln: Ile wickeder than itself; and entering, the moduli body. Before Ions. belna I ‘Wvullne W
Wfi 7' M C ”TY I Be B. “t d they dwell there, and the man's int Wild