xt79319s4p35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79319s4p35/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1988 1988 1988-10-26 2020 true xt79319s4p35 section xt79319s4p35  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCII, No. 55


Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky'

lndependentstnce 1971 Wednesday October 28 1988


Gallaher announces he will step down as campus chancellor

Editor in (‘hief

Chancellor {or the Lexmgton ('anipus
Art (iallaher announced plans yesterday to
resign from his position effective June 30‘

As chancellor, (iallaher oversees policy
on the Lexington campus. In the seven
years he has been chancellor, (iallahei‘ has
been instrumental in putting in places or
overseeing several changes at l'K rang
mg trom a stricter admissions policy to the

first comprehensive University alcohol pol
icy, approved earlier this semester

The policy. two years in the making.
banned alcohol in the doriiiitoi‘ies and
most areas on campus

After taking a year's sabbatical tor
study and research. (iallaher plans to
teach anthropology at [K (iallaher origi
nally came to [’K in 1963 as an anthropolii
gy professor

A nationwide search \\lll be conducted
tor ()allaher's replacement. t'K President
David Roselle said

tiallaher‘ who made the announcement

at yesterdays Board of Trustees meeting,
s'aid he has been tortunate to have been
able to spend his lite in the uiiiversit). but
non he “as looking toward to returning.' to

I came into this sf.slt'ltt as a scholar
illltl teacher,” tiallaher said. "and that's
ri-all} the \\il} litant toli-axeit "

ltosellc said he “as gran-hi] to (iallalicr
tor “his leadership and \iisdom'" as chan

“I shall always be gratet'ul to Dr (ial
lalici' tor the good counsel and ti‘ieiidsllip
lii- \lllllllL’l\ ottered ti'oiii the onset ol lti‘.


Sabina Modetvskaya
at Moscow State

B) .ll\l “III’H‘
\ssociate Editor

Although argument brouL‘ht the sot wt
and [K debate teams together last
lllLlhli the members ot the teams did
tmd some common ground on ‘he tit»
tlium and in the hills stll‘l'Wlllltitllfl i.e\

“The mountains hau-
scctiet‘} to Kentuckj. said
\lotlelxskaia a member oi the
“aunt "lt ‘i\;l>(i('lll\ll

sin tet

\ t‘l‘\

lK has one ot the last stops tor ’hc
Souet tli-lialors who hiue bi-i-ii ’iittt‘tttu
l 5 «‘tillt'th‘.\ lt‘l' illt‘ this? It il.t_\.\ l‘ltt‘
team \\lll toinpletc their iompetition n
\mei'ica at llimai'tl t mwrsitx in \\.ish

'iestci'da) atteriioon hoist-\i-r thi so
\iet team gin-ii .i iook at the
lilucilt‘ass state Allll a 'otit ot tiaitii-s
\ia_\ Farm one iii the iat‘ut'sl
tarms m the area



learned to tide

\losi t‘\\

\lodel\ska_\a \xho
horses at athletic centers ‘ill
compared the tariii to those ttiat
sccii ttl l'i'al \loiiiitains or ‘hc
l nioii

"'l‘hc aiea is pl‘tli'ilt'tlll) the same

sttt' s


a Latin American economics maior
was one of the oarhcuoants in

night's debate


state l i‘l'i‘tt"'~

said \lodehska)a. .i giirxi-ai old
date student at \Ioscou
'\ 'lii autumn it is the wattle ’t‘llllit'l'd
‘tire and the same sceiiet'\ there . tt'

The teams debated :ole it or
media iimard :ttu‘l'lttlti‘llt ind
‘hat the media it both \inei‘ii-a
smiet t'inoii must ihei l‘\

llut .tl'illllllt‘lll centered on
check the press

In the Soiiet li'lltlii_ 'hc 'h ‘-.iin
said. 'he Jtn't‘l'lllllt'lll controls "1“
media in the l iiiteii states .tlL’tlt'tl t'ti

iiiit ":v-

liiisi' ". ii

iltli ‘ill'iil‘l


l .iaiit to 'hat 'hcri- ill‘ illilt
problems. said \o\ii-t .ii-liatoi
i'apin Roth ~tatcs ’aii' 'hi- :.i'ootw:it t



t i
iili‘l \ii


The debate. .\hich tastcil ,i . : iwii'
than 7\\ti houis .ind tlit’ljtll‘t‘i i\
more than So people. Illiil'lxit! ‘t-ii at
tind time a Soiiet team "Jlllltt‘ltti
against l’K

tin this main the
peted at l’epperdiiic. Fiiitci'on. ta oiai
\lason. Southern Illinois 'llt’
ill \lissouri and the t

sii\ it"is 't.i',i


llll\l'l :stx

'tt\t isit". if laiii s



Modelits‘Mva said parts at Venttickx 'te
v'isited were stmitav "T

tut, L’MVipiQ'sdl

Soviet, UK students find common ground?

ti. ‘-"'_'}i~[,' i iiiiiici! if ":i' \\ll iil‘

, , iii-[1 scni-s in to\e.it'~

.i-gi iti‘lii‘i'i’ 'l'illll‘ " Wit! ' t

,h- l titted \tati-s t oiiiiiiittec .» l'iti't
Willi li.ii lli'lmli‘ .-.’ltl lJ:\('U\.\lUll ilt‘l[l\ l-i
v? .p ~itti \iiiei'ii-aii «
"he Mus-t Twaii: xtsitedl .K t tl

fi-tn’thN tslt","“


tiii t-i'tttti' 't 1 Hi}

"UH-i- ‘iit viti,i’;iiiis ’ri'lAt‘t‘ll ' ‘i‘ ' ‘w

mistrtws ':it as LINN} t ll'sl‘ .ji-ii.,‘

s "M'illl'llt'll itit \ti\ lt‘l .0.“ ti i-\
t‘hex s'ai‘ti-ii i:t t'ii- [vi‘t



iii iii «,i‘lt'lllt tli'- i:’i\ “.iTiis "him

‘t lt' ~'.ti?t"! us t.it’ iit ltli‘ ttllt‘lt t ikx

"tittti‘tiil't" ‘.lt »‘il\l’\('llllll‘»:

,‘itlllt'l‘tsthJ iii} l'l\\(‘\t'l

. ;;iti'.~» : ii ;i‘lt.’iiiil's Yiit'ii' .

"t‘ ~'.tii’ ‘t'iii"

it "it ili'tmii's
t...i-s '.t‘lt'

:iiit Iiittidt s It‘l-

\a.iii-s itllll ':ii .‘iriai

'hc tillltili taiai

Hit» tum...
‘Illl‘ ~§ill ’-lit'\\l'\
lt’tt iii'ws ~~ iisii s‘ti'ti i
i‘tttltiitJi ..: ..i s

l _.

ll“ "it flit rliidcit who)” iiiiiii \
.iiit‘s Hi t in: "it; ' t
t-t't siIi.ii.-..‘ t\ists

""lttt'lilttllu.itl t'-c l-tliicuiass


't‘ii‘ t't'i.

Trapped whales have increased awareness

ll) lltlllhlil ll\tll(( H \l\
.\.\.\tK'l;tl(‘(l Press

The lttL‘ resciic cttort to s.i\i 'uo t'aiitoi
tiia gray uhalcs \ioiit lliilht' a diliciciiic
to the surinal oi the spei ics. but it's been
a publn relations dream toi' eii\ii'oniiien
talists trimg to rouse the maid to sa\c its

"itnb the indi\idual can .insui-r .i ll s
\Htl‘lll iti ' sail lloiiard l’iiaham. iliiectoi'
ot the \ationat \laiine .\lamniai laboiaio
r) in ~Seattle. the chic! l s‘ research ccn
tci‘ oii \\ liales

\\c t‘i' dealing \iith tlic human spirit
\\e allo\\ some autull} tl.llllllllll.l things to
go iintheckeil and then \xc rcai h out to
Mtlllt‘illlllg \\ itli a tear in our ow. he said

The rescue has thrown together an tlll
llkt‘l} aim} ot would be sa\ioi's xihale
llllllllllL’. Eskimos tireentwace t‘ll\ll'ltlllll(‘ll
talists oil companies. the l .s and soxict
gmernmcnts. \\ll(llllt‘ experts animal lic

'ltt'i i'l.ili

li.i\ior specialists and chains.»

\bout to to titl reporters ki-i p ‘hc 3 iii
iiitoi med iii aiiji progress

the You suriixini; ,Llii) \lliiit‘s
iiiied b) the ice are part iii an ciiiiaziai it it
species. tttt'aliilig llit') .itt thought ‘o tn ‘1.
itiiiiiiliciit danger ot bccotiiitii; i-\iiiii t

llut the population or L‘l.t_\\ s

[here are about .‘tood '»\llli'll is
historic peak iii .mooo
\iliale hunters slaughtered .lll
thousand around the turn oi the i-eniui')

l‘hc Soiiets kill lost Lila) .kll.lit‘:s
_\car to teed Eskimos uiidci an exemption
ui‘aiited b_\ the International “haiiiic l‘oiii
mission and another tooo .ininiais dii It
natural causes tearl}. itt't'tll'tlltlg to em
ct‘titiii‘ttt estimates

l)espitc the tin-
mats increases by J 'i percent a nun
the deaths ot three \\.l}i\ill'tl Allalcs not


llt'iii . ‘It

'icai 'hi
ti‘iii llttl “retort

ilUl .i l|‘\\


losses. population or


' ‘ttil‘l l‘t‘

;it\ old t [lttuL'l'i ii i ici i: ‘lriLial
v. iitii, st ti'tili.\i.s .saiil

l‘hci'i- s i‘o :iiss ,i'iiiti .i biologic.“ s‘ailtt

idioms: lta» i \'\;ti.

\atioiiai \lai :ir'

trititil. ‘tiiil ti'st‘altlii

-.i,\ flt'lli 'hi \laiitiiia.

it‘i‘i: i M .. 'iitizt

i Ilthl

tit iniitt.) Haiat .il,tiit tiiii

i'hi 'hicc 'lilltllt‘il
in: tot ttii-iit'st tiiiic

'ttiitt‘i, ti'iiutaii timi‘s '=t ’tt‘ct'i:

.\ii.ilcs At‘lt' "iicia‘

'iii'.i ‘

soiiii iiiii stioiii tl
‘tgiiiii; To sa\t flic whales .iiiiili
i'i'iit'ttI'tt titmntti 'tt Viinrimti lllti t'ttiiiitiiii;
\litl‘iil‘i} lLllltiili;. '-ii i \
lllt' i::tit..il tittilui't titt 'iti \iiliili..i. \la
'.:a \laiiinial Laborator} is 'x‘

llt "\ltt'ibt


is i.;


lltl\\t"\l'l tiaiili moiicgi the; it \ltt'i.\i.l.i_
tti. 'ltt' ttzsiiii‘ ts litlt‘. sittil l'aIY) \\.i:lii=l
'ltlt't toi t-t 'lic \iiiericaii t‘i-tai cai: \IN ii ‘.
i .sai.l‘cdio.t'alit


tenure at ‘i l\' ' ltttsi lio-
uihat 1s trail} iiiipoifaifl
ot tririiistittitiozi .‘.l :i .::,:; -
fl littlllll .iss.'ii2i'

31‘ (iallalw:

llc lia- _.
itiltitili-‘s } " ll"?
i.t_‘. said

'uiiplct. pi‘it'
tn': it pi-Htvii

ttt :Y‘

UK and Courier
file joint petition

in Fayette

l1: l\\ l'.l \\lt"

Geographer aunts Jt‘Hlllt'

to learn about their iioi iii

X~\ i'Ul i ll li\\i

'lc‘ tic“, LID

ait‘ BCUS~ \‘U W?








ioday Sunny
tomorrow Partly Sunny








to perform tonight at
Babylon Babylon.

Students should lose
some teethiill tickets.

‘('t mint






 9 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. October 26. 1988



E.U. Show
tonight in

’.\ \ll('ll \I‘Il l..ll)\l‘§.\
stall “I do!

\i'ltool Ila/e week continues
‘onothl wrth .i pertormance b\ the
lnitio hand El l‘:\[)(‘l‘lt'llt'(‘

I‘he \lartin Luther KlllL! .lr t'ul
mat t‘enter otlIcialb lucked olt
'hi- week \esterda) with the show
or. or the Spike Lee tilm School
Wa/t and .i Spike ln‘ lookalike

t"l has been a maror llll't‘t‘ on
in \MIshInuton III
or lllt' last tew tears The band \
’ltis ttll'llllll llex You Let ~~
fair louether’ ‘l‘Lt Free'le and
asl summers t‘ltllt h-t lta lliit'
Jlillt \I liool lta/i-


Washington D C based E U will perform at 8 tonight In the Stu-
lm no scent" dent Center Ballroom Trckets are $6

lininediateb tollowing the
stepshow will be a dance sponsored
by Sigma Theta sorority Admis
sion to the dance Is 351 Wllll a stu
dent ll)

Frank Waller ol the King
(‘ultural (‘enter said Spike Lee was
chosen because “some of the things
that Spike Lee represents are In

Jo Jo tin l‘Il also can be seen
on the \‘ideix‘assette "(in (lo l.l\'(‘
\t tliet'apital t'enti‘e'

l‘oiiiuht \ show will beheld Ill lllt'
Student (enter ltallroom Tickets

School “ti/c“ week will ('tlllllll
ttl‘ Saturday with the Missron (‘oi
iii-at l‘jlliol describes the liaihl s ll'L’t' llitlltt't'tilllltiL‘ Marin at l p tii
,oorm ..\ prom-occur. may 1"“ ..2\I..Itt<’..lirl tune With some ol the things we
ltlttfil't‘sst‘.i \l '. p in at Memorial Hall lllt'l'l‘ represent at the King (‘ultut'al (‘cn
stati-wuic (hm-k ter.” such as opposing apartheid

and divestments III South Africa

the band also h teatiired on tap
'i'oiip Salt N l'epa s
\lualu' Your ‘l‘hang

i.tlt'\i to!

tr‘l s touiIder tireuorx Suuar

ti‘t'ssnw tan and
‘att'litl llllll\

l‘ir tiarnl \ inles' illlltll :~ to“

\\tll he .i

Ill-NM COUNTY by Berke Breathed


.\ ,
MN 50015 M 'A f \

5v me WL£~ ,3 t .v: ' v ' (meat MN
3 /‘ we?! ‘ N warmer wrm
i t W w V/WA ,l filliflff’ if???)


WWW (IV/49% Ham my?“

/“ "\













Come Be a Part of Our Wildcat Family

lnvste your oarents to the thrrd annual CAMPUS-WIDE
Parents Weekend“:


0 Thursday, October 27
Coors. tight Comedy
Commandos ~ 8 pm In the
Student Center Ballroom FREE
Friday, October 28'
19:34 As the Beatles _, 8 pm In the
Student Center Ballroom Sb
Saturday, October 29.
Parents Weekend Brunch -- l l
am at p m, in the Student Contc'
Ballroom 80.0.5
Parents Day at Keoneland
the UK vs, Southern lllInois football

For more information
call 257—8867




’60s punk

By Mlt'llM-II. li. JONES
Stall Writer

Question: What is Mudhoney?
Something bees make? No. A Russ
Meyers porno film? Sure, but it's
also the name of one at Seattle's
hottest new bands. Fresh from a
short gig In Germany. Mudhoney
Will bring Its outrageous blend of
“undisciplined garage rock" at it
tonight to Babylon Babylon,

Those in the know may remem
her lead vocalist and gunarist
Mark Arm trom Green River. con
sidered by some to be the best
band Seattle ever spawned luntil
Mudhoney t

“i don't want to be In a band
that's not contrived," Arm said.
"where the music is so ‘highly
original that no one can stand it.
or where we try to appeal to people
based on what‘s popular "

Drummer [)an Peters describes
the bands sound as “ 'titts style
punk rock. but not played In an '80s

What does that mean" Not e\en
Itan knows

"We like to leave It up to the peo-
ple to describe It It's kind ol hard
to describe )our own music " he

it! describe It lor him' damn
good Mudhoney has that hardcore
\ound without sounding mindless
imagine a cross between Jane's
:\tl(ll('llt)ll and [he Kreulen and

‘Uur goal Is to play music be
cause vu‘ like to play music.‘
Peters said

(tther hands may be shopping tor
that big label deal. but these guys
are happ} lobe with the little guys

"l“heryme has the potential to

Mudhoney. a band in the mold of
night at Babylon Babylon

sellout," Peters said. "but we
wouldn't lit in on a big label "

He said that the band likes Its
current company, Sub Pop lie
cords. because “we know where
they live ”

The band said ll tries to stay
simple No ltush here

"It‘s ‘Iust as hard to keep it sIIn
pie and interesting as it Is to be
really technical like \‘eil l‘earL”
Peters said



Mudhoney wfl perform at 8
tomoht‘ at m Eamon.
Day For Mr! wt! open the




The band has been together for a
short time. but its song "Touch Me
I'm Sick‘Sweet 'l‘hinu Ain't Sweet
\o More” was a bra bit on the al

'605 punk, Wlll perform at 8 to

tine i‘eiiewer described ”l'our-h
Me l‘m Sick" as liming ‘ti
knucklecracking ritt that has a
tool stuck In (‘onlederatc boomi-
land and enough whomp to trruhu-n
small children "

Next month, Mudhone) wIll luv
touring the countr} with t'\t‘l‘}l|'lr »
favorite hardcore bands Sonic
Youth Along with their row-r at
lgg} l’op's ’l \‘lanna ’.e Your
Dog,’ Sonu Youth \\lll also he
doing a coier ot "'l‘ouch \le l'll
Sick “

In its place Mutllioiiei ml] in
playing Halloween in sow.

You would think that \liidhoni-j.
was a simple hardcore hand tron;
the compam It keeps not lh.‘
Sonic Youth Is a simple tilltlllttlt‘
Mudhone} claims t‘\t'l‘)lllit’ two.
the Stooges and ltliie l'hcei to \. d
Young as Its llltlllt‘ll('(‘\

Peters said the bands Mudhone'.
likcsarc like It pretlt stitrpl:

“ttiir music Is prett} sIIIIplc tilt-'l
simple music is catch} l’e'w

Starting a New Group on Campus
Utilizing University Resources

Thursday, October 27
2—3 pm. Room 203 Student Center

.Don’t Try to Re-Create the Wheel.
If you are interested in starting a new student on
ganization or better utilizing University resources
available to your group, this program can save
your organization valuable time and money.

Speakers: John H. Herbst,
Director of Student Activities

John Bowe,
Students for the Exploration
and Development of Space


When you want to work with someone

who’s willing to work with you





the Kentucky Kernel —
we are students





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 Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday, October 26. 1988 —— 3



rom Spalding

'n. r «491"



Empty seats

Lack of student, fan support at UK home football games is disgusting

.\5 THE FINAL seconds ticked
ott the clock and the UK football
team ,iutiilantly walked to the lock‘
errooin after upsetting Georgia.
iiiic ot the UK football managers
looked across Commonwealth Sta-

He saw something in the student
section that made him shrug his
shoulders in disgust. I saw it also .
and it disturbed mea great deal

It iiipt'. seats. ’

The total attendance at the Wild-
i-ats' game Saturday was 30,416.
The capacity of (‘ommonwealth
s'aitiuiii is 57.800. That means
‘liei'i- were 7.334 empty seats.

it wasn't just the Georgia game.
innit-ring Saturday's game against
the Bulldogs. lYK‘s home average
.iiti-iidaiice was 47,722 almost
1, duo tzelow capacity for Common—
\H‘iliill Stadium. the fourth-small
.~ t tai'iht'. iii the Southeastern (‘on

that is ridiculous

viziiiai‘rtiusiiig. when you play on
El dinind telei‘ision and can't fill the
'.iiiiitlli_ said Rodney Stiles, stu~
?i ii .ittLiii‘s ottieer in charge of
'it‘Ei-iit Yii'ki-ts

?t\, it. is one ot the better
it'illl- It! the conference And ['K
\tiiiteiits showed their support by
‘ more than Tiititi empty
t“.t'tl '»\llh the best team in


.i .i‘ =Yi‘»_’




You ithe studentsi don't have the
weather to blame it on this week.
Saturday was a perfect day for
football. A little iiip in the air, not a
cloud in the sky and the opportuni-
ty to see a real good football game
With the topriaiiked team in the

It was a pertect day for an upset
and those ot you at home intssed
out on it This UK team could very
well be headed for a bowl game
and its student support is pitiful
Absolutely pitiful

So far this year about 3.000 stu
dent tickets have not been picked
up, accordinicy to Stiles. and that's
not counting lIlt' iioshiiws that (lid
get a ticket

After last year. 902 student tick
ets were given to the public That
figure should rise e\ en higher after
this season

“I don't know \ihat its gonna
take. but just 'o take it one step at
titinie. 'Stiles said

Stiles said he hoped the [K \Alll
over Georgia would change (iltlr
tudes and increase attendance




(for seniors, teens and students with valid ID.)

We}: Rgfi“fitl


tipi-rii House Broadway box
tittir i» if) minutes lwtore curtain
time liaiwts, Subtt‘t‘t to avail
thitity Cash inly

Evenings 8:00 p.m., Saturday matinee 2:00 pm.




THE EASY S()l.l"l‘lt)l\ to the
whole mess would be to cut the
number of student tickets drasti

When you give away free tickets
to see one of the better college
games in the country ‘Vt‘llIl your
school being involved and the stu
dents don't take them up, then I
say take the the tickets away troiii

Give the students one more
chance this weekend when (R
takes on Southern Illinois l,'rii\ei‘si
ty. If the students don‘t respond by
at least filling their sections. take
away every seat that they don't till
for next season

Until then, l'K will just haye to
grin and bear it, and continue to be
humiliated in front of hundreds ot
thousands of people the next tiiiie
the Wildcats have a home game on
national television

()h. by the way. tickets are still
available for the I'K'Sttlllht‘l‘lt llli
nois ga me Saturday

NOW TII \T 'I‘IIE baseball season
is over. it is time to name lti-ews's
1988 Major League All Star ti-aiii

Here it is

FIRST BASH Will t‘lark (ii
ants. ('lark knocked in 1th i"l.'l\ to
lead the \'l,

SPX‘UNI) lHSlC .lulio li‘i'iiiii-o.
Indians Franco “as one iit the tee.

Record-élbreaking Cats

bright spots tor the lowly liidiaiis

SIIUR'I‘S'I‘UI’ t)/.lJ(‘ smith tat
dinals. When the Wi/ard ot ii/ can
hit over .270 and steal out .i; 11”
bases. then he is detiiiiti-li, ttt‘. : my.

'I‘IIIRI) BASE \tade things ltiti
So); Boggs only led the inaiors ;:
hitting, again and itas iiistruiiii 1:2.
iii Boston's run for the pennant

LEFT HELD. .\likc tireeiiti ..
Red Sox (ireeiiwell was “it. ’- ..
tield leader

CENTER FIELD Kii'lij. initi-
ett, 'I‘wiiis Puckett gati- line.)-
ruri for the batting title

.\thletics the last man to hit iiiiiri»
than to home runs ‘.‘.Il!It‘ ~:~‘.:i‘
itltil't‘ than to tithes

('A'l‘t'III‘JR: I‘lt‘tiie "dill itizii
Jays Witt had to home l'illlr art-f T-
ltBls. as ".‘it‘Ii as iiitiiiil stem?

llershiscr. lioduers tie-rite
ting the record tor i‘iios‘t
iitiye shutout innings Ht'l'st‘. ..; ‘
the \atioiial League \yt’t“ '

i iiri}


.Jiisi' (rlIi‘l't ‘1

\thli tics in: ki-i's'e

pet‘ xi itl‘i l’isiiw's
.13., 23', t.


Kemp: .





HQ North Broadway
Kentucky 40507

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to these
‘Parents of tne Weekend

Mr. and :Mrs.

Rudolpfi griffin
of Henderson, K9”

parents of Kim griffin

The Kentucky Kernel

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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. October 26. 1988



UK—U of L series
should continue
despite penalities

Six years ago the l'niversity of Louisville could not con
vince [K to play them in basketball. but last week [7 of l.
coach Denny (‘rum said he might have to seriously consid~
er not playing llK fora couple years

It took years of whining and a little help from the NCAA
before lTK agreed to play l' of 1.. And after the t‘ardinals
beat l'ly' iii the 1983 Mideast Regional Finals. t'K finally
agreed to play it 's "little brother" ‘ once a year

Last week. however. l'

oi l. coach Denny (‘rum said

that ii a ban on television appearances results from the
current .'\'('.»\.>\ investigation of t'K's men basketball team
he would haye to consider dropping the series for a couple


The reason. t'rum said. would be because of the loss in
televison revenue t’ of L‘s program would suffer,

The contract between [K and l' of 1, extends until the
limo-til season. but it fly" is banned irom playing on tele-

vision by the NCAA. l'

oi I. has the freedom to schedule

another televised game in its place

It would be a shame to see l'

of L forced to discontinue

the series because the gziiiies could not be televised
\Vhile money certainly is, important to collegiate athlet
it‘s. some things must lit‘ placed above the almighty tele

vision dollar

For years. ians talked about how great a l'K-l' of l.
matchup could be it the two teams agreed to play one an


,\iid since the series was renewed in 1983,. the rivalry
has ll\ ed up to all the expectations and hype everyone built

it up to be
The Hit of l.

series allows all Kentucky basketball

labs to celebrate the sport that is so special to them and it
also giyes the state a chance to let the nation know that
there are some things in the state bigger than bourbon
whiskey and the Kentucky Derby

Before the l'K-t‘ of 1. series. arguments between fans
would get a little out of hand on ocassion

.\'ow that the two teams play one another each year.
fans can see w ho is the king of basketball in the Bluegrass


It would be too bad it they could only talk about who is




Reviews still

'l celebrate myseli .iiid sing
myself, And what I assume t...“
shall assume ‘

“Song of Myself.” Walt Whitman

After reading Rob Seng's column
of Wednesday. (bet 3 it would
seem that he should quote this
“song" instead of the one by Hot:
Dylan in reference to the first lini-
of Whitman above. he shows ‘t‘i
credible conceit in his apparent .:i
terence that my letter was speei:
ically addressed to the Kernel only

Regardless of what I wrote eat
her. it was meant as an open (till
demnation of all such review .

it also made apparent his tlei'd .-_
grow a thicker skin and take oi
tense less easily. in \‘lt‘vt oi the tat ’
that l. standing on this side of the
desk. succeeded in making him ieei
“like the worst hack writer in the
world" because of what [wrote

A\.s for Mr Seng s assumptions itt
what I did or did not mean they
are Just that assumptions and
many oi them are wrong

ill course musicians .il't‘ probe 3.
bias To think otherwise would or
both foolish and stupid

lloweyei, a musician can iudge
musit iron: a peer leyel. not .is
an outsider who knows llllli'
any about the iiiusit industry I
would not begin to imagine wha‘
the kernel stall does tlfllt'sr l at'ii
ally saw them ”in action
is read audit in.-
asked “hen ti
writing about lllt

lt my letter
can see that I
you get oil

\VRFI. playlist
'When do you stop"

\s for Mr Seng‘s contention that
most struggling musicians would
ditiei with my termmg reviews
'worthless ‘ I disagree It "the
best PR is any PR." tl would
seem that reviews would be taken
in stride or simply ignored. espe
cially since I cannot comprehend
how anyone would put their name
on anything they honestly below:-
is less than their best etiorf

The reviewers opinion would
thereioie haye no efieit or the
selirappraisal oi the artist since he
already feels he did his best and to
hell with those yyno think other


l’iit' 4!}

[Humps-a: 's t: lltl’ln.‘

Play the new

id like to thank the l'niyersity
administration and the lA-xington
Metro Police Department for a new
game called "Dodge \1

Students and anyone clsi cai:
dart out in iroiit oi a 2.5Mitpound
\t‘lllylt‘ and it s supposed to stop
sometimes stopping can mean a
traction oi an inch

l? s nerye-wi‘acking to driye tll
this campus and l inst hope I can

Dodge“ quickeiiougb

Riiyttio'td linens s if to

s‘ittt "ll'nll‘t .


to the Kentucky Kernel.

Ky. 40506-0042.

all submitted material.

writer may be obtained.


Letters Policy

Readers are encouraged to submit letters and opinions

Writers should address their comments to: Editorial Ed-
itor, Kentucky Kernel. 035 Journalism Building. Lexington.

Letters should be 350 words or less. while guest opin—
ions should be 850 words or less. All material must be
typewritten and double-spaced.

Frequent writers may be limited so that we may publish
letters from as many writers as possible.

Writers must include their name. address. telephone
number and major classification or connection with UK on

If letters and opinions have been sent by mail. tele-
phone numbers must be included so that verification of the

The author's name must appear on all material pub-
lished unless a clear and present danger exists to the writer.
All submissions are subject to editing.



CA. Dunne Boniter
Editorial Editor

Jey Btenton
Editor in Chief

Mlcheel lrennen
Editorial Cartoonist

Jtrn White
Associate Editor

Themee J. Sulllven
Executive Editor

Julie Eeeelrnen
Special Projects Writer














Tyranny of the masses

Quayle rally Monday brought out the worst in Americans

.\.s observers oi the recent Dan
Quayle rally held at the t‘iy'it t'en
ter we are both dismayed a: lllt
behavior oi both camps

We say this not as partisan ob
server~s of one candidate or about
er. but as Altlt‘l‘lt‘ilns concerned
with the mudshngmg style that has
plagued recent political cam
paigns This style only destroys lli
terest in the political process and
unfortunately smothers any dis
cussion oi the real which
confront our nation

Take for instance. the behayioi
oi the expectant crowd

In the movie "19“. Dan
\ykroyd showed his chagrin to
ward the fighting masses oi nllll
tary men by exclaiming how dis
graceful it was for "\mericaiis to
be fighting


Americans .\li
Aykroyd would haye had pli niy 'e
say at this particular rally

l‘pon entering the tivii
Shops area. we were faced with llli
expected onslaught of sign wielding
protesters We saw people peact
fully picketing the streets cypress
ing their views without disturbing
others [i only this peaeetiii slyli'
could haye been t‘tt]plii\i‘-:i i . tho-a~

Having passed the threshold to
the rally area we saw America
against .\nieric.i The opposing
sides plotted to drown out the othe'
sides message

Dukaks supporters \klll: sigi.
and banners. yelled througbo i! the
proceedings drow in liL‘
speakers Eyeryone has a rigti t..
voice an opinion, but nobody has
the right to disturb others or [ill
vent another view iron. lii‘lllc

“\o more lies no lIllll'i lies
shouted the Dukakis supporters
throughout the course of the rally ”

'\o mote liberals no more
liberals. ‘ replied the Hush support

lt sounded like nothing more to
us than a shouting match it is no
wonder that barely liali out
lens are expected to yole Hi this
election In our opinion the mud


iiili ylih




created and slung by supporters
has seryed as much an emulsion on
the eaitipaigns as the politically
paid announcements theiiisely es
.»\nd who is to blame ioi this"
t‘ertamly the candidates can be
blamed for part oi it. but the peo
ple of the I‘riited States must bear
primary responsibilty

\lany members oi the press t‘l‘ll'
ici/e the politicians for ignoring the
lint. unfortunately the
people haw little interest iii the is

Detailed proposals by politicians
in newspapers are usually glossed
oyer by readers 'l‘\' documentaries
exairiiiiing current events and iii-
titre political programs are ig
iioreii Many candidates chose a
mndslinging style oi campaigning
because. unfortunately. it work.s
What car: \\i say for the cand'
(it‘til‘tlt‘ Bush is ahead in the
polls at tli;s point becaiisi- he has
been making the
-\met'icai. people hati \lichaei
Diikakis \t"! Quayle did not giye .i
speech instead we saw him both
hard tioy llukakis and his iolloyy
ers w ith insult after insult

‘.\lichae.’ Dukakis should come
i llt‘ti' and haye (‘oach .lerry
t I" till him aboii' .i strong
Quayle said They sup
haye i'o ideas all they car.



sin-cesstiil ll‘i

pot‘lei «
'l‘hi Rush supporters loved it
During the speech no proposals
were made ioi Americas ititiire
\o issues were rationally dis
cussed People yelled. screamed
waved their signs and tried to
outdo the other side at every turn
“in! is no way to conduct a se
iious campaign for the two highest
oiiices in the land .-\ presidential
campaign. and cyen a vice presi
deiitial one must he conducted iii a
manner that is becoming to the ot
iice The Quayle rally