xt79319s4s50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79319s4s50/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1910-11-04 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 4, 1910 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 4, 1910 1910 1910-11-04 2020 true xt79319s4s50 section xt79319s4s50 mm“ Wfimvhwmm'r- 6. State University of Kentucky. November 4,1910. The faculty met in regular session in the gymnasium building at :30 P.M., those present being President Emeritus Patterson, Acting President White, Professor Allen, Anderson, Brown, Curtis, Frankel, Garman, Good, LaBach, Mackenzie, Mathews, Miller, Mustaine, Norwood, Patterson, Pence, Pryor, Roberts, Rowe, Seovell, Snow, Stout, Turner, Wilson, Zcmbrod. The minutes of the meeting of October seventh were read and approved. Professor Miller stated that the Senior students mentioned at the last meeting as having conditions in his department have taken examinations and removed these conditions. The reports of standing committees were then called for. Committees 1, 2 and 5 had no reports to submit. Professor Anderson for the Committee on Diplomas and Degrees reported as follows: October 14, 1910. "The Committee met with the chairman, all members being present except Professor Mackenzie. The Secretary was ordered to notify Mr.E.9.Bridges of Carrollton that his application is favorably received, and to suggest Education as major study with History and English as minors. ”The application of Earl B.Webb, Carrollton, Ky., was also received and considered. It was reported by the clerk in the office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Science that Mr.Webb has removed the conditions imposed at the close of the last regular session. Thereupon the Committee voted to lay before Professors fiaekenzie and Zembrod the task of arranging major and minor work, respectively, for this candidate. "Upon the recommendations of Dean Miller and Professor Pence, the application of Mr,Robert H.8pahr (..S.Washington and Lee, 1909) to take Physics as his major and Geology V as his minor for the M.S. degree, was approved. "The application of Mr.J.C.Baldwin of Rome, Georgia, for work in Education was referred to Dr.Snow, with the request that he investigate the record of the applicant and make a detailed report to the Committee. "Mr.W.H.Seherffius, M.S.'05, of Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, applied for a course leading to the degree Doctor of Philosophy with Agriculture or Agricultural Chemistry as major study. Voted to reply to Mr.8eherffius in a careful letter, explaining that this degree has not been conferred by the University, and that unusual difficulm ties would attend nonuresident courses of the character indicated by him. m I.Wn,mm.nmgn- - - .. 7- . - -» v~ .,,. . n '- --'-> . - - - ' v e-~--'v;..:-;- - ‘- Minutes of the Faculty, November 4,1910. 7. "On recommendation of the Dean of the College of Mechanical Engineering, the following were accepted as candidates for the degree Electrical Engineer (F.E.): L.E.Brown, Class of 1906. . THESIS A Complete Comparative Analysis of Two Types of Commercial Squirrel Cage Induction Motors. D.C.Eetill, Class of 1907. THESIS A Technical Investigation of the Constant Current Mercury Arc Rectifier. "The following were accepted for the degree Mechanical Engineer (M.E.): T.H.Bradford, Class of 1903. THESIS A Course in Mechanical Drawing for High Schools. H.S.Fry, Class of 1904. THESIS Design for a Model Class Plant. } P.C.Grunwell, Class of 1907. THESIS. The Design of a Modern Structural Steel Firemproof Foundry Building. R.B.Hunt, Class of 1901. THESIS Design and Cost of Installation of a Combination Steam and Hot Water Heating System for the General Offices of the Florida East Coast Rail— way Company at St.Augustine. W.J.Payne, Class of 1905. THESIS A Study of the Cost of Ginning Cotton. J.B.Trice, Class of 1906. THICSI S A Study of the Steam Turbine as Applied to Commercial Power. The Committee adjourned." m.~mw~fi~m...~m-m.y— Minutes if the Faculty, November 4,1910. 8. "The following persons were recommended for the degrees indicated by the General Faculty; they did not come to the notice of the Committee first, but are included as a part of the record. of the Committee: H.F.Taylor, Class of 1909, candidate for the degree ................ Mining Engineer. THESIS Geology and Methods of Mining Coal in the Northwest. H.L.Prather, Class of 1905, candidate for the degree ............ Mechanical Engineer. THESIS The Division Street outfall of the North Point Main Sewer of the San Francisco Sewer System. Philip Riefkin, Class of 1906. candidate for the degree ............ Mechanical Engineer. THESIS Economical Fuel Purchases Governed by Boiler Installation. J.F.Johnson, Class of 1898, candidate for the degree ............ Mechanical Engineer. THESIS The Design and Supervision of an Earth Dam with Concrete Core across the Valley of Otter Creek in Madison County, Kentucky, for the storage of Forty Million Gallons of Water for the Richmond Water and Light Co. H.F.Read, Class of 1906, candidate for the degree ............ Mechanical Engineer. THESIS Design, Construction and Use of Induction Coils. F.R.Sellman, Class of 1906, candidate for degree ................ Electrical Engineer. THESIS Single Phase Alternating Current System vs D High Voltage Continuous Current System as applied to the Electrification of Existing Steam Railway Lines. 4 m...“ , 7‘ ., . ,. , .. V , __ ._. . _, ~ V , - ,. , ““ff‘t'r’WU - .- ~ ~ Minutes of the Faculty, November 4,1910. 9. J.J.Yager, Class of 1907 candidate for the degree ........... Mechanical Engineer. THESIS A Complete Design of the Heating and Ventilating System of a Modern Twenty- four Room School Building. H.P.Ingels, Class of 1905, candidate for the degree ........... Mechanical Engineer. THESIS Essentials Elements of Design in Motor Trucks. H.M.West, Class of 1905, candidate for the degree ........... Mechanical Engineer. THESIS Central Station Equipment and Comparisons of Efficiency. C.R.Lyle, Class of 1905, candidate for the degree ........... Mechanical Engineer. THESIS Heat Transmission through Cold Storage Building Materials and Installation. E.A.Cline, Class of 1905, candidate for the degree ........... Mechanical Engineer. THESIS A Study of Heating and Ventilating for a Modern High School. J.M.Sprague, Class of 1907, candidate for the degree ........... Mechanical Engineer. THESIS Power Required for Rolling Steel. P.S.Ward, Class of 1898, candidate for the degree .........;. Mechanical Engineer. THESIS An Adjustable Automatic Weighing Machine for Bread Dough. . On motion the report of this committee was accepted. W.~Wn~aw.m»~mwm.y— Minutes of the Faculty,November 4,1910. 10. Professor Mackenzie for Committee 5 on Class Standing and Examinations reported as follows: "At a meeting of the Committee on Class Standing and Examinations held on @ctober 86th all members were present except Professors Miller and Anderson; on November 3rd all were present except Acting President White, Professors p Miller and Anderson. ' "It is the recommendation of the Committee on Class Standing and Examinations that the following regulations be adopted by this faculty, and that these regulations become operative upon adoption. Any exisiting regulations that conflict with the following rules shall become void. 1. That the centigrade scale be used for recording all grades. 8. That 75 shall be the lowest grade given for satisfactory work. 3. That a condition shall be imposed when the final grade is over 49 but less than 75. 4. That a failure shall be imposed when the final grade is less than 50. (fl A deficiency signifies either that one or more studies required for a given degree have not been pursued in this University, or that credit has not been obtained for work done elsewhere. / ’- e. A failure can be made good by taking the study again in class. This must be done as soon as the study is repeated in the University program. 7. Studies in which a student has failed take precedence of all others in the arrangement of his course. 8. A condition must be removed by passing an examination which will be held at the end of the term following that in which the condition was incurred. Any condi— tion not removed in this manner or according to Regulation 9 becomes a failure, and the study must be repeated in class. 9.3pecig; examinations will be held on the first Satm urday of the first term (Fall Session) for the re— moval of conditions obtained during the previous second term (January to June Session). (a) A conditioned student who desires a special examination must notify the teacher or department concerned on or before the first Thursday of the first term, so that examination questions may be prepared. He must also notify the Registrar on or h before the same day, so that arrangements may be made for the examination. Unless such notice is received, neither department nor Registrar will arrange for an examination. (b) The regular examination for the removal of conditions,as noted in Regulation 8, will be held the third week before the end of the term following that in which the condition was incurred. The Minutes of the Faculty, November 4,1910. 11. Registrar and the department concerned must receive notice on Monday of this week that an examination is desired. No examination will be given unless such notice is received. A conditioned student may take the regular or special examination as noted above, but cannot enter both examinations. If he is unable to pass in the examination which he enters, the , condition becomes a failure. 10. In the event that a student‘s work is defective, yet not such as to make it necessary to dismiss him from the University, he may be advised to withdraw or be warned and placed on probation. ll. No student with more than two conditions may be permitted to register as a member of the next highest class until the number of conditions does not exceed two. This regulation shall apply only to classes below the Senior year Professor Anderson, seconded by Professor W.K.Patterson, moved that in view of the importance of this report it be printed and copies supplied to each member of the faculty for consideration at the December meeting. After some discussion on the general subject of Professor Mackenzie's report by President Patterson, Professor Miller, Anderson and others, the motion of Professor Anderson was carried. President Patterson on behalf of the Library Committee reported that a very important addition had recently been " made to the library, Galty's Latin Classics. President‘ Patterson also reported a growing tendency on the part of students to utilize the library. Committees 7, 8 and 9 had no reports to offer. Professor Mathews for the Committee on Entertainments NonmAthletic reported as follows: State University, November 3,1910. "The Committee on Entertainments Non~Athletic met at 10:3— in the office of the chairman in the Agricultural building, those present being the chairman, Dr.Pryor and Lieut.Kelly. "The committee received an application from Mr.Perry Cassidy, representing the staff of the Annual, asking for permission to hold a dance on the night of Friday November 11th. -After Mr.Cassidy had withdrawn, the committee con- sidered the application and on motion it was ordered granted, under the usual conditions. "The committee further considered a proposition from Lieut.Kelly to hold monthly cadet hops in the gymnasium . building, Lieut.Kelly's original idea being to hold tham at night, but upon learning of the rule of the Board of Trustees strictly limiting the number of night dances, he proposed for the present to hold them on Saturday afternoons. It was agreed by the committee that in accordance with their previous ruling these afternoon cadet hops should not be con— sidered as coming within the restrictions of the Board of Trustees, and it was further mrdered that the request of Lieut. Kelly be complied with, the understanding being that Lieut, «am-"mm”...m-ww-mu..." A Minutes of the Faculty, November 4,1910. s. "Kelly would go before the Board of Trustees in December and make application for a series of monthly dances at night to be given under the supervision of Dean Hamilton and himself." C.W.Mathews, Chairman. Committee 18 had no report to make. President Patterson made inquiry in regard to an alleged indignity offered to a student by the name of Stonewall Jackson and whether any faculty investigation had been made of the matter. Acting President White reported that he was making some investigation as oppor— tunity offered, but some of the students concerned were now away and he would give the matter further considera» tion. Professor Anderson submitted the report of the special committee of the deans appointed at the last meeting to consider the development of the work in Military Science and Physical Training, as follows: "The Special Committee appointed by Acting President White to consider certain matters connected with the work of the Departments of Physical Education and Military Science, met at the office of the Chairman, Dean Anderson, at 9A.M., Saturday, October 8th. Dean Snow was appointed secretary. "There were present and voting: Acting President White, President Emeritus Patterson (representing Professor Walter K.Patterson,Principal of the Academy), Deans Anderson, Hamilton, Miller, Lafferty, Rowe, Snow, Kelly; and by invita— tion Mrs.Stout and Professor Mustaine. "The proceedings of the meeting included the passage of the following:~ "Resolved that Military Science be a course of two years with a minimum of three hours per week to be satisfactorily completed by the close of the Sophomore year. Students entering-below the grade of Juniors from other institutions, including the academy, may present credits in this department to exempt them partially or wholly from this military in» struction at the option of the Commandant. Drill is not required of Juniors and Seniors except to make up deficiencies incurred in this or other instutitions, including the academv, where military instruction is a prescribed part of the course. "Resolved that Drill be compulsory during the second and the third years of the course in the Academy. "Resolved that these rules apply also to the Department of Physical Education for both men and women, except that the minimum for compulsion of attendance is two hours per week during Freshman and Sophomore years, exemption credits to be allowed at the option of the professors in charge of this department. "These rules to be effective on and after September 1911. "Resolved that the Acting President be empowered after conference with the professors of Military Science and Physical Education to allow all students who in his opinion deserve such consideration to substitute other studies for the required work in physical education and military science. .mwmmm..~m-m-y- -» v 7- . ~» ~- ~ ~ ~ . ~ . aw . - ~ ~ . . .....:-. ~-‘ ‘W ' . -- Minutes of the Faculty, November 4,1910. g.) .03 "Resolved that we endorse the recommendations of the Board of Trustees as presented by their committee‘s report of June 1909,which has just reached us, and express our willingness to cooperate in any scheme to establish in this institution firstuclass work of the character indicated, including military and physical education, and refer the report to the Professor of Military Science for his considera— tion,to outline our present facilities and to prepare a university course of study covering four years with military science as a major. L.F.Snow, Secretary. " Dr.Pryor moved the adoption of the report, but President Patterson raised the point that as such a report involved- rather important changes in our University management it should be printed and placed in the hands of the members of the faculty for consideration at the December meeting. This view was seconded by Professor Anderson, and after some further discussion by Professors Anderson, Miller, Patterson, Snow and Norwood, the motion was carried. Dr.Scovell submitted the following list of prospective candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agri- culture in June 1911: Arthur Carlton Ball Minerva Collins James Edward Mastin G.C.Routt William Boone Wilson Elmer Francis Worthington On motion of Professor Norwood, seconded by Professor Zembrod, the list was ordered accepted. Professor Rowe submitted the motion that the rules and regulations of the University be collected and printed in pamphlet form for use of the faculty and student body. After a somewhat extended discussion, with various amendments and substitutes for this motion, the following motion, submitted by Professor Anderson, was carried: That this faculty re— quest the Board of Trustees to appoint a committee to revise and codify the rules and regulations governing this institu— tion. The Secretary was requested to have copies of the reports of Professor Mackenzie and Professor Anderson printed for distribtuion to the.faculty. On motion the meeting adjourned. (' ‘ ,. ' , ”,9 r/MZ/ L,,Lc)\71/L 2A1- . ' i , edzitéfipé President of the University. /) "? ‘ l7 / ', , 1,1, , ,11 _, W/Cr/ it Mr ,. 2¢LPHA¢4¢d Secretary of the Faculty. "'yl/L’Q/ffl. (“m/«ds/ 6' ’ /. ,WD";% (1 ‘ 1L aaLa,,i.~lwve