mm“ Wfimvhwmm'r- 6. State University of Kentucky. November 4,1910. The faculty met in regular session in the gymnasium building at :30 P.M., those present being President Emeritus Patterson, Acting President White, Professor Allen, Anderson, Brown, Curtis, Frankel, Garman, Good, LaBach, Mackenzie, Mathews, Miller, Mustaine, Norwood, Patterson, Pence, Pryor, Roberts, Rowe, Seovell, Snow, Stout, Turner, Wilson, Zcmbrod. The minutes of the meeting of October seventh were read and approved. Professor Miller stated that the Senior students mentioned at the last meeting as having conditions in his department have taken examinations and removed these conditions. The reports of standing committees were then called for. Committees 1, 2 and 5 had no reports to submit. Professor Anderson for the Committee on Diplomas and Degrees reported as follows: October 14, 1910. "The Committee met with the chairman, all members being present except Professor Mackenzie. The Secretary was ordered to notify Mr.E.9.Bridges of Carrollton that his application is favorably received, and to suggest Education as major study with History and English as minors. ”The application of Earl B.Webb, Carrollton, Ky., was also received and considered. It was reported by the clerk in the office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Science that Mr.Webb has removed the conditions imposed at the close of the last regular session. Thereupon the Committee voted to lay before Professors fiaekenzie and Zembrod the task of arranging major and minor work, respectively, for this candidate. "Upon the recommendations of Dean Miller and Professor Pence, the application of Mr,Robert H.8pahr (..S.Washington and Lee, 1909) to take Physics as his major and Geology V as his minor for the M.S. degree, was approved. "The application of Mr.J.C.Baldwin of Rome, Georgia, for work in Education was referred to Dr.Snow, with the request that he investigate the record of the applicant and make a detailed report to the Committee. "Mr.W.H.Seherffius, M.S.'05, of Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, applied for a course leading to the degree Doctor of Philosophy with Agriculture or Agricultural Chemistry as major study. Voted to reply to Mr.8eherffius in a careful letter, explaining that this degree has not been conferred by the University, and that unusual difficulm ties would attend nonuresident courses of the character indicated by him.