.3 ‘- CONTR‘ACT made this 27th 2122321 Of Janum‘y, 1912, by and, tgrst‘w‘itjz‘; Li‘lr’: Aguiu’ufi DRILLING & Bi;j‘]_;5)L«JPL.-ELI“? 00129143237, 8 C2: P12031321 1J1, party :3“ £116: fif’SL :JE'KL'“:-, and the ASHE; .;.2 FIm} BETH; CULJ—mfif, a 23231”;2C21":;11i011, party C2? the SCOODQ part; botn parties ocing inccwpnrutra undcr Law laws cf Ljd 31:2; of Kertucky and having their princiyul airless 1L Asnlanfi, 50;} C 04.“; LJ : Keri, 1c ky , WITNESRETH: T131 the pa Ly Cf inf first puf? a;::~s to urilk {271) Dr“ [MPH M3118 for natural 5:63 and C11 at his“ [21.3.33 flaming 5612::gt ' 02” L112: party of the second parL, in Boyd County, zicn‘flug‘q; mm tuck: pug-1;; 01" Lilli} First part agPGUS LO fifirffljfivfl 3352311111638, CJ‘JjfiJA‘JEEL 2311’: {Grit} TLCCCS“ q» “2, An 2‘: A 4“ -‘,~ 2' 21’2“ + H,‘ ‘7‘. : ‘ ’, 4'1“" ”M‘v‘. wvmw ‘4‘";1’ W”, 9‘1/1'“ 5.4:ng Wu? ded. 3r¢l_liLé;,, (ALDO “(.2 ._ 2I.(LDH -2L2 vfuvlL Uh. 11’-v-11- ‘2.“ ...1. 3) '/+ :“o‘rv :12:'.':n as 2195-; :23 may ”at: neca‘:maza2‘f’y or I'vjmgj'L-m c1; Era: mum ; in) \ 332-21151 part, and case the well or 1‘ 8'515 5112::31'11111'; 112:3 [11:713311 «3221.112 tail; 11¢:L:<~»:vxrzr:; and 1.2th 2.1 riztxm c311 in brat. m 1111:: r 11"???" 1‘ TI; tar exam. that "me. first 222ml ‘-_r_-1‘2_71,25:<’2_ W13}, 12 -‘2 :rr i; "‘ ‘55? 1;; 53%;?4,’ r31“ tilt: 51026311 1315221, :‘umisn s‘g‘ficlv-‘r2t 4,5 i: “In-1i =2: L31»? $911721“; 2:2? the wrtjj o" 2:249 :‘1n‘2'3rvz3yi {22:23: any (211;: wj‘i _, 1.; ,,;'j;";«;:; L211}; tux-’23,? 12251523., tat their (with-1:2, ,au'xs‘u: '_2_2;j1:;it‘;-'” (j; ~‘ 331:5 _22"s‘;3 {it“sir,‘ 12.2-1» ontmc t . TM: Part"; 0'“ 51.1»:- :I-“L'CC‘U'J 1.224;}: r.‘;,:‘r_::::i La"- 12’i»2::;2Lr:‘ Lu; 1121‘ )1" 1:3115 ”1.1.1 t';.' 31)] {CL} EVRKJ"? ‘,\":2"'2.