xt795x25dw2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt795x25dw2q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1986 1986 1986-02-27 2020 true xt795x25dw2q section xt795x25dw2q W“—
i Vol. XC No. 83 Established 1894 Univer ' I
3 . sity of Kontuck .Loxm ton, Kontuck '
7 Reagan discoura I
2 ‘l‘ " ‘ ‘ \ ‘ . . V '_ '13
ass-aw. . 1 possnble budget cuts , -- '
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3.; ‘1 By MICHAEL PL‘TZEL the bargaining table with the Sov1et . * -' 7 .
. . - ‘9 1. '“ a," AssociatedPress l'nion. let‘s not throw Am ri ‘ ‘ ‘
3 .. 3 3 . d e ca 5 . , ; _ ., .. ,
3; I; 3 ; : (1; f; 33 trumpcar away."Reagan said ’. ’ , 1" 2
. ass . ' 'A ‘ .3 . as. :1 5* WASHINGTON -— President Rea- In a brief reference to the ouster ‘ 1‘ ‘ -.‘ . ‘ ' .
satay; ._ f l " '5 it: a" P aas» .5“ Views: gan declared yesterday that it “'Ollld ”t phillppine President Ferdinand -' I .
.. ' " ' ' g ‘ - ~. ’1 ~ ,3 ." ; L . ; / fifths: .>’- - ‘ “Q“ be “reckless. dangerous and wrong“ Marcos and his replacement by Co- l ‘ f it '._
> .1 . l .3 33 3 . i5 ' 3 2 g _ L a ~ ‘3'“:2 for Congress to reduce his $320 bil- razon Aquino _, his first public ,J' 3" i "la': 1' ‘
, (.1 ‘1 1 f ;' | ‘ -~ . ‘33“: R ” 1’, v. 3.: 3.1“?“ lion militsay buduget request. saying statement on the switch —— Reagan -' 1 , I i, "_
.. ‘ . . ' ; > S .. ; - cuts "co fata y compromise our applauded the "remarkable re- l'
. ~\ 1 § ' 4e:— 15¢ ~ . ' ~*. .".,;..~; negotiating position" with the Sovi- straint shown by both sides to pre- f, ;'

3 , v 4 .6; ,1. - .3 :. ~ , r}. .. :3; ets. tent bloodshed during these last . at ‘ H” . l

_ ~ ‘ - . .. ‘1- IA . - 4; Military spending cuts would be tense davs " . - ' ‘
3’ g . " .. - 3 .3 ‘3‘? 33 » ' “backsliding of the most irresponsi- "Our hearts and hands are with ; ' .
3 . ._ : $9,”. a t” " . ”3%. , -. - " . ble kind." he said in a nationally President Aquino and her new gov- ' " ,‘ " ‘7 I
£3;; . 03 .. * g; " _3 . 3 broadcast speech. Democrats. in re ernment as they set out to meet the 5 ~ . " 3 .
.fjggggjasa ~ 3% ' ' ; a W" ; m ' action. were critical and even Re- challenges ahead." he said. “Toda' ' ' . '-' .
. a“; s ‘1 . .; y. . . .
""“M’ ' ' 3' s, s3”; . ' publicans said the budget was sure the Filipino people celebrate the tri- .-' .' , ‘ w
3 . -. €391 * tobereduced. iiztiph of democracy. and the world . "M I - '5. '
'3 _~ X . 3 lg? . ,_ j “j M 71‘1" . * Trying to reverse dwindling public telebrates with them." . -'
.333 ; 1 3~ ' ' ‘ 3 w ‘ '. 3:” " ' and congressional support for his 5. House Democratic leader Jim ' '. ‘ 5 . "
3:1; ‘3’... . 3; . .j. K " . . gifiash , 3t \ . . _ year~old defense buildup, Reagan Wright. giving his party's response .1 3 - 1- -
a?" §$g ‘ ffflfih - v“; 3;;»; ‘5'”. “they ; .3, ‘ argued that “American power is the it Reagan‘s address. said the prosr I . " . "
N'”-.;‘rh‘fr=.§f{»3‘~f 3%‘ s» "N -’ -. “5 as, indispensable element in a peaceful tit-nt's defense budget must be cut to ' - ' " " - ' ‘
fig 1"» . ” Tiff “m 5“ ’ world" protect the nation from another dan- , . ' - ‘
"hts 3; “sweat“! f‘i’--’?§3"‘€‘lha‘?“tsa~.§"f‘ 3 ., . “-3.5 Congress already has "undercut th'l‘ huge deficits. ' " " 7 .. '
-' fig??? . ..w t..." '37". 1’ . é~sf°¥ .. .1 . _. . our negotiators" at the Geneva We think the deficits themselves ' .. ~ ' t
3‘3; ffif'ie-{y~f“"-";"i:-'{i:.‘” ”" ,5 Alas ,, was .’ ”A _ g W __ ;_ ; 1‘33 " 3 arms talks by banning tests of anti. p. M a danger to our national securi- ; ‘ t ‘
s5} '1?" that; 93' . ‘ s: .; satellite weapons and unilaterally iv" Wright said in remarks pre~ . ' . -. 3
$9.3?" . , 3 . 553:; - 1313;; . ; .3“; givmg the Soviets “a concession pared for broadcast after the presi- ; . ‘ t ‘1 ‘
$233; $3 * ; 3. . ~ " W _ , they could not win at the bargaining dent's speech
- * 3 .. :3 ; 1 3 3 ‘. _ table."thepresidentsaid. . ' V '1
%— . . lneda fbluntlyt'; worldid addressfpre- Wright criticized "glaring waste," , ‘ . I t
. ALANLISSIO KemelS'aN par or na iona roadcast roni such as $400 hammers and $7,600 . '

Saylng gOOdbye ; the Oval Office. Reagan said to cut coffee mm. and said “even the Pen- ' 1 ‘ , '

UK senior Lady Kcts (from left) Shelly Miller, Koren Mosley and not Coliseum last night, The Kats beat Detroit 99713 For the defense now is “not cheap tandt it's tagon should be held to strict stan- . ‘3 .

Leslie Nichols are honored in their final home game at Memo- game story, see SPORTS, Page 2. notsafe." dards 0f accountability 1" spending - ' ' I I ’

“Just as we are sitting down at taxpayers‘money." . ‘a
Form t t f — " A to bld for tannin b d ‘
0n . . orelgn p0 Icy j 1 tu ent senate calls for Student Center commerc1alizat10n -
3% f; /’ B}'.l-\YBI..\.\T0.\ from this." Senator at Large John the condition of the Stud t C t I -
By KIMBERLY SISK [1.8. out of war in Vietnam." he 9;} .1 {f StaffWriter Millersaid ~ ‘\() . - en en er . . -'
. 3 f]? m 3 M. f primary concern. Hanks said .
StaffViriter said. . _ 3 5.2%: W” 4- ‘ . SGA PreSident John Cain will be the "Student Center did a pretty ' 1 -
' ; ‘ McCarthy. Journalist Joseph . a .5 4.9:? W _1he Student GOV’el‘nmf‘nt (“500181 directed by the senate to send the good job of serving its purpose back .

Former LS. Sen. Eugene McCar— Fromm and four visiting professors ' '3’ t; 9 tion. in what some may Constder the bid to Gov. Collins. Cain was out of ll‘. the '50s. but times have changed ' I '
thy “.1“ discuss foreign Pohcy to- will hold two panel discussions from . g a; 5/ senate's boldest and most calculated town on business and was unavail- a little bit and what students want is ' ,
night as the first speaker .33 the 9:30 am. to noon and 210 4:30 pm. move of the year. lastnight allO- ableforcomment, alittle bitdifferent.” . .1
”Otis A. Singletary Distinguished todayin206$tudent Center. cated $10 to make fl bio on GOV Some question. however. was Also. a bill was passed calling for I 1 »
Lecturer Series. . ' The morning panel Will address ‘2-;;-;;;gg;;.;. / Marthalayne (IOlllnS tanning bed- brought up over possible student re- an SGA constitutional change. The .

McCarthy. . an independent. presi- the roles the US. government plays ' ’55,? ('OllinS decided to auction the bed. action to the bid. "If you think the change savs “there shall be a chair- . ; t .
dential candidate in 1976. will dis- in making foreign policy. The afa 2;; {if ’25:, which had resided in the EOVGI‘nbr'S students would be upset. l mean at man pro tempore . . nominated by - '. A "
cuss how \ietnam has influenced ternoon panel will examine the non- Egg/g ,% mansion, after receiving complaints least we should have a referendum the student senate. and who shall I ' ' ' . '
the relationship between the White government organizations and (f/ about the burden the bed had placed to make sure the students would like picside in the absence of the chair- ~ " A i , - ' .
House and Congress "1 making for- ETOUPS involved in foreign policy. ' .2; ', on the taxpayers. to have it first. A referendum at man " ' I ~ " - i
918131 POhCY- H15 lecture Will be at 8 Davis described McCarthy as a ”9 ’52; Senator at Large ’l'ht‘o Monroe least." said Laura Stivers. an educa- Senator at Large Cyndi Weaver ' ' . I . I '
tonight in 230$tudent Center. very interesting speaker and an in- 4 said the bed. if purchased by the tion senator. primary sponsor of the bill. said this ' ;: " -» ,a . I .3

The lecture offers “a chance to terestingman. "He has always been /, 3:533 senate. WOUld be located in 1203 Stu- In other senate proceedings: form is the way that most govern- ~ " 1' . .' 7 5'
see and talk to a man who has made strongly interested m students. ' dent (enter and "will be available The senate unanimously passed a mental bodies are structured. ' . I . . ‘
history." said Vincent Davis. direc- "1 can almofit guarentee he “'On't sex. l-Zl'Gl-ZNEMcCARTHY W “.5? (“mg “ham“ 0th“? bill recommending that the ”L'niver- ’ . .‘V - . ,
tor of the Patterson School of Diplo— bore anybody. he said. “.You might 3 3 hours. sity administration develop a plan of Donna Greenwell. executive vice ‘ ‘ . ' »- '1 .
macy and International Commerce. agree or disaghee With him. but he Thomas College in Minnesota. He The senate supported the bill commercialization for the Student president. announced that tickets for i . _- . 7‘; ;. .

3; ; b l wontboreyou. graduatedfromStJohn‘sin 1935. ; . Center.“ A plan would also be in- the G Gordon Liddy lecture on . ' . , '3 , 3 , _

MCCat‘th) proba ly bgaygd a Before becoming active in politics. McCarthy's lecture is sponsored ”“9 spent $10 to send a telegram cluded for additional parking at the March 3 have sold out. However. the '1 "
larger role than any mem r 0 Con- McCarthy taught at a public high by the diplomacy school and the W. to PreSident Reagan. and I think Student Center. lecture may be moved to a larger “. . 3 ‘._' '- ‘.' u
gress in the movement to get the school. St. John‘s University and St. liticalscience department. that a lot more students will benefit Senator at Large Jody Hanks said site. (ireenvsell said 3 -.' ' ". "
Zon ch 11 yt t tb 'ld' ' t k' l t '

e a ge ma urn apar men 111 mgs in 0 par mg 0 —‘ 1-

By S.-\(;ll.>\ [)l-A ROOMl-A County CounCil. five buildings (in- zone to cross into the3reSidential Rowland said he is afraid the resi- ington-Fayette Urban County gov- the commission did not approve it .‘ t i ,-.',1.
Managing Editor cluding several apartment build- area on the south side of High. dential area will have adverse c0n~ ernment. unanimouslv.Thoma said. .1 t ', -.‘-’. t‘

3 ; ingst on that corner may be torn Kentucky Utilities wants the zone sequences for the neighborhoods in Rowland said instead of building if there is considerable Opposition " ~. .‘, .i‘ '1

; Kathryn Berry has lived in a High down. change for a loo-space employee the area. more parking lots. the plan calls for .it the council meeting. he said, . " 3‘ , hf

Street apartment for three years. Recently; a local coalition 'was parking lOt- 'The change would be "We have the University coming more residential housing. “With the there probably will be a public hear» 'a’_ I ' . 3" fl." "‘

. but now she may have to move to formed ih an attempt to stop the from a high-denSity reSidential up from south. and Good Samaritan University nearby. there is a great mg Thoma said the subject proba- .' ' '- ~ at
make room foraparkinglot. zoning request. The High Street Co- apartment zone to a downtown hUSI- (Hospitalt also from the south and need for downtown residential lily will be discussed at the meeting " .- ' "i ’ '5 7. "'

Berry, who graduated from UK alition is a group of neighborl l ness zone. the downtown coming in from the areas." lll about two months. , l" L."-
last December. said she likes living organizations that all share High The coalition said if the zone north," he said. "It‘s as if the neigh- A public hearing was held in Jan- ’I‘homa said his staff was con- . x '- . .1'
in the budding. Which IS on the cor- Street as a boundary with down- change .15 approved. the owned borhoods are in a kind of vice and uary to discuss the zoning change corned about setting a precedent for . . ~ 4' . ' f T
ner of Stone Avenue. and High. be- town. Dan Rowland co chairman of would Violate the 1980 comprehen- we have to . . . defend of what little and the local government planning other residential areas if the zone ' ' .
cause of its proxmity to UK and the coalition. said at a press confer~ Sive plan for Lexmgton. there is left." staff recommended against the request is approved. 1 ' ' . , s 3-
d01w:town. t b 'l 1 . enceyesterday. “We regard tthe plan) as an The North University Small Area change. His staff also feels housing and ‘ ' ‘ - '

et aipar rtnent lui ding 5 close- 3 agreement that the urban county Plan. which was a 1983 amendment The planning commission, howev- People are the he.“ to downtown "3"" 1 ' "
:esst ok ovIergppn ahso is the reason Rowland. who is also a UK history government has given to us." Row- to the comprehensive plan. at- er. decided 4-1 to approve the re l'hzathh and the zone change would . - '
3en uchy iiies asrequested a professor. said the group‘s main land said, “The most serious thing tempted to protect the residential quest. Because the staff voted 599'“ like a step back in that area. ~ ' ' ' 1 '
zohihc ailigte to this? it to build a goal is to keep the business district that is being threatened here by the area from downtown and the Uni~ against the request, it will now go to ht’Sald- ' ' '
ghangeg is a mroved bani: [Lfl ghe from passmg‘ the “battle line.“_ The respective zone change of Kentucky versity. said; Dale Thoma. director the Urban County Council with a Kentucky Utilities was not avail— .
pp y e r an group doesnt want the busmess Utilities is the breaking of this." of division of planning for the Lex- negative recommendation because aole for comment yesterday '
. . .
Author gives reading for students South Africa sanctions -
Creative writing professor to present excerpts from book a. topic for lecture tonight I
BNJFLU PllltyIIl-‘ER cause that writing is immediately published, complete “Mt. m will play
C°nmbmmgwmer “'tththe auth°hsnameahesaid~ thoi I l r lar moon 8 '(‘HRISTY\ 1 ' ' ‘
In contrast. Smith said he spent three years complet- r u' .9” ”l - ‘ IDORI" ”0 sa'd Becker maintains that

Journalist. farmer. bartender. Vietnam veteran. ing hisnovel. ' game “W'dtil F“ ° '°°h Stafanter 5mm.“ the sanctions do "0! have a 1
These titles are only a few that have applied to author _ back at their UK carun. negative effect on the black majori-

Ken Smith. A few of his stories deal with the Vietnam experience, MMIXTIA Pogo 3 Although the University has di1 l." but 5“” hurt the ruling white mi-

Smith, 41. has held a few other jobs. ranging from but he said he isn‘t as “obsessed" with the experience ' ' ' vested Its interests in South Africa. nority of South Africa.
carpentry to mining. But now he teaches creative writ- as scme authors, such as Tim O‘Brien. who will be , not everyone believes that the sanc- Becker also will address the con-
ing at Murray State University. reading next week. CON. ”I'm start the "ng will hglepc the black majority. sequences of the economic sanctions

All of his experiences go into his writing. he said in a - . - - month with some popular r as ker._an economics pro- that reach beyond the South African
recent telephone interview. although his writing is not . He admitted that when questioned about Vietnam. he movies. For a provlow so. “.550" at Vanderbilt University. “'l" borders,Webb said.
autobiographical. '_5 embanrefi?“ hy ‘h'el flottlg’e safety; of hishwartime du- W P 6 ‘ discuss “Economic Impacts of the “His specialities are the economic

Smith will present a reading at 8 tonight on the 18th is"? a ‘cop er Pl 0 “I a nava searc and rescue ' .9. ‘ Sanctions on South Africa" at 7:30 development of India and southern
floor of the Patterson Office Tower. The reading. which ' certs-mart: a“ = «a a ,. ”2‘3”. innsStudent Center. Africa,“hesaid.
is sponsored by the Kentucky Arts Council, the National At Mun-3y, Smith teaches freshman English classes k W ..,.r 3930'?” 8?, r 'figt‘élfii“. While the discussmn of sanctions Studies in Indian Development, I
Educators Association and the English department, will in addition to his creative writing classes. Murray also gait. 3 ; 3 . ;:_;...33-..33 has largely been waged on political book written by Becker, will be pub-
include excerpts from his book. Decoys and Other Sto- participates inaprogramsimilar to theoneat UK. "swans . , . . . an... Wt . the ihacilonomic impact of lished this year. He has published
n‘es.which was published last yea r. . ; _ _ ; sanc ions is w t determines their several other works. includi I

. Smith said it is important for students to be exposed and,” M" b. cloudy and effectivenes in leading South Africa pamphlet on urban Africa formthe

Altlhosughthht;I muggy completed a yet unpublished to different writers. cold with u so pom! to dismantle apartheid policies “ World Bank
nove. mi 1' t t't ' “ “ . . ' ' " '
reading i i might be too complex for a He thinks the reading programs are valuable for stu- . of “v" mom. Tho said Michael Webb. an associate Becker, who received his doctor-

. . dents mum them hear other voices." ”Oh will 50 In tho lower to professor of economus. ate from Princeton University. cur-
. Smith worked for the Tucson Daily Citizen after eam- ; . _ Becker WI" discms current South rently teaches undergraduate Afri-
|n8 his bachelor‘s degree in join-natism from the Uni- Jim Hall. a UK English professor who has organized mid No. TM will 50 Africa sanctions and propose new can economics cum and undone
versityofArizona. the mo"! program for 12 years. said the authors are ”My M and cold. Tho restrictions that would be more ef- courses in ecommic developrnait.

J l‘ , ; ; .. the people “students ought to be in contact with" as as- M IO 00 '5. . fective account: to his modd of the The lecture is spot-and by the

cum ism is great for instant gratification be- pinigwritersinacollegeatmosphere. SarthAfricaneconomy.Webbsaid UK Economics Association.
. ' | .

Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . _ , . . .. ‘tco‘sfiftfi,“ ~\m~n§&~*g555v5‘95 ' i
- , =1 .«5 .' '3: - . '. ‘ .‘ -$\°2 \“ , E :
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a S, lg S exp 0 e ~:: :: '2: v: u; «z .-.»; g: u on no a e lever in o e y JlnX
Putt: :1 I s l : o ‘3 z ‘ 5
. . . sums. 9 o I o oo 5 l o o By WILLIE HIA’I'I‘ “No." Harden said, “it just feels all. And though Sutton may not be-
5 r 3.51.; 5555 .: (5, i5. (5) n 5 t; ‘5’ 3 Sports Editor comfortable. 5 lieve in 5 jinxes. he has no doubt
. I I I | mm 5. 9 29 5, 0 I z 0 In 5 5 5 5 The Wildcats may not be supersti— about White.
thaw"... l.‘ l 2 o o 2 u l 2 UK.‘°a.Ch Edd“? 5“"0" .Sa'd he tious, but their 1-13 record at Stokely “He‘s good enough to go out on a
By JASON “"5” His players for both teams. who were “Mien u t i it i 8 i a « doesn '5 """k the rivalry With T?” is a bit odd. The last UK team to given night and get 35 or 40 points
Staffwnuir warming up, had to leave the floor 5““ 1‘ U l' “ “ 3 " 3 0 “95599 '5 any more intense than With win in Knoxville was the 1978 and beat youhimself."Sutton said.
5 \thile it “as swept. 5 hub :00 ’2 ,9 7 H u 20 ,5 ,1 9",?“ Southeastern Conference championship team. Even the '84 In the game at Rupp Arena in
Just as surel) as the lights blew Betore the game “"3“." 30‘ under 50 005' . . .. Final Four team came away With a January White burned the Cats for
‘ up in Memorial Coliseum last night‘ “40'- l'K honored "5 three senior “‘"u‘w Nor does he believeiniinxes. 63'581055' 28 points 'I‘ryin to wear him down
~ the Lady Kat mskflm” team bleu players Leslie 5Nicliols. Karen '35'5‘55'5 "‘1': ‘2 "5': '5'5 "5'5 '2 I: "I :2 But he hasn’t taken a UK team “1 think back to last year and UK had three gfitards on him at dif:
‘ out another home opponem [hm Mosley ands‘helly Miller 5 “5‘55“. .g, 6 H, t i a g i ,l into Tennessee's Stokely Athletics years past," Harden said. “We went ferent times sometimes double tea-
. “me a 9971 whipping ot‘ the Detroit Playing without starting point “mm 15 ~ ., n u 4 s 1 l4 Center lately. either. In the last 14 down there playing not to lose in- minghim '
Lady Titans guard Sand) Harding. who sprained s stint-i u l 4 o o a l o 2 meetings with the Volunteers in stead of playing to win." .
.. The final game of the regular sea- an “Hide 1“ Tuesday‘s practice, and :12" “l’ :5 3 0 f, t: f: :5 3 Knoxville, the Wildcats have re- Entering tonight‘s 8:05 contest “It‘s in the back of my mind. no
‘ ' ' son left the Lam Kats at 13.95 their reserve forward Laurie ”NEWS. “4,...” 6 3 5‘ t. l 5 l. 1 4 versed the Vols‘ so-called spell only (seen nationally on the USA Net- doubt about it." said guard Ed Da-
5 ,» ' best “mm m ”in“, wars The Kats “hti has a throat infection. L'K It mus :: ~ H 1 z 9 u 1 l6 once. work). the Wildcats have the SEC vender. who Started out guarding
5 f ' \Alii take their 4-5 southeastern t‘on. scored the tirst to points of the Wum 10 U I I I I I 0 2 Sports writers have dubbed it the by the tail. By beating Georgia Sat- White at Bupp. “I‘m going to play
«5 . , {Hence record mm the sac mum. game to 9tiet‘in'9iy take control. 5 5 35 9 '3 3 1 f ‘ 3 1° “Stokely jinx." urday, UK wrapped up its 36th con- gum Just like I play everybody else.
’ ment in Athens. Ga. Saturdm ShmmngMTP‘MTN from the field if“ zoo 47 70 .t 5 5| 3| I6 9» ii . ~ - -~ .. ference title. upping "5 record to 15' 5'm going to play him tough. I'm
‘ . - against tothranked Louisiana State A The Kim ““1 49’3““! halftime. I I I | I .5 d9: ttfixvmzdgeifie 8‘23: land 24~3 overall. J5USt some to have to Play him a
5 ., 5 5‘ The [055 dropped Detr0it [013.13 Forced to pla} L'uit'h‘up in the sec- minim A iii 40. lklroil Jo. \hooling percent titre are teams who just play getter The probable starters for Tennes- little bit tougher."
' Last night‘s game concluded a mid halt. 5th“ Titans made several mall." °"" ”mu" ”'5' “mm" _ u 24 a ainst certain ballclubs u see tonight are forwards Dyron Nix .
,7 . ‘ 5 season of (‘85) home games for the “m5 3‘ l beut “"5‘"’r"1”“'°dlh° gap. \Itrndzncevtfibs. g ' (7.1 points per game and 4.5 re- . And Davender, who w'il be play-
5. ‘. . 5 Kats, who finished 13-: on their Although ”‘9 ML" aWe?“ {0 have While joking with sports writers boundst and Mark Griffin (354 and ing Filly “155 second game "51 §tokely,
. ‘5 5‘ 5. 5 ' home mom this yum mth most 0, wrapped up a i)l(i to the National 5 5 5 after practice Monday, Sutton set 159)5 center Rob Jones (1059 and 758) doesnt believe in the Vols Jinx, ei-
5. .. 5 . those mm wmmg against unranked “omen s Invitational loui‘nanient. selection committee will takea 300d out to prove his point. He called and guards Elvin Brown (4.6 and ther.
. ' ' opponents. “1th the exception 01 an eight-team T‘)U"d"“""”5 “”3” '“ 100k at US. Hall 53|d5 “They also guard Roger Harden over to find out 2.1)and Tony W'hitetZfiZA). , “This is a whole new era,“ he
' 5‘_‘ , ‘ , 14th~ranked Tennessw tine oi the rimiirlntl Texas. 141“} ’5‘4” (“W'h have to '00k at who we V9 beaten 5f“ if the wristband he wore on his {ore- In contrast to ER. the Vols are 5- said. “We have a new coach. a new
,5 5. 5 .5 (“010559,- “vn. m 155p Terry Hall >Li)‘>‘ her team .\ chances Tennessee. (ninth~rankedi Auburn. arm was some sortofsuperstition. 11 in the conference and 1243 over- era and we‘re playing wellnow.“
t 5 5 .5 . . The game wag delayed nearly 3“ arestillgoodtoran .\(.-\.»\l)id
* 5 . .: ' 5 minutes by the bursting of WW “It we beat LSI‘ and make the top But the Kats still have to get past
~ , .. 55 . lights over the t'oliseum tloor The tour iii the tout‘naiiient. I think the powerful LSU.
' . . 5.“ ,- r1": '
I 5 ;: J :5 I
t. J t , l
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E RA Sports Editor
J k 1 John Jury
Assistant Sports Editor
. -- ->- -~--~ - - 2. m-Ma . Newawwsazomaaaesmanova)... t offive‘fiwgfifiafifiam '
UK’s senior l ' K W 1k '
l) ayers .. enny a er
/ ‘~..
r n . 3t a \ t seems fitting that the first time something that might overshadow . .
ecou memorles ‘v Kenny Walker touched the ball what another guy's been dOlng.
2 ” .' as a Wildcat he slammed a re Really. it's not the L'ntverstty of . .
. 7 7‘ ' .2 . .v. sounding dunk that could be heard Kenny — it's the L'nlverSlty of Ken; »
h m g. ._.9.. a; 22 ' . 7 :7" all the way back to Roberta. Ga tucky ' t 2
U s l e rogram @ A t W 2th. ' ”V '.' Nearly four years later. the iron is "My teammates do a lot for me. ' ' , ‘
.7 “i ' ..22...,__-.72;. 7 7 . a still vibrating from the mark Walker and they don‘t always receive the
. M ' ' .. 95 97; has left on the L'K basketball pro. credit for it Sometimes l feel I " 2.
Stones by i... . .. gf$ .7 ‘wal Mfg-fig ‘ gram. should give the other EU,“ the ball - 7' ' .
*‘ V Til-2:3" F57 5? 2;;-2'. {2 r Igor-"2 It was only yesterday that we and show everybody that they can ' 7 , °. 7
John Jul-y ' .. 22 4; I at; 3' gave him a pat on the back for the playalso " . ' . 72 '- .V .
”27.7; 25732 ~ 4233:2537 {fwd .777- ! southeastern Conference freshman 3192" put on some mu?” Raw“ - 22 ' ' ’2 ‘ ‘
. . ,9; _ 0;, 7' " " ' 7;- .:. of the year award and con ratulated >0 ”r jiil'l “r t‘ aosit‘a " IS 15 .' . » I .' 7 7.’
ASSlStant Sports EdltOl‘ 552* 7.“ £2 . " him for leading the t‘ats‘ gto Seattle where i just ~-it siiiiietimes and . 7 - 2. 2. 7
‘ . 7 . .. 7 .1. 7 2." 1” ,7 . and the Final Four two years a 0 think 22 it, 7 .._7‘ w 7-,
As Roger Harden pUt it. “It's a combination of leaving a it ~ ;2 7 i. 2“ ‘ and applauded him on his All-Amefr He's been thinking a lot this Week 2-2.-‘
the UniverSlty and leavmg The Program. It‘s going to be - .722 2;;: ”:22 3-; .7? "7.73.73. é ' 7. can honors last season BeSidcs the Tennessee game tonight. 7 17‘72‘,
over soon, but 1 guess that’s life.” "I , " .- ' . ' ‘ k :1} fl . "Bl“ [his Near-H Walk” Wil- ‘h0 ”“m ”‘3‘“ captured “Mk” 2‘ 7-‘.27r.'.2,2'-‘;'2-.'
Against Louisiana State University Saturday. Harden. ' t ‘ W " ”Q. i' “21?: 33:1; :28 mails”? rerun“. fj‘rfllfl‘fflftfifi #2(:,‘:\10:‘dt;t;:nt:( H m) I
. . . . .. . 2 _7‘ w r l in s2 a a o o o; ' " ‘ ,’ ’ . :9 2.2 I 2; .
Kenny Walker and Leroy Byrd Will be playing in their final 2 ’2?" ple didn‘t think 5e would be abi‘fto “This is probably going to be one -. 1.7'. ~23.
regular-season game in Rupp Arena. g , 7% /‘;:7_7 so; _7 ..7. $2 g do," the most emotional moments of my 1...;f1".2'-. ..'
The pregame ceremonies, capped of f with “My Old iii/2'22 ' '7 %-= 7' , 7 fi‘ Since his t'K career began against life to say goodbye to a place that's 9".7‘7'2L.”
Kentucky Home,“ leave no dry eyes in the place. All “ cck awe 1“” A“; '.'.~2 3'22" .. a; ‘f the Russian National Team in No, been so good to me And [think I'w {2 i-"..".I:V~.'5;£2't".'
their teammates have teased them about who will shed the . ”m 2 -. " V' i "ember 0‘ 1982‘ rarely has there been wmd ‘0 Lexmgw” it 5 going I” ' v‘ll'i.‘ 12.4
first tear at midcourt The other nin 1 ., . L'K .; 22 2‘2 '. 2’42.- been any mention about other facets be hard to come out there in the [-7757 fz'i‘ifi'fiz I .22
. . ' e p aycrs. coat 1 .2 ‘ . , - 2, 7” of the 6-foot-9 forward. who Will llk(‘- middle of the court and see every- 2; 2 . 2. 2 2‘:.7-‘ fi.
Eddie Sutton, his staff and the 23,000-plus fans will pm 5;; 7' 7' 12?,7322 y .. fl. ‘2' ly wind up as L'K's secontileadlng body crying and sing ng ”My (lid 1'9". r13 ';
together to say “Thanks for the memories.“ ' _ _ 7 " ‘ scorer of alltlme Kentucky Home' " hcsaid .22 _7 2.1.7" fr;
Entering the UK program under former coach Joe B. .- I ' . fi .22 2;; "l “'3'" 900910 t“ km)“ ”W95 a” ”'2‘ ”mm” “”d Wher- “h" “1““ i .‘7.‘..‘7_.::. 5
Hall, Walker and Harden led UK tO a 9427 record. Byrd . 2.2 I‘ ' ' 22'2 Other 5'18 10 thmy Wager Ilagn a :10“? tt‘)hrl(flall) 0W? Wlllllnlg “11'1““ 7 ' I} -2
- . . . . . 7 . _ f;- ’45 v. “7.75; . ' " person am a uman mg th' o \t‘a L" t‘ll‘ son p a). W1 )0 ere '} . yj : ‘3 . ' ‘7