xt795x25dz8b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt795x25dz8b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-12-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 2008 2008 2008-12-12 2020 true xt795x25dz8b section xt795x25dz8b So you think you can dance.

Ct )lors for competition

7 CK dance team member shows her true blue







overnor announces budget cuts

By Rosalind Essig


FRANKFURT (im. Stexe
Beshear umeiled lIis plan for hati-
dling the protected budget short
fall In l‘rankfort Thursday at a
news conference. which Included
a 2 percent cut to higher educa

While Iiiost state departments
will see 4 percent budget cuts.
higher education \\ Ill be cut I per»
cent with the goal of keeping It
from becoming more expensire.
Beshear said. Higher education ref
ceived a (i percent cut in state
funds last year.

"In return. I am asking our

untiei'stty presidents to work with
me to hold college tuition
down." Beshear said.

Inert after last year‘s cuts.
Beshear said an "economic Inael~
strom" has contributed to a pro
yiected $450.1 million budget
shortfall that requires action.

The plan outlines taking
$173.9 million truth the Rainy
Day I‘tlltd. or Budget Resene
Trust Fund. III addition to cuts.
Beshear's proposal focuses on a
7ti-eetit increase In the cigarette
ta\ and doubling the ta\ on other
tobacco prodticts. such as snuff

These tax Increases are e\pecir
ed to generate $81.5 million for
the Ztltl‘) fiscal year. Beshear said.

They are also e\pected to bring iii
“43.9 million for the Zilltl fiscal
year that would be intended for
replacing the Rainy Day l‘und

Iieshear said possible l'L‘\Cl1UL‘\
front increasing the cigarette tax
are expected to flatten out Ii an In~
crease greater than 70 cents were

I’K is already working on
plans to manage the cuts. but there
is still work to be done. said uni~
\ersity spokesman Jimmy Stanton
Ill an Ciltitlll to the Kernel No
tirneline has been established to
announce those plans at this time

UK I’t‘esttlciil I.ec Todd said
he strongly supports the goyer

nor‘s plaii.

"I believe the governor's ape
proacli to balancing the state's
budget enables Kentucky to say as
loudly as we can that education at
all Ie\els is our top priority." 'lodd
said in an official statement. "In
particular. I strongly support a
substantial Increase In the cigarette
tax. which will help us to lll\'c.\l in
education when times are good
and fitid ways to protect our
schools when times are tough."

State gmemment will see a 4
percent cut across the board with
some exceptions. Including teachers
pensions and student financial aid

Beshear said he will also ask

See Budget on page 8

Beshear’s savings

I $147.1 million from

Spending cuts

I $81.5 million from tobacco
tax-related revenue

I $178.9 million from

Rainy Day Fund

I $40.6 million from other areas
I $8 million from furloughing
state workers for three days


5191 victim

UK program

By Katie Saltz

ksath [Zkykernel r, rim

\Vhen Iarry 'I‘iirner looked around I'K‘s
campus. he saw more than inst students He
saw possibilities

“He could always look at someone and. see
potential. particularly III
young people." said Larry
'I‘ttrner's widow. I.oIs ‘l‘urner

Larry Turner was one oi
4‘) \ictims oi the (.‘omau
Flight 5191 plane crash iii
3006. He was the former as,
sociaie dean for exterivroii iii
the UK College of Agricuk
turc and three-iii at the Keri -
tricky Coopei'atiye l-.\Iension Turner

After his death. Lois
Turner “tinted to do something to toiinneisio
rate her husband‘s hie. She set tip the Larry \\
’l‘urner Memorial I‘liliiI and met \\ ith t 'ollege oi
:‘sgriculture Dean Scott Smith to talk about het
\ ision for honoring Larry.

The product of that \ision \\ as the 'l‘urner
Leadership Academy III the [K College of
Agriculture, The program allows undergradir
ates to deyelop or find their leadership \Isllls in
a sell—guided program. said l.issa I’ohl. program
and outreach coordinator \\IlIl the Center tor
Leadership l)e\elopment.

“It Is a place “here undergrads eau uIiIi/e
all of the leadership e\perience they are already
haying." l’ohl said. ‘ .»\nd ll allous those who
ne\ er thought oi themsehes as leaders to deyel
op Into that."

I’ohl said 'I't'IcIa l)y'k. director tor the ( enter
for Leadership l)e\e|opnieiit. \isited l’iudue
l'niyersity and wanted to model a leadership
program at [K after the one she saw there.
I’ohl said it made perfect sense to name the pro

is)» Academy on zone 8


Kappa Sigma
house Closes
until at least

Fall 2009

Staff Report

Another six—pack fraternity has been forced
to close its doors.

UK ordered Kappa Sigma members to es ac~
uate their fratemity house Thursday. fraternity
president Roddy McCleary‘ said. The house will
be closed until at least Fall 200‘).

Around 20 Kappa Sigma members had
about seven hours to vacate the house. Mc-
(‘leary said. They Will be allowed to re-enter
through 10 pm. the rest of the semester to gath»
er belongings.

Campus officials conducted a fire inspection
of the Hilltop Avenue house at around 4 pm.
McCleary said. The fratemity failed. which Mc-
Cleary attributes the age of the house. which is
more than 50 years old. McCleary said the fra-v
temity plans to comply with the university,

The men who lived in the house are now
staying with fellow fraternity members. Mc-
(‘leary said. UK has offered members prorated
dormitory rooms the rest of the semester and
rooms at a regular rate next semester. he said.

On Thursday night. UK spokeswoman
Kathy Johnson said no one was available for
comment on the closing until Friday.



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jug. you Pl

Meir in tartar“
out waiting
her hat“

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ill 'lii? AUDI
ri’il SAE
part, Thurs
day u-iiht

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. tit».
is ‘4 iii“.

A. H

holiday spirit

By Sarah Eisenmenger

5;p.rior' .irigmr LMkprpw i'io‘

.-\Iound :11 iIirItII‘cu \wrc speeial guests at
the Sigma \‘pha lpsiioii house on Ihursday
night llut there is s ore guest they all sianted to
see \anta

.\\I: and ,‘ilpha illlittjl‘i‘”. I’i hosted their annur
al Christmas party 'ot tltildrz-ri tioni \Nilltani Wells
Biotin lileriieiitan \ehoi-I

\iudciits iioni \ \l- and \t )I‘I raised money
to purchase grits to: students that had been
picked by their teachers ior good behanor. This
year the fixiternitx and siil'tllll} \\ ere able to raise
almost \Jfiltti

" This part) piowiles the children a Christmas
that they neiei would hate hadfl said William
limerson. the printipal oi William \Vells Brown
I'lementary School, "The looks on their faces
make it worth it."

It wasn't rust the children who were grateful.
Sy'ly'ta Ly'bers was emotional about the event.
which her t\\ ms .\Iai\elous and .\l.ii\in I).t\'l.\ were

g.» ‘ Christmas or: i7 are 8


Campus group aids family from Cameroon

By Austin Schmitt


Equipped with his computer
and not much else. Pierre Gnog
came from Cameroon. Africa. to
the United States looking for a
lob. With an engineering degree In
hand. Unog could not find work.

He found his way to Lexing-

"I don‘t know how I got here.
but I think it‘s (iod‘s Will.” (inog

(inog. his wrfe and five chil-
dren were adopted by the (‘enter
for (‘ommunity Outreach's Help-
ing Hands program.

On Thursday night. they were
given a Christmas party as pan of
the “(‘(‘0 Big Give" modeled af-

ter “()prah‘s Big (iiye‘~ on TV last
year. The (inog tamily has been
on campus three times

Leslie Keeley. a broadcast
iournahsm junior and student di-
rector of Helping Hands. wanted
to adopt a family and found the
(inogs through her adyiser‘s

“Pierre walked through the
door at (Second Presbyterian
Churchi In June and attended a
mass." said Laura Hatfield. the ad—
viser for Helping Hands "He said.
‘There's a lot of white people here.
but I think I will come back.”

Hatfield knew at that moment
they had found the perfect family
for the program.

See Family on page 8

more av Atut sun I snrr

Jack Gnog 3, plays With his Spiderman ball during the Center for
Community Outreach's "Big Give" on Thursday night Gnog, along
With his three older brothers, received bicycles from the "Big Give '

m 257—1915; M 257-372







































































































































PAGE 21 em. tr





To get the advtrrrtarre rrrer »
the day's ratrrro it) s t "t e rs
est day 0 the roost r trrrllenrr

Aries (March 21-April19)
— Today rs an 8 You ll lit'
tested repeatedly In the next
few weeks You re garnrng sta
tus and that always seems to
increase puhlrr scrutiny Drt‘tl
worry about a thing you can
handle rt

Taurus (April 20-May 20) —-
Today rs a7 r'. s rlrrrrrst
harder to manage your money
when there's a lot rnstead of a
little Temptations lurk around
every turn Don't let your natu
ral compassion Interfere with
your common sense

Gemini (May 21-June 21) —
Today is an 8 —»— Yorr're good
at getting the whole story, and
that's your assrgnment now
The others would lrke to know
what's really going on hot they
don't have the tune to trod out
Cancer (June ZZ-July 22) —
Today rs a 5, Everyhodys or
a hurry Don't let them net you






















rrrl led A lot o" 'rl‘r'sr‘. people
are nrrt as well prepared as
y/trrr are Don t get all p_rrrrr:ky
about somebody erse s rrrotr

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Today rs rrri h’ torrr trrends
are errthrrsrtrstrr‘ and you loyr:
thorn tor that Sorrretrnres the.
rzonre up wrth wonderful
schemes Don t let thorn get
too extravagant wnh your

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today rs a 7 tet people
know what you rar' do ‘or
trem, and what you want ll
your schedule is already lrrll
don‘t take on anvthrzrg else
They'll prohalrly strr‘l llkt‘ you it
you refuse therrr, ant: rt they
don’t, oh well

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today rs an it lt seems like
a good day to travel, but rt
rsnt really There wrll he haw
sles and delays ll ywrr nrrrsl go,
be yery careful if yrr-r1rrt‘r put
off the. tr p, do that

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ——
Today rs a 6 Sornr: of these
lessons Will have to he learned
the hard way Pretend you have
less than you have to spend

Make a name of this it doesn‘t
have to he rnrseratrle
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec.
21) Today rs a «7 Revrew
your shopprrrrr lists and make a
lew rrrodrht'rrtrons Gather
.npot from larrrrly and friends,
hrrt don't let them make up
your nrrrrd Gather more data

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Torlay rs a7 People y ’1”
have a terrrlrle trrne rnakrrrg
dertrsrons Don't wart (or them
to do rt you ll he standing
there torever Utter your onrn-
rllll and net things rnoyrng
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today rs an 8 , They say not
to show unlrnrshed work, and
there's a good reason for that
You don't really need any con»
structrye r:rrtrr:rsm yet Save
that for later

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Toda. rs a 5 . it you :e got a
protrle'n, call rrp an old lrrend
and all It over r‘orr may be
mrssrnn an nhvrorrs solution.
due to .orrr narrow perspec
trve Bong or another pornt of

‘ b T’rtrrr"'~ Mott a :* N'vrtes‘


Today’ 5
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New Love, ; "cw Life




Vince Vaughn finds new life
rn relaxed relationship

('orrrprrrcd vyrth hrs
\yhrr‘lyyrrrd ronrzrncc With
Jennifer Arnston. Vince

\';rrrglirr's relationship \yrth
('urrarlrrrn rcrrl estrrtc ugcnt
Kyla chcr'. 3‘). "rs totarlly
drtfcrcnt." says rr
close to thc actor 'l‘hrs trrrrc.
the Tour t‘hrrstmtrscs star.
W. was looking for some
thing "cusy. relaxed." says
the pul And a chcr trrcnd
adds. "Vincc has \rsitcd
Kyla rn (‘rrlgrrry so they can
spend as much trmc together
as possible?"


My Guy

.ltrlrrrnrrc Hough tells is
she never had to look far for
help \yhrlc shc rccoy cred
from her ()ctobcr' appendec-
tomy. “He was Mr. Nurse
Betty." she srrys of country
crooner Chuck Wicks. 3‘).
uhom shc met this summer:

' Among his duties for the

Dancing With the Stars
hoofer' turned singer. 2t):
nrukrrrg mac and cheese. Has
she returned the fuyor‘.’
“When she does.“ says
Wicks. “I'll let you know
lto\\ she is doing!”

Seal's romance moves
“llc gayc me a beautiful
diamond bracelet one year.
and he put it on \yhilc l was
sleeping." Heidi Klum tells
['s of the best gift she‘s rc—
ceiwd from crooner hubby
Seal. 45. \\ ho just released
hrs cmers album. Soul. The
rtrodcl. 35. makes sure to
cherish every sweet gesture.

Their shared secret
"She's urrrzr/ing." Nicole
Kidmrrn tells ['s of Sunday.
hcr‘ Simonth-old daughter
urth husband Keith Urban.

4|. "Shc‘s an easy baby.”
And ‘v'shcn it comes to family
planning. thc Australia star.
also 41. playfully looks to
the hcrrycns and says, “It‘s
not up to me.” When Kid—
titan drst‘oyc‘i‘cd site “as
prcgrrrrnt \yhrlc shooting
:\llslt';tll;t. she confided rn drr
rector Brrl l.lllll'nt;tllll and

costar Hugh .lrrck'rrrrrrr both
longtime frrcrrds ol thc uc-
ll'css. "Shc sttld. ‘l‘nr pl‘cg‘»
namt.‘ and honestly she burst
rnto tcrrrs. and so drd 1." rev


1H6 DiSI-l

culls l.uhrm;rnn.

Eli's Parminder Nagra is

Paging Dr. Mom? A rep
for ER star Purmindcr‘ Nagra
corrfrrms exclusiycly to L's
that the 33sycur-old actress is
expecting her first child With
her beau of nearly seven
years. James Stcnson. 33. a
British photographer. in car
ly summer. (The) drd not
disclose the baby is sex) 'l'hc
expectant mother tells is.
“We are thrilled and over-
groy'cd at the prospect of bcA
coming l’rrstAtinrc parents.”
Hcr ER costar .Tohrt Starrros
is equally CL’slzlllC. “I‘m so
happy for her." he tells l's.
"She told me rf rt‘s ;r boy
she'll nrrrnc lrrrn l'nclc
Jesse." (A nod to his clrrrr'ncv
let on lirrll House ) What‘s
next for thc par‘errtsdobc“

Amy and Blake: is it

Blak'c Fieldcrt‘ryrl. 36.
recently rcycalcd he won‘t
return to Amy Wirtcliousc.
25. \y hcrr hc lcaycs rehab on
Dec, Kl). “l have to let her go
to saw her lrlc." hc said. .rd
rrrrttrrrg that he rntrodtrccd
his one to crack. hcrorn and
sclllrntrtrlutron. Says a Winc-
housc sourcc. "He has truly
been a terrible rntlucncc."

Jason's quiet wedding

Talk about hush hush
:ruptralsl My Name is Trail
on .lasort Ice. 38. r‘cccntly
told Sydney's Sun Herald
that he \ycd Atrstr'nlrarr rnodcl
(‘ercn Alkac one nronth bcr

fore they \wlcomcd their
daughter on August it).

(They huyc yet to release her
name.) His rep tclls l's the
duo “marrrcd in July ‘08 in

Miley (‘yrust to. re-
\‘calcd that she aspires to

study photography and thcn
callcd Annie Lcrboyrtl. 5*).
u ho strapped racy shots of
the strrr for April‘s Vanity
Fair. "tuna/mg rnrd so trrlcnti


l\;rn;r Trump. 5‘). filed
for scpnrrrtron from her
fourth husband. Rossrrno Ru—
brcondr. 3b. four months all
[or their April ucddrng. Hc

allegedly chcrrtcd on her
\\rth rrrodcl liclcn Ro—

dr'rguw. 24. \yhrlc hc \\rrs
compctrng on ltaly .\ cclcbrrA
ty Sur\i\or.






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Kenny (‘olston
Sports Editor

kt olstonfylkykernel .(iom







M «s-w t Elie.

out-H I

«math-avid”! ~00


UK dance team senior Randi Bishop shows her school spirit msrde Commonwealth Stadium. Bishop is a finalist for Athlnn's spirit coiiitietition

Spirited Selection

UK dance team senior voted as finalist for magazine contest

By Alex Risen

in the mind of most. no one
from Knoxville. Tenn.. where
Southeastern Conference and
border state rival the University
of Tennessee is located. would
ever help a student from a UK.

Brit they are. A pack of Vol—
unteers are helping a Cat win not
only an SEC competition. but a
national one.

UK varsity dance team senA
ior Randi Bishop is a finalist for
the Athlon Sports Spirit Sideline
Contest. But being a finalist.
one of 25 from across the six
Bowl Championship Series con-
ferences. isn't enough to gamer
the attention Bishop has rc~
ceived. It’s the fact that’s she's

Bishop‘s current success is
thanks in pan to her mother‘s ef—
forts. Bishop‘s mother. Mary
Bishop. asked all of her co~
workers back home in Knoxville
to vote for Randi as much as

possible. and it has definitely
paid off.

"l‘m excited that she‘s wm-
ning." Mary Bishop said. “I got
everyone at my company to vote
for her and that‘s unique because
it isn‘t just UK t'ans voting for

The contest started Vi ith tour
preliminary rounds. The winner
of each preliminary round ad-
vanced and now the top 25 final-
ists are competing for the honor
of top spirit dancer or cheer-
leader in the country.

Randi Bishop doesn't just
dance: she‘s a nursing maior
who has made the dean‘s list
three of the si\ semesters she‘s
been at UK.

“I've had some professors
and advisers tell me it was im—
possible to do dance with nurs-
ing." she said. “But to me that‘s
just more motivation to do it.“

Her whole life has been mo‘
tivation. Bishop‘s parents di—
vorced when she was 1 l . and her
father hasn't been very inyolved

since the spilt. Bishop said.

“She takes everything in
stride " Mary Bishop said. "She
_itist keeps going and adycrsity
fuels her."

Randi Bishop started danc~
ing when she was live, Her
mother ptit her in a ballet class
btit the class didn't fit Bishops
personality; she was bored. [I
looked like dancing wouldn‘t be
a part ot‘ Bishop‘s life. But one
day. she came home and told her
mother she planned on trying
otit tor the Farragut Middle
School dance team in se\enth
grade. Her mother had an mtti
ttiori she wouldn‘t make the

"Randi \\ as all arms and
legs." Mary Bishop said. "She‘s
always been athletic. but i didn't
think she was very' coordinated
But she made the team and has
been so passionate about it ever

LVK dance coach Kathy
Quail thinks Bishop has deyel‘
oped a lot over the past four

years both as a daticcr and as a

“She‘s come out of her shell
and grown in so many ways.”
Quail said. "This ayyard shims
her senior leadership and her
llstsstott for dance and sltc de-
sci'y cs to \y in."

Senior leadership began with
a Big Blue Madness debut her
ttcshnian year. Bishop's l‘K
dance debut brotiglit chills to her

“I stepped oii the floor and
sayy all the blue." Bishop said. “i
\\.ts really c\citcd to represent
the school and it motiyatcs me
every time i dance at games or
competitions "

Bishop \\.mts to continue her
dancing experience attcr she
graduates. She said some possi-
bilitics \vould mcludc going to
Nashyille and getting a nursing
job there so she cotild dance for
the 'l‘cnnessce 'l‘rtans on the side
or possibly be a dance coach.

Sec. Dancer page 4

Cats see
a different
shade of

By James Pennington

lpeiitiiiigtoiiikykernel rorn

()h. hoiy the times have changed.

The last time the men‘s basketball
team caught a glimpse of the Indiana
basketball program. the scene was coir
sidcrably drttcrciit.

(ln Dec. 8. liNlT'. lndiana trcshman
guard .loi‘dati ('rayyiot’d , lot‘tticr ['K
guard Joe (‘ravyl'ord‘s younger brother

tallied Ztl points in a 70—51 Hoosiers
\ictory on Indiana‘s home court. As
senibly Hall. .-\t the time. Kelvin Samp-
son \\;ts the man at the helm ot the

,\ year later Sampson no longer pa-
trols the lndiana sideline . he resigned
l‘cb. 23 .ittcr committing the mayor
\'(‘-\:\ rccrttitirig \ ioiatioiis. according
to dll \( '.-\ ,\ report

'lhc scandals lallottt had a \yide
lllll‘dtl on the Hoosiers. l )t the ll piay~
crs oii last year's squad. otily Ivyo rc-
turncd lot this season. 'l‘hc Hoosiers
lost time players to graduation. early
entry in the \B;\ or translers . tri—
cluding (‘rayilord's ti'aiister to Xay ier.
l'hc l\\t) returning players. senior tor«
“aid Kylc labci and sophomore guard
Brett l'itikclrncict.tombiiicd tor inst It)
points all last scasori

l'hc lll.lll chosen to rebuild the
lloostcts yyas thcn \iatxtttcttc head
coach lotti (‘icatt l l\' tans should be
soiircyyhat familiar \‘yllll (turn his
\lai’tittcttc squad has knocked the (‘ats
otit of too or thc last si\ \(‘yy tottr'nar
mcrits. \lthough he has coached
against l'ls' bctotc. Saturday yytll be
('rcans tirst trip into Rtipp \lc‘llt‘. as a
head coach.

"I think its onc ol the great atmos—
phctcs lll tbc country ('rcait said,
"'llicy have passionate year round tans
dl Kentucky ls‘upp \lL‘lla. like :\sscni»
bly Hall. is a big part of the college
basketball landscape”

'l'hc last timc Indiana playcd .tt
Rupp .»\tcn.r. .1 ill 54 ('ats \ army on
llcc ‘7. :lllll‘. ldl‘c‘l 't\.i\ i‘ll llk‘
lloosicrs‘ tostci but did not play-Hutu
cycr the 2—1.3.“ Rtlm‘ '\lt'ti.'. tans lclt
an impression

“It's a big. loud placc.” labct s.tlil
"liycr\oirc \\|ll bc \cty c\citcd

lhc lloosicts li.t\c struggled so far
in Illllh? l'hctr ‘ J ictt id .12.. hides
close \\lll’s oyct ll l‘l l and ( hatiit
Ilcttlt‘ .tlltl l‘lit\\t\tii ltisst‘s 'it \ttllc‘
l).ititc, \t loscplt s .tttd \\akt- lotcst
'lhc repercussions or \aiiipsctt’s \iola
trons lt.i\c lorccd (‘rcaii to compete
\\llll a roster typrtally oyci classed by

"You li.i\ c to play haidti and yoit
have to Play smart. labcr said "'l‘hats
hoiy \yc lime to make up tor the ltlsb ot
talent. \\c play to out.”

Although it typically takes a lc\y
years to rcbtnld a progtaiit. (lentil is .tl

- Basketball ; .;, 4


Fall 2008 accomplishments









With fall semester coming
to an end. it’s time to take a
look back on sortie of the most
memorable moments and per-
formers of the season. Without
further ado. here‘s my top“)

10. Women ‘s cross country
goes to nationals. After being
shut out of the NCAA (‘hampi-
onship for nearly two decades.
the women‘s cross country team
finally made it to the national
meet for the first time since 1989.

Looking back on UK’s

9. Football receives All-
Southeastern Conference
nods. Despite a mediocre sea,
son. the coaches in the SH"
awarded the Cats With more
first team selections than l'K rcr
ceivcd with last year's team. a
squad that cracked the national
top It). Three players punter
Tint Masthay. cornerback Tre-
vard Liiidley and linebacker
Micah .lolitison were named
to the first team.

8. Sarah Rumely named

SEC Player of the Year. 'l‘he
tumor seller has done nothing
but collect liai'dyyarc siticc torn
trig the (Kits Mter being named
Freshman ot the Year two sea-
sons ago. anely has collected
the first Player ol the Year
award in Us history

7. New jerseys are tiri-
veiled. in honor ot Bill ”Mi
Wildcat" Keightlcy. the men's
basketball tcani unyeilcd .i tic-iv
icrscy With a black “Mr. Wild
cat" patch. Although you can‘t

replace a tan tavortte on the
sidt‘littcs since the days Hi
r\dolph Rtrpp. d constant te
iiimdci ot him is a good start.

6. Men‘s soccer bounces
back. \ltcr .i bitter 7-lll~3 sea»
son last year. the men‘s soccer
team tinished the year 13.4.s
.trid broke itito the top-25 rank
ings Barty Rice was the catalyst
for the good season. He becatiie
the third :\ll->\merican iii l'ls'
history and a thmte Deteiisiy e
Player of the Year

5. Snimden continued to
dominate. .-\t’tci \Hl‘illlllg' Sl€(‘
l‘l‘c‘\llllt.tll l)i\er ot the Year
ayyards last year. .lcssic Snow
dcii continued her strong per?
tormanccs to start the llllltsrtttt
season. Snoudcn has lctt the
pool \yith tirst place cy cry night
she has taken .1 due

4. Randall (‘ohh takes
first snap. It “as all cheers iii
(‘ommonyyealth Stadium \ihcn

Sm" Williams on trade 4




( rilt'.|(lt‘l.ll|()ll




ltdtiiri .llltl
'sl‘ \jt. tt‘. .tt

rlit ‘(
VV'VAs’yV ll'lllt'yllvll" illitt‘ ill! tin”?

tiiiti', tti


No Experience Needed t Flnxlble Scheduling t Meals Provided
Stone Cloud On Holidays




 1"‘111'1 '

UK 1191111 1‘ ”11'“ 1“1111 1‘311111\ f111é‘11l.\ 11.1 111\111'l



this 5111151111 8111111115.:1111'115» 21.1.1111 1111111111

111111111 av BRITNEY MCINTOSH 1 31.111
111111'11"1_11111 f hriwi 11.111111

Cats find charm in third straight bowl

By Kenny Colston

1:11";111111L1yi113r11el (0111

".\l.11’qttee“\1111\.1e.1111~t \lttltlle lett
11C\\L't‘ State .111.1 \1l\.111~.1~1. .111 1111ee11;1111
111‘1e11\e .11111 .1 1111111111; 11e1e11\e 11;1\ e el1.11'
.1ete1'1/e11 l l\‘\ 1111“ \e.1\1111. \\l1e1e .111
other \1111111.‘ J 11 \t.1rt \\ 11> tttr11e11 111111 .1
dtxappmntttte 1111|\lt

Alter 11.1elett1 h.1el\ trips 111 the (1.1)
lord 111111111 .\Ill\l(‘ (‘11) B11\1'l.\.the (‘utx
made \llhlle \ttgL L‘\ll1311\ 111111111 11111111:
elxeuhere. l‘l1e_\ «'11ttlte11 \Hxh t‘uetng
l;'.1\t (‘.11'111111;1 1111 1.111. 2 111 Memphis 1111‘
the 511111 .11111111'1\.1r) 111‘ the Aut11Z1111e
l.the11_\ 111ml

-\ I1111e1=11e1 1111111 game. a non-Bowl
(‘11111111111111xi111* \et'tL'\ 111111‘ere11ee 1111111»
11e111.111111111t111e\ 11.111111 e11e the 1111prex~
\11111 111.11 1 1\ 111.11. 11111 111-

.1« L‘M‘H'L‘tl 1h
e1111111 he .1111111 1111 .1thtt'1l
\tt'.11;.'ht 1111111 1:.11111'1111 111111 the \ee111111
111111: 111 11111 11\ he.111
111.1111 R1111 11111111“ 111x 111111111111

“\Ve‘1ee\.1te11111'11'111t|11\ e.1111e.“
Btuukx \.ll\l.“l 11.111.1\.'.1 little 1111111 111»
1111') 111111 tl11\ e.1111e 11K .111le.1\111e111he
11t1ek.11.1111e11l.111_\ 111' the R111h .111111\e1r
\.11‘_\ 111 1:1. e .1 1e.1111 111.11 11.111 .1 git-.11 \e.1
\1111 th1~ _\e.11 .11111 1.11111 [11.11.11 .1 e1-'.1t
e.1111e 111111e(11111e1.11.e l S.\ 111.1111111

\\1111 \1\ \li \1111ti11- (111111'1
enee \eleeti111‘1\.111e1 .ll\ \1'1'111 111 he 1.11.
111;: 1111 .111 1111111111e11'. 111e\


\e111111l l1‘1\l11lr.



11111 lt.1\t (‘.1111ltt1.1 111.111e \\.1\e\
.tet11\\ the 1111111111 “hen. earl} tl11~ \e'.1
the) upset .'\11;lltlle (‘11.1xt (‘11111e1
enee eh.1111|111111 \‘11’g1111.1 ‘l‘eelt 1111.1 111::
l'..1\1 p1me1‘ \\e~t \‘11‘e1111.1 111 e‘1111xeet1111 e
\\eel\\.‘l‘h11'~e \1111\ \.1ttlte1.1 l'..1\t (‘.11111111.1
111111 tlte top 25 11111111e111'.1r1|_\ he1111e 111
1111le 11111311 1111 1111‘ 1111' Pirates. le.111111;.' 111

1111“ C1.


\111111‘ (lL‘lL‘tth.

The Pirates 1‘eh1111111le11 111 11e1e.1t 11111
5.1. 11111111115.y the (31'81‘1 1'11111111‘111111111111
111111 building 11111111e11111111 111111 the 1:111117
111') howl 111zttehup. 15.151 (“.11'111111.1 l1e.111
e11ueh Skip 1111111. sun 111‘ 1‘111‘111er eoueh
[.1111 Holt/. 111511 ended .111} pnnthle 111x
traction 111 his team by 1111111111111111g l11\
name 1‘1'11111 L11ttsttlertttt1111 1111‘ 'he \.1e.111t
S1111e11xe 11111.

»\1111 111111 the eh.111ee 11» 1.111111. 1111 .111
Site opponent. [111111 is Hell ;1\\111'C 111
the l"11‘.1te\‘ tl111'11 L‘llttllLL‘ 111 mulee 11111\.'
1111 11.1111111.1l l‘\'

"11‘. huge “ 111111/ \.ll(l ‘ 11111 1:111 the
e11tt1111\ 11.11e11111g. l'11rt1x. 11 \;111e\p11
sure111111111‘11111111.'l‘11 11.11 e the 111111111'111111
11 1.1 14.1111 llih exposure 111 .1 1.1111e 111111
.111 Sl‘.(‘1e‘.1111'.1f.‘11111\1;1\L‘ltt111l 111.el'K 1x
\1l1.1t 11111‘1111}\ have e1‘111111 1111 1111111113: 111
1111 l‘l1e_\‘ 111111111 lllh game ;1\ l\111\ 111 the
ihuh} dill.“

\1‘1e1 1111113: .111 1111111111113; 1111 1111M 111
the \e11x1111. expee1;1|l_\ 11111111): 1'1111ie1e11ee
111.1}..11113 (‘.11\ 1111111111 111111\11.1l target 1111
their l‘rilk‘h\ .-\1111 despite 1111.11 e1111111 he
wen .11 .1 xtep 11111111 1111 the 1111\11 1.111111'1.

1’11'1111l.~ 11111111111 111 the l.1hert_\ Buttl‘s
l11\t111'1 1111111111 111.11 l'l\' 11.111.111 tttet. 11111
\Clllk'1l 1111'xee‘111111 1101.

"l\l\1 lllllll\. there 11.51 e 11111 been :1 lot
111 glitter .1111111111 1111 5111e.11‘\‘l%r11111\\
.111111 11.1\ .1 :.'1e;1t l11\1111\ U1e-.1t g.11111'\.
e1e.1t 111.1111. \ .111113116111111.1)c1'\..'\11_\111111.‘
11111 1.111. .1h11111 the 511th 1111111\er~.1t"\
11111‘11' 1.1111111}; .11111111 \11111ethn1g \Pcel‘dl."

\\ 1111 .1 1111111th 111 lte;1l.1'ext :11111 111111»
the (‘:1t'~ are 1111111111: 111 1eh11111111 1111111 Ultv
r.1\el1113_' .11 the end 111 the With
one 91.11 .1lte.111_\ .1ee11111pltxhe1l three
\tt.1tgl1t 1111111 14.11119. l1t'1111l\\|\1'c.'111_\ 111
.1ee11111phxh 11h 11e\t 1:11.11 11111111111: three.

“11‘ \1."1'e .1hle 111 1111 111.11. 11 111111111 he
'.1 e1e.1t 11111131." he ~~.11.l


Cobb named to All-SEC Freshman

l-1ex‘11111.111 1111.1t’tet'h.1el\ R;11111'.tll (111111
11.1111e11 111 the Suttthenxtem
(‘111111'1‘1'1111' :\llrl'1e\l1111e11 tet1111. the
le;1_«:11e 11111.1' .111111111111'e1l'l‘l111rx11'.1_\,

(111111 e.1r11e11 the 111111111' .11 the qttttttet-
11:111. 1111~1111111. 11111 he ll;1\ Lll\t) \eett 1111117
111; 111111 .11 .1 \111le 1eeet\ er and .1 punt 1‘e~
tt1r11e1 .-\.111t'11111§: 111 [K .v\thlette\. (‘11hh
1\ the 111111 [11.1111 111 the 11t1111111 111 he IN?
:11 .11 111 11.111111}: 1111.1t'terhnek .11111 1111
11..11\ 111111111'1111'111'1 1111 the depth 111.111

1.111111 \l.tllt\1111 l'lx‘x 1111111 2.1111e 1x
lt'~letl .1\- 1111111111111 lle 11.111 \lltut‘fl l)1.“.( 3 lxllk‘k' e.1111|.1ee

l‘..l\ l‘L‘L‘ti

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“l 111 \111111'1'111'\\lt1111.1\tte\e1 11‘111

teel1111L.1l 11.11111111. | 111111
1111116 1L'l'_\ .11‘11 111‘l\1'l1.“
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)Cdl' 1.1 see R.111111 11.111112
"She 1.111111‘1 .1111111 11111 .111e1 \h.
l‘lx“. 1.1.111ee 1e11111 .11111 1elt 11
\11111111111: .1ete.1t 11111111111111.1111 111 e1‘1111
.1\.111e1~~1111;1111l11111 11.11.: .111e\te11\11111

\111‘ 11.1\




111 1111.111 “1111111.“
\1111111; 1111‘
$111111 Sideline

\1111'1 thhup and.
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(‘1111test e1111111111e\
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\nte 1111111 1111-111} 11111e~11e1'1l.11 .11111
it done 11.1.1 l'.11.e111111k .11111111'4111111.
1111' e.11111111.1te .111 .'\t1.1 111
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