xt795x25f471 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt795x25f471/data/mets.xml Bliss, P. P. (Philip Paul), 1838-1876 John Church Company 1874 1 close score (128 pages), 20 cm. Call Number: M2198 .G69 1874 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) M2198 .G69 1874 English J. Church & Co Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox Collection Hymns, English Sunday school music -- Hymns Sacred songs Gospel music Sunday school music Gospel Songs: a Choice Collection of Hymns and Tunes, New and Old, for Gospel Meetings, Prayer Meetings, Sunday Schools, Etc, 1874 text Gospel Songs: a Choice Collection of Hymns and Tunes, New and Old, for Gospel Meetings, Prayer Meetings, Sunday Schools, Etc, 1874 1874 1874 2023 true xt795x25f471 section xt795x25f471  





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”k..w..m. ,



Author of “ CHARM," "vasumn," ‘ Joy," Etc.


Published by JOHN CHURCH & (30., 66 W. 4th St.





GOD so loved the world that he gave his

Only begotten

Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not
Perish, but have



Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singino.

O Lord, open thou my lips; and my month shall shew forth thy praise.
Not unto us, 0 Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.

Sing unto the Lord, bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day.

">3 . , ‘
D. L. Moom’, PHILIP PHILLrPs, GEO. F. Roor,
II. W. BROWN, W. H. DOANE, WM. G. FiscuEn,


Thanks are hereby tendered, for assistance rendered.

The full name, P. P. BLISS, indicates authorship of words and music; the

initials, P. P. 13., of words or music only.


Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874. by
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress. at Washington. D. U.







Hallelujah, ’tis Done 1




u__.AJ_l ocroljo.

_—___. _ 7—;4‘» _____._ —....7—

___~‘ ‘7» 77., . ._,
-a:5577o: v 91:077-27—
1 1 1'




2 r .
1. "117' 11117 111‘11111-180 of God, {1111 5:11 - va - tmn to give
'1’1111’ 11117 1111111 - Way be long - 1y, :11111 (1311 - ger — 0118 too,






o— 3— +9- __-0-
- .«__n_ M.
0-57“. ,, 3‘:- , “‘3i 5:3? L: 5.1—4.5: 3:,1;—p—*5:,__
j'f' 7- 7 z 7 — 777—7 7-777— 777777777 47‘
“'i‘t"**/* ’ L'** L .
. , 1











l v . . . .
3 111 - 111 111111 who on .19 - 911.7, 1113 Son, “'111 be - have.
1 8111-17 — 1y Jo - .7117 is :1 — ble to car - 1y 1116 through.
,77- 777777 7—7—7 .1,- 79
$7 :3 77s ; a a 77o 7777.9 77 o 7 77"777777—7-777 777' 7077
77 ~ 9 07 o7 7797 77' 9777077719777 977—979 777
,-7,_ , V A- . |,..-*¥ __
——-1‘ .2 ’ '

. l 1 l I
, F " .. flNfi— \ fi_,fi.__ -__._ _ .¢__4._ _4
,J 9' ; 0779" 11:0 7 a 77777 7777 77,7777377"
1,». 7. . 7 57707077770 , . ,7
1:; _7, a _71a77¢777:c7_ _ 0707077077 7,
.Q/ ’77—.“ l

11:11—1c-111-j11h, ’11.; (10110! I 11e-lleve 011 the Son; I am






.7 .11'1-11 11y 11117111111111 of the em 7 (17111110110; c111 - ci - fled One.
3. -Q-

g 4:9:3: :’T:‘i:fi a:f:i:"g:1 :f::: f~__ ,
:13) _’_‘ _:';:'__ a__ 41:: 8:2:3_ :':::1 .9”'“~":: :’
. l t ’ ’ r . l ' l 6’




3 Manv 101011 ones have I 1n yon 110:11' onlv 1111011",
1111} 1'110 s11011<1winglo1v11111111117 is their song:

11111111 1111 111, 1171111111” (10.

4 111110 0111111117 711 1 71717.71:111<1111U(111,7'0 1)Vt11011 King,
A1111 he .71111'177'117'111111 $0110 (1f.’7'.'1l\2111011thcvsing:
1111111111411,’11511111117! (710.

5 There are 1'1”" )1117 71.7' :11111 1(111715'111 111:11 111111110 111171101d,
A111111117x'7'i11q:17'1h1\ 111:11'111 ‘1111'11110111111; streets of pure gold:
H1111lu.11j:1h [is 11mm! etc.

6 Then’ .‘7' :1 part in that (“l]()IIIS for you and for me
And 11 1o theme of 0111 11131705 fmever will be:
Hallelujah ’tis done! etc.



4 Jesus of Nazareth.


' x 3,1 L ’L‘ 1 AT __ k_
56:3,: 1 ,5 _ :, f , 1:“‘2::-‘:L, ,_",, ::

Léi Ld:1—1“ 1; Lg::g:, g:z_L,~:,:, g ‘:,3:;:_'i







O —'-— 0— :A‘ l—U— U

1. \Vhat means this ( agei ,anxions throngfiVhich moves with busy haste along:
2.1101 all ye heavy-laden, come 1 Here’s pardon, comfort, resty 211111 hmne;









| :5: C1 __,¢_:5: ,_,,:,;';,_,

These wond1ous gathmings (1:1) by (11} ?
\\ 11: 1t means this strange commotion so} ?

Ye wanderers from a Fathers face, Ito-tum, accept his 1110111 1011 grace.


















—————1 t___ t____f_d_’_ 11".}“3- 3-_-1-.-1- fflg—flo- 1- 1-
’91::2:L.P:!:,P:P: .__':":,_P: E: EEE:T: .P: P’: P
L— —/* ———v——— u—Lm—w ”—1: 1., 1:1,, 1-.- "ST—4w”
LflflV—7LV—V _————
A 1 1‘ L F ,1
L )‘l Li—“v‘:“_‘ Ld::,“: ,1“; Kiri" ": :C‘::"_‘::]
L :d— 1::d_1:1‘— 16:41:": - ,1,. 1 111191;: 1_:—‘
In accents hushed the throng repiyz “ Je-sus of Nuz-u-reth pms-eth 11y ;"
Ye tempted, there’s a. refuge nigh: “Je—sus 0fN2127a-1‘e1h pass-eth by ;”
L——,—7—1—1#1—P~—P7—17—7'7~717'7 1-1—17171717— "E:f:f77
——1: 717—771—177 1-7 11—71 77 ‘ -
L915,,f‘::;::::7 LM ,,_,,: LP: P: P:P: P“P"L '1 1,;
x /: 2:17.477 w— :./:r‘:
_,_,¢,__.' '1‘, 1 _b 1 1 - ,‘,,
5:15 1:”? “:fi,:‘:i“:ff”at:,,\,,A,,.-t,:,,,,::.’Ef“:"i ' H
::;: l:d:::d::j: 1::«1',:g__ - 1,1_1:1_P1 1 ,_-, 1

1V V V V V
In accent: hushed the throng I‘epiy: “ Je-sus ot‘ Nuz-u—reth puss-01h by.”

Ye tempted, there’s at refuge nigh: “Je- HUS of X‘rz-u—reth 11219570111 by.”
1- #-
'”‘5“'_::3:’ 3" 16""3" ':"”'—T‘3' "7’7” L“ ‘"“' '
.._:,_, ,_. :. - _, __, . .:, : 1, 7 r .
5--'.—777~— ——r7 E‘: L - 77-7 [1:1717 079—717Lp77 97 :1}!

H#V" 473V“ 7 “ii «7 u~/:¢—r '2— 1 —-~,—7






3 But if \(111 sti11 this call iefuse,
And 1111 his 11 (1111110115 hue abuse,
Soon \1‘i11 he 9:11111' from you turn,
Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn:
“Too late, too hue!” “111 be the cry-—
“ Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.”



L .,,,, + ,,,,,_t_t,,f,_1t P‘,_ 3 1:14. 1:
@1;fii!: P:P:!:!:L3:':f:P" ::‘:’“L—'E: !::,P:',Pf
17—55591 1% P , 7 1,, 1:1:1:p: 7 7 ..
. w “—-v— w
L n 1 i 1 ' L ‘ 5 "“ *—“
f 15:4,, ,_ _ :41 ,:,. ,, . ‘ L:,,,.,:L,\,,::E"‘,’§ L:;:]
d g ' L,:,',::;,::g,_ P—"‘ ‘1 P-“r—g—g—JQ:

:1 v: .


Old Hundred. L. M. 5



Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praisehim,a1l creatures here below;




1 FROM all that dwell lit-low the sl._51_
fi '8 ”’s,;j‘"':.\';,: \,;,f*f "ii.“ \ "’i‘lii,‘ 5‘“ ,,,,, a "" ‘3—1’1:
_.4_, a, ;;; ;_;g,i7 ,;_V 1;; ihi.~_,u_;w.w.._ ,.__.4_._._.._
;U 3 5 1‘}- -v- 1‘, .5 -o- 1 4-. 4 -a- 4-

11 will love JO - $113 and serve him, for see How the dear



















w - . ¢‘
' ' Lllow he has guunl- ml and gmd - ed my way! llow he has ?
1 x x K x x A 5 5 )x » v
67: (ii ”0 ,,;, VP ,,,,,, il:._l w;P:__;fl:l P _; W1 ::fl?,v'_-
, _3,8 7, y;; ‘41:; ::£;‘_tz_::¢: z;:_'/;::7_“';
1. ("ant s.
' ‘2; x - __
ml, _', 7’ ; ;~ ,,\,,,l, .\, ;;;;;,;;;\;;___;_.' _;§;__.__§;__; ;_
; ;,, a , » , -1 -r~ v ;;_;;- a—~—a~—¢v-——
' 4A ,:,, ;:" '1 ’ 0;, 5::1f" ': "2 _!::!:::€_:!;__
‘ a v 4- -a- 4 1 ,
l Q ' . 1- -. 1 . . Y ;-,
1 .u — 1 11 111§\\¢1l(l10(l 0 - \01 mo. . . 1
i ‘_ l . . . ,1 H1111 Will I love, and *v
- x l lu-pt 1110, h} Might 11ml hy day.) .>
Pf . L.
; x‘ ‘ 1
., t“ ‘ ;-_:Z:..::j: jfi)
—"p#a_ O a’hw ,_
l . V
l 111.: will I ho, All he mause he has first loved me; ‘x "
o— ‘1'
1 \ 1’ .
1? ’
Him “111 I love, and Ilu will I he, All because he loves me. ; ‘
r .9.
; T— Q‘s
9 ‘
2 I will love Jesus and learn afliis will
Tr.” tino him ex 01 thmmrh gnml and through ill;
”I" _ Set-king: his hhssiiig wher’c 11'lnmyl1e
, Knowing he (211w fm the spanmw 1111111110. 0110.

3 l will lHYC Jesus, :1111l, SIII‘E’ ol' his love,
I shall he safe as the blessed almve.
Oh! when he calls to the glory on high,
How We will praise him, the angels and I ! 01w.



K r
U:::”:“ ;;d:-' ‘
: ;:’ :::',,‘:_—f*j
d~ ~a—-»a»—.*a-

l I
1. "\-\\‘21l{(‘,lll}' sun], in joy - frrl lava Aml sing thy {11ml Pm-

‘2. He 5aw mo, r11 ~ int-d in the fall, Yd. lovul rrrc,1mt - with-





1‘: ,::i::l

(lO(>n1-m"spr‘arso; H0 jnr1551< \5‘5-'11 1:1}'

The (‘5‘55.<.< 515115 15555‘55 is given, *5
A5551 110155 5150 crown 551‘ 1150 away, 1 253
And love Hlm more in heaven. Refr. 3;,













, ., m
"M“ v ' "" ‘ u ,r a: {4450? .-» ._§_ .
10 Sweet Hour of Prayer.
\Vords by \VALF()RD,15£9. _ \VM. B. BRADBL'RY.
“ £99 r x i K‘ m K ’ ‘
* o)_e-~_ .__-_w:\_‘_7 L_,, 1: '.i5::':t,: _,;::E’—f"i_— .:
é:§fi**‘ 10‘7'“ "; ‘ 3 ‘5‘” """“‘"i " ““1 1:“ a“
j a 4 ‘ a
1. Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer! That ealls nu: fir

‘l D. C. And oft es - eapetl the tempt - er's snare, By thy re-
1. p. 49. 4:. 1. 3.

2 3§f§:;: 73—2: :2 3:1: Lip—fie i: ‘ :’;‘E::._
l: 4? 81—!“ “IE—“9.: :‘?._’._; j; ;4: iii—:5}; '12“!—








































‘” I l L ‘ “
firth-fifl-v— ~—'i——— Wh~ *-'t—-N;~ ~—-~ " *—~——~r~~
;,_*‘;A-,,\_L_._fl if: _,_ *"E‘ / ;:;1—0:,:—;9:
____i_~¢~ ‘7‘ ,‘__a_ -. VI = a a _
' 4- P v ' 4- F '
from a world of care, And bids me at my Fa - ther’s .
turn, sweet hour of prayer! And oft es - capetl the tempt - er's /, ,I -
1. A. .1.
.:!’_—_£ i!:f”f 31:39:,
'i’:!:::!:;li 3::.,!: LL; .___ 7:3
I.— I—
H m L . w ”~—
“g *,____._41-1:T;_t,,7-__,m , , .7;.‘_ ‘ ,x
I —#~—v gist—,vwwh A mm “3‘ « ~\ WNW .—-
::::::!: ':1.__': _T'___; ' L: ",:'*7vii: If" _* Al: ,,
' ‘ ' P ‘ 4- P
M l
throne, Make all my wants and wish - es known; In sea - sons
snare, By thy re - turn, sweet hour of prayer.
1. S m a ' '
. - ”M'i__ it'll“? VT: fl _ 'i ,,
9w:_:f ,. l s [ r . -13
I “t w ‘ 1;- _ ',_e _:z-
n g i ' x ‘ ‘ J ‘1}
[E “‘4‘" M l“”'“‘ l“"‘”l‘“‘“l_“
1;“ A aw v—— A— “V7 , ~— «us a *flx—
l '—-~— :-—-r.—_.: :A a—ov 'ww :~——.~
d l
of dis-tress and grief, My soul has of - ten found re - lief;
A J— 1— m
7~———~o—~— a o~ owro— '—~,— ~—o— o
,.__.___.,W_ .,,__.,A~A .4,~__._,‘ '__._.. ._VV¥VVV,_ _._.
'—-9-—- '————7—v~[v »-—r—~'— {—As y— E,,_- o—A[——~”
iv '1 Li J: ’ —”w/W '7'7~—_7 - ik—u—VQ: i__: 7
2 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of,’ 3 Swvet hour of prayer! sweet hour of
prayer! May I thy consolation share; [prayerl
Thy wings shall my petition bear, 'l‘ill, from Mount Pisgah’s lofty height, , .,
To him whose truthantl faithfulness, ‘ I View my home, aml take my flight; " f ‘
Engage the waiting soul to hless; ' This rohe of flesh l’ll (lrop. and rise
And since he bids. me seek his fate, l'l‘o seize the CVOI'ltlsling prize; lair,
Believe his word, and trust. his grace, l j:Aml shout, while passingr through the
ll: I’ll east on him my every care, l Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of
And wait for thee sweet nour ofprayerab prayer. :1:

 N or


Come to the Savior. 11

\\ aids 21111! Music by (110.1.1‘001‘.

,, ,!V,W_ _,_ ,__1xwi\._
7-17 N 17779 ”it



‘77777776 7 ‘h

, . a , 7, ,g-

“—1'. a" 0‘0”“


1. (‘111110 111 1110 SHV - i111; 111211111— 111' 11111011ih11‘11111” ()11 111-211‘ his \‘1111-0, Lot ev -(,>1'yhezu‘t1eap
3. '1‘hi111;<1111-1: :1— gain, 1111's with us to -(121}'; 111-911 now his blast com-




‘9 a ’ 1 o“"‘ a ,,,,,, i’afiha—‘ ' —" 3
k ““7 V a 7 ' V n V ‘A afi— 7‘ ‘fia, I fail, ,_,._ 77._—~A‘_Q_—0—_—
_ 5111,1131: 11.7‘ 1111- \1':1_\'; 111110 in (1111‘11111151119‘5 st1111117 ing to - day,

1111111 :11111 K't‘7ji1i1‘l‘, ,7\11<1 ivt us free — 1y make him our choice:.
111:11111< :11111 11—1115; 1111:11‘ 1111\\' his ac — 01-1115 1011 — (14-1'-1V say,










7 7,7 ”0' 7,79 ° 9:_*0#_,, ,. 7 9-_-,_7’Mm7 ,_l_! 'fiQ._
‘). ' ' " ;' " ' ” ’0 "a“:
_ K
,,,-’,, 13
T1711 - (111' - 1}' my - i113, "(111110!” Joy — {111, joy - ful
11.1 111.11 111-- 12137, 11111 13111110. Juy — {111.0(0.
‘ “ 1.1111 j.u.11, 1:1}‘1‘1111— 1111111, (111110?” Joy - f111,0t(:.
,, 54. h 9777* 9”,! f7 '7‘.
a 7s 7 a 7o 7 797 ~7 777..7
,1, 1.: " "; ,1 '07::
( K 1
N 1 1 1
'7 1.74),; ' . 9x 5 7 ,T“,,,,1,, d _ >—
_}_;t,’ L a, a "1 a 7 {_ g 7, of 77 < _:_
‘1 W, , , 7 7 a 7 7 77 , —————’ .— . 77 (1-7——
Af"" a 117 747 1'77 a 7-7977-707—77777a77 - 5—77

will the 1111111411; he, \thn {111111 sin 0111‘ hearts arepm‘e midfi'ee;

7 7 7 77 777-7 77-77 797779
”-3? 3T" 51 ,g $1, 5:71? ,9
( 5‘










fix_;_,?_ "1
at:f.;T7; . 12
""“’“ a -'
Q 7‘ . n
A 1111 111 71:12:11111‘1351117101- \\'1111 11100 In our - (01' 711111 home.
:_ “We- '—"f" aflkaufioma -:_ 777777 9.} ,_ I--
5—:7 7777-77777 777 77-7 5777:17 7o 977' 77777 —
7 77—7—77 . 777777777777 b—o—;:747— -7,—— ——¥
1 97—l-77v e a = L, , 7 —*;‘——V 77—7—— 6777——
—"_"——T"'—T/ ‘—_";/:#+—"_T' I V






















I ‘ I
12 Yleld not to Temptatlon.
From “ .9an (-F LHVE,” by per. \Vordsund Musk-1:);11.11.1’ALML‘R.
1. Yield not to temp—tu—tinn, For yielding is sin, Each \‘ie-t‘ry will
2. Shun e - vil cmnpzurinns, Bud language disdain, (hulk nznne hnhl in ,r
3. To him that o ereoni-eth (iod giV—eth 1L crown, 'J‘hro’fuith neshnll g
l 7[ “.777“ W i [ i 77‘ ‘77 i7 1
, 'd ',_A_‘d,;,,:: in: ,, , ° 7
3 AA: -I~~a-.— -~—— —A——~~~ AAA—A — -—-—~~—-»—~~A AA
I , l n
I help us Nnne 0th - (-r to win; Fight man - fnl - l_\' (m-w2ml,
l rev-’renL-e, Nur take it in vain; lie thunqhtt'nl :nnl ear—nest,
con-(11101“, Thungh oft-en *ust down; He who is our Snv - ier , "ph
l ‘ ‘ ”Av p,7._ . 7A7» _
l . a . , it"fi'rih’rh‘ "‘i' " a ' ‘:. ‘
_-,,,,_-- ,7,,,!.e-,-,M_, 4' ,, , -7-
fiv’" if - l'_ _~ 7—i7' "a“
v N l N \
- ,, _‘—fi ,_A A , _AAA—AAW. ¥.__.——AAA‘_.AVVAAVA ~_——-‘————— 4—» t —. A . __..___._._
l he? -fled‘wgwfi A ,._ ._,r .‘ NM", ~__,-V..,V[‘ "517*: 1 -55. ,
ln;)—a,a~¢Aar.d.-,, A , a ,._,_,-.., AA new a,a_
1’_3_,_A a (an e_,_1t',.,‘. a {077,7 a , . AAI. o,. r - - ~
u —--—~——~—A ."’:.7"—‘” v~.»1——-—— 1 .1 .—~A~aA¢~»a . . a .
Dark pilSlenR snbxlne, Look ev-er to Je - sns, Ile‘ll carry yun thrnngh.
Kiml hearted 21ml true, Look over to Je - sns, lle'll carry yun thrnngh.
| Our strength will renew, Look eV-er to Je — sus, He'll curry ynn through.
“ 7:?" TI . - . -
V ,. l" . a .
"#1-, ._M { V,e,_e
\#45__\_1x e_.‘,__i__ I
,_,r._,,'.‘[ .,., A
_~'<_.7 A . a ,-
:'___ ,1- 'f H ' A :
a o
I Ask the Saw- ior to help you, Com-fort, strengthen, and keepynu;
l \
, I ,- i1 .
A A o ' l
4---. J
1 -ii2:i":i:5:i1\ j: _ ’ ”if“?
i 1) AorA ,9” Au ~ , ~ 0 .113
, 'AAaAA-aAAaAA-f A - -- ~ ,
, H_~_‘_—'—W—v 77777 1 a :76 e“ ' _fi‘ .
V I '


A l

, _ , z mwoaw. -.-:1 ‘ ,_ u -A









, ‘ 1
. ‘ W, ,W. W __ WWWW, 1 a, W
*6 1-5—3 0—0— at .


V V 1/ r1
1. l‘ 1‘10 from the l:1\\',(>l1,hap-py ('(111 - (11—11011! J0 - sus hath bled, and
2. Bow :m- \w {roe-”llme‘s no cmnlmn-nu-tiun; Jo — 5115 provides a
.3. “Children (11‘ Uml 1” oh, glo - 1'i — 011s call-ing! Sure-1y his grace will
WWW, .W, __ W__9,°, W ____, ,W-W _,,9_. W!— J, ,9-
0,, 9W5 g ,,, £_!___DW,;,__,p ‘ ‘1 1‘ P ‘1
5. t__ 1 W1“. _,-, pW-WanWa_ W, ;..4__,____H___ 1:_,.__,.',
"2) 28 V‘)"V* 7—7—7— P—'f—f— ”—3— ' 9—2,!
l— 1 V V V r 1







v t:;{_ L 5—41..—

‘fl ‘ Ti

Wl, _.__\_ Wk_ _._.

,,,_,‘,_,: m“ W” --1~«. 1 f—flx----a—. a‘
'Q:_b:a:,::,gf g 1;;jW:N_—;_§: ,,,.;::;;:_1W;: ‘_

——»-——7——‘ ___, —-a . s a .4,




{farm 1% 1‘0 - 11119-51011; Cursed by the law 1111(lb1‘111sed by the fall,
wr— «- 511 ~ \':1- ion Tome 1111 0 me 01 10:1' 1is s ‘u c‘

' f 1 l t , “( t ,” l, l 1 l 11 wt '11],
ken-p 11s {mm full - ing, Passing from death to life at his call,
I 4% ' t a,_\

,,WW_,0_ LWoW 11,-Wi_eWp_ L- i— ____1__1__ ,_-W -3-
9- g} :5: :1 ,-:;;li,,,-, 1:: 9W“ 5:. i: [iW-j 3—,, - ,‘p:§:j: _\_/;__1
‘ 7 '1 2*? .1 L








,, W.W2W


(‘IIOR l'S.

riff", ,,~., "‘ W,W W ”'1'“. 1-1—1 51%“:7‘:

:,’, ., 1, ,_, 1 , a, ,, ,,_W,_WA-::::W ”11“, ,W_,.,,,,_._W_g_aW,

C5 «Iv —~9-—r~~r a»: ,., ;—o—,— —-’=—— H6121,- ,,.T.-._g..-_6_
, __ "7.1—— , ,





I (l 111110 hath redeemed us once for 1111. Once for all, Oh, sinner, re-

1‘ Come. and he sun-s 11:,(1111'01‘111‘ all. ()nce for all, etc.

l Bless - e11 snl - m-tiun, once for all. ()nce for all, etc. 3
l \ ~9- + . 11

1 .\
,,_ ____,.._':':f‘;':,7 - d--_n_,_F¢i _ [1—1 p--_,p-g_e__o_f,"




;) 2——»—-~ Wu— ,,__,W,W,W


,_ Wr—

._/w ’_ A~___.____W_V.._VW_.




:2: VI EW,@::WE3:E*W 1
— " "‘W %" 7‘7““.1—m


l ccive it; 01100 for all, oh, brother, bc-lieve it; Cling to the
l +' 1:- '

1 ‘ K
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1. JesuS, and shall it cv - ct‘ he, A men‘tul mun t1>llltlllml uz' tlwt-l


_,___:#n_‘:' 0,, 9‘_,o__/j V- . n M1719 ”"17; , . 6,, who:
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,‘Z Ashamed of Jesus! that (lt’ill' fr‘ivtnl .; “('umw.tiarglltll‘n- {1.1%} 1‘;:il:twl «he:
0n whnm my hulwsuf heaven tl(‘I>L'1Hll linrth i~~ n) 1-. 43:4:- ilt; . 1h;- tin-u;
N0, when l Mush, he this my shutnc—— To hun‘on (l'm ct thy m vying; «3w,
That I no 11mm rcvcrc hi< nnmv. 1 l mu thy 1mrtinn: Hum; 10 luv ! "

3 Ashamed of Josnsi ytw', Y may, 4 () swim ut‘ mt-rv‘v! \‘4;l('l* mt" lm‘cl

“'hen I’ve no guilt to wash uwny; ; ln umtllct. all-'1'. illnl nanny,
Flairlmtt HH'. (’ltm-i‘ ln:- lil'wrlt illV“\'t'l

N0 tour to wipe, nn gmxl tn, t-I‘nv-s, I

NO fcul‘s 1“ (11‘9”: “U “’“l (“-‘1WK‘: Anal mntlx '.\,l.':‘l'k‘i‘, “ L mnt‘ ta» ma; I H
H. . ,. . ‘
-._. ~ ‘ ‘u (f "41‘“ V ’v
4 llll then nor 1: m} lum (1nb \...Is ‘ It:t'1:t~;.\’r. lxm’ L.

n n l
Tlll then, l bunst :t Nu'mt‘ hliltll‘, l, ‘ I
- l 3 : t) -" v .‘tuwnv \\ tn 1:1“. ‘:
And oh, may thts my glm‘y lw—- 3 l I“ I UH"- ‘ ’ - “ ll 1’19““:
- - - ‘ il“t'mn t‘\' -1‘\.' sm-lllnw‘ 'ltlL‘ Ut- w) -.<
That L lu‘Lst is not arthznnml ut nae. ; .. l - t“ ‘ ‘ ’
., lllvt't‘ :4 :l (":tlln. :1 >nt‘c I‘LII‘Uitl;

.__,,,A_, «rm-«A r< ‘ "l‘is l‘nnntl before the tncrt'y-sut'».

1 \VITH tearful eyes I hm}; around ; :3 Th l‘t‘ l.< :1 flaw wlwro (fem; shed»;
Lite seem»: :1 (huh and stwt‘my sum; 'l‘ht- nil (rt :lmlllz‘w“ «n mtr hank“

Yet, ’lnitl the gloutn, 1 hour it smzntl, A\ plnw thnn :tll |>mhlws tnun- \wcct;

A heavenly whisper, “ t'nnxc in me?" It is Illc l,»luutlAl/Ull;:ll'v tncrcy—.~-a-:1L

2 It tells me hf :1 pluoo of l‘t'fil: .‘I Tln-t‘v l< :l Sl'l‘fit' when fill: {(4 lvlvntl',
It tells me where my svnl mnv the: \Yln-t-w :‘t‘h m". lml l. l‘a‘llx;\‘.'\lll'it \‘tlilt

Oh, to the wary, faint, ()Itlzt‘essctl, ‘* friend;
How sweet the bidding, “Come to Tho’ suntlorutl far, by faith they muct


Around one comment l‘.‘.01‘("'--.~'{'(‘.l.




Songs. 15


Woomvonru. Rev D.

I JUST as I am. without one plea,

But that thy blood was shed for me,

And that thou bid’st me come to thee, ‘

0 Lamb of God, I come I I Come!

2 Just as I am, and waiting not,

To rid my soul of one dark blot, [spot,

To thee, whose blood can cleanse each
() Lamb of God, I Come! I Come!

3 Just as I am, tho’ tossed about,
“'ith many :1 Conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings within, and fears without,

() Lamb of Lied, I come! I eomel

4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
lea, all I need, in thee I find,

0 Lamb of (lod, I come! I come!

5 Just as I am, thou wilt receive,
\Vilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve,
Because thy promise I believe,

() Lamb of (,iutl, I come! I come!

6 Just as I am, thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now to be thine, yea, thine alone,

0 Lamb of God, I come! I come!


1 GOD is the refuge of his saints,
\Vhen storms ofsharp distress invade;

Ere We can offer our complaints,
3chold him present with his aid.

2 Let mountains from their seats be

Down to the deep, and buried there,
('onvulsions shake the solid worldv'
()ur faith shall never yield to fear.

3 Loud may the troubled ocean roar;
In sacred peace our Souls abide;

. . . l
\Vhile every nation, every shorc,[t1de. ,
Trembles, and dreads the swellingl

l 4 There is a stream whose gentle [low
E Supplies the eity of our (iod,
l Life, love, and joy, still gliding thl‘o’
l And watering our divine abode.


1 JESUS shall reign where’er the sun

l Does his successive journeys run ;

1 His kingdom spread from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more.

2 From north to south the prinees meet,
To pay their homage at his feet;
“Iliile western empires own their Lord,
, And savage tribes attend his word.

3 To him shall endless prayer be made,
And endless mercies crown his head ;
His name like sweet perfume shall rise
\Vith every morning sacrifice.

' v
Ilmutox. I\ICY 37.

i TIII's‘ far the Lord has led nre on;


i Thus far his power prolongs my days;
? And every evening shall make known
Some fresh memorial of his grace.

2 Much of my time has run to waste,
And I, perhaps, am near my home;

But he forgives my follies past, [come
And gives: me strength for days“ to
V ,l

t Ins’r. I\I-IY L9.
1 AsLICim in Jesus! blessed sleep!

, From which none ever wake to weep;

: A calm and undisturbed repose,

Unbroken by the last of foes.

; 2 Asleep in Jesus! oh, how sweet
To be for such a slumber meet!
. \Vith holy conlidenee to sing

, That death hath lost its venomed sting!

3 Asleep in Jesus! oh, for me,
; May such a blissful refuge be:

Securely shall my ashes lie,
And wait the summons from on high.



‘- 'mv 1-1.

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nuifi ., .4‘

‘ m‘wr-‘ot-u ~-


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V"... -(‘

16 Only an Armor-Bearer.

“ Now lt came to pass upon :1 day, that Jonathan, tho Snn or Saul, said unto the young man
that hare his :u'nmnr, (,‘nmv :llltl let Its my over to thu I‘hllistines' garrison, that is on the other

sulv: it may he that the LORD will “'0th for us: fur thvre is no restraint to the LukD to Save by
many or by tl-w. Aml his ill'lllUlll‘-i)l‘;ll'(‘l‘ suit] nntu him, Do all that is in thy he-zn‘t; turn the“;
huhulxl, I nln with then awarding tn thy hr-nrt. Aml Jnnuthnn (-linilwll up upon his~ lltlllllhlllld
upnn his t'wt. and his armour-Mnrvr ut'tvr him: and the-y tell livt‘urrJonathan; und hisnrmuur-

bunrvr .xlmv after him.

“ So the Lou» saved Israel that (lay: and the battle passed over to Beth-awn.”



l .
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-__._..____ __V H, .A—___._—_. ,, ——— .'_l. . V.._- _..._. F. ,
ifif? S ', ,T'sfi': .'__5 ‘,_Z..__ __#’;_ . _ .L ,
,A . .







:it:r—flr- ’0' ,4 r

1. On - ly an ar—mor-bcnr—cr, proud-1y I stand, \Vnit - ing to
2. On - ly an ar-mor-bear-er, now in the field, Guard-ing a












fol-luw lit the King's command; Mm‘ch-ing, if Onward shall the
shining hcl-nlct, sword, and shield, \Vait - ing to hear the thrilling









”5:“:D:'Ti V, ,
/ ’;’/:/,





01' - (lcr be, Standing by my (lip - tnin, sorv-ing faith—fill - ly.

bat—11c - cry,

Bend - y then to an — .swcr, “ Mus—tor, here am I.”
















l I
CZ__...V__,____ : A, :__ _, 1 V V ., _ ,
flz)__l_p_:_p_§_ :Q: 2: LEM: ': ., ‘_:. , ‘ _ ‘
(*7—— g L- /# —- M—w, 7» , va , -—j
U ~—~——w-—~/—— .4 —7}::—- v , « ,



‘ Hear ye the hzlt-tlc—(-1‘_\',“I‘orward,” the call! See, see the fult’ring ones,
Hear ye the hat-tlo—cx'y, etc.













.‘ I backward they fall. Sure - ly the (2111121111 may de- pend on 111e,
Jr) \:_,, :A_\V_V\_#_—;n_1_ _
" “,t’::1:—_‘“"_—:"“:’ ""*—:‘;‘T‘ U"";:: V' ’
’ Vi: ,V_A, . - ,m "—0“ ._ ,
:12; :70: —— :a—H— - a ”“—-c
, I/ y' 6“ I I '4 ' ‘* g:

I Sure - Iy the Captain may de- pend on me,







__‘_,¢_. 1“
’ Tho’hnt an :11‘11101‘-bcz11‘-c1' I may he; Surely theCaptnm111:1yde-

L. , : ,, or: a . p_1_p_n _¢_ o_,._g~_
_) gi‘z:i'p::'i_ ’ - i: i_ i: i :i:;!—._E:f L: _::i—_"i::t:::: :1: :i
A ‘ —- ,___ D—IA’ii— .— v——r—— ah-

i / $9“va—



':'——: »———./———/—/—}: L3 ‘2




Tho’hut an ar-mor—hoar-cr I may be.




‘— _'__D- ' . Vl_'_ 1—9”!—
9.. _.._ :5::i 7 .".‘"i:i::wb:v_5___i: ‘
7-5 —-':,3:0— —~ : 1’:~':—’:—17—

[ l > V V Y 7 r



3 Only an armm -hearor, yet may I share
Glory i111111()1',t211 and a bright (Iown \\ ear:
If 1n the battle, to my trust I’ m tlue,
Mine shall be the honors 1n the Gland Renew.
H0111 ye the battle— —c1y7 etc.



18 I will Sing for Jesus.

FI‘Oni“N1‘.\V lluxownn Soxm,“ by X‘l‘l'. l’ll'llill’ PHILLTPS.


1. I will sing for Jo - sus, “villi his blood he bought me; And
‘2. Can there o\' - or — take me An - y dark dis - as - tor,


i all a - long my Itll-gl‘llll way Ills lov - ing lmnd lmsln‘onght me.
\Vhilo I sing for JC - 5115, My Moss-(d, l)lk‘>'$-t‘kl Mus - lei“?













70 7’57, ,, {L7, ,1 77"" L- “,7
7— , 7 a 7 - , ~ 7 777-, -—
",i, “ ', i :9 :. 1,111 o in o [Of-77;:J
v " r—fi'r‘ .77, " ‘ v - F77
, i , ‘ , \ I ~ , A- l,7
,¢,-;a.,~. 5,, a; 3-,}:
a ‘- “ 07:17 ,_0; £71,: ,1 7'17 .; __ ,:
l Oh, holp me sing for Jo — sns, Ilt'll) me Ml the sto - W
| .
l A. - A.
o 7‘ , o _
l ‘ \
, _._._.7\ ’ ,, J7_.._~ ,5 . l_.___ .77 ,
" " l‘ **** ‘ * l. 2v ~s , ‘ll
\ , i ‘#‘_ d 7 -7". > -_# 4- V # 77"H —' W. -. ' "- A g —
l 5 a” -2, ”"g “g a, la ,~ 1:7;c7il 1:9” :1- 7 2, *:_,-_,1,-,;
H" i '0'
_ t Of him who did 10 — doom us, The Lord of life and gm — ry.
:6 ' l I».
— 1
l- ’;7T___'- '7___,. 77, 7:, - 7' : 7": 7,6- ._..,- -7. H .‘7' :
8' -. :9? i, , :i 7: f;:i, ,,l ', -, ’17 ,_." 4:." 9 ,_l "1'7? 7
i~~f¥ I 9/ 7,9 7,,__.,:t A» 77.7,, ~~~/ —, ~ 7, ,, , ~~z 5 937777
‘_7 ,_.___L 777,777 7__ ’ _7___7__77777,L 7,77,, _ 7. 7,7, 7 l , , ,7______._
_ l / i '
g 3 I will sing: for .losnsl l4 Still I’ll sing for .Tomsl
» Ills name alone 1)I‘0\':llllllg, Oh, how Will I IlllUl't‘ him,
3 Shall be my sweetest music, Among the cloud of witnesses,
F, \thn heart and flesh are failing. \Vho cast 1ln~ircrownsbefore him.
l4: Oh hcl i me etc. 011 hel n mo, (’l(‘.
——~ ’ I ’ 7


2 2%



3 Dn-

All to Christ; I Owe.

Mus. E. M. HALL.











._ “fl WM a. fi.,‘ 7. /,._.
a - iv a
w W ,0“ « o ,~__-¢_w- ,--.—«V,rA-ra‘—‘,~— a—
l t '3‘ 754' "6"
‘ 1. I hear the Sa-vior Kay, Thy strength lll-