xt798s4jmn4t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt798s4jmn4t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19160210 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1916 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1916 1916 2012 true xt798s4jmn4t section xt798s4jmn4t - .tJBRlH'rriftmmWi&imiM i - fe - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Formerly THE IDEA State University of Kentucky vol. win. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, FEB. 10 1916, WILDCAT BASKETEERS ST. LOUIS CALLS FOR JIM PARK AGAIN FATHER AND THE BOYS T LOSE THREE GAMES No. 19 Jim Park received another offer last IN MUSTACHE CONTEST Friday, this time from the amalgamat TO IS WELL UNDER WAY PLAY STATE SATURDAY ed Browns and Federals Vanderbilt Wins Two With Three Zerfoss Boys Playing U. OF L. BEATS CO-ED- S State University basketball prestige suffered quite a setback last week when Vandy's Southern championship aspirants took two games on Friday respectively, nights, and Saturday and the University of Louisville girls overcame the State in one of the hardest fought contests ever seen on a local floor. Vanderbilt won from State by the scores of 39 to 25 and 23 to 10, and the girls were defeated 12 to 10, in an overtime game. The score stood 10 to 10 at the expiration of the alloted time, when it was agreed that the first to score two points would win the- decision. Friday night Vanderbilt started with a rush and apparently bewildering the local five by the display of unparalled team work, they threw baskets almost at will. On the other hand State's men were having tough luck with their shots and time after time, as the spectators held their breath, the ball would glide around the edge of the coveted iron ring only to drop outside again and be rushed down the floor to the rival basket. At the end of the half the Commodores had succeeded in securing 22 points, while State was making two field and five foul goals. spirA startling Wildcat come-bacit was displayed in the second half of the affray. Lighter men fought daunt-lesslagainst the heavy Vanderbilt team and played them to a standstill. Superior team work again proved the victor and Vandy made 17 to State's 16 in this latter period. The one man on State's team who was able to locate the basket was Derrel Hart. He sustained the hopes of the locals in the first half by pitching five fouls, as the Commodores were guilty of frequent foul plays. Cody played best for Vanderbilt, scoring 18 of the points garnered by his team. Tom Zerfoss, a brother of George and Captain Karl, who is remembered here for his football ability, as well as starring on the Wildcat quintet in 1914, entered the game during the middle of the last half and made six points. George at guard, accepted the role of guarding his older brother gallantly and the "Inter brother" contest was just about as interesting to the spectators as was the main attraction. The summary of the first game follows: Vanderbilt Cody (18), Davidson (7), T. Zerfoss (6), forwards; Ryer S), center; Turner, Parker, Blair, guards. State Hart (17), Ireland (2), K. d lt k y 9 (Continued on Page 3) of St. Louis, but says that it is not advantageous Indications Point To Much enough to Induce him to give up his Unusual Talent Is DisplayCompetition For Loved By Tentative work as assistant coach here. He ing Cup Cast says that unless ho receives an offer of more money he will remain at the MARCH 31 IS THE DATE University. TRY-OU- T OLD STARS Park was a winner laBt year with the Colts and later made a name with Interest in the mustache-growin"Father and the Boys," which will contest which was announced through the Browns that gave him interna be presented by the Strollers at the 'the columns of The Kernel several tional recognition. Lexington Opera House some time in weeks ago, still continues at fever March, is well under way after three heat and new entries are being re- WOMEN PLAN TO rehearsals. BUY VICTROLA FOR ceived each day. If the few hirsute Y. M. C. A. ROOM The talent this year combines the adornments appearing on the campus best of the old and some very promisthis early in the game can be taken Under the auspices of the women of ing new material. With two or more as an indication of the number that Lexington, who are interested in stu- persons for each part in the play, who will be In the contest by the time it dent welfare, submarine motion pic- are well matched, keen competition is closes, March 31, there is no doubt tures will be shown at the Lexington assured. It is probable that a final that a sudden clipping of these Opera House, Saturday morning from selection of principals and understud"senior ambitions" would make the 8:30 until 1:30, for the benefit of the ies will be delayed necessarily until campus look as It did in days of yore Y. M. C. A. reading room at this Uni- almost time for the production to go when Freshmen surrendered their versity. on the stage. crowning glory to the shears of the The reading room' is much in need Rehearsals were conducted at Pat Seniors. of equipment and it is proposed that terson Hall this week, under the suThe beautiful loving cup will be among other things a Victrola and pervision of Herbert Graham, in the awarded to the Senior possessing the some books be purchased. stage best mustache on March 31. This is The committee in charge of the en- absence of William Shinnick, manager. Mr. ahinnlck, however, is not an ordinary mustache-growintertainment is composed of Mrs. Ed- expected to return in time to take contest although some people seem to win Muller, chairman; Mrs. charge of the rehearsals next week, think it is. Quality will count as much Mrs. S. T. Harbison, Mrs. W. and will direct the play until its pro as quantity and the Senior who be T. Lafferty, Mrs. J. W. Morford, Mrs. duction. comes careless and lets his mustache Loula Haggin, Mrs. C. R. Melcher, Among those who are prominent in droop until it becomes Desmondic Mrs. A. W. Marshall, W. R. Averlll, the tentative cast for "Father and the will not stand much chance with the Mrs. Oliver, Misses M. A. Pearson, Boys" is Emery Frazier, who played man who prunes and caresses his F. S. Jewell, Martha Hume and Dean in "The Democratic Mother," and adornment until it will come when Anna J. Hamilton. "Charley's Aunt." Mr. Frazier is reccalled. The pictures, which promise to be Prominent among the Seniors who unusually interesting and instructive, ognized as one of the most talented young actors in the Strollers and he are looked upon as possible winners will show unique features of underis expected to do good work In this will be found Mr. Eichelberger. He sea life and perils of under-sewaryear's production. has developed a remarkable mustache riors. Miss Rebecca Smith, one of the In the short time that the contest has most talented young women in the been in progress and he will give any University, who has carried difficult Senior a run for his imoney before the KY. KERNEL PLANS roles in "Charley's Aunt" and "The contest closes. Lost Paradise," has been cast for the B. T. McClure, of the College of Ag leading role in the tentative cast of riculture, appeared on the campus "Father and the Boys." Miss May some time ago with a Turner was happily selected for the mustache. Since that time, much to the regret of his friends, he has had All Students Requested To attractive role of Emily in this piece, which she has handled ably in rehearContribute To Speit painlessly extracted. There has sals. Miss Turner was prominent in been considerable speculation as to cial Edition r amateur theatricals in Louisville, McClure's reason. The consensus of college. Misses Alice entering opinion seems to be that he has cut it The Literary Issue of The Kentucky off in order to get a fresh start, as Kernel will appear Thursday, Febru- Gregory and Edness Kimball seem one of the hairs did not lay straight. ary 24. The maximum of space will well fitted for the part of Frances, a When a Senior figures it down to such be given to literary contributions of breezy, good natured society bud. a fine point as that, a big fight for su- merit and every student is earnestly Miss Virginia Stout has shown her premacy on March 31 when the loving urged to contribute. ability previously in dramatic procup will be awarded can well be exAll literary material must be in the ductions in the University. Others pected. hands of the editor before February who are expected to show ability this 21. Short contributions of every kind year are Misses Johnnie Cramer, COUNTY AGENTS are solicited. No anonymous contri- Eliza Spurrier and Nancy Innis. butions will be accepted, but names CLOSE ANNUAL E. A. Blackburn has been cast for SESSION TODAY will not bo published if so desired. "Tuck," the breezy follower of the Drop contributions in The Kernel "ponies," and boxing master for Tom Fifty county agents who have been box at the main door of the Adminis- Morowood. Mr. Blackburn has not holding their sessions at the Experi- tration Building. played in previous Stroller producment Station for several days, visited tions, but he is expected to make a The meeting of the county agents Toditable showing this year. Wav-erlthe stock farm of Colonel E. H. Taylor and attended the sale of Duroc will close today after one of the most Brlggs and Leonard Taylor fit Jersey hogB at the farm of McKee successful as well as most interest- well into the rolo of juveniles, and Brothers last Friday, the usual daily ing sessions ever held. make a happy pair. James McConnell, discussions for the day being diswho played in "Charley's Aunt," and 1 CLUI IN CHAPEL TODAY pensed with. 12. the "College Widow," is one of the g McEl-downe- a be-fo- y -- IPPPll mfmmwiMimmvm Wildcats Expect Hard Con test With Falls City Aggregation K. C. W. HERE FRIDAY Basketball enthusiasts learn with much satisfaction that definite ar rangements for games with the University of Louisville have been completed. The first game will be played at the Auditorium Saturday night with a return game in Louisville, Feb ruary 22. It was at first believed that the two teams would be unable to agree on dates this season. Louisville has defeated both George town and Transylvania this year and State has taken two from Georgetown, so it appears that the outcome of these two games will decide the championship of the State. Coach Tlgert, as well as the student body, expects a hard and fast contest, as Louisville has one of the strongest quintets gotten together in tke State for some time. Probably their best man is Captain Kornfleld, who plays one of the forward positions. Daniels, center, as well as Terry and guards, are gridiron stars and are especially good at the basket game. State will more than likely start Zerfoss, the game with this line-up- : captain, and Hart, forwards; Server, center; Gumbert and George Zerfoss, guards. Coach Hinton, the popular and efficient director of athletics at Georgetown will handle the game. Centre College will play the Wildcats next Tuesday night. On Friday night the K. C. W. girls' team of Danville, will be here to play the State quintet. This team has debated both Kentucky Wesleyan and Louisville, both of whom forced the State girls to accept the pangs of The Kentucky girls will have to put forth an added effort to cope with will probably this team. The line-ube Misses limes and Bastln, guards; Heller, center; Flanery and Cregor forwards. Misses Geisel and Haydon will probably be given a chance to win laurels for their team and themselves. de--a- t. p prominent men in this year's production. Others are Herbert Graham, who was stage manager of last year's pro"Charley's Aunt," duction, and a member of the cast of the "College Widow," and "The Call of the Blood;" Tate Bird, H. J. Evans, Henry Powell, Hector Lawson, Tom Richards and Estill Wood. Franklin Corn, who played In "The Call of the Blood," "Pygmalion and Galatea," and "The College Widow," Is expected to win a berth in this year's production. * KERNEL THE KENTUCKY FIRST-CLAS- IN EVERY APPOINTMENT S Suite Made to Order Dry Cleaning THE ORPHEUM THEATRE HUGH GIVES BLACK College Hoys' Tailor Suits Dry Clenned and Pressed - $1.00 Suits Pressed 3jc All work Guaranteed hone 1550-152 S. Limestone & Fotsch, Proprietors Eagle Barber Shop iu oouui limestone street Opposite the Phoenix Iotel Block Lexington, Ky. WORK FIRST-CLAS- S GUARANTEED LEONARD BARBER SHOP At Leonard Hotel NONE BETTER COGSWELL BROS., Proprietors CALAGIS & CO. 107 WEST MAIN STREET BEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN THE CITY. FINE HOME-MADCANDIES E Have Your Annual Photos Made By HUMPHREY 341 W. Main Same Gooa Work Rates-Sam- e When you contemplate securing Life or Accident & Health Insurance ask the K. S. U. student representing a conserva-tive,Bosto- Mass., n, Com-rv- .r pany to submit a proposition. You need the Insurance. He will appreciate your Business. Address 406 Cily Bank Bldg. Dr. t Hugh Black, noted Scotch preacher and lecturer, delivered his famous lecturo, "America Through BBBBBLiW aLLf Scotch Spectacles," to a largo and enthusiastic audience in the University chapel Thursday night. Doctor Black is a master of English and has written many articles on philosophical subjects. He divided his lecture into three main divisions, that of language, poll-tic- s He discussed and temperament. The daring heroine of "The Girl and each of these phases of American life the Game," the thrilling new serial film that is creating such a sensation and pointed Oftt the defects and short comings. This lecture was the first every Sunday at the Ada Meade. of the lyceum course ar number ranged by Professor B. F. Farquhar. McHENRY RHOADES The next attraction will be an organ SPEAKS IN SHELBY recital, February 13, by Dr. Fred Wolle. Prof. MoHenry Khoades delivered the principal address at the dedicatDR. KASTLE GIVES ory exercises of the Gleneyrie High PURE FOOD LECTURE School which took place Friday, FebAT TEACHERS' MEET ruary 4, in Shelby County. Among speakers at the exercises were the Food adulteration as an applied sci Dr. M. B. Adams, president of George- ence and the combatting of it, as an town College, Rural School Inspectors other, were treated) by Dr. J. H. Kas- T. J. Coats and F. C. Button, James tle in an address before the teachSpeed and State Superintendent V. ers of the Lexington public schools O. Gilbert. last week. The address was given at Prof. Rhoades has received an in- the Dudley School as one of a series from! vitation the Schoolmasters' of educational lectures being given Club of Cincinnati to be Its guest at by members of the University faculthe annual banquet at the Gibson Ho- ty at the invitation of Superintendent tel, Saturday, February 19. President M. A. Cassidy. Faunce, of Brown University, will be Dr. Kastle's address was inspired by the principal speaker of the evening a recent decision of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky on the future welfare of the State. She Knew, All Right. Deacon: Susie, I am sorry your M. PISGAH TAKES papa was not at meeting. DOSE OF BROMIDES Susie: Please, no, sir; he went out walking in the woods. Perhaps the most remarkable asDeacon: I am afraid, Susie, your signment yet given out this semester papa does not fear God. in the Department of Journalism was Oh, yes, sir; I guess he Susie: that given to one of the members of does; he took his gun with him. the class in verbal criticism. He was Buffalo Courier. instructed to construct a story using as many "bromides" or banned exHUMPHREY OFFERS SPECIAL pressions or phrases as he could work RATES TO STUDENTS. into. it. The following is "M. effort, the capitalized words Patronize Our Advertisers being the outlawed expressions that so frequently affect newspapermen: "One Fine Day a Notorious Crook Metropolitan and Police Character, a Burly Negro, suffering the Pangs of Hunger, Hurled The Place lor Good Things to Eat Defiance at the Upholders Of Law And Order, at the General Public and even at the Day of Reckoning, and later, Under Cover Of Darkness 15c Rshed Post Haste into the Inner CirHair Cut Shave 10c cles of Society. Indeed this Arch (EXCEPT 8ATURDAY8) Culprit Affected An Entrance into the GEO. MARTIN'S BARBER Ancestral Domain of a SHOP. Basement, 139 East Main, Clubman. There, In The Wee Sma' Opposite Phoenix Hotel. Hours wliile this and Pop Pis-gah'- COLONIAL AUFeatureProgram Best Screen Best Actors Best Artists Best Pictures Best Producers Restaurant r & Company's Bio Sale NOW ON Young Men s Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats Atjjvery low Reduced Prices Special Prices also on Furnishings, Hats, Shoes Trunks, Caps, Leather Goods, Etc. Graves, Cox & Company (Incorporated.) ADA MEADE SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE 2 NEW SHOWS WEEKLY 3 - - SHOWS DAILY - 3 KRESGE oerves the Best MATINEE NIGHT . $1.00 WORTH 10c FOR 10c SAME MANAGEMENT Well-know- IDEAL. ON SALE DAILY TO ALL RESORTS OF THE SOUTH. Noon Lunch LONG RETURN LIMIT. Franz Josef Spengler The Photographer STOP OVERS. FOR FULL INFORMATION, APPLY TO NEAREST TICKET AOCNT OR WRITE Agent, 101 East Main Street, Lexington, Ky W. A. BECKLER, Central Passenger Agent, Four Item WINTER PLAYGROUNDS WINTER TOURIST TICKETS PaMngr and Ticket Graves, Cox Well-know- n Florida - Cuba - New Orleans H. C. KING, ular Lion Of All Social Gatherings Tripped The Light Fantastic with a Beautiful And Accomplished Member Of Tho Fair Sox this Cowering kept Ills Tireless Vigil. "Dan Cupid's Dart had Put In An Appearanco and It Goes Without Saying, this Dashing Widow would soon bo United In Tho Bonds Of Matri mony with tho Catch Of Tho Soason. As this Rising Young Barrister, (For It Was Nono Other Than Ho that would soon go to the Hymeneal Altar,) thought of tho Fateful Words which would bring Wedded Bliss to her, who had been Rendered A Widow by a Lingering Illness which resulted in the Lata Lamented being Gathered To His Fathers, he resolved to hold the Divine Passion for A Certain Par ty To The Bitter End, the day when tho Grim Reaper took both the Con' tracting Parties into the Great Be yond. "Meanwhile the Dastardly Assassin awaited In Fever Heat for the Big Unique In The Mogul of society. City's Annals was the Weird Scene which followed. The Unfortunate Vic tim, Cool As A Cucumber, knew noth ing of this Devilment Personified and felt no Portent Of Evil. A Shot Rang Out On The Still Evening Air! A Piercing Shriek of Anguish and a Dull Sickening Thud were heard. The Agent Of Death, a Smoking Revolver, had found its Human Target, and its Leaden Missle had Launched Into Eternity the Man of Prepossessing Appearance. White As A Sheet, the Man of Parts Stood Aghast, Rooted To The Spot. Then he Hied Himself and Made Good His Escape. "A Kind And Indulgent Father, Fair Women And Brave Men and a widow in the Conventional Black Mourned The Loss of. this Gilded Youth. Wildest Excitement reigned. The News Leaked Out and Spread Like Wildfire. The culprit, Crooked As A Dog's Hind Leg, Had Vanished, As If The Earth Had Swallowed Him Up. Had he fallen int othe Clutches Of The Law or into the hands of the Angry Mob, for the Populace Was Up In Arms, he would have been Totally Destroyed for the Diabolical Outrage. The Maze of Mystery surrounding the whereabouts of the producer of the Grewsome Spectacle was lifted. His Checkered Career had ended. Bleeding, Mangled, Torn, his Remains were 'ound by the Tried And True Officials if the law. Stung With Remorse he had Suicided! "M. PISGAH." Pul-troo- n Organ Recital To Be Held Next Lyceum Number 5c Admission . OPEN 10:01 A. M. TO 11:M P. M. J. H. STAMPER, Jr., Owner and Manager. HELEN HOLMES. P. B. ROBARDS, Tailor Benkart Go Where the Go's Go. MEET ME AT. Mutual Program Cincinnati, Ohio in Your Town Has pleased the exacting In the City student and the best people generally for fifteen years. Can he show you? For 10c 311 W. Main St. Phone 1092-- y * THE KENTUCKY KERNEL throw two foul goals out of nlno at tempts, whilo Davidson threw fivo of seven for his teaa. (Continued from Page 1) Summary of this gamo follows: Zerfoss (2), forwards; Sorvor (2), Hart, center; Qumbcrt (2), Schrador Stato K. Zerfoss (4) and Hart (8), and 0. Zerfoss, guards. forwards; Server (6), center; 0. ZerReferee D. C. Cruise, Y. M. C. A. foss and Oumbert (2), guards. Following tho girls' gnmo Saturday Vanderbilt Cody (10), T. Zerfoss, night Stato went on the floor to meet and Davidson (13), forwards; Ryer, Vandy a second time and determined contor; Dlair and Turner, guards. to make redress for the wrongs of tho Referee Cruise, Y. M. C. A. preceding night. This tlmo teamRarely haB such lntonso playing work was matched against team-worbeen witnessed as that put up by both and tho Commodores did not And It of tho girls' teams Saturday night. easy to slip away from tho blue men Each team made threo points during to toss their goals. Any stage fright the first half and came back in the which may have been noted on the second half with seven each. First previous night had disappeared from one side and then the other assumed the Wildcat squad. Vanderbilt scored tho lead, neither side over being moro first when Davidson threw a foul goal than two points ahead of the other. but Hart did him one better when With tho score a tie at tho blowing of ho tossed a field, goal a few minutes the whistle, play "was resumed until later. The half was fast and furious-leither side should secure two points. fought and ended 9 to 7 in the visAfter three minutes of desperate playitors' favor. ing and breathless anxiety on tho part The second half started very similar of the spectators, Miss Hoskins, of to the first half of the first game and the Falls City aggregation, at some before the Kentuckians awakened to distance and at a difficult angle from the seriousness of the situation six basket, though entirely free to points had been scored against her. the take perfect aim, landed the ball In Davidson and Cody seemed to be its coveted place, whereby hangs the everywhere and anywhere the ball tale of the locals' defeat. Summary: was thrown. But State's spirit was State Bastln, Flannery (2), Cregor not to be denied. She gradually (2), Geisel, forwards; Heller (6), cenbraced and had Hart's ter; Haydon and Innes, guard. eye been up to Its accustomed stanLouisville Kienzle (4) and Wimp dard, State would probably have won (6), forward; Hoskins (2), center; the game. Each team secured nine McCallum and Koop, guards. field goals and Hart was only able to WILDCAT BASKETEERS LOSE THREE GAMES k y g IN EVERY COMING DAY NEW FALL "LUBIES" The Best $2.00 Hat Made Call and inspect Our Big Line of Fall and Winter Tailoring LUBY & ALEXANDER OPP. UNION STATION 145 EAST MAIN THE TOGGERY SHOP GRADDY-RYA- CO. N INCORPORATED CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, SHOES. HATS AND TAILORING PHONE 903 140 W. MAIN STREET Show Good Taste in Xmas Gifts Miss Holladay's A Candy and Belle Meade Sweets are Unequaled LEXINGTON DRUG COMPANY "Lexington's Bigger and Better Men s Store" OFFERS TO THE COLLEGE YOUNG MEN The Worlds Best Clothing SEVENTEEN NEWLY DOCTOR F. E. TUTTLE SCHOOLS ACCREDITED Eleven Public and Six Private Schools Are on the List public private Seventeen and schools were visited during the year 1915 to determine their standing and find whether or not they should bo recommended for accredited relations. Six county high schools, four graded high schools, ono city high school and six privato schools wcro recom mended. Thoso schools receiving recognition are as follows: Adalrvllle, Dry Itidgo, Independence, Edmonton, Harlan, Lowisburg, Plcadorao, London, Ow- ingsville, Sharpsburg and Scottsville accredited public schools and Lorret-tAcademy, Kentucky Home School for Girls, C. & 13. College, Madlsou Institute, St. Mary's College and Magoffin private Institute, accredited schools. o DEAN MILLER WILL CONSULT ASTRONOMER Following his request for informa tion concerning tho meteorite which was seen in Kentucky on the morn' ing of January 12, Professor A. M. Miller received the following letter from the Department of Physics of Columbia University: Dear Sir I have noticed that a meteor was seen in Central Kentucky at 5:45 a. m. January 12, which was of unusual brightness, and that you were attempting to learn from possible observers if the meteor had been generally seen. As indicated in reprint enclosed, I am very much in terested in meteors from a special feature, namely, concerning the persistent luminous cloud that remains in the wake of a few of the largest meteors. If any of the observers of the meteor, who reported to you give any information in regard to persistence of the streak after ten seconds or so, I wish that you could give me the information. Otherwise, I am not interested in the phenomenon as far as my investigation is concerned. You can tell from reading the paper about what I hope to learn wherever a persistent train is observed. In case the meteor did deposit a train and fairly accurate were observations made concerning its location in the sky at different points, I can get Mr. Deming, of Bristol, England, to compute carefully the height of the train and path, etc. Very truly yours, C. C. TROWBRIDGE, Investigator of Meteor Trains under grant by the National Academy of Science from the J. Lawrence Smith Fund. Dr. F. E. Tuttle, head of the Chemistry Department, has accepted an appointment as a member of tho National Assay Commission which will moot in Philadelphia February 9, to test tho fineness and weight of coins of the different mints. Throughout tho year a certain per cent of tho coins produced at each mint are placed aside and tho commission moots to count these coins and thus calculate tho total amount produced and to test them. Tho appointment lasts ono year and tho work of tho commission, which meets annually, lasts two or three days. FOUR RECORDS You pay no more for these good clothes than you would just ordinary clothes. Won't You Come in and Look? Kaufman Clothing Co. School looks and Suaallas. The Unlveralty Book Star. Lunch Counters and Restaurants. Kresge's 5 and Store. W. F. Oldham. Metropolitan Restaurs! Martin ft StockweU. University Lunch Staad. Amusements. Orpheus. Ben All. Colonial. Ada Meade. Men's Clothlnf. MADE Co. Graddy-Rya- Luby ft Alexander. Cluett, Peabody Co. Hardesty's. Women's Clothlnf. Purcell'a. arber Shops. Eagle Barber Shop. Leonard Barber Shop. George T. Martla. Soda Fountain and Confectionery. McGurk Brothers. Calagis ft Co. Phoenix Fruit Stand. Photographic Work. Franz Josef Spengler. Humphrey's Studio. R, L. McClure. 100-yar- d 100-yar- MOUNTAIN ft Graves-Co- x Kaufman Clothing Co. What aro claimed to be four world's records were made at the Il linois Athletic Club open swimming meet February 3. In the swim Perry McGlllavray clipped the mark of :54 set jointly by Duke Kahamamoku and A. C. Raithel, Il linois Athletic Club, to :54. In the same event he was timed at the mark in :41 bettering the former time of :43, held by C. M. Daniels, of the New York A. C. Mike McDermott, Illinois Athletic Club, sliced a full second off the world record of :33 for the breast d stroke. Harry Hebner won the medley in the fastest time on record. Swimming the five laps in five different styles he lowered his own former record of 1:14 to 1:06 Jewelers. Fred J. Heintz. Sporting Goods. Calloway ft Co. Shoe Store. Special Shoe Co. S. Bassett & Sons. Shoe Repairing. Chicago Quick Shoe Repairing. Drugstore. W. E. Stagg. Lexington Drug Co. Fayette Drug Co. Insurance. Joe M. Robinson. Hotel. Phoenix Hotel. Tailors. P. B. Robaxde. Railroads. Queen ft Crescent Printing. Welsh ft Hurray. Fayette Drug Co. Florist. John A. Keller Co. Dentist. J. T. Slaton. CLUB. The question has often been asked, "who are eligible to become members of the Mountain Club?" Several members of the club have determined just what counties are considered mountain counties and have selected the following list: Bell, Boyd, Breathitt, Carter, Clay, Clinton, Cumberland, Elliott, Estill, Floyd, Greenup, Harlan, Jackson, Johnson, Knott, Knox, Laurel, Lawrence, Leslie, Lee, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, McCreary, Meni fee, Morgan, Owsley, Perry, Pike, Powell, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Rowan, Wayne, Whitley, Wolfe. It is possible that the above list is incomplete and the club will welcome any corrections. All students from these counties not only are eligible to become members of the club, but are considered as such. The next meeting will be held Friday, February 11, at Patterson Hall and all members are urged to come. Music. Lexington College of Music. Taxlcabs. The Taxi cab Company. Patronize Our Advertisers YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT WILLIAM E. STAGG, Your Druggist PHONES Hart, Schaffner & Marx THESE LEXINGTON FIRMS AD. VERTI8E IN THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. NUF CED ON ASSAY COMMISSION 2871-91- MAIN & MILL 3 CATHOLIC CLUB. The Catholic Club of tho University will have its picture taken at 10 o'clock Friday morning on tho library steps. All Catholics in tho University aro requested to bo present. Y. M. C. A. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Chapel Friday at 9:45 to 10:30, Rev. J. M. Melear. Sunday. 6:45 to 7:30, Y. M. C. A. rooms, R. G. Stott. Satrday, 8:30 a. m. to 1 p. m., sub marine pictures at Opera House. Tickets at Y. M. C. A. office. Tosday, 7:00 to 7:30 p. in., cabinet meeting. Office. THE PHOENIX HOTEL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS State University THE PATRONAGE OF Men and Women Special Attention Given Fraternity Banquets and Social Functions C. D. Calloway & Co BASKET BALL SUPPLIES KODAKS 146 WEST MAIN STREET * THE KENTUCKY KERNEL 4 The Kentucky Kernel yet."-Corn- ell (Formerly The Idea). PsMUhed every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body of the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the students, alumni and faculty of the institution. THE KENTUCKY KERNEL is the official newspaper of the University. It it lamed with the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college sews of Kentucky, together with a digest of items of interest concerning the universities of other States and Canada. UatCRimON, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. fiatered at Lexington Postoffice as second-clas- s FIVE CENTS PER COPY mail matter. EDITORIAL STAFF. J. FRANKLIN Bart N. Peak CORN EDITOR-IN-CHIE- F Assistant Editor Managing Editor "Squirrel Food" Miss Anita Crabbe William Shinnick Reeeoca Smith MoClarty Harbison j. R. Marsh "Co-ed'K- Harry Melton S. J. Caudill Jane McConnell Miss Elsie Heller stlH Wood W. J. Harris What's the Matter With Chapel? The Kentucky Colonel Says: The gentleman who does tho most becflu', suli, does not always have the most at stake, buIi. And More Scarce. Prof.: What is higher in tho country than in tho city 7 Ag: Farm labor, sir. At one of our recent gatherings there were a few dozen students present and one faculty member. He came to introduce the speaker, who had given up his valuable time to come to the University and address an array of empty benches. A wonderful impression of State he must have There is a number of faculty members and many prominent men of the city who would gladly address the students upon matters of interest. A few more selections of music and the discussion of subjects with which the students are vitally concerned are our suggestions. d one-ha- lf Why not have a committee of students to arrange student exercises once a week, or if that fails, why not have "chapel" only once each week and make it something worth while? The Kernel is not quarreling with the established order of things, but as spokesman of fifteen hundred students, desires at this time merely to suggest the changes here indicated with the hope that both faculty and students may see their plain and positive duty in a new and clarified light Then and Now. Two strikingly evident modifications in the social life of the University of Kentucky have caused adverse comment among those who are interested most deeply in the University and its development. The time has not been long past when all State social functions, especially the dances, were attended largely by faculty members and University students, both men and women. Many of the instructors would take advantage of the opportunities which University gatherings supplied to meet the students upon a social plane. Our recent dances and social gatherings have been through the scarcity of faculty members and State students. conspicuous We have one of the most representative and most efficient faculties in the South, but it has not been the observation of The Ker