xt798s4jq354 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt798s4jq354/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1983 1983 1983-09-19 2020 true xt798s4jq354 section xt798s4jq354 Vol. LXXXVII No.29 '
_ Senate members demand role in determining Lebanese policv
1 9 Democrats seek to invoke provi i W P
s ons on ar owers A *t
FromStafhndAPreports certain how much power to surren ' ' ‘ L
. a . .
der to the Home and Senate on the mug“? specrflcall) 81’0“ them to re. Power Acts invoked because it is it hearings shurlli t.“ W. M.” U V.“ n , , ,
WASHINGTON - Senate Demo- issue of the troops. and the usually 'Nent nine of the t _ domestic cmsideration in l' 8 poll t‘fitlli‘l‘t'htilulliin ' ' \i M .M‘ ”In“ ' 't H I
crats are united as never before in contentious Senate Democrats — a Democrgts m tl t . 5mm“ ‘5 “C“ as the Democrats and Wt)“ 'mm w “ml.“ by w ’- x '
thell' three. Years of minority status minority since Reagan won election mousl ' a roiledas “99? and ”Fain cans are aligned for the Presidential _ ”L‘m “ ”m “" “"WM” “‘ m" iii ‘32:]:“33N” m 3"“ K A. 4
onone issue—a demand that Presi- in 1930 — have taken the lead in wouldydec‘lp mahmsp ”m“ “me“ “who" nextyearfi'ulsm said ”“3““ “r” ”W m" “ M” "' "‘ it 'i‘ f ‘ “3'5"“
dent Ronald Reagan five Congress a seeking to invoke provisions of the anon ha , at; t mtllltlg in Lebe So Reagan is under mnsiderable “med ‘5 h" ““1 H m" “Mil-Hi ml ‘ m rm M" ”' """' ""‘ ’" ’
role under 1973 law in deciding how WarPowersAct . ‘9 ggered PrOVlSlol‘LS of pressure ”“”’~"”““"“ "'N’M i“ All H ”with? \N ‘Num‘ "”‘Z “ ”'0‘"
long the U.S. Marines will remain in ~ theWar Powers Act. .. not pass it is d struggli- iii Ulc‘ t he "WW“ ”W‘W‘r
“bum“. “If the War Powers Act is invoked VDemocratic leaders say they be If we get it to the floor, we Wlll gress and t‘Xt'l‘ulHt‘ hunt-lies .tlitl m" ‘5“! " ‘4‘" "‘ ~'-i ' 's .
i . the Senate will okay the use of heve they would have nearly imam. Pass it. ben Thomas P Eagleton. not iustttwwiirl‘mers Act “'” “"r“ ”“0“ .i' -~-i‘ i:.: *
‘The U.S. arent peacemakers in troopsinlsebanon,"015msaid‘ mous support among their '0“, for D—Mo . said of the Democratic reso » inking tlii- .iil ohm: -l.' . i, . 2.
Lebanon. They are there to assure . , . that resolution on the Senate floor “"1"" Eagle” “'35 an "181"“ 8U- M"? “mm” mum" ”"m “ “I‘m' “r V‘" “1" “w l --
that . the Catholic government of At issue is the 'Vietnamera War and a substantial number of Repub: thor of the 1973 law and a key figure fit-ewwk summer raw-sh tour \i.l til-tin tit: minim “any :Ms, . v
President Jumayal stays,” Robert ”W?“ Ad» Wthh requires the hearts are known to believe PreSl- m efforts ‘0 Persuadt‘ Reagan to in ”"95 W" “W“ ””3 \i'li‘ml wrr uii innil iii-iniml .~ \i
Obm’ mate pores“! OfMiddle presrdent to mtify Congress When dent Reagan is wrong to fight the VOke” Injured ”1 “”“Vkr t’} [A't~tll{5t' n- lA-atiit-r Him ”1‘ it Its” .. :J L . ~.
' Eosternhistory,said. Ameg'la‘éan gogpsbwems are in issue. Sen Charles H Peru R ll bets firing on 1 .\ insult-us Hie ll‘nlll‘rcflh iQH:k‘('h “.17; 1 - K i
. com an ring them home “Th ' ' . » . ‘ . ' . l‘S Marines h.l\t' iii-en in trim...“ , i.) .. , 7 '7‘""‘
But the White House remains un- within 60 days unless the House a e issue isnt the troops in Leb» chairman of the Foreign Relations , . . pr W t '\ “”h “”1”” m. " H ‘ “'
nd anon. The Democrats want th W t . . for d year mu, its part .i liililti n.i Ulllt'l.ll\ lo . i. it, A - . . .
T . e ar Committee, said his Dane. plans tlonalpeawkwping luri'i- i‘iinlnmlhtiillstillHuman“ I . fl
0 s‘ In . o {a w .A m \ l _‘
. . \" F ’ , " ‘
Q V “i“ | "ti“ " ‘ "0
. . , _ _ _ I. . \ f " '
UK police haul In bucks from parking Violations and fines '3 It,» 5%.? “ l " < Y "‘ l '3“
V ‘ i ,‘ . y \ .
By WENDY SMITH Tucker an undecide M a ’ " ' A . '
, . d freshman, Ar 8‘ . I ’ V - ’
Reports Séid. “There should be a pamphlet magisalfiderman‘ a busmess fresh. “ fl .1. ' a 7 V ’ " ’6 V
_ . given out at the beginning of the Tod . . ' . - n "-7- ' ‘ 7 , ‘
Last year the Umversrty hauled in . . _ d Drake. a political science )u- O ~ “' ' " ' n

. . _ ‘ . year specrfically on rkin rules ' .. ~ 5 ‘ ‘ - ‘ Q ~
31;; million in towmg and parking and regulations." pa g 335:. (id éan'fh :5”: gem" 9"???“ I . v y f I \ 5 f . v‘
get _‘;m£ gevigngggivgg- ofTucklterl was tickletnal the first week eted the second pweek of 52:11:01 It; ' l 9’ L i h. _ , ,t n

, _ ' , scoo orpar‘ghercarina kin - ' ‘-
asSistant directorofparkms parkin ' . par Sonayellowlme. * ‘ . ’ i r .
_ - g lot Without the o . - " ‘ -
figmgfpfimmfllts ffiquehfily er. pr per Shek ch23: lgoahsgazfidwggalge “til; ‘ i“ '1 A t \ J ’3 “ I 1 ’
. ‘5. y 1 e- Brewster disa ees "th th‘ . t i - ‘ ' t t‘ i ‘ r .r' ‘ ‘ ‘ . 3
Steel? parked vehicle may betick- merit. 81‘ m is argu cgomggfiigtsbgepgjlicebmféd and 100 to A *" ,3. -0 .1 fl . P ' a N
discrgtiotgwed at the police officer’s Sh: Parking regulations were Brewster said 5 n u each day, ’ 1' ' ' - - ‘ h - ' ‘ § ‘. t _

. - pu is ed in the first edition of the Th ' , " ' ’ _ " ' .1 ~ ' ‘
mTotvwbrgg maybe extreme, but there Kernel, and I feel that they were ac- ing :ngflgmzouetfgdt from “Cket' L "cl. :z ‘ ‘ - ’- ‘ V ‘ . ' . '

mm mtI'mSent enforcement of curatelystated." University fund ‘gAll 0?; general “ ' 4 i" ' v h .:
:l'adertokee 6th I‘B‘rewster said, in Yet other students who were needed from the towing afidmgney ’3. V .- ;' ‘ .
“TS"lmdergonfi-olmass confusion of aware ofthese rules still had park- goes back to the Public Safety T): ~ . ‘k ' " "Q i \ i . ‘ J

Som ‘ . . mg Violations. partment and is rt of he‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ~« \ In“; ~ V

e students believe arkin It . . pa t 1" oper at a ‘
rules Shouldbemade clearer p g there :hfulgnygefzultl, but I dlomthllnk mg expenses for the parking pro- "v ‘ ‘ ‘ r ‘ t. ~ . . € 0

u - ‘, . coser at ' 0t “ . t 'C A, ‘ . . . ”no
la '1 think many °.f the par king V10- to our dorm because it ispdangegrous agemchagiirdllfr (thapmdaml: assrstant 1 ’ > ‘2 ‘0 ’t' e we a ..

tiom are due to ignorance.” Susan to walk on campus at night " Beth said or a mlStTathm w \ * fi - i '
. n‘l‘ ’ ‘ 7' n .f ,
Local T V ' "t K’ ” ‘ ' t " ‘
.. . i . o
reporter br ~.. -
. ings cameras i i I .5 ' , .“
o “a * .
and experience into the classroom is! ** .1 ' " ‘ ‘ i t " ‘
By CATHY GLATZMAYER ing “Telecommunications 599,” a litical reporter, which won him the H - A . ‘2 i I" b I . — ” .9 l
wt!!!“ seminaronreporting. Associated Pressman of the Year ‘ J u k ' 2 V. ‘~ ~ - ‘
Se .ALEXCRQUCH _ What made Murphy turn to teach- Award in 1969, ' ~ . . p W {V r ‘- ,'
ruor Staff Writer mg was the continuing lack of expe- Murphy employed many 0‘ his ~v-- ‘ ;

Wll nence he saw in many media hope. professional techniques in the class- 3 ' >

Hi Murphy has attended many fuls. Murphy said he “bUgged" room last Spring, emphasizing that . 9 . ”Q ‘
chtils ege classrooms as a student, but Telecommunications Chairman the students need to communicate ° ‘5 L’ I "V
the alegree is from the Umversity of Thomas R. Donohue to let him share with one another, ask questions and 1’ .‘ ‘ n, ‘ 4‘ 7 V ‘5 ‘

“ ’Ol'ld. his knowledge with those wanting to reveal their opinions,he said. " ‘ - i ‘ k

. lt_s better to have a lot more leamthetrade. ”I’m telling them things they * . :
”3°99“ "mw‘e‘ig? and experi- Althoush a college degree is often can’t learn from the book . . . being ‘ ‘ i- , . i
ence, Murphy said. who never required to teach at universities, Do- a reporter is much like being a st0- ‘ i ‘
completedhis college degree. “Col- nohue said he let Murphy teach the ryteller.“ Murphy said. ' :1... ~ - ‘
lege doesn't teach you the things you course because of his “extraordi- Since Murphy is employed in the - —- f - I .— l
earrlifoutslde‘ of class. If you can nary experience," media, the students hear a first- . , m
. can: unbothitsgreat.‘ Part of this experience has come hand account of the “not-always-so UK senior middle linebacker John (lIIIIISlCV l\ t-iilliiisiiixiit ill\ in I . m “Hm“
“WY. 8 SIX-year veteran re- from the length and breadth of Mur- glammousworldofbroadcasting," houn after Grimslcy intercepted a Danny Bradley ass 1-,; t whim .mll lit Hm.“ PM“ ( m,
PO er 3t WKYT-TV, has returned to phy 5 media career. He began when Student reactions to Murphy were 13 win over the Hoosiers Saturda ' p “ ‘ ”‘ ”H“ Mirth tlllrillt‘l it, i. ,_ i i 3.: :
the classroom, now as an instructor. hewas ISasaradioannouncer. favorable. “I think it (the claSS) is ‘ h ‘ y.
{at Spnngmhe'lt‘aiight'a coliqirse titled ham his television career Murphy good." Mary Kremmer, then a tele- ' 0 0
miner ” eevrslon ews and s worked as anchorman, video communcationssenior,said. W Id t I d .
Production. Currently he '5 teach- photographer, news director and p0- Scc Murpht pa e7 1 ca S Over n lana or t lrd WIn
-‘ g ‘ :y MICKEY PATTERSON ir— comma, W mm”? mm a m m i
_ ‘ ‘ ‘ . W , ' g ' i .
.e-e It I V g POPtsEdltor :7'Zar‘d ”3:8 Smith field lion] in naltlt-h then-w" Md ‘rdm ‘ [I
3' ' ea 30. t not hm . . . _
I o . . Just when you thought it was abscence of controlvegn tintrgltfl'l [K tied the neon- MU) right
. ; safe to peg Randy Jenkins as a fourth—andone la' 3 _ A minutes remaining in the secmrl ‘
‘ - - . y Passing quarterback. the crafty Smith‘s successflfl held “W12“ Qumran(:hmuummw” 3

Duflqfloon and Peter Cook,s comic . _ . g. 4. ‘ -. . . \ semor has proved he's learned a lL' kicker missed his “urgent-m .t Milan“! 3

realm menacted in ii local revival of T . r . , .. ‘i {all mc‘ksm his”? yea” ”UK b‘" “Hm“ 99mm“ RW‘ it?" (swath? I? mm a ROW“ E

“M“ ”mint" See FANI‘ARE, W ‘ . U ' 'w ’7 ii: 5/. L‘A' ingexsitqi‘: liatlon s tkh'lrd lead- Hoosiers 3 WW chance ll' di- Williams @5331?” “:13: i

”I" y . , ”p h“ it ratings reversedasrole‘seeagzirztcfi Sim? goal: the first 6mm and yank m w “K ‘3 ”ml“? m" I

The .‘l .- ; ‘ . . ' ~ _ ., . diana in leading the Wildcats to a f C '.. ’ ””“n’ ”m“ ”N "" "‘9 “WW Plai- Jrnlum rum 1

M Kat: volleyball team came 7 , _, s . .- . 4cm . _ ’ Or a nineyard gain around right bled th - '
from! 1. I y to be” Mum . ,v 3:443 come-from-behind Victory at end K] 1d“??? ”""" ”m" J'm :

ornmonwealth Stadium "'1 a 'i "am ”Pfidl’lt‘ksnn i
State.SeeSPOm.pueJ. .. ~ UK ‘ recovered ll' took advantage .1 l
‘ . t. Jenkins pasfsed {or “3 yards hit- timeout 1‘33“?! thrift Wilma: the tool up to extend its trail 0‘. l i
ingori14o Zlattem ,but' ' y ”C!“ 9 , _. ' .i i
was his running that g to a: Molinized After a lot of confu- 0" 2:1)?!"1 Smithtield no... 5
, . Wildcats' win. J nki ' Slon and a conference al with ‘ "'7‘” quart" t'nuld haw-
WEATHER ~' :— . ran his way nfihi [firtdiflgé 3"“ healed protest immoral» L'K 5"" ' 419“"- ‘TL’WW' wt
named the playeroluiegame by “cm“ “a". the “floating "w‘" “"m“ “M" W "“i‘
CBS. rushing for 53 yards on 7 crew nullified Howard‘s gain lead- {dd 9‘” mm“ ”W" "’"N'thlnit I
carries in the regionally televised InatnSmlth'sheld goal 3"" “mil ”W W" "' ’rtvmsi ?
Today will be mostly fair with a h' ‘ ame. "w Md" ‘
.. m in the mid not. Tonight will dip 40:: r as 8 0n . . . “l had to Bet another referee to he lrk Home was til-1 Ml l ’
in the k” 60" M B ' chance °f United St t Mt'iisiivns Phoinrdiim UKS .hrSt sen“ 0' the 3“ him ‘the “Ck judge, I! he in the tint hall t I m N :

Worm m 'm a high . a cs Secretary of Treasury Donald Regan meets with Re- game. Jenkins dripped back ‘0 blew his Whistle " UK head coach out mm“ m mu". }

auininthemidom Emma]: globennatriol candidate Jim Bunning and Congressman mt :{ndmeuirew his first intercep— Jerry Claiborne sa'd "That's Du;w.(:w:: “221‘“. T‘s-“1*; !
arry op ms at Blue Grass Field late Frida ft H '0“ season to cornerback what made me mad i don‘ . ' WM ' m, l
7 y a "”00” 5“ page NateBordershanch whether .i w I km" Steve ”mm” :
. - all overdthlaied or ‘w “my... .H, - Y
" ' l
' b ' f
Voting egms or women wantin t b q f m
By JACINDA NORTON judges were tryi to l - g ga e
t the 0 Michelle Fackler hol comm ' '
_ rg seec . . a psyc ogy 0 Kathy Perry. a umcat ‘ ‘

Reporta- semignalists 20:" any are ofthem WON. u spomored by Delta ”mm, is ' by m mm the Health of Lmverslty .stu» taking it one day at a tune tryihtl
woul serve good representa- Zeta ”any ”my“ Mu“ . not to be too overwhelmed] Butler

Wmhnvebeennelected five for the University or Km . u“ Gibb. . M m G‘m wumtr Voting tor the {we finalists will aid '
u Horriecomingqueen umlflnalists, tacky.” is sponsored by S‘P‘Ym Nagy " . My Am mm‘ ' m “k’ 9““ “’4'! W Wedlnldl Polk
leavlnl a campi- vote to cut the iiie sixteen aemifmalists include ty " Imam" whom-"e. " W by Farm from 9am until 4 pm .l the Stu)? mu 3' m "9 mm ‘ m 7
mauve“, 5mm), _me ms “Mm: ,. Km mm ' hmutretanity. dent Center by the Student Gown 5;" M“! "mammals ureter. and
mantis-coir. of ' 0 Kathy Ashby. a consumer stiid- marketing research axiom W ng'li‘ranou Bk“ “51m". ' til-z;- ment Association office and at the the brand gimmémfilfiih"

”EM. lime you, chairman '6 senior, is operated Kappa sored “my . wumm 'W‘m Gasman Building in the floor I I
25d royalty committee this year, Deltaoorority. by . Lfimflm“rwkg‘ u my MI I ‘y' Min! 10°”! “N m w y

“Wainwri- ODuimBrltthnminCilmior, m'or,'is ' Chi . ' om: m' mmm‘imm "‘9' lnmmchW mu"
amt...“ “teammmm “memes. W. W“ b’ m '° to“ "on“ "y ”W “ ""- mtaw mm '73:: my“ WW . ~

0 Marcia Butler -_ . - u' .. . 1 ac M y
i m I . h .Icomwtersci 'MnrilynMnIJbtoloasoplrr orereuirlrnhie,acoinmoci- upev £J$.‘“‘"“"‘°
.m “it.“ w m. mated by Delta more is W by Alpha Oriu- ence ~ ery Wt)” m- 11! “W “"113“ W!” tr In-
“mmwachol- Silml'lbetaaorwi - mi'mhythe acne nd -

' and . A” ty. annPinoror-lty. PWW' the m a mum; upand m mud My at the wildcat
m m.” up- 093M.lnmimnlscl- 'Mny01m.anadvetialngse. .hmw“ ”I'm. Roarpeprallyflielmflomecom-
pear-m move “any will“!!! rim» lmhomred -

., . WWW “timed theGneek . mmv°mthfl WW Mhefcoufl -
and attitude. Ln- nid. ‘Tbe Atrium-away ““ka A“ mi " M by BAOCHUS — rueiidwtmeuinopporunty l'rn riot-iced «.mn‘ halftime“? :3
' - Abdul W - - ' '

Baum Gin nettedelatcdandhuued [mil-t day'uume

 . t-
, 2 - THE Kcmucxv KEINEL Monday. September 19. m: ______————______..___ ———_-;
mun-n I“ mun-n m ”‘7 d1“; 1.“
--.......-—-----—~—-.....-----» FAN FARE ...,......
:13 t. .t... "mafia... "m m Asclltmt m. Editor
e r nel M'M."- #
.re---—-.-— ~ - ‘ ~ e ,
deUD Good Evening captures substance
" ' O O .
(“cedar t HOMECOMING of British comedy with zany laughs
WEEKEND 'me'l‘heata' W’I?M£m basgnent of
he ' Resin ant, cut-ran en voung' garner
INTERACT merino SUNDAY MORNING CHURCH dishonl'tinm hmsiistmmm \ _
(supp-retovidod) d__ SERVICE “GoodEvening.” . ’ ' . . _ \§, . \‘.\
A chance for you to meet students who represent i If last Saturday “18"” pertu'mance is any indication 3‘ \ \ V
«m student groups- IN THE STUDENT CENTER of the show’s potaltial, it sliould have no problem ruling \VV wl ; c' a '
'“"‘°" “""'"’.".i°'e":°°""" ‘ “s“nhhhssssnht he .s tl‘ ll‘li
S i U 9 M“ t - incei so on ' , mus some gt ., t.
412 con ‘53" l a ' P Gbov. :uliflflt Carr?" wull F9830" for its s‘ffm‘ n “Jig, '3" manta: 1,1,? 'lVVh V ll'lll
Formreinlormtioncoll2S7-6598 e f e gUGS Spec er of in y W pe ormances Lexmgton na v - b v‘ ‘H ; ‘L V
"CHEAHNG A1. U'K'" this interdenomi-naiionol whictacriaxswmflgmmllyommed by British come fil- l V 'tllil av.
Aforum for Students. Faculty andb'taff . dians Peter Cook and Dudley Moore m the title “Be- \\\V \ \ ‘ l ”V“ L
Tuesday. September 21. 1:30p.m servnce. yond the Fringe" as a follow 419 piece to their pom \ \t\ 't\ 5 iii ‘, I, m
zoo aid Studen: cont» comedy and remh‘fiehin: mgmtt‘nngam '13::th is “ "l“ \. l t W] e
mum-omega.“ son Sunday, Sept. 25' ”'00'12'30 mm‘lalghsh huvllnggz that is :lmiyltly remlnmcen'mi ill V I,
x V ‘ ‘l \ A
- ° RAY CATS ot the Monty Python brand oteomedy. The key, howev- 4 . I 1e
If you are interested in working on it: Room 230 in the new mo gumnsgcryh witty dialogue work lies almost \5 " c
Homecoming outdoor display, cometo Bra - S d C dd , y v . . ‘ . ‘ \H
I H ll i6:00 today, Tuesday or Wednes- ' ’U en, 9" fer Cl ”'0" In this "5th Grlce and M13 have done then r \ ci
' ' ..' ~ -- . mhssh shhhh mum-sh: "V" \ \ a
- e l .. I . ’ The _ ‘
For as low as $8 you.can announce . EVERYONE INVITED' fibfiewtémwmmagemwgimgefigdimm . . _ .. n .
the important happenings that per- flahmum’anycdiaborsakmdgsflme two en- gumctsucfiaimmy mtgelémnywancgnWY. .
tam ‘0 the 1”" StUdenls' fawn". and This will be a church service— tlemzn meetisng in a park —ohviously tor the first tigne. this premise lets thetwomennm with thesldt resulting h-
Staff' The Kalender “”11 be pnmed g l'f l m - But Grice keeps thinking that the man opposite him is a in what are some at the tunmest moments to be had tn
every Monday, SO notify the Kernel no a pou 'ca 9° ermg' close triendand'runislikewiseseamheslds memory for bexingtontheaterforquitesometime. SC
about the event by the .Wednesday memufzetiotd; diatrhne clmv: 8011;: talk amgthlt’Lsdi “ozonefiléetches wo'f‘lltutihe'the;3 uj‘tast; mailed: rut:
prior to the Monday printing. Call sponsored by LEXINGTON em; mmmwha: ”$5,; my muse-“SNML All “On’e mg TGOOMFEMH Grim portrays a wayward sh? b.
NOW at 257-2872 or stOP by Room 8 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, a cam- verytrivolots,ptmaientedandlotsotttin. . . herd whohas necently hada divine vision while tending ca
Journalism Bldg. (Basement) and 35" DU 5 Church The first act_curtain sketch has 'i‘unls as a casting dl- ambigscksbeeaums finisher]: fife the aposgghitsm g
for Lisa Timmering. fictor and Gnce as an actor auditioning for the role. the Andtrietl;mtl"o all that Wl’m With a
ere are a couple of problems, however, With this. smlilrethis you :an _ _ meantime . ro
simplistic staging and on-the-money timing for their oo-
medic banter. it lends itselfwelltothepiecewhich gt:
hingesonsuch iactorsasrhythmandtempo. Grioeand .'
Tunis give their metals] 8 punchy beat and keen intel-
BUY ligenoe which results in successful ensemble work be- ba
KERNEL twwgmm ' lighthearted and ettdeanng' W
“ ve " is a ,
. .. . CLASSIFIEDS! mmpwnctsnmi'isamsmmn. 81.
-«7 Pf ' Remaining performances for the show ate scheduled ha
‘ '. s “l ' for the upcoming weekend, Sept. 22-24. Curtain is at 8:11) B
(I, M‘R a”. i " v.1! . 3%)! 1; pm. tal
5. t ' I. ‘ ”' J I ' mnnwnnutms '
”s“ in 4 ' . i
,s W . .. t ‘5 as
“ "3m DRINK «seesaw: gs be
m M 3 Je
e ‘: an
|.|'|'E BECA lESS FILLING. T Brings To You in
» t» s t
‘ 5’ rm rm 3 h
" ' ‘ ' "it ”ANOTHER MULE" it
.99 y E St:
I» Bob Uecker in, ”r. .; on
s 7- Mr. Baseball a; rm Monday. September 19th 5” in, g
‘ - é s ‘ "it Tuesday. September 201h (Iv/0y "h E
l ‘ as“), _, .s ' fit from 8 ill 'I 410.; "it i
' s; s.‘ ? a: Cover Onl $1.50 ‘7 g? '1
f ,. . ,_ i; . E
... - " .4..- . fit, JOIN us AFTER ALL U.K. m s
. x «it ~ ' 3h FOOTBALL GAMES! :3 :
’ .. X 4" ;
* a» e . * l . ,. l , 95333535153329.3357; - .
g. l . , : ‘ ““-Y.'$.o v.;.i‘.*.. 4
i V. . I q I ' "
«234 s a I, “r"; \ , K e x 4.1: 3.; :«t‘tt «t‘ HOMECOMING EVENTS f
F“ / ‘ D. v . c o
.‘ ' gt . .. » " ‘ ~“ ‘ '2 “"4 . 4 . .. Sept. 19 Practice for Fashion Show
. p l ”' . l . , z~ Q c ‘ 5 “" 1" .‘I.’ , L“ “"‘i Sept. 20 Blanding Beach Party 4-6p.m
J " ‘ ~ ‘ I §' “ D ‘ no i! ‘ . ,. i _ G.A.S.C. All campus Drive-In at _
. .‘x. I I i ‘ i‘ ' t t ', ‘t-‘f.’ ‘5, Southland Drive-lnmopm.
, D a E 5‘ .. is 1 s V _ .. . * . ' Movie . 9 Spring Break and Stripes. .. t4 Ll
, - U ' ‘ t: . i i l -lt .' Sept r 'I ashion Show 7:30pm: \- ,
- t. ' I . 1 , l . ' ' factors 16 emi- inalist and U at; KWEM
"' . . . ' - ' moles ‘ ¥ . / " ‘-
I - ’fi ’ ' , I _ V 50p . 22 g; - - : at Student Center
. " it‘ Q :' ' ~ 7‘» - . ' - ddiii n ‘- Parki - . -'_‘5 through campus
‘I‘ ‘. ’ , [I t t' ' 'O'iCkii fer :r ‘e': 'y‘
" O »__‘ w ti?"- 7 e 'e-Hell
~~ .., y '31 i ’ ”W ‘ Bonnerrontest Wnced
, ‘ \l C y zy Csiume it} her fun events E
l ' ' ’ Maior irq‘wtrk 1;, : / .h - 2.5. smooth-Neat .
y .k. t‘ Stadium l l I f, i
l ,, Sept. ' l 0 HI I“. l‘, l - ncert
, , _ V is /
’ \ .:§;::: ti“ . ‘ell/‘i fl 9
‘1' l v- a 5:25.; eon Red 0 “ fgoJTo‘ ol ' Titty Dirt Band
3 I % Q I ‘ J 3 Tickets 0 a e - M e uden’t or Ticket
’ . l ' Window ‘ til. t. '
l‘ ' MOVED - I" ¢ i / am
“d V v a Theater l 35/ ,‘i :I enter ddition ‘
l 11-” . . {s h‘ {:1 Hel____,____~
' u i e
~. We Sefr 4“ one V'r‘ , ty of
K ' c-t-ts «2-2 v5
EVERY HIING YOU ALWAYS WANTED s"? 7— i '1 Kentucky m g
I" A BEER AND “55 , , Half-time Crowning of e l
’ ° - Homecoming Queen
Homecoming Dance 3
Band- Lush Pyle and the Carpets
Place-Student Center Grand Ballroom g
ime-Bzoo-i 2:30p.m. Admissionos2.00 at the door g
ovie Jaws will be the some as above , 5
An .‘.,.. « . ' i

 m Mwwium mm M9321; ism-"15:; 7:129 i
W “Cy fictive-o
... 't L! ‘7 a

Mouth! 0.— “up:
— Aus'vixU'nll'
ce J . . ~ . ' at . '

enkms discovers , . ~ Lady Kats rally over

' l ' 0 ‘w o

hs that rushing yardage Arizona State Devils

0 g o , . .

Q ' -
isn t always a minus I . in weekend matches
\ H\J\§II\“|III\\I.\
" Dan I . Senior Staff Writer
. . . o
. §, 1 METZGER ‘ . Htintifui; plat a tug Imr .r. \i-«ts 'm' wt r' l'..\
. . _ 7 will con ti m7 i\ win! to get the int hit--
7 , A . ‘ » it »i
”if ldil) MLs tum-\tuii tmtti l'Ru‘nl trial ~ni' .n tier-E
* _ _ mil ‘0 AS‘W‘MU‘ lira-if unit it \iarilxi: \it iii-.n -. .‘ w

Randy J l‘l may have only adequate s l. but ‘ .N . “ i‘na irtuii tin-hind i‘u ll'dl iiiitthiaiihnl Ann-m \islr
against Indiana it was his legs. nothisarm that enabled . . 7' 3 a ‘N ”I“ is H 1 1" I" ' ‘r‘m‘l‘l‘ “Nb" ' t'
UK to remain unbeaten in three starts. ' ' . ‘ 1* 7 N11”)

With UK trailing Indiana t3-10. Jenkins dropped back . e ' «t ”'3‘ "mm “M m" M“ m ”N " r "m 'l " M“
to pass, and when he was unable to find an open receiv- ‘ ' “‘ l~~iii~ this un-lki-ititl I h win I‘LMLH "01" Ml '- :. ‘
er. darted down the right sideline for a “yard gain to ~ ' ' . l“ :3" I" a '7 “MT“ ' "l ‘1‘ '3'": " "'"Il'h'
the Hoosier 12-yard line. Four plays later, George ' 'J' . . _ a against \liuix‘tpi \lntr \1lutii.t\ ‘iigti' u'n'ng in t
Adams scored from the one-yard line to give UK a 17-13 9': 1! ' K " - 1" 9 I" l.‘
lead. For the game. Jenkins gained 58 yards on seven ‘ _ Hu- hntxlnri- lino lit: and mintnl mutt .ilhl 1"! .i
carries - ~ . . M‘pdrfllt‘ tlil \

”we worked on that since the first of the year, espe— m 7 _ “(Ruin \‘lltl the~ km to \i-slrriLu \ six A,i\ 'l.r
cially the sprint-out passes." Jenkins said. “There we . .. ~ coolness of hrt‘ plan-n allrr lllt'\ urn- timer. game-s

i had a bootleg pass and there was no one out there and l . ~ ’ - i A l“ “3:: fl
keptrunning." ' a. x i in) so i‘tiiotiuiial citric-r puttiiiix a: a'\t.'n‘,
Tight end Oliver White acknowledged that the receiv- ‘ . V l " it but the) put that aside .iiiil )ust got tirtmtiiirnl an.
my, ers were having difficulty getting open. but said Jen- . _~ e - , _ 7 “Mum" ”’4‘ ‘W‘Uw‘i WW"
1W ' . kins' running opened the passing lanes in the second § ". . f 4' ‘, ;7 ~ . ”my“; Milan?» lu‘rtmlmr til ”\it' mrli xi'ii‘w in Wit
1 | half. g , . 7 . . , ‘ '\l \ .isti . ttii' .itii ii mitiim i'fln spiltr tlw tut. .t‘:
be battling “It helped out a lot." White said. “Usually Randy , in. “it. " I, ,. ”V” m" mun “"‘l l.“ ‘ (WWW will“ “'1'" Uh" 7" ll '
throws the ball away or forces it, but this year.s he i”? , age ”’4‘! ‘ ”Mfg" opponent First year howl i‘iui‘h lHiliir llnmii until ttir
the we .ti- scrambling and throwing the ball accurately." tfiiw' s ' ‘x (’2: '1 reason for that lied in the trains tliilrrrnt nth-min
m u the Jenkins entered the game as the leading passer in the a""' E" "gig . ‘ “1hr” hitting is min unlidalilr tn‘auv than. go to
tan! sbqi- Southeastern Conference and ranked third in the nation, 7. 5 if" ~ mnmhghlifmi’ MT?“ ‘1’““1’1'” 'jmr‘w “‘ ““"WI‘
le tendm' g but had difficulty in the first quarter moving the Wild- inn u union . . . ‘ m ’9‘ ‘1'“ m m ‘r “ “ "‘ “'7" "w”: ‘
Mattinw, cat offense. itwas'n’t until the second quarter that UK Lady Kai Volleyball players Sandra l.ullllc_\' and Marsha Build go up int .i hint-k lil tt-nth innit-d t k'\ t";"’{“:‘l_“’ \;'lll"):“fl: monthlx‘s l” “""'r"" "‘1’" m
t to cover gained “5 mltlal f‘mthgfwln toggle gimtel d rth five set win over ninth-ranked Arizona State yesterday at Memorial (‘olixcutir afiohflzfilgrzzdflll'w: 1:)... 01”thle m” m 1 I ,
“ wasrunnm aw e0 er, - ' ' " "H"
l' Mt!) ‘ rowing my passgs,“ Jenkins said. “M; wgfilméw' two games as junior Lori l-Lrpentin'l tuna i'lmrgi- at tin-
yo acion butyouhavetogive theoffensivelinecredit.” W 9 t 0 . not with strong liltl‘k3 .mti nimrp \plkt‘fl \ha- Ml»... tint '
_ UK (5 red on its first asion of the second t I] t t m'll serving, coming up \Hlll an are lit the mom!
”Stet! co- quarterprwh: Jenkins completpossed five of six passes, but omen S ennls eam r0 S 0 VIC or game twistriiighl iii the third .ilkl unntlic-i lli tln- tiltli
Guam the .Wildcats had to settle for a 27-yard field goal by By coxcapcroxmnazmn Last season's (Wt‘ player of the aftcr her 61. 6-2 em in ht‘r debut, _"""",""“" “h" ”‘"”“‘"’ "““" ""‘h" ““ “““’ “““
:een intel— Wscauf‘eu- . . . Staff Writer Sear, Homing. scored only two net "Mary and l were talking about it "balm"! WW" [from “N w‘wm “mum” ”mun“ .
wu-k be. At hamlmei UK discovered that the. Indiana defensive approach winners the whole match all night in our room This wtn gaivv m r “HMIW phi)
backs were playing off the UK receivers and Jenkins The Lady Kats tennis team opened “I got very impatient and l never my a lot of confidence and it maili- 7 . 7 .
. . . . . . . . I used to just \ll limit Illtl it‘l 'fH‘ older Dli\i‘r\"1|“'
indeanng was digected to explmt the cushion the Hoosrers were its seasonFriday wrth‘an 8-1 Victory adjusted to the wind." Homing said mefeelgood about my gami- " a“ q“. NM 1W l m i. 3“,“... 5:,“ w H Jul.” mm.)
$112,: Jme in at halftime and knew we uld over Vlsmng Murray State, the Ohm hhe ‘ huhlmani had'some mi.” good Wood was extended to three sets did something myself
scheduled co run the Valley Conference tournament run- passmg shots and that didnt help ‘ . . . . , . .. ‘
is“ 8'3) ball and pass the ball ,, Jenkins said. “Coach (Jerry) ner-up last spring my net game either ,, Hi. b4‘ hrl . in her first \ittor) 1 Another bright spot ans tlir hitting ul fri‘sllilidil sand
Eisaman picked out the plays great. I just took advan~ “I think we played very well. as “we all thought that we were “a: .9"? 3‘ him)” my: my? “C ll”: l m {Jump}; a "if?" Ml" "“5, W.“ ”M'I‘lwl ”I‘m”
tage of what they gave me and they gave it to me and I pecially at the top of the lineup at going to play indoors." No 2 Singles 20 wage"? d“ l ' ma“ 1 Mm tin" _m “x."nlnl'ulhm "“1 ' mnmmm ‘ "m mm"
mum tookadvantageofit.“. number one (seed) singles and at seed Jamie Plummer said after her on. 5‘“ :‘tgmfihméh W's”. km Wm.‘ "WWW“ ”W ”m ”w .
“It was tight." White said of the Indiana pass cover- number two.“ Lady Kat coach Don 6-3. 6-1 win over Jorunn Eid “When Kelli-her and Wood also teamed up u “an"
7. 8; age. “After Randy scrambled _well, it gave usnsome Carbone said. I saw that it was drying out taller as the No :5 doubles team with a 74s. Anmm gum. “a, up H 3 m W. “N “MN. “Mm. . k
_. holes and opened things up forusmthe second half. No. 1 Singles seed Clare Kuhlman an early rain» at about 12.30. I knew 977. 74; mm which involved nuim-r can“, ,1 “mam and lifll‘ttlfl'k mm. mm ,U W," M
5 After a Paul Calhoun interception in the third quarter, controlled her match with strong we were going to be out here It nus exciting net exchanges «special 3 “mm“! 11". Km, up.“ mm.” (m, ‘lr-“Klll "m.” i...
5 Jenkins rolled right on the second play of the possession passing shots and deep baseline cx- feels soawkward out there " ly in the third set which they fulfill} in". mum“ 3mm" (in spell t‘K ”Hm. .Wk h. my.“
7: and easily sprinted into the endzone from the 14-yard changes during her 6-2. 6-2 against No. 4 Singles. seed Allison Evans won 1210 in Uioite-hreaker m a; 12 H. m, Amomi 5mm, “mm WM, Wk.“ 1...
é linetogiveUKlts firstleadath-G. . _ Murray State's No. 1 seed April came from a one-set deficit to 9:5in “The freshmen handled the MN imam.)pom!“(twinnmfiqmu '
._ Wed worked that (running) Since the first of the Homing. defeat Maureen Rankine 5-7.6o63 , ‘ .. . l. ‘ Th- - 1 d . . , ~l . in. n . t .
I year, especially the sprint—out passes."Jenkins said. “The wind was a big factor in the sun; real M’ll‘ (anxm‘. ”ml ll 5 l :31)" ”tum “”1"" ( I“ mm M M‘ I
E» Jenkins later concluded the scoring for UK on a six- match," Kuhlman said. “I took a ”aims; SUEZ; :ellehelr and a 3““ “at for [mm m “l" fumed m h u “um um. “n
. 5. .yard bootleg around left end to give the Wildcats a 23-13 note of it (the wind) before the Mary . 09¢" , l e" (:0 find“ "1““ the “'de . ”Will‘s“ m") The tide started turning Ht 3 may iii the Uliftl In iii.-
.. -'l d . . . careers With wins at the No .i and shouldhemorerelaxcd , .
x”, 5a . . ‘ . . ‘ ‘ match to find out winch way it was No 6 itions "5 tivel hats led most of the way and then iii-lit oil ‘1 huh llrsii
5 Jenkins broke into a grin when questioned of his blowing. I knew she hated to play ' pos pec y The other doubles winners were rally that it"? Mm 5'18!" a 13 N load "PM" "W
: speed and replied adequate, but faster when some- deep and Ingot her a few times on “i was really nervous about play- No l Kuhlman-Knsiin Buchanan Kalt‘dldlh? mid W‘ M‘Onnit '
:. oneschasmg me. drapshots. mg my first match.“ Kelleher said and No 2Evans-i’lummer 7» Holly W. -
y p j '
.: . v: t, .s , a . . .. / 1 ; .
= 25°/ ff ' ,- l s z . ' “t ,
. o o - . 7 I. ‘r ‘i L. l ‘ ' ’ 7 V -. 75";’ a» t ..7 '7 ,‘fl .» ‘ v 7 “a
2 “go? h\_ on a pair ‘ = g ‘ . ,‘ -' - .
‘ _ i l 5 ,~. . 7 .
r a / of shoes ; é ' , ‘
7 , a. ,t . ' - " -, 5' . .2; . " . ' '
: 3» WWW; .. this week i ' t g ~'
~'. l ‘ . offs?!» ~ '2 i " - ' '
37’s a“,€“‘ I; .52. sep" 19 7 .. 7 . .. , . '7‘}: _ 7. f ‘
“23:27:23?” ” A i : . ; 7 ' ‘ C » 7' .. i . i
i“ -‘ . r, 1.: . ,7 .7 ,7 .
‘,'.-'.’ ,- 'j , f7
6p.m ; _ . . 7 ‘ 4 i . '
with UK Homecoming j M . . _ .. i. . . ,. ,_.
_ ticket or stub. UK vs. Tulane V l
LET'S BACK THE CATS AND CASH IN T ”"055 F0” “WE" "”5 0””- ~ , .
a“ mm A" no w w". :0! REGULAR SIZES 36-48. REGULARLYSSZSO. '
Ch.” Ch.“ PI..." cm‘ “M" “to” LONG SIZES $29. 99. REGULARLY $38.50. 1' gig? :}
, 10-6 .m. 10-9 .m. . . 5:7
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‘er LIMITED ms 7 Mg:
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7 REG. s53. , is
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 1’ i
4 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Monday, September 19, 1983
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