xt798s4jq42x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt798s4jq42x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-04-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1990 1990 1990-04-27 2020 true xt798s4jq42x section xt798s4jq42x  


Theatre students ‘disiIIusioned’r over instructor denied tenure

Senior Staff Writer


tremely disappointed," said Rebecca Davis,
a theatre sophomore. “I am disillusioned
with the bureaucracy at this University be-
cause I feel like a major injustice has oc-

Davis said that Kagan-Moore is an out-
standing instructor, and said that her educa-
tion will suffer as a result of the decision.

“He‘s too good for this University,” she

Todd Lacy, a theatre graduate student,

agrees with Davis.

“It’s a huge loss," Lacy said. “He’ll have
one more year here, and I‘ll have to say
that I'm glad that I‘ll be finished by the end
of that time."

UK’s tenure process involves several
levels of review that begins when a tenure
candidate prepares a dossier containing in-
formation which includes teaching experi-
ence, educational background, professional
activities, publications and research.

we bid to the next level of review.

The decision touched off a storm of pro
test in the UK theatre department, and stu»
dents met With several Lntyerstty officials
to voice their dissatisfaction, Many stu-
dents sent letters of protest to Chancellor
for the Lexington (Samplis Robert Heincrr

A petition was drafted bf. Lacy. Davis

The dossier is reviewed by currently ten-
ured faculty within the department, the de-
partment chairman, a college committee,
the college dean, an “academic area corn-
mittee,” the appropriate chancellor, the
president, and the UK Board of Trustees.
The dean of the Graduate School also may
revtew the dossier.

Kagan-Moore was denied tenure in Janu-
ary when College of Fine Arts Dean Rich-
ard Domck Jr. elected not to send his ten


UK theatre students say they are “disillu-
sioned" by a recent decision affirming the
denial of tenure for Patrick Kagan-Moore,
a popular theatre instructor.

Kagan-Moore, who appealed an earlier
denial of tenure, will be forced to leave UK
at the end of the 1990—91 school year.

“I can say honestly that we are all ex-

Activists keep nature
on public’s agenda

Staff Writer

Sec KA(i-\\'-\I()()RH, Page 4


The lights have dimmed and Earth Day 1990 has moved off front pages
of newspapers. What will keep people interested in saving the earth? Hab-
it, according to Lexington Earth Day Coordinator Kim Vescio.

“It (Earth Day) gets people into a new attitude, a new habit and a new
way of doing things that are more environmentally sound,” Vcscio said.

“Once you get in a habit of saving your cans and dropping them at a re-
cycling center, you usually don’t just quit because the media stops talking
about the things you should be doing," Vcscio said.

Vcscio said people have the power to make the difference by their pur-
chasing power and their voting power.

“People's purchasing power makes the biggest difference," she said.
“There's always an alternative that's better and there‘s always one that‘s
worse. You can get into the habit of looking for what is better for the envi-

Some purchasing choices Vcscio listed are choosing paper instead of
plastic, choosing items that are packed in only one layer rather than sever-
al layers anti choosing recycled materials or materials that can be recy-

“I’d like to see the govemmcnt as a leader in a lot of the programs we’re
asking everybody else to do," Vcscio said.

“If we had to purchase recycled paper, that would bring more companies
to accept all different types of paper," Vcscio said.

Vcscio said she had a difficult time finding recycled paper to print the
Earth Day material.

“Until businesses start demanding it, the places aren‘t going to start
stocking it yet," she said.

Vcscio said people should also listen to politicians who claim to be for
the environment.

“Keep an eye on their record to see if they really push for environmental
legislature,“ Vcscio said.

People also can help the environrnettt by recycling, saving water and
joining environmental organizations like the Sierra Club and Kentucky

ANDY COLUGNON fire" a 3'3"

DAY OF JUDGMENT: David Meadows, Iett. a third-year architecture student. watches as his project is critiqued by Pascal Outnlard.
center, a guest critic yesterday at Pence Hall.





College of Engineering names dean CORRECTION

Nature Conservancy, Vcscio said.

She said recycling is a problem because not enough places accept new-
papers which are in abundance in Lexington.

“There’s only one place left. I think, that takes newspapers,“ Vcscio
said. “We need more places that will accept recycled products so that we
can, in fact, do what we’re telling everybody to do.“

Chet Coons, operations manager of Lexington Recycling Center. 845
Angliana Ave., said that they do not accept newspapers or magazines be-

cause there is a glut in the paper market and the paper mills won't accept

the paper.

Gordon’s Harry Scrap Materials Inc., 637 Patterson, accepts newspapers
but does not pay for it, according to Norman Gordon, president of Gor-


Vescro is optimistic that over 1,000 green pledges were made on Earth
Day at Shilito Park. People pledged to do their best to save the environ-
ment by recycling and voting for environmental legislature.

“If you can initially get them to do it. they will stick with it, I believe, "

Vcscio said.

Staff reports

Tom Lester has been named the
new dean of the College of Engi-

Lester, who currently is chairman
of the mechanical engineering de-
partment at Louisiana State Univer-
sity was selected for the position
by Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway late
this week.

“The faculty and students are in-
terested in the new leadership and
change of direction that comes with
the new dean,” said Andrew Sey-
bert. chairman of the search com-

Lester could not be reached for

Fifty applicants and nominees
applied for the position. The appli-
cants were evaluated by the search
committee and a list of six names
were given to Hemenway, Seybert

Hemenway then named three lin—
alists: Lester; Vincent Dmevich,
UK’s acting dean of the (‘ollege of
Engineering: Yacov Shamash,
chairman of electrical engineering
department at Washington State
and Lester.

Each of the finalists visited the
Lexington Campus and then inter-
viewed with Hemenway.

Ashley Judd takes celebrity family in stride .;:¥‘

Campus Editor

Like most seniors, Ashley Judd is
anxiously awaiting graduation. But
unlike other seniors, Judd will
leave UK this summer to spend
time with two country music stars
— her mother and sister.

Naomi and Wynonna Judd.
known as The Judds, are widely
known for their country music.

Despite her family's fame, Judd
—»- who has a major in French and
minors in women‘s studies, anthro-
pology, art history and theatre —
said that most students don’t think
of her as any different from other

“I think it is stupid to get excited
because someone happens to be re-
lated to a celebrity. If Cher’s
daughter were in the same room
with me, so what? She is not Cher.
She is Chcr‘s daughter," Judd said.
“I know that some people will
come away with a nice impression
and say that‘s me and not form a
radical disposition about it."

Jenifer Simpkins, who has


“I think Ashley is as
untouched by her mother
and sister’s fame as

anybody in her situation
would be.”

Jenifer Simpkins

known Judd since the fifth grade,
said her friend has not been affect-
ed by her family’s success.

“I think Ashley is as untouched
by her mother and sister‘s fame as
anybody in her situation would
be," Simpkins said. “She focused
on becoming more of her own per-

Judd may appear to be un~
touched by the fame of The Judds,
but it is actually the opposite.

“I have vested interests in what
they do. Show business saturates
every element of our lives," Judd
said. “Not necessarily the life that I
create for myself at school, but
when I‘m with my sister it doesn‘t
matter what we’re doing. Every-
thing smacks of the show business


Show business is not all bad,

though, and it has taught Judd from
er mother and sister's experiences
that dreams can come true.

“Show business has taught me
that I cart take whatever I happen
to have and collect it, make it into
something that I can do something
with," she said.

Judd does not sing with her
mother and sister. but she plans to
become involved with the film in-
dustry. It was one of the advantages
of her family's fame that encour-
aged her interest in film.

“I like how I get to see projects
accomplished and the conceptual
beginnings of a film, of videos, of
recordings, of songs, all that,“ Judd
said. I enjoy seeing “everyone's
place role from the engineer to the
gapper, how the production sys-
tems trade off when going on loca-
tions, how producers get ideas,
what a director's role is."

With her family‘s fame, come
other advantages. such as traveling
and meeting new people.

However. being related to coun-

try music stars
does have some

Judd said, such
as prank phone

“It happens. JUDD
It is not the norm and the majority
of the people who admire the inu-
sic are not psychos," Judd said. “It
is the occasional fanatic who en-
dangers regular lile and that‘s too

But now that the semester has
ended Judd WI” hate the opportu~
nity to get away from the phone
calls and spend a summer relaxing
with her family III Nashville,
Tenn., before she begins her plans
of graduate school and the Peace

“Or I can just travel the way that
I originally planned it and that is to
go on a dig," Judd said. “I might
put that on hold and go to Los An-
gclcs and enroll in an acting

After the interview, Shamash re-
moved his name from the list.

“He voluntarily removed his
name from consrderation. He didn’t
give an explanation,“ Seybert said.
”This often happens when you con-
duct searches. It‘s a two-way street
when you interview people."

Hemenway could not be reached
for comment.

The search began when Ray
Bowen resigned as dean. effective
June 30, 1989, and Dmevich was
appomted acting dean.

“During the current year the col-
lege could not have done without
the critical leadership of Vincent
Dmevich." Sc} bert said.

Yesterday's articlt about
the death of Bharath Srinna
san, a doctoral candidate stu-
dying at UK, contained in-
correct information that was
given to a reporter.

-The name of Ktshore Sri-
nivasan was misidentified.

'UK police did lind a note
on the body, although otft<
cials are still investigating a
cause of death, according to
UK spokesman Ralph De-

-Srtnivasan‘s body was
taken to Frankfort for an au-




Today the last Kernel;
summer begins June 7

This is the final issue of the Ken—
tucky Kernel for the 1989-90
school year.

The summer Kernel Wlll publish
on each Thursday of the eight-week
summer session. The Kernel will
resume daily publication Aug.
22.Editors for the 1990 summer
Kernel are: Tonja Wilt, editor in
chief; Brian Jent, managing editor:
Jim Teiscr, sports editor; Rhona
Bowles, arts editor; Elizabeth
Moore, layout editor; Andy Collig-

non, photo editor.

Editors for the i‘Nll-“l Kernel
are: Tom Spaldtng. editor in chief;
Brian Jent, Illtllltlilllg' editor; lonja
Wilt. executiyc editor; \tctoria
Martin. news editor; Robert Nor—
man, sports editor; Robby King. as-
sistant sports editor. \lichacl 1.
Jones. .irts editor; Hunter Hayes.
assistant arts editor. \like (‘leyetr
ger, photo editor; Julie lasseltnan.
projects editor. Tom Ilontler, edi‘
tortal editor,

Panel rallies around museum

Associated Press

CINCINNATI -_ A panel ol art
professionals warned yesterday that
failing to defend a museum facing
obscenity charges for displaying
photographs by Robert Mapple~
thorpe could jeopardize the future
of other museums.

“()ur audience \Hll grow wear)
ol safe shows, hygtentt'ally pack-
aged art .. and desert us." said
Ruth Meyer, the director of the Jail
Museum and a former acting till't‘s‘
tor of the Contemporary Arts (‘en

Sec PANEL. Page 4



H... .................................................................................................

* Diverswns

English professor

ends Ion career.
Sm 7


1 I j. ....... GoldefiForks

Kernel lampoons

campus with forks.
Page 3.





 2 — Kontudty Kernel, Friday, April 27, 1990

Q :

...is coming your way.

Summer Kernel is coming...
...]une 7th!





Higher education lacks direction

in the 1988 General Assembly,
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson was criti-
cized after telling the state’s eight
university presidents to “stop their
crying" for more money that what
his stingy budget provided for high-
er education.

Wilkinson took a lot of heat
from the enlightened masses who
said that the governor needed to


C.A. Duane

budget. But since those in the state

with a college diploma tend to be
among the elite, there was little

that it has some money to educate
Kentuckians. universities must an-
swer what students ought to know.

UK implemented a new Universi-
ty Studies program a few years ago
to ensure that students get a strong
liberal arts education.

While the new University Stud-
ies program does a lot to expose
students to a wide range of different

lege for the wrong reasons —— to
earn a diploma, also known as a
work permit in the professional
world. While the purpose of a uni-
versity certainly should be to pre-
pare students for the “real world," it
also should teach them how to

Some observers have remarked
that they are astonished at how col-


leaf“ more about higher education grass~roots support of giving more ideas and points of view, someone lege students could have been so
bdo’c making SUCh statements. money to higher education, espe- can wander through UK, earn a supportive of George Bush in the
Bl" the fa“ that Wilkinson made cially if it meant paying higher bachelor's degree in electrical engi- 1988 presidential election. Bush
that statement illustrated that [00 taxes. neering and never read Plato’s Re- has not had an original idea since
many people in this state do not The state‘s university presidents public or study the great works of Watergate, which would not seem
understand why Kentucky annually went to General Assembly com- English literature. to make him especially appealing _
A I I ENTION subsidizes eight universities and 14 mittee meetings and whined for Oh the other hand, a student can [0 young people.
— community colleges. more money, but their pleas fell on earn a degree in political science — But this generation is so devoid
Higher education is vital to this deaf ears among the Bubba consti- or journalism — without having to of any meaningful ideas itself that
RESIDENCE HALL state‘s future. The only problem is tuency. Lawmakers like Rep. Er- study a foreign language or take a candidates like Bush appeal to us
—_ that it has not done a very good job hesto Scorsone spoke out for high lab science. because they tell us that everything
STUDENTS in explaining to Joe Voter why it er education, but the number of As a graduating engineer student is swell with the world.
deserves money from the state. lawmakers willing to listen was told me recently. he has been at UK Despite the sugar-coated images "
For years, higher education ex- few and far between. for five years and not one class created by media consultants. the ‘
. . . PCClCd [0 receive its biannual fund— So as higher education came taught him how to write a business world is changing drastically. ln—
ReSIdence Halls W111 Close Friday, May 4 ing from Frankfort without having away from the 1988 General Ag. letter. Students are allowed too stead of having clear-thinking citi- t
at 6:00 P.M. Problems? Contact your to work very hard. for it. But when sembly with a just a sliver of the much freedom to pick and choose zens to boldly lead the nation into i
, Wilkinson came into office, a lot budgetary pie, someone finally got what they want. As a result. most the let century, the United States \
Hall DHeCtOL of that changed. the idea that maybe universities of the cannons are tossed out the is stuck with a bunch of techno— \
Faced with budget shortfalls and would do better in 1990 if they window, causing what one profes- crats who cannot think past four-
a promise not to raise taxes, Wil~ took their case to the public. sor refers to as a “shopping-cart month periods.
kinson made every state agency de- So this year, UK blitzed the me- mentality" toward academics. And as the robots continue to I
Graduating seniors may reside in their fend its existence. And when it dia with messages that if higher ed- And then there are the students roll off the higher education assem- “
- . came higher education’s turn, it ' i n h m n it who are so determined to become bly lines, the nation will continue ‘
halls untll Sunday, May 6 at 7'00 P'M' struck out on three pitches. :23: "£61,322 gvegutldefalpagyén. an accountant or lawyer that they to experience a shortage in leader- 1‘
During the 1988 session of the The campaign worked fairly well, ignore the “other" courses that may ShlP and adecline 35 a world player.
General Assembly, everyone asso- as higher education came away “01 teach ihema new way [0 add up
P1 11 k . h h 11 d k f ciated with higher education agreed with more than $200 million. debits and credits but instead broad- Editor in Chief C .A. Duane Bo-
ease C ec Wlt a es or that it deserved more money than But higher education still has a ChS their hOFIZOhS- nifer is ajournalism and political
appropriate check out procedures, what Wilkinson called for in his lot of problems to deal with. Now Too many students come to col- . science senior.
Direct questions to your Hall Director .
or our front desk. C t 1 t t b f th f
y our 1‘11 68 pa 16H (3011168 6 DIS 6 EtUS
. , Associated ”933 half of herself and the fetus," the The premature infant died 2 hours weigh the interests of Carder. her
The Staff 0f the Office Of Refldence D.C. Court of Appeals said in a 7- after the surgery; her mother died fetus and the state.
Life wishes you a happy and safe WA§HINGTON — A pregnant 1 decision that took nearly two two days later. The Caesarean sec- The judge said an unborn child’s
patient 3 (109510“ [0 refuse medical years to emerge. tion was listed as a contributing interests and the state’s interest in
summer- treatment '5 almost always para- “We do not quite foreclose the cause of Carder’s death. preserving human life are entitled
mount, CV3“ when SUTVIYBl ofa l0- possibility" that the patient’s wish- Writing for the majority, Judge to “substantial weight" when they
his ‘59! stake, the DlSUlCl or CO' es may be overridden, the panel John A. Terry said the lower court are in conflict with a patient's deci-
lumbia’s highest court ruled said, “but we anticipate that such should have tried to determine what sion on medical treatment.
Good luck on finals! yesterday. . . _ cases will be extremely rare and Carder would have wanted to hap- The American Civil Liberties
Th? (169151?" ina W‘Idel)’ “”4”th truly exceptional.” pcn had she been able to make a Union and the National Organiza-
C35§1$blhdlhg only. "1 the district, The court ruled in the case of clear decision. tion for Women, which fought the
but ll 15 expelcted l0_ IthflUChCP otherf Angela Carder, 27. a terminal can- Instead, the judge wrote. the court-ordered procedure, said the ap
- - - l 0011115 WYCSI "‘8 W" qUCShOhS 0 cer patient pregnant with a 26- court roceded strai ht toa“balanc- eals court decision affirmed the
congrahflahons t0 graduahng senlors' maternal and fetal rights lh COthC' week-old fetus. The DC. Superior ing ahalysis" weighing Cardcr’s fights of pregnant women to con-
UO" _W”h medical treatment and Court found it unclear what the rights against the interests of the trol their own medical treatment.
abOI‘llOl'l. _ ' heavily sedated Carder wanted done state — in this case the survival of The ACLU said the decision
* * VA' * * * * VAV ‘fi’ 3% * “We hold that in Virtually all cas- with the fetus and granted George the fetus —and found for the fetus. ”stands as solid authority" for re-
65 1h? qUCShOhPl what IS 10. be Washington University Hospital’s In a separate opinion, Judge jecting the idea that a fetus has
done 1510 be dec1ded by the patient request to perform an emergency James A. Belson said he agreed rights superseding those ofa person 3‘
— the pregnant woman - 0" be- Caesarean section. with the lower court’s decision to who already has been bom.
PM [K employees. it‘s time to choose your of Kentucky Advantage . L'KHI’, or L'niy'ersity‘ health plan. you can skip filling out this year‘s
health plan for the upcoming year. And it‘s ol‘Kcntucky' Health .\luintcnanccOrganization enrollment form. \V'c‘ll automatically extend
going to be a tougn choice. You must consider (UK-HMO health plans. you can choose lhc your coycragc for another year.
how high a deductible you can afford, should doctors. hospitals and deductible levels that feel l/y'ou want to switch to a Blue Cross health
you stay Wllh your current doctor. how far you most comfortable to vou. . - ., '
. - , plan, (here syust oneform to fill out.
want to travel to a hospital and a number of And of course. whatever Bluchross and Blue ,- . . . . ., . ,
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other alternatives. Shield health plan you choose. you rccciy't the ~ , . ~ ., ~ . . . , . . Blue Cross
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‘ U! or a l etoug . ccistons i:ou Etc. one ca t cart car recognized by any doctor. any \ImPlX' complete the appropriate enrollment Blue She'd _ .
health insurance company is wor ing ard to | hospital. any “here you go form. ”you need more tnl‘ormaiion about our “Mucky
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Shl:ld oi kcmtit y. . . . y ‘ . you prefer, do nothing. holllnc at 1-800-759-4499 or m lyouisy'illt‘ at Good isn’t good enough anymore.
( m rangt 0 health plans art dcstgntd to m For employees who Wish to continue thcir 499-8898. “I


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. it . t ’ ‘ ' 3 ' ' ,, .
any lifestyle lhroiigh Option .000. Lniicrsity current BIucCrossand Blue Shieldol‘Kcniucky



3— Kentucky Kernel, Friday, Aprll 27, 1990



Years ago, so the legend goes, an embittered Kernel editor came
back to the office upset, hurt, insulted. A prominent campus figure
had unfairly harangued the young reporter for an offense that he did
not commit.

it was at that point. in the heat and sweat of tension, that the
young editor vowed revenge. From those feelings of hate, the Golden
Forks were born. As a testament to that young reporter, we take it
upon ourselves to strike back with venomous pleasure at those who
have wronged the mighty “Fourth Estate.”

Editor's note: Y eah, that's the some crock of bull we told the cam-
pus last year, but it's such a good story, we decided to repeat it
again. Actually, the Golden Forks are our way of venting a bunch of
ilflgé’f in a civilized. mature manner.

If you felt that you have gotten unfairly forked, take it up with
rte tr year's editors~ Tonja Will in the summer and Tom "Boy Ker-
nel" Spuldi'ng in thefall. Or write us a letter. Since this is the last
issue, it won’t get published. But you'llfeel a [oi better.

Have a good summer.





l'hc "lt Doesn‘t Necessarily
Take One To Know ()ne“
\wtird goes to Teel Bruner, the
student represcnative on the presi-
dential scarch committee.

When asked how as a third-year
iiii-dical student he could possibly
find the time to be in touch with
students, Briincr responded that he
would learn.

(ice, chl, that makcs sense. The
llt"l time our auto mechannic
minis to remove our appendix,
w:'ll Icl him, it he says he can


" he "W hen The Going Gets Tough l lit-t The Hell Out Of
”t‘l't'“ .\ ward goes to former lilx' l‘rcqilc'it i).l'-'lii Roselle who ,iiiinpcd

., it: Doctunbcr for a co/y ol’lcr ,lx ;‘!"’»l.i-.‘I‘il o! thc l'nixcrsity of Dela-
\l‘fc‘. last ycar he said the basketball pvogi. .i* -.\.i\n‘i on his agenda \p-
;m giitl); llt'lthF w as having a backbone like i’JVl‘, when classcs get too
'= nigh for us, can we change schcdiilcu'


7hr " l it‘rllii ~llt kcrman's strings being
Know Who piliit‘ii “v puppctecr Bubba in
Pulls M y l-‘rankmri.


Award goes to
12K Board OI
litistccs Chair-
n~an l'ostcr
l tqlttriiian. who
\Ittcitt‘d the

liar thiid annual “I Don't
Need \o Education Award"
gocs iii (vm. Wallace Wilkinson,
who sliinincd higher education dur-
ing hi~ tirst tw'o ycars in office and



search commit-
It? with Wilkinson appointees and
thcn iricd to convince pcoplc that
lhi‘ l ’niicrsity would conduct a fair
and honest national search.

it you looked really closely, you

~ “33??

then proc laiincd last year that every
Kentuckian ought to have the op-
;ioituniix to attend at least a com—
monly college. Vice try Bubba,
out you ll haw to do bcttcr to get
an honorary degree trom ['K.





'l'hc “Happy Daze“ Award goes to antique UK trustee Albert B.
“Happy" Chandler, who slept through many of the Board of Trustee meet-

ings he attended this year. But never fear

onc of Gov. Wilkinson‘s cro-

mt‘\ was always there to wake (‘handlcr up in time to vote the Wilkinson

The "Conspiracy Guy”
Award goes to student activist/
agitator Chris Bush, who annoyed
David Roselle and Student Center
Director Frank Harris by staging
separate one-person sit-ins at their
respective offices. Eventually he
was arrested on charges of crimi-
nal trespassing. Bush later was
convicted of two counts of second
degree trespassing, and he had to
pay a $500 fine. During his trial,
Bush charged that campus leaders
and administrators were conspir-
ing against him. While in Jail,
Chris wrote his autobiography.
The Mouse 'l'hiit Squad/ted.
which Will be available ncxt year
at a local sit—in ncar you.

The “Mr. (‘ongeniality"

Award gocs to Studcnt Ccntcr
Director Frank Harris thncvcr
Harris 1\ askcd tor his opinion


Thc “It‘s Not \\ hat You
Know But Who You Know“
Award gocs to l K intcriiii Presi-
dent Charlcs \\'cthiiigton. When
Wcthingtoii was namcd intcrim
chief, he said that being a lricnd of
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson did not
get him appoinicd to the top post.
No, but it didn‘t hurt. either.
\ludgc, nudge, say no iiiorc. say no

The “Making A Mountain
Out Of A mochlLL“ Award
goes to Jim Hill. the student repre—
sentative on the state (‘ouncil on
Higher Education.

Hill, a Ihlfti-_\'t‘df law student at
UK, did his but impression all
yearlong ol (iov. Wallacc Wilkin~
son, who hm claimed to everyone
in earshot was his best friend and

From calling students dillicult
and unmanageable to sucking his
nose into an undergraduate student
government cltction, Jim Hill,
like his political idol, Bubba, is
proof that you can go through life
without a conscience .. and live
with yourself.


about new student leaders, he re—
plies, "I don‘t care who wins, I
can work With all of them." By
the way, Frank, did we tell you
that Chris Bush has been appoint-
cd your personal assistant for next

The "You Scratch My
Back And I’ll Scratch Your
...” Award goes to the authors
of SGA's For Freshman Only
guide. One section read: “As a
student UK, you do have certain
rights. One of these includes sex-
ual harassment by University fa»
culty, stall, supervisors, and em—
ployees. To find out more about
University policies, punishment
and individual rights, come by the
Student Government office and
ask for additional information.”
Thanks, SGA. but no thanks.













'I hc “\illfit‘l‘i‘ \l'lairs Shuffle" Award gun to that \‘lltt\c .‘ ,
pcr \ is; ( l J - to: Student Allairs Jillllt'\ Kudcr. i’coirit- ~ ,
l-liitlt'r lot >‘ .ti: tough issucs, but lic is onc‘ oi sii‘iart.‘\'
campus. ii: . «i. marvelous.


lhc “Roadacip lo A Felon)“ Award goes to i/gu...
i.ii':1’iili‘/ 1 an int: Lad) Kat basketball team its“: ..

was loud .. 'Llli}. (‘lay left a note on lil'.‘ tn .'.'

li'iililf.‘ tip and back where the back door .

to liole “in: Lad} Rats aren't the only pcoplc i... .f ,
('hrisiiim oc walked iii to the dorm and saw}; ts, ~ 1:. .' ~ i l
worth H 3v ,v" i Bob. ma) bi" you've hccri ‘. :i V

lzllit low.




i ‘liiii‘i Harri" \ward
‘ i .‘Hii tor :‘td-
no?" “ “ - .n
\l. 'x » ..‘ .. .. is inc [hi-
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licoi‘i 3' \,lll\ from
l l,‘ Eilgintnn said
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was » . " :Qti Dale
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zio'i- 'failc lor
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m, \t. . ltnt \‘ot \eccssarily
lpward' “.il'ii 'M‘s‘ to {is Eootball
('tii‘ an zs-twr .»\l.iliaiii.i to he-
t’i‘lil. ' t : l K. the pcrcnnial
doom 1 ‘lc‘:i\lc‘rll t‘ontcrcncc.

li *- :. so me horses and blue-
grtis» litiiiltlll a lcw bricks —
that 19a. iLt‘ lhc chance for a na-
tional ' s'np





l‘hc “Blowing In The Wind" Award goes to Student (iiwcrnincni
Association Picsidcnt Sean Lohman, who often stuck his lingci io ihc
wind to liiid out what position to take on issucs. Lohinan suppoilcd lust
about cwrs studanclatcd issue this year at least oncc.






4 ~ Kentucky Kernel, Friday, April 27, 1990


AAH Seniors

are the best!!
We Love You

Jennifer Bolus


Michelle Hughes

Laurie Bond Michell Lintz
Rebecca Braun Sue Martens
Elizabeth Carden Jennifer McCue
Karen Chadwick Amy Melhiser
Rebecca Cole Jennifer Moore
Jennifer Crawford Julie Pflum
Johanna Davis Leslie Phelps
Ronda Denton Laurel Raimondo
Debra Diamond Gina Shields

Stephanie Fairchiid
Kelly Hagan

Van Harkins
Stephanie HaydOn
Michelle Honn
Stephanie Howard

Jennifer Sturgeon
Marge Sumrall
Deborah Trott
Gretchyn Turpen
Lana Wilson
Heather Young





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Continued from page 1

and theatre senior Tim Carter
which said that “(Thosel responsi-
ble for this decision have not acted
in our best interest."

The petition. which was signed
by of» theatre students, tll\() said
that Kagan—Moore was an "exem-
plary“ teacher. Copies of the pepti-
tion were sent to Hemenway, Do-
mek and theatre department
chaimian James Rodgers.

Rodgers said, however, that is-
sues other than teaching must be
considered when deciding to grant


Continued from page 1

A 175-photograph exhibition of
Mapplethorpe's work at the Con-
temporary Arts Center includes five
sexually explicit photographs and
two pictures of nude children.

A Hamilton County grand jury
indicted the center and its director,
Dennis Barrie, on April 7 on charg—
es of pandering obscenity and using
children in nudity-oriented materL
al. If convicted, they face $6,000 in
fines and Barrie, six months in jail.

“I believe that the CAC was act-
ing in our best interest when they
booked this show, an exhibition by
an intemationally recognized art-
ist," Meyer said.

Yesterday's panel, “Mapple-
thorpe and the New Inquisition,"
was sponsored by the art history
department o