xt79cn6xws2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79cn6xws2p/data/mets.xml Dixon, Henry Hall, 1822-1870. 1862 books b98-51-42632454 English F. Warne, : London : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Horsemanship. Sports Great Britain. Scott and Sebright / by the Druid [pseud.], author of 'The post and the paddock,' 'Silk and Scarlet,' etc. text Scott and Sebright / by the Druid [pseud.], author of 'The post and the paddock,' 'Silk and Scarlet,' etc. 1862 2002 true xt79cn6xws2p section xt79cn6xws2p A,-I /. , I I MR IUCZAID TZTTEAMLLg A I " AIM li s B THE DRUID. 5 C.,, 9 This page in the original text is blank. S C O T T AND S E B R I G H T. 1Bv THE DRUID, AUTHOR OF THE POST A.N-D THE PADDOCI;, S"ILK AND SCARLFT, ETC. RI'EVISED) AND N R&-EI)ITEJ). WITH STEEL ENGRAVINGS. LONDON: FREDERICK WARNE AND CO. I:FDF)ORD STREET. STRANDP. LONDON: R. CLAY, SONS, AND TAYLOR, BREAD STREET HILL, E. C PRE FACE. A THIRD work of the same class scarcely calls A for a preface, except as pure matter of form. In writing it I have adhered strictly to my original plan of endeavouring to fill up from oral evidence some blanks in the sporting history of the last seventy years; and where I have had the good fortune to meet with an especially well-known character, I have got him, Dick Christian fashion, to give the public the butt end of his mind in the first person. The three books must be taken as a whole, and hence any seeming omissions, or very slight notice of a cele- brated man or horse in the present one, will generally be accounted for by reference to its predecessors. The difficulty of the task has been great, as no two men ever seemed to give precisely the same account of anything, and on some points I have despaired of getting more than an approximation to the exact truth, amid so many conflicting statements. The name of " Post and Paddock" could cause no mistake, but "Silk and Scarlet" deluded a few into the belief that it was a contribution to Church. Polemics. When I had to think out a third title, I did hope that by adopting the names of two of their most accomplished practitioners as the types of The Turf and The Chase, I ran no risk of being misunder- stood; but still I found one of my old Rugby school- fellows under the firm belief that by the heading "Sebright" I must be taken to contemplate a treatise on Bantams. As regards the first three chapters, I have nothing to remark, except that I have handled the great winners as nearly as possible in chronological order, and separated man from horse by a pony chapter, which, with about twenty pages more, has already appeared in print. "The Flag" part of the fourth chapter is a mere fragment, for the sake of illustrating the career of one of its most celebrated riders, when steeple-chasing really was a sport; and both "The Stag" and " The Drag" might have been worked out much more fully if there had been space at command. 10, KENSINGTON SQUARE; _7une io/Ii, xS6Z. IV Prejace. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. TURF WORTHIES. A word at starting-Horse traditions-Old sporting writers-Eccentric Turf characters-Old Q.-Colonel Thornton-The Swaffham Club -Cricketing and archery-The dawn of Goodwood-The driving era-Ascot qualification ticlets-Doncaster Moor to wit-The Prince Regent at Biboury-Dr. Cyril Jackson on Bibury and H-lunting -Dean Alilner's interview with Mendoza-Sir Tatton Sykes and his sheep tastes-His little difficulty with Mr. Baker of Elemore-His early days in London-Ilk probation in Lincoln's Inn--Humours of the Yorkshire shrievaltics-A word with Lord Thurlow-Sir Tatton's race-riding-Visits to Doncaster-His rides to London-The old race of Turfites-The old Derby course-Early betting-The cer- tainties of '17-110w they kept the course at Epsom-The year of Gustavus and Augu ta-The Warren Hill parade-The Nomination night at York-The Leger eve at the Salutation- Crutch Robinson's sayings anld doing-Ilichael Brunton-The old school of Yorkshire trainers: Thoytes-H1is views on tails and training-Mark Plews- His interview with the Marquis of Queensberry-John Smith-Mrs. Smith's love for Middlehaam-Old Sykes and his cards inspection- Billy Pierse- Ars. Pierse's training tact-His test of two-year-old form-Tact in stopping a quarrel-Ilis studies in Political Economy -The B orodfino tip in the bedroom-Old Forth- Buckle. Robinson, and Chihlcy-Grandfather Day and Tom Goodisson-Wheatley and Clift-Bill Arnull on money matters-William Edwards-Plot ta make Orville run away-John Jackson-Ben Smith-Mlalaprop sayings of Ben-Early humours of Bob Johncon-First mount on General Chass6-IIis perpetual thirds for the St. Lefcr-llis fall at l)oncaster-Colloquies and correspondence writh Mr. Ord-The VI Contlents. Pilgrim's rest at Gosforth-Sam Darling's wastes-Mr. Horsley's story of Sam-Winning the St. Leger on Rockingham-John and Sam Day's first pony race-Sam in the crate-Grandfather Day- John Day as a jockey-His race on Amphitrite-His waste walk and Danebury discipline-Sir John Mills at Stockbridge races- Isaac Day-Uncle Sam in the Epsom paddock-Uncle Sam on the pipe-His lecture on wasting-His London practice-Early tuition of John and Bill Scott-Filho da Puta's match-Looking over the Squeers lot-The sporting bagman-Performances of Filho-Dis. pute about his name-John's riding-Life on Sherwood Forest- Forest privileges-Birth of Matilda-Mr. Petre's career-Bill Scott's jockeyship-His riding of Attila-His amusements-Visit to Harro- gate-Training of his colt, Sir Tatton Sykes-The Whitewall snug- gery-Pictures of the cracks-The Whitewall dining-room-The guests at Whitewall-Baron Alderson's visit-Old Cyprian-Lang- ton Wold-The schoolmaster at home-" Ben" and the hounds- John Scott's commentaries-Pavis and Conolly-Isaac Day's descent with Little Boy Blue-Jemmy Chapple-A word on Nat-Job Marson-Frank Butler's surprise with The Vest-Colloquy with Isaac Walker on the Moors-The Old Victory jacket-Last days of Frank-Mr. Theobald of Stockwell-Camel-Mr. Bransby Cooper's opinion of him-Stockwell sires-Mr. Theobald's love of being in the fashion-His dress and dogs-Trap horses-Trips to Doncaster and Newmarket-The late Mr. Tattersall-Dislike to betting- His entry on the business-The yard at Tattersall's-Mr. Tattersall's connexion with the Prince-Difficulties with H.R.H. about a chal- lenge-His Majesty's care for old chums-Mr. Tattersall as a hunting man-Understanding with highwaymen-Sir Clement Dormer in difficulties-The stories of Slender Billy-Boiling the exciseman- Billy's warning voice, and his execution-Parson Harvey-Mr. Vernon on long preaching-Coaching, dogs, and fists-Theatre rows-The late John Warde-Mr. Tattersall's Derby dinner-The first guests-HLumours of Charles Mathews, sen.-Drawing the Derby Lottery-Frightenirg the Chelmsford postboy-Mr. Tatter. sall as a breeder of blood stock-Mr. Tattersall's scrap-book-James WVard, R.A.-Mr. Fernely-Principal pictures-His habits-Visit to Mr. Herring at Meopham-Horse and donkey models-The Arab Imaum-Mr. Herring's first efforts-Other subjects- Interior of his studio-Recollections of his "Book of Beauty"- Painting Bay Middleton-Baron Petroffski-His love of sport-His racehorse breeding-Racing in Ruqsia--Trah ing troubles PP. 1-94 Con/en/s. vii CHAPTER II. EXMOOR TO WIT. The road to Exmoor-Emmett's Grange-Mr. Robert Smith's cob breeding-Bobby-The inn at Simon's Bath-Origin of the Exmoor ponies-The Dongalas--Thoroughbred crosses-The first pony sales -Mr. Knight's pony stock-Their mode of life-Habits and battles of the sires-Annual marking of the hoofs-Average of casualties-The herdsmen-A ride by the Barne-On Exmoor-Bringing up the ponies-The Sparkham pony-Tihe Doons of Badgery Pp. 95-1"I CHAPTER III. TURF CRACKS. County rivalry in Arabs-Indian blood-sire contract-Willesden pad- docks-,.Voltigeur and Sir Edwin Landseer-The Willesden staff- The selected sires-On shipboard-Arabs in England-Mr. Wilson and Omer Pacha-Mr. Elliot on Arab champions-Landing of Arabs at Bombay-Racing in India-Breeds and peculiarities of Arabs- Tricks of Native dealers-The early English cracks-Hambletonian -John Smith at Streatlam-" I see Queen Mab has been withyou"- The Queen Mab family at Streatlam-Streatlam trainers-Isaac W'alker at homne-Isaac's interviews with Will Goodall-The Streat- lam Paddock pets-The Yorkshire greys-Delpini of the woolly coat-Turf doings at Sledmere-Sam Chimiey in Yorkshire- Camillus and Stumps-Death of Stumps-An afternoon with Sir Tatton and Snarry-Diplomatic relations of Snarry and the Sled- mere sires-The Diall's field-Swale's wold-The Cottage Pasture- Cherry Wood End-The Craggs Flat-The Castle Field-The King's Field-Across the road and into the Park-A little arith- metic-The sire paddocks-Old times at Ashton Hall-" The best of all good company"-Lancashire turf rivals-St. Leger sons of Sir Peter-The Waxy blood-Whalebone at Petworth-The Petworth stud-Blacklock's youth-Racing finish of Blacklock-The sire and sons of Tramlp-Lottery-Peculiar action of Lottery and Tomboy- The last of Lottery-The Catton tribe-Dr. Syntax and Reveller- Death of Dr. Syntax-Ralph-Scottish cracks-Sir John Maxwell and "11Od lNeon"-Canteen and Sprinkell at Carlisle-Difficulties Viii Contents. of the Hoddom Castle butler-Matilda-Purchase of Rowton-Hiis race for the St. Leger-Velocipede on the Turf-The Colonel- Charles MNarson at Lord Exeter's-The Sultan stock-Beiram- Green Mantle and Varna-Galata ripping them up-Darling's best race-Camarine and Taurus-The Duke of Bedford as a racing man -The Oakley meet-Envoy, and Magog the giant-The late Earl of Albemarle-Bad Beaufort luck-Muley and MIuley Moloch-The grandsire of Touchstone-John Scott's first sight of Touchstone- His mishaps and medicine--Mostyn-MIile martyrs-Ascot Cup trem- blings-Touchstone's peculiarities-Ilis descendants-Jereed and Mundig-MNundig's Derby Day-Hornsea, Scroggins, and Carew- Gladiator-Early days of Cyprian-Purchase of Epirus-His crain- ing in the metropolis-The trial of Don John and Cardinal Puff- The Colonel and "the Admiral"-Ilorse whims-A horse's know- ledgr of sound-Purchase of Charles XII.-Iletman Platoff- Industry and Ghuznee-Launcelot-Satirist's St. Leger trial -Attila's trial-Jacob's bet about Attila-Jacob on a tout hunt-King Cole- Marlow and old John Day-Sam Darling and Isaac-History of Isaac-Weighting him for the Audley End-The old Scottish cracks-The late Lord Eglinton-Sir James Boswell-Myrrha and Philip-Gullane-Zohrab and Co.-Scottish coaching days-In- heritor and the Ramsay lot-Lanercost-M\r. James Parkin-Laner- costiana-Outwitting St. Martin-Labours of Lanercost-Winningg the Cambridgeshire-His after-career-The love of Lanercost for a dog-Blue Bonnet-Cotherstone-Cotherstone's trial-Attempt to hocus him-A visit to Althorp Paddocks-Cotherstone in retire- ment-His stock-Orlando's maiden race-Young John Day's win on WViseacre-Death of Franchise-" Running Rein" and St. Law- rence-The Baron-Iago-The B. Green two-year-olds-Two-year- old trials-The purchase of Cossack-War Eagle-The Hero- Chanticleer-Canezou and Springy Jack-'Maid of Masham-Eller. dale-Sale of Stockwell and West Australian-The late Lord Londesboro'-Van Tromp-Iarlow and The Dutchiman-The Dutchman's Derby race-Vatican-Surplice-Accidents to Surplice -The roaring humour-Beginning of the Aske stud-Death of Comfit-Voltigeur-Purchase and trial of Voltigeur-Bobby Hill's training notions-Voltigeur at Epsom-Bobby's Lightfoot fancy - Voltigeur's decline-Vedette-Waking up Sabreur-His trial at Richmond-Nunnykirk-Teddington-His yearling form-His two. year-old trials with Aphrodite, &c.-His Derby trial-Derby anxieties-Kingston- Death of Kingston-The Cawston stud- Pantaloon and Phryne-The Windhound rout-A visit to Cawvston Cot1 /eCll/s. 1x -The late Lord John Scott-Old Helen-Hobbie Noble-Cannobie -Pocahontas-Early history of S tockwell-Birth of Rataplan-Rata- plan's racing and training habits-King Tom-Longbow-Miss Bowe-Daniel O'Rourke-Little Ilarry-Joe Miller-Umbriel- West Australian-Isaac WN'alker's annual appearance at Whitewall- Frank's first introduction to " The West"-The West's Doncaster Jubilee--Catherine IHayes-Goorkah's history-Butterfly-Boiardo -Knight of St. George- Virago-Lord of the Isles-Wild Dayrell's History-Birth of Wild Dayrell-Ilis change of hands-His train- ing and trial-Ellington-Warlock-Imperieuse-Horse eccen- tricities-St. Giles-- Queen Mary's blood-Blink Bonny-Her race for the Derby-Balrownie, Blooming Heather, and Bonnie Scotland -Beadsinan-Antonio, Anton, and Actzeon-Trumpeter-Musjid- His Derby trial-Underhand and the greyhounds-His Newcastle triumphs-St. Albans-Ashdown Park-Ride to the coursing ground-Notabilities of the field-Coursers' talk-The two blacks at work-Beating the plantations-Over the hill to Russley-A peep at Ru'ssley Park-Thonnanby-Thornianby's early labours-Dundee -his breakdown-A peep at Benhams-Fisherman and Co.- Avalanche-Caller Ont-Trials and peculiarities-Her St. Leger race-The youth of Kcttledrtun-Training Kettledrum- Col. Towne- ley's paddocks-An hour with the Whitewall brood mares pp. 112-26i CHAPTER IV. STAG, DRAG, AND FLAG. Old hunting times-The first Master of the Royal Hounds-The Royal Staghounds-Reverence of the country people-The King out hunt- ing-The original pack-The Goodwood kennels-George IV.'s hunting-Mr. Davis's best nuns-Fun in the Vale of Aylesbury- The Marquis at bay-Visit to the Royal Kennels-Pictures and testimonials-The Ilound kennel-Old Swinley revelries-The Deer Paddocks-Deer diet-Paddock exercise-Carting the deer- Peculiarities of great stags-Harry-The great Leicestershire Stag- hunt-" The Marquis's" freaks-Baron Rothschild's deer-Sir Clifford's deer-Harvey Combe-The Baron's pack-Limits of the Vale-The Rothschild cracks-Grouse, King Pippin, and Hark- over-Bill Bean, the arch-trespasser of England-The perils of the drag-Will White and his successor Kit-Bill Bean's horses-Perse- cution of the farmers-The great indignation meeting-How Bill Contents. attended to the notices -His graceful manners with the Tax Com- missioners-Jem Hills' steeple-chase-The start-The plot thickens -The last brook-First steeple-chase in Leicestershire-Captain Becher-The palmy days of St. Albans-First St. Albans steeple- chase-Tommy Coleman's volunteers-Moonraker-A fierce lawyer -"The Squire" as steward-Grimaldi v. Moonraker-Grimaldi and Napoleon-Viviana-Vivian v. Cock Robin-Fun in the Vale -Latter days and death of Grimaldi-Flacrow and the Leamington -Lottery's beginnings-Fun in the Midlands-Vivian v. Lottery- Beginning of the Liverpool Grand National-Leicestershire to wit- Lottery's zenith and finish-Establishment of the Brocklesby Hunt steeple-chases-Brocklesby steeple-chases, 1842-49-Mr. Tilbury the dealer-His class of horses-His coachmanship-The two French- men and the Three Pigeons-The Elmores-The Elmores as hunter dealers-John Elmore at home-John Elmore's stories-Staghound diplomacy-I arking with Lottery. . 262-317 CHAPTER V. HORN AND HOUND. Visit to Joe Hewitt-Service under Mr. Frank Fawkes-Joe's stag. hunting in Norfolk-Fox-hunting in Norfolk-A new light on fox- hunting-Fox-hunting lecture-Fox-hunting, 1790-1810-The late Earl of Darlington-Squire Draper-The Yorkshire Wolds-The Wold Hunts-The Sykes hounds-The Badsworth-Engagement of Will Danby-Waifs and Strays for Holderness-Kennel build- ing-Life in Holderness-Will Danby's sayings-Dreams of the chase-Holderness foxes-Mr. Hodgson's Scurry Stakes at Beverley -Practical jokes in Holderness-The biter bit-Captain Percy Williams-Mr. John Bower-Mr. Ralph Lambton-His habits of life-Mr. Lambton on the flags-His hound feeding-Mr. William- son's mastership-The late Sir Harry Mainwaring-Tom Rance's history-The late Dick Gurney-Tom in Cheshire-Tom's table- talk-Head, Maiden, and Markwell-Foxes and their troubles- Tom's disasters-The Cheshire green collars-Old Zach Goddard- The snooze in the Park- Celebrities at Bicester-Sir Thomas Mostyn and the B.D.C.-Stephen Goodall-Stephen in kennel-Tom Moody-Griff Lloyd-Griff Lloyd's power of bearing fatigue-Jem Hills-View from the kennel-The Heythrop covers-New kennels near Chipping Norton-Heythrop foxes-Making up forty brace- Contents. Jem and the badgers-Glories of Cribb the terrier-Jem's early days-Special day for the Duke of Beaufort-Blooding future Masters of Hounds-Scent symptoms-The South Warwickshire's triumph-Dislike to water-Cricket reminiscences-Clarke's sanc- tum-The kennel beauties of Badminton-Recollections of Will Long-The dawn of Leicestershire-The Quorn country-Mr. Assheton Smith-Hunting-field habits-The Billesdon Brook leap - Training little Will Burton-Will's kennel education-Mr. Codring- ton's talking habit-" The Squire" in Lincolnshire-The Osbaldes- ton hound blood-"The Squire's" hound tastes-His scorn of fatigue-Meltoniana-General Grosvenor-Mr. John Moore-Lord Alvanley-Mr. Maher's "Old Tommy"-Mr. Maher outwitted- Sir Francis Burdett-Sir Harry Goodricke-Doing Tom Heycock- Old Snow-Mr. Holyoake-Captain White-Putting up hunters at the Old Club-Harlequin-Mr. Maxse pounding a couple-Merry Lad-Captain White at Croxton and [eaton Park-The late Mr. Greene of Rolleston-Style of riding-The riding of his later years- His horses-His hunting journal-His great Thorpe Trussells run- Mr. Greene at home-His latter days-The last meet at Rolleston -His last hunt-His death-The sale day-Sir Richard Sutton- Hound fancies- Early days of Will Goodall-Will Goodall at the Belvoir-Tom Sebright-Tom in Leicestershire-First day in the Milton country-Scenery about Milton-Tom on the flags-The kennel after his death-Tom's hunting habits-Style of hunting- Describing a run-Tom at home-Tom's snuggery-First symptoms of illness-Tom at Middlesboro' and Yarm-The last party-His Illness and death-His burial.. pp. 318-418 This page in the original text is blank. SCOTT AND SEBRIGHT. CHAPTER I. TURF WORTHIES. "Mr. Perceval and Lord Sidmouth were Premiers, and that is all that is knowni of them; but if they had been great racing men, there would have been hundreds of enthusiasts who would treasure up the minute descriptions in which a Turf writer would have collected all the traditionary stream of knowledge bearing on their physical and mental gifts, on their successes and failures, the way they carried their heads, and the way they turned out their feet." 'LL tel/yozu what it is, -my oldfriends," A Word at I said a candidate, when he had been Starting. met at the station, and duly conducted to a dais at the end of his Committee Room; "I'm not g-oing to stand uzp hcre for a speech to-ngight, but I'1 jIst come down and smoke a pizpe wit/h you2." It was six to four on him at once, and the takers had the worst of it on the polling day. Such a homely solution of the start- ing difficulty might make the Jockey Club prick up its ears, and fill the author-world with the direst envy. It suits our own humour to a nicety. We want to settle down cuickly into our stride, and tell from our note-book, as of yore, the post and paddock recol- lections of many an old English and Scottish worthy. Our appetite for moralizing is not sufficiently athletic to grapple with the morbid anatomy of The Turf, or B Scoll and Sebr;ighl. to trace every dark episode in its annals. We simply feel proud, that an institution, so fraught with tempta- tion, and exposed to the ken of so many millions of ignorant or crusty critics from within and from with- out, should continue to furnish us with Premiers, and to show such wonderful fibre and endurance under the chronic onslaughts of that lop-sided morality, which almost denies the existence of an honest owner, trainer, or jockey. Horse Tra- But second-hand homilies are not in ditions. vogue, and nearly every tradition for good or evil has been already moulded into shape. We may have to take the Venerable Bede on trust, when he tells us that in 631 the " English first began to saddle horses ;" but the same genius of stable gossip which was at hand to note for posterity how Lord Falkland's son bartered away his father's library for a horse and a mare, has stayed the two centuries well. A rich harvest of facts, down to I'Anson's last Leger orders to Challoner, never to raise his hands from Caller Ou's withers, has been gathered in by its agency, but there is still much work for the gleaner. And if our version of some events differs in a measure from that which was given of them at the time, it may be that we have traced them more thoroughly to the fountain head, when all motive on the part of the actors for gloss or concealment had long passed away. Old Sporting "'Tis seventy years ago" is a phrase Writers. of edge not to be matched now, and we may well not care to go back further. We can still reach by the light of living memory (the only book we have cared much to consult), that great historic age of "Genius Genuine," the Prince Regent, and John Bull. Of thousands of good sportsmen, who rode the hill towards Black Hambleton, on the King's Plate day, to see the judges place i6 out of 31 for posterity behind the Belvoir "Bonny Black," or decide the delicate question between five Marys, we must 2 71lu1f Wont0ic's. 3 fain be content with the simple record that they were born and died. No newspaper had then made sport- ing its specialty, and the Old Spor-ting Magazine only began in I792 to "woo the votaries of Dian and the fre- quenters of Newmarket," with intelligence and " lyric compositions of the sylvan, rustic, and Anacreontic kind." The field of Turf literature had lain compara- tively fallow, and when the writers did begin to work it again, they stuck too much to one kind of cropping. They were careless of the fame of great horses, or considered them to be sufficiently provided for in the Racinzg Calendar, which extended its earliest favours to Jamaica as well as Great Britain; and embalmed the Royal Rules of Cockfighting as solemnly as the pedigree of Coughing Peggy, or Skipjack from Old Mother Neesome. Men who had completed a zealous novitiate of folly or eccentricity, and risen to the dignity of a character; the careless cassock, fonder of brew- ing an October posset than writing a fifteen-minutes sermon, and yet ready, like his ancestors, to melt his last tankard for Church and King; and the wealthy Corinthian who had run the gauntlet of the coffee- houses before he was three-and-twenty, were the subjects they delighted to honour. The Prince Regent was their Mcecenas, Eccentric Turf and Sir Harry Vane their Suwarrow of Characters. the turf. Lord Barrymore, who was known as "Crip- plegate," while another brother became "Newgate," and a third owned to a still warmer and more ex- pressive title, was a most fruitful study with them. Inspired by the account of the countryman, who consumed a pound of salt, a cabbage, and a cabbage- net at a sitting, his lordship made a bet Lord Barry- that he would produce a man who was more's Bets. equal to eating a live cat ; and he won by a few yards at Brighton, when he challenged the Duke of York to try who could wade farthest into the sea. Well might his Boswell exclaim, on hearing of his early death, 1' 2 4 Scott and Sebrzgiit. " Could the emotions of grief restore his vital heat, my lamentations should fatigue Echo." Earl Orford's eccentricities, wrote another, " are too firmly indented upon the tablet of the memory, ever to be obliterated from the diversified rays of retrospection," and then feeling refreshed by this prelude, he proceeds, with his usual kindness to give them in detail. Major Topham earned a mention both for the drama's and Snowball's sake. Sir John Lade (who " stood in " with " Leader, the great coach-builder of Liquor Pond Street,") was 2 fund in himself for them, whether he was driving his [)haeton and four across the ice of the Thames, or riding his mule for a thousand pound match over the Ditch In; and they loved to tell how O'Kelly would fumble among a quire of banknotes just to set the caster, when he had got every floating guinea in the bank. Old Q. Sonneteers and satirists all laid violent hands on Old Q, who still stuck to his Picadilly bow window, his green vis-d-vis with black horses and long tails, his Richmond beauties, his muff, and defied them. His body physician had only to look in the Morning Post occasionally to be reminded that he had strictly a life-interest in his patient, and that his prescriptions of a warm milk bath scented with almond powder, and a veal cutlet at 3 A.M., might as well have been posted at Charing Cross. ColonelThorn- Colonel Thornton's thirst for notoriety ton. was also slaked to the full. If he sat down next to Oliver Goldsmith at the Sgavoir Vivace Club, or jumped a five-foot-seven gate, or ran down a hare on horseback, or coursed a bustard, or shot a dotteril, or unhooded Sans Quartier amid the elastic wold breezes round Falconer's Hall, the feat never lacked a chronicler. His greyhound Major, his bea- gle Merryman, and his terrier Pitch were all accepted types of their order; and Juno, whose fame caused Lord Grantley to pay half-forfeit in a match of thou- Tiirf W/ort/hies. 5 sands, was the queen of the twenty brace of setters and thirty-five pointers, which composed his "partridge preparations." Lord Orford's kennel was worsted by The Swaffham the Snowball blood over the Wharram Club. Wolds, but the plains of Swaffham had no mightier champion. It was at his bidding, that the club was limited to the number of letters in the alphabet, and each member selected a colour. If The Heath knew well the orange and black cap of the dashing match- maker Grosvenor, the green and white stripes of Foley and Fox, and the mazarine blue of Standish, coursing men watched with equal zest in Norfolk, whether brimstone, quaker, or pompadour would be the steward's cockade for the week. While the turf and the leash thus held Cricketing and their alternate six months' sway, the Archery. Marchioness of Salisbury was tasting the delights of the chase and the quiver. A golden bugle-horn was sometimes the Hatfield prize, and it sounded the recilld for many a county muster of the Woodmen of Arden, the Bowmen of Cheviot Chase, and the Hainault Foresters in their green and buff. While the Essex archers were keeping summer trysts at Fairlop Oak, the Men of Kent knew well how to handle the willow. Earls Winchilsea, Darnley, and two more dashing spirits thought nothing of pitting county elevens against each other at Lord's for a thousand guineas; and in 1792, fourteen matches were played for that sum, and six for half of it. The cricketing picture of the period is strange to look upon. The players are attired 'in round hats, knee-breeches, and pig-tails; the umpires are all frill, and two scorers sit contentedly with slates on a form. Goodwood subsequently achieved re- The Dawn of nown, as the spot where Lillywhite and Goodwood. James Broadbridge first took the hint for their round bowvling from Lambert. In i8oi its racing was of a Scott and Sebrig/i. very lowly kind. One writer, in tact, seems to have carried away nothing more than an indefinite idea of "five or six roving tents, and plenty of ice and pick- pockets." Ascot basked earlier in the smiles of royalty; its sports were regularly opened by beat of drum, and its cords bounded South by E 0 tables, some fifty strong, and North by four-in-hands. Never were the pigeons more heavily and more openly winged, and one E Oite, plaintively referring to his rich dividends of the previous year, seemed almost to consider that in a bad summer he was entitled to com- pensation from the Crown on its native heather, for " the poverty of one, the death of a second, and the compulsive abdication of a third." The Driving The new driving era was just beginning Era- to dawn in '93, and the procession of a score of freshly-painted mail-coaches up St. Tames Street from the Bull-and-Mouth and The-Swan-with- Two-Necks, &c., after the birthday drawing-room, on June 4th, with their drivers and guards in new scarlets, and the horses in parti-coloured streamers, was be- coming one of the most popular sights of the season. The Driving and the Whip Clubs were not then in being. The landlord of the Black Dog, at Bedfont, had no visions for himself or his successors, of eleven teams of bays at his door, with Mr. Vill :bois, Mr. John Warde, and Sir Thomas Mostyn on the box. The Buxton bit, and the Hawke head territ still slum- bered in the brains of their inventors, and the wildest dreams of the future " Baron Stultz,"-who gained Beau Brummell's love by putting a iool.-note into each of his dress-coat pockets, and destroyed 'Schweizer's and Dawson's monopoly by the two hussar-jackets which he begged to make as a favour for "The Seventh," in Lord Anglesey's time,-did not as yet compass that double-breasted drab driving coat, with three tiers of pockets, and Spanish five-dollar pieces for buttons, in which Sir Godfrey Webster found no 6 Tulrf Wo)/Xities. followers. Sir Henry Peyton had not brought four greys, or Sqtuire Annesley four strawberry roans with " Harlequin" as off-leader, into fashion; and a really crack team seldom showed at Ascot, except each horse was of a different colour. Nothing pleased " Farmer George" so Ascot Qualifi- much as to find that there was a good cation Tickets. entry for his four-mile Hunter Plate. His Majesty on his white horse, which did duty long before Hob was foaled, never missed the Windsor Forest Meet, on Holyrood Day (September 26th): and until the melan- choly twilight of his powers stole on, he cared quite as much to calculate how many of the horses were about to try for their ten qualification tickets, as to look at his hounds and men. Owners or grooms might ride them, but it was a sine quat non that the Royal Hunts- man should see them, both at the uncarting and the take of the deer. It made no matter how forward they might be during the run, if both those cardinal rules were not complied with. If three horses suc- ceeded in winning their tickets at the end of a severe chase, it was thought to be a good day's work; but in an ordinary run, very few failed, and Mr. Davis has granted one, as an especial honour, to a lad on a pony. The early history of the Ascot of the Doncaster Moor North has been told so often, that there to wit. is no need for us to go back to the 51. 5s., which was voted by its corporate body in i68 i, for five years, to encourage the sport on their Town Moor. The return list began in 1728; and the meetings were held in July, and after shifting all over the summer months, they finally settled down into September, about 1750. Eight-and-twenty years after, the uncle of " Hand- some Jack St. Leger" gave his name to the race, and so the ball has been kept rolling to the present day. In I794 the light skirmishes between the mayor and the gamblers began, but His Worship won, and like another Lord Elgin, at Pekin, burnt the E 0 tables in 7 Scoll acd Sebrigkht. front of the Mansion House. Less martial mayors succeeded, and in 1825 another civic sally had to be made, or the very mace and meat-jack would have been in danger. The skulking which that defeat en- tailed upon the E Oites exasperated them to such an extent, that they joined forces with the thimble- riggers