Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, November 14, 1942.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 a.m. Sat-
urday, November 14, 1942.   The following members were present:
Judge Richard C. Stoll, James Park, H. S. Cleveland and H. D. Pal-
more. President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson
were also present.

     A. Correction of Minutes.

     On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of October 16,
1942, were ordered corrected by changing Item F of the minutes by
striking therefrom the following: "Dr, Hobart Ryland, head of the
Department of Romance Languages and making same to read "Dr. Herbert
P. Riley; head of the Department of Botany."

     The minutes were further ordered corrected in Item C by includ-
Ing the list of donors to the Student Loan Fund.

     Gifts and Funds other than Interest to Student Loan Fund
                    from January, 1920, to June 1941

              John G. Stoll                     $ 100.00
              Lexington Herald                     100.00
              Desha Breckinridge                   100.00
              C. N. Manning                        100.00
              G. K. Graves                         100.00
              R. P. Ernst                          500*00
              George Colvin                        100.00
              R. C. Stoll                          500*00
              J. I. Lyle                           253.00
              R. G. Gordon                         100.00

              J. Hk. Gardner                       500.00
              Charles H. Brock                     500.00
              Thomas Combs                         100.00
              Bill Combs                            50.00
              1. 0. dughes                       1,000.00
              Iley B. Browning                     400.00
              L. C. Humphrey                       100.00
              Alex P. Humphrey                     200.00