xt79cn6xwv89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79cn6xwv89/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19241107  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  7, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  7, 1924 1924 2012 true xt79cn6xwv89 section xt79cn6xwv89 p

Best Copy Available

the Ccnirc-Stnt- c
Frosh tussle tomorrow


The Kentucky Kernel

30,000 Kernels already
this year



Y. M. AND Y. W. TO


Virgil Chapman, recently elected to
Congress from this district, is a
graduate of tho University of Kentucky. He was a prominent member
of Alpha Delta Sigmn, men's journalism fraternity, and has taken an
active part in all measures proposed
to promote the growth of tho university.



7, 1924

No. 7



Campaign to
be Waged by 125

Two-Da- y


President McVey, Dean


Boyd Endorse Both



(Continued on Pago Seven)

Red Roberts Sends Ex
cellent Freshman

Crack Musical Organi
zation Has Sixty-Men


Marcia Lampert Holds
Honor of Being

What is this great army which
comes sweeping down Stoll field, and
who is the pompous looking person
ago who majestically twirls the
baton? It is none other than the
University of Kentucky Band and
Drum Major Gans. Nowhere in the
south can a university band be found
of ours
to equal these "horn-tooterkhaki-cla- d
When the sixty-fiv- e
march down the field, led by Drum
Major Gans and Sponsor Lampert,
what Kentuckians heart can help but
swell and shout to the world, "See
our Band!"
In 1922 the band made its first trip
with the Wildcat football team. They
them to Tennessee on
Thanksgiving day of that year to
fight the Volunteers. Last year they
took their longest trip and that was
to Atlanta, Georgia.
by the Wildcats, the band won a victory of victories by tying the score
with one of the strongest football
teams of the south. They put Ken
tucky on the map of the football
world and their rendering of "My Old
Kentucky Home" left a deep impression upon the hearts of the Golden
Tornado rooters. "Fuzzy" Woodruff,
of the "Atlanta Georgian," says:
"Ordinarily a college band at
football game is just one of those
things that we've become accustomed
to, but which are, nevertheless, pasts
to the artistic senses and nuisances
to the nerves, but this Kentucky outadded the one
fit of
touch to make complete the golden
afternoon of the fairest and crispest
November that over stirred football
men to deeds of war and valour."

on Pago Eight)

Annclle Kcllcy


Helen King

Annelle Kelley was elected the most popular girl in the an
mal p6pularity contest held at the University of Kentucky, Wed- lesday, October 27. Helen King was second, Marie Beckner was
hird, Mary Louise Fleming fourth, Louise Burks fifth, and
jillian Rasch sixth.

Delegates of National Ralph F. Seymour Pur
Fraternity in At- chases Press for
Mortar Board, senior women's honorary scholastic fraternity, is holding its biennial convention at the university, beginning Thursday, November 5, and closing Saturday, November 8. The local chapter is in charge
of the entertainment and a program
has been planned which is being carried out with much success.
The council arrived Wednesday and
held a meeting. The council is composed of Mrs. W. A. Clark, Swarth-morPa., national president; Miss
Sarah Blanding, Lexington,
Miss Gertrude Wilharm, Minneapolis, Minn., secretary; Mrs. R. N.
Wcstover, Lincoln, Neb., treasurer.
Most of the delegates arrived Thursday. The following is a list of those
who have informed Miss Blanding of
their arrival:
and Elsie
Alice May Connolly
Prins, University of Minnesota, Kath-ry- n
Warner, Mrs Wcstover and Barbara Wigginborn, Nebraska University; Jeanette Strickler, Kansas University; Irene Renio, Washington, D.
C; Marion Macintosh, Columbia, Mo.;
Anita Toby, Knox College, Galesburg,
Gertrude Willis and Elizabeth
Cooke, Philadelphia, Pa., Florence
King, Urbana, 111.; Catherine Howard,
Bloomington, Ind.; and Jean Jamison, Lawrence College.

The Art department of the univer
sity received today a bill of lading for
an etching press, weighing 1400
pounds, which was purchased for the
department in Chicago by the eminent etcher, Ralph Fletcher Seymour,
Since last Saturday the Art department has been holding an exhibition
of etchings. A similar exhibition was
held last spring at the Art Institute
of Chicago, creating much favorable
This is the first exhibition
of etchings that has ever been held
in Lexington on a large scale, and
students in particular are urged to
There are few men and women of
culture and modern means who do not
admire and collect etchings.
knowledge and appreciation of etch
ings is one of the qualifications of
culture and tho student body of the
university is to be congratulated on
tho opportunity to make acquaintance
with this fascinating and important
phase of culture.
Various members of the faculty of
the Art department will be on hand
during the exhibition and the interesting process of etching will be explained as well as the fine points of
various etchings. The faculty of the
department invites all students, especially the freshmen, to attend any
and all exhibitions of the department.
They are always ready to answer
questions and students are permitted
to visit the department even when
classes are in session.

Ecklund Will Rely on
Phipps, Jenkins,
The University of Kentucky fresh
men meet the Centre College yearlings in Stoll Stadium tomorrow in
a football game which is expected to
be the game by which the freshman
state championship will be decided.
Tho freshmen have forgotten the
varied signal systems they have
learned to aid the regulars in their
games of the season and have concen
trated the past two days on their own
plays in preparation for the game
against Red Roberts' much discussed
The Danville
Centre Lieutenants.
freshmen are reported to bo a much
better team than the score of 7 to 0
defeat at tho hands of the Sewance
Cubs indicates. Careless handling of
the ball proved disastrous in that
The Kentucky freshmen have had
no real test of their strength this
fall and their first stiff tilt will be
watched with interest by a sizeable
crowd of local fans. The yearlings
have consistently held their own with
the Wildcats, but tho absence of officials and observance of regulations
have made accurate judgment of their
play impossible.
Their one actual
game of the season was played Oct.
play18 when Ecklund's
ers trounced the less experienced
Georgetown frosh 50 to 0.
Ross, Phipps, Van Arsdale, Ropke
and Jenkins are expected to give the

Lieuts trouble tomorrow and Kitten
followers are predicting a victory.
The game will be played on the
new stadium field and hostilities will
begin at 2 o'clock.
sion prices will be charged.


State-Centr- e




Yearlings Plunged Into
Icy Waters in Tug
Paper on Streets When
of War
Crowd Reaches
Program Completed for
BY CAMPUS CLUB sliding head firstrunning, the bankand
Armistice Celeof


nrnwd of 15.000 neonlo. the creat
er part of whom were graduates and
former students of tho university,
witnessed the dedication of the new
stadium at 1:30 Saturday afternoon

immediately beforo the Centre-Stat- e
football game.
The exercises opened with the playing of "My Old Kentucky Homo" by
tho university bund. Captain C. C.
Calhoun, president of tho alumni association, made tho presentation address. Judge R. C. Stoll, who has
been a member of the board of trustees of the university for 25 years,
accepted for tho university. .
During tno uiiernoon, iwu muu.v

i i i. i



The Kentucky Kernel proved itself
worthy of a place in the newspaper
Armistice Day will be celebrated
world Saturday when its staif issued
an "extra" edition which was being by tho University of Kentucky with
After a parade
read on the streets of the city ten fitting ceremonies.
in which tho Uuniversity R. O. T. C.
minutes after tho end of tho
game. Tho extra carried full regiment, tho new Natonal Guard
particulars of tho contest and pic- troop, American Legion and other organizations will participate, exercises
tures of tho stars of each team.
Messenger boys were employed to appropriate for the day will be held
carry dispatches of tho gamo to the in tho new gymnasium.' Classes will
printer as the game was being played. lm lismissod Tuesday from tho end of
.- .
When tho game was over, tho reportthe second to the beginning ot the
two minutes sixth hour in order that all students
wns closed and tho final
of play were called to tho linotype may attend tho ceremonies.
Tho parade will form at ten o'clock
operator over the phone. The press
started eight minutes after the re- Tuesday morning on Ransom avenue
ports closed and as the crowd came with tho head on Main street. The
from the stadium they were met at routo of march will be down South
the corner of Limestone and Main street to Limestone and out
Btreets by newsboys with tho extra. Limestone to tho gym.
Tho exercises which will begin at
Tho papers were on tho streets about
eleven o'clock in tho gym are as folone hour and 900 copies were sold.
This is the first time that the Ker- lows:
1. Invocation, Rev. Hayes Parish
nel stall' has attempted to put out
2. Silent Moment
an extra edition and tho experiment
a. Introduction of speaker by Mr.
was a great success. Such a demonstration of tho ability of the Kernel Dummitt, Commander Post No. 8,
American Legion.
staff as was shown last Saturday
Colonel Marrow
4. Address
should make tho student body proud
C. Singing of "The Star Spangled
of its paper and to inspire it to back
tho stall" in every possible way.

Strollers Pick Best of
200 in

Try-Ou- ts






south sido oi tno stauiuni, in nonor oi
'Jydgo Stoll, and another on tho north
sido in honor of those Kentuckians
who gave their lives in tho World
program ended with tho
Mi .War. The "The Star Spangleu min- flaying of






Kentucky is Considered
Dangerous by the



The university Y. M. C. A. and
Y. W. C. A. will launch their annual
financial drive for $1,000, at a dinner
to be held next Tuesday, November
11, at 5 o'clock in the University
Cafeteria. One hundred and twenty-fiv- e
men and women leaders of the
student body will attend. In the ensuing two days, efforts will bo made
to see every student on the campus
and to give them an opportunity to
contribute. The campaign will close
at a dinner Thursday, November 13,
which will also be held at the Cafeteria.
Members of the student body, not
actively associated with the Y. M.
and Y. W. will bo asked to lend their
camtime and services in the
paign. The dinner held Tuesday will
ho for tho nurnose of
A dinner meeting at the same time
nnd nlace will be held Wednesday ev
ening to permit reports of progress
made. The final reports ana results
nf tho drive will be made and an- nounced at the dinner meeting for
campaign Thur3
the closing
day evening.
f Tho Y. M. and Y. W. have no fur
ther source of income other than the
contributions of the university and
nf friends. These organizations pro- mote essential and worthy endeavors
on the campus as most students
ltnnw. and as is evidenced by the tes
timonials of Dr. McVey, president of
the university, and uean rsoyu oi tne
college of arts and sciences.
student should feel it his duty to help
these two groups to the fullest extent
'."of his ability.
"The tiresence on the campus of
the organizations working under the
names Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
is an emphasis upon an important
phase of student life. Not only do
they maintain high religious ideals,
but they bring into the life of the
university moral, religious and spirit
ual values that are necessary to a
well balanced life. In consequence,
these organizations deserve the sup
'"iport of the students, faculty, alumni
and parents. I am sure they are worthy of it and should be generously
Frank L. McVey, President."
"The Y. M. C. A. and Y. .W. C. A.
winnrrniTOfl jir nrnnminentW
best religious organizations among
students, and as such should be sup- ported and encouraged by those who


Kentucky frcshmrtn football
team plays its second game of the
season on Stoll field tomorrow afternoon ngainst the Centre college fresh
men. In tho first game Georgetown,
frosh furnished tho opposition and
were defeated by tho score of 59-Tomorrow's gamo may decide the
frosh championship of Kentucky.

for tho 1925 Stroller
production ended last week, and tho
results were announced
Night, when the list of eligibles was
read after tho three choice plays
produced were presented to tho student body.
try-ou- ts

"House of Cards" Best Play
"Tho House of Cards" was chosen
by tho judges as the best of the
three plays presented and was awarded the prize. This little skit was
ably handled by Miss Mario Lang-for- d
and Mr. Junius Millard.
young people were exceptionally good
and showed a great deal of histronic
ability. Tho prize given by tho Strollers consists of a box seat at tho

first performance of the Strollers'
spring performance.
From the 200 students who tried
out, the following are eligibles for
tho organization, due to tho dramatic
lability shown by them:

'Rama Has Not Been
Scored Upon This
The Wildcats, undaunted by their
defeat at the hands of their oldest
rival, Centre, have been putting in
hard week in preparation for the
game with tho "Crimson Tide" of
Alabama at Tuscaloosa tomorrow.
Tho Alabama aggregation is tho
one team of major importance in the
country which has not been scored
upon this year, and one of the few
that has yet to lose a game or to
be tied. The Kentuckians arc in for
a busy afternoon in their efforts to
stop Coach Wade's juggernaut in its
march to the football championship
of tho south. The 'Bama bunch have
demonstrated that they have plenty
of power to start and plenty of power
to stop, the latter cropping up in tho
Sewanee game in which they time
and again rescued the ball after the
Tigers had carried it well down into
Alabama territory.
The "Thin Red Line' handed Georgia Tech a 14-drubbing and the
latter beat Penn State, one of the
strongest teams in the East. If Ken
tucky emerges triumphant from Saturday's tussle it will mean more than
just a football victory, for it will
bo. the victory of the under dog, as
iMabama is conceded a
down margin over the 'cats. Howg
ever, the Crimsons arenot
the Wildcats, and according to
newspaper articles from their camp,
they look upon Kentucky as a foo
just as dangerous to cope with as
Kirwan's showing in tho backfield
in the Centre game will no doubt
cause a shift to be made in tho line
up. The big Louisville boy, playing
in the backfield for the first time
this season, tore off gain after gain
in the third quarter when Kentucky
made her bid for a touchdown.
work and that of Sanders who, playing with one hand in a cast, stopped.
nearly everything that came their s
way. Sanders will be in better condition for the Alabama came than
he was last Saturday and will be
sure to make his presence felt.
Alabama plays Kentucky, Centre
and Georgia on successive Saturdays
and while the Kentucky gamo is not
their major contest, yet they realize
that to lose any of these games would
mean the loss of the Southern Championship, and they will go into the
game with their eyes on the goal.
It is to be hoped that the Kentucky
backs will equal the heroic work of
the line and that they will give 'em
what we gave Purdue long, long time






Clifton pond, the freshmen were
plunged into its icy waters Friday afwith
ternoon in the annual
the sophomore class.
Indeed, it was a grand and
ful occasion for everyone save the
frosh. Long before tho hectic strug
gle began, Clifton nvenuo was jammed
with scores of automobiles and hun
dreds of students, townspeople and
alumni back for
geant Konnedy's military band was
on hand and rendered several enjoyable selections.
Shortly after d oclock, 140 husky
freshmen, having been picked to oppose an equal number of sophs, were
on one end of the cable, the flag was
dropped and th
was on
Tho members of tho class of '27
profiting by their previous experience,
were ready for tho signal and gained
the advantage at tho very start. Once
started, the freshmen, fighting desperately and urged on by the yells of
their classmates and tho old grads,
and by frequent urgings from tho
paddles of friendly juniors, were unable to stop on the steep hill and
were quickly dragged to a damp defeat. Some few martyrs attempted


on Pago Sovon)


Lyman D. Chalkley
Principal Speaker


Tho Young



Voters Club held its.
services November
in the courthouse.

was opened

by tho


"America the Beautiful," followed
by the invocation.
Mrs. E. L. McDonald explained that tho purpose of
the club was to impress upon
people of today their great,
responsibility as being the
of tho republic.
She then introduced Judge Lyman
Chalkley, who spoke on the "Consti-tuitio- n
o'f the United States."
Chalkley explained the working of
our constitution and the carefulness
with which it was formulated. Ho
said that the younger generation
should be reared to realize that they
are the future governing body of tho
After the address the audience read
the preamble of the constitution. Tho
meeting was closed by tho singng of











Alumni Secretary



Unofficial returns show that the $75,000,000 bond issue was defeated and
by this action the people of Kentucky have shown that they were opposed
to this method for financing roads nnd state institutions. Perhaps they4
have another method in mind; if so, thoy should be given to the public a
once and let all pet together nnd put them through. Those advocating the
bond issue should be willing to join with such a plan even if it requires an
oxtra session of the General Assembly of Kentucky to carry it out. The
aluinniof the University of Kentucky want to see their state movewith any
nnd especially their Alma Mater; they will glndy join force
group of citiuens to got adequate funds for the university.

Hundreds of alumni nnd former students of the University of Kentucky
Day, November 1. Thoy arwore back on the campus for
rived nil during the week and by the time the dedicatory exercises began,
mnny "old grads" were anions the 15,000 spectators.
Tho dedicatory service, which was, n tromondons success, began promptly
nt 1:10 o'clock, with the university bnnd playing "My Old Kentucky Homo."
Presentation Address
C. C. Calhoun, president of the Alumni Association, presented the
stadium to the university as follows:
President McVoy, members of the board of trustors and executive comof the Alumni Association, stumittee of tho university,
dents of the university, ladies and gentlemen:
I wonder how many of this great assembly fully renltae tin importance
of this meeting. I know but very, very few of us arc familiar with tho
meagre beginning of athletics at this institution.
As I look into the happy faces of this vast throng, the question of the
real significance of this occasion very naturally presents itsolf, for in my opinIt is not only in occasion of presentation,
ion this is no ordinary occasion.
but also of dedication I might add of demonstration as well. Wo have
mot here not alone to present, but to dedicate. Knowing the Alumni Association as I do, I feel that I am expressing its spirit when 1 say that we
that our duty and our privilege of service to our Alma Mater has but
lino nrpsnnt.il imi exorcises have ended.
May I explain what I mean by saying that this is also an occasion of
demonstration. In order to do this I shall have to nsK your inuuigonce 101
n brief rctrosncct. which "is necessary to show what a great demonstration
this really is.
I am going to ask you to go back with me to the time when, as a
green and gawky youth I entered this institution. This, after all, is but
a few years ago, for I am going to make the solemn declaration thnt I am
still a young man, in defiance of contempt proceedings from his Honor,
Judge Stoll, to the contrary.
in all,,
It was then but a 'small college; there were but five buildings neighcampus. There were in the
including the greenhouse, on the entire
borhood of three hundred students. The graduating class consisted of but
two, nnd a freshman was chosen to make one of the graduating addresses.
College athletics were very low, and a college spirit was correspondingly
low. Many of the students were ashamed to wear the college uniform to
church or to be seen on the streets with it on. The denominational and other
institutions had united to destroy this institution. The baseball and football
teams of the other institutions played with us only to add to their score;
of victories.
Some of the older and more courageous students held a meeting and
determined that these conditions were intolerable and that they must be
changed, and went to work to change them in true Kentucky spirit. A good
baseball team was organized and soon was winning victory after victory.
The condition in football was as bad as could be. For many years the
football teams had gone down in defeat almost without an exception. of,
new football team was organized and a game arranged with the team
another institution which had won every game from State for a number
of years. Shortly before the game a meeting was held by the members of
our team, and one of the first thnigs determined upon at that meeting, be
it said to the eternal credit of those present, was to play clean ball. This
took great courage, as the rival team was at that time noted for not playing
clean ball; but we decided that a clean defeat would be far better than a
foul victory.
The coming contest was looked upon by many of us a being vital in
the career of our college athletics, and a meeting was called to determine
upon the plan of action. Up to that time team work in football, as in many
other things, was practically unknown. At this meeting the speaker assisted
in organizing the first teamwork in playing football west of the Allegheny
Soon after the game began the opposing team found that they had
met foemen worthy of their steel. The teamwork began to count. No game
was ever more bitterly contested. The ball passed back and forth from
goal to goal, until finally the teamwork had its effect, and "Old State"
emerged from the conflict triumphantly victorious.
From that time a new college spirit was born. The students were not
:so timid about wearing the uniform down town; a new literary society was
organized in the college, and other college activities commenced.
were no commencement days with only two graduates and a freshman called
upon to deliver one of the graduating addresses.
This spirit continued in its helpful influences in many directions and,
among other things, the Athletic Council was organized. Who can estimate
the great influence for good which have come from that organization! Among
other things it has put the athletics of the university on the map, and ati
the same time has put the university on the map in many places where iS
was hitherto unknown. But best of all, it has maintained and inspired a
high standard of clean athletics, so that our Alma Mater has become known
as one of the universities of clean sports. A short time ago while traveling
in the east, I was greatly pleased at something I heard. Some men were
discussing the university, and one of them remarked: "Oh, that is one of
the universities of clean sports."
Words fail mo to express adequately that appreciation which is due
from us all to the Athletic Council for the splendid service it has rendered
to this institution for more than a quarter of a century. I hope cvdry individual member of that council feels that he shares largely in the successful realization of the dream of a generation.
This being a state and nationally aided institution, it naturally developed
a spirit in the students of accepting benefits as a matter of course, without
feeling a sense of obligation to give back to the University anything for its
This retarded the development of a
material growth and development.
strong college spirit and the growth of the university a condition more
harmful to the students themselves than to the university. This condition
years, but largely through the spirit
continued for more than twenty-fiv- e
of college athletics the student body finally found its soul, at least along
certain lines.
As a result, only a little over one year ago tho executive committee of
the Alumni Association began to formulate definite plans for expressing in
some tangible form the great underlying love for their Alma Mater, and
shortly tho campaign for a greater university was launched. The goal was
set at 200,000. Of this amount a certain portion was to be used for tho
highly laudable purpose of commemorating the services of our first great
president. Another portion was to be used in establishing a living, vitalizing memorial, as expressed in the Students' Loan Fund, from which a finer
. .,0,.f.,i
.itivonahin will, throuch all aftcrtime. be contributed to
our country. The larger portion has been devoted to the erection of thu
athletic or basketball building at tho other end of this field, and to the
erection of this structure which today wo consecrate to service.
loimtinEH fnw whn rrnnnnso tho executive committee
ah i
of the Alumni Association, which planned and successfully conducted that
campaign, tho tangible result ot wnicn we nave ueioru us iuuuy.
I have said that this is an occasion of demonstration. By Unit I meant
that wo have here before us, in a striking way, forces, tanglible evidence reto which I have
what has been accomplished by those spiritual
ferred, working through an aroused college spirit. Think of it, will you
system of KenLess than one year ugo, this, tho head of the educational body could hold
tucky did not have a place of shelter wherein tho student
an assembly, or even the university could conduct its
No suitable place wherein her sons and daughters could indulge in
to tho
those physical exercises which develop tho body, give alertness whence the
and poise to the soul. There was no suitable place from
student body and tho public at largo could witness those contests of brawnoband brain which are inspiring und beneficial to both participants and
Honic-Comin- g



Now behold how in a few short months this has all been changed.

hnve but to turn your eyes in a westerly direction nt the end of this field,
11I 1
...1. ! 1.
niueuus uhi swamp, which
Wliero out yesterday you woum mivu iookco upon a 11
to tho community; nnd today you
for a generation has been an eye-sor- e
behold arising from the site of that old swamp a structure, beautiful in
harmonious in proportion and majestic in dimensions, the very exterior
of which proclaims its beauty nnd usefulness. Within its confines are to
for institutional athletics, whilst under
be found adequate accommodations
its ample and hospitnble roof our Alma Mater's children may find n suitable
assembly place in which to discuss nnd enrry on their various activities. It
has done for our Alma Mater what she has never been able to do for hor- . nil nnnnlll if lull ntttAII Virr 9 SllStflllln 111 BOO v1lflrilll a1lf mil llRSpmllln Sill
of her children to witness the bestowal of her highest honors upon those
who deserve them, and where her sons nnd daughters whom she sends forth
may, in the face of all the world, take that pledge of service to their country,
to humanity and to their God, which I felt as I witnessed it last June, was
one of the' most Inspiring and reassuring things for our country I have
ever behold.
And now behold this vast structure which has raised ita majestic form
to ndnrn and afford comfort upon this field, which has been made memorable
by a thousand manly combats!
This structure, erected to tho most manly of colletre sports, will give
comfort to countless thousands of Kentucky's sons nnd daughters who for
onnnmltniis in mine will nsscmblc hero to witness the contest of brawn and
wit of the flower of the youth of onch generation. When not in use those
stntolv arches will boar etstimony .to . tne devotioni. wnicn prompted tnuir
erection. Its very plan, wnen completed, in tnc snapc ui n nursusnuu,
good luck Kentucky good luck.
President McVoy, nnd Judge Stoll, chairmnn of the board of trustees,
the happy privilege falls to my lot of presenting to you for nnd on behalf
of everyone who has contributed to its erection, this magnificent work of
nrt nnd artisans, which fits into its place as if the representatives of the unlit is tendered with the assurance that you, as the representatives of the uni- ill
lm jiuiiiuoun fr,f ivllir.ll It H'nl nrr.pt nil
......... .v
VUralVy, Will IIUIU lb JIB llinvrmiu 1UI blic niln.K.n.
.iniia in a ,mtmiu1 ntin hut in Min ilnvnlrmnipiit of n. finer nnd
more useful manhood here on this field where Kentucky's youth will be
taught thnt discredit lies not in falling, but in not trying to come back;
where they will be matte strong to strive ami not to yieiu.
witVi 4l.n linn thnt it mnv li nf noma oneniimiremont nnd benefit to
my younger brothers nnd sisters, into whose interesting faces I look with
much pleasure today may 1 be pnnioneu lor a unci personal reiercncc.
years of age. With
I entered this institution after I was twenty-tw- o
these hands I earned tho money by ditching and building wire fences to
pay the expenses of my first term. Through my own individual efforts I
paid every dollar of my expenses for the remainder of the time I was in
the institution. Therefore, I feel I am qualified to speak upon the subject,
and I say to you here and now, that I do not believe" I derived as much
real, lasting benefit from any single course of study pursued in the university as I did from football.
But referring to that ditching experience. Alter l was twenty-on- e
'0j(j. nnJ j0fore i entered this institution, I loft home with the determination
our neighborhood who
There was a farmer in
tQ ol)tnjn n collego education.
hnil a lare-- and lonir ditch ,vnich hc wished dug. He divided this ditch into
employed to dig the longest and most difficult section.
sections nnd I was
After it was completed, he made a careful inspection of my section and remarked to me, "Clarence, that is the finest ditch I have ever seen dug."
Thus I received my ditch-diggin- g
During my stay m Washington, anu since leaving near out Lexington
fn. vnnro n rrn I 1mvo hrnn emnlovod to vonrcsent fifteen of the irreato
'states of tho Union on important matters before our Federal government.
The record snows a luu percent victory in every one 01 mem. unu 01 musu
states is Kentucky, whose splendid new capitol building attests victory for,
her. Another is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Notwithstanding we
are accustomed to look upon all New Englanders as cold and indifferent, I
have in my sate a voluntary statement irom me .Attorney uuuurui 01 mat
old Commonwealth of Massachusetts expressing as warm and deep a spirit
I hold that epistle as
of appreciation of that service as was ever penned.
one of my most precious possessions. But, frankly, it never gave me as
much pleasure, nor do 1 prize it as highly touay as i no mac expression 01
ivimn Vin cnifl "Thnt. i tli r finost. flitpli I hn.vn over seen due:."
ti. tny.n-,nr- .
The president of the Alumni Association of Kentucky University is very
proud of the lact that he was a good ditcn-digge- r.
In m