xt79cn6xww1r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79cn6xww1r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1957 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 28, 1957 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 28, 1957 1957 2012 true xt79cn6xww1r section xt79cn6xww1r I I  I  
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 IG ume XXVIII Augusi I957 Number 3 I I
 ·¤’§ = ii / ‘ ‘ I I I

 A I Alumni Roll Call for the University of Kent k `  i i
KENTUCKY No. of Total KENTUCKY N0. of Total OUT-OF-STATE No. of Tm, 'Z  A  
{by counties) Alumni Donors Funds (continued) Alumni Donors Funds Alumni Donors Fung  ;
Adair ............ . .,... 44 2 S 10.00 Larue ..,............... 40 1 5.00 I ig 
Allen .. .... . ........... 14 0 0,00 Laurel ................ 89 5 25.00 Alabama ............ 177 14 3 T2.,  1-»-··‘
· Anderson ..,.... . .... 67 4 2()_()0 Lawrence .... . ....... 30 0 0.00 Arizona .............. 19 1 5%,  L,
Ballard ...........,.... 44 3 15,00 Lee .................... 25 1 5.00 Arkansas ..,........ . 47 0 ({0,   K
Barren ................ 79 4 22,50 Leslie ................ 20 0 0.00 California .......... 414 26 275;,  a
Bath ...4.............. 56 2 10,00 Letcher .............. 78 6 30.00 Colorado . ........... 58 4 25'S, »·>,
Bell .................... 120 5 35,00 Lewis .................. 40 3 15.00 Connecticut ....,... 80 6 4606 ?  Published
Boone ......,.......,. 83 4 2()_()() Lincoln .............. 101 3 12.00 Delaware ............ 42 5 55`ch  Kentucky C
Bourbon ...,........ 303 22 1l4_5() Livingston .......... I3 O 0.00 Dist. of Columbia 138 16 mm  gt L€Xl¤gt0
, Boyd .................., 309 20 142,50 Logan ................ 46 3 17.50 Florida .............. 430 31 240'0{  $5.00. Mem
Boyle .................. 197 17 95,00 Lyon .................. 18 1 5.00 Georgia .............. 269 2,1 mm  Association
‘ Bracken .........,... 60 8 2()_()() McCracken ........ 203 4 27.50 Idaho ....,............. 10 0 0`00  A1umnUS.
Breathitt ........... 54 3 15.00 McCrea1·y ............ 40 0 0.00 Illinois .............   445 43 ;;00'E(  —
Breckinridgc ...... 35 3 15,00 McLean .............. 26 1 5.00 Indiana .............. 544 28 154% 11 amber Of
Bullitt . .............. . 30 2 15.00 Madison .............. 204 10 100.00 Iowa .................. 49 2 lm   Kentucky
Butler .......,..,..... 6 O 0,00 Magoffin ............ 27 O 0.00 Kansas ................ 44 2 107,1 .1  Alumni C
Caldwell   ........ 57 1 5,00 Marion ................ 80 5 50.00 Louisiana .......... 1 10 9 ;()_[,,j 4; 
Calloway .......,.... 83 10 70,00 Marshall ...,........ 35 1 5.00 Maine ................ 12 0 nj; Q , Entered a
Campbell ..,,.,,._,. 213 15 100,00 Martin ........ .. ...... 19 0 0.00 Maryland .......... 173 13 gm  pffice Hf L6
Carlisle .............. 20 2 10,00 Mason ................ 142 9 147.50 Massachusetts .... 77 4 mm   act of  
Carroll ..........   64 3 15.00 Meade ................ 25 0 0.00 Michigan ............ 239 14 gw a  Assccxah
Carter ................. 53 3 17.50 Menifee .. ............ 10 0 0.00 Minnesota .......,.. 44 3 gg_;,,  
. Casey ,..,.,,,,..,,,,., 49 3 65,00 Mercer ................ 130 7 35.00 Mississippi .......,.. 78 4 gw  Helen G- K1
Christian ............ 145 5 25.00 Metcalfe ............ 13 U 0.00 Missouri .... , ......... 159 13 7;`;,j  {G. Lee MCC
Clark .......... . ....... 250 18 100.00 Monroe .............. 1 8 I 5.00 Montana .......,.... 1 1 () gil,  Marguerite
Clay .................... 28 2 10.00 Montgomery ...... 125 10 52.50 Nebraska ............ 18 1 gy}  ,@nne Wiem
1 Clinton ............., I3 () 0.00 Morgan .............. 38 1 5.00 Nevada .............. 8 0 gm,  
} Crittenden ........., 35 1 5.00 Muhlenberg ........ 76 5 20.00 New Hrxurpshirrx. 10 0 U1'.]  QS _
.2 Cumberland ...... 26 0 0.00 Nelson ................ 127 7 37.50 New jersey ,,,,__,, 241 24 ]_gy_,, _,  1907-’5l
l Daviess .......,...... 305 -10 633.00 Nicholas .............. 61 I D.00 New Mexico ...... 54 6 39,4,  Robert ]-{_
' 1 Edmonson ........., 5 0 0.00 Ohio .................... 65 2 10.00 New York ........., 530 43 gijj  1 mgygr Nu
E Elliott ........,....,.. I4 2 10.00 Oldhaun .............. 53 5 27.50 North Carolina .. 178 12 73_¤»  Richard E_
. Estill .....,............ 52 I 5.00 Owen ,..... . ,.......... 57 2 10.00 North Drrkqm ,__, 5 () Ur.  ` set Ky_
Fayette .............. 4,163 851 2,149.00 Owsley ................ 20 2 12.50 Ohio ..,............... 1,028 8:3 5:;;;.  Helen G_ K
Fleming .............. 67 l 5.00 Pendleton ............ 55 2 35.00 Oklahoma .......... 74 :3 151-  Z 522 Sayre
1 Floyd ........,,........ 166‘ G 30.00 Perry .................. 154 4 20.00 Oregon .......,...... IS) 0 |),<·‘  33, A_ Shiva]
 . V ; Fnmkran ............ 428 34 260.00 mkr- .................... 193 10 62.50 rwnnsynvmrirr ...... 290 25 ary; yrarcs, Un
E Fulton ................ B7 3 20.00 Powell ................ 24 U 0-QU Rhode Island .... I3 2 ]U$_(1‘  .Herndrm J,
I Gallatin ........,...., 26 0 0.00 Pulaski ................ 202 19 102.00 South Cm-Olin;} __ 88 5 4;;. V [On {yam
Garrard .............. 65 5 25.00 Robertson .......... 20 2 10.00 South Dakota .... I5 0 0,0 ;T. H. Hard
Grant ...........,...... 77 3 15.00 Ruckcastlv .......... 41 0 0.00 Tennessee ....,..... 518 24 140.5 K lon 1Tem
· (}rav¢·s ................ 92 4 25.00 Rowaur ................ 56 1 $.00 Texas ............,..... 381 26 1575  J. Carlisle ]
· Grayson ............ 34 I 5.00} Russell .....,.......... 36 0 0.00 Utah ..............i... 14 0 l)i· , Lexington
 ' (}re·r·n ................ 40 2 15.00-; Scott ..... . ...i......,. 200 12 » 67.50 \`erm0u[ ,,,,,_,,_,,, 23 0 1],4; Mrs, Hampl
 _ rm-man ,..... , ....... 71 5 30.00g Shelby ................ 141 6 30.00 virginia .............. 351 25 mw  ‘ Lexington
j Hancock ............ 18 1 7.50, Simpson ....i......... 51 2 10.00 \V;,shj“gt0“ , ,____ H 43 1 5;.  fwilliam M_
Hardin ......,......,.. 134 17 85.00 Spencer . .... . ........ 21 2 10.00 \Vest Virginia .... 306 31 17117*   KY. (Tern
 · ; Harlan ........ . ...... 219 14 83.00 Taylnr ................ 64 I :1.00 vvgscunsgn _,_,___, ,_ 59 4 gw  Paul G, B];
S , Harrison .............. 162 9 55.00 Todd .................. 30 l 5.25 \Vy0mi¤g _ ,_,_____, 8 0 Ulf  g Ashland,
Q Hart . ................. 44 5 27.50 Trigg .................. 25 1 7.50 Qugsjdg U_5_ _,___, 289 7 Hon  ;W1111am H_
‘ A Henderson .,........ 141 8 65.0 'Trimblv .............. 30 0 0-O0 -——— —--- —---»--- ;` Bldg., Len
-5 Henry .................. 124 7 35.00 Union ................ 79 4 20.00 5,,|,-T(,r;,]S _,____ 8,212 531 5 4_g57,7=  r1}.R. Daw5r
’   Hickman ............ 31 0 ··U.OU \Varren .............. 134 10 57.50 { 1958}
Hmakins ...,........ 150 I6 100.00 Washington ........ 57 3 15.00 Totals ,,_,,,,..,,. 24,884 1,693 $11,5%**  ‘Bl@¤¢¤n L- l
Q ' jackson .............. 25 1 5.00 \Vaync ................ 50 0 (2.00 . mgivn ¢T¤
y jefferson ........,... 2,372 178 1.099.00 Webster ............ .. 70 I _¤·00 ’57 graduates., 1,023  Dr- Ralph K
_ ` l , ' [essm11i11c· ............ 195 7 35.00 Whitley .............. 176 10 07.50 _...  »·_l0¤ iB0ar1
`   · Iohnsmn .............. 78 6 35.00 Wolfe .,.............. 22 1 5.00 il S. Watk
` 5 Kenton .... . ........,.. 359 27 165.00 \Voodford ......,... 240 13 77.00 25,907  .- lB0ard of
· T Knott .................. 62 0 0·00 —··— —··· —·"——‘ j  mms Cox-
· Knox ,,.,.........,.,.. 64 0 0.00 Sub-Totals ...... 16,672 1,112 $ 7,278.2a  I lm}
`     (égvj
l · - . . . “  an · .Y-
, V y The above IS a report of the 1907-58 contrrbutors by COllI1tl€S 111 Ke11tucky and by states as of july l.  M§“;§g;g:§n
, _  ·H. D, Palmc
1 » Last year (1956-57)—5,266 alumm contrrbuted $29,952.00.  D§°*é=§rrg¢
.. ; 1 · e
I   _, , _ lngton IL1
; { Tins year- Begumrng ]lll1€ 1, 1957, we asked 25,000 Blllllllll to C()IltI`ll)llt€ .......................................... $120,Ull0·l'  . ·
, 1 l . » . . . .¢ . i AI
l 1 AS OF ]ULY 1-1,693 alu1nn1 have COI`lt1‘1l)l1t€(1 .................................................................. Il.0l6·"  Jamesg A—
. ’ · . · · . . · ’  H I
, Leavurg 23,307 alumm to Slll)SC1'll)€ the remammg .............................................................. 1l3,W·l' Q gll§r€gf,;,§
 William P
~ · · · . . . ·  'Be ‘ `
_ AN HONOR HOLL C0l'lt3.1lllllg the names ot all contrrbutors to the 1957-58 Alumnr Fund wrll be prxbllslll   E3‘°M·[
. · 111 1958. Tlus w1ll mclude annual members, assocmte members, hte members, and 1957 U.K. graduates,  »n§rdEl§“‘°(§,
‘ iN- W, Nee]
OUR THANKS to the alumm clubs, the ofhcers, and members for therr support. ]uly 1 ot this year tl1erc\\‘*l ¢`r;§,°§`{,,;{§· ,
< . , . . »`  . · ‘ f
y 868 more actrve members than at the same date last year—a 100% mcrease. Please keep us rnovmg- 1* ?·lLg§§,°.§yw
i everyone about the Alumm Honor Roll. A $5.00 contrrbutron w1ll put the1r names on the roll.  I
`  L»Adair coun,
Q Yours for a greater Umvers1ty of Kentucky. guns: Coum
l *5011 Cr
1 ]ames A. Beazley _ l’“*¤
1 Alumm Fund Dxrector  

 . 1 . 1 . 1 rr.   ..
V. l l ll l l  . .
  1 li 1
  I 11i 1
TUC Y I W . 11. 1
 “ Q QIIHLC lllln I I
i ~ 1 . 
;   _ 1 1 1 .
 ·— 1 ? l
1;  1
is TI12   Bndc t M I`
¤.. ’ 8 HT Ol-U1 y— rs. Shirl W'l1' , VI d - · · 1 1
gl llgm  _       Bwickiige at 1 1ams°“ * galaildiglllllllixé William Henry Alien, , l ,
;_     arren 0unty—Basil Preston, Glasgow Menifee Cou t —F ' lC B 'i I I1
é    Published quarterly by the University of ga'}? CC°¤¤W—G€¤rae GibSo¤._0wl¤gsville Mercer Coun1t;r—Mi;€€Ainie;123ie;`;§gg;b%ls§ ; 1
5 sllll  entucky on the campus of the University, Bgll b0¤¤éY—R. H. Barker, Pineville Park Place, Harrgdsburg ` 1
S lllll  Hlsxington, subscrllpt1ons4fo_nolrillmerribersl Bllylg °gllllll?l·1¤t§It_—Bfas1l Hayden, Paris Monroe County—Justus L. Ellis, Tompkins- 1 I ~ 1
1 iigii  -°?,1,,’£§$"’%§.‘l1§’..é. "é$.b...1L‘2.1m° €?.“‘?.§‘é Mayo Arcié. $i’§`i$fi..$`“""‘“ G“‘°‘ Th" MX.?€§..m..y e.......y.M... Rm,. C. H..,.,... ‘ 1 `
0 0-gg j. umllug B¢R’llle4lSCcrt Allen. Whcelwright   1V;.ai};ac§0sS§$§ei.vood I
24 my ·_;.t0n 1Term expires 19601 F¥`a¤kh¤ C0¤¤tY—A¤E11$t L\1S¤h€!‘. JI'-. C/0 Bowling Green I `
21:; 15;,;  .Carlisle Myers, Jr., l2l1 Richmond Road, S€h€¤l€Y Distillers. IHC., F1‘a¤kf0ft Washington County——Charles J. Hayden I
4) 111  tmxlilgtonl ¤Teé~lm4::ll5l6ll 4:,. APPOINTIVE MEMBERS LllIl_Iilrlld"é?l’:lllIlIlt_g*SEl$l1;:ll’;l A Hager Hodglllll Migland, Texas—H. J. Rucker. 207 E. Maple `
·· 1 `   ma B· All€l1, Box 112, Winchester, Ky, ville l ' · Ve. ’   I
13 llrill  gvmer L. Baker, Louisville Cement CO__ sui Lsiirsl C0,_mty_G_ W_ Grllllnl London Middle Tennessee—Robert T. Hanna, Trimble . .
·· 1 = "'  »·s· S€¤0hd Louisville Lawrence Co t G R B ` Road' NashV1ue' Tenn
 llliam p tg ~ aa y" em-ge ‘ urg€Ss’ LOWSE New Orleans, La.—Ge0rge E. Jones 4969 I
lll l  B4l"llM·DlllLlilrl1n. ggallrlrkfrgt, Ky, keel Cognty—Dr. Clarence Combs, Beattyvllle Metropolitan Drive ' 1
jim   · Ong. 00 and, Ft. Thomas, es ie ounty—Denver Adams, Hyden . _ 1
)13 pil  liylll l Letcher C0umy_Jl Ll Hllysl Whltesburg New York City Bertel   Sparks,l School of
ldullini  rigid g“Egl T- Gllb. Paris Pike, Lexington Lewis county-charles siaggs, veneebuig Law. New York University. Washington Sq., l
 lw   lmham. Jr.r Clinton, Ky, Lincoln County—Marvin Cornett, Stanford N·Y· C1tY·
ll  r44n‘K5E· City Eng1neer‘s Office, Hender- Logan County-Granville Clark, Russellville Philadelphia. Pa.—Palmer D. Evans, 971 Hunt
ll- there \\rI1 _l_ kiw lr slllllglll Pllesl ll K %y<éln Clountygl l:hillllpllGlerl4rl. lflilllttawa Road, Newtown Sq., Pa.
_ ,11 [il. ‘ · 0115 urg. y. 1 c rac en oun y- o n ac urn, Pa- · __ · .
loving. It  (liyWE's<>¤· 1726 Beverly Blvd., Ash- ducah Bank, Paducah Wi‘§;;“§Q°“NQi, C· CIYEE HE"‘E°“· 3520 VE" P l
  ’ ‘ McCreary County-—C. W. Hume, Stearns . . " ` ' _   I
  CLUB PRESIDENTS McLean County—Charles Gatton Sacramento Wl1haml§l°n· W· Va·_C· R· W11S°“· JI`-- 109  
 Adair (3 _ _ Magoffin County—Luther Rice, Salyersville ·I°$EP AVE· I 1 1 1
°“¤*Y EarlHudd1est¤n Columbia E· i‘ c ’
{well County-; li ,_, · ‘ . Marion County——Paul Owens, Lebanon "E°u We °mmltt°E maata second M'-mday I 1 -
 Ami ° ¤ P—.dlg0, Scottsville night of each month Se tember throu h · I
· °rS°“ c<>¤¤ty—Wa1te p t · k Marshall County-J Homer Miller Benton `· p g '] S
,5uls T 3 ¤`1¢ .LaWrc¤¤e— M C l Wll D C l l- M ll lll/Iay.l 6:30 p.m., Colonial Room, Lafayette _
· ason oun y— i iam . a ver . aysvi e ote . Lexington  
  1 I
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  1 I

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ia · i fl   I ‘
 Alumni-Staff House Honors J.W. Carnahan l   I
.. ~ l l ,
 , Residence Named byt Vice Presidentsliransk D. Peterson.  rm · · i     I
· F Generous Donor   };:;tp<>se of getting the project I'. IC Gy OI`IOI`€d I 'ly     I
OI' `z .   l l
`_ i-\t tl1is writing it was expected that   Tr¤nSy' Berea      
 · The handsome residence tat Cold- out-door facilities at the house would president Frank G_ Dicks`, was Itnn_ J i _
 nsstm Farm, the 1,125-21CI`€ fllflll pllf- be llViil13bl€ lll the lIT1U1€dl2Ui€ fUUJI"€. orcgd last spring bv [wo neighboring , 1*
. and last winter by Gov. A. B. Chan- with the residence itself to be readied institutions, when ’TtnnsyIt,nnIn nnd 1 I   ‘
 `[gr for the Commonwealth of Ken- for operation not later than Septem- Estes Cnnsgss cnntsmsd hnnnnm, dg   1
ucky t0 bc used bl' the UniVel`$i[Y HS bor 1- grees upon him at their annual {com- , i _
 _n eXp€Yi¤ie¤tal form. has been Mined On june 16 the entire membership mencement exercises. . i .
I  fficialiy "C¤rn¤h¤n House`, in l}0¤0¥` was invited to meet on campus to Transylvania, President Dickey’s al- , l
II  [   W- Carnahan. ’96. of Chicago. formulate an organization and to se- ma mater, from which school he re- , i I
`Is   ttillélli nlllmmls and rcnownccl {exe lcct a board of directors, by which ceived his undergraduate degree in   l
  . s tf.I i i  publisher, Wee has <`ontril>¤tci·   _.__ * 'V``    *
 P' 1‘  DY- Carnahan in Chicago and "‘ M‘““°"‘“1 C°hS€““" ““"”d‘"g “’  _.·;§ii?.i;·i·iZ" ‘ ‘‘° ‘ ‘  Z   i ‘ *  ` i      .  
  ‘‘·-    N  i cd tho possibilities of tho house =·3¤ ¤¤¤i<>¤n<¤<*¤¤¤€¤n_ new Dr; LCO M --:5:5:~.5;;;_;:;;§.,3;* tg;   _  2   l
 to  _ Jllwhich time he again pledged (‘h“‘“b€"l“m· _U“"€"{°Y “f€ ]”`€S*`         ’ I
  _'.  .   `°‘“‘““€ his annual €<>nn`ib¤ninnS ‘,l°"“ imd °h””'"‘m Ut tl"? n·L·en·'   , .   .._. ;    I  
  _ t the estimated $60,000 needed for "“‘“l‘me€· T.QQ.Qfiiiiégéiéiz§;§;§Z;§§i¥§?:z§T ‘§iffT§i?;    i
 .- _ ; _.-¢=· _ _ -  t  ·  plete renovation and .—oao.»oI~..no.. About 550 tttnvcrsitlcs. colleges.    
       °b€€ll Contributed. foundations and educational organiza-     ‘
 .  ·»·  ‘  nr it thc     tttctrtl-will- n· >·*S l lt**     nnnnl tn tend no     `
· it    algo was oooattoott omooo far- sine ¤<> the <#n>‘~ _ Un Dnker be   . `
 fl. "‘°'“*’“`S and nnnnln nnns in """‘? *"`“*"“"" 1*‘“‘ ”°"‘°"‘b“‘“ *""     l T
 i ’}“i‘°".   the     °““?""§ §?"· §‘?" ‘‘‘‘‘ " l‘“i,“" ‘‘‘’ "i";     l:‘s‘ t   I
"  essnnllne. Scott. Bourbon. Wood- "e*"`e‘ “ [ef *’ l'°*“`S ‘“ ‘° l"`€S‘(€""Y·   ‘:Z:ii'`i I   -i~= $2%.:.; ....... _ .,...,. ; .