7 Gay 8‘ Th GLSO N
v Lesbian e ews
,‘ Organization May 2009
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization Volume 31 Number 5
June Pride Month 2009 C""“*‘““"“’"‘“"
SisterSound’s spring concert is, in
Plans are underway for an exciting many ways, all about change. It Is the
. . second concert in the 2009 season ti—
Pride Month. The Downtown Pride
. . tled Touched By Change. But there’s
Festival Wlll be on June 27 at Cheap— . ,
. . a whole lot of changing gomg on!
Side park, go to www.Lexpride.com for _ .
. . . The chorus is changing venues,
information. The Street Banners Will _ , , .
. . performing at St. Michael s Episcopal
go up at the beginning of June, look
. Church on Bellefonte, on Saturday,
for them and pomt them out to .

. . . May 16, at 8:00pm. The other big
friends. Organizations are also plan— ,

. . . . . . news is a guest performance by An-
ning their own indivtdual Pride h N Th 8C hn'
Month Events. Previews below and 0t er ote: , efmmef” Jo ') are

. eagerly anticrpating this collaboration
continued on page 3. _

With our brother chorus.

V 2'“ AIIIIIIII Fairness Awards And, of course, there is all the

Lexington Fairness greaemusic. As always, the song selec—

Th L . P 'd F . al _ tion is varied and eclectic, with famil-

e exmgton 1'1 e 65“" ‘5 iar tunes, new arrangements, and won-

;‘h‘ :23: 3M New

’ ear .

of the 40‘“ anniversary of the historic In the familiar category are “Turn,

riots that took place at the Stonewall Turn, Turn”, “New Attitude”, “Bridge

Inn in 1_969- It’s important that our Over Troubled Water”, and more.

community reflect on “3 past. and “Healing River” is a moving gospel

honor the work of our many actiVists. arrangement. “Rhythm of Life” is a

HCIP Lexmgton Fairness honor reprise for SisterSound of a song that

:(Y LGEliwathirfliishZEi: 1392;: fliré‘: brought I(.lfown tile house the first time

01' equ - it was e orme . - , ,
the 2'Id Annual Fairness Awards on P Continued on a_e3
June 26* at the Lexington Downtown Willdy K110“ Farm
Hotel at 7 pm. It will be an enjoyable
evening of dinner, friends and reflec- 3262 Cleveland Rd,
tion. Guests will be entertained by a
specially—tailored performance of The Jennifer Crib-sen
Judy Show WWII-mm)
and Louisville’s own Robbie Bartlett 859 299'7410

Continued on page 3