xt79cn6z090t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79cn6z090t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1979 1979 1979-11-13 2020 true xt79cn6z090t section xt79cn6z090t . \‘ol. [.xxn, No. (,3 Ker e] ltnlveulty of Kentucky
Tuesday. November I}. I979 on Independent student nemplper Lexington, Kentucky '
_ E
Carter orders halt to U. .purc ases o ranian or
‘ 31, TheAssociItcd pm, —*— revolutionary guards in four towns in relrricd products botiglit fioiii third Whether or not it has a mayor mission and left lehraii.
KWIUH‘IU' polmcans “PPI‘Wd northwest Iran. countries. ll so. it amounts to 700.000 economic impact on the l‘nited States He said the Palestinians had told
President (‘arter declared “no one (Pa’PF’PS “Pt-0’" '0 halt purchases of “America does lace a dillictilt task barrels aday .t Sto4pcrcerit of total or lrari.the l'.S rnoyedidonething Iranian authorities they "belieyc
should underestimate" American Iranian oil,bulsayevenmoreshould and a test." (‘arter said as lie 1'5. oil coiisurription strip Khomeini of one of his maior America cannot be fought through
resolve. and ordered a ltalt to l'.S. be doflfi Story 0" page 3‘ announced the oil cutoff in his the actual impact was unclear. weapons. the threat ol anoilembargo. occupation of its embassy btii rather
purchases of Iranian oil yesterday iii ——-——-—— nationally broadcast statement. “Our lib. oftictttls said the) bclicyc a in the psychological battle with through a serious and radical
an intensifying test of will and power discuss "a proposal concerning the response “I“ measure our character pooling arrangement set tip by Washington, confrontation."
1 with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini American Embassy" and otir courage. I know that wc Western nations after the “Wt-74 lhe three en\t)1\s from the PI.(). KhalalsaidtliePalestinians hadriot
and his Moslem militants, Radio lehran did not describe the Americans will not fail." -\i'ab oil boycott will go into effect. which has good relations with the been "mediating." lhe PM) says it
'I be dramatic move came as proposal. saying it would be ditulgcd Hg said it wasyital to allthe nations But some oil experts pointed otii the revolutionary regime of Moslem neycr had direct l .S sanction for its
conflicting signals emerged in Tehran once the council approses it. of the norm “that the liyes of crisis plan was established to counter clergy man Khomeini. had beentrewed efforts. Khalaf also denied that the
about whether progress was being Bani—Sadrandotherlranianleaders diplomatic personnel and other export reductions of 7 or riiore by many as the best hope for lreeing Pl.()was iisirig the Ichran mission as
made in negotiations for the release of realfirnted their country ‘s central eiti/ens abroad be protected and that percent. and does not address itself to the (i2 Arriericari and 3t: non-Artierican a way of winning l‘.S. recognition for
a reported 98 hostages held by demand that the I'nited States harid we rcliiseto permit the use of terrorism the case of a member nation hostages set/ed when the student it.
students at the [KS Fmbassy in the met the exiled Shah Mohammad and the sci/tire and the holding of unilaterally halting imports. militants took oyer the embassy Not. “We neyer were quitesure whatthey
Iranian capital, Re/a Pahlayi to stand trial in Iran for hostages to impose political Specialists also pointed out that the 4. were tip to.“ State Department
A th ree-ma n P alestrnian his life. demands," complicated structure of the world oil A Pl () source reported oyer the spokesman John Wheclock said.
negotiating team ga\e up its efforts Khomeini‘s regime had new trouble “No one should underestimate the market riiay mean (‘arter‘saye little weekend the Palestinians were It was not known wltether the P
and left 'lehran. the Palestine on the home front. lhe Iranian news resolye ol the American goyeriiment ieal effect on supplies lraniari oil negotiating with Iranian officials and lelirari ambassadors from Strait.
liberation ()rgani/ation said. But media reported unemployed lrariiaris and the American people in thls could simply flow irito the wideopeii student representatiyes. But on Pakistan and ltirkcy. said to hate
Abolhassan Bani~Sadr. Khomeini‘s took (Her two go\ernnierit ministries matter." ('arter said. “spot" market and cyentually be yesterday the PI.()'s .\o. 2 olficial. joined with the Pl () in the weekend
foreign affairs chief. announced that in lehran to demand lot“. and His decision apparently coyers both ftinnclcd aiioiiyriioiisly into the l .S, Salali Khalaf. told reportersin Kuwait talks. were still pursuing the
Iran‘s Resolutionary Council would Kurdish rebels attacked Khomeini's oil bought directly from Iran and pipeline. that the cnsoys had given tip their negotiations.
T‘ I ' f” .3. PP” ’2 P " ' ’ PPP'P P‘PPPW P I
able I ' 'ay be a Mlle 11%;‘5111111111 11/11 @M% WMMM112 $,%::PP12 . :PPP? 1 1 . W ’/
. . . . 22 = ' . 222 v .-
a“ y%/ P PP .. 3.12“ P5212240?“ . 1 3;;‘H".11'§;f1;.1 1-. 11 21:
In t e vvaltlng 0’ i 2, 0' ”P“ P ' 22, 1' 2t 2P” , -.
By JACK] Rl'DD for construction of the lex‘irigton ”2% I: P , 3i P P’ 2“" Pg 1. .131. PP P a; .1. P .11 11 1
ma “titer Public library ‘s computer check-out 2,: 1;.1‘1 2%.:ng 2P .P P P ' .2. 2W ‘ ”/ _ 32: P 1‘P Pg} ”P 1 .
'leIeCable which was awarded the lelecable is also contributing "25 ‘ - 2 P,, 3;.-, tip-=2" “1’2” '
Lexington cableteleyisionf'ranchisein 8260.000 toward a computer check« "22’ y ' ‘ 2%? -_- 1 11 ”31.11111 5 20 1 -‘
October. has no definite plans for the otii system for the lexington Public 22,524 _ 'y 3 P2 g/f'P 2;P if PP .1 .
1 ‘beginnning of cable construction at library. [sing the telephone and the 2' 1. PP“ . __ '3 P24 , Pf :2!” 52% PP ' 222% ..
{K in the near future. teleyision set. people will be able to “WM?” P 3 ;2 .25: @Pr ‘&2 - 3P2. " I: P PP P P 2 P ” PP-z _ 1. :11
Before leleCable was awarded the check out books from the library. P. _ P PM“ 2y . P $1,; P PP PP ”PP PPP" " P (W 2 PP P 2
f . -. - » . . . ~ -. - , ' 2% fl? /’P 22 P2 2 fi’PP > P a
ranchise. it promised to expand l K s lhe public will be able to telephone ? 453?”: . is? 111532" , _. ' 1 3.1312 '22 . at"
existingtelecommunications system as the library asking to see an index on a P 6 3,9952% @PPP 2.1 2%” - ~ i . .PP. -. . z
. . . . ~- x r4 .. .. .352. .21- . .. .- -. . - .
“9“ 115 construct an underground particular subrect. lhe caller will be _ if % M1 313-? M w “-2.32”; fly 1 5’ 3,2 -. _
CttCUtt system interconnecting ttt‘ instructed by a clerk to turn to a “ P P PP? P g? P P I 123142;; 1112. P2: P PIP
different campus building» designated channel where an index of “I 1, . P ‘ P «,3? :3 (gig, .‘ P
.lim Key. 'lele('able‘s operations a\ailable books on the subject “I” be 3 ”PP? 1,: 1 1 1 2y 111 1. ' " .. .2 11 . 11 MM .1122 1 '11.:21 N 2
manager. said he could announce no show n. .A. book can [hon be met-fwd %1 12¢. 1"“. 1 .. “$11,, “1 _ 22 P121 ,fi‘ I _;‘1111 ’
definite plans a bout w he n and sent to the closest library branch. £3: 2%, 2 M 1 . j .. 13 ‘ 11 1:1. ”PM ”.12... .23 11% ,. 1. x a. . -. 1% .
COHSITUCIIOH “iii actually begin at ['K According it) ROI] Steensland. Z 90% 1 1 W @1- 1' 1; 1,3. 3;. y, .;1:/'P)PI‘1/‘-.’4z-,.'P 1 11, 1 a .1... PP/ 11 11 1. ”’11 1
because there are “many other things library director. the 3260.000 should i ' P “2 .» ‘ i i .1 P ;:‘~" . P, 1 2 -’ I- to?” 1' 3' 31""
to he done before construction can Ct‘xel‘ the total cost oi the system. a, 2 P » Pi. . ~-PPPP . . ; 1/P. ' X ”PP ‘ ‘22:? 2 ‘P‘2
9‘9" be started." exclusive of the maintenance costs, vafi; fie ' P a P 3 WP PP P a 1" 1 P T ”PP/7.2 y" 11. *a% ’4‘
According to Key. there are gtccngrand said a maior adyantage ”31 a 2,: _..11 .1 11111 - 1f. 21:. PIP” 1. » .- .11. S ”t W .. 1,111
. Preliminar)‘ engineering dcyelopmcnis of the system will be the that the PP 1r, " : M l "P P P P PP PP PP P P P
as well as pole attachment contracts “automated circulation system will ‘2' >2. ;Z’ :P it , - 1121 P _. ' 3' x
and negotiation and 5Uhhl.‘ Ct‘htritCtS know the status of a requested bookat £5 ’1” “w . PP” .4 1' :3: t P2P." PP , 2w , P ,P’ . 2 ,1. f
to be secured. Ju-‘t httt‘ 3"} ttths’l' any time whetherit is atthe bindery. Pit-2 P‘P 1,1111 P2P: P P .- $51 ' . h. "P2P. .P '
business. Key said. “We will base to another branch. or has been checked 2 21' PP PP“ .111111111111 ,2“ "P: 2” ’2 PPPPPP P ”4 P y P/
start from scratch." out. All this information will be ”2127/12 _ P P 2'; P?“ .3 $/,,,’PPP;,’ 2 PM. ‘P i 22 P
1 Key said nothing has changed from available to the public.“ .33. a». ’ ”IMP“ 1 ' ' x11 .1... 132 , ‘P 1/ P 1' .24}
leleCable's origina|1 Pttthtt-‘ttt and Steensland said that the designed 2:26 1, 2.: ‘ PP "'2 , P , 2 °PP3PZg =5. P5231 ‘ P ’2. 1‘.
added that 1‘” Phil“ “ I” be Cttmt‘d OUt system w ill impro\e timeliness in ”P P I P t P . 22% % P P Ei: g" P f
as previously explained. getting merdue book notices out. "It is 33s,; P P‘" _ .. .., 1_ .3 22$ “PP ;P .211, P’ ‘P i - . .2 2 ' , 1 -
R o ge r K o o n cc. of l' K ”s unfortunate that now, without the P . m ’ PP 23 i P ' ”2' 1:21 ’ ,PPPQ . P- .3
instructional FCWUFCCS. said the system.it takes almostfourweeks."he .. a: :32 “1... . 1 1 .,.' P P
l'niversity‘s system would probably be said. 3‘ “any“ st ”my”.
operational and able to offer homes 60 A consultant will adyise the “th I P
hours a week of community sery ice board in requestingartd reviewing bids wuv you
“'tthth ti .V'ear. for construction of the system. _ , P
In addition. since the last 01 A consultant will b1," mowed on Deona (irimmett. 16 months. gives her unsuspecting playmate a peck on Road. The children were attending a daycare centeriit the church when
October. the company has made plans (‘ontinued on page 3 the cheek whilethey play at the (‘ommunity (‘hurch of (.0d on ( lays Mill Denna expressed her feelings about her playmate. Shane. ‘ 1
Over $150,000 spent ——today—————— ..
At center for the Am land In passed for |.()()() others in Michigan after a tanker carrying
I SCap g I I I state hydrogen fluoride was righted without a leak. \o iniuries _ .
were reported in the three weekend derailments, ~._
TI”. KENPHTKY ('AN('IIR ('OMMISSION took the Authorities said about 200.000 people who fled their '1
By DALE MORTON The 20 red oak trees which will dot Wessels suggested that the first step yesterday toward establislitnga cancer registry to homes in Mississauga. Ontario. will have to stay away at 1.
Statt “met the northernmost part of the walk are organilations proyide the ”1.1.11 collect information on all cancer patients treated in state least one more day because of the threat of C‘tpltiston and 1
(1 d 111 _ 11 being paid for partially by donations instead of contributing to the line mum" 1 1 111 1 111 1 11 leaks from a tanker carrying deadly chlorine gas. -
too in s come in num Crs. .' . ' I ~ ,. 1_ 1 , , _ . . ,1 1 1 1 . c corriiiiissron riiec ing in run or. air ori/Ct ic .‘
11111111111111 111 £11 1111111111111 111111111 [TK‘s ti::slnhscsi::lisnsalidl( (”00k organi/a QLIJ1JPEELC1‘1FCIE111::::1l1'1::11thissfly Kentucky Hospital Association to hire a director and ROSAID REAGAN PREPARED yesterday t1o1l1a1uneh1 1
campus. Sharon Schraegle. 11 111111th1 111. Pi 11111 1111111 11111 $11511 1111111 11111111111113 secretary to deselopa workable plati for such a registry and his third campaign for the 1chub1lica1n 1prL511Lntld 3.. . '
It Started with the addition of the Beta Phi 11111111111 came 10 “11111111. 11111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111111111161 to report back to the commission next month. nomination as othercandidates of both partitsfanne out to
1 new ('enterfor 11111 Arts and it's {11111111 1 1 1 -~ 1 _ 1 1 - ~ . g . 5 ~- Researchers at the states two medical centers said the court torch in the Fast. the South and the Midwest. 11
. . . . 0th“ “tth d proposal to help tUhd tht he said. registry could be a breakthrough in early cancer detection. Reagan plans to announce his candidacy Ina speech taped '
Chd'hg W'th an enormous landscaping Fine Arts improyements last year. (‘ontinued on page 3 yesterday and televised tonight on a makeshift of local
9’9““ A (EROl‘P ()I l0 lRANIANsiudentsat thel niyersity of television stations. He‘ll also deliver his speech liyeat a $500— .
lhe Wade Warren ('ompany 0t louisyille say they don't belieyc Shah Mohammed RPc/a per-plate fund-raising dinner in New York. ' P ' '.
Lexington. which has been giyen a I Pahlasi is ill And they say many students believe his trip to After the formal announcement which will make him '
budget of $52,600 to beautify the area New York is another step in a (‘I x plot to restore him to the mm and presumably the last Republican nomination
. immediately surroundingthe new Hne I . . a n d plaza fl nal Ste pS power in their homeland. the 08-year-old former (‘alifornia governor willembark ona 1
Arts Center. has been working lhe l0 students said a l' S.-backed coupdisplaccd l'ormcr five-day. I2-city campaign intended to solidify his position f1 - -
overtime ‘0 finish project on schedule. Pre1mier1311(1ssadegh and allowed the shah to return from as the early fayorite. 11-1"
, , , .- . . . .. . . cxrein w
-. ‘
. , . _ -. . _ . . ‘ t I must the mission that would send a spacecraft to Halley s ( omet and 3.1 .
thats when the planting season is [)mwm . . . . ., -
I then chase another one across the sky. 1::
expected t0 €th 1 1 Now that the New Fine Arts (‘cnter Wessels said the project was on hold natlon The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said ,’
However. 1”“ WESSCIS- director “t has been completed. other north “until we were finallv able to get the yesterday the four-year mission to thc comets Halley and i 1
UK director of the Physical Plant campus improvements have begtin l‘ine Arts Building completed." .. ‘V (. RTFR‘S (‘l'TOFF 1 I 1. 1 PIempeI Two would returnthcfirst closeup pictures ofthese : ‘
- Division. said he feels“confident that the most noticeable to be a new plaza “Hag Plaza." as it will be known. 1mP1'1P1I1P‘1f‘:1l1)11I1'1‘1 $11111" 111111111111 1111 111111111111 P3111 [Limilcl't dazzling bodies and significantly increase man‘s knowledge . '
1 .. they XVI" be done (“tth the project) in for buses across from Memorial will be “a terminus ol this big lraPrPt's that?“ Cl;“0m£r\ In 111.1 1. 51 P M the phenomena. 1 P
1 time. 1 1 (‘oliseum broadwalk." Marshall said. referring Almost onc~quarter of Ashland‘stotalcrudc-oilrnycntory Although the protect has "PP "m hem apprmed PP P -
1 A wrde variety ”t trees and ShTUhS The Sl04.500 project. which is to the main campus sidewalk which comes front Iran. according to Dan lacy. Ashland‘s (“3355' the Space 28°F“) “Md ‘C'Pnnm‘hio ["0me P ,
P have hCen purchased bythe tihtVCT-S'tt)’ CXpectcd to be completed by Feb. I. runs from Punkhouser Building to "lanai!“ “t 2‘00""th mt‘d'a Wtat't‘h‘ PXanumP P0 mum detailed planning mu gm}
1 1 to line 1 the drive and walk will be “a focal point" for the campus. Memorial ('oliseum. Ashland Oil. the l5th largest oilcompany inthe l' S .uses 1 '
~~ ’ surrounding the "CW red httCk said l'K Design and Construction lhe Plaza derives its name from 450-000 “"9“" ‘t'ladat' lacy ‘a'd weather .
'. structure. 1 1 Division (‘oordinator (‘litton four llag poles which will be located in , ' ~
For those traveling down the main Marshall, the “park-like area.“ Marshall said. THl-I THREAT 0F EXPLOSION from derailed tankers .
I campus sidewalk. WhtCh leads from the park area will provide a place Marshall said two of the flags may kept More than 200.000 people from their homes yesterday (‘l,0l'l)\' AND (‘00l,l-‘.R today with hull“ '" ths‘ ""21 .
the Funkhouser Building to the for buses to Pull off Euclid Avenue for ”lust be banners.“ since the I'nivcrsitv m N“ mmmmm'“ '" “(mm and Canada. bl" the dang" 40‘ tows tonight WI” t” In th‘ ”PP“ 30‘ t" "‘“cr PO‘ P
* entrance of Memorial Coliseum. loading and unloading. he said. has no off‘icral flag. P
. 1 shade trees have been set in place. “It really all ties in with the fine (‘ontinued on page 3 .
_ . , ,

 . N ' I ' \ \
l .
Mark Gnu '
TUCKY 8"" ""'" ‘
, KEN mu. Mgouucl Associate Editors 3., FM Thor-u a". John (‘lay Guy um I
. Editor in (“hid Pod Mann Enlfrmmmflll Editor 5PM” film" Dim-tor of Photography
I.“ M‘ “km McDonald
, (‘uy wmg Editorial Editor Cindy McGee ('ynthto DeM-ru- Irina Rteknd David Maynard
Managing Ed..." Kkhy Stephan Ariuranr 41mm" Spam Editor Photo Manager
. Tana You" COP" IMHO” Iz'ntcrluinmonr Editor
l . S rial Edition: Editor
i editorialsdacomments i»
____________________.__————————~» ,-._______—_————————————————————————————_——
’Some unfortunate incidents’ , -
N t' h Id 8 ediplomat'c methods ' I
Most members of the l'ls' community should be (iranted. the situation in ’leheran causes a great deal accomplish this aim. Such muscle-flexing might .And it it wrong. While it will not be denied that z
’ proud of the restraint they have shown in expressing of anger and frustrationforusall. but Davis'proposal satisfy a few egos. btit otherwise it‘s pointless. Shah Mohammed Re/a Pahlavi was a cruel and .
their feelings abotit the situation in Iran. in contrast offers nothing constructive toward a solution of the More importantly. we must not allow ourselves to nnttm leader. he is not here to plot with (is. officials
‘ with many college campuses. l‘ls’ has not seen an problem. be dragged to the level of international terrorists and for a counterrevolution. as some suggest.
, outbreak of violent reprisals or blatant shows of The young men holding the embassy and of) religioUs fanatics. Personal liberty isthe cornerstone. He It in the United States solely for medical
racism against Iranian \Illsis‘lllt- hostages in Iran are lealots: men convinced by a 0' 0"” “ma."- _ _ treatment. It is ridiculousto insist otherwise. ltwould ,
lhere have. however. been some unfortunate religious leader that their actions constitute nothing “C must not deny ””3 resident 0' the country my have been inhumane to deny him entrance for i ;
incidents. l‘oremost among them were Vince Davis' less than a holy crusade aimed at avenging crimes 'j'ghl to d“? Pm?“ "”hmusl wetakcayvay ”n—“mcf treatment; likewise. it would be inhumanctoturn him
statements to several local television and radio against their people by a former monarch. Any freedom m ‘cn'c‘mc‘mm‘ “.5 (ongrcssman I‘m) over to the ayatollah‘s revolutionary councils.
reporters last week. actions taken against their countrymen will only Hopkins ha“ suggested. Hopkins wants todepottany In the meantime. Americans should demonstrateto
. . . ~. ~ convince them of the rightness of their sci/tire and Iranian who publicly “was“ support to" m” Kh) .‘ - th't . .. 't b‘ ‘ ' 'd' d '
Davis. director of the Patterson School of , . . . , . embassy mm“, (mum d we can ‘- 'm'm' ate "“0
. , _ _ . . . . - increase their resolution to continue holding the . . . , . , . abandoninr hm hm lcs. We must resist the
Diplomacy. told Ihs‘ WWW” ht hum“ ‘h‘ [5- hostates If the freedom of any resident of this nation ‘ ’ , L‘ p p . .
government ottght to sci/e the Iranian embassy tn ‘ t“ “ . ' . , whether a native citi/en or a legal alien t5 temptation to ”WU!" or lTPU-‘fQV‘ anyone who
Washingtonandtakeall Iranianstudentsintocustody . ln fact.wholesaleimprisonment of Iranian students compromised. the freedom of all residents t5 expresses support for lrati. lolittcians must desist .
in retaliation for the sci/urc (“the American embassy in the United States may'en’danger the lives of the compromised. from making devtstve. inflammatory statements.
in Teheran. hostages. A"? thts‘country S “N concern must be the World opinion is behind the United States. 'I he lhe only method fora civilired nation to pursue in ‘
it is especially distressing that these statements “w“ and safety of the hostages. only real hope fora solution to the problem in Iran is solving the current impasse. as Davis should know. is
came from the man who is supposed to be the Actions like those proposed by Davis or that this opinion will persuade the Ayatollah through diplomatic channels. not through
l'niversity‘s residentexpert on international relations. suggestions that we militarily invade Iran would not Ruhollah Khomeini his position is wrong. antagonistic. emotionallyslinked actions. i
WM ;
L ' ' 3
otters to the Editor
Greek life organirattons should not be made on change was necessaryinthefinalexam Wllh born-again (‘h-ristians. Although enough. there has been a long rivalry generou\ people. our project was very I
superficial characteristics. Look schedule because the French 202 final I have never come in contact with an between the two schools. both of successful. espeCially when 3
Maybe \tckt (‘ailson and Karen deeper. for when you ASSl‘MF conflicted with the l'K-ll' basketball “aggressive" btitti»iigaiii Christian. I which have traditions of being considering the fact that SWA has
Rauch can‘t “objectively examine the something. you ntake an ASSOUI 0f [5 game. 'lhejustification'.’ llie situation can relate to your experience. basketball ptivscr-lttittscs, never taken on sttch a large project.
(ireek \‘Wmu d‘JC W 1‘ lack 0' and MF- constituted a “hardship" as described Being a born-again (‘hristian ltirthcrtnore. not a single person we We now hope to make this an annual
exposure to a (ireek organi/ation‘s in the schedule book and should myself. i know that (iod wants me to have talked to has shown a desire to event. Again. many thanks!
internal structure. bttt lean. l lived asa Don Thomason Jr. threrforc be remedied by the witness (Psalms l0712 “1 ct the leave the situation as it presently is. ,\s
boarder at lhcta (‘hi fraternity ithe Production Agriculture senior administration with “finesse." redeemed of the lord say so. . . ."l. a matter of fact. many of those we Karen Laidlaw t
best damn bunch of guyson campus) Price writes “I am well aware of however. I have been tattght that talked to have gotten extremely SWA president
during my sophomoreyeat.lfeelthat Incredible arguments which reasssert the agressiveevangelismiswrongflhereis perturbed about the conflict, We Social Professions junior -
lhaseagood concept ofGreekltfe and inportance of academics ov'er athletics ' no easier way of condemning Christ sincerely hope that a fair compromise
that I'm qualified to talk about it. Wednesdays editorial page was . . . However. lam not willingto spend than by cramming Histcachingsdown is reached soon.foritwill beinthe best - - 1‘ ,
Concerning Carlson and Rauch‘s very interesting for two reasons: the my Saturday evening translating someonc‘s throat. in love (iod is to interests of the team. the class. the UItImate d'sgrace ' -.
letter: I agreed with the sentiments column from John Scarborough and French instead of chanting ‘(io Big love one another, 'lhe way I express grades. and the fans. lhe suspicionthatthe Is'ernelstaff t5
voiced by the authors. lrue. it did the letter front Shannon Price. Blue' . . . " Is the student‘s my love for another person isto show ills! a group of rambling kids has ’
stretch reality qutte a bit. but I think First. I want to thank John "unwillingness"all that is required for my concern for that person‘s soul by Kent Pearson linallv been proven by nobody other i
the point was. and is. that mnay Scarborough for another excellent arearrangementoftheexamsehedule'.’ witnessingto him.lflsecthata person Journalism Education sophomore thanthe staffitself.Theircredibiltvas
‘ (ireekS. primarily sorority members. column. His columns are the finest l What an incredible precedent would isn‘t receptive to my witnessing then I professionals was shattered in 'last ‘
take things to ridiculous excess. have readinthc Rome/during the past he established if the time were stop. I never condemn a person‘s Lynn A. O’Brien Wednesday‘s Kernel The second page
(You‘d have to hire the Peabody coal five years and Wednesday‘s was no changed. giving priority to the game. lifestyle: however. I do make known Accounting sophomore of that “he starts. as usual. with the
shovel todig all the makeup off some exception. Carry that one step further and a the benefits of having a life with editorial. Our rcgpcctcd editorial
\ sorority gtrls‘faces,i lhis is not to say lhe article examined the “‘makethe hangover 'would justify exemption Christ. . _ Sixth question writer presents the plight of the
‘ that all (ireek females. for example. university experience fun and from the final. In your column. Mr. Vietngarten. Cambodian people. three million of .
‘ wear the same “uniform" of knee undemanding yet guarantee me a The administration has no choice you asked“. . . havey‘ou really found I would like to compliment Brian whom face imminent starvation. I
skirts. knee socks. topsiders and the lucrative career after graduation" but toignorethe“request."butjustthe true peace with yourself and others or Borellis in raising issuestothe Iranian Directly below that in the letters . 2
look of a space cadet. but sometimesit paradox which is slowly paralylingthe fact that it was presented points to the have you simply foundacrtitch to lean Student Organization which I hope section. our same editor prints ' 5
sure seems that way (Alpha Delta higher education system. The irony is lack ofcommitmentthat Scarborough on?“ My reply is yes. I have fottnd they respond to. If they have not “Scheduling conflict" by Shannon . .
(‘lone to the max.) It is these excesses that the people for whom the column discussed. peace with myself and others and ldo responded by the time this letter is Price complaining aboui the grave '
that offend the sensibilities of was intended will not acknowledge or have a crutch to lean on. The lord is printed. l pose a sixth question to matter of missingabasketball game. I .
“independents"and contributctoanti— perhaps even understand it. The John Cooke my crutch and I trust Him to come into Brian's five. and | invitethe lraniansto may not appreciate the importance of '
(ireek sentiments dilemma is similar to the one posed by English senior and take control of my life and lead me reply a (:at‘s game. but to devote the same ‘
As for that “go Greek or don‘t go at the “Can't read'.‘ Learn now!" in the way God wants me to go. He is 6) Are you as anti-Americanas your amount of column-inches to this
all“ cliche that Harris and Dunn lust advertisement I saw recently. Bad experiences my best friend. counterparts in lran‘.’ And if so. how trivial subject just below the story
had to subject Us to. there arc it is“ M On that same page wasa letterthat By faith l know lam doing right in do you explain your presence in this about Cambodia struck me as very
non-(ireeks at l'K. myself included. eloquently. though no doubt I am replying to the article the sight of God and by faith I know great country now‘.’ unprofessional. - .t
2:638:13: nghtéingmr nil??? zgalrhhfonutgltan 2:42;)“. illustrated "Columnist has had enough of born- where I W” Spend eternityslioyou‘Plf . . ‘ . _ As for Ms. Price actually writing
. .. _ ~ . potnt. it also again Christians which appeared in so. I hope to someday see you in Steve (soldstein such a letter asking the Student
i::?:l:\i1riiiutthrilcledd\SrtnulddtcnihL(::vdc\rlii\ pit?edltlodnlcr":cfoldgirlthjncegs.etgatha; the Nov. 8 issue of the Iy'errtel. heaven. Architecture senior Government. University Senate and . l
ment an unfunny Ioke in recent vearsl Philosophy “were rather far refri‘htvl'zd b For "1956 0:310? “h'0 don I ~knm‘v. a Richard Durham admhtntstratton‘ ‘9 even take notice-of ‘
Does it mean sta-ndtngin the aisles and from~ formal logic or philoso hical om-agjm‘ C (Elligl‘u‘m‘ IS a 9650” N19 Horticulture freshman Many thanks her dilemma Simply led me to pity
rows at l'K football games tosociali/e svstems"and that she was unw'iliin to accepts hcsuls mt into hr“ life. ”“5 _ y ' ‘ ‘ her forhaytng sucth provinCial values ;
“rthtctlon Gm‘kxhinderingtrucfam (grime “hm-cent leagures" gfor peltsont en kearnstototally dfpend on . . 'On lhursday. .\ov. K. the SoCial and priorities. Missing a basketball .: .
trom wemg and emmmg ”w game“) Whmarghip . P . L rifit tpftahc contr(ol of his life (and Fan comprom'se workers’in Action.theundergraduate game is such an emotionally shattering t
What U hml‘ down m is [my Shannon l Price a hiloso hv Lu" 'Sll‘t‘ CH3. 1&9 WI“ for H t0 . . Social work organi/ation. sponsored experience. It warrantsdistractingthe .
“\le [mm M -o l~ , nd ' n_ , t , . l . l _P_ P j e run. tseems.. I. 'etngartenJhat .“c would like to show out support a fund-raising project for the l, nited liniverstty from possibly helpling t
p l" p k d J” 'or‘ ”en m a ettercaimingthat a 3°” have had some ”dd CXPCF‘HCCCS of Shannon 1.. Price's proposal that Way. “(‘oin Dayfor anited Way-“was three million dying human beings (or i
the FR lfll. |02. l06.20l.2(l2.SP IOI. a competition between various are they. Ms. Price?) to rescuing l800
l()2.MA |l3.andanyotherfinalsthat sororities. fraternities and grieving basketball-starved students . .
fall on the night of Dec. l9th be dormitories. Although the from missing their only joy in life. ,
’ rescheduled to a more desirable time. participation was low. we feel that it Moreover. perhaps after snatching .' ‘
due to the fact that these finals was a huge success. Ms. Price from the jaws of imminent ._ .
. coincide with the UK-lU basketball We would like to take this peril. we can possibly direct our ' =
game. opportunity to thank Blanding lower. attention toward helping the hostages I
Under certain circumstances the Alpha Delta Pi. Alpha (lamma Delta. in Iran. . =
_ .. conflict would be acceptable. i.c.. if Alpha Kappa Alpha. and Farmhouse The ultimate disgrace now. would
. (g "n UK were playing unrankcd Mort‘s for their donations. AlsO. be if the administration actually
0 ”‘ “ “i ' 3'" University of the Dead.‘ httt highly- congratulations to Alpha Kappa rescheduled those finals! '
A I ranked [U is hardly MUD. Alsothese Alpha for donating the most money
/,.\.~> 3‘ l \ :- schools. are representatives of which totaled $50. AIS: Raycs
6,1,3}, g“ s. l . [E - neighboring states. And tfthis wercnt Because of these thoughtful and Engineering graduate student
we. was i t ' t - ______- .
fig 1/ I i ‘ . .
s . "‘1‘" s ‘ Letters oIIc *
O \ I" / 4 wt; 1 3 I p y ‘5
:4 \cs , t’ ’ . t 5; t
ott éjr‘y t2 1 ' , « \ I The Kentucky Kernel welcomes spelling. grammar and clarity. and community. 2: J
. t ‘05 s t ‘5 v I; \y«. ‘\ , all contributions from the UK may delete libelous statements. 3
, i) ‘, , ‘- .v e" l community for publication on the . Opinions: , g.
h l h V: ’p‘ editorial and opinion pages. For legal reasons. contributors Should be 90 lines or less and
. I , - . t present a UK ID before the h ld 'v d ex l in a osit' I
‘k y’ l 5, r l ._ "“15 _ s ou_ gt can pa .p ion .
.‘-,. / . b. 5‘ . . Letters, opinions and commen- Kernel Will be able to accept the permmms to topical issues of t t
:ti I Cd , v «63-? tarics must be typed- and triple- material. interest to the UK community. . .
if IW-1 ‘\=-.‘. i O“ ' w spaced: 3.“ must include the Contributions should be g ‘
.a: 69 4W 1' '53:}.- writers Signature, address and d l' d R "‘1 IIIII'II .
”:1 h "' phone number UK students should civerc to com oum ’ l .
:3 ”if; =3 H. include their 'ear and major and University 0‘ Kentucky.Lextn|ton, Commented. - ~ ‘
3: l \ « E ”71"!“ I t University eniployces should list K" 40506. Shouldbc90lines or lemmth no
. I” r _ . r .. , . . . d d t t. more than 800words. Thea: articles 5
. a I \ t At? their position an cpar men Letters: are reserved for authors who. in the l
, . E . 1' 4 I :3/ The Kernel may condense or Should be 30 lines or less and no editor's opinion, hlVC “SM“
' It It. ‘ reject contributions. and frequent more than 200 words. They should credentials,’ "Penman training 0" ' "
. S" A" , - ( writers may. be limited. Editors concern particular issues. concerns other qmllfifiltlom ‘0 address I . |
~ , ‘ . I I um" \ reserve the right to edit for correct or events relevant to the UK particular "M0“- .
E y , t ' t .
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