xt79gh9b696k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79gh9b696k/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Barren County--Directories Kentucky--Barren County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Barren County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Barren County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt79gh9b696k section xt79gh9b696k IC I
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The Br1.1*;r·c,n C0uu’cyDc.¥Tc11s4;; Council is J;f‘J€`ilj.cvL:<:d
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Q Dravid l;§_011tga>m;.1·y·, Tq·mplc;: Hill 1 Ue.1"n;*y Busmlw, Lucia
R~nL·¤;·ri; ?n1;J¤;—_1·;·;; I-, Q;1xr¤_ Cj_·t;y· DN; T.’i·.l.d1·c7», }‘~.1·l<· Cii;lzy
B.;y]__;y §}m;;]_;·{;jg~ J. 'Q}-. Dwpp, JT., Uil:3<§,Vl].l
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vm, ig? tin ;¤·.eL`l·11~s:x¤ &}·1*;m;il of Barrczm
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Q AMERICAN LEGIOK, BARREN'COUNTI PCST #23, (National American Legion), 0/o
Q Commander Mosby Woodson, Glasgow; Founded 1920. Cmmnander, Mosby Woodson.
r . . .. . . » ~ , . ,..
tf folephone 100. Adjutant, Jilliam Henry Jones. Jr., Glasgow. Telephone 12o.
Q §ioo~Conmander,Leonard W. Preston, Glasgow. Telephone ZYO. Terms expire
j July, 1945. , - , ·· _
g3 Membership: 164. Qualifications, must be e veteran of World War l with
g honorable_discharge. · i~
g; Committees: None reported. ~ ·
Q Purpose: Patriotic organization to aid Nbrld Nar veterans and their dope
g· endents. “ ·
Qf Normal Civic Activities: Health and Ielfare of veterans and their families.
Q Sponsor patriotic educational programs in rural schools. Assist in org- `
?- anizing Home Guard' and cooperate with Lions Club, Rotary Club ani Cham—
,» ber of Commerce. . .
Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Tire Protection, Emergency
·r·····*:·····—······?··—····-·¤v···. ·····—···—··—·#'········r—·· , ., . - . _ _
Repair Service, motor Corps °ervice, Ambulance oervice, Preparation and
Perving of Food, Operation of Cartoons, iadio Operation and Renoir, Lib»
rary Service, Collecting Books, Public Speaking, Interpreting, Teaching
_ Classes of Map Reading and Skotching, Signal Services, Typing and Other
e Clerical Assista noe, InterviewihEs Consumer Protection Activities.
Q Local Publications: None. ‘
r gegion), o/o Edgar N, Caldwell, Glasgow. ·.·* jounded LUZO. District Commander,
` 4 " ·= · o ..-.. z . , .. ·*:
3 Edgar N. Caldwell. telephone o. Term engines July, 194 ·r,» .
it lomborsnip: 344. (22 Posts in lb counties), Qualifications, veterans of
if vests lor l with honorable discharge. ·
y Committees: Each Post has it‘s own committees.
l Purpose: Americanism, chila“wolfsro, youth sorvic ·',, , sexe and hospitali2~
Il ation of disabled veterans. Promoting Vxtionil Defense.
Normol Civic Activities; Ccoocr:ting .‘.. with all organisations cn aged ly
I activitiEs—aud progrdgs analogous to thdot of tre PL r;ctn Legion.
l Defense Activities; iHl&gCd in Colle tion ot Scrap Ant ls ind Ct*xF
l Yet isQ*E?Z§¥EHiIC&rr%T?GEEFHE?n Classks for Aliens and Cth r._: rs. “rcin—
l ing for Auxiliary Folica, Air Ydid ldrdrw E rvieo. Civilifn Aircrnit lar—
Q ning Sjrvicc, Auxiliary giro rrotrctlon, Solver; *<:olition ;»rv co, -»\~
~ -. · . ». · a ·. . ,,4».,.- `» ,‘ fw. .~» ~.~(—¤r·»'—» qw: "»~’ `.·
$ ins and Prcnaration on curiicol or ssrn, .·., , Rod tzoss nsslotar. , s,ro
{ Caro, Teaching Ansricanizition Cl2&SUU for l1l·?i NRG UlUCTU· Sjitgl guy-
Locel Publications: None.
l Z
U g - o
Chapter Ioddquortors, Glasgow; Founded 1917. Chairman, J. W} Dopp,_Gloss~
gow. Tolophoho 563~W} Soorotary, Mrs. Vorda H. Bryon, Glasgow.·Toloohono> [
&?7—?. Tcrns oxpiro Docombor, 1942. , 5 ·. .3 » 4 _ ‘ ’ it
·¤ - ‘ `V i_ ,_ , _ · .4 i . v_ ’ ,·;w ·*_.» - V v_ j
”@mborship:l788.*Optn to annual contributors of one dollar or*ovor.i "j, Q
Committooo: Bundles for Britain, Mrs. J. H. Hurling County Roll Gull, L .
IE5. Vurdu H. Bryon,_both of_Gl;sgow.. , , 1 -`· = i ,,1} 1.. -v~~ C
Purpose: Relief of suffering and rohmbiiitotiou to di;p¤tor·victims. L
Tormal Ci"ic hctivitiosz Emurgohcy oid in the owont of orisi€.» Toaoh— j
ing 01;.5 sts in l~‘irst lid r;.;;fi Homo $¢o_rvi.oo work. · · ·` " ‘ ’ . »· -
Defmnst Activities; Engaged in Tirxt lid, Sewing nnd Preparation of ti
Surgicwl Dros;ings.‘ lutorcstod in Motor Corps-¤@rvioo,_Houpitcl and . ` {
Clihioil'Lssi$tunoo, Propuritio- and Serving of Food, Cporotion of _` g
Cauiooxs, Fgmily S$oi;l Strvioo in ludustriml Areas, Chili*Caro,·Coll— § ,
motion of Scrap Mchalo and Othqr Lotlls, Collecting Books, lutorviowihg." §
Local Puhliodtions; Nor;. __ ·· “; : W _ A~Q ..m §
_________________ ______ ________ _____ ____. » l _ _ __ _ _’ » V I A I j I
DLQKEJ CPVNTY é~H CLU? (State ond Iatioutl 4-H Clubs),`o/o J. O. Zorn- " i
inq, County hgogt, Glasgow. Found d 1952. Prosidout, J. O. Iorning, Tolé ig
ophono 1CC. Uorm iudofiuito. 4 < V §
Nomborshlp: 180. Opt; to youths who oro iutCrootod.iy and actually on~ . -- £
gmdod in fgrioulturul pursuits. ‘i* Q
fymmugttoiig Governing Council, J. O. Horning, Glasgow. , Q
lurpoio; To promoto, plan sud provido for grogtor ‘.·. ugrioulturol fcoilit— Q
ics in thc Tvturo. ` ° E4
Nornil Civic Aotivitius; Coopoyvtos rith F;rm Buroou. · -‘ §_
DoTonmo Lotivitios: lntorostud in Auxiliary Firo Protootioh, Frcp;r&~ l §.
tion and Borviug of Food, Colltotiou of Scrap Fctols and Othor Kotals. "F
Looal fublioztiohsz "Tho 3ujlo" (monthly), ‘ ` E
BAPREI CCUT“Y TISTOHTCQL SCCITQY, o/o Mrs. Graco D. Coomor, Glasgow. Q
· Founded lQ55. Prsoid nt, Mrs. J. Tmod V>noo, .t·. Glisgow. folophouo 552. ?§
. $©orot&ry, hrs. Gr os D. Cooxtr. Torn; oxpirod Swptoxbor, 1942. __ - V?
· ‘ * ‘ -‘ Qi
Fnmlrrshipa 12. Cp.n to goroons ·<.’¢ ho rro intornstld iu local history and ~?- ?§
rooords pcrtaiming to Sumo. ‘ ‘ l ‘ x
Cmmnittous: Nont reported. _ . VA {E
».-•.;..;..—.j_... >. ·,- Ei;}
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‘ 4... 5 ..
Q Burron County Historical Society (Continucd)
_; Eyrposcz To crcatc intcrost and to colloct snd_prcscrvc historicnl dutn
$ ° conccrning Barron County. `
Q Iormul Civic Activitics: Homo. ~. C
{ "-—`·__-°`~"_--`°`*"—_`°`—_"—°`°`_—' ’ , .
» Q Dofcnsc Lctivitios; Intorcstod in Rod Cross Aséistrncc, Child Caro,
{ · """""`"""'°·"""' ""`T"*—"°" 1 q""T"‘T"`T“""’ """‘ · ‘ . . .
§ Collcction of Scrap nctuls and Othor hctols, Collccting Cooks, Touch-
§, ing Litcrucy Clossos for Llions und`Cthcrs. ·· sm ..
Q ‘ A
_g Locol Publications: Nonc. . _ ' ` V r
{ BARHEI COUNTY HCKENCIERS nSSCCl.TlCI .’.. (Extcnsion Scrvicc, University of
y wontuckv), c/o Hrs. Bortbo BQ Ninick, Eomc Domonstrotion Lgcnt, Cl ss~
lg gow; Foundod l955. Prosidcnt, Mrs. Bcrthc E. Ninick. Tclcphonc l83.
lg Tcrm.cxpircs l9é3.
gf M Hcmbcrship: 2éE. Opcn to rural ncrsons intcrostcd in improving cducst-
Q ionil and homc`conditions. 1, r
* Ccmmittccs:'All committccs of orgcuizztion work on vcriousphcscs—Food,
A ‘ Citizonship, Icighborhood Lcudcrs, Sponkcrs Buroau gurtioulnrlv.
Purgosozlmprotcnogt of rural homo lifc. `
Qi Iornul Civic Activitics: Cooperation with ull othcr civic orgirizxt-
r V, ions (Rod Cross, T. B. Association, Uplfarc work in Community, ctc.).
§ · Dcfonso Lctivitics: lntorcstcd in Eospitrl ind Clinical nssistonco,
Y Sewing and Proporction of Surgical Drossin;s,Ecd Cross ucsistuncc,
§_ First nid, Prcpurotiom and Swrving of Food, Cporntion o? Coniccns,
{* Cbild‘Ccro, Collection of Scrup Metals ono Othor Wctuls, Collecting
SW Boots, Discussion Lcsdcrs, Public Ufcoking, Touching Literacy Cluss—
g os for nlicns and Othors, Rsscwrch Qssistvncc, Conrumcr Yrotcction
·¥ nctivitios, Assisting in dcvclooiig Ibighborhood Lcadcrskip Syctom
ii` for giving out Dqfcnso Progrcm lnfornution.
§_t Lczcl Publications: Homo.
Q . * " `
?{ FCY scoUro, lLJE£OHZ C-VH DIVILICF (F `‘`. tional Council, Sov €couts'oS
C_ nmcrics), c/o Lcroy Ncumcistor, Clasgow. Foundco l9B5. Chsirmon, Leroy
C-. to Noumoistor. Tclcphonc lC5. form cxpir s February, l945. li ld Hxocrtivc,
ii Burns Dcwcll, Bowling Crctn. Ecrm cxpircs Docux&mr,_l942.
C _ Vtmbtrshio; SO. Opcn to boys 12 to 13 yczrs of ago cblc to pcs: scout
,,` tcst and rcquir.mcits. = . _
Cl ¤. 1.,...1. jd 1 1 O rw-.» V}: . ,—JC »¢—.{,~ T ,, [lj}, lr v»...
,Ommj, COS; F; Ur Q; , Y, Q, g ;4~.t.t, EA cnsL,n, C. H. Ti` r.; ndzw;
ccnc;t, iitcholl Ellis; Ccmoing ani -etivitics, F. Evcrstt VT?l; Evan r—
( Ship T1`*j~Hi¤5» Elbert J, j;1_;y,yS'_ flu Cf. H__AQ:i: _4_¤ »
A - 4 - `
Boy Scouts Mammoth Cove Division_(Continred) ’ l . ‘
Purpose: Character building and community service.
Forwil Civic Activities: Coopereting with Red Cross in the core of flngs
used on holidays; assisting the American Legion and Police Department: j
Also eided U. S. Dept. of Interior in Bird Bending. j
l Defense Activities: Ente ed in Auxilisr Police, First Aid, Child .
..-sn-..-.~........ .._é........ _ A
_ Gere. Training for Auxiliary Police, Auxiliary Fire Protection, First J
Aid, fetching Classes of hep Lending and Sketching, Signal Services. `
Interested in Air Reid Thrden Service Civilien Aircraft lhrninw Ser= `
___,______,_,.,,,_,,. ’ s __
vice, Salvage Demolition Service, Emergency Repair Service, Red.Cross _
Assistance, Child Care, Collecting Books. . ‘ ` I
· Locel Publications; None. ` I r
Society of the Daughters of the Americxn Revolrtion), c/o Mrs. A. F. {
Crcv, .·v. Glasgow. Founded l92Z. President, Nrs. J. Hescel Mitchell, Glsss~ %
gow. Telephone 196. Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Crow. Telephone Bl?. Terms A
. expire ley, li·` 1944. n
~ . A - r .. A
Uombcrship: 60. Open to descendents of persons tho helped to establish Q
American Independence. *_4 . g
Committees: National Defense end Pétrictic Education, Yrs. K. E. Repo; Q
*‘“"‘··" trrtr . ·. . ‘ ‘ ‘
Conserv tion, urs. n. .. cerdnor, both of Glasgow. ·, §
Purpose: To pcrpetuntz the memory and spirit of the mcn‘fnd women who Q
ichicvcd kmericnn lndgocndoncc und to cherish the institutions of f
Amerie .... n Freedom. Q
Kernel Civic Activitics:_Coopcrntes with other civic organizations in Q
vmlfsro efforts. Q
Def ns, Activities; Interested in Inter Corps Lcrvicc, Ambulance Ser· i
vice, Aospitcl and Clinical Assistance, Sewing and Prcpirrtion of Sur- E
licsl Drcssinps, lcd Cross Assivtcncc, First Aid, Preparation and Ser» {E
vine of Ford, Child Care, Radio Operation cid Kcpiir, rr,. Collection of 3c= Q
rsp lctuls and Pthor Hotels, Collecting looks, Tenching Literacy Cleese §
-rs Ru*Aliwn2cnd Others, fyping and OtLgY·ClUTlO&l Assisi&n-c, lntcr~ E
viowind. " Q
Locil Qvbli caitionsz lion.; . — 3i
»i~C TTCIIA CRUT, c/o Y. Y. E rrish, Cora City. Toundcd lD5d. Presidcnt,l é
T. `. Parrish. fern c;pircs ,ovr?h r, lS4l. Q;crotnrv, Yrs. Ch rl s ` §
Pa rri sh, Cov. City. Y ly"; int`.-i‘ini·tc., — _ °
I mbrrship: SC. Cp;n to mln ird woven activ ly angag d in iqricrlture. E
. lg
, K
, - 5 -
Q 4—C Utopia Club (Continucd)
{ Committoos: Nono roportod.
QQ lyrposo: To promoto oducotionol, social and rocrcatinnol octivitiou in ·
g A conjunction with a program of form and_homo improv mont. _ i
g‘ Toroul Civic Activitios: Cooperating with Countf Agcnt and United btotos
QQ Uoportnont of Lgricultury, U. of K. Division.
1 _ ·
{E Dofonso Activities: lntorostcd in Auxiliary Eiro Protection, Motor
Q3 Corp: Qcrvicc, Scwing and Froporotion of Surgical Drossings, Rod Cioss
jg ’ issictonco, Preparation and Scrving of Food, Radio Opcrotion and Ropxir,
gi Collcction of Sorcp Uotols and Othor Motols, Signal Sgrvicos.
QP Lccul Pnblicotions: Bono. ‘ i —
`Q FRE? n*U LCCTFTED N;SOlQ, ’LLET LODGE ffd (Crind Lod;. of K ntucky F. .
,<' &_n. N.}, c/o H. C. Franklin, Glasgow. Foundod l8l5. Qostor, J. K.
. _.#i c iinton, Glnsgow. Tolophono 57L~l.'Hccrct;ry, H. C. Franklin. Tcl~
-, cphonc l75. forms oxpirc Pccomb;r, 1942.
s Wbnhcrship: BOO, Open to uhito nworicon citizens orc fosoin; bclivf in
¤ n Buprcnw Doity.
z Conmjttcosz Public Uclforc, J. K. Hinton, Goorgc J. Ellis, Jr., T. C.
E Roloort, cll of Glosgov.
f rurposo: Charity and bcncvolcnco. _ _
it formal Civic notivitics:' Contributing to the support of Bfconic Qidows
Q and Crpbons Home and Old Bosonn Homo. Coopcroting vith civic org ni; tw
‘g ions in charitnblo octivltios.
Q Dofcnoo Activitios; Tntcxcstcd in Motor Corp: Solvioo, jmbrlcrcc Sor-
Q vioo, Pod Cross Asoistan¤c, Child Caro, Collcotin; Books, Discrssion
si J Loaders, Public Speaking. `
``c " Local Publications: None. ‘ ‘
· · . j ‘ . i · I `
li CL;°CC" “’? VS"CCI`TlO* (*·nt*clv “*n Jsoooiotion) c B l` C *bit·
fi __ __,).J· j__ L)_‘_L AL ,j_ _, _; _ ,;_ i\_x_,__ .,;__.(_Ay Dini .L-»J w..V...~..u .. , / L ¤ ..L¤ -··· 4]
Y, Glasgow. Foundcd 1955. Pxocidont, J. T. White. Spcrotary, Wront nick~
Q inson, Jr., Glosgomx forms cxpir; npril, lQ43.
{ Fouborship; EO. Occn to yraoticina liconsoc »tto1n-ys rcsiding in
3 Barron County. _ __ _
Q V liurposo : To inromot o thc xzi.li‘o2ir, or tha pronT`<.. gw ioii and 5,;. l'liu].";>il. jr; l ,6:1:; c
Q of tho community.
fl A
— ·. I
4 .
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K k
_ ‘- 7 Q
Y "¤*~ m* l 4 >·»c ~ J ·vm_· _ . Y, .—·.
.` V Gb»¤¤C~ GIEL 5CCUTo, LRUCP-yl (N t1OHul Girl tcouts Incorporated), e/0
_ lliss eetsy Powell, Glasgow; Founded 1940. Captain; Miss Ectsv Powell.
V .- Tclcphnce48]-Y, Term expires February, l9l3. `
I llguiirshig: 56. Open to girls lO tc 18 yours cf ugc who observe the rules
~ cf tmc crgxnization and are regular in attendance.
V ggggltteesz Troop, Mrs. Charles T. Ecnfrc; Girl Scout Committee, lits
oelnc Goedman, beth cf Glasgow.
A Vgurgosej Training girls in ncntal, physical and chcrtctcr builiin;.
e .c§ormsl_Qivic Activities: Qceprrating with Red Gross and Bundles For
{ Britain. V - ` .
g Defense nctivities: Training £cr‘First nie, Chil&_Cere. lntercstec iv
lg Hespitul and Clinicul nssistsncc, Saving and lrepiratien of Sur;ic;l——
_; -» Dressings, Red Cross issistsnce. Fumily Sccial Lcrvicc in Industrial
g gross, Collection of Scrap Metals und Other·Vctnls, Collcctiiyybeoks,
sf . . . . . . ' `
s Tveine and Other Clerical nssiseuncc.
4, . -. - O _ .
Q Lecul Eublicutions: hone.
Qi @LQ$GCW`JU}IOH -`.` CHQKZFR C? C(ll%uCE(Yentucky Junior Chrmb r ci Commerce),
s J- - ,, _ l _ ., s _ __ sl _`1_ . s o ·li_, T , . o· J
it eyo ndusrd L, Strocc, u` sgoc. ycuieod lJ¢O. rr siecnt, Jcbcrt uo;cu1c,
EQ Glespov. Secretary, Edwerd U. Strada. Telephnnc l. Terws expire Merch,
.§ l945. · ‘
Q Mtwtership: 45, Quslificutions, epcn te young business msn if Glcsgow.
§ Committees: Hon; rsprrted.
§ Purprsc: Regulate business practices; foster civic imprfvement.
`$ Nermcl Civic Activities: Corrcrstrs with citv c;urcil un traffic rcc—
-‘} _________________—______;________________ .. V J _ .__>
§ uliticns, pork activities and other civic matters including est blish—
§ ment of Q city airport. ilss esseciitciitsslf vith all w‘rthy ;ntcr» .
~§ priscs.
·{ Defense Activities: Interested in nuxiliarj Polico, hir Riid lfrden
"•*··*······1—··*······:·····,···1····•*··1··. ’···•·•···*‘1‘f""‘:"_"‘ r __· ` _ » ____· _· ,_ —j‘- nr sg _ ___V __ U; (_, ‘
? Dervicc, Civiliin nircreft w rnirg ocrwlot, hulili ry lilo lritcctlci,
é Wslvsgc Uemelitisn Scrvicc,·;mcrg;ncy Pcpcir Service, L twr Lirys
l Service, Hcseitsl and Clinical dssistorce, Colltetion of Scrap ictals
i and Other Metals, Rscrsatiin, Discussion Lcvdcrs, Te ching Literacy
§ Ulcsses fpr nlicrs Unc Others, ?igiul Services, Typing rnd Other Ul rs
;§ ical ...` -sristsntc, Intcrvicfing. · 4 ·
l Local Publicitiens: K;nc. A
QE j
- 5 - `
GLLSGOW JUNIOR LONLH'S CLUB (General Federeticn cf Ucmcn’s Clubs), c/c I
Mrs. C. R. Msrkwesd, 609 N rth Green Street, Glasgow. Feunded 1957. j
President, Irs. C. R. Markwecd. Telephone 259. Secretary, Mrs. Rey ( _ _
Msrtin. Telephone 481-Y. Terms expire Ney, l945.
Membership: 72. Open te wcmcn interested in_thc uplift'if tht c `‘·- mmunity, , _
else in its civic, spiritual and secisl life. Z
Cenmittecs: Charity, Miss Ksry Frsnccs_Pece; Civic, Mrs. Richard Hsdcll; _
Girl Scsuts, Mrs. S. L. Notre, =.v Jr., all of Glesgmv. ·_
Purpisc: Tc uplift the community in its* spiritual and seciul life. ‘
Wzriel Civic gctiviticsz Spenser Girl Sceut.sctivities. Started Glssgww =
Public Scherl Library and csteldgucd it. g
Defense Lctivitics; Interested in Meter Cerps-Service, Ambulance Ser- f» ‘
vice, Hrspitsl ind Clinicel nssisturce, Sewing and lrepsretien ef Sur- {
qicrl Dressings, Red Crcss ncsistsucc, Prcperetiwn and Serving ef Fe¢d, {
Opcratien ef Ceutcens, Child Gere, Cnllectier cf Scrap Metals and Other ,3 l,
Ictcls, Collecting Bccks, Public Speaking, Teaching Literacy Clesscs {
for nliens and Others, Typing and Othrr Clericil Lssistsnce, Intcrviev- §
irg, Cersumur Pruteeticn gctivities. Q
. Lccel Publicitirns: Nine. ~ . Q .
G;LeC£Z7}iBEIT—TEACHER ;SSOCIATIOE (State end “1tien2l Congresses, P. at ·
T. l.), e/G lws. L. J. Nucmeistvr, GOO Nfrth Rice Street, Glssgcw. §
Founded IUZS. Prcsidcnt,‘Hrs. L. J. Ncumcistcr. Telephone l@5. Sccrc~ F
tary, “rs. Hubert Thlsnn, Clesgew‘,Telephenc 207-B. Terms expire, hey, Q _
194;. Q _
Mcubcrship; 475. Open te sny cnc interested in child wnlfsrc and ed- Q
uciti .» i [
Ccuwittees: Vculth, Rccrqstien l, [er nctivitics, Safety, Hducqtivnxl, l
· Lus c. _§
‘ Qurpcce; Te bring inte clescr rclgticn hcxm end Scheel and tr prewete 2; M
th· rel? rc "f children in the cemmunity, a
Pirrel Civic Activities: Cefpersting with T} F. l., Liens Club end Q
cssisting in furnishing fctd for underprivileged children. Hakes enc §
dfnutitn during yeer te ll P. L. schvel lunch. if
Dc?ensc.Lctivities: Interested in Hutrr Cerps bcrvice, Hispitcl and {
Cliriesl gssistince, Scxin; and Ercpirnticn if Surgicel Dressings, ned E
Cress Qssistsncc, Prep raticu Rnd Serving ef Feed, Child Gere, Collect- E
isn MQ Scr;p leiils ind Ether ict ls, Collecting Beiks, Tesching Liter- Q
ecy Classes fer ilicns ind Cth rs, Typing Lrd Other Clcricil ssistsnce, §
l1rtc1"ritrriiif. L?
l>csl Publicqti ns: H 1-. i
i v
S . . · . - 9 -
Q GL;3GCW?ROTnRY CLUB (Rotary Internetionil), e/e E. L. Kerley, Glesgew.
{ Founded 1928. President, Edgar N. Caldwell, Glcsgcwx Telephone 6. Sec-
j retery, E. L. Kerley. Telephone 141. Terms expired July, 1942.
3 Membership: 57. Qualifications, one outstanding representative frem each
5 _ business cr profession. -
Q Committees: Boys Ybrk, Glenn Hopp; Youth Service, Richard L. Garnett;
j Education, J. TL Depp; Crippled Children, Dr. C.R, Ierkwccd; Urban Acq-
j _ ueintence,-J. Horning,sll of Glasgow. · "
E _ Purpose: Community Service: Vocational Service: lnternctirncl Service.
Q Nermel Civic nctivities: Working with Boy Scouts end "Boys Stdte". Co-
g operating with County Health Unit and Crippled Childrens' Commis$i¤¤
g and promoting better releticns between the farmer and the city merchant.
Q,} Defense Activities: Engaged in Discussion Lenders, Public Speaking.
j· Interested in Meter Ccrps Service, Lmbulenec Service, H spitel and .
f . ` Clinicel Assistance, Consumer Protection ictivities.
Q Local Publications: Done. , ,.
{ Y GLLSGCW UTOPIA CLUB, c/o Mary E. Berrick, R. R. #2, Glasgow. Founded
3 ‘ lQE9. President,_Nrry_E, ,`-. Earrick. TelephOHG 2825, Secretary, Hsry
9 Frnnccs Pace, Celumbie nvenue, Glssgzw.
Q U Memhership;8. Open to persons ef either sex, between the ages of 21-55
{ and cngeged in or interested in farming.
t · Cvnnittees:None.` L A = l 1
ip Purpose: Te sid in the extension of egrieultursl edueetien, recreation
§ exc social activities. , _ °
E U;rmel Civic Activities: C¤operetes'vith_Ceuntyhngrieulturel Lgent
E End U. S. Department ef ngriculture, University of Kentucky Division.
i Defense nctivities: Interested in nuxiliery Fire Prwtectien, Peter
Q M ·C;rps Service, Sewing and Preparntion if Surgicel Dressings, Red
§ Cress.1ssistenee, Preperiticn and Serving of F:d . Lscal Eublicatiens: Ven;.
Q L-bI2¤ QITIIEE NU5lCglE(St1te sgi Zatixnzl Fedcritirm df Yusic ClubsQ, c/0
T Yrs. Clprlss T. Renfrc, Cl sg ·‘,‘. ,. Founded lC94. President, Mrs. Zfrl E. Kipp,
Y Glasysi. I-lcphcne 55l. Secretary, Yrs. Charles T. itnfrz. Terms expire June,
j l945. - ,`
f Eeubcxshitz 75. Open ti renem the desire ts further scweril musical ¤stivit—
{ its ir Glssgct.
5 Committees: Presrsn, Irs. Se·;ll ,».. iqrlci, Ol sgcv. ‘ __, .
?' F Purpészz T0 fcster th; live ‘€ gysd rusre is tk; cimiumitv.
Y Nqymgl Qjvjg nqtjvjtjgg; Qccpcygtigg xlth lscrl civic srginizhtinnt by furn-
{ ishimg;;usic f¤r‘public rectings.
?» if I&j;§EEL-pqtivitiss; Egélitd iQ ltd Criss Qs:i;t¤nec, Csllecti;g Decks tide
§ Music fer U.S.C. Interested in Extertiimrsxt, Hscreatiez, Rssc ren Mssistinct,
¥¤@¤ A Club has curchescd Cl SCO _cr 524ds. ’ » , I
i ·· ’ ~ ,
t Lncal Publicstieus; Nin:.
ef * ""“"""“""“"“_“ " .
` -·-V ·—~·—~·¤~—·· t —·#·r /- " ?”· Z`}-A ' »····,·— -~··— "]‘F~ w l
‘i LLOUU CLUB CF GL;SGCW(LIOLl I;;JUilTlte-L), G/e l. s. .» O, Gl shui. ¥,d1L.d ,
{ 1932. President, Chris T. Grinste d, Glisgef. T,lepheue cl?. secret ry, I. s.
Q YU¤d. Telcphcnc BSO. Terms expire July, IQCB. A
V - *·
Lions Club rf Glxsgcw(Ccmtinucd) C ` _
Hcmbcrship: 15. One mils member 5f cash type cf business cr pro fcssich cmd
intcrcstcd iz civic pffsirs. `
Cirxittccsz Nznc rcpcrtcd. C C
Furs sc; Prcwstien rf ;ny civic gr2gr;n fxr thc bcttcr intcrcst sf the cmum—
I rukl Civic Qctivitiss; Prsxctin; if plsy griumd and public pirk in c®~pcr~
uti§?*G$th thc Chsrmcr if Ccnmcrcc an& pthcr crgcuizstisms. glsc sight ccns— _
crvitiin ig cicpcriticm with Ecrrsx Csutty Ecilth Uhit. j
Dcfcms; hstivitics; Intcrcstcd ii huxilifry Pilics, guxiliiry Eirc Frctccti- Q
gn, lct;r Ccrcs Scrvicc, f;bul.1cc Lcrvicc, lcd Cr ss hssistsncc, Collcction I
_ cf scrap Qctcls ¢;d_Oth;r Ictsl:,.Csllccti1g B1;ks, Discussion Lpsdcrs, Pub- C
lic Spcikiug, Tcachinq hmcriciuizctiz; Clcsscs fcr Alicus and Cth rs, Rcscc- j
rch hscistuncc, Tyning and Othtr Clcricxl issistancc, Intcrvicwing. _
Loc l Public tions: Ncuc. C §
GREAT WF l;UTQRP STHR, GL;SGCW`CH;ETER>f257(Cc;cryl fraud Chaytcr; Icutucky Q
Grind Chzptcr O.E.G.), q/c Mrs. Rupcrt Dc Vcshcr, Glcsgcw. Kbrthy Eatrct, Hrs. y
Charles Sr` L, Cl¤rg=<; Tslsph TL l57»Y. Sscrstary, Mrs. Iupcrt Dc V;shcr. is
Tulcphcvo 25Q-R. Turns cxpircd Scptcxbcr, l942¤ Q
?c1bcrshir; Qu lific ti ns, Gps; t= ·ivcs, s·,: mothers, dnughtcrs cmd slstcrs wf ?
ldstcr M.r is. C .. Q
Coxnittccs: Charity, Irs. J·c L. Gcidmzn, Glasgow. ` g
Purp sc: To grividc fcr thc nulfsrc ‘f wives, rcthcrs, Ccujhtsrs, vid ts and {
sictcrs f ";stprs K sons. Y
I rxil Civic ictivitics; Ccvpcr tim; With civic ,fQ»?iZFfl¢DS il fUF1i$hi1Q
f_>"`y’ childrczi. ' C·
Dcfcisc uctivitics: Int rcstcd in Ksspitsl and Clinic l gssistancc, Saving °
? ;1q Prrpiritivu if Surgictl Drcssings, Tcd Cr ss ussistcncc, First iid, Prc— J
pwrrti 1 ;1u Sorting of Food, Child Carc, Cullcctirn sf Scrap Ectals and T
Cthcr Qctils, Csllccting Disks, Typigg ind Cthcr Clcriczl .‘’. Mssistazcc, Int- V
uririciiisig. ` » ~ M- - {
Licnl Publications: Zinc. C
BMTLT iZL]I’L UL] I €CCIZTY(;rchdicccsc cf Lnuisvillc), c/E Irs. Roger Dick- ‘
~» ’* —~,·\-Y . » .. wt rn,- ·~’!'>... ·» ‘ , _· , »~, V
ihssh, ul sb L. F ugdcd l9~c. r1csics t, ;rs. 3. T. ]llis~m, mlisgst. Tcl- c
suhinr l70— . Lccrctcry, Yrs, Lcgcrs Dickincrn. Tclcphcgc l84~R. Tsrrs in— y
dcfixitc. ` A »
nycnblrshig: 12. Cpci t` gcrs ns iztcrcstcd in Scint Hclcn's Ccthtlic Church, {
Glxs;=*. F ` C
Cmiiittccs: Func. T
- lg s
Seiht Helen’s Altar Seciety(Ccutinued)
Eprp:se:Care end imprevement ef Saint Heleh's Church.
_ Hfrmtl Civic Activities: Ceeperating with church and civic vrganizativns in
‘ general relief trrk. . _
1 Defense hetivities: Interested in Qeter Ceres Service, Eespital and Clinical
gssistance, Sewihé and Prepnratien ef Surgical Dressings, Red Cress nssistanec,
I Cillxctien ef Sera; hetels and Other het ls, Child Care, Collecting B #ks,
5 Iyjing and Other Clerical nssistanec, Interviewing. =
2 "nscal Publicitivns: Neue.
T S;NZOY COIEUIITY HOSFIT;L EEDIC L hUXILI;RY, c/e Hrs. Dirrick Bryan, Tlst Yesh-
g ihgteh Street, Glasgow. Founded IQBQ. Prrsidert, Yrs. Cliften Riehfrds, Glssgcw.
felepheme l5é. Secretary, Mrs. Berriek Bryan. Yelephinc 205—R.Terms expire
E September, 1945. ‘ 4 I , . '
i iczbershipz 20. Open te mether, wife, daughter sr sister ·f physiciwnih arei ~
€ serviced by Scmstn Ccmnunity Hospital. ; ,
Q C2mnittees:Cercer Cemtrel, Irs. Jchn Dickinson; Tubereul sis, hrs. Barriek
3; Bryhi; Public Relations, Irs. Rex E. Hayes, ell ef Glasgew., . I
° l Purpese: Te create·a bettcr‘uhderstanding amcng the_fanilies sf·Dtct>rs.
{ frrral Civic Lctivitiesz Cerpereting fith T. P. A., H. K. A. aud leeal organ-
Q izxtivxe including the Glasgew Texan': Club and KImcn's Field irmy fer Cancer _
_¥ CODtTJl ..·A
Q Defense Activities: Interested in Meter Cgrps Service, Lmbulcnec Service, Hose
y pitel and Clihicel Assistance, sewing and Preparati:n of Surgicnl Dressings,
Y Rei Cross hssistance, Child Care, Cellect on cf Scrap I tcls ind Other Metals,
t Cellectine Betks.
_; Local Tublicatichs; Tone. ·
t ' • • / r` ' ' . " ’“ "f . ' ., -, ,. . -- —-'·· ,—.
; the umerieah ROVOlHtlOD), e/e C. Cleyten Siriens, ee9»;;st Cheiiv Stieee, Glee-
* e we Veundcd 1957. President Dr. C. C. Turner Glasrew. T #‘.· lephine @97. See-
} U 3 I A T
S retery, C. Claytcn Simmons, Telephene 37l47. Vicc~rr·sident, Cuy V. eeitty,
Q west Tain Street, Glasgow. Telephe;e €27~R. Terrs expired October, l9é2.
Ci Ieibershipz l2 Open tc descendents of 2 vet rar ef the hmerieeu Hevwlutiin.
i Cxwnittees: Executive, Dr. C. C. Turner, Guy V. P Utty, C. Cliyt“2.Sif7¤?$,
* all ef Clasgyw.
Y Furpzsez Frenetc and instill pitriitie interest and end ».». aver in perpetvntiug
y the ideals sf the levnlutien. _ , . I p
? UOrD&l Civic Activities; Ceipcriting with sch? l beard in presuntiné ;earicrn~
I · _—_ *· _·, /—_‘,'_ r__ , , ,r,_ J1, inn , 1,.,.,., ; ' sv`?
= ism awards and c·utricut;n; tt the hue dress M16 ther m