xt79gh9b8j0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79gh9b8j0z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1984 1984 1984-02-08 2020 true xt79gh9b8j0z section xt79gh9b8j0z  


Vol. LXXXVI, No. 109


Established 1894



University at Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Independent Since 1971

Wednesday, February 8. 1984


Educators criticize
budget allocations
to higher education

Council Chairman Holbrook declares
state universities ‘a poor man ’5 system ’

By .\\l)|ll£\\ tll’l'\l.\\\
Editor-in t‘hiel

FRANKFHR'I' State education
and uniyersity tilllt'litls told a House
SUlX'UltlltlltlH‘ yesterday the pro
posed budget tor higher education
\yould not alloys Kentuckys eight
public institutions to expand tor the

.\lortoii llolhrook. chairman ot the
(‘ouiicil on Higher Education. told
the House Budget lteyieu Subcoin
mittee on Education that Kentucky‘s
piihlic uniyersities are in need oi
support sllllllttt‘ to that being
planned tor primary and secondary

“We tune a poor man s system oi
h gher education, he said ‘\\e
Lave aluays had it. and until yye can
comince the people ot Kentucky
that there is a '.\.i\ out ot our being
condemnwl in perpetuity to be pro
curers e: “nod and tlt‘.i\\et‘s tit “aim
for more educated neighbors. use
Wlll never change that sight

"Sanng \ye are poor and \H' ldli
not attord higher education is like a
iarmer saying, ’llecause I had a bad
year I shouldn't buy seed corn
llolhrook said lt is only a’ the
higher le\els oi education 'hat .te
accomplish soiiiethnig riieaiiingtul
tor Kentucky

(im \lartha Layne tollitis hud
get calls tor Sit: :iiilaon lli new
taxes, with To percent ot the name;

to he raised oyer the iie\’ two is
earmarked toi ini
priniaiy and second

cal ‘eat‘s

p' vat ritents it.
'tti i'tglf s‘ :Ti' ttt"xi-"~ ".i-s .\illitll
t't'i‘i't'i' a ir‘. tx't'i‘i-ttl lilltlge’ ll':
' 11‘. l‘it’ft atitt it perierit ltl lfthi

Surgery department head to

lh \\(.l.l tilt lllr7\llf.ll.\tl\
Senior staii \ti'Hi-i
The chairmaii ot the surgery de
partmeiit is teaying the l'iiiyers:t\
to assume what he called the nun:
her too position ill the world ot stir

ltr “am it 'il‘lltt‘t has accepted
the appointmen' oi setretary trea
surer ot the \nierican Board or Stir
gery in Philadelphia The board cer
tities the national organi/ation
\‘hlt'll certiiies all general surgeons
in the practice oi their discipline

tiritlen “Ill take this position otti
ciall). on July t‘i leaying behind
more ”hilt lH years (it st't‘Hc'e at the
[K Medical t 'enter

”The position is extremely inipor
taiit lll terms ot hanng an opportu
nity to contribute to iiitiire diret
tions ot surgery on the national
le\el."tlrilten said

it is a great opportunity tor me
personally and it represents a trih
ute to the (K t‘ollege oi Medicine
and department ot surgery in that
the ABS has seen lit to choose some

along \‘Kllll the approved tiiiids tor
the institutions desegregation plan
it the budget is implemented con
sidered by [K otticials as a (fist ol
hi on: increase

llolhrook said highet education
has needs iust as pressing as those
lacing the primary and st'ctitltlltr\

The present governor oi Ken
tucky has L{l\‘t‘ll its a great lead
starting troni the bottom up. he
said "We appeal to you to reniein
her that yye too haxe needs that are
illlllt‘ as desperate as art- those at
the primary and secondary leyels
\\e ask tor your sj. nipathit consider
attott ot those llt't‘tl.\

Sutwontnintu- t'haiimaii t‘ai'l \
\ett l) 43th lhstt‘tt'l. 'lie ettt
phasis placed upon primary and sec
outlay} education uill eyentually
‘n'tlt‘tll higher education

l‘heres more ill the tiudge'
higher education than car. he iound
to adding up the dollar iigures he

\ett also said 'tie eight state uttI
\ersities ytei‘e created to historical
‘.\lllilittl a master plan tor
higher education iaiising part oi the
tiudgetai‘y ditticulties

llolbrook ho‘aeu-t‘ said the t,eii
erai ,\~settitily uas tilanie tor \ re
a‘ing thesituatioi;




\o one hears a greater responst
itili'} tor ‘he litot‘.tei'.t'ioi. oi colleges
tli Kt‘tlltitk‘\ tliiii. tlllt‘\ tlli' lii'ttt‘l'ti:
\ssenitl'. he ‘ \\'heiiexei' you
try to do a'aa‘. Allli it'ol:ege :i. Ken

.i .ft. a trit’tttttlatili'

'titky not; t.
toe V

kentnwt \ta'e I raters ty .i:
x HI I)(.l l.; i._:

tin-«t h s Pitt; proposal 'o


one trott‘. 'ht~ Ins‘ttiitioii‘ » - v'he

boardandt'sai Hutu-s

l' s aii important
cause ‘t gt'.e~ ltti- 'tic oppor'tinz"
hayi- :nput :ittn stilt." oi ‘tii pot.c:es
.i‘imii' t‘t‘t'tl‘UYZL‘ tit'ttti’L
said and hopetiiilj. he atrle to it.tii.
cine hosp'als ‘l‘i “to shalt
they graizt pi ‘.\llt'fli's to the surgeons



.\ ti'\ 'll

'titi' operate it 'l‘iett’ ’ttispt'tils

llt‘ stil ltis this":i|t. .t\ st":' >
treasurer oi 'he board .s really the
t'\t‘( iltt‘i‘tlltt' tit 'hi' tiittit‘it ti
self I \till toordiiia'e all the
the \lls the
said comprises it. surgeons
ha\e been nominated by \ai‘iotts
surgical and ther. \oted
upon by board ruenthers
along \lltll troiii
titttet‘ litii‘tl'tts

\lhen you look at the national
scene oi surgery any people \yould
\lt'\\ the position I m gong to as the
\o 3 position in the \iorld ot sur
gery (it'ltlt'll said. \o i being the
director ot the \nierican college oi

"l‘he \HS is the educational arm

llli‘. t‘
at ll'.
board he

\\ llii

tlti-s ot


three specialists

Parting the waves

Newly organized waterskiing club caters to competitive pros and landlocked beginners

H) IHll (il, \5 l5. l'l'lfll'l‘l‘d-l‘lt

liarry lioyyery. a chemistry tumor.
caii pertorni a Mitt-degree turn on

skis and \iater at a speed oi about lit
miles per hour

Lowery. \iho speciali/es to trick
\yaterskiing. has ixn‘ticipated in the
sport tor the past it years He is a





.l IIMHus Kt‘tttrlhtdr‘htu




Making tracks

\lt‘cft ltcllaiiiy walks home







\york \cstctday atom.

ticllaiiix no! is a: he sticit‘y lohacco \\ art-holisc


at iit.\t iii


\\ ARI) (l. (tRllllN

oi the whole natioiial general siirgi
tat scene and it is an important po
sllHlll. hesaid

ln .luiie tiritten would haye been
the chairman oi the department ot
surgery at l K tor 17 years

’ l oondered ll there was lite atter

member or the recently established
l'K \\ ater ski club

According to co~tounder Frank
\larhurg. the club received its sta»
tus in liecemher and has Just tin-
ished a long memtwrship drive

\yarhurg. a mu‘hanical engi-
neering Junior. admitted ditticulty in
starting the club "Starting a club is
not the easiest thing in the world."
he said "We had a membership
driye Just to see hoyy many people
“ere interestwl and 130 people
signed up in tuodays "

According to Warhurg. the idea
tor the club came it hen he saw Jet‘i
(‘lark. president. in the Student (‘ene
ter last September "Jeff had a
water ski shirt on." Warburg said
"1 said, "What's your name" Let’s
get a water ski club together ' Then
all semester we laid the groundwork
to get club status and prepare for a
membership (ll‘th‘ " He said they
are still looking for a private lake to

Then faculty adyiser. Edwin Paul.
a [K swimming coach. got involved
because "it was a legitimate club
and had to do with aquatics ” Paul
said he thinks one problem the club
may face is the absence of nearby
water He also said. however. that
he believes the club WI“ he success

the operating room tittttv”
"And lots or my l't‘\li’lt'l.ls
lm crazy because 'llt~ .t1.. tn
tirely ditterent lite tor the
basically be a desk ttit‘

llt order it) lwt ottte .i Holt: ‘
tied Surgeon. a stuileit' iiais'
medical school and a ore :
nship complete ttillt
training in surgery and pass rm't
\H‘lttt’ll and oral gm-i
board he sa:d (l\('l‘st't“.’lL‘ ‘h ~ in
titication process xiill oe one o: in
ten s next duties

But he said he ml} hate
poiiitnient at a lllt‘tllt‘.i. st out
Philadelphia where he Al. «.1 a.
able to "teach and do researt i. l‘ll'
no patient care

In Mind t‘oyyen interin;
the t'ollege oi Medicine sa d I):
(tritten‘s contributions to th«
tional and research progiaiizs at ”it
('ollegc ot Medicine to the patter.
care programs oi t‘iiiyersity llosp:
tal and to his many patients ari- t-e
yond counting llis ser\ices to Ki
tucky cannot be duplicated

Dr Peter P Bosoniuorth

“NY in 'ta

”,3“ it:



tul "There's a lot ot people that like
waterskiing and lime e\perience ii:
waterskiing. " he said

\‘i'arburg said the club is dixitled
into two parts tine section is tor he
ginners \yater skiers uho lltl'\t'
little or no experience in the sport
but want to learn The second set
tion is for team skiers. ttho are .»\
perienced in the sport 'l‘hey .\lll
compete in tour tournaments per
season against schools such as to
hum. (‘lemson and ’l‘ennessee

According to \Varhurg. l'K is one
of 27 schools in the South .\tlantic
Conference in the (‘ollegiate Water
Ski Association “aterskiing. hooet
er. does not have varsity status at
['K nor is it sanctioned by the

Lowery said the team should do
well “l think we'll place tairly high
in the tournaments. ‘ he \dltl
“We‘ve got a pretty good team "

He stressed the importance ol
helping the beginners "\\ell in
struct them as much as we can l-Iyr
erybody is willing to help eyeryhody
else "

Warburg said the two schools with
the most points from the tour tour
naments move on to the national
championships Each of the tourna
ments c0nststs of three levels oi

leave post for national board

l.e\ iig'oi. it'a'
pinr‘ ”ha: was not
l .l'\t‘ l l\ l
I' s ,i Quint ‘thttt
.i. ‘klltlttl. litit 'l‘i s *- .t t t‘
“.3 tiiti ilia' i

Wt. iiitaaf eit'

LINN? ttit'il,
t" l

"this I

\l i."lll "71' " and

‘ttllllh‘lllltll. . p tic
'iick skiing
\ skier must

.it the slalom.


i ‘ltll'\t'

go aiourid sw,
tlttotigi. ”to

door. t-tl' 'itii tsoa‘

keep going
‘ \l‘ll ltll.

still's '

changes speed It oii' a li-
niiles per hour theit
mph :iitei'xals
toiirse 2s completed
oi tt. iiipl: is reaihed the .tiie be
'ueen the skier and the

\ccot‘diiig to “artiurg the :unip
ing iottsists ot a skier going met a
taim: ramp ti\i' lt‘t'l high
The longer the iiinip the more
points the skier obtains ‘l \e set-ti
stillli‘ people ge' .‘1 teet in the air
and iiinip 1 to teet he said

He c\plained that a skier has 3“
seconds iii the trick competition and
each trick is uorth .i certain amount
ot points l‘he tricks range trom
biickyyard skiing to turns

But \\arhurg stressed that the
club is not iiist tor e\pericnced
skiers “c re here to help begin
ners. shim intermisliates that there
is competition and tor the team
skiers to ski in tournaments against
other schools. he said it they
want to have tint and ski a lot. that's
what the club is tor

"times up a

,i \IN’Q'lf

eat it '2nte

\\ her,


tiiiti' gets


Survey shows
residence hall

H\ ll 1 ll st ll\ll|'l

\ltill \\ ." 'i‘V

\ltitti 't'» .si’t'
.,. , . ,
it i .tth‘.

ilttl'll‘l'y‘: ii .H‘siifi

\l*\ .‘iL‘


flesh"? a
'i’siisi 'ta’
.itt At IW‘t
‘t’\ll'l"t'l.i t' l'
I'llit It itiSSt" i"

H" ",titlt

trails I';iis' pt xs


'lrlt'i‘d‘ ifti‘t' llh‘t" 4"



\ ‘l R\l\



l'K recruiters enter the last lane as
the national signing date tot high
school seniors approaches Sec
SPORT 5. page 3

Life is not cleaning your drunixtitk.
columnist John \‘oxkuhl
Sec VII-2W POINT. page 4





Today will be sunny with highs in
the low to mid 30s Light winds “I”
come hither southerly. It will also be
clear tonight. and lows will reach the
205. Tomorrow should be mostly
sunny. with highs in the low to mid






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failed Math
You don’t have to!


('oniniucd ttoni page one

Frankfort into a community college
administered by t'K as an example

"As you know, 403 members of the
General Assembly signed a petition
saying we don't want anything done
to this university. saying that yte
want it maintained as a tree-stand
ing. tour-year liberal arts college,"
Holbrook said “Noyv we will be pay
ing for that decision far beyond my
life expectancy "

Several university presidents
and Council Executive Director
Harry Synder echoed Holbrook's
sentiments about higher education s
proposed budget

Morris Nortleet. .\lorehead State
L'niv'ers‘ity‘ president. said the uni
versities have trimmed their bud
gets as much as possible through
program evaluations and reductions

"We've squeezed as long as
there's a drop in that sponge to get


t otttiiincd it 0th page one

t'lay said "The student is a consuni
er and the residence halls need to
be competitive vvith alternative
forms oi student residences

out." he said "That sponge is dry
novv. people. and we must put some
thing in it. or you're going to be sit
ting here tour years from novv say
ing. ‘Why didn‘t we think ot doing
something at that time.‘

‘Noyv is the time to do it. it you‘re
going to do it for higher education
and t‘tlllt'tiiltill in general," Nort'leet

Raymond Burse. Kentucky State
t‘niversity president. said the state
universities \\'lil need more re
sources to deal vvith more Kentucky
students educated through the re
vaiiiped primary and secondary
schools seeking higher educat ion

ll liov (‘ollins‘ budget does its
ioti. there vvill be more people going
into college." he said

l’resident Htis A Singletary‘ said
kentuekians‘ yvant a better higher
education system yet they are best

(lt‘llt't‘ hall advisers and residence
hai'i presidents vvill discuss and tie
hate imssitile changes in hall policy

it the suggestions are deemed tea

taut about paying higher taxes
needed to fund improvements.

"I detect in Kentucky a belief in
magic." he said. “We all agree that
\\ e need higher education but we’ re
vaulting to do anything but pay for

Singletary said the proposed bud-
get will hurt UK in several key
areas . faculty retainment. recruit-
ment and construction. Without in-
creased revenue. he said, UK cannot
offer competitive salaries with other
univ erSities and private industry.

(‘urtaiiing construction may hurt
the community college system
vvhich needs new buildings to handle
is expected rise in enrollment from

"K .s selective admissions policy, he
said And the Lniversity needs cur-
tent computer equipment to offer
students better instructional facili-


(‘lay added that this survey was
the latest product of a continuing ef-
tort trom the Dean of Students Of-
net- to improve reSidence halls and



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contact the The results ot the survey yvill tie s‘llit‘ they may be implemenmi as lltH'i students needs

i r - . - discussed \vith residence hall rest ’t“~il‘.t‘l‘t‘t‘ hali )oiicv changes as
L'"' Tutoring serVIce dents and the Dean ot Student‘: tit milv as lilill dim-t "'“e vyotildift
| 308 Frazee Ha" tice Improvements and suggested 'iio- lill' liltlt‘ to organi/e tht vines change (‘lay said “Residence hall
I 257-8673 changes vvtll be checked tor pray-t: om in lllti spend the 't:iit‘it‘\ to." on must change to accommodate
' _ Utility and cost etticiency Members mt- snvi-y ti yye tiHil" lake it \t‘ thir Surveys are a method used to
I for help in




"students and their needs

l‘lay said


ot the Dean oi Students Uiilt't' ies. woody. tili’tntti't'lhtil change “


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.1tniit' ttiiit’ yt'.ti\ ago illit' in t. In Rm} hit'lds.
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“l"‘l'i‘! '9.» iniorznatioi: sliviui item

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\dv‘isory (‘ouncil presi-


article about John t'arland's lt‘l.

"I I! m i1t>


\vas reportui that








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Andy Dumxtort

try.“ orxr,”


Wildcat football staff faces rough times on recruiting roads

8) Nlt‘K \It‘llt It. \>


l llll'lh high school plaivrx can
we that kcntuck) l.\ on tht- ll[)>\\lll}1
and the} are going to hc planing on
tt mnning toothull tcunt. uhich itioxl
pltttcrx “ant to (lo. ' ltt-tltling \‘tltl
‘(‘o;tch t‘l.nhornt- pron-(l that he-
c.tn \\'lll because he hm “on in tho-
[I.l\l lll \t‘l'} (litltcult \lluzllllllh

When talking about .t \L'lltttll \ pro
grunt to lllt‘ high M'httol play-r. the
lust shopping (Lt) ll‘lot't‘ t lll'l\llll.t> recruiter must stay \xtthin \( ,\ \
For loothall l‘t‘t‘l'llllt‘h .tll'l“ tht- hounth‘lcs
nation~ todtu \Id} 1 l\ (W \rt‘ t~ ‘;\t the
but. the lliillttllltl \IlitttllL’ tl.tt-- tttt
high school >t‘llltrl“~ to pttl 'lt. ml
legeloothull twin ot lllt‘ll l'lllltt .-

As the signing «Lttr ttt.t.-.~ Huttvl
[he prom-xx ltecotncx n or'o t,‘.1tl‘.t'tj
I’K couches ti‘ttu-t tron. nut
to IllL’J‘l xt'httttl to null .t'ttLr'o» .,t,.,
\Hll acct-pl lllt‘lt' too'tttn: in: at”
(lt'llllt‘ proginttm In nttnto tllll‘l lIt‘t
coat-hex nnN \v-tl ’ l tlttt’irigtltt-iiltttt-i \\t‘ll=41l \mr‘
thcwhiuhxchoolwrnot- llw the l't‘t'l‘llil l.lll amt 5m“

"\h-M- got .l tit-tinnituh .t.‘ ‘ ltl>lllllllttll .ti, unlnnttml .tntount or
progrtuu hmtl-wl term t' " ltut Ilt‘ h.» ot;lj. ono- lltlltl ¢-\
iuctttlcnnt' ("tlllht’tl‘l tt' ‘ perm- Slldl'plt'xx \tll‘l \ It'tltll‘
('oliscunt luck lit-tli' t .1 1.171 row-tut l|\t' gmtll mix-nw \,’\l'\
cruiting coordinator um: totm- (Illlt‘l‘t'lll it'ltttill\
llllpl‘t'>>l\t' \\Ilt‘ll \ou httw \ l‘t‘t‘t‘tlllt'l’ ltttl} ,tttrtut it pl.t_\¢-r ~
poet itlltl his lxllt‘ltl> on r ' , .trsr‘
ll\lt‘ll lo lllt‘ lllW oi .uttttwtzm pit
gratin the}
\It‘l‘,\ '~\t' mt!” t.‘

ln l‘t‘t'l‘lllillltl :o'
trons it rmrui'rt

drt'tt Int lt‘\ '.’ .'
L‘t‘UIttnL’ \lxl'.‘
(iat’ttt-i'tit; tit. pow "
.‘t KHt‘lHtltzl t» 'l.:- w '
\‘ou trf. H, t or.”
ltmlttt .«tto

“This new coaching staffhas come in and is
really recruiting kids hard in the city. [feel like
that’s a good attitude to have because even
though they ’re in our backyard, it doesn ’1 mean
the kids are going to go to school there. ”

For the last two inonth> l'K toot
hall recruiters htm- IN‘I'II lllUIl‘ wt ”I
last minute (letttth to ti}. to I'lt‘t'
next year‘s outstanding ll't'~lltt:t‘t! to
the l'mversit)

A flurry of t'htmllc .H'll\ll‘. «lotttt
notes the Sk‘t‘llt‘ ll 15 hm‘llt lllxt’ the

tilt! "it"

ltlL’ltilt mm 1' h: .-
t‘£t\lt‘l‘l Itt,,t.,,'..,
5““ t’t- .\,‘lt-:

Steve Parker :m-t

Lexington Bryan Station (,‘oach HIT, “Lg",
* thy, “not ,t,
"\Ie \t‘ got to find out who lllt‘

prim-tit tune or Intu-
llll't't‘ Ullrt'illllpus untl thtm- ott ('.tllt
pus \'t\ll,\ What Ullrtttlllplh lllt‘tllh l\
that tou are only tttlom-tl to wc hint
thrm- l!tttt‘~ tncc to Luv ,tt tux instt
tutttttt Rod Siltll'llltN‘ l K tlt‘
lttt‘klt conch ‘tlltl \otl
lltl\t' thrt-c olt \‘.llllpi.,\ Alllt h
dl't‘t‘ltlbldt'l't'tl tolw at ht~ ll'tlltt'

[illtt'llt'tN untl gttnttw but lllt‘ I‘r' .tt» WC
«ruin-r cannot h.t\t' .t platen are that can play SouthL-uq
t’ttllH‘lNztlltll] \Allll tnr play-t until t'l'll (onlet‘cnee tootball’ Bedding
llt‘t't‘lllltt‘l I This w knontt ti». the ‘You do that h) contacting the
mttluution period It l\ li‘l‘lllhwlllt‘ coaches in dim-rent high \t’lllmh
tor .t pl.l}t‘l' to idlh' to .t t-ollt-gt- lookingtit llllllm watching thent liltfl It \ t
conch or not tt ttnwro". tit thi~ gtttrlcxztluntingtheirpertorntttnceu tutu
lllllt' In looking tor the out>tttndtng high turn pm.
whool tootlmll pla}er>_ thr- rmiuttwi‘ out tun.
mint-times trawl: great tltstnnr ow Lt» .n It.
I w (ltlllt‘ a great deal ot lt‘hkt‘l mg 'tu- 5 t

\étlti Sharple», uho recru‘h ll: Kt-tut x,
(hit-ago area ”I coulilnt ltx'mlz wt-k.‘
o-U'llt‘tlunlt‘ll llllt‘l‘lllstil trill-tier the» in ~

Nhttrpless noted that in [It’tt’lllltt‘l'
\tlltl Januar) he nus tn lllt‘ t'htcuL’o

l.t(’t' lit lttt‘t' iltt'it \ot.» film.
\tgntnu hot! n r»
pinyin ,» ,t tr.,.'

po-‘o- t‘ 'ttr >l‘.‘

«Mimi lt‘l|\|\t‘
\( 'tttll} '
.Jt-wtt llu' 'l‘ht-w \l\ll\ are
it. : «Urn. in
l b. t‘t'

\t llltlll\

Recruiting ll‘LEllL‘ l.'1 \ln)
t'l‘tltlt‘t‘x \1\Il eight to In
«lath during the month t.tlt
llH‘tl, l'l\
l)t’\tl|lt \‘lili

~\nothrr ill I l\ -
that the llllh‘t'x.“
pt‘cstigiotu \o:t"w;.~'-
once “I The L1“ Room 230 Student Center Add:
Sl‘ll' tm't Lu“1.‘m: ' , . , ‘ tion
p0"! “.‘N'r' L'ME‘LW" ‘ I ’ NumIm-r and lull Inn-mung» .HJtlltlt

{KS ltlugt>>l ~t-1t‘t.L;
l>lllltl l'K l\ltllti‘l17t;_' t:
ditton lllltlt‘l
Atldllb Hull

It's LOVE NOTES time”
To be printed in red!

II ritr' \lIllI’ nun truuuriur' III a Itwrrl.’
Rm -‘Io [Hm/tn“ LL rm 1,», II [III]!
[Hi It, 1min


_, tn“


._t t




Presentation and Sign-Up
tor Intervrews

Question and answer sessron wattr
Disneyworld Recrurters from Or
lando, Florida

.t:.etu.w w"

lfit- r '.t

Monday, lebruar) l3
7:00 PM

FOR FALL 1984 -' ' ' ‘






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l utngton‘s best one and mo bedroom
t'urntxhed and equipped apartments designed for
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‘ t'ull. l'he_\ are being rapidl} subscibed. so come
in curl} to assure a space,
108 Stone Road. Suite B

l.e\'ington, Kentucky 40503
(pill or come h\ tor more dtlttlh

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A ten are available for sale!




1 .49m


British Spy To Speak At UK
Thursday, February 9 - 8 p.m.

Col. John Cottell the 32-year career Bl’tIlSh
Intelligence olticei whose lite was the bosrs
for the incredible nevel The Spy Who
Came in From the Cold wull speak to the
1,000 SUbSCrIpItOH members of the Central
Kentucky Concert and Lecture Series
Approximately 200 general odmtssron
($7.50) tickets wrll go on sale at 7.00 p.m,
one hour before the lecture at the U.K.
Center for the Arts Ticket Office,

Students With voltd l D and activity card can
pickup a tree ticket In room 203 of the UK.
Student Center until closung time on
Wednesday, February 8th

All seats reserved

Pruonrod Jointly by tho UM
unity of Kantudry and Corr
tral Kentucky Conan! and I.»

( tuiip -\Ltb.i
( .imp Arron head
( amp Bluegrawh
lalltnx (reek ('amp tor Boysr()hto
4 H Programsrlh

( amp Saginaw Al’a


will be on U.K. campus
Wednesday, February 15
Thursday, February 16
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
206 Student Center


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(amp Promonga-YMCAK»

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Shawando (‘amp ’. tirdinal

('amp lhunderbird-S (
“oodland l)a\ ('amp ( amp kenncd}

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€42 .ththu'r Ran" y‘ ’ ’L I >
6 g : EACH

88‘ [09' N g”
tn wgtor Mo
Crossroad; Shove

Io'udovmo (oo’o'





5 for 3.19


 4 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Wednesday, Fob-nary 8, 1984




("“hnu...‘ 13¢; Ind-pendant SIIIC. 197 1
Andrew Oppmann

ltit'ot ,. k" M
Svophonie Wollno: James A. Sooll

NewsEJ‘tt [1.5. ti

Lint S. Kadobc

t-mc'wettit't t."

a“; s c s

‘ L’ EM 1C.
.vCE’ 0E

’ .



Red River Gorge
clearly needs status
as wild and scenic

The t" S Forest Service's Draft I‘Invtrontiiental Impact
Statement and \thd And Scenic River Study report is a cu
rious document It recommends against including the Bed
River gorge area in the National Wild and Scenic lttyers
sy stem. and yet it itself contributes more to the arguments
in favor of inclusion

The document is quite eloquent in places. (‘Spt‘t’llllly
where it defines the qualifications of the river in appetidn
A These several pages of superlatives give one a sattstys
mg awareness ot the sensibilities of the sttidy team atid are
absolutely convincing that the Red Itiyer belongs in the
Wild and Scenic Rivers system

So it is rather a shock to compare such cony tcttott with
the thin. yague reasons put torward tor non-designation Iit
fact the reasons are so unassertive that often it is dttttcttlt
to find them

The inain reasons appear. however. to he the Forest
Service s beliet tti the tieed for expanded rect'eattoital ta
ciltttes and iii the sufficiency of its own management The
tormer ts ct’l'idlan a complex issue. tnvolytng details or
property law Btit the Forest Service's assertions that ties
tgnatton would hamper its et’torts are unconytncttig. espe
cially since some of the tactlttties could be btiilt uitder ttes
tgnatton anyway

The fact that designation would intertere with the For
est Service's preconceived ideas about iiianageitient and
recreation is not relevant to the issue and is hardly a \altd

Regardless ot whether the document was altered :2;
Washington atid the original recommendation changed. as
opponents have alleged. it ts indeed "contradictory and lit
consistent.” as [K anthropologist Billie l)e\\'alt. who
worked on it himself. said at the Feb it meeting

Clearly the arguments for designation. as the study tits
dicates. are preponderate .sxlternatty es B or (' would pro
yide the greatest protection (‘ would propose continuing
the Forest Service's c