xt79gh9b8j1j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79gh9b8j1j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1986 1986 1986-02-21 2020 true xt79gh9b8j1j section xt79gh9b8j1j d’ .
B 7 W-‘XC. N0. 79 ' Established l894 University of Kentucky. Lexington, KOMudty independent since l97l Friday. February 2t, l986
I saw
.. (‘,§;'_.’ 1:;- “no .
Alumnus r“ , » House subcomittee votes 9-0 , '
ex "'5 99 a . = to Withdraw funds to Marcos - ,.
l ' .‘ 1" I, I ’ _ . 5) R-IGRI'J'OR‘ 59kt” Stressing their bipartisan support~ into retirement while there is still ' ,
'1. t}. A. \ A ted? . . _
! é?“ - . , .. . 55°C” ress tour Republicans jomed five Demo- “"19 ' ' '
- - x 1:“ . , crats in favor ot’the bill ‘ ' l ‘.
OfflClalS say 3611 w ., *' . WASHINGTON ~ A House panel Hep. Stephen J, Solarz UN Y \ day earlier. the Senate voted I ‘ - f, '
“(95%: a; K , voted unanimgusly'myesterday to hal; the subcommittee chairman. said overwhelinIinglIy in taviIir of a Ihipar . ' . I - ~ >1
4r . , direct LES. ai to e government 0 (h, . t , ‘ tisan. ll()ll-)lrl( ing reso ution (eclar- .- . V‘ , .
long supported UK . . ‘ i, . President Ferdinand Marcos of the full flimgurihngtgf432?;u(p0::h:?: mil that the l’hlllpplm‘> PreMtlenlldl .." , .- " ‘.
sit-it and \l‘ri-imi-ts sk ‘ " ‘ Philippines and . to channel dfuture tee until after Hahih returns. m that t:lt'('tlIi)llI\IAILl> Ill':uldlllt’lll IapIdI does not . _ .V
7‘" \‘ humamtarlan assistance an cc:— his findings would be given ample (\pu‘“ ( 5‘” ”menu” 1 ”mm ' I , ' _' .- '4
Campus flags were at half staff ,} nomic aid through the Roman (IIat ‘ consideration before finalpassage : I II
yesterday to honor the death of one , olic church and other private But Solar]. said he felt it was im- s'olarz mm he had been assured 5/ l. '. f'
“1 UK‘S "1081 ardent supporters and . , ETOUPS- . . , ‘ portant to act qu1ckly to send a gig. li_\ an Inlt'i‘llledlzll‘} earlier in the 3 ‘ _‘ ‘ ,r .' '.-II\’. '
iund-raisers. Thomas P. "Tommy“ \ ‘ Most military aid would go intoIan ha] m the I,ihlhphmes that "we will “a. that the legislation has the ‘up ', ;~. .3159pr
“3]“ who “W" yesterday 0f chronic ' esciongc:3:fl:nlt0 awalvtvhicah 12%;: not countenance a stolen election." PM" 0‘ PN‘Mdt’mlal opposition “mm ‘, '1
le emia. . ma '3 V - ~ . ‘ Two possible ways of setting a le- (WV "Wit/1”” Aqumo. “h" hi” V': 1 5'3.“ 73.7]
Hell. (it. a Lexington lawyer and ‘ mands the support of the people of gitimate hmhrmmij 5-th told m charged that trawl hi “am” and . I .I.II.
retired NF]. referee. had been hospi- the Philippines.I the billsaid. . lml‘lt't‘s later. would be through a hm supporters (hpmm hm. of “cm ', ‘. II.I_ .III
talized in St. Joseph Hospital since [In voting 9—0 in favor of the legs he“ election m, "prix-edures m in. “mm? Fell ”my...“ . -‘ . . ‘. . 'wII'
Feb. ti. spokeswoman Kim Lacy .I lation. members of the subcommitv 5m“ the perm” h ho clearlv “on the . , t I . _ '. ’~."
said. Members of his family were tee on Asian and IPaCific Affairs ”who” 1.,“ sure the thmhs solar/ saiii lllt' hill would send a . , '.' .I-
with him when he died at 821.3 a.m.. brushed aside objections from Rea» hint'lht‘ ingenuiti tot'indawai .. message to the hillllllplllt' ”mph, , , . Ir ,I
shesaid. gan administration offiCials. who ' ' that thi- l‘nimi shunt m, mm. f _ . V '. .‘
Bell, a former member of UK‘s . \ wanted the panel to wait untileresi- llt‘ said the "dwindling run of drawn its support tin the \larcos rc- - ' -» .
Board of Trustees and the Athletics dential emissary Philip Habib re- .\larcos supporters who should tell gimc while continunu its support ’ ._.. ' '. '
Board. was known across Kentucky turns from Manila to report on his him he cannot sui'wve Without and ass:stancc for Ylit‘ Philippine ' ' ' ' _'-.
as a booster of higher education. _ findings. American >Up0pm't and shOUJd R0 WW1“ ' f '.
For three years the UK alumnus , . . . - ~ '
was chairman of UK‘s annual giving ‘ =1}; 27 - . . . _- I. . , I. ..
fund. and for the lat three years he ' i «t. 3 Ph 1 h w , ‘ . - ‘ . '
served as chairman of the UK Fel- «f ,. l OSO er Ives Vle S . ‘ . 'I
low's Program. of, 5;. . . I .I . . _
“We‘ve lost it dear friend in i I; . ' . l b t th I i . ~ . V .
Tommy." said Terry Mobley. direc- .'- g on I era 10“ e0 Ogy ._ . . I . ‘ . "i
for of the development office. "He ., 2:; . , . .
had a real feel for the t'niversity f 3;}: . . . . . . .. -l' h, .,1 th ., t .. , ' '. . ‘ . .
and would do anything anyone asked - '35 B.“ .‘\l‘l.','x'\.';.l""R 5‘ ( “OH H ail"l::l:l( .‘h :11” "e presItZin MI. , -. > .V
lfit would helptheUniversity,” morocoulnsv our INFORMATION SIIVICIS hd'lor'dl L ”or l " -I‘ ‘ " ;‘hl all 1 erpIre ‘1 1 n 0 , . _ . .
“I personally have lest one of the Tommy Bell, a former member of the UK Board of Trustees, died . , . . . . . he pr‘llV I}; IV“ Testament I” . ~ * ‘ '1 .
best f - d l h d .. , 'd P "d it ofleukemio 0,0 e63 esterdo (ornel “est delivered a definition weak in >_\.\t(llil( analysis. just as u jar _ . . -
., no; 31 a gal .hrzblre.‘ _ g y . y of liberation theology last night that leftists lack moral. spiritual VISIOn. .. I ”i?! ‘ . ‘
(hm Ai mg. mm".- “ 0 W e iver Hell spent 1" years a” a referee m dent and a partner m the 13‘" firm 0‘ calls for discerning the political task he said. .3?- ' “‘ . V ‘
tI eIeuITOg) dtI Bells fpnehalIItfmgIr' the National, football league and Fowler. Measle and Bell. He was a of the Christian church in the light In ms talk. titled "Liberation The- i; ,, I- g . . .
:f’vfi't ommy r1; drn.” Mt Bah ? headed ”‘9 "”‘c'mmg "rm." ”t eight graduate 0t Henry (713." High School. of a particular understanding of in- ology and the American Dilemma. I25 . ‘ . _
”b ee ‘ ' ? ant . e. niversiy ab ”m football championship games “1'"le hi5 hiK'ht‘l‘W'S degree from stitutional forms of evil. The Status of Religion in the hated 2; . _, fl ' . ' ’ ._
lut‘.‘~(~me M m ”NM valuable support- "MJPSUPWBOWI lllandIl} .. . ['K in 1948 and it 13‘“ deg“? here This discernment stems from ethi- States." West tried to "drive a . ' 3%?“ l . ‘, . .
u? l . ,. “.(i . h" f "lominy BC“ gave “'1‘ .“mCIat‘ l“".‘"‘i”‘-" later. cal reflection and systemic social wedge between two heresies" ~ the " 145‘ i M , ' . ‘ ‘ ‘
hfoxeftdl'h ( onan. Icanrnhino mg the same class. integrity and ”91"“) 5‘3“?“ on the board Ofdl‘ analysishesaid. Scylla of a qUietist Augustinianism 4. f.» 5%”? Z, ' ., ‘
tIiIllioaIr o Trids 995-;3' - . . ‘Is‘ItdI CtlnSIdel'HlH’“ that 3'50 marked h‘f rectors of the Heart Association He Liberation theology acknowledges overwhelmed by the tragic sense a; V -j ’. 3 ." ‘ ,
2““! 0:? not on ) {orptlehumf‘ei-El, 3 pr”fe$"3nfll Icareer as an attorney. ““5 a former Dre-“(19m 0f the GI‘CM‘ the centrality of a social-historical and the (‘harybdis of Promethea- 5»; é; ’I '_ . . .
dmk [he lym'ponhlfd t. (.)f .(T- “M NH‘ toinmissionerI PM? “0‘ “7‘ Lexington Area Chamber Of Com- analysis. said West. a scholar and nisin that imagines human power to ' ‘~-" A w» - Wt '5 . .
ihci)'ihlijlt‘tlh>?n'(iro “I many “in” lellcinzi statement from New \ork.II niercc and a past state chairman of philosopher from Yale Divmity create paradise. , .
“u” ‘u ‘ "' "‘ ”9'1““ 3 ““3“"‘9 14“““Rm” “’5" Net-Allml'sPagci School. Along with that descriptive seePHllUstll’HlZR.Page-l (‘onsuwrs'i' . . -
Former polit'c'an A&S event ‘ ' '
. o . _
black leader to give w" "" ”“595 funds , = ~
. III \m "v” ‘ 2 II I . I I . I
cam us talk toda ' ; * . W for college ‘ ' -
p y - . ‘ V‘ 2 h . ‘ Staff reports I I . ‘ - , I,
ByBHAlH‘OOI’l-IH should give insight into "what peo- ' . ‘ 1 I' , The CollegeIIfif Arts & Sciences . . ' ' .' . .
Staff Writer ple have done, where they are now If ' , ' . , surpassed ”5 5-3-1000 goal during "5 ', I ' - .
and where they are going." up. ' ’ annual phoneathon that ended re- I I . I-
Shirley Chisholm, who in 1972 be- Chisholm. whose lecture is part of w” . Vs, I; cently. . . .' " - I'
came the first black woman to run t'l\"s observance of Afro-American ugam «fl .~ . ,I .I VI ‘ The college collected $26.63] m _' . i .‘t ,I . 'I '~
for L'S' president. today WI“ speak History month. “"1! approach her g; ' ’1'; . .' l pledges from alumni during the ll- , ' . r . '
about the changes m the Lnited topic from .a “a?“ and a Wh'te p9.“ ,eg ‘ i: ) T“ , fair» " . . ,. day event. Ann Chapman. assistant . x ‘. ‘_I‘ .- 7
States since the 19605. . spective. discussing the changes in a" ‘ -‘ '5. .. ~ Q to the dean of the (1)”th said offi- . . f . i I . I.
The former senior democratic both races sincetheItios. II ; of“, - cials expect to meme about 75 per- I .‘ I II . I .-
House memberIfrom New York Will Parker called (hisholm a dy- V_ . , . t3 .1 . cent to 80 percent of the promised 1. I. 3' i.’ .fI _I
give a lecture titled "What has hap- namic person that has good chans- MA” ”was“: ' "mom . ’ ” «a money .' _ '3. ,I . :' -> '
pened since the W605 at noon in the ma." adding that she is familiar IV " _, . ‘ ‘ .' ._ . I . The mom} collected from the .‘ . ‘rI 1‘. '.- f-‘C.
Worsham Theater. With the history behind her subject. .«5 1. , 7, 7 ”t ‘ - ‘ . «I! phone~a-thon will be used to support .- ‘. r. 1 I _ .-
The lecture is co-sponsored by the Among the committees Chisholm ya .9 "a I . .~ the MM White fund. named for a . I; .. I.I!I .V_.:
Office of Minority Student Affairs served on in her 14 years in Cm :< kg: “ 9 " a s former A&S dean The fund is- used 1» . y " . t. f -'
and the Office ofIthe Vice Chancellor gross were the House Subcommittee g. ,. . e I 7’1??? 1‘ I, to help students with research pro- ’_ , ' 3 a , .' .‘ Z;
for Minority Affairs. on Forestry and Rural Villages. and ‘ ' " " ‘ .. . x f \ ' .. ' " jects. ; .. .-‘_ .1, 4. ' ';
“She is a IdymanicI speaker with the House Labor and Education i I - The phone‘a-thon “provided that V r 1.;
delivery that S appealing to people, Committee. I 3!} 3'1" little extra that can mean the differ- . I ' T" . “ if? ‘ 3';
said William Parker. Vice chancellor in 1977 she was appomted t0 the a” 3: ence between an outstanding educa . .‘i j“; I ’ ’ "
for minority affairs. . House Rules committee. where she . '—’ . I m ..., tion and a good education." (‘hap- .v ‘ ‘ , | if ' "9. -~‘.
“Some people might not like what was the first black American to hold tr‘ man said. adding that some of the ' 1" { f ' -‘,‘
she‘s going to say because she‘s not a seat. (‘hisholm retired from the a f . money “.1” be used for undergrad- I ItV‘I , .I'.:I
going to soft-pedal anyone — she‘s political arena in 1982 when she de- {at}: '....= “i uate scholarships . I, ' ‘. "I”:
also not gomg tooffend anyone." cided not to run for re-election. . 'f ' "1“ She credited the "hard work of the . 'I -. -, -. .
Although Parker did not know She currently holds the Purington *j II‘ student board members“ for the ~ ' . '~ 2 7'
what Chisholm would speak about Chair at Mount Holyoke College. the ‘ v” phoneathon‘s success _ . .
specifically. he said the lecture SeeLl-IADER.PageS ' ”Everything went as we“ or WI -. I . .
. . ter than i expected." she said “It _ -. ' . '. I ,
En n r k nd n ‘5‘ went so smoothly and so well 1 real- . ' . . 4
g] ee S wee e l g . ’ " ' ,V ly don't have any complaints about . .
"’ anything." ‘ . ', .
.th h'b't t t J. - About 25 businesses in Lexington ' - . .
vv , . I ' donated $750 in food and prizes for
1 ex 1 l S, con es s “i . 1%; caller-incentive activities such as a .
By SEAN ANDERSON ve10ped. “This is one case where he ' V if," _ "it . , pi ltgglngIferznza party and pm?“ for V - >
Staff Writer turned an idea into reality." ‘ 1/1? ,, ~ . - .
Szwilskisaid. .‘.:- l . ’ . , k V. ‘ i ‘5 ‘ . . . . .
The College of Engineering will Th 0 t t , t ,1 , t‘i‘j ‘ l _, _’ _.‘ "é“‘i . , . .5
end National Engineers Week with Irough u he day hire “ll be ; ”‘- » "‘~ git "i g . . tjfswx ‘. § 4g _
ho t f 9 various contests involving engi- .. » h . . . a: I ~. I V ”9%ny , , I ,
an own use omorl'ow l‘Ol'n a.m. neel‘ing undergraduata and hlgh , ' 2% f_ . 3. 2 II . . . . ’. ‘ . .3 Amtkw II NINTH. . _ .J.’
whamday's activities will begin SChmIStudems‘ ' ‘ = t ‘ agar ‘ ’ '
. . ‘ r .. us é'" . wilt tr oi to
With an address by Ray M. Bowen. Also. the agricultural engineering 3: y _ : 'r'. I we a» --" , , I “I. VIM 'ov 99k .
dean 0f the College 0‘ Engineering. department will be demonstrating a . ~ , ‘ - , w. "" ‘ {#5 000'" '°"'°"°‘” ° '
in Anderson Hall's engineering li- new machine for harvesting tobacco ‘ . - . ‘ a. . . on the Bulldogs. For a pro-
brary. on the front lawn of Anderson Hall. ' ‘ ' , *. View. mm. Page 2.
The address will be followed by a At 10 ll f h d ‘_ ‘I I, . - II
da of exhibits and student contests. am. 00 989 res men an 4. , ,-- ..
sax! Tony Szwilski. miate mfg. sophomores “l“ meet in the building ‘. :I t ’ "Z I I; — W W'h‘. PM
sor in the mining engineeriig de- for an orientation organized by Tau =~~ ‘ "flock Cotton opened last
partment. Szwilski is coordinator for Beta PL theI PTOfSS'OmV‘l 9'18" ‘ _ . , . .. > . y .. night at UK. For a mi”.
theopen house. neering fraternity. The orientation '2 ‘ 3 ~ ' , . ‘ - ‘ ~ 0009"“. W3-
“It is an opportunity for all engi- will be conducted by Bowen and 1 , V,» I .
neers to celebrate their profession," otherensmerms professors a ,. . i. I swayemsmtmr
' ' ' “ . . . . “if“ ' - it" * s g * 33:"? ‘
5”“5'3‘ ““d' "‘d ‘° “a” 9" °p‘ The final exhibit w." be an egg i u'-~ 32*“ .A . .
portumty to demonstrate their con- . . . . ,, . , ‘ . ._!- . .
. . . . survwability contest at 1 pm. in the ~ -‘ * . . ' - .
tnbution to the commumty — in the mining lab Contestants will drop . .. ‘I s t V .t . . . . . w a?
stateofKentucky and nationw1de. eggs in what they hope are “crash- *“u " "A i‘ ’ ' " hams . .. u today will h M with U
The theme for the week has been proof"containers. . “‘"mmm’m ” W m d M
Engineers mining Ideas Into not and I Hi. «and ‘
Reality." One example of the theme National Engineers Week was first Net gain W“ h . ' ~ . - “
m; "profes‘flmofbyum-ifi i’rof'oasionably Ezmghsgitylg DOVid 0W0". 0" UHdOCldOd freshman, ro- cided freshman Mike Thionomon (loft) and “~flfi h“: ”2.
departmalt. He will Mt an ”I purpose is to brim visibility to the places a basketball not with the help of undo- electrical engineering freshman Brian Stopp. * h, , ' I .s
larged television screen that be de- profusion. . . .. . t»

 1 . i
l-KENTUCKYKERNEL m ”-121, 1*
G ' " “a ‘ ..
3. .. .
U meets eorgia ....» W" . 5,1,51,11,53
. . ‘
‘ K .
'11 SEC title match 5 ~ _- . r- 1 sun-mm
l I- ’ a a " 9
. "\ I
A ' ’ ' ’ ' ' : ‘g btful in ame with Geor 1a
Sutton hopes Wildcats aren t peaking ._ ._ .. . 1. 5 . Mosley dou g g
too soon as league tourney approaCheS , A”. ; J ‘ L'ady Kat center Karen Mosley. who injured her left knee
9 . ~ against Alabama last week. is listed as doubtful for Sun-
“) .11111\.1l'R\' ‘ ' . ‘fl 3 , ‘ 1‘23 day‘s matchup with No. 2-ranked Georgia.
- ASN-‘u‘m Sports Editor * , ' ‘ - - -- I i ' Mosley UK’s third-leading scorer (12.8 points per
41 h v ’ .8... ‘ , .
- cod '0. 6 .2‘ * " ' ‘ ” game) and second-leading rebounder (6.9), has missed the
‘ mlthellrjfilllif 5r: laxingbfifsketba‘iilsl \ - I l s .1 ,. ‘ 3&- I last two games. She will require surgery after the season.
teuin. 11's not hard to believe that 7“ ’ .1 - ’ t: ' 1a _ Georgia. 22-1 overall and 8-0 in the. Southeastern Con-
. ' W the “WNW“ “"9 “Deming b‘g ' .l ference, boasts p0551bly the top guard in the country With
. ' things ”‘ m“ upcoming postseason . . \ f ‘ Teresa Edwards, who averages 19.7 points and 5.8 re-
. . ‘, tournaments 7 ‘ . . «r bounds per game.
. ‘ ' - Just Tuesday :11 his weekly press a b - - 0.00 ‘ r ‘ ’ - - .
' - y luncheon. l'K coach Eddie Sutton \ ’4 *L a, ' V . A UK srecord is 17-8 overall and341n the conference.
. . , passed 01-1 .111) notion that his team I a ,: ... ‘ >_
‘ ' is looking to the Southeastern Con- , \ "- \ ' .- g r s‘ ‘1“ ' .- . .
. - V; ‘ - it-i‘ont-e tourney “We Just take one ' " . ' 'z. y KentUCky'LSU game "me ChangEd
' I gameut at mine h i i 1] record LYIIMAVl/KDmol Graphics I 7 * I
' , - ‘1 . :; overa . . . . . -
, '. 1 . “11:01:12: [hel 1mg.“ the Cats are RUDD Arena. in What Sutton called a... 3;”. Tipoff for the Wildcats game With LSU March 1 at
A A ; ~' beginning Y“ pal iht’mM’lWS on the “one_of our tie“ five games 0‘ the .. 1' ' V 0‘ - I Rupp Arena has been moved from 1:05 pm. to 3:05 pm.
‘V A - hack tor n 100 WP” done on the 5:93“ the Latslsurvwed a mild .- 3 f y a . at the rCQUCSi OfNBC.
. _ ‘_ ’ ' ' ‘ \ei'ut' oi “inning their 35th SEC “3:32:21 gie 3:11:32: as 24 points I) “ g f '4 ~ . " The move was made to assure the best ratings possible
~ i 0011;11:110121‘11111; pleased with “115 early inthe'second half, UK let its . ‘ ‘1 I ' é for the game, said UK athletics director Cliff Hagan.
-' ‘. ' ~' ' ' learn." said forward Kenny Walker. lead dwmdle ‘0 a '9"? five after ' > \ 2‘ .' t
. ' 10110111111: “(“me night's 80459 :utt'on' apparently didnt like what ,. _ . .» . . . .
' ,. ,1 - \1111 met 110.111.. “We‘re Just a ew-humed. f. f 11 1 I McGee, Van Emburgh team 9th in nation
.' . . _ huni'liot 1)\t‘l’.it‘htt‘\ 01‘s " . antleeien though “I: rzintefigehiss‘ . ~-
‘ ' ‘ “tilt? $1);le lllllintfilfjgifnjsth: starters soon after that UK couldn't . '. In this week’s Head intercollegiate Tennis Standings.
"‘4 ‘.;i«‘1‘.111.\,i" ‘ ' . . ‘1 ‘ ,
' zltllltil“\.tl('it‘l:l; l'K 1” Ptiints «231. keep the Bulldogs totally 3‘ bay. f" .» , UK s top men 5 doubles team of Pat McGee and Greg Van
I rebounds 10 .11111.1ss1.~t.~ 5 in ad- nallywmning7469. ‘ , ' .5" 1 Emburgh are ranked ninth in the nation. ' _
‘ ‘ 3 0111011 1.» 11101-111111; four shots. making '1 had If“. them. If WK do“ .. ' - i ...: The Lady Kats’ No. 1 player. Tamaka Takagi, is 26th
- . . one steal. and mmnutting no turn‘ Xfemeigepliy'.‘flgitlgnnzgigeaftsgll: ' I ' "awn“. “"915..." in singles, and she and partner Sonia Hahn are ranked
. , . . 1 ,. ()\-e_.ll.\h:::l:)u‘:n wtlx’lledele pert-01“ Georgia game . UK's Rob Lock turned in a fine performance Wednesday. eighth in doubles. d h UK
" munce," said Sutton. rhetorically 3“" “MChedu'ed late-mght prac- winning streak snapped Wednesday Dennis Williams 193, and Willie An- After wmning three matches last. weeken , t e
aSKmt-‘y “hilt ”W “W3 All-Ameri- nee/Chalk talk that night seemed to night at the hands of Auburn on a dersont7.9). women's tennis team travel to Georgia to meet the un-
' um could do for an “1er wake the team up. UK clobbered 24-footer by Michael Jones with one “Georgia still has a lot of incen- ranked Lady Bulldogs tomorrow.
. . (it‘lllg lnIU IUIIIOPHHAB game “tilth Tesggsesm:'5;léxg;dearystlaiéealildcats Second remaining fivedift," Sutton saidtl. unfiey refiknzs The Lady Kats are coming off consecutive victories
; u; .Ih*>.5tln185 IS . . . , , u ‘ v‘ ' av1cor overanaiona ra ... . . u
' :9::,),r1-:ic|1?a,:..,ul,1 1,221,121,113, .11 the have had a difficult time wmning on anyllggykiShffiorfiggzéniigitggwaf team is v)ery.very important? .. over M1551551pp1 State, Minnesota and ’Wake Forest. We
‘ ' riuht “me the road. They've beaten LSU and Suttonsai d ‘ But have the champagne corks played really well last weekend, but we re gomg to have to
‘ i‘i‘ou always want to be at the end Alabama b." ”’0 mints on last-sec- Lackinga truly dominant scorer. begun flying in the UK locker room? play at least as well to just beat Georgia." said UK coach
01' ih“ year headed “Phi” Ill-“93d 0f ond shots .b-V 8°33; lilardenblnarggw- the Bulldogs place six players who “T1169 guys are pretty mature," Mike Patrick.
* sliding." he said- ‘3 ddefeatingt "1:1" thp 32:01.": Std: average eight points or better. For— Sutton sa1d.looking around the Wild-
, . TIP“fl '5 SChedUled {OF 3305 pm, an_ using 0 or ‘ ward Joe Ward leads the attack at cats practice yesterday.
Tht‘ gamt‘ “'1“ be broadcasi “3‘10” 34'” g . 16.4 points per game. followed by “They‘re pleased they have a
' 8“."0'1‘1‘5- Georgia. ”'10 overall and 7‘3 1n Donald Hartry (12.0). Horace Mc- share of the title. but they want to
' . . 1n the last t'K-Georgia meeting in the SEC. had an ll-game home-floor Millan 110,5). Dav1d Dunn 19.7), w1nit outright.
,l \umr 11 us min pg lg in an it (ta on no nvl I pl d to s ms “I Name a as mm or; lg lg: pct fl it: pet no avg I pl 0 to s [its avg
' “J”... Linn» 2h 3,. you 3.34 181) 114,556 13" I85 ‘11 19" 7.6 35 63 l 34 36 497 191 NicholsJL-slie 25 2.‘ ‘84 31.4 189 354 53.4 65 8180.2 187 7.5 99 8| 5 84 88 443 17.7 . . . . ' I
new .\I\':~17 :1. :6 s1» mu 1:6 :31 329 RS 1011 73.7 1“ 6.8 311 s- 4 51 31 337130 MittenDehh-c :5 l9 6-“ 256 1;; ;; 65:): I: :33: :2: (55-; :2 2:; i: 3;; :3: For a l|m|fed time only we are offering speCla re-
“..."2... .1 ‘1. ~,. _~5 > - I 3“ 775 37 5 5 7 1 Moslei.Karen :1 22 073 29.51 . . . Z . .
- ‘1,[._‘1.;§..;.[.m. h 31. :6; :19 I10: 215:: Z: :2 33,3 1:? 3,9 2: :1 l 2: 2: 36197 (1olev.Behc :1 111 6211 273 122 256 47.6 21 43 411.8 121 5,3 41 38 o 57 36 265 11.5 duced rates of either CHATEAU VILLAGE.
' mm... Rum :1. 2.. ~30 300 70 14: 5,5 23 25 920 54 2‘, 179 51 0 (.2 27 115 6;, Whitakchndic :2 16 626 2115 101 193 52.3 33 39 84.6 43 1.9103 16 o 67 33 23510.7 . .
.... 1;. 11 .. .1 H. .... u 9, “g .9 “6.4 6.; 211 30 32 0 30 9 133 53 Harding.Sand) 23 :2 79: 317 94 188 50.0 35 43814 54 2.2150 45 1 as 50 223 3.9 With 0 six mon'h [ease spac10us 1 8 2 BL Apts. 'USl
' ' , 1. U -' :4 1 :4; .74 3.: .11 \k‘ 11; 31, 5011 35 18 3 :4 0 1* 4 a. 3’5 TarannmJlon 9 t! 112 91 17 34 50.0 4 4100 12 1.3 5 13 0 3 | 38 4.2 o .
41,3... . lb ., 3,... 11., 4 (6w; 11. 1‘66“ 53 1‘1, 5 3- 1 s 5 (,1. 15 0111:13th :3 1 25411.0 26 60 43.3 16 20 57.1 50 2.2 4 38 0111 s 68 2.9 minutes from campus.
[homo 1.1 1: 1 .111 .17 1; g: (.15 r. 10 mo 17 1:1 .3 11 o (1 3 )0 2} HudgensJaurv 1‘3 0 20" H19 24 62 38.7 6 10 60.0 42 2.2 11 19 0 22 6 54 2.8
1. ~. .1 m. - 11 u ; g 5 , 3. Pennic.\11.nc1c 15 2 131 11" 11 22 50.0 s 988.9 13 1.0 13 7 012 10 30 2.0
V ‘ illl '1‘ 11 ‘w s: Q 1‘21: 1: 1:120? l: 2: l4 1: 3 3 1} 3: 1: Warren.‘v1ela111 10 4| 59 59 9 23 39.1 2 728.6 16 1.6 2 7 0 6 0 20 2.0 CM'“U VIIICQO cho'..u VIII...
101-1 0.1.. 1- 1 so 4.1 < 1: 41 7 < s 625 13 0.9 4 1: 0 1s 1 15 1,0 Shrum.l‘am 20 0 164 112 17 u :36 2 2;; f: :.: I; 1: g 1: g 33 1: "Up the Street" “Down the Street"
' .~ 2h : Elbanmne h 11 :9 4.8 4 ‘ .1 . . .
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. ~ 5 7:74"? r... .=_‘:'I‘ ' ll." ‘
"jam”! jg/l '_‘-’-“::-=——\:l l‘cmt‘iiilwr. as Pom)! Bililtllng TlCtfl’th (ll't‘ mllulill' (it the ' I
\ A I. mOSt resent CPISOde 0‘ ulvhflder. She ward, all of whom only tolerated [he says. lli pui lht' "gray ('ells of. your UK ll’lt’tlll‘l l)fl\ Ulllt'i’ for $5 $4 for I '
- Wrote. man. brain ' Ill til'iit'i \llitli'nls , .. ..
m h — 224 E. Main 51. Tonight and tomorrow, Top 40/disco music on a ,. Wrong. It is mut'de" bUt the The blgSeSt asset 0t "Blaek C0f' '1 .' " ,
sound system, 4 p.m. to 1 a.rn.: after hours on Saturday from i to 3:30 am. she who wrote n ‘5 one or mys- fee" is the talent 0f the aCtOl‘S- Mtll‘ . . ' l ' '.
”cover. teryIsI fineIst authors _ Agatha lins fills the stage as Poirot. amus~ Mr Mlster to In I ‘ '
lette- nee — 5m w. short so. tonight and tomorrow, Webb Wilder (blues). Ct‘T'Stte' It 5 UK 5 . 313.“ 00““: ing the audience with his accent and e g . . , , '
9:50p.m.toi p.m.ctmrltso: ssiorcouplet both nights. “'h‘Ctl‘IWened taSt “lgt‘t '“ the .G‘l‘g‘ energy as he plunges through the ,- .7 - ' 1'
er.- A select- — 2909 ltlohmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow, ouadra (rap “0‘ T eater °t the me Arts bu'tdmg clues to halt the killer. 0 '. ', l . .' ‘j '
ioroch).9p.m. toia.m.55oouor attorapm ' t" 3“ atm°StS°ttHUt°T°Wd As Poirot's sidekick Captain Ar- 0th 81“ leS I PS - '- , ,. viii-.1
Ireedlng's —— 509 w. Main st. Tonight and tomorrow, The Bunch (60's and Pat“ 5 Mt‘ttms Sk'tttul'y ”trays thur Hastings. Brian Holman is 9 ' ‘ '2’.’ “
70'. rock),9p.m.taia,m.sa¢ougr, confident French detective Hercule much more enjoyable than Sherlock . e . '7 t'.-*',
cere ulnar — 337 E. Main st. tonight. ltodio.Coie ho. a new name! Th Pmmt‘ called "‘ by the DOWN" HolmeS‘ Watson. innocently filling The Associated ’i'e , , '1 V * ,

. . . .7 Claud Amory a rich English solen- : - : - . t “ v. . . .r ._
are now Stealth Horses. but they still play their familiar brand of popular “st who dmhinates his household the limelight With hiSIidol on set de- I f .:' ‘
mmk' 10 P'm‘ t° ' °'"" 7mm” m. "m “Wm” Mamm“ t'°'" It“ with an iron hand. Sir Claud's secret Signer Russell Jones r ealistlc En- The following are Billboard‘s hot record hits as they appear in next .~ ‘7’ , z-Il',“ i 1' .
NowExplosion (original punk), 10p.m. toi o.m.$2cover both nights. . . ~. gliSh library. . k“ - .. f . , , . . . , . - .. . . - , .» :2. ft

. atomic formula has disappeared . . vlee s issue 0 Blll.)0(1r(l magazine. (opyright 1986. Billboard Publita ,. . . ,I , "f ,
We -— Hyatt Regency Hotel. The lounge features Top 40 dance music on ~, . , . As Barbara. Lisa Wethmgton adds “0m Inc Reprinted mm permission ~ 5 . ' : ' .I ..
a sound system. in addition to your favorite videos on a large screen TV. from .hls safe and Pmmt ‘5 to find a charming flirtatious air that H ' H 3‘ ”:I,‘ \I’I:.
Openevery night untilla.m.Nocover. the met brings many of the laughs sprinkled HUT SINGLES 5727-4" IIi'IC-;{‘-"ij*: ’2:-
W W- Del-ct — 684 5- Broodwov- L- Black Sheep (hardcore rock) will But before Poirot arrives. Sir througho‘lt ti“? drama; , 1.“K\'rie" .\1r. Mister rllt‘A- f- 3 75-13;"?
play both tonight and tomorrow. but will be preceded by a different group Claud is dead. But even With the fine acting, ap- 2 “wa Will I Know" Whitney Houston I Am”, :,"I .fI..,-l“- 1'3."
each night. Tonight, The Johnsons (folk rock) will begin at 9 p.m., and tomor- Ah. the plot thickens. pealing set and twisted plot. “Black 31.53“!" Starship itiruni I ' " ‘ ’I'; I' . .I.? ', it
raw it's Rebel Without A Cause (original rock) also at 9 p.m. Cover is 32 both . Coffee" is not without flaws. Divided 4'1 wing in America” James Brown iScotii Bros , ‘ It" 't: '. ‘,‘"».': V‘ ,l'.
nights. . P0ll‘0l 3515 the Six people present into three acts. two 10-minute inter- 31.11“ sweetestTabtxit' \‘ade . Portraiii ‘ - . f, T ,. “‘4‘ "at ,‘
Jetfersen nevi- inn — 102 w. High St. Tonight and tomorrow, Max Alley at Sir Claud‘s death to stay as sus- missions give audience members too ti“W'hci1The(:01iii(’eisil‘ough" Bllli ()cean dive, ' 'fi‘Iv '31-} 'i' 1 ii:
(original dance). 9p.m. to l o.m. ”cover. pectS. alld all had good reason l0 much restless time to figure out who 7'01 lie in a V();th:",nlth;“nn The Dream Academy Warner Wm ." " ' ‘ . its}...
I.. A. Ollver's -—- Holiday Inn on MS and Newtown Pike. DJ Mike Morris spine 1 want the tyrant dead: hi5 50" RlCh' they think the murderer is. forget— ginsdiieni Hunmn " \likc 'lnd The \lechanics i “1.3an t i ' ' 1* ’35- . “
the bite. Tonight, Bottomless leer Mug Night, where 55 buys all the beer you ard. in desperate need of money. ting the play isn't over until the 9"'Secret 1 overs;- Atlantic St' r (Agni) f j . I-: I». . , ‘
condrinit from iOp.m.toio.m.,ol-ld you keeptheglass mug. Nocoyar. and his mysterious wife Lucia. who mouse is caught in the trap. m "These brom‘mi. Heart I}: ”()II‘ 1‘” . _- ,- t .
librery —- 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, Nervous Melvin and adores him; the Italian Dr. Carelli The English accent posed a prob- ‘ ‘ p __ :_ ' ' , LI t I- .
the Mistakes will play their patented form of rock from 9 pm, to i am, 10. who came to visit the lovely Lucia; lem at first also, making it almost TOPI P‘s ' ' .. f- , ' - t‘ .
night. happy hour from 5 to 8 p.m. with a $3.50 cover after 8 p.m. Tomorrow, and Sir Claud‘s sister Caroline. too strenuous for the audience to fol- 1 WW1)”; '1». “.4, Rm! “mid V, "MU, ,RCA) ~ , -' ‘ "7 .
free Godfather”: Pine and Si drinks from7to9 p.m. ($2 cover), with 033.50 niece Barbara and assistant Ed- low. To be fair. the accents im: 9'Prnmlsi‘5‘ade [Pom-alt: ‘ ‘ ‘ t ' f _> ' -‘ .‘i ‘.
coverafterOpJn. :lwmtmii llriileiln Whitnevllousion iAristal ' t t' =i " 't
331;: Rodrspn Hazil’laza. Tonight and tomorrow, The Trendells (Top 40 g a 41-h“ Bnmdum. Album Barbra Streisand I, (‘Olumbia '- , . ‘ II :‘. t I‘ II
.' p'm' ° °'""' cw" u ltlons 5.5caruc-un .lohn (‘ougar Mellencamp . RlVai . :I , .' ‘ . -I .' -
6,Ht'url llczlrl \(‘apitoli w . t. ' ’ I
I l '1me Dl’l'li ln Hoopla Siarshlp ‘ Grunt - ' i- ‘ ‘.
’ 8.8r0lhttrs In Arnis Dire Straits i Warner Bros . ‘ ’ ‘ - :
/ . " to be he d 9.Afttirlitlv-nurZZ TopIWarner Bros . ~ I'~ I ‘ ' .
0. 10.0ncc CplmA Tianimplc Minds l.»\&f\l-\'irgln _ ' ’ t ’-
/ "Cl on Sunday we?“ ~