xt79gh9b8k38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79gh9b8k38/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1997 1997 1997-02-17 2020 true xt79gh9b8k38 section xt79gh9b8k38  






















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y runny,
‘i‘ high 40. Clear tonight, low 3 5. M N
[Mostly sunny tomorrow, high
puppna m" 4 (. K1 . I F 61777!!! 73’ I 7, I 99 7
.._—___. 1 young 1y?” (ff .Vlllllll
relied on itsfi‘esbman for big/J .reorer in Fri— ‘N M3 (1153—:
‘ Z (.Il‘un’oin‘il 4 Sports 2
day’: loss to Georgia. See Sports, page 2. I)I:'et‘tiulli 5 l'iravpamr 6
I. ' II NEWS!) 1‘
y 65
By Kathy Railing the tract from the remainder of the South Farm eeeds fora new plant science research building. STATE Four teens dle
New Editor where the research plots are located. makin v the 43 “This pro iosed use of the irocceds bout the sale ' I h I I t d h
+ acres on the north side of Man o' “'ar mt; longer of the farm! for a plant SCllCllCL‘ research facility In a co 0 -l‘e a e eras
An $18.4 million bid for 43 acres of UK’s South suitable for the college's use. assures that (Iollege of Agriculture iunds, which . ., ‘ . . ' ‘ ‘ _ .
Farm by an Atlanta development company has According to a Feb. 8 article in the Lexington were used to purchase the South l‘ aim .ind advance ‘l’Rl‘ 3‘ l U§SBLRC I'm” l““""‘l~'"" ‘hc‘l m
brought some criticism to the University because the l'lerald-Leader, in 1988 when UK first tried to sell research, will continue to he used in support of the “ “ch (”Sh “‘ l”‘“»‘“"‘~‘l””ls' "3"." 31""CY‘IJFW and
company is noted for developing shopping centers. the pro erty for just $5.6 million, the agreement fell college of the Agriculture," stated the proposal lml‘FS‘ s"ml ‘llmh‘d ”“gh‘ IL‘W I’VE” "“"’l"'~“l- ,
Previous attempts at retail developments in the apart w en the developer's request for a zone change approved by the board. , h‘lh‘d ”‘ Fh“ "“"h ““L'rf‘ 1h" l ’ ',"°1‘r“’l‘l driver
same area have been stalled in court battles over zon- for a shopping center was denied. In the 1996-1998 UK biennial request for state "l lh“ “I“ (”“31“") l - “11ml“ ”l PWW’h‘hurgv
ing regulation changes. Little said proceeds frotii the land sale will go to funds, approximately $18 million was requested for l“’l‘CC ““l- ‘ _
The land in question, bordered by Nicholasville the college because the college, not the university, the plant science building, but Little said the protect , ‘ ”‘15" k‘llc‘l “a“ ly‘orrcst. 1" ”9“?” l“
Road and Man 0' \Var Boulevard, was approved for owns the land in question. was not given priority or funding by the state. l llmhlh’ 11- \\ 0rd ll. 15; and Shawn A. l’ilch, l9,
sale at the September Board of Trustees meeting. “Vl'hen it was bought, it was iurchased with Now that the land sale, if approved, may bring in “H “l l)r°‘l"”‘l"”'l~’- All “3‘” ““1" l‘mh‘mhcc‘l
According to UK guidelines, the university took restricted funds," be said. The Sout Farm, accord- the amount needed for the research facility, Little ‘lfml 3‘ ‘1‘“ “9““ h." “‘09 “mm." (“’“m” R93”
sealed bids on the land to determine a purchaser. ing to September minutes of the Board ofTrustees, looks for his college to advance its work in agrieul- 3915‘” ,
The Atlanta company,_lDN Realty Corp., met all was purchased in 1956 for $270,000 with no state tural biotechnolo " and crop science. 1 he teens were killed when their car left the
requirements and its offer will be submitted at the appropriation money by the former agriculture col— “It‘s a tremengdus opportunity and investment." “”9“?!“ ”‘ '-‘ “”Vu» “1“” airborne and struck 3‘
March 4 Board of Trustees meeting for approval. lege dean. The college bought the land with “private Little said. “This has been on our agenda for a long Imus“ th‘" had 1’9“” C‘”“'°"'~'d ”“9 3‘" "th“ h"
f Dean C. Oran Little of the College of Agriculture gift money, federal grant money and restricted agen- time." Little defended the proposed sale of the farm lh“ “”31 ‘\l“”h”l'C-‘ ;’\“"”.‘"””“-‘ Ch‘"l“°r-
said the sale of the land had been proposed by his cy funds of the College of Agriculture.” “Conversely, we would have been criticized it we A ““"lgsm‘ill .91 hmh‘” and 5"”‘9 “him." bu”
college several times because Man 0’ \Var separates Little said the co lege designated the sale's pro- didn‘t get the maximum value." he said. 9"“ “”9 “WWI f” [ht wrccltagc, “ml 1 “‘5t”““'
burg police Sgt. (.erald (.lark. Police also said that
0......O...000......OOOICOODOOOOOOOO0. speed Jppl‘er'tl 1'0 llleC been '.1 lilt‘ltfllll ll‘IL' crash.
The crash happened about 5:10 a.m. [CST on
Kentucky 1438, near the entrance to_lenny \Viley
Rupp rafters see
I _ NAM [dropping
our new arse S Newman Macdunald nicer than his news
I y \l"\\' '11 Wk Norm .\lacdonald talks tough
By Chris fastening had been notified prior to Satur- als lllt\"t';llllslllt' co‘nileldylnews tlllti’lltirll‘lllllun “Satilirn
Sports Editor day‘s ceremony. i a} . 1g it .i\'e. e iopcs it t oesn I give peop e
'DeMoisev, who wore No. 7 at 1h“ “m“?! "h“
UK added four more names to UK, was the first All—American
the ever-increasing list of retired ever recruited by Adolph Rupp. ”l's’nplc llilnls’ l'in going to be arrogant or mean
jerseys Saturday prior to UK’s 85- He played for the Cats from 1937- l‘s‘t‘JU‘C WNW 0‘ ”1910““er ’3 lmlt‘ hard." Milt-
56 win over Florida at Rupp 34, helping to lead UK to a per— ‘l‘m-‘l‘l “1“” Eh“ l‘Ch- 23 TV (““90 “li'hun‘”
Arena. fect 16—0 mark during his senior intimidating; l in intimidated by everyone.
The ceremonies honored the season. llis brother, Truitt, also The gaiigly comic [“5 m, immediate desire In
late John “Frenchy” DeMoisey, played for the Wildcats in 1934. 101” 5V] gm members who've gone (,n n,
JOlmnY COX, Kyle Macy and Bill A graduate of the now-defunct nmlt'c movies. “1 would love to stay at ‘h‘Nl.’ fiii'cv
Keightley. giving UK 33 retired Kavanaugh High SChOOl in er." he said. “But you can‘t stay in the same place.
jerseys. Anderson County — the same People think you're a loser. \V‘liatevcr I'll do will
The 70-year—old Keightley has school Keightley attended — be worse than what I‘m doing now, so I’m trying
been working for the basketball DeMoisey passed away in 1963 at to really enjoy myself here. Because I him“ this is
program since becoming an assis- age 50. Attending the ceremony in the funniest {mffl‘n ever do."
1am to the equipment mana cr his absence were several members (5"’”l”/“/l*"”” Lam "PUT":
during the 1961-62 season, ager ofhis family.
scrvingasaU.S.postalcarrier.ln No.24,Cox,wasakeymember non-noon-ooo-ou-u-oo-o-oo-ouu
1972 e was promoted to head of the famed “Fiddlin’ Five"
equipment manager and has held national championship team in El
the position ever since. 1958. A native of Hazard, he was a eva ors se
The announcement caught consensus All—Amercian as a
Keightley by surprise and tears senior in 1959, averaging 17.9
'. formed in his eyes while UK Ath— points a game. I I
, letics Director (1M. Newton read lie is fifth on the career scoring
: a prepared statement honoring average chart at UK, as well as
him. fourth in career rebounds.
“I thought, by golly, it is going The final honoree was a very -
to be me. I don’t get surprised too familiar face to Cat fans. Macy,
often. But this was a total sur- who wore No. 4 from 1978-80, is -
prise,” Keightley said. currently a color commentator for
The equipment room at the UK Radio Network.
, Memorial Coliseum has been He is well known for his free- By Todd Hash
I named in honor on Keightley. throw routine, during which he (lrmrrilmuric Writer
“I thought it was absolutely would wipe his hands on his socks
t wonderful," UK Coach Rick Piti— while at the foul line. It must have Has an elevator in Kirwan or Blanding towers
1. no said of the honor bestowed helped: Macy is the leading free- ever felt more like a roller coaster at King's lsland,
.' upon Keightley. “It is well- throw shooter in school history a bit too bouncy and a little too shaky?
; deserved. Here is a man who liter- and the Southeastern Conference lfso, help is on the way. The University expects
i; ally puts in as many hours as the for a season (91.2 percent) and to receive bids on a $1.1 million renovation ofthe
’ coac es do and has never been career (89 percent). six elevators in March and work should begin in
j paid like a coach for 30-some-odd Macy is a leading candidate for JAMES CRISP Kn‘neltmff early july with completion slated for January of
ears.” _ the osition 0f head basketball MB. WILDCM Bill Keightley. men’: basketball equipment manager, roudly drip/«ivy his replica W")??- g
” I‘he three former Wildcats all coac at Morehead State. jersey during eeremonier honoring him and ,5,“ other UKgflms 1,45", Samnmq, gm”. I he faint of heart can rest assured that the ele—
(; vators are safe until then. I he renovations are not
ono.conoooooooooooooooooooooooooone...oooooooooooooocoI.000000000000..no.one...ooaooooooooooooooooo-ooooo.a...one... :1 reaction It) safety problems liul’ simply an effort
to bring the elevators into the '90s and meet
gram for two years. I I requirements of the Americans with Disabilities
SEA has I“ “We can hel just about every— wethlngton to have Ilnal Act, said Allen Rieinan, director of Auiullary her—
one with an fiin ” Har said. V1035-
“It’s eat beguseae giveg’lot of ”Those elevators were originally installed in
“8' read eop e help who would ordinarily I I I 1967, so they are 30 years old, ' said liieman, who
’ have to pay for tax services.” oversees llousmg and food Serv'ices. It is a cont—
'i‘. All volunteers, 20 law students pletc overhaul of everything except for the car(s)
By Chip Bright this year, have completed the itself," which have been replaced over the past five
Contributing Writer Internal Revenge Seryice ro- Leona Hacker ham thought the idea was a good one. years. . ‘ ‘ .. y '.
gram, VITA, which trains vo un— Staijn'ter Cruz said she then talked with “CO (.omputer microprocessors wxll now take over
S ring semester brings new teer instructors and workers to fill President of Student Relations losth many ”{th mnemms performed by relay SWhChCS
reso utions, diet out tax returns It is always sad and disheartening when Burch, who gave the suggestion that she "1th elevator syStem. .phhlylfmslv .thles‘e. “limbo?
plans and taxes. effic1ent1y. Vol- . . . . _ k 'th 1) lW'll‘ h d' .. f 1 . were difficult an expensive to rep act because
While those 1'" m. I...“ unteers have put someone dies, espeCially when it is a fel wor w1 au i is, t c irectoro tic they are "0 longer manufactured. Any replace—
extra holiday in eight class- low student. It never seems as If there '5 library. , , merits had to be hand-built for the University.
pounds require The following dates and times room hours and enough done to remember these students. dCtii‘uz preisentgdda plopomli from 59"“ The microprocessors will also create the most
personal strug- areafliniheStudeniCenter' passed a profi- But that began to change .Wlth the an 'C'SUK em 0 ya ioutt Lt‘nunorm noticeable improvement. Ihe elevator cars wrll
gle, students can . ciency test advent of the campus Memorial Walk, to Willis, who senta letter to Cruz com- start more quickly and mmc m a softer landing on
avoid the yearl 7m 20 36pm 251 administered by 5P0“59r?d by the Student Government mending the pro)ect and givmg h's floors without the bounce students now feel as the
hassle wit VFeb: 27I 3-6 pimil 119 the IRS. Assoctanon. Over the past two years It has approval. cars level themselves with the floor.
Uncle Sam via 'mé Mom. "9 Don las drawn between .150 and 200 pamCIpants. He said all he needs are the names of The new equipment should eliminate glitches,
the help of VOl- m‘é’MpJn," ‘17 Michae§, a law The memorial Walk has now spurred the students and what they want on thC WlllCl‘l have sometimes preven‘ed CZFS from Stop- ‘
unteer Income vm 27.3-6p.m., "9 professor and the idea for a memorial room for students plaques. He also needs a name for the Pinlg at a chosen floor, Ricman said. .
Tax Assistance. VAptlIS,3—6p.m.,l‘l9 the program’s who have passed away while attending me‘i‘nonal'room. lundrcds of-sleep-deprived students should
The Student VAprll 10, 3-6pm, 117 instructor, said UK‘ . . Th°_ 'defi‘ “’35 WhndQFhII 39d very also be pleased With the addition of new fire detec- f,
Government 1% 14.3.59'm151 the program The memorial room Will have the appropriate in the new library, \IVillis mm equipment m the shafts and whines, The £75
Association and I provides a win- names 0f the students on plaques and the said. . equipment should reduce the number of false 9.3
UK Law Stu- win opportunity dates that-theBpassed away. . He also said that “more than 1,000 alarms that have forced students to evacuate the if;
dent Bar Associ- for everyone Executive irector for Campus Affairs peo le, including faculty, staff and espc- building in the early morning hours, Rieman y.
ation Income involved. Melanie Cruz said she spoke with the cial y students elped to campaign to explained. '«
Tax Help Seminar has helped stu- “The community gets a valu- Chancellor of the Lexington Campus raise money for the'library.” , . Something that students might not notice is an
dents and the community fill out able service; it’s a great public ser- Elisabeth Zinser, who suggested the new Willis said he thinks there is a no more air conditioning unit to be installed in the tower
personal tax returns for five years. vice component and the students William T. Young Library for the loca— a propnate lace than the library because penthouses. These units Will prolong the life of - -. -
“The program consists of one- get hands-on experience in a topic don of the room. ousands 0 students go there to research new machinery by keeping it cool and hopefully
on-one assistance from trained vital to their careers,” Michael “This is a very important rojcct and and study. lessen future repair costs. '
law students to help taxpayers get said. has needed to be done for a orig time,” Cruz also said “students should submit The renovation Will proceed in roughly three
their refunds,” said Melanie Cruz, The seminars will be 'n at 3 Cruz said. 5113 cstions for a name for the room.” two-month phases so that at least two elevators are
SGA executive director of campus in eve Thurs d a gskartin She also 3 kc with Dean of Students inal approval from President Charles always in operation~ in each tower. This should
affairs. gcb 20 iriyroom 251 iif the Stu- David Stoc am, who has the unfortu- Wethington is all that remains for the minimize the?“ tlmc that students would have .
Kelly Harp, a UK law student, ' natc responsibility of speaking with the memorial project. Once his approval is encountered 'f ‘he renovations we" done ‘ll “ ..
has volunteered with the tax pro— See TAX an 8 parents of the deceased students. Stock- given, the project will begin. Once-
- -._ --.._-_.-...._._. _ ._ _ -- ----,__..-.,_. .___ _.- . .- . ,_~-_,- .-_.-....--.._ - --_ . .




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0.1 Ilavvgs vault


By 0. Jason Stapleton

xll’m‘mm Spam Editor

and Jay 6. Tate
ll 'I'rkmd Spm'tr Editor

The top- ranked Georgia Lady
Bulldogs came into Memorial
( oliscum I ml 11 and showed why
they continue to stay atop the
national polls.

lhc1 1e got the talent to back
it up.

(icorgi:71( —l)— 1) put on :1tour~
de— torce scoring .1 se :1son- high
W7 .(17 5 In the III I11ect:1g.1inst
both Illinois and the No. 18 Gym
Kats. L'K (4-3) scored .1 “13.175.
splitting the weekend meet by
Ilelertinr1r Illinois

lhc meet was close until the
(iym Kats tripped up on the bars.
'l'hough ranked 10th in the nation
on the .1pp:1r:.1tus L'K was only
able to muster .1 4 . 57 after falls
by both Lori Irccman .md senior
All-American Robin Ewing.

Freeman re-Injured her ankle
on her fall and was unable to com-
pctc in the floor exercise.

“I'm really disappointed. but I
had to keep everybody else up
there." she said.

’l‘hcn L'GA scaled the deal

ym llats, Illini

with an amazing performance on
the vault. The Lady Dawgs posted
an other—worldly three perfect
105, including two in a row by All-
Southcastern Conference selec-
tions Leah Brown and Kim

“They re amazing — that’s the
11:11 gymnastics should be done,”
UK gymnast Kristen Hoeferlin

IIocfc-rlin, a freshman from
Dayton, Ohio, nabbed second
place in the all— around with a
39. 075 She was given the difficult
job of competing head— to- head
with UGA’s Karin Lichey, who
scored an unprecedented score of
40 against UK In last year’ s all—
around. Lichey defeated Hoefer-
Iin with :1 score of 39. 625.

“I’m so excited -—— it’s the high-
est score I've gotten in my whole
lifc,’ " Iloeferlin said “But hope-
full1 I can still Improve."

LK also had a strong perfor-
mance by another of Its freshmen
in Mila Chitwood.

The walk-on from Elizabeth—
town recorded a season high 9.90
on the floor exercise. That score
was good enough to tie Chitwood
for second place in that event.



RICH COOK Knmlrrafl

"WK, "0 "M08 About, freshman Kristen Hoeferlinfinisbc: a tumbling

run with a ruin Lefi remor Therem Sbaw get: tbeam'r on thefloor exerrise.

“’I ve been waiting for that this
year,” Chitwood said. “That’s
been my goal this year; I’m very
happy with It.”

As for UK head coach Leah
Little, her concerns center around
a youthful roster which must step
up its performance in light of
recent injuries. \\ ith upperclass-
men Ewing and \‘listy Marinik
making only modest contribu»
tions, Little must instead look to
the freshmen to help shoulder the


“When it gets into a tough
meet, (the younger gymnasts)
don’t have the toughness yet."
Little said. “That will most likely
come with time."

After sitting out the early por-
tion of the season with a shoulder
injury, Marinik made her first
appearance of the year on the
beam, scoring :1 9.70.

“I was very nervous for my ti rst
event of the season," Marinik said.
“I handled it well. but I could have
done :1 lot better."



Advertise in
the Kerne. _

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All rtqiste red organizations wishing to publish meetings, lectures,


l'lashville. TH




-SAB 315de Gallery: Oswald Competr’b'on, 257
Student Ctrt (thnr 3/04)

Center for Contemporary Art.- Group Exhibition.
works by students from 50. Illinois Univ. (thru 3/16)

Newman Ctr Catholic Mass ever weekday. 12:10pm.
. 20 Rose St: 2558566


Career Center Orientations: Mon-Fri. 8:30am or
2.00pm '1an 2/2!) 257-2746

-Ult Career Ctr WorkshOp: 'Writing Resumes and

sat Visual Art§ oomrdiree

nipustStndentunon Magnum ll 45am-
1:00pm 128 Maloney Bldg .

Student cu. “11
5A5 Board Meetin

Baptist Student mzlgu‘rmi‘ I
Together 7. 50pm.“ Columén M; -

UK Wesley Foundation PHAT
«thanks; 7: 50pm. 206 Stodeht 25441231
Model United Nations Chtb Meeting 8: 00pm 363
Student Ctr: 225-6469

Center for Computational Sdenca Brown Bag
Seminar: Ernst Richter. 'Carbon Hanoiubes,‘


(Praise, “011055;.a 1W _

Champimships All Day Athens, GA (uni/”221
tilt Hen Basketball 0 Alabama (J- I? 8:00pm


mu: David me conduc

tor tum. Singletary cu Conartnan FREE


«Baptist Sbudent Union Devotion 8: Lunch (Si all you
, can eat). 12:15pm, 429 Columbia Ave; 257-3989
-Ul( Wesley Foundation Thursday Night Dinner at

W whim Fellowship Meeting
7:00pm, Minonia Me comer of Rose St. and Rose

www’.l”. oat/Artsflgmces/RAE, Japan POP CULTURE. h

7, ' 9. 0911111. 201 Malltetvs Bldg 257 2746

“W6 hogan/Enrichment Series. 'Popular
# an ':35Im4: 00pm 359 Old Student

‘r'WIltirig Resumes and

UK Women‘s Budball vs. South Caroling}! 1 m;
U .37.
Sunday 2/2 3

Fine Arts Institute classes, Datestimergtees vary,
CALL 296- 7831 to register (thru 4/ 18)

-Family Concert Series: Lexington Philharmonic
Orchestra. "Around the World,’ 5:00pm, Singletary Ctr.
Concert Hall;
-l.exlngton Brass Band; Ronald llolz a Ship Gray,

$8, $5; 235-4226


Cmcr Lcttcrs,‘ 5:00pm, 20l Mathews Bldg; 257-2746


-Ailtido Club 8:00-9:30pm. Alumni Gym Lott.- 269

-L’K Men‘s Tennis vs. Miami-Fl. (Indoors), 6:00pm;
Lexington. KY


-lntramural Table Tennis Singles 11 Doubles
Tournament Entries Due, 4: 00pm, 145 Seaton Ctr:


327 McVey l1all
Donovan Scholars Program. 'UR from the Top '
Charles Wethinqlon, UK President. 4: 00 5:00pm 250
Student Clr ,.

Fencing Club 8:00pm Alumni Gym boft 257 5812




Colombia Ave: 266-2946

-’ Praise, 6:007zl5pm, 508 Columbia Ave. $2; 2540231
‘7 ‘Chrbtiat Student Fellowship Thursday Night Live
Meeting 7:00pm, 502 Columbia Ave,- 23150313
Campus Crusade for Oulst Weekly Meeting
7- 30pm Student Ctr Worsham Theater
, UK lambda Meeting, 7. 310?. 251 StudentCtr:




-UK “tom's“!!! Miami of Ohio, 1:00pm;
Lexington. KY

~Ul( Baseball vs. Clemson, 52:00pm Clemson SC
0 Disney invitational *Hagical
ig’CIassicf Orlando Fl.

Fellowship at Christi-um Weekly Meeting. vi}; 111 mm AM on KYState I15 Swimming Ir
9-. 00pm Christian Student Fem [909602 '(

Diving Championships All Day; lexington. RY (thru

_ norm 5

ifs 00 «1mm . .
[Ruins I“ ' “Student Fellowship University Praise

conductors, 8:00pm, Singletary Ctr, Recital hall; FREE

m‘ééna Catholic Mass, 9. 00 a ll: 50am, 5"


' “0“
mm Club, 1:00-3:00pm, Alumni Gym Loft; 269


TUESDAY 2/ l 8


-'lhe Downtown Gallery: Student Showcase ’97.
sponsored by the UK Art Dept. Pl‘lC Bank Bldg on fine
St Ithm 2/2l) '
“hill"; Jacob We: Toussdnl L'Ouvatutc
Series, 18601910. sponsored bytlte 107mg 2 '
(maul Ctr, UK Art Museum (thru 3/25)
111(15an Forgotten Marriages: The Painted 17am and
the Decorallvcn'ame 1860-19l0 “MM f
(thru 31/97)

EXH-IBIT: BartoloRodin: 18th!” 1%


S 0 5
UK Women's Basketball it Louisville, 7:30pm;
Louisville. KY


SAB dun: Commit ee Meeting 4:00pm. SAD Board
Rm 203 Student Ctr

Student Sod! IloI‘k Association Meeting, 4mm.
645 Patterson Office Tower

88801370 STOP DRINKIHG? Try AIL-2w. Every


led. 5:00pm.Rm4i’levmanCtr .


Donovan Scholar Program: The Black Chum
Coalition: You Can Malta a Difference,’ Rev Bill Smith i
4. 005: 00pm. .230 Student Ctr "

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Kenruth Kernel, .Ilrmddy. February I7. I 91/7 8










ASIDE HIM 3111 Keigbtley, wbo eke 1m 4
jersey retired wbo did not play or coach at UK?

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Florida leels pain
or Pitino's threat

girls Easterllng
. ‘ Editor

Jill’s amazing what can be
actOmplished when you use the
that of pain.

”UK Coach Rick Pitino told the
team during practice Friday that if
they didn t ade out acceptably 1n
Saturday 5 fibme

“Yeah. he said that,” Epps said.
“It' s a grading system that we go
by every game that if we don’ t get
over 80 percent of what our goals
are, then we have to run or some-
thing g.

Epps held up his end of the
deal, making six steals while hand—
ing out four assists.

UK put


(me against
glorida, Mon—

could be painful.
.““I told the
players that we
were going to
grade this game
1111;; we do every
' e," Pitino
said, “and if the
defensive levels
aren’t up to the
levels that we
want to be at,
we‘re just going
to put some
penalties in, and
I think that was
very necessary.

“I think they

1931 85.



I (2“, 10.1): Edwards 6141-1 15; Pad-
gett 2-9 2-2 6: Magloire 0-2 38 3; Epps 4-7
0-0 9; Mercer 7-16 7-8 23; Pridtett 1-3 2-2 4;
Mills 3-5 0-0 9; Tumor 1-3 M 2; Mohammad
5-7 4-10 14; Masiello 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 2968

I (12-10. 4-8): 0. Williams 3-6 0-1 6; Rain-
han1-2 0—0 2.31011 5-11 1-2 14; G. Williams
0-5 0—2 0; Shannon 8-13 5-7 21; Weaks 2-5
()0 4; Maddox 1-2 00 2; Anderson ()3 00 0;
Crislell 2-3 2-2 6; Nunez 0-0 00 0; Kinney
0-0 1-2 1. Totals 22-50 916 56.

Halftime UK 42. UP 26. Reminds. UK 40
(Mohammad 10). UF 36 ($1011 5) Three-point FG
UK 826 (Edwards 2-8. Mercer 26. Wis 3-5. Enos
1-3. Padgett 0-2. Masuallo 02) UF 3-11 ($101134.
Shannon 02. D lMlliams ()2. G Williams ()1.
Weaks 0-1. Anderson 01) Assets UK 21 (Mercer
8). UP 9 (Shannon 5). Blocks UK 7 (Magloire 3).
UP 1 ($1011) Fouls: UK 17. UP 23 Fouled out UF

together one of
its best defensive
efforts. The Cats
forced Florida
into committing
a season-high 30
turnovers and
converted the
Gator miscues
into 31 points.
“The one
thing we talked
about was han-
dling (UK's)
pressure," said
Donovan, who
falls to 0-4
against his for—
mer mentor.
“\Ve did not do
a very good job
of that. I felt that
Our guys CEIIIIC
out a little bit
tentative. a little



were very
focused on mak—
ing sure that (Reinhan) Technicals: None
- l 1. A 24.191
didn t happen.
Asked what
type of penalties would be

enforced, Pitino responded, “just
running. Pain, excruciating pain.
Something demented and sick. "

Let 5 just say the players won t
be experiencing too much pain
today, at least no more than they
are used to from Pitino.

The Cats (24—3 overall, 10-2 in
the Southeastern Conference)
dominated the Gators (12-13. 4-8)
in all aspects of the game, sending
former UK assistant Billy Dono—
van’s squad home on the short end
of an 85-56 rout at Rupp Arena.

The threat is nothing new for
the team, point guard Anthony
Epps said.

bit nervous. And
certainly that had a lot to do with

Point guard Eddie Shannon
was the most maligned of all the
Gators, committing six turnovers.
Shannon wowed the crowd with :1
couple nifty baskets, including :1
miracle hook shot that he just
threw up as he was being fouled.

“This is a terrible loss for us,"
said Shannon, who was Florida's
lone real scoring threat with 21
points. “Kentucky is a great team
right now and they have been all
season. \Ve could have and should
have played better this afternoon.”

Almost a week since he explod—
ed against Villanova, Ron Mercer










"I” I" My HOUSE Scm- I .‘ll.'//" 1:1 [app [11111 on [/11' ‘D‘ ilgiumr Il- rah/K

Dzm ll 1111171711. li,’1f1finr1/1c..’ 1111 gum is

was at it again on Saturday. He 111
up lilorida for B points. as 111 ll .1-.
a career—high eight assists.

“It‘s just :1 111 our of 11111111.: out
and letting tllil‘n's h 1ppe11 \111
ccisaid. “(11:11litr1c1l 1.11l_1. 1111hc
season to get 1111. to do 1111.1111
things. Now he just lcts 1111; play.
He stats on me on the dclcnsiyc
end lycrything else I hate to
work out.

“1th only four games left 111
the regular season, l’itmo LlSst'sst'il
the way his team is playing now.

Elms stepping up in his linal season

By. Dave Gorman
Smfi” IVriter

‘As a play maker and team lead-
er,‘ point guard Anthony Epps has
been steering the UK men’s bas—
ketball team in the right direction
this season. He might even lead
his team to Indianapolis for
another Final Four shot, with the
way he and the Cats have been
pl'a ng as of late.

Eespite losing four players
from last year, plus Derek Ander—
sOh to injury and Jeff Sheppard to
re’dshirt, Epps has been a steady
force for the Cats in pursuit of a
second consecutive national

Coach Rick Pitino said in Jan-
upry that everybody would need to
increase their play by 20 percent
to make up for Anderson’s


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the Kernel. -
€411 257—2flen



absence, and Epps certainly has
pulled his load and then some.

“I have been looking to score a
lot,” Epps said. “But I’m playing
the role more of team leader, try-
ing to get everybody the ball.”

In Saturday’s 85-56 blowout of
Florida, Epps practiced what he
preached scoring nine points,
dishing out four assists and swip-
ing six steals.

“Tlday was just typical Antho—
ny Epps,” Pitino said. “He played
good defense with six steals and
had a good, solid ball game.”

Epps and the Cats have a long
way to go to reach the level they
had achieved at this point last sea—
son, especially with three road
trips coming up at Alabama, Van-
derbilt and Tennessee.

“This season has been very
challenging, overcoming all the











I 301 Southland Drive



obstacles. Our team has stayed
focused, and we just need to keep
it up.”

Another obstacle people some—
times forget is the pressure the
players and the team have on
them to bring home another

“In this town there's a lot of
expectations," Fpps said. “It just
motivates us that much more. \l'e
have to play that much harder."

In overcoming that pressure.
Epps has been something of :111
unsung hero for the (Eats. llis
winning attitude has taken this
team to great places in his four
years at UK.

“Anthony I‘prs is a winner.
Period,” Pitino said earlier this
season. “Next to the definition of
winner in W 111/Ute“ Dictionary
should be Anthony' s picture."

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