«mnflfimmflkfinmhm~‘r"v'v ‘ . . . :- p”. 1' . _.»p .‘ A 1 ‘ W com of the 03””‘cium‘ V, a ,4 H , " 4' 7' ' " “ o ,- ~ . A“ -~ « ~‘~-‘ m -' - —:v . 4. ,1 1 m. .. ;\3u A,l¢l;g; m Culu,ufl ULQ JEUQLQM a ad.!ourw1so Lu1tll l1csv (. t w o r; g." V}: .2 » ' a f; QLLI'Higa rni-SO «.1 1170 L .Lh Ioculty room Tues~ P W %~ o:;, r ‘,, a quorum being prfiaent. In the absence of *ro Eresifientg Dr, Pr"4r presided. . The minutes of the last meeting were read and approveC, 1 Too 1 ry o: Iaculty asxed 1i studento should receive for tar; ficiance arfl Physical lducation HUG: excused ‘y .. .L..,- _’. .,L' ‘..' .1" 1‘ f.‘ _ . o2 .drbxd~y Lfi EHJHS, JJ watlcn 0A Arcleusow raeman ‘ it U33 voted that tie present pra.t‘,n *: contihuod. At thfi 3d requtct o- L: Fri the pgac- \ l 1 1 two? T’LCE Ln ;3 Sollo's: . i "The tumber a4€ names of studerts excused from drzll , .. .7 W .1 4.9 ~ ~ ‘ ~. _ A .‘ owl w on account 0; athloolcs 18 GECldem upon oy tLe Conm.noant [ “lo the Director of AthletiCS, provided that no cafet be . . r a . . ,. . | QKCJSGQ from drill :or 1 1 atlon in more than one branch of athletics during the hool "ear”. * Liouteuant Underwood called for his formor motion r ‘rigg Eat studenas in the Collage of Law to trill under the .J. students in the other Colleges. 1. ,. A o m .H (I) ’1 52‘ H W: m 93 :5 Q. "J n O c‘ {.— '3‘, (—i P. o :8 cu m i Dr. Pr=or rulod tnat Ute motion he poatgoned until Presifient sorkor could be present“ Th9 fol;otlng report of of Deans was read and alopted; "T.a pronlom of onlOf Classific:"lon was on :riday, Deoem*er 3, lglj, refersed the General Facu‘ty t ch Committee of Deans for COESJéGTBtLOHe The ollovin ~.ioh have been arran loge requirements, ar by Generql Faculty; l v No student in the College of Ar ience or Agriu re shall b onsiderod a mem 6 Senior r nI—I (‘3‘ o ible to graduate f that 3‘ £0 '< FD ’13 to to U) r|-. nLfi :3» CD UH (D P- "<1 C‘.) O F“ F’: E U) m H. 23 l i :25 6" L9 L<§ :1 r, unl e rnlng of the co;_ege year in Sep— tember, 9 ea t 51 c1 dits h"ve been con _c+m '1') ating class of 1919 no as and Science, or of g of the Senior Class {p p; u b C ‘..J CF ,C ‘3 JD ‘r of the Sen- 6 considered a mambo if ed to perform ek ior C he is obli 2 i ynore too i “ b ass in the Callers of Law g ‘ r fifteen houra' Classroom work for we during the f nal year of h‘s fittendance at the College.