xt79gh9b8n9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79gh9b8n9w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1943-05-25  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 25, 1943 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 25, 1943 1943 1943-05-25 2020 true xt79gh9b8n9w section xt79gh9b8n9w  


































Minutes of the Faculty of the University a May 4, 1943

President DonOVan requested that each Dean submit suggestions for
inclusion in this report.

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Minutes of the Faculty of the University a May 25, 1943

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office
Tuesday, May 25, 1943. President Donovan presided. Members present
were Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, Alvin E. Evans, W. D. Funkhouser,
William S. Taylor, Edward Wiest, and Leo M. Chamberlain. Dean Holmes.
Dean Jones, and Assistant Dean Terrell also attended the meetingo

The minutes of May 4 were approved as read.

President Donovan called to the attention of the Faculty the
action of this body of a Year ago, providing that graduating students
are to attend both the baccalaureate exercises and the commencement,
unless excused by their deanss In this connection, attention was
called to certain conflicts that have arisen between the new examinae
tion schedule and the baccalaureate exercises. It was the opinion of
the Faculty that changes should be made before another year to avoid
such conflicts”

President Donovan also called to the attention of the Faculty
the tea to be given at Maxwell Place, immediately following the
baccalaureate exercises. He indicated that members of the graduating
class, their friends and relatives, the faculty, and the alumni, were
invited to attend. Mention was made also of the plans for commence:
ment and the commencement luncheon, to be held at one o'clock Friday,
June 4.

Members of the Faculty were asked to express an opinion about the
desirability of revising and mimeographing the schedule of classes for
the first term of the summer quarter. It was agreed that this should
be doneo

0n recommendation of their respective deans, the following four

students were allowed credit in the courses in which they were passing
at the time of withdrawal to enter military service, although the date

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Minutes of the Faculty of the University — May 25, 1943

of their withosgwal was somewhat earlier than the end of the required
eight weeks” period.

Gus E. Green a College of Engineering Russell Schwartz a Col° of Engineering
B. N. Crapster 6 Col. of Engineering Chas. R. Steinfortw Col. of Education

On recommendation of Prof» E. B. Farris and Assistant Dean Terrell,
Mr. T. L. Johnson and Mr. G. E. Jones were allowed full credit in Engine
eering 102 E Engineering Administration, although withdrawing from the
University to enter military service on May 4. Mr. Farris had stated that
each of these men had completed all course assignments and the reQuired
term paper, and that they were therefore entitled to full credit.

0n recommendation of Colonel Brewer and Dean Boyd, Cecil B, Donnelly

was permitted to complete his requirements for graduation with only three
quarters of military scienceo

On recommendation of Professor Canurso and Dean Boyd, the FaCulty
voted that students seeking the degree of B. S. in Music might complete
either the nresent quartermhour requirement or the quarterehour equivalent
of the previous semester requirement through June 1, 1944. This privilege
had previously been given to students seeking the degree of B. S. in
Industrial Chemistry»

The following recommendation, presented by Dean Wiest, with respect
to combined commeroeelaw degree, was approved:

” A student who has met all the premlaw requirements under the
Combined CommerceeLaw Curriculum may qualify for the degree

of Bachelor of Science in Commerce by completing a year of Law
at any college of law approved by the Association of American
Law Schools.

"In addition to completing the specified preelaw courses» the
student must complete a total of 192 quarter hours with a stande
ing of l or more, and must be registered in the College of Commerce
the entire last year during which he completed his premlaw work.“

It was announced that the next meeting of the Faculty would be held
at 1:30 on June 2, for the purpose of anproving candidates for degrees.












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