xt79kd1qg790 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79kd1qg790/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1888015 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1888-01-jun5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1888-01-jun5. 1888 2011 true xt79kd1qg790 section xt79kd1qg790 Irregularities MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 5, 1888 - page 73 The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical Collegesof Kentucky met in the President's room in the College June 5, 3 P. M. 1888. Present Dr. R. J. Spurr W. D. Nicholas R. A. Spurr J. M. Unthank L. J. Bradford Philemon Bird J. D. Clardy In the absence of His Excellency S. B. Buckner, Governor of Kentucky and Ex Officio Chairman, Dr. R. J. Spurr was unanimously chosen Chairman. The Minutes of the last Meeting of the Board of Trustees were read and there being no changes suggested were ordered to be signed. The Report of the President of the College was then called for and read. It was with the accompanying reports of the Heads of the Departments referred to a committee consisting of Dr. J. D. Clardy Chairman, Philip Bird and J. M. Unthank with instructions to report at their earliest convenience. The Chairman of the Executive Committee then presented a report reciting in detail the struggle in which the College was involved during the last session of the Legislature and its triumph. The Report was commended, ordered to be received and filed. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1888 - page 74 The Minutes of the Executive Committee covering the period since the adjournment of the Board of Trustees 1887 were then read. Their management was commended, the Minutes recorded, approved and ratified. The Minutes of the Faculty were also submitted. Attention - having been called to the fact that Gen'l. S. B. Buckner by his election to the office of Governor of the Commonwealth has by virtue of his office become Ex Officio Chairman of the Board of Trustees and his seat as Trustee for the term extending from January 10, 1884 to January 10, 1890 has thereby become vacant, on motion of R. A. Spurr Judge W. B. Kinkead has by virtue of the powers vested in the Board of Trustees as Sec. 10 of the Charter unanimously elected to fill the unexpired term, and the secretary directed to notify him accordingly. Trustee J. M. Unthank was then excused to go to Mount Sterling promising to return in the morning. in the absence of Trustee Unthank there being no quorum a variety of matters was discussed informally after which the Board Adjourned to meet at 9 A. M. June 6th. Trustees Bradford and Unthank were appointed a committee to examine the accounts of Treasurer Nicholas for the year preceding the date of the present meeting. Missing report(s)