xt79kd1qg945 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79kd1qg945/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19270311  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 11, 1927 1927 2012 true xt79kd1qg945 section xt79kd1qg945 ROMANY EDITION








uaoi ui iiuiiuittij volutes ill

KY., MARCH 11, 1027




Ballots for Contest, Sponsored
by Kentucky Theater, Wlil
Be Run in Kernel

Martha Minihan was chosen spon
Local Community Theater Will'- -sor of
the first battalion of the uni
Install . Promptophone, Reversity regiment Tuesday as a finale
cent Invention Worked Out
to a series of hectic attempts made
by Engineering College
during the last few weeks to fill the
various offices of sponsor at the uniELIMINATES OLD METHODS versity.
Miss Minihan was chosen by a large

Players May Now Be Impercep- majority, the ballotting being completed by the companies of the first
tibly Prompted From Posibattalion early this week. This is
tion Off the Stage
Miss Minihan's second

A new device, the promptophone,
will be installed in the Romany, Lexington's community theater, which
will open Monday evening with "The
Torch-Bearers- ."

By means of this invention, which
has been worked out in the College
of Engineering, an actor in any part
of the stage may be distinctly prompted in such a way as will be absolutely
inaudible to the audience. Three or
more such devices will be distributed
about the stag" They can be easily
concealed in bowls, vases of flowers,
fastened to furniture, lamps, or even
placed at the foot lights' or in the
The prompter will occupy a gallery
above the ceiling of the auditorium,
view of
where he has a birds-ey- e
everything that happens on the stage',
and where he may watch the audience
as well. The prompter will talk into
the mouthpiece of the promptophone
by means of switchboard control,
prompting or directions can be given
to any actor at any time and at any
part of the stage without even the
other actors being aware of it. He Sixteen Organizations Subscribe
100 Per Cent in Purchase
'may also converse with the actors in
of Season Romany
their dressing rooms and give directions to the electrician or others with
equal facility through the same de-

University Is Now Possessor Through Romany of
One of Nation s Best Equipped Little Theaters




t'Not only will this device make
prompting imperceptible, but it will
prevent many stage mishaps. For in
stance the destruction last year of the
jfr valuable Empire tea set coullMiavef
been prevented by the promptophone
by warning the actors that a wheel
had been broken off the tea wagon and
directing them exactly what to do in
order to prevent the wagon from being overbalanced. Without the promptophone, nothing short of ringing
down the curtain could have saved the




Students Are Models
In Spring- Style Show

Prof. 'Mclntvre Heads Univer
sity Committee Judging
Best Windows



Lewis Root,



Doctor Mims Speaks

Seating Capacity of New Build-- ; '
in T Tir
Monotony Broken
iiib is exults uau j. wo Hundred and Fifty; Many Fine
Productions Planned
Students Have Exciting Time
Putting Out Fire Tuesday

Notice, Seniors
to Be Sold Next Week
Invitations for commencement
exercises will be put on sale next
week according to Roland Schultz,
chairman of the invitation committee. Seniors are requested to watch
the bulletin boards in their respective colleges and The Kernel for
further announcements as to where
they will be on sale.
InvtioKs ar,e.priced at 25 cents
for cardboard ones and 45 cents for
those with leather backs.
money must be paid at the time
invitations are ordered.
All seniors are requested to ordr
their invitations promptly.

The University of Kentucky now
possesses one of the most modernly
equipped and complete little theaters
in America.
In the place of the abandoned negro
church which for three years has
sheltered Romany audiences, a bright
new building has been completed and
the Romany is fully equipped for any
production which the. directors may
desire to stage.
Tho seating capacity of the theater
is 250, although additional seats to
comfortably accommodate
50 more
can be installed.. The terraced floor
gives an intimate view of the stage
from every seat. The stage is considerably larger than the majority of
little theater stages, making it possible to produce spectacular and elaborate effects in such plays as "Cyrano
de Bergerac" and "Peer Gynt." '
The auditorium of the theater possesses perfect acoustics. The walls
have double insulation against sound
and heat; there is not the slightest
echo, yet an ordinary whisper from
the stage can be heard from all parts
of the auditorium. The walls have
a thick coat of insulation on both the
exterior and the interior, with air
chambers between. This fact, together with the. modern heating and
makes it possible to
regulate temperature both winter and
Decorative Scheme Is Colorful
The decorative scheme of the main
auditorium, when completely executed,
will be colorful and unobtrusive. The
central idea of the decorations is to
lend harmony and atmosphere to the

High Schools Battle
for Chance to Play in State
Basketball Meet Here
Next Week

Ninety-si- x


At 7:30 o'clock Monday night draperies from Lexington's "mile of beautiful windows" were pulled aside, and
the annual colorful spring style and
fashion show formally opened. The
parade, which was to have "been led
by the university band, was called off
at the last minute. Despite the fact
that a disagreeable rain was falling
many thronged the streets to cast
longing looks at the glowing displays
of the newest creations.
A number of university students
took part in the show.
Brummett, Margaret Dixon, Mary
Helen Board, Kathleen
Billy Upham, Robert
Warren, Joe Turner, Richard

With approximately five hundred
tickets sold to the students and fac
ulty members of the University of
Kentucky, the Romany Theater will
open its fourth season Monday eve
ning with the strongest support that
it has ever received from the university.
Sixteen organizations, including
fraternities, both social and honraory,
have subscribed 100 per cent, each
member having purchased a season
ticket. These organizations are:
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi,
Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Chi Delta Phi, Phi
S'gma Kappa, Delta Chi, Kappa Sigma, Chi Delta Phi, Phi
Beta, Sigma Beta Xi, .Triangle, Alpha
Chi Sigma, Delta Zeta Tau, Theta





Many Lexington People Hear Ninety-si- x
Talk on Southern Problems
teams are

high school basketball
now playing in the six regional tournaments which will close
Dr. Edwin E. Mims, head of the tomorrow night with
English department of Vanderbilt deciding the teams which final games
University spoke on "The Changing to the state tournament will come
South" at convocation of the Univer- week. Twelve boys and here next
sity of Kentucky last Wednesday teams are to be chosen twelve girls
for the state
morning at 11 o'clock.
Dr. Mims who is the author of "The
The regional tournaments are beAdvancing South" and ofther well-kno- ing held in six
different districts of
books, is a nationally known
the state.
authority on the industrial development of the South.
President Frank L. McVey of the
university presided. Dr. G. R. Combs
pronounced the invocation and the
Reverend Roy E. Jarman gave the
The university quartet
sang several selections, as part of the
program. All fourth hour classes'
were dismissed. Many Lexington
people and friends of the university
took advantage of the unusual opportunity to hear this authority on the
problems of the South.


Josh Wells and Lee Allen Estes acted
as models for numerous department
stores on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday nights at the Kentucky Theater.
Professor Mclntyre, of the Commerce College and six studens of the
university judged and awarded blue
ribbons for the "Mile of Beautiful

Affluenti Courses Contribute Their
Share to Total of Student Misery
"There Is No Justice," Wails Kernel Feature Writer, Bemoaning
Studies Which Keep the Student Perpetually Broke
Buying Texts; Three Months Make One
Both a Bankrupt and a Cynic
(By ALFRED P. ROBERTSON) . That afternoon, like a dutiful student, you fare forth to the bookstore
Have you any "affluenti courses"! to purchase the two texts. One you
in your schedule? Perhaps you have! find is priced at even four dollars. The
but you do not know them by thatj other is individualistic. It bears a
because mark that reads $2.83, or $3.07 or
name. They are
one has to be affluent to support them. some such odd combination of figures.
You sign for a course because you The expenditure makes quite a dent
have heard it is interesting or be in your finances but, as one is usually
cause you think the prof, knows his flush at the beginning of the semesvegetables. Usually it is and he does ter, the loss is not noticed so acutely.
but you presently find that there are Next meeting day you learn that the
more angles to the case than you had price of the magazine is considerable,
plotted. The first meeting day the but still you are not alarmed. You
prof, makes a little address something find later that the prof, had neglected
like this, "We will use two texts in to add that you would buy the books
this class. You will bring them to' which you were to read monthly. You
class next time. In addition you will realize too late that you have been
also read and report each month on a entrapped in an "affluenti" course and
different book which 1 will assign, the last day on which one may drop
AtiA nU vac vnll will Vio rfliliirnil
n a course is past. You reconcile your- .....
iSubscribe to a magazine which we will
;use to supplement our texts."




Most Popular Co-E- d
Get Silver Loving- Cup

Kentucky's New Romany Building


position as
sponsor at the university, having
been selected company sponsor last
year. She is a prominent student on
the campus, being society editor of
The Kernel and a member of the
SuKy circle, pep organization of the
A resume of the series of sponsor
elections held at the university this
year is as follows: Lucille Short, regimental colonel, Martha Minihan,
sponsor first battalion; Thelma Snyder, sponsor second batallion. Sponsors chosen for the six companies in
the university regiment are: Company A Bernice Edwards; Company
B Helen Fagley; Company C Margaret Thompson; Company E Louise Dyer; Company F D'Allis ChapG Elizabeth
man; and Company





Excitement, although short lived,
penetrated the monotony of spring
fever on the campus Tuesday, when
at 1:45 o'clock, fire broke out in
the second floor of the mining laboratory. After sending in the alarm,
students who were in the room succeeded in extinguishing it by the
time the Cre chief's car drew up at



Bullock, Plummer and Shrop
shire Are Chosen to Edit
Paper for Ensuing Year by
Staff at Meeting Tuesday


auditorium of the Education building
on the proposition "Resolved: That a
League of English Speaking People
Should Be Formed in the Interest of
World Peace."
The University of
Kentucky, represented by A. K.
T. E. Skinner and W. H. Han- Rid-ou-


Adams, then Miss Shropshire,- John E.
Burks, Miss Lucille Bush, Miss Ann
Worthington Callihan, Mrs. Sally
Bullock Cave, Miss Julie Conley, Prof,
and Mrs. E. F. Farquhar, Henry Harper, John Gudgel, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Goodloe
McDowell, Dr. and Mrs. Frank L.
McVey, Frank L. McVey, Jr., Dan
Morse, Troy Perkins, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Powers, Prof. Carol M. Sax,
John Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
B. Walton, Dan Weil, Clifton Wessel-ma- n
and Dr. and Mrs. B. F.




Work of Players in Rehearsal
Has Won Considerable


At 8:20 o'clock on the evening of
Monday, March 14, the curtains-othe-neRomany Theater will "part, dis-

closing to the audience for the first
time a gorgeous setting in coral, gold
and scarlet.
The play "The
is as brilliant and sparkling as the
setting, and perhaps the most hilariously mirthful comedy the Romany
has ever presented. For the last
three years, the Romany management
has made a continuous effort to secure
the rights to George Kelly's humorous masterpiece. It was only in December that the owners of "The
consented to extend thi3
right to the Romany and only then
in consideration of a high royalty. It
is peculiarly appropriate that "The
should open the season in the new theater.
With the strongest support from
the student body and faculty of the
university that has ever been accorde j
the Romany, the season will begin
under highly favorable auspices thas.
are further enhanced by the completion of the theater and the enthusiasm of the, community over the prospects for a. brilliant season.
Play Is Highly Praised
The premiere of "The
in New York on August 19, 1922,
is a milestone in the history of the
American drama. To quote the eminent dramatic critic, Kenneth
in his introduction to the pub
lished version of the play, "unknown
play, new producers, author's name
vaguely connected with vaudeville; altogether a production so little esteemed by the booking powers that it had
to slip into a few weeks before the


Torch-Bearer- s"


Monday evening, March 14 at 8 o'clock, the University of Kentucky will
debate Michigan State College in the

Campus Theater Procures Right
to Present Brilliant Modern
Drama and Selects It for
Dedication of Building



editor-in-chie- f;

Community Dramatic Organization Opens Fourth Season Monday Evening in New Building;
First Performance Given in January, 1924 in Old Church on Winslow Street;
Land Was Acquired From University and House Converted into Playhouse by Volunteer Workers; Many Plays Have Been Given

Phi Beta Pledges
Honorary Musical Sorority Takes
m New Members
Phi Beta, national women's music
and dramatic fraternity pledged informally Saturday, March 5, nineteen
young women and three associate
members. They will be pledged formally at the home of Miss Margaret
Gooch on Hambrick avenue tomorrow.
Those pledged were: Nancy God- bey, Sara Collopey, Rowena Noe, Mary
Brown Bradley, Helen Smith, Louisa
Smith, Rosanna Ruttencutter, Cath
erine cary, Josephine iragan, Jane
Gooch, Isabelle Smith, Maxine Lewis,
Edith Fuller, Marion Gilmore, Lucre-'opetia McMullen, Mary Virginia Hauey,
Mrs. Lola Robinson, Lucille Poynter,
Dorothy Monroe and Lucille Dorsey.
Associate members to be pledged;
Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, Ellen Blanding
and Samira Howard.



Orchestra to Feature
Russian Music Sunday-


Third Concert of Season Will Be
Held in Gymnasium
at 3:30
The Philharmonic orchestra ha3 in
cluded in the program for its third

concert, Sunday afternoon, three selections by Russian composers. This
arrangement has been" made in compliance with the movement newly
started in the university for the study
of the foreign nations of the world.
Russia is the country of interest for
this month and the orchestra will try
to give the audience a taste of Russian music.
The three selections show Russia
in different but typical moods as can
be readily seen from the titles of the
compositions. One is the familiar
"Song of India" from the Legend
"Sadko" by N.
The second showing of oriental tinge
is composed by G. Lubomirsky and
called the "Danse Orientale." The selection most typical of the heart of
Russia is Gopak" which may be
spelled "Hopak." It is from the
"The Fair at Sorochinsk com
posed by Modest Mussorgsky. This
country dance of the very interior of
the Russian continent has all the wild
flavor of her peasantry. Mussorgsky
is probably the most nationalistic of
all the Russian composers.



The sale of guarantors'

tickets to
Lexington persons, which
entitled the purchasers to a pair of
season tickets for the first two years
brought in the first $1,800 with which
to provide additions and equipment to
convert the church into a theater. Approximately two hundred students and
five" hundred townspeople purchased
tickets for the first season.
A committee of students headed by
Dan Morse and Henry Harper and
including John Gudgel and Frank L.
McVey, Jr., and others built the stage
20 x 40 feet and 30 feet high.
The curtain was made by Mrs. H.
W. Renick.
Miss Ann Callihan and
Mrs. Adams, Jack Powers and Cliff
Wesselman transformed the interior
seventy-fiv- e




The same officers will head the staff
of The Kernel for the next year as a
result of The Kernel election held
noon in which
2 o'clock.
i Tuesday were reelected: the following
John R. BulThe flames, which spread rapidlock, of Covington,
ly, were caused by the blowing
out of a valve on a gasoline lamp. Niel Plummer, of Lexington, managing editor; and James Shropshire, of
There was no damage of any
except the burning of a Lexington, business manager.
Only these three officers are elected.
window sill near the lamp.
The rest of the staff is appointed by
the editors and the business manager.
Following the election ft was announced
that there would be no
changes in the personnel of the staff
for the present.
It is customary to hold The Kernel election every year m the early
part of March. The newly elected
To Contend With Michigan State officer's begin their term about the
first of April and serve for a period of
College at 8 O'clock, March
one year.
14 in Auditorium of the
The annual Kernel staff banquet
Education Building
will be given Friday evening, March
25' at the Phoenix hotel, it was an
at the staff meeting Tuesday.

RomanyHistory Reads Like a Picturesque Tale
As Progress of Past Three Years Is Recalled

Three years ago a group of prom- 1923, a succession of three organiinent Lexington citizens and univer- zations attempted to obtain a site
sity students banded together in the and building for a community theater
first organization of the Romany, a that would offer more adequate opcommunity theater. The enthusiasm portunities for the presentation of
was great but the facilities were plays than those offered by the Camsmall. An old negro Baptist church pus Theater of the university, which,
which was near the same site as the under the direction of Prof. E. F.
present theater, was obtained, and Farquhar and Miss Frances Jewell,
during the succeeding years the cause now Mrs. Frank L. McVey, made so
of dramatic art was served in these warm a place in the hearts of the stuinadequate quarters with increasing dents and citizens of Lexington.
The deliberations jof various orMonday will witness the climax of ganizations served to start an increasthree years of effort to obtain the fa- ing interest on the part of Lexington
cilities which have been needed and people in the little theater movement,
demanded to adequately fulfill the mis but no theater was forthcoming.
sion of the little theater movement
Used Old Negro Church
in Lexington and at the university.
In 1922, the university acquired
A beautiful theater with modern some property
along Winslow street
equipment has replaced the old negro on which were a
number of tumbled-dow- n
church and its improvised stage. The
negro shacks and the old Consame spirit, however, that made pos- solidated Baptist
Church, which had
sible the success of the Romany under flourished
for fifty years under the
these difficulties exists, the directors guidance of
that famous
of the enterprise declare, predicting preacher, the Rev. Peter old negro
even greater accomplishments for the
At this point a group of students,
faculty and townspeople banded toHistory Is Picturesque
gether, wasting no time on organizaThe history of the Romany and the tion, and obtained from the univerlittle theater movement on the cam- sity the privilege of free ground rent
pus of the university and in the city for ilirpe vpnrs. Tfiov nlcn
of Lexington, reads like a picturesque ' the old church building from the Contale of "from the log cabin to the solidated Bap
White House.1'
Associated together in this unor-- .
During the period from 1921-- to ganized group were Mrs. William

In connection with the showing of
"The Collegians," a series of college
pictures which the Kentucky Theater
has booked, a silver loving cup will
be presented to the most popular co
ed attending the University of Ken
tucky. The young lady will be chosen
by popular vote. Ballots to ba used
in election will be run in Kentucky
l heater advertisements in the Ker
The collegian series starts at the
Kentucky this week.
The first num
ber will be shown in addition to the
fashion show which will be given on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
evenings at 7:30 and 9:00, and during which living models displaying
wares from Lexington stores will be
on the stage. The numbers of the
series are separate and distinct, and
as each has a different plot, the thread
of the story is not lost when one num
ber is missed. A "Collegian" will be
on the Kentucky program the last
half of each week, in addition to the
regular program, for ten weeks.
Further announcements concerning
the popularity contest will be given in
next week s Kernel.



Romany Has Served as Training
School for Many Talented Actors
Little Theater Has Been Successful in One of Its Fundamental
Purposes; Marjorie Warden, Oskar Hambleton, Gene
Stanfeil and Mary Lyons Are Among Most
Notable Romany Players

One of the essential purposes of the
Romany Theater is to furnish training
for gifted individuals who desire to
pursue one of the many phases of the
drama as a professional career. To
provide this opportunity on the campus of the University of Kentucky
and in the city of Lexington as well
as to amuse, entertain, and elevate
standards of appreciation, was one of
the reasons for the organization of
the Romany.
Many favorites who won their way
into the hearts of the student body
back of the Romany footlights are
achieving success and prominence today in a professional way.
Perhaps foremost among the tal
ented artists who received training in
the Romany and achieved subsequent
success, was Miss Marjorie Warden.
Death. ended a brief but brilliant car- -

eer. Miss Warden in less than two
years had been given important parts
in Theater Guild productions, and had
won important recognition as a writer
and musician as well. A more detailed account of Miss Warden's Romany triumphs and her later successes
will be found elsewhere in this issue.
Oskar Hambleton Is Prominent
Another gifted Romany favorite
is writing his name on fame's fickle
roster is Oskar Hambleton, a native
He played juvenile
of Henderson.
leads at the Romany for three sea- -,
sons and was perhaps at his best play--i
ing parts that presented unconscious
humor and poignant pathos in rapid
alternation, such as the lead in "The
Enchanted Cottage," "To the Ladies" '
and as Wolf in "Lilliom."
Margaret Anglin, while playing in

* .... ypf?










sSMwiaFwwiy jeer. s,.

















.,;Lastr week we made some statements

kbout our Life Membership Cam- pagn and dared you to
make us prove











First Head of Kentucky Univer
sity Appointed by Curators ;
Ashland Used as


j, A new Alumni Directory, contain
ing the jiames or all tne graduates
and former students of the University
of Kentucky from the first graduating
class in 1869 up to and including the
members of the class of 1927, will be
published by the Alumni Association
and the University of Kentucky early
next fall, according to the present
plans of the Association. Four new
classes will ba added to thejists with
the publication of the new directory.
These classes are 1924, 1925, 1926,





Educational Association in
Louisville, next month. The dinner
this year will be held at the Ken-



James Kennedy Patterson, Civil
History and Political Economy.
Monsieur Eyrand, French Lan
guage and Literature.
. Henry H. White, Mathematics and
Alexander Wfnchill, Botany, Biology and Geology.
Robert Peter; Chemistry and Phy

be sure to be able to attend.


a Thing Like Tiiat?




;v"Areou Going to Make Us Prove, That










We are offering two for one, and we like
The more that-w- e have
' to produce the more we like
it. Come on in with that
$50 and make us get
$100 more for the






Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
Main streets, 2:15 p.m.
Lpuisville Alumni Club, luncheon,
private dining room Brown hotel
1 o'clock p. m., first Saturday in
each month.



gineer for the U. S. Coal and Coke
Company at Omar, West Virginia.
Robert Dawson Hawkins is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Kentucky. His address is 121 "Warren
Martha Fox Hieatt is teaching in
the Picadome School near Lexington.
Her address is R. R. 8, Lexington.
Annie Newell Hodges is living in
Greensburg, Ky.
Temple Rice Hollcroft is professor of mathematics at Wells College,
New York.
Richard Hall Hood is an attorney-at-laand is located in Murray, Ky.
Christice Hopkins is teaching in
the Louisville Public schools.
address is 4554 South Second street,


Harry C. Galbraith is a farmer and
lives near Brooksville, Ky.
John Thomas Gelder is service engineer, with the Chicago Railway
Equipment Company of Chicago, HI.
Annabel Grainger, (Mrs. John S.
Chambers) is living at 812 Cramer
avenue, Lexington, Ky.
Frank Withrow Haff is with the
engineering department of the C. B.
& I. Railway Company
and is located at Centralia, 111.
Miss Jacqueline T. Hall is doing
agricultural extension work in Nashville, Tenn. Her address is 414
Chamber of Commerce.
Ludie Estella Hallowell is teaching
mathematics in the Princeton High
School at Princeton, Ky. Her address
is 513 Jefferson street.
Walter F. Hanley is division en

Instructor in
N. O. Belt, who was graduated from Mathematics and 'Military Science.
the College of Engineering, of the
College of The Bible
University of Kentucky with the class
Robert Milligan, President, Profes
of 1922 wasa visitor at the college sor of Sacred Literature.
last week. Mr. Belt is with the linol
John W. McGarvey, Sacred History
eum division of the Armstrong Cork
Company with headquarters at Lan and Didactics.
William I. Moore, Sacred Rhetoric
caster, Pa.
and Ecclesiastic History.
College of Law
clothing business in Maysville, Ky.
Madison C. Johnson, Pres., Profes
James D. Garrett is a construction sor of Evidence, Practice and Plead
engineer with the Berger' Manufactur ing.
ing Company of Columbus, Ohio. His
John B. Huston, Common and Sta:
address is 301 Gugle building, Colum tute Law.
bus, Ohio.
William C. Goodloe, Equity, JurisWilliam Meade Glenn, is an engi- prudence and Constitutional and Inneer with the Babcock and Wilcox ternational Law.
Company of Barbertown, Ohio. He is
'me Academy
living at the City Club. v
Alexander R. Milligan, President.
Logan Nourse Green is an attorney
George W. Ranck, Insructor in Eng
with offices in the Western Indemnity lish.
building, Dallas, Texas.
William E. Arnold, Mathematics.
William Jefferson Harris is an asJohn W. Crutcher, Bookkeepink.
sistant professor in animal husbandry
A. B. Smith, Penmanship.
at the Kentucky Agricultural Exper-- ; In order to give an organic unity to
iment Station, Lexington, Ky. His the University, the Curators created
address is 127 University avenue.
the office of "Regent." The Regent
Fred Ambrose Hanson is an
was Chairman of the "Senatus Uni- and is located in
versitatis," which consisted of all the
professors and principal instructors of
Josie Lacer Hays is teaching in the the several colleges, hence, he did not
Owensboro High School at Owens-borteach. He exercised a general sup
Ky. Her address is 519 Frede-ric- a erintendence over the whole institu
tion and was the representative of the
Joseph Smith Hays, Jr., is at at- Donors as well as the Board of Cutorney and is located in Winchester, rators before the public and before
each other. The duties attached to
George Martin Gumbert is a farm- the office are similar to ihose which
West McMillan street, Cincinnati, er and is located in Richmond, Ky.
now devolve upon the President or
Mary Katherine Hamilton is book- Chancellor of a University. John B.
keeper for W. P. Humphrey of
Bowman was unanimously appointed
Lillian Askew Gaines, (Mrs. E. B.
"Regent" and accepted the appointWebb) is living at 643 South LimeMcClarty Harbison is a member of ment on the condition that he receive
stone street, Lexington," Ky.
the Los Angeles Stock Exchange and no salary. This he voluntarily re
JVIyra Katherine Gay is living in of the firm of
Comlinquished. The Board of Curators in
pany with offices at 803 Haas build- the exhuberance of their gratitude,
Frances Dudley Geisel, (Mrs. Mc- - ing, Los Angeles, Calif.
tendered him the use of the Ashland
Kate Gray Hiett is teaching in the residence with certain important pre
Clarty Harbison) is living in Los
Angeles. Calif. Her address is 603 Picadome School and her address is rogatives and privileges, which un
R. R. 8, Lexington, Ky.
Haas building, in care of the
happily were but vaguely understood.
George Hammerken Hill, Jr., is liv- He was expected to entertain visitors
ing at Bluefield, W.'Va.
Mark Seldor Godman is State High
of distinction and to dispence the hosHarold K. Hines is an engineer with pitality of the University. This his
School Supervisor with the Kentucky
the Republic Iron and Steel Company own private income enabled him to
Department of Education. At presdo on a scale commensurate with the
ent he is taking advanced work at at Rickey, Alabama.
Julian Adair Hodges is an instruc dignity of the office which he held
Columbia University New York City.
tor in the department of agricultur- Though not a professional scholar, he
Ivan Clay Graddy is County Agrial economics at the Kansas State Ag- was' a well educated man, his exec
cultural agent of Todd county and ricultural
at Manhattan, utive abilities were of a high order.
is located in Elkton, Ky.
Kansas. His address is 919 Humboldt The charm and grace of his manner
Richard M. Greene is County Agri- street.
and the dignity of his bearing made
cultural Agent for Mason County and
John F. Hogrefe is assistant engi
is located in Maysville, Ky. His ad- neer of test for the American Bridge friends for himself and the educa
tional interest which he represented.
dress is 201 East Second- - street.
His address is 612 Maple-woo- d An interchange of class instruction in
Kenneth Plummer Howe is with the
avenue, Ambridge, Penn.
the College of Arts and the College
engineering department- of the LouisElmer Woodson Hopkins is county
Nashville Railway Company road engineer for Henderson county of Agriculture,by promoted the dupli
ville and
and efficiency
at Louisville, Ky. His address is 44 and is located at 919 First street, cation of professorship for identical
Henderson, Ky.
Merrftt McCaulry Hughes is with
Henry Price Horine is district supThe general breakdown of the insti
the General Electric Company and is erintendent for the Kansas Gas and tutions of higher education in the
located in the Starks building, Louis- Electric Company and is located at bouth mconsequence of the war
ville, Ky.
Fredonia, Kans.
brought many student