xt79kd1qjp96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79kd1qjp96/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-03-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1972 1972 1972-03-29 2020 true xt79kd1qjp96 section xt79kd1qjp96 aft/MM MM I
The Henluckg (.2... M‘
V0l. LXlll N().ll3 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Wednesday March 29, 1972 M
N 'ddl
Wonder w y sta um preceded collseum . 2- . -
$tat1$tlcs $how the an$wer 1$ $1mple
ByDE/‘N CRAWFORD Kernel Staff Writer Athletic Director Harry Lancaster said the schools with ’M ' ‘M

UK’s new football stadium has stirred talk of a new big stadiums are forcing the smaller stadium schools into 3 . 33: ; .
coliseum also, but the University has no plans for one in building larger ones. a. e , we I;
the near future. For example, three years ago UK received $119,000 or 50 - . it. '

Lawrence Forgy, vice-president for business affairs, percent of the gate to play at Georgia. 3 - . :2“ a: :

- said in a press conference, two weeks ago that no coliseum But because UK, with a smaller stadium, couldn’t offer "wt" . ' X‘s. I
was being planned because of lack of money due to the Georgia as much money to play in Lexington, their new M
commitment to build a stadium. contract calls for a flat $40,000 guarantee. So when the - -

The AlleyCats, a group dissatisfied with that an- Wildcats go to Georgia they get only $40,000 and Georgia
nouncement, are trying to raise money to build a 25,000 keeps the rest of the gate. The opposite is true when .
seat Coliseum. An earlier Group called the Rupp Arena Georgia plays at UK.
Committee was aiming at the same goal but faltered and UK is playing two away games to one home game with
. I . no longer exists. some schools now to make money, Lancaster said.
Amid this it seems an important question has been 0n the other hand, Lancaster said basketball game : ,fl.‘ .
overlooked. In light of UK’s basketball success as com- contracts call for only a $3,000 guarantee and a return “WM” , ‘2” .
. pared to football’s lack of success, why is the University game. He said the Notre Dame game in Louisville is the 2",.
building a stadium instead of a coliseum? only time UK splits the gate. M‘
. The answer in one word is money. Lancaster said football is important as a money maker SpegChless
Football makes over three times as much money as because it carries the minor sports. According to the
. basketball. McLean stadium seats 37,600 people. Athletic Association’s Financial Report for the last fiscal Shirley McGraner of Hazard Community
Memorial Coliseum seats 11,500. Football tickets cost year, minor sports brought in only $3,000 while almost College Puts 0“ a new face as She Pan-
seven dollars. Basketball tickets cost four dollars. $200,000 was spent. That’s a difference of about $187,000. tomimes a “m9 girl‘s “rS‘ spring d3.“ "'5
. Football makes over a million dollars while basketball Football brought in almost $1,200,000 while $981,000 was a“ a part Of the 5‘3“? 899“" and Debate ’
. doesn’t quite make $350,000. spent. The difference is $219,000 Efuggiyirgr‘gflfi Student ceme" (Phom
a“ M +
x ‘ e ’ ' 1
Panel hears .. . GOld watCh
' . .4 ‘ QMMMMM‘EM M .
final mews ( * 9
t “ an a
on abortion ‘ ' at t -
By JANE BROWN . ‘ ‘ LAST NIGHT‘S BASKETBALL banquet to honor UK‘s top .
Managing Edi‘f” M 7" . , s players was of greater interest than usual to most sports fans. It
. The court case Wh‘th may \\ ,' marked the first appearance of head basketball coach Adolph
, prove Kentucky’s abortion law \ ‘ Rupp since Rupp was retired—effective July 1-by the UK
unconstitutional ls almost ready x ‘i I Athletics Board. Although Rupp had adamantly insisted he
forafinal rulmg.After about two . ’. ‘K‘g .. i should remain as coach at UK despite the University‘s
' years legal procedure, a .‘hrfe‘ M ' M‘ M retirement-at-70 rule. the veteran of 42 winning seasons showed
Judge panel or the us District ._ ._ no hard feelings over the board's decision.
Court convened Tuesday to hear ‘ ~' . M "‘1‘“ be with you next year...in spirit.“ he told the dinner
final verbal arguments in ‘ ‘ M crowd. and then sat back and enjoyed a dinner that became
M “Crossen VS- Breckinridge." M M more of an honor for the coach himself than for the players.
A seven day limit has been . William Wall. president of the American Association of "
' allowed for {11mg Of an “amicus “ 3..» Basketball Coaches. told Rupp at the banquet to “sit back, relax
curiae" (friendly) brief by at- . lb" M and enjoy the results of 70 years of effort. The world of
torneys representing the Right to _" , basketball thanks you. You have served the youth well.“ ' .
Ijive chMganizaMio'Mll bZMMMfoM' 'MMlMlMM a MMQM . Phoms by Astory on the basketball banquetis on page seven.
time, e case M 0 ICE y 2; ~ ~_ ‘ . . I .
filed and the written ruling may \ ' '3: . . Dave Herman With Rupp is .ocal sportscaster Billy Thompson.
come at any point thereafter. ~.
2 The plaintiffs, both of , ,. _
Lexington, are Dr. Phillip .4/ .. “Whedts‘ _
Crossen, a physician, and Ms. «é - ‘5 ”'l‘ 8* Mt. ’5‘ ‘iM'TM’M‘ 3 22
Pat Craddock. Their attorney, :4 I‘ -‘ II 2 ~ -
' UK Law Professor Robert Sedler, ‘ . ’M :‘M 78 3.? 2..M\II i st*-~ .
said the rights of women under \ . ‘ I. , x f. MI 2, ‘
the present law are subordinated as. , f l , .’ " § , A: : w -4
to the “right to life“ of the fetus. l ‘ 2 a..."- ,3 . ' 2 it
Continued on Page 2, Col. 3 . M ‘. ‘ M :2. , or ' I. ‘ J E W .
Mudterm of . . -‘ -/:. X3 V .
‘ You can forget all the rain s... EL 2 l I "l ' M (x I' .;:§M.:‘52 2‘5“
Lexington has been drenched .' Qt; .’ . . .2 2I~ fa ?” 1....M‘M..«f/
' with these last few days—there's ’5 f , ' . 2 .f‘lll ‘II . %M§/’-‘ . - 3““, °_ .1»
a whole new batch scheduled for ~. I’ v 2 é 4.». I .n /
Wednesday. The high Wednesday . ,2 ;.. M‘: .I ~_ I. II , MI II”... ”.9”
will be in the upper 50's. the low .. ',- ' III~IrI 2 ‘92.;
in the lower 40's. The high g 2 737 7 I;
Thursday will be in the mid-40‘s . I . , . . .
and the low will be near 30. There ”a“ l 5 ' ‘5 fit ‘ '
is a 60 percent chance of . II . ' ‘V d I
precipitation both Wednesday ’ 2' a ' . 1;“; ‘I , .
and Wednesday night. M ' i ” ‘ .' J; .4. .. " l

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. March 29. I972 '
o ..
, : REFERRAL SERVICE —(for ANY information) ft . .
‘ ° Telephone "58-8511 g P l h b t 1 "l
O — . .
‘ ' .°-!c~3 3 23535: 2—2-3 3-3232- * é’s’e-v'el-et' ' 0'- v . 0 v '2' VA - ° "0'5‘1‘0-1; . .
§ t: ('ontinnrtl from page I being." become Involved m. matters 0f
ii If you like diamonds, you ll love . . . . . E He argued that historically the He said the unborn fetustas theoloeg- :ro-abortion actiVists
. ‘ tj \ l / Q law was written to protect the recognized I." Othel- aws maintain t at .mUCh .Of the op-
. I: .9_ {i mother. not the fetus. (property. somal security) as a pOSltlIon to liberalization of
, . . ‘ 3 Ms W l; Kentucky‘s abortion statute human being and that this con- abortion lawIs comes from
I , I _. . -. 3‘: :3 was last revised in 1910 and cept should apply in the case of organized religion and have FRA
- i , ' I‘ § {if allows abortion only in situations abortion. argued that the state has no ,“gl‘t On tht
' ‘ l; cum Chase Village it where the mother‘s life is in Both attorneys commented on to. support one ”31'3”“ 5 line f(
‘ . i. '2' 5““ mm “M“ U" 5"“ ”5° 9" ”‘ "‘ 3°" "‘ m“ ‘5‘"- 1‘? danger- Sedler‘s case contends recent court rulings which have ph'losoph‘es to the ex°l"s‘°“5 0‘ 23 pri
. I v.3:- ~--""»"-"" ' “"' ""“w‘ """"r"”‘r°”—-"5='"'3 that the Kentucky law violates prohibited states from restricting others. . _ _ . . B. Nu
. ' six different amendments to the contraception for unmarrieds on Ughe glisttrwcats ogigmtallg ft'led m was
, . US. Constitution. It asks that the the grounds of invasion of ,' ‘ _ 1 our u was us, 5
'2 v *I "ILLEL'S FASS°VER SIDE" court forbid the state from en- privacy. They cited other rulings dismissed by Judge Mac Swin- “So
. . " ~ ' ’ forcing it- which said the state must not Salintondigdniiuolldztatlleat the com; and
. - a Cause 0 ) i
. ~ 4 wednesday Mfll'Cl'I 29! 1972 Mike Maloney. former action. He was overruled when 3:3":
III . l . assistant commonwealth at- ANTIQU s the US. Circuit Court of Appeals -
. I . 6.00'Al Temple Adfl‘lh Israel torney and currently a state E ordered a three-judge panel to initlo:
I ' ’ senator. defended the state law hear the case. Swinford serves on -
. . . _ ‘24 N. Asl‘llflfld on behalf of George Barker, Large Selectionot Antiques and Modern the panel with Judge Rhodes :83":
’1 _ ' ‘ ' Make reservations by calling 266-3251 finnmonweaéth . att.?r’;ey' Co'lec'ab'es m Choose from Brim“; and JUdge JOhn Peck. Loc
. . . , _ , . a oney argue primari y rom We Also Feature A Brass Polishing and ccor ing to Sedler, the three
_ I I . For rI'deS meet at Haggm new or SlUdent Center the standpoint that life begins at Fum‘mre Re'inismng se’V'Ce' judges can withhold a decision on repor
-~ " * . Parking LOl 3' 5145 conception and therefore. ANTIQUITIES: the case for some time. He said Nun;
‘, V' V I“abortion is killing a human Algal/v5.3a?“ they will “probably hold off“ carIlIl
, j t f ’ .._--=-=-=-=u_.—-_—.—H - Sundavs ‘2 5 until the Supreme C011" rl1195 0n u
_ . V . ‘ I I '. . I two cases currently before it. One
cnsvv CHASE com lAUNDRY l “N“ “WW
. II . . . . of a state law like Kentucky‘s and ‘
I ; I I .. . another questions the con- i
II -. 3l2 $00"! Ashland stitutionality of a therapeutic
x ,I . . . S P E C I A L n \ abortion law. If the Supreme :
,' , i —'—'——"' "—“‘_ - .1 . Court rules that the laws are
I _ . ._ . . 8 Lb f D CI . I o "’\\\\ unconstitutional, the case would Tw
I , . 2 .3 be moot—Kentucky‘s law would (YSA
. at IS). 0 ry eaning on y 5 . 6" . \ beoffthebooks SM
. , 6
, . 1‘ n ‘ l . . However Sedler said, if the this
,. , .. . . 0 e V OUT COUrfeOUS Allendanfs 929‘8‘1 3"...” threejudge panel does n0t rule the Fall
, - , ' i, c v . . . , .
- a , Great for Slacks, Skirts, Sweaters, Coats «z‘wwéfis 7 law“"?°“s“‘".“9“a"“‘Scasewm Tues
; . II , . . \‘cl. t~~y'(:"‘i ,7 “/4 immediately Jom the other two Th
. I _ . , c : fJégéi'tBi‘é:'.‘.-'i I'g cases before the Supreme Court. Smit
. i . c ' If the Kentucky law is found pen.
I t I I Smokeys friends unconstitutional, Kentucky will At
‘1 y I '. I don't playwlth matches. be Iw1thout an abortion statute Smil
, . ~ m ”m” the State leg‘S’atm drafts Whi‘
. I- II . . ‘ another. nual
'3 l exte
I 5. I , - beyt
,2 , ‘ l . . i4o NEW CIRCLE ROAD 8. 1524 NICHOLASVIllE ROAD 1;:
V , a ‘ cam
I , . I OPEN DAILY 9:30 - 9:30 RO'l
._f . Rt
' C W
. . one no oust
.' , .. lb sysl
‘ iI II x t R
'. ‘i " . ’V hav
i . II , .: . Soc
. . , Kahn’s regular or garlic Betty Crocker Supreme a n
' , ; ' " . .
- =- r * Bolo nu c Brownie M 23 57c
'I . VA 4. . _ g 8 02. package w Ix box
I II ,. .I . Banquet frozen 13 OZ 16 ounce bottles 8 bottle carton
’ t . i o o o -
i . c R I c
1 4 , Fried Chicken Thighs package 64 oya rown o a 69‘-
I' i . . A” grinds 3 pound can California naval 113 size
, . ..-.:::=._‘1‘-'A'-“:’l'_‘:f;;L—o-— "55::- . , . ' . .‘
. [finiscmrkods

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday. March 29. 1972—3 . '. . . I ' -~
7 ' . WKVVsV<<>§>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>z¥>>>>>>>Nxxssssssss" ‘ " ' ' ;,
P- . . - .I .- 5
in of d . d o l '5 _I _.
{mm espite preVious enia s ; , , . .
have — . .‘- "
right FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) —- cumstances had forced a “fur- Huddleston was campaign I, . I.
'ion's On the eve of the filing dead- ther evaluation on my part chairman for GOV. Wendell /’ / i // ‘ ' . ' . , ' ~
ms of line for candidates in the May than I ever intended to give it.” Ford’s SUCCGSSlUl gubernatorial // /i\ \ E ,1; i
23 primary, former Gov. Louie That was a departure from a race lastIyear and Ford is SUP- l, / \~.,')' ’ q S ' , . f. ,
led in B. Nunn indicated Tuesday he number of previous statements porting him f0r senator. Q '-‘ g I ‘ \ .' .l. 4 ,~
- . . . . , .5 . . ,- _, , ,I‘s ;'
was was conSiderlng running for in Ithich Nunn steadfastly Termpapers _ book reviews “my \I. ~' .9. ’ I I. I I I, I g . I
Swin- US. Senate. maintained he did not intend to researched, written and professionally “ w l / I -. . ‘ , ~ - , :
co “Sometimes I think I will, run for senator. He usually 'Yped‘ ”'25 W page ”."dergrawa'e' \ , -. '. , '- j .,- .‘ -'
m- . . . _ $4.25 graduate. Send details of approach ' \ ‘ . ', .. - .. r. v
158 of and somethimes I think I qualified that statement, how- and scope to: TERMPAPER / \ I K .‘ a “‘3 . , . .
in - . , - - RESEARCH, Box 4314, SILVER \ -' 5- i , " .- ‘
When wont run, Nunn said in a tele ever, by saying Circumstances seams, MARYLAND. Guarameed ,0 \s: V}, ,. -. I ., _. .
lpeals phone interView from his Lex- could bring him into the race. day service with money order. FOR 5 A I - i. . .I , -. . .
[e] to ington law office. What apparently has given CODE 301I589IWIIMd “perpage'or ""1 ’s“ V". II _ I . . -.
'es on But sources close to Nunn Nunn second thoughts about be- rush order! ', "1 : ,I : ._
”lodes said he definitely would become coming a candidate this year I -‘ " ‘- .' -; ‘ 5
‘ a candidate. are what he said were “a lot of "5' , « ~ * ' -; ' . .
Peck. . . . 8-TRACK AUTO , - .- __ I, . , -
three Local teleVlSlon stations calls (from around the state) . _, , .I I I .
on on reported Tuesday night that urging me to run-” TAPE PLAYERS W'TH l . 1 '- ,
, said Nunn is expected to announce his Those calls were prompted, SPEAKE RS l ' j .’ . '- . I . ’, J '3
off“ candidacy this morning. he said, by “a great deal of T . ' t ‘ ‘
es on Nunn, a Republican, said cir- concern among citizens of the Features Volume, :I. «no I I I ,ng , . TI ,.
One state... (over) the lack of con- Balance, Tone and Fine g I. [Eli , _: T ,I .. , I
tality “waive leaders“? demm‘Stra' Tuning Controls To § - l . ' I ' ‘ - ,-
ted by Mr. Huddleston." . . .. _. J .. . , . .’ .
5 and . l mate Cross-Talk. ~ . . . . . ~. ' g I - v
con- SOCialiS‘S seek “6 was ”fem“ ‘° 5‘3“? E' m ; . -, ‘ . s .-
eu tic Sen. Walter “Dee” Huddleston UNITE D FR E|GHT ~ ’ e 1- ' _ ' g '
of Elizabethtown who at this - " - 1 n . ..
rem . . . . 2123 Oxford Circle i: . _ r, ~ ' ' ‘ ~ .
ar: student Offices time is the clear favorite to wm : . , y ' ‘, -'
(YSM candidates Win run in the 9- August-Io s Git-rel . : a ~ ’
e r , _ _ ' '
this sprin g, announced Mike 0 - . , ' - '
33:36 ”“8““ “A °“a"’“a“' "°" "’6‘ 5" "°°’ - ' * t '
W0 The candidates are David “°'Y 5“""5' 5=3°°~'“- momma craeromoniirmation ' . ~ -. '
ourt. , . Tenebrae 7130 P-m- "145“,“ Lighting at the New Fire or. . , .' _ I I
Smith for preSident and Russell and as," Eve Vigi. , I, I '. I. ,I ,
ound Pelle for vice president. THURSDAY’MARCH 3°. ‘1 Midnight Easter Eucharist ,‘r , I ‘ ‘ _ ,
Will , . Maundy Thursday Eucharist (breaktast tollowmg) ‘ I . . .I
At Tuesday s YSA meeting and Stripping ot the Altar The Rt. Rev. Addison l-losoo, aistiop of E H Av E E . -. '. - . =
”Ute Smith read the party‘s platform, 713° p'm' Lexington, willbeCelebrant and Preacher I . . _ ’ I .
. . t h E t s ‘ , , . - ‘. .
rafts which includes guaranteed an- :r:;2;:$xdfizsgn eggs; "w” .. 'I . _ . _,
nual income Ifor all students, 12:30,I‘l:303nd 2:30 p.m. How Exharimm SérirlnrorItIiIlIIIzaopImI Beerys, Tanks and Crews I , .-f .
extended tuition-free education 5""?33; '3' 0°55 Holy Eucharist 5:00p.m. . h I I .'
beyond the secondary school ' , For GUYS Grid GOlS .. , ‘- I
level guaranteed jobs upon Sycamore Shops - I“ ' ' “ '
graduation, no armed police on CANTERBURY "cuss ‘1']? , I, . .
campus and the abolishment of Fayette M a“ . ' , '. '. ._
ROTC. 472 Rose St 254-3726 LS. \inesam. I,» . . .I
Regarding the platform, - , WI ‘,
Fallahy said, “We realize these , I ‘ I I ‘ f 5’
programs are impossible on this I‘ . _ . . " ', 3
campus the way the present v’v ANTED!!! I:é§giggEI53;;'Eggggggggggggg’ggggggjgigiig'gfgiizgggi2255::fiatilEiEffizigri,i‘:EEIC;:I--'- , - . . .. . .. ... . .. ,, """’""""="i59=:iz:i=zz::i"1a:'A-i-:-'-==z;2~-:::::s;;;siege; I I III, 7 ,.
system IS structured.’ Girl Softball Players toplay in city ‘ , ' . ,
- slow pitch league this summer. l ., , '
Revolutionary Changes WOIIld Contact-Jesse Baker, 605 Central f " ’» I , ll 9'
have to be coordinated With Avenue,Nicholasville,Ky.Zip-4o356 :
Socialist changes being made on prime-255.7907 (office) I; . I‘ ; . -. ‘I ,- .
a national level, he said. ads. 4866 (residence) fl ~. _ . I ,
The Senate Council hereby circulates the approval by the University Senate, 2; l KenlUCky COO Assoc I 01" on .~ 'r - ~ It
€33: at its regular meeting of March 13, 1972, the following change in the Rules pt 5;; Z I . . . _
- iii? the University Senate relative to the University English Requirement. In g” d . .~ . . II .
connection with this change,the approval or the attendant patterns approved ii“ 53in2 an I . I I, ,' I
by the Senate Council available to students is circulated for your use and if? 5:55;, ,I , . . ' I
intormation. The Ettective Date on this action is Immediately. J A MES BR AN SC OM B E I , . , , I . .
2;; THE RULES CHANGE: iii; ; r. ~ - - - _ '-
ffi-ii Section lll., Commencement and Graduation; 2. Requirement tor 235:5; . ' , , . ‘ :
Graduation: 3rd paragraph: E l h the I t ed t 2 ,'-. _ I - ,-
EEEEE "r te ot Freshman no is or ir equiva en are requir o 3;; . I I I. . .' I.
eocntzicslirtl‘tejnigsss he demonstrates competency according to the exemption save 0 U r Ken tU C ky i ~ . ,
.‘. plans specified in the Catalog. A toll-time student must enroll in Freshman 1 : . . , .I I .
32; English each semester until he has satisfied this requirement unless (i) he I: , 3 I , J '. . I -.
qualities tor a onesernester option, in which case he may enroll during either if; I I , ,
Eff: semester at his treshman year; or (2) the program at his college or depart gig}: \ 1 'I . II I I .
m. poem... ,. m. m m ~ Thu rsday March 30 l 972 ‘ -' ~ 1- «
The Curricular Change inttlo English Composition Requirement: if? ’ I ' I. . . 'I . , . ‘
The University requires demonstrated competency in English Composition. 9; x - I ' ‘ f' ‘
Competency may be demonstrated in the tollowing ways: (I) Students who 3e 1 P M ILL; : - . ' . - .
have a raw score ot 2i and below on the English section or the ACT must " o o ' ' - ‘ _ ' , ' 7
i352 satistactorily complete two semesters or composition: Englgosh lm in the"; g I I. I
31312 tirstsemester at the University and either English 102, lOSor 3. It they e ec .' j if? I I . . , I . II
. m E l' h l05, the must take ‘t the second semester of their 0: #3,:- S d C B I I m xiii: . - . , _ -
’2 5:23;?» yeoa'r. (n92; Etudents wtyto have a raw score or 22 and above on the ' : 1U ent en ter 0 r00 3; t II .
English section of the ACT may bypass English mi and sotistoctorily comI ' j . , ' . '
513:; plete either English lO’Ior 105. it they receive a grade of B or better, they wil ._ .'.: d o o F I I , . . I
:31? ' led the E I' h C mposition requirement, but it they receive a 'I I 3:. A l" . “
3359.3"; or D, themylltaveothe tollowing options: (a) satisfactorily com- . , .35; '55 I on ree ii}? , . . , .I I
' pleting the other course or (b) satistactorily completing English 203. Full. ; - \ N . . :
V time students who quality tor the one-semester option may enroll in English .5: . I I
Composition either semester or their Freshman year Isis, S d b S o P L . b :I I .' -
5': It you have any questions on this matter, please call the Department at - pon sore y CC I etas r0 eg I U s ' ‘ '
3’- English,Or.StephenManning,Chairman,orthe Senate CouncilOttice. 2, ‘ I‘ .- . I I . I

 2—11“? KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. March 29. l972
V . W..;M.)m...WMA/\“A.“‘ .
7 E D I T O R I A L S W
I MAT , 7
no? A ”3759 A “1““- A LETTER Some thoughts on w
// / Ru ’5 retirement
. . / The decision that even the most Congress. He could not possibly :5
- , . 3-; H M J j ‘ ardent Adolph Rupp fan knew want more fame than he has filli
. ; .. , _ 6 7‘ “L wouldbemade sooner or later has already achieved as the win- ca"
. ' . WHATS A 062 atVlast been made. The University mngest man to ever coach St
, _ LETTER? MTTEML) 0‘: HOLD [3059 IT 19 — Wlll invoke the mandatory basketball. St"
V. _ _ , \ COHKIUUICATIOA). 1T REACH ITS? 1&5? 176 retirement clause on Coach Rupp. Further he 5110““ recognize :2:
_ . . // VESTIbATIOt). TOF- If the decision is carried that his age and his complete lack hin
,~_ - - ~ // [r r ’ FICE. through, it will require con- of political experience make him no
‘ . , , _ I it / / . Siderable political courage on the totally unqualified to serve in w.°'
-. ~ _ / bl part of the University. There are Congress. :2;
, ‘. V. , several powerful political figures A 70-year old man who has E
_ - - - \ in the state who will put pressue spent over half his entire life w°l
, . V, ' . V on the University to keep Rupp, coaching basketball could not “9‘
. ., f . g: H my OFF Thatd pressure should be adequately represent the in- 3":
,V :VV . ' 5 cs. woo woo pm IT A resiste . The University should sterests of this district. i
a - _ > with? ég‘faélmlé 585$ gag??? 00th? not be brow-beaten by politicians In fact his suggestion that he dis
V. . . . . '. / LETTER AUU §EVERAL TO USE A i into not enforcing its own rules. would make a good Congressman ag‘
s _ / ‘ “£51516 600 TELEP/Houe? Had Coach Rupp bowed out is an insult to the Congress. 3;
I .t ; [/4 tilltffilé, /// gracefully it wouldbeeasy just to Adolph Rupp knows basketball dis
,j _ -, , I ~, 1T GETS ' praise him for the man is trul 3 probably better than
_. , , t , . a . y any other 1
y g f . // % DELIVERED, )1 \t basketball genius. For over 40 man but he does not know
f . .. ( . § year: he and his \ideas and Congressional politics. C
.V liI-tPuhlpheu-N-HSyn-lunar ec iques have dominated the The people of Kentucky are
V , , 1 game. indebted to Rupp for what he has
V ‘ .. But he chose not to do that. done for this University and this t
fit _ . . . instead Ruptf) has intimated that state but they should not pay him
. ~ '_ . r‘fe lffe rf ff f fl ° e may run or Congress if he is back by encouraging him to run Dr
V ; V . _ VV 31 e r El 3 r El 8 r forced to retire. . for Congress. Surely there is a 2"
. _ RWe cams:1 imagine why Coach more fitting tribute than a seat in :3
. t j ' upp wo want to run for Congress. it
,, ,V -‘ , Ct
' ' “ ' C 11 ‘
, , o e e basketball 1972' °
i ' g ' The Hemel ‘
v ‘ ‘ the h l ' ' i
. , _ . pros e p tarnish an image :
2 u g Mercifully another season of ' A "“ ‘ S
., -» , . action of the la e "' mam"; "$17352?" °“°""‘°° by "“"°"" °
. . . » ; college basketball has ended. the melee is igexbcugilfihofitarted that some of the seamier aspects ”h U W 0' mm" E
V: '. '1 -, . ' We ll leave It to the S I‘tS wri ' . 9, It IS put of cutthroat ca i ' Mike wines, Editor in Chiet l
. . ~ t d b p0 ters ln better perspeCtlve when . p tallsm Should Jane Brown Mano 'n Ed‘t '
V. - o e ate who were the best realizes the treme d one come to light. Jonnerayfeastor‘tlt'eon3' I
~V _. players, coaches and teams and put on college athll tOus pressure Players and fans are bei T-m out???gotfiawgr'ofifi?,'ggtfGibson, :
. ‘. - how the game was different this p e es. _ exploited while unive ° ng Giffi,'.‘.‘n§'$°""'.R"°".‘~°“9I ‘
.. , year. What we n t' d ressure from the coach to wm cit ff- - rsity and MicMetrterJe'Lf’éxrfsdie'Zit’.
. ' , season is th t 0 ice. about the at any COSt because his jOb b y 0 .ICI,als pump Up thelr egos DirkThomton,Aris Editor r
', , ' ~ college basketballiewzllsnasie 0f] depends on it' Pressure from pilagzsldmg expensive Sports 0 oivtkammmc'm““m"
- I. . . vere y _ ale a ews,NationalMtairs Editor
, ‘ - tarnl h , _ . JO“ 5”'5‘ Production Man; er
I t I .. ' ' Faisedwere denied the op ’ ’7 ‘ Unlihe terrtieis lgng Overdue fOr this Published by The Kernel Pres: mc
.:. l _ . " ‘V _ ' .7' ' ;.// verSl y an other uniVerSities : nogfiprotéiccorporation composed of
pegtuéllity 'tol gee several top VV to re-examine their athletic matifé'opgfisi‘ffgfl'jgw°'s
, .‘ . y . p y 5. inc u mg UK 5 Tom , V . ( programs and see if the all DEM“
; - Fayge, by greedy pro scouts who ‘ are worth what they clairbr’i It: bey Eduowmmsem'"e°°'"'°"’°"""d"°"’
, _ V . . ure players away from their / \ ' "°'"‘”"”°”"Y
. E f 3 teams and into the pros before ,« ,
. . g they had finished college. ’3 n KERNEL FORUM:
' ' ‘ . Two teams, Western Kentuck ,(i — th °
. V . '. and Villanova,had to forfeit theil: \/ t l 8 readers write
,1 2 _V. ,VV V trophies from the NCAA tour- \ I L Homosexuality all black mind you—and told to sing
_. , ' .. . , " nament because some 0f their . lread with amazement th 1 t “swmg low sweet “harlot comin' f01‘ to
x . C ‘ ' Players had Si d ' e e ter Of Mr. carry me home “ .
. , , gne pro contracts Luttrell and Mr. Keeran. discussmg the ‘ so he would keep qu1et
. v V . , before the tournament. This year I relation between Christianity and down on the plantation,
W Several players had to S' f ,, ll"? homosexuality. 59 here we have again, 50 called
V .I f , V fidavits stati th ign a - ,7 l; 4': 2’ Their statement “we encourage other Christians,condemning the minority in the
. .' , . s' d ng at they had not trip; \ Christians to express with gentleness name othheir God. It is their right tooffer
1' . .1" -. , igne a contract before they 1‘34“} mad” and compassion their disapproval of Lhilrrehgm'lm Others- ““hemfindiuo
_ .~ . were allowed to play in the NCAA. mm homosexualtity" was reminiscent of er them. fine; .
. ‘_ .. . , : Fans seemed particularly Christtianitfy of the dark ages. the Christian caHOflevergdo: tigltctat: others’ lives and
.V . V . L. unruly this year. The orange alumni so they can bask in the 55$?er :roéicifirg‘mng. m the name of derstandinggv P I o ove and uh-
’. fl . ,' throwing incident at the UK- glory of a winning team. And It takes‘little studycgpgllsizlrygto realize This d-emmracy‘munded ”the baSiS 0‘
.V . VV r. . ,- . . Tennessee game was just one of pressure from the pros SO a player that the crusades were a bloody con- Sfiparation of church and state, should
, , .- .V .. several similar incidents aCI‘OSS can land a million dollar contract demnation of those Who didn’t agree With g Tarantee each mdiwdual’s rights.
, , , the nation ' the.ChUFCh' that the Slaughter of the nature Ch hose who.” m the recent upsurge in the
. l ‘ , But most dl t b' R ll , lovmg American Indian followed a failure mVrthtian fallht profess to be Christians
V S m- "lg of a“ was ea y COIlege basketball has to convert them, and more recently, the Vig twell start respecting the rights of all
. . ' ' tSrtetbl'lléltal melee during the Ohio- ceased to be a sport. It is now a cciinrlggn'fi onhfhblaglk man. as a slave, to c't'zens‘ "0t 0"” Ch'lsua" Citizens-
. . I ' r. - ' - - . m y. k
V a e innesota game. While the busmess. It 18 only natural then herded into Christian aifacilileinchvuischlehfl Km" ”Wham
‘ V ' Junior, Journalism

 V i
W l . l l f . I THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. March 29. im—s ‘ , ' q ' ~ . - ,
e t 0 S1 ere or J0 0000000000000000000006 I V A I '
J , 0066090000000000000690 .7 .. ' '
0 0 ° 0 ,. - ' V -.
0 _ _ , o a . . a .
w'lth campus pOhce, Burch says g OMBUDSMAN Dr. John Scarborough 257 2351 g V V .
By SUSAN TOMASKY otherWIse be interested in police carry the full load of work, which V V. V . V . .
Kernel Staff Writer V work. . Includes patrol and emergency ,- .. V' . . ‘.
Director of Safety and Security ShOUId a woman be hired, she duty. HOLY WEEK SERVICES ' 'V' V V’.V .V .' ' y .
Joe Burch said Tuesday he will would be required, as all UK . . ‘ - ~. .- l ‘
take steps to see that women are policemen are, to attend training 5G sources said they were “Ot Catholic Newman Center ' - - 1 , f - ,
ly given equal consideration in school at Eastern Kentucky toally satISt'ed With BUFCh'S 255-0467 V. ' ,~ -' .' . - ‘ V. .
is hlhng vacant POSltlonS Wlthm the UniverSity’s Police Academy, comments because they WHERE? ow Porter Memorial Baptist Church 730 ’ q ‘ ~ - '. ,, .
n campus police department. paid for by the safety and preferred a stronger com- (099056“ Perkins Pancake House) S°”"‘ L'm‘ ‘ . ' - ’- . ' ' " .
’h Speaking recently with a security department. WVomen mVitment toward immediate WHEN? Holy Thursday March 30th.s;30 .' . “.s 7'4
' Student Government (SG) would serve in the same line of hH'mS- However, they did say P-M- F ,d Ma “V 5 30PM '- ,' r :- ‘ .'_
- ' “ ‘ Good M ay rc st. : . . - , V V . . a r.-
representative who had duty as men. Burch said. Bum“ was COOPeFthVwe 39d Easter vagn April to. mom. : g .- x f. j ‘,
ze requested that policewomen be He said police forces generally sympathetic to the“ EASTER SUNDAY MORNING ' - ‘ - " 1’, " ..I
:k hired, Burch said that although throughout the country are posmon . . 7 V. 1' . V4 I '_
m no positions are open now, any beginning to work women into The sources said they hoped the N Anew-"42° 00:: PM - I . -. '
. . . . ' _ o ernoon ssa .. . g... '. ‘ -*:'
. woman who applies would be duty in areas other than Juvenile announcement of Burcth in ° . . , V, . -
m given equal consideration when and traffic problems. Because of tentionV to dispelthhe tradition 0‘ 'V . ~ _. ‘ - f . ~ ~
positions are available. the nature and limited size of the sex discrimination would en- ' . 'V 'V = .3 '
as Burch said the question of UK force, Burch said it would be courage women to apply now, so / ' ' - j . j .
er women on the police force has impossible to allow women to when positions became opVen / V ‘ f
never arisen before, and that no specialize in these areas. women ““11 haye t°V be given V/ lo. ‘,' . . . 1';
mt woman has ever applied for a Therefore, he said they must immediate conSideration. ‘_ ., . ,. ' ‘ _' ‘;
n- position. " .’ . 7 " '.
He denied that outri ht l]K S de F ho . 9 _ -. . ,- -.
.... . % tu nt orum sts
he discrimination existed, but _ . . ; «‘i -,
agreed that the male-oriented s eec deb t t t .. 'V . .. ' j "
SS. force could easily have . d ° ~ .. , , . .. i
all discouraged women who might The UK Student Forum is Tournament events incluV e v ‘ - ‘ ’ ‘ -.
hosting the fifth annual State oratory,pantomime, interpretive SPEC|AL GOOD ONLY a ' ' - ‘ .‘
[er TOda " Speech and Debate Tournament rec1tal.Vimpl‘omptuVSpeaking, wed. 5:00 _ 10:00 V VV .“ V ,V
DW for the community colleges. hOOk I‘eVleW, duet acting, debate V _ . 5 ;
ire an being of obvious value in com- In the conversation lelSth. a .‘ VV . ' f
petitive speaking, brings the person converses for a day anda 2 for the price 0‘ I -V . V . .
[as better community college half. This year's topic is “The '. ' ‘ ~. ‘. ' V —. .
his 0m0rr0w students to campus for a day and Greening Of America." ~ 7 - .
im TODAY a half,” said Dr. J. W. Patterson, “It IS a unique factor that this , .’ ' ' : ' , ‘V
'un $5.5.Wfigfilfl'fisfiifiifiofifi faculty advisor for the UK tournament has a conversation ___,_:“ - - .' I 7 ~ , ‘
the Law School Courtroom. Student Forum. division,” Patterson said. “We’re " ”’ Ct‘ 0 ‘53:}; ‘gfflgglgsev . - " ' z j j
i a U GOV VVVVVVV'VtVoVMéJARRRRCgVVVL wVVV speak aV . the only place I know of that has “\“ v V .N “muss,“ “V” V 'V , . V .
; in me- Yam-g (”News mwing a, 7 p. m. The colleges attending are: an event of this nature.” 3 gal Cartoon-”:30 V i , -_. ".V V
Thursuay' Marc“ ‘30"tggom 2‘5, swdem Paducah, Hazard’ Ahce Lloyd, OPEN FRIDAY - SATURDAY . suuoay , Q‘ ' . . ' -
Cemehf‘fefyme'm' - MadisonVille, Southeast, ._.. -. .. V
COFFEEOOHO‘fiEcwmllMig: and 802/: Prestongburg, Henderson, THIS WEEKEND " ’ f. , .- .- .-
.m. nr m , om ex mmons. F . . ‘ .~ ‘ . V ». V »V .
p ‘ p Jefferson and Elizabethtown. a; if ‘3 - . ._ _V ,. .V , V , .
oR. HASKELL COPLIN will speak on The tournament concludes ’ 'S .. gt { ‘ " " ,, .' ,
’ “Abortion, Contraception, and other Topics . l h . \ {ng A; ' V _ K V» . V V . V 2 . . V V
I of Human Sexuality,” 8pm. in the Grand tOday at “00“ With a me eon 1“ .‘ I‘ “’ Q ’9 ~13 "; .' .. . > , - .- .
Ballroom, Student Center. Public invited. the President’s Room. . ~_ 5/ a it V" , -‘ 9 ,- v, V ‘ V .
COMING up a u .‘ - V t, f; , . V- V . - .- . -
AIR FORCE OFFICERS ouaurvmo ..w— . .. W m . .. '3 V V V V V. V
UCKY TEST (AFOQT) will be given at 9 am. «‘5’; .23; V-V-,;.-V.:.:V;g 51%? 5:11:25“ng , 13,?513? / _ Lea/”n? ' V . g . .. .VV ' ~.
Saturday April 1, room 201, Barker Hall. No gig}? '-‘~3.'*’i1~§“i. 3;. .215": .-VV.V;;Ve2-.f?j§;3VViV_.V . V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVE