xt79p843rg1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843rg1f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19130617 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1913-06-jul17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1913-06-jul17-ec. 1913 2011 true xt79p843rg1f section xt79p843rg1f 

     At a called meeting of the Lxecutive committee of the
State University held at the Presidentts Office on Friday
J-uly 17th, there were present Messrs. Nichols, Edelen,
Stoll and errell,.  (1913, but no date given)

     Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the
Department of ZCology and Entomology is made a department
of the 0ollege of Agriculture.

     Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the
following resolution was adopted;:

     BE IT RESOLYED by the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of State University that there be and is hereby
created in the College of Agriculture the Denartment of
Agricultural Extension Work; and the appoi0tment by the
President, upon the recommendation of the  ean. of Dr. Fred
iTuatchler as the head of the newly made Department, with the
title of 0uperintendent of AP ricultural Extension Work, with
a salary of $3690.00 per allnm  is ratified; Dr. Mutchler is
hereby made a member of the Faculty of the University with
al' the rights and -pritileges of a full Profeesor~ he is to
be resoonslble to tne bean of the Gollebe of Agriculture in
the s:me manner as the heads of the other Departments In the
College of Agriculture are.  And Professor Thompson R. Bryant
is hereby relieved from the duties of Head of the Extension
Department of t.he Kent-acky Agricultural Experiment Station
and shall perform such duties as shall be assigned him by
the Dean of the Uollege of Agriculture.

     It 3i hereby fttther resolved that all the acts of* the
President of the University leading up to the creation and
establishment of the Department of Agricultural :Extension
Work, and the contracts and understandings with the United
States Bureau of Agriculture. under the Smith Lever Bill,
are hereby ratified and approved.

     Upon motion made seconded and unanimously carried the
following resolution was adopted:

     It is further resolved that the School of Journalism is
hereby created in the Gollege of Arts and Sciences in the
Univeraity, and Mr. Pnoch Grehen ts appointed head of the
School with a salary of $1600.00 per year with the title of
Professor of Journalism, and that he is entitled to membership
in the Fadulty of the University with all the rights and
privileges of a Professor.

     The eresident of the University then made his report
in writing which is as follows:

T' To the Txecutive o-mmittee
     of the Board of Trustees
        State University of Kentucky

Gentl emen:

I have the honor to report that since you last met


the Summier School has commenced and we are very much pleased
with the atte'ndance and quplity of the students.  The Prof-
fessors engaged in teaching inform me that they never had
a better class of students so far as quality is concerned.
The students themselves, so far as I have learned, are very
much xoleased with the school and with the University.

      I have, under the permission granted by the Board of
Trustees, established a School of Journalism and -placed Mr.
Enoch Grehen at the head of it. I ask that you now formally
establish a Depnartment of Journpilism as a part of the College
of Arts and Sciences and ratify my appointment of Mr. Grehen,
with a salary, as fixed by me, at $1500 per amnum. Mr.
Grehen to be a member of the 17aculty of the University and
his title to be head of the School of Journalism.

      I have also entered into an agreement with the Bureau
of Agriculture at Washington, which establishes the farm
demonstration movement in Kentucky under the Smith Lever
Bill with which you are familiar.  In order to consummate
(tQhat I ask that you establish a Department of Farm Demonstra-
tion Work in the College of Agriculture, which shall, when
established, be ander the supervision and control of the Dean
of the Gollege of Agriculture ,just as the other Departments
of tb-at College are.  On the recommendation of Dr. Kastle,
Dean of the 0l1lege of Agriculture, I have appointed Dr.
Fred Mutchler as Su-perintendent of Agricultural Extension
Work, with a salary of $3500, that being paid In equal parts
by the United States Government and the Oollegpof Agriculture
of the State University of Kentucky. Dr. Mutchler to be a
member of the University Faculty and to report to Dr. Kastle
as other heads of the Department of Agriculture do.

     I have the pleasure to annouance that the United States
War Department has assigned Lieuteqiant Arthur Underwood as
Commandant to the University for the coming year. I have
heard so much that Is favorable to Mr. Underwood that I
consider that we are to be congratulated upon his being as-
signed to us.

                               Very respectfully,

                               Henry S. Barker

     By unanimous vote it was decided that Maxwell Hall
would not be rented for the lurther as a boarding house
for girls.

     It appearing thpt tne budeet provides so that $2500
may be spent for the erection of a Commnons where meals may
be furnished young men who are students in the University
at actual cost, upon motion made, seconded, $2500 was
appropriated for the purpose of erecting a Commons building.
Upon the call of the yeas and nays, Messrs. Nichols, Edelen
and Terrell for the Yeas and Mr. Stoll for no.


     The following report was made by Prof. Miller to Pres.
Barker and having been read was adonted as renorted by Prof.
Miller, which is as follows.

I Pres. Barker:

Dear Sir:

     I make the following report in regard to arrangements
affecting salaries for next year in accordance with the
new budget allowance.

     Department of German.
       InstructorshipD at salary of $1000 per year.
         Mr. Harry Cannon, A. B. State Univ. 1909, Principht
         High School NTicholasville one year, in Mexico study-
         ing Spanish one year for the last two years a student
         of German in Germany, has been selected for this

     Department of Physics.
       The two instructorshir s at $750 each have been filled
       by the selection R. E. Bitner, '  S.,fcm Penna.
       State College, and for two years lab. Assistant there:
       and ar. Mervin J. Kelly, B. C. E., UniT. of Mo.s1914.

     Department of Englieh.
       Prof. Dantzler, acting Head of the Department, salary
       raised to $1700. Prof. Farquhar and leaver, salaries
       of each raised to $1600.
       InstructorshiR in English, salary $6o0 filled by
       selection of  suben Taylor, A. B. State Univ. 19141

     Department of Education
       Associate Professor of Bducation.

     Department of Chemistry
       Two Instructorships. Selections not yet made to
       fill these vacancies.

     Office of College of Arts and Science.
       Secretaryship at Salary of $50 per month, salary to
       begin first of August
       Miss Sue Matthews, of the Class of 1914 has been se-
       lected for this position.

                                Very respectfully

                                Arthur M. Miller

     Upon motion the committee then adjourned.

(Not sigied)