xt79p843rj8n_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843rj8n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843rj8n/data/2011ms171.dao.xml Withers, R. T. 0.1 Cubic Feet 1 item archival material 2011ms171 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. R. T. Withers union dues book Labor unions Union dues Union dues book text Union dues book 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843rj8n/data/2011ms171/Box_1/Folder_23/8447.pdf 1902-1904 1904 1902-1904 section false xt79p843rj8n_1 xt79p843rj8n - s._,.:. . ' -,
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 W.i.~——-v.-~ —- -- ""v ‘ .‘ I ._..._ .. . a . ~ ,_ ., ' “Mug... a“;
, No Receipt excepting by Sfarhp in this Book will ,.:
be recognized.
_ ’ [£00m PAe£___ . --
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3'} M r. _W
N M, am .
. Inifiaz‘ea’ W7 901
', By' Gamma—7 90— 7
* Art. VI. Sec. 2, (Constitution I. M. U. of N. A.) Any
, member of any. Union who shall fail to pay the dues and
. _ assessments, local and international, for a term of twelve ' ,
‘ weeks shall stand suspended. '
. All members initiated after January I, 1896, must have
the initiation stamp aflixed.
._ _ In all reinstatements of members who have been sus- ' 7 '
' pended for non-payment of dues and taxes, irrespective of V
the date of suspension, the reinstatement stamp must be .. j
. affixed in the space bearing the date of the week in which ’
he is reinstated and cancelled with the dater bearing the
_ date of payment. . . _ A
. A reinstatement, initiation, or payment of dues is not V
legal without‘the proper stamp in this bpok. ‘ 'i ,


190-2 4 11 18 25 .
; FEB. ‘ 1 8 I 15 ‘ 22 4
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APR. I 5 ‘ 12 ‘ 19, | 26 ’ M f?
5 MAY 3 10 17 . 24 51 .
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1903 : IMGEEEA. i LEESEEA. : IEQESCA : : “5256' i 1.25cA. f T
J AN 5 "gig“ 5 Q6 4' E 1&3” E 1 u. E H T,“ E ‘
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i; MAR. 253 E 25.9 E 21 28 5
‘ APR. l 4 11 18 l 25 I -. ' -.
MAY I 2 9 i 16 23 E 30 '
T | _
JUNE‘ 6 13 2o 27
I . 1 E. - _

 ' WEEKLY DUES. 7'  

% 1903 ' . ;
: 4 11 18 , 25 i
3 JULY_ . g
' 4f ' i

i AUG. 1 8 15 22 l 29 .
SEPT. 5 12 ' 19 26

' . OCT. 3 10 $ 17 24 i 31 ' .-
NOV- 7 14 ‘ 21 ‘ 28 I f


\ "‘ _ .

1904 2 9 16 23 30 .
FEB. t 6 13 20 27 g
‘ MAR. 5 12 19 26 ‘
APR. l 2 ‘ 9 ‘ 16 23 l 30 f
1 MAY 7 14 1 21 28

: JUNEl 4 11 1 18_ 25 I -

_. JULY :
«is AUG. 6 13 20 27
* SEPT. 3 l 10 17 ‘ 24
f OCT. 1 8 ‘ 15 22 I 29 .
_ _ ___.____________ 1

NOV. 5 12 , 19 26 l "

DEC. 3 . ,10 17 24 31
E E. _ f, y

E Accuracy in the card numbers and strict attention to
reporting them is the chief essential of the system. ‘
E’ Always cancel the stamp with dater after you have stuck
E it in its proper space, and see that your rubber stamp bears E
.‘ the correct date. E ,.
2 To owe twelve weeks’dues means suspension and ineli- "._
i gibility to sick or death and disability benefits.
'5 Six months’ membership entitles you to sick, and twelve '
E months’ to death and disability benefits.
,g No member can draw more than thirteen weeks’ benefits '
i in one year, and he must notify the Financial Secretary .
i _ within one week after the beginning of sickness. Travel-- '
E‘ ing members in good standing will receive their benefits
by depositing their card in the nearest Union.
j Any member suspended for non—payment of dues who .
; is reinstated within five weeks after suspension, is entitled
I to sick benefits five weeks after reinstatement; if reinstated
‘ after five and Within twenty weeks, entitled after ten weeks;
and if suspended over twenty weeks’shall notabe‘ entifled
till after six months. , ~ 4“ ' "‘VE " ' . E r’” a JV f ‘
Sick benefits are not to be paid for first week of‘isidkness
or for any fractional part of a week; and if a member is
not entitled to benefits when his sickness begins he cannot
' become eligible at any time during that sickness. I >
For complete information see Article XVII., of the Con-
stitution. .
. . GEO. E. BRYAN PR. 427 MAIN, cm TI, 0.

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