xt79p843rw85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843rw85/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19370518  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 18, 1937 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 18, 1937 1937 2013 true xt79p843rw85 section xt79p843rw85 Best Copy Available












18, Pl.17



Coach Adolph Rupp Signs One Year Contract
UK's "Poolless Swimmers
Stroke To Two Records
And State Championship
And "The Team
Without A Tank" Break
Relay Mark To Win
Kentucky Crown


Athletic Intrigue?
Respected Mentor Awarded
Rookie Contract
THE r,si social weeks students, iilutnni, and all
in the welfare of tlic University anxiously
have been awaiting Cioadi Adolph Rupp's decision in
the matter of the
contract offered him. Today
they may again rest content. Thank vou. Coach Rupp.
for signing your contract and showing our loyalty to the
Notwithstanding the fact that Coach Rupp signed his
contract, The Kernel sincerely feels that in olfcring this
agreement to a coach who has consistent
proven his ability to produce superior teams, the Athletic
Council has issued an unwarranted rebuke.
The Athletic Council was established to supervise athletics at this University. It was to represent the students
and alumni, and in its function it was to relied their
opinions. The Kernel feels that in issuing this apparent
lack of confidence, it was voicing the opinion of neither
the students nor the alumni.
It has been mentioned that Coach Rupp's coniiail
was written for but a year because of the new ruling whic h
goes into effect this year, and which requires such action.
This ruling may be advantageous in the selection of assistant coaches, but in the appraisal of coaches of major
sports, it is not justifiable, Basketball at this University
receives L1r wider acclaim than any other spoil. It is as
equally a major sjoit as football.
The football coach is allowed more than one year in
which to develop his team. Should not the basketball
coach be given an equal opoituniiy
moreover since he
has proven his ability to produce superior teams?
This move on the part of the Council has made it evident that it, like several other organizations on this campus, must be reformed. Their present action has disclosed


New Records Set In 180 And
240 Yard Relays; Morris
Is High Scorer

In continuation of The Kernel's policy of experimenting
with type and style in the
head-lin- e
dress of the paper,
this issue of The Kernel is
being set in Cheltenham, old
style type.
Any comments or criticisms
will be appreciated by the editors.

Breaking two pool and state records, the Wildcat swimming team
barely eked out a two point margin
of victory over the Eastern mermen
to retain their Kentucky intercol
leglate swimming title Saturday
night in the Morehead College pool.
The two teams went into the last
free style relay,
event, the
tied and with Morehead only four
points behind them. Swimming this
event in superb style the 'Cat team
broke the record and won the event
and meet.
Sherman Hinkebein, captain and
coach of the Blue and White mer
men, relinquished his chances of
repeating as high point man, the
honor he took at the meet in Kicn- mond last year, by putting his abili
tv where it was most needed, in
the relays. As it was, Charles
Morris of Morehead carried away
this honor by winning the three
events in which he was entered
Hinkebein won the only event in
which he entered as an individual,
and both relay teams that he swam
on were victorious.
New records were made by the
Wildcat team in the
free style
ley relay and the
The free style event was
won in 2:14.4 and the 'Cat swim
mers covered the distance in the
medley event in 1:58.5.
This victory in the state meet left
the University team undefeated by
240-ya- rd

180-ya- rd

240-ya- rd

any other Kentucky outfit during
the year. All but one of the teams
entered in the meet had already
been defeated individually by the
'Cat swimmers and all of them together could not turn the trick last
Saturday night. The final score
showed Kentucky with 45 points,
Eastern with 43, Morehead 35, and
Berea 25. The University of Louisville could not send a team.
After the meet was finished, trophies were presented to the winners
Individual gold
and runners-umedals, donated by the Lexington
Leader, were given to the winners
in each event. Morris received a
gold medal as high point man.

Board Announces
'37-'3- 8

Is Broken
By Dave Rogan In Meet

One Mile Record





pre-me- et



one-mil- e.

NYA Time

Sheets Are Due

100-ya- rd

By June 4

Jones' or Dean Blandlng's offices not later than Friday,
June 4, according to an announcement made yesterday
by Dean T. T. Jones.
Students working under
NYA are entitled to a full
month's work but they must
get in their hours by June 4.
Dean Jones requests that
students with NYA scholarships write letters of appreciation stating the value they
nave received from the scholarships, ottier than the financial help. These letters
will be Included in the University's annual report to

state and national NYA officials, and must be handed
toon a possible.



Cracking the Southeastern Conrun
ference record in the one-miby five seconds in the finals, Dave
middle-distanRogan, Kentucky's superb

ing. Women who were pledged to
become members for the. following
year are Dorothy Wunderlich, Louisville; Margaret Markley, Bradford; Ruth Ecton, Lexington; Prances Sadler, Louisville; Mamie Hart,
Bryants ville; Ann Lang, Lexington;
Martha Sue Griffith, Lexington;
Dorothy Murrell, Somerset;
Lewis, Lexington; and Julia Wood,
Data for initiation of Inches.
Hellard, who qualified Friday br
the pledges has not been set.
running a splendid race, ran the
fastest race of his career in Kogan's
mile, but
ELECTS OFFICERS no better than fifth when could do
Joseph C. Moore was elected pres- and Welsh of L.keep U., pulled a
blocking job to
him out of
ident of Gamma Rafinesque of Phi third place.
Epsllon Phi, honorary botany fraRogan and Forrest (Specs) Towns,
ternity, at a meeting held in White Georgia's Olympic star, shared
hall, It wasannounced yesterday by honors in thrilling the crowd, both
the fraternity.
receiving ovations after their runs.
Other officers elected were FranMargaret byTowns scored Individual16 honors
ces House,
total of
and Frances Records fell Ina the
Sadler, treasurer.
pole vault, and mile relay, besides
in Rogan's
The times
and distances need official conftrm-atio- n
by the S. E. Track Comioiittee
and there is little doubt but what
all will be allowed, with the exception that doubt exists as to
mark of So
which was run in a gale-lik- e

Final NVA time sheets of
the year are due in Dean

that, though theoretically students and alumni ate members of the Council, neither are properly represented, and
neither have any voice in choosing their representatives.
cents from each tuition
Four dollars and seventy-onfee per semester is allotted the Athletic Council for maintenance of athletics. Alumni contributions assist considBut neither the student
erably in maintaining athletes.
nor the alumnus is directly allowed to suggest expenditure
of this money. It is, simply, "taxation without representation."
Because of the present situation, caused by the provision in the Athletic Association constitution calling Tor
the appointment of Council members, is proving unsatisfactory, The Kernel strongly suggests that in the future,
undergraduates and alumni members be allowed to select
their own representatives to the Athletic Council.

Total Of Six Records Broken
In Sensational Track
And Field Meet


Mortar Board, senior women's
honorary, will hold a meeting at 5
p. m. today in the Woman's build-


runner, returned to the
track on Legion field, Birmingham,
an hour later Saturday afternoon
and soundly whipped a classy field
In 1:56.2, enabling
in the half-miKentucky to attain fourth place in
the fifth annual Southeasern track
and field meet.
The 'Cat greyhound covered the
mile in 4:16.3 to wipe his own record of 4:31.8 established last year
from the record books. His half- mile run failed to better his own
record of 1:54 set in winning the
first trial heat Friday.
With Georgia's Bulldogs dethroning Louisiana State as champions
in one of the most sensational
track and field performances ever
performed on a Dixie track, a total of six records were shattered.
The Bayou Tigers, supreme in
the conference since 1931, lost the
by 12 points, with
Auburn taking third place and
Kentucky fourth. Kentucky's trackmen scored a total of 18 points.
Besides the ten points scored by
Rogan, who had to drop out of the
event after a mile had
been run because of fatigue, Capt.
Ben Willis, Elmore Simpson, and
Cecil Hellard combined to score a
total of 8 points in their events.
Willis, who failed to qualify Fri
day in the low hurdles, lost the 100- yard dash by a foot to Bob Packard
of Georgia, an Olympic track man.
Simpson, a
favorite, was
upset when Standily of Alabama
of Tennessee bested
and Jeffries
him in the javelin thrust. Standily 's winning mark was 193 feet, 6V6

Officers Elected
By Military


Field Day And Dinner Dance
Planned At Tuesday
Company D. Fourth Regiment, c4
Scabbard and Blade, national honorary military fraternity, elected
new officers of the unit at a meeting Tuesday, May 11.
The new officers are: Rogers Baker, Captain; Charles Landrum, First
Lieutenant; Sum McDonald, Second Lieutenant; and Sam Nesbitt,

First Sergeant.
Plans for the annual dinner dance
which will be held Monday night,
May 34, in honor of Major F. A.
Keating, of Cincinnati, Field Day





Robinson Entry Is
Gardeners Hold
Adjudged Winner
Annual Meeting
On UKy Campus In National Contest
Landscape Architect Heads Nadelstein Given Honorable
Mention In Contest ConRound Table Conference
ducted By Gamma Alpha
Followed By Lecture On
Phi Fraternity
"European Garden"

Kentucky gardners will convene
on tne campus today, as the Botanic
Garden committee, in cooperation
with the Lexington garden club and
the Fayette rose and garden club,
holds its ninth annual garden day.
With Mrs. W. T. Lafferty, secretary of the extension department's
women's club service, presiding, the
program will open at 10:30 a. m. in
the lecture room of the archaelo-glc- al
museum. A committee from
the Lexington garden club will be
in charge of registration.
George Siebenthaler, Dayton, O.,
landscape architect, will hold a
round table discussion which will
be the highlight of the day's meeting. Following a luncheon at 1
p. m. in the Commons Mr. Siebenthaler will address the group on

Virginia Robinson, senior in the
department of Journalism, has been
awarded first prize in a national

advertising contest conducted by
Gamma Alpha Chi, national profesfraternity for
sional advertising
women, according to advice received
by Prof. Victor R. Portmann from
Miss Mary Gist, fraternity president, Los Angeles.
Theodora Nadelstein. associate
editor on The Kernel, was accorded
honorable mention for her entry
in the same contest. Second prize
was won by an entrant from the
University of Illinois, and third
prize, by an entrant from the University of Southern California.
The entries hi this contest were
submitted as a problem in the class.
"Advertising Typography and Layout," in which all women students
forwarded their copies to Los Ange"European Gardens."
Fifteen minute demonstrations les. Miss Rita Mount, a memberwas
will be given during the day by awarded second prize in
that year in a
Profs. N. R. Elliott, C. S. Waltman, similar contest sponsored by Gamand A. J. Olney.
Following the luncheon, the gar- ma Alpha Chi.
deners will tour the botanic garden
with members of the Fayette rose
and garden club as hostesses.
A tea at Maxwell place, home of
Dr. and Mrs. McVey, will close the
day's program.
In an affair that will make the
Kentucky derby look like a hick
town parade, more than 100 turtles
will go to the post in 10 races and
a grand "Sweepstaes" at the Alumni gymnasium Thursday night in
the Lexington Lions club's annual
Will Be turtle derby.
Second Of Concerts
Held In Memorial Hall
One of the turtles, "The Kernel
by Nut out of Shell," will be enAmphitheater
tered by the University student
The University band, under the newspaper, The Kentuckywill be diProceeds of the races
direction of John Lewis, will preamong the Fresh Air fund,
sent their second spring concert at vided
7 p. m. Thursday, May 20, in the the Blind Baby fund and the Baby
In Milk supply. Gov. A. B. Chandler
Memorial hall amphitheater.
afcase of inclement weather, the pro has been invited to attend the
fair, according to C. A. Webb, presi
gram will be given Inside.
On the program will be: March, dent of the will be held during the
-Ten races
"HiKh School Cadets," Sousa; Bal
derby. The winner of each of these
let Egyptian," No. 1 Allegro-no- n
races will compete in the linul
t'xojjpo, No. 2 Allegro, No. 4
"Fort Lawton." event, a grand "Sweepstakes. owner
Mauchy: Intermezzo. "In A Mona- cash purse will be niven the
ster Garden," Ketelbey; Overture, of More winner 2,000the "Sweepstakes."
persons attended
"TiSe Scarlet Marks," Zaineonik:
SeJtVc.Uon, "Cotton Blossom," "Make the derby last year.
Tickets may be secured from
BelMve," Ol' Man River." "Can't
Help .Loving Dut Man." "Why Do I members of the Lions Club, O.
You?" from "Show Boat," Webb, or D. C. Carpenter, wiio have
Kern; Jiarch. "Fame and Fortune," races. of the arrangements for the

The Kernel' To Be

Entered In Derby

Spring Concert To

Be Given By Band


Coached Only High School
Squads Prior To Big
Blue Teams


Take Fourth In


Coached Three Conference
Championship Teams
Since Assuming
UKy Duties






An Editorial

Kernel Continues


Seven Year Record Shows Mentors
Teams Have Won 122 Games While
Losing 21 Most By Small Margins

Adolph Rupp. coach of three
champion Southeastern Conference
basketball teams during his seven
year career here, late yesterday afternoon signed the one-yerenewal
contract tendered him two weeks
ago by the University Athletic
Coach Rupp could not be reached
by The Kernel last night for a
statement or for comment.
During his term as mentor of the
Wildcats, Coach Rupp has attained
nation-wid- e
recognition by developing teams which have been victorious in 122 games while losing 21.
His teams won the Southeastern
tourney five years ago and this past
season, while they won the conference championship on the season's
won and lost percentage basis three
years ago.
Under his tutelege, the first
player In any sport to
Imm lit,'
ever be chosen from Kentucky
'i Lmk
i mt
i mi i
teams was recognized, when Aggie
Sale received the honor two years
In succession. Leroy Edwards, who
dropped out of school after one
year of competition, was the other
player trained by
Coach Rupp. Numerous Kentucky
players have been chosen for
teams during his reign
7-over the Wildcats.
A graduate of the University of
Kansas, where he was taught basWildcats Are Preparing For 'Cat Golfers Automatically ketball by Forrest (Phog) Allen,
Retain Team Title As No considered by many as the outMatch With Volunteers To
Other Entries Are Made standing Coach Ruppcoach in high
Be Played On Home Courts
2 P. M. Today
For Tournament
school teams at Marshalltown, Iowa,
and Freeport, 111., prior to coming
Finishing 14 points ahead of his here in 1930.
Defeating the Red and Black
nearest rival. Jack Mohney, crack
warriers of the University of CinWildcat golfer, walked away with
cinnati 2 Saturday in the Queen the Kentucky intercollegiate golf
racqueteers are championship last Friday and Satcity, the University
ready for their tilt this afternoon urday when he carded a 224 total
with the University of Tennessee. for the 54 hole title event over the
The Cincy match was the first time Cherokee course in Louisville. The
this year that the 'Cats have played Kentucky team automatically reon concrete courts.
tained the team title when no other
On their Southern tour the Wild- school entered four men in the
cats met the Tennessee aggregatournament.
tion at Knoxville and took them inGarrard R a w i n g s, defending
They are reported to championship from Eastern State
to camp
Delta Sigma Chi will meet at
be stronger and the 'Cats are ex8 o'clock tonight at 324 Ayles-fo- rd
Teachers College, finished a second
pecting a stiifer battle.
place. It is imperative
when he carded an 87 on the last
In the Cincinnati fray Warfield eighteen holes for a total of 238 for
that all members attend beDonohue made such perfect drop the 54 holes. Mohney started in
cause this will be the last regushots that Coach Brigham, of Cincy, the lead when he carded a near par
lar meeting of the year. Reremarked, "That is the best and 73, and stayed ahead until the
freshments will be served.
I have seen crown was his. On the last two
most effective shot that
year." He also professed amazethis
Lamp and Cross will hold initiarounds he scored a 73 and a 78.
ment that Kentucky's No 1 doubles
tion ceremonies Thursday night.
Bill Adams and Bain Smith, both May 20.
team, composed of Donohue and
The time and place will
Bob Evans, had ever lost a match. Wildcat players, tiedoffor third
241. Captain be posted on the bulletin board in
He thought that they were the honors with scores remaining
the post office Wednesday and
smoothest working pair that he had entrant,Thaxton, the
All pledges must be
withdrew after shooting a Thursday.
seen this season.
present as there will be only one
poor 42 for the first nine holes.
Ruel Foster was handed his first
after the tournaassignment
in singles and perment was finished a meeting was
formed In capable fashion, defeating
All juniors and seniors in the de
his opponent and bringing home a held and a Kentucky Intercollegiate
partment of anatomy and physiolGolf association was formed and ogy are invited to attend a picnic
victory for the Cats. He played in
doubles against Indiana and Sewa-ne- e "BobbV Thavton was elected its at Herrington Lake, Thursday, May
Another Wildcat, Bill 20.
earlier in the season, but had president.
not been used since then except in Adams, was named secretary-treasure- r,
while Bain Smith was made
a Berea match which was rained
Lamp and Cross will meet at 7:30
a member of the board of directors. o'clock Tuesday night at the Pi
out before it was completed.
The purpose of the association at Kappa Alpha house concerning the
In this afternoon's program which
will start at 2 p. m. the Wildcats the present time was to open nego- initiation of new members. All acwill probably use the same seven tiations with golfers at Western, tive members are urged to be presWesleyan. Georgemen that beat Cincinnati. War-fiel- d Transylvania,
Donohue, No 1; Bob Evans, No town, Union, and Murray to bring
to the next tournament.
2; Pliil Englebardt, No 3; Francis them
Suky Circle will hold an imporMontgomery, No 4; Walter Botts,
tant meeting at 5 p. m. today in
6. The
No 5; and Ruel Foster, No
the basement of the Alumni gymdoubles will be In care of Donohue
Evans, No 1 ; Wisner and Engleand
bardt, No 2; and Botts and MontThere will be an important meetgomery, No 3.
ing of the Men's Student Council
The University of Tennessee Is Campus Activities And Life at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Dean
Main Feature In
bringing a freshman squad with
T. T. Jones' office. A contract will
them to meet the freshman team.
be let.
The probable Kitten players, with
no attempt at ranking, will be Dave
There will be a senior assembly
Filled with campus scenes, a picRagland, George May, Herbert
ture book of life at the University for College of Agriculture studen
and J. C. Bristow. Jesse
has been prepared by the publicity at 3 o'clock this afternoon in room
may force himself into the bureau, according to an announce- 205 in the Agriculture
team as he is showing good tennis. ment yesterday by Elmer G.
Dean Thomas P. Cooper will be the
Results of the Cincinnati match:
speaker. All seniors who are planUniversity publicity director.
Sing Irs
Containing a message by Presi- ning to graduate in June or August
Moskowui (Ci brat Donohue (Ki dent McVey, the book Is for disof 1937 are requested to attend.
(Continued on Page Four)
tribution to prospective students of
No I Etant iK) brat Rioruun id
Students at the
the University.
No J Enitlrbarrtt IKI brat ZUUOV (CI University may have a copy of the
book by calling at the publicity
No 4 Montgomery (Ki brut Margollt iC)
No t ttollt iKi beat Moore
Scenes of the campus, of student
recreation, and of hie and aclivties
No 6 Kostrr iKi brat MiU id
in the classroom fill the book. Many
of the students will find their picNo
Donohue and Kvarn, 1K1 brat KI
oril.iu and Maitfolls
tures Included in those printed in
id 6 1,
No 7 Mofkowita
and Zmiov tO brat the volume.
WlMirr and tlialfbarUt iK'
Copies of the Kentuckian
i t.
and UulU IKi brat
may be secured at the ixist
Moorrt and Mill (Cl
office at the following hours:
Saturday. 8 a. in. to noon;
Earl B Welch, extension engineer
Monday, 9 a. m to noon, 1 to
of the University stall, addressed
3 p. m.; Tuesday, 8 a. m. to
Mrs. Frank L. McVey, a member the Nicholas county farm bureau
noon, 1 to 3 p. in.; Wednesof the city board of education, will at its meeting Wednesday night in
day, 8 to 10 a. in., 1 to 3 p. m ;
be the principal speaker at the dedi- Carlisle, discussing the possibilities
Thursday, 8 to 10 a. m , 1 to 3
cation of the Briar Hill school at 8 of obtaining assistance from the
m., and Friday 9 to 10 a. m.,
Rural Electrification Administration
o'clock tonight.
Mrs. Roy Batter-toI to 3 p. m.
principal of the school, will in building rural service lines In
that county.
preside at the ceremonies.

State Golf Crown
Captured Easily
By Jack Monhey

By UKy Netters


By Score Of




Publicity Bureau
Prints New Book






May Be Secured
At Post Office





* Best Copy





the downfall of collegiate culture and bring
about the annihilation of academic dignity.
In fart The Kernel is old fashioned enough to
be intrigued by the idea that only he is educated
in any field, technical or otheiwise, who has first
laid a broad foundation and established a cultural background in the fundamentals of higher



Tuesday, May






Kentucky, SJ

Act of March





L.lrtttnn Poord of Comm. res
Rrntwky Intf rrollf f itf Prru Association


mmiher of thf M)or Cnlln. PuMlmtlotin. rprnUd o?
Av . K.w Torn City:
1 NnrTU Hill Co. 4lf
Call BnlMInf Kn Fmnrl.co: Ml Wt-woo- d
Wurk-- r nrlv. chlcuro
Blvd., Lou Angrlri; 1004 Brcond Art , Bssttls.




Executive Board

The Uice
Of the People
An exnmple of love In drsprrft'llon
was SiREp Milton Yonkers who
pleaded with love target Irene
Spnrks to take his pin. Aye, take
it tonight and if you don't want it
in the morning, throw It in the
garbage can, audi was the essence
Sparks acof Yonker's begging.
Upon awakening the following
morning Irene looked at, the pin,
a Jewel which disqualified all other
candidates for her smile. Remembering what Yonkers had urged.
Sparks plodded downstairs and
flipped the affection token into the
trash can.
Tills should teach Milton a lesson. Always select your language
when love has reduced you to raving. Woman's actions are unpredictable and man's lllogic is at its
greatest when he must debate with
his idol.

The most mistaken stoogent is the one who
Mai.cxji.m Paitfrson
attitude denotes inthinks that a
. .the
fortunate stoogent is
STUDENT RIGHTS MAINTAIN the one who can laugh at himself always... the
most unusual stoogtnc is the one who doesn't
pan columnists until he's attempted to pound
been the com out the stuff himself. . .the most
One Word
ment erupted by an stoogent is the one who combines Phi Beta Kap
editorial printed in pacity with ODKappacity and can do fancy
Twas itemed here two weeks ago
the Friday edition of truckin' on the side... the most fascinating
that Wanda Strong attended a
The Kernel in which was presented a reportorial stoogent is the one who can speak casually of far dance clad In Morpheslan haberdashery and that since no riot
revue of the commercialization of college gradmust have looked
away places to us provincials. . .the rarest stoo- started the
uates by the use of publications which praise gent is the one who knows when to stop imbibing as customary as the rest of the escorted.
every mcntionablc merit of each finished class...and the equally as rare stoogent is the one In Louisville's Saturday papers
room product.
were pictures and feature stories
who knows when to start crammingl
concerning University of Rochester
In that editorial The Kernel did not deplore
coeds who had started the fad of
the sheepskin ledger; it merely insinuated that
DOXT LOOK SOW, BUT it appears as being night clad at social circuses.
Perhaps Wanda has started somegraduate handbooks indicate the "abandonment though we're gonna get all our reading matter thing.
of academic dignity."
out of quiz pads these next few weeks!
The event which annually signiThe bachelor and master degrees of today do
fies the completion of the school
year happened last Friday night
not command the same respect that those de- CAMPUSOUS'DS:
is sitting next when Cholly Mades, one of thenailed
bachgrees were entitled to ten years ago. The
Awe at the Movies "Our prof
colorful stewdents we know,
elor of arts or science tag is now accepted as part to us, and he's laughing at Mickey Mouse!"
his Sigma Nu planet on AlphaGam
of every erson's inake-up- .
The letters do not
the Women's Dorm "W'hatl-dy- Sarah Wilson.
Sophistication at
If we can still read the romance
inspire employment directors to seize a man
mean, do I love him? He drives a Packard, form sheet we would say that this
merger will last 'til the final exams
bearing an educational title. Then years ago a doesn't he?"
and expire under summer separacollege man was immediately rushed into a poOptimism in Maytime "Now they have to tion. Mades usually runs true to
sition of consequence; nowadays a college man graduate me. My names is in the senior invita- form.
is just another applicant.
a pheAt the ODK
On top of the overflow of graduates, crashed
Intrigue before the bell rings "You wink at nomenon occurred.
It seems that when a handful of
the depression, bringing with it bankruptcy and her when we walk into the room, and I'll ogle the leader gents went to Atlanta to
an unemployment situation never before her all through class. Then when we ask her for pow wow, some of them were invited to the Agnes Scott nursery.
equalled. And still twice a year, though skilled the lecture notes, she'll give them to us!"
And for the edification of the inIntellectual,
mates, that
labor trudged the streets vainly searching for a
Subtlety in the evening -"- Ah, go chase your- Granville Byrne, gave an exhibition
way to earn a dollar, universities pumped into self, Kelly! Don't you see we want to be alone?" of trucking, a form of
delightful to watch,
the world regiments of eager young men speat the girl friend's house "Sure, in Harlem, and popularized invented
in unilove the versities.
cialized in fields that could not absorb them.
bring your kid sister along, loo. She'll
Out at the Ashland Country club
In desperation, seniors attempted to alleviate show."
someone blurted out over the P. A.
this plight by mailing publicity pamphlets
"Sir, there is a time system that Byrne would now
Dignity in the Tavern
Truck! And believe it or not Granwhich explained to employment chiefs the availand a place for EVERYTHING!"
ville came shuffling out of the
ability of trained new blood. In many cases
crowd, feet rhythmicly twitching
and index finger waving in the
these notices won men jobs; hence, the underlimelight. He had six variations to
taking has been justified. Far be it from this
the dance. Everybody howled and
applauded in tempo. Even Presinewspaper to cavil with any medium that gets
dent McVey, standing nearby, was
men jobs.
Granville Byrne
the truckin'
Who is responsible for these diploma invenRoss J. CiiFrF.i.iTF

Editor-in-Chie- f

Raymond T. Lathrem

Mannring Editor
Xews Editor



get-u- p



bodily-moveme- nt


Scrap Irony



Investigation shows that the graduating students, each pool a certain amount, and direct it
toward the cost of editing and printing the
.book. The only requirement for a man to attain recognition in the index is the payment of
the entry fee. And, of course, everyone pays it.
The book is published under the supervision of
a faculty member and it bears the name of the
Offhand, it appears that the college approves
of all of its graduates; that each one is the answer to a foreman's prayer. In reality, the college does not approve of all of its graduates and
it would not recommend everyone if the selection system were more strict. The law of averages will rule that some of the entries are incompetent. Should an incompetent be hired on
the grace of his photo and the conviction of his
biography, then the college is in for a rap when
the man fails. In this way the reputation of the
college may be unjustly damaged.
Lastly, the mortar board sale is evidence of
the strengthening menace that a college man is
schooled solely in technicalities rather than in
a comprehensive curriculum. Under the presculture is becoming of infinitesimal
ent set-uimportance. Today many universities are clubs
of vocational colleges, each independent of the

If a man cannot gain a
education while in college the chances are he will
never be intrigued by the lure of the arts.
The Kernel wishes to make it understood that
it does not opjxjse these personnel publications
as long as the publicized ones obtain jobs. What
The Kernel wishes to make known is that such
publications, along with all the other
devices, are tending to speed


Judging by a modern standard which seems to be
accepted by some of our very best people, everyone
who returns home after a year of university life is
trying to "show off." If they happen to have added
a word or two to their vocabulary, they are inevitably
classified as "Joe College," and if they have been so
unfortunate as to have learned anything, they are
termed "know-- it all." Now we shall not allow this to
be our fate, we shall act incredibly dull and let them
say, "Well, college didn't do him any good, he's still
dumb as ever!" The drug store cowboys shall not
rationalize their loafing by using us as an example!



Solicits the Favorable Consideration of
University of Kentucky
Fraternities and Sororities

For Their
And Other Social Functions During: This Semester
Service Unexcelled



With this chapter of The Kernel
comes the tentative finish of the
Vice of the People, a column in
the University student newspaper.
If I were not in a happy mood I'd
like to say alot of things about all
the unusual, broad minded people,
who live on this Main Street three
or four hours a day.
A year ago this May I was appointed to the
of a
column which was to appear in
The Kernel and was to dedicate itself to the reporting of the "inoffensive shortcomings and the happy relationships between The Boys
and The Girls in