xt79p843tp4j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843tp4j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19701118  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1970 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1970 1970 2015 true xt79p843tp4j section xt79p843tp4j ECemtocecy ECemmel

Wednesday, Nor.

18, 1970


Vol. LXII, No. 54


J-Bo- ard


It Lacks Authority
In Election Suit
open hearing, concluded his
opening arguments by saying to
"You are acting
under the code (code of student
conduct) and the code alone and
you have no jurisdiction."
Wendelsdorf had previously
explained that the board in this
case was acting under the SG
constitution as the SC
and that it did have jurisdiction.
recessed for over
an hour after hearing the opening arguments of both parties to
decide if it indeed had jurisdiction and whether it was at that
time the University
the SG
didates newspaper advertis-mentRefused to Hear Case
posters, leaflets and
When the hearing
bumper stickers which had "a
it was announced that the
retail value in excess of the legal
Board was in fact at that time
and that they
The four candidates bringing the SC
the charges were represented by did have appellate jurisdiction
over the case. They refused, howScott Wendelsdorf, a second-yea- r
ever, to hear the case because
law student. According to Wendelsdorf, "This action is an ap- the Elections Board had not ruled on the complaint and therepeal from the ruling of the Elections Board qualifying candidates fore they would be exercising
of the Student Coalition Party." original rather thanappellatejur-isdiction- .
The ruling of the Elections
also recon
Board from which the appeal
mended at that time that apstems was made Nov. 12.
According to Gary Corbett, propriate changes be made in the
Elections Board chairman, the SG constitution to allow such
Elections Board decided at the complaints to be handled before
Nov. 12 meeting that "since the the election in the future. .
deadline for submitting campaign
Upon hearing the board's deis 8 p.m. Friday, cision, Corbett stood and said
Nov. 20, 1970, the Elections Board that the Elections Board would
at this time made no ruling on "hear the case tonight" because
it was the Elections Board's "requalifications or disqualification
of candidates or parties concern- sponsibility" to insure a fair election.
ing campaign expenditures."
Five students complained at
Complaint Must Wait
the Nov. 12 meeting of the Elec- After consultation with SG
tions Board that the SCP was and administrative officials Corviolating the established limits bett released the following statefor campaign spending.
ment: "According to article 6.05
section(b) a challenge shall be
Acting Under Code
Attorney Frank Dickey Jr., made only by a candidate or
who represented the SCP in the
Continued on Pare 8, CoL 1




Kernel Staff Writer
The Student Government Judicial Board. ruled Tuesday that
it did not have original jurisdic- tion over a complaint regarding
election irregularities until after
the election; and dismissed an
appeal filed with that body by
four students charging the Student Coalition Party with violation of election rules.
Charged Overspending
Four candidates for SG Assembly seats had charged the
Student Coalition Party (SCP)
with securing for its nine cans,


Kernel Photo By Bob Brewer

Exhibit A
Jay Westbrook, who sent a guava bomb to his

selective service board this summer, spoke to the
Committee on Militarism last niI.i in the Student
Center. He told the group the bomb was mailed
"as a part of my own continuing process of corn- -

munication and education.
regarding the nature
of the draft and of the Indochina War and my
opposition to both of these." Westbrook will be
tried on the charge of common law assault in
January. (See story on page 8).

Outlook Is Dim

Does Aylesford Have a Future?



Kernel Staff Writer
What happens to a central
city residential area in a rapidly
expanding city like Lexington?
Usually it deteriorates into a slum
or is razed to make room for office buildings.
The residents of the Aylesford
district of this city are determined
not to let that happen to their
area. They have formed the Aylesford Association to protect the
But last night at their monthly meeting in the auditorium of
the Maxwell School, about 50
Aylesford residents heard more
distressing news about the future
of their part of the city.

Representatives of city government and the board of education told the group that Lexington's rapid growth would not
diminish in the near future, that
their neighborhood school might
have to be closed, and that a
freeway of sorts might be built
right through the area.
Bill Quails of the City Planning Commission told the group
that by 1980 Lexington would
have 50,000 more residents than
it does now. Quails said the city
would have to add 15 additional
square miles of land to handle
these people and that new roads
would have to be built that would
cost as much as $50 million.
The group got more bad news

from Cliff Marshall of the UK
Physical Plant. Marshall said
that the University is considering
closing all traffic on Rose Street
and continuing University Drive
into the Aylesford area.
A representative of the Board
of Education said the Maxwell
School may be closed as a fire
hazard. He went on to say that
if the city grows as expected,
about 30 new schools will be
needed which will have to be
located in the suburbs because of
economic reasons.
Aylesford is defined by the association's president, John Calkins, as extending from the UK
campus to Main Street and from
Rose Street to Clay Avenue. Calkins describes the residents of
the area as "pretty heterogeneous" with a mixture of poor
and wealthy. Most of those attending the meeting were elderly
and white.
Calkins said the association
seeks to "upgrade Aylesford as
a residential area. We don't want
a lot of filling stations or stuff
like that in our area."
Students and others from UK
are welcome to live in the area,
Calkins claimed. "A majority of
the residents like the students
that live here," he said.
The feelings of the residents
were probably summed up by an
elderly lady who has lived in the
area most of her life, who said,
"This city has just grown too







Veterans of
the Elementsarrived
winter has


better qualified to
you. that
than these construction workers, at the site of the new VA hospital
near the Med Outer. The estimated date of completion is April,
No one would be





Kernel Photo

By Bob Brewer

Forecast for Lexington and vicinity: Cloudy and mild today,
partly cloudy and cool tonight
and Thursday. Chance of showers Friday. High temperature today SO, low tonight in the mid
30', and high tomorrow in the
mid SO's. Precipitation probabilities 10 percent today, five percent tonight and tomorrow.

* 2 -- TI IE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1970.

After Marshall Crash


Controversy Develops Over Airport Safety

Controversy flared anew here
Tuesday over safety features of
Airport where a
weekend jetliner crash killed 75
persons, including most of Marshall University's football team.
The tragedy also has prompted
talk of a possible review of airport safety standards across the
ChaHcs F. Dodrill, president
of the
Airport Authority
Board, urged immediate action
to install a glide scope instrument
Tri-Sta- tc

Tri-Sta- te

system, and extend the mountain-to- p
runway by 3,000 feet to total
about 8,300 feet.
The Southern Airlines DC9
was reportedly flying a normal
landing pattern in rain and fog
last Saturday night when, officials said, the twin-je- t
the tops of trees on one hilltop
and cartwheeled into the side of
another hill.
The airport does not have the
type of glide slope system which
warns a pilot in the cockpit
when he is too low. It was esti- -

mated by authorities that if the
DC9 was a mere 10 feet higher
it would have cleared the tree
"I've been sleeping with this
possibility for the last eight
years," Dodrill said, adding that
the board "rqjeatedly asked for
funds to upgrade the airport's
safety." But he said those proposals were always rejected for
lack of funds.
In Charleston, Gov. Arch A.
Moore Jr. said it was known for

quite some time that navigation

aids were needed at the airport.
He said state officials warned
Federal Aviation Administration
authorities as recently as 10 days
before the crash of the need for
these aids.
But Moore said the FAA regional and national represenat-tive- s
stated they were not in a
position to help finance such improvements at the airport.
Meanwhile, the city of Huntington began to bury its dead

Tuesday. In cases where identification proved impossible,
services were being held.
Slightly more than half of the
73 victims were positively identified by FBI personnel using fingerprints and dental charts. Other
identities may never be established.
Dr. Donald Dedmon, acting
Marshall president, declared two
days of mourning Monday and
Tuesday, with classes resuming

'Emergency Powers'
Recognized by House

House has passed a resolution
recognizing a president has
emergency war powers but calling on him to report to Congress
when he uses them.
The resolution was sent to
the Senate by a 288 to 39 vote
The measure reaffirms that
only Congress can declare war
and says a president should, when
feasible, consult with it before
taking emergency actions.
It also says a president should
promptly notify the president of
the Senate and the House speaker when he commits or enlarges
U.S. forces abroad without congressional autliorization.
Rep. Roman C Pucinski,
said the resolution "doesn't
do very much" because its interpretation is left to the president.
"If the president wants to
send troops into the Middle East
tomorrow," Pucinski said, "there
is nothing in this resolution to
prevent him from doing so."

Passage of the resolution,
which has no binding authority,
came after Republican Leader
Gerald R. Ford said no president ever fooled Congress about
the Vietnam war.
He said former President Lyndon B. Johnson deceived neither
Congress nor the public on the
1964 Culf of Tonkin resolution,
although he added Johnson's "attitude may have changed later
as events changed."
The Tonkin Culf resolution,
passed 88 to 2 in the Senate
and 416 to zero in the House,
authorized the president to take
any action necessary to repel
enemy attacks and protect U.S.
lives. It came after enemy gunboats allegedly attacked two U.S.
destroyers off the Vietnamese
coast, and later was cited as
congressional authorization for
the Vietnam war.
The Senate voted twice, last
June and July, to repeal the
resolution, although the White
House said it no longer needed
the authorization.

Investigator Says Donation
Used for Newton Bail
WASHINGTON (AP) A con- 23 and was sent to the Panther
gressional investigator testified national headquarters in BerkeTuesday a $20,000 donation to ley, Calif., he added.
a program for hungry children
was used to help raise bail for
Basing his testimony on bank
black Panther defense minister records obtained through subpoena, Wetterman said a Black PanHuey P. Newton.
Investigator Neil Wetterman ther party official withdrew that
told the House Internal Security amount from the national headCommittee the check, through a quarters account Aug. 5 in a
New York bank, listed the money check payable to cash, then got
as a gift from an anonymous a cashier's check that day made
out to the Alameda County clerk
donor to the Black Panther breakfast program. It was dated July at Oakland, Calif.

(3m as


Savage Inadequate?

State May Stop All New

Kentucky Water Pollution Control Commission raised the possibility Tuesday of stopping all
new hook-o- n s to Lexington's sewage system.
It voted to give Ralph Pickard,
the executive director, power to
take that drastic step if he believes it vital to halt pollution
from the city's Town Branch
sewage plant.
The move was taken after the
commission rejected a staff plan
calling for it to seek a criminal
indictment against Lexington before the Fayette County grand
Lexington has been the target
of continuing complaints that its
sewage treatment facilities are inadequate and it is consequently
polluting other areas. Hook-o- n s
already have been blocked for
the Cainesway sewage treatment
plant in another part of the city.
The state commission moved
against the city in retaliation for

Senate Passes
Job Safety Bill


Senate passed Tuesday a bill
establishing the first
job safety program at the
federal level to deal with 14,500
deaths and 2.2 million injuries
which occur each year in industry.

The vote was


to 3, with

the noes coming from Sens. James
Sam Ervin
and Strom ThurJr.,
Sponsors said the legislation
should go far toward cutting
down on the individual human
tragedies and also reducing the
economic waste estimated at $1.5
billion annually In lost wages.
The Senate compromised between the views of President
on the
Nixon and the AFL-CIlegislation, adopting a major feature from the versions favored by
It was the first bill passed by
the Senate in the lame duck session that began Monday.
The vote sent it to the House
where a similar bill has been
approved by the Labor Committee and cleared by the Rules
Committee for action in this sesO


As passed by


dl ffltedD &



m$ nan




the Senate, the
measure would direct the secretary of labor to set health and
safety standards within twoyears
for practically all of America's
80 million workers.
Enforcement of the standards
would be in the hands of a
commission whose members would be named by the
President and confirmed by the


in expanding the
Cainesway plant so that sewage
is not bypassed and dumped into
It filed charges against the
city, held a hearing and continued the case until early next January.
As the final commission statement reads, the group is on record as approving "whatever
means are necessary" to keep
Lexington from polluting waters.
In effect that gives Pickard
the same authority as he has

the delay

Hook-On- s

had in the Cainesway plant case,
which is far from settled.
The commission took a much
milder action on another controversythe planned construction
of a barge loading dock on Lake
Cumberland to transport coal.
It asked the U.S. Army Engineers to schedule a public hearing
on the plan. The engineers have
power to halt the tipple's construction, but only Congress can
stop coal barging which is not
specifically at issue in the commission case.

New Ruling Is Made on

Privileged Information

tional interest" requiring his tesA
panel of federal judges ruled timony.
Caldwell still refused to apTuesday that a newsman may
not be forced to appear before pear and was held in contempt
a federal grand jury unless the June 5. The appeal followed.
The appellate court agreed
government shows a "compelwith Judge Zirpoli's views that
ling public need" which outweighs First Amendment guarprivilege should be granted since
disclosure of information would
antees of a free press.
jeopardize First Amendment
9th U.S. CirThe three-judg- e
cuit Court of Appeals panel ruled rights to "impair journalist's
gather, analyze and
in the case of Earl Caldwell, a
the news."
New York Times reporter who publish it
"the governhad been subpoenaed May 22 ment must added,
respond by demonto appear before a grand jury
strating a compelling need for
investigating whether the Black
the witness' presence before juPanther Party had been engaged dicial
process properly can issue
in criminal activities.
to require attendance."
The court directed both the
Earlier U.S. District Court
Judge Alfonzo Zirpoli had ruled contempt and appearance order
be vacated.
Caldwell must appear but grantThe court said the case is one
ed him the privilege of refusing
of "first impression," meaning
to answer certain questions unit will set a guide for future
til the government demonstrated
a "compelling and overridingna- - cases.

American Youth Lack
Knowledge of Free Speecli
SAN DIECO, Calif. (AP)-- A
national task force said Tuesday
that a majority of American
young people lacks "any consistent understanding or conviction about the exercise of free

The results of




veys of about 90,000 persons up
to the age of 35 were made public by the Education Commission of the States, a nonprofit
organization set up in 1964 with
funds from the Carnegie Corpora-

tion. Later financing has come

from the Ford Foundation and
the U.S. Office of Education.

In a random sampling across
the nation, those interviewed
were asked if they would permit
Americans to hear these statements by radio or television
"Russia is better than the United
States," "Some races of people

are better than others," "It is
not necessary to believe in Cod."
Sixty-eigpercent of adults
from 26 to 35 said they would
refuse to permit the broadcast.
So would 94 percent of boys and
girls 13 years old and 78 percent of youngsters 17 years old.
A separate "national assessment" of the ability of young
people to write and understand
was made public as 140 national
educational leaders and U.S.
Governors, including Delaware
Cov. Russell W. Peterson, chairman of the commission, arrived
for three days of meetings of
the commission's steering committee.
How the nation progresses in
education is the major study of
the publications and research performed by the commission's staff.
The first cycle of "national assessment" ends in 1975.

* 1

Three Sources Insufficient

18, 1370- -3

Private Funding at UK Is Behind the Times


Kernel Staff Writer
"The University of Kentucky
ut the bottom of all compar-uhl- e
universities around us concerning programs of this sort,"
said President Otis A. Singletary
of UK's funding from private
sources during an executive committee meeting of UK's Hoard of
Trustees yesterday.
Singletary reported to the
board that he and Vice President
for University delations Clen-woo- d
L. Creech had been studying contribution programs and
funding foundations at various
other universities.
Now Has Three Sources
He stated that UK has an in

ternal problem of recognizing
how to deal with this situation.
Singletary noted that UK cur-

rently has three contribution
sources: alumni, the fellows program, and corporate giving, adding that possibly a centralized
UK foundation in this area was
needed. Singletary told the board
that the investigation would continue.
Meeting in the old board room
of the Administration Building,
the committee approved all recommendations and reports submitted by Singletary and the
board's own Finance Committee.
The committee accepted new
appointments and staff changes,
budget revisions for the current

University Appeals Board
To Hear Bright Thursday

year, and authorized an expenditure from the Tobacco
Trust Fund.
Bonds Approved
The executive committee also
approved the finance committee's
recommendations concerning var



for business affairs, and athletic
director Harry Lancaster to investigate UK's involvement with
chartered airline services ia the
wake of charter-craf- t
suffered by Marshall University
and Wichita State University.


nounced that he had asked Larry
Forgy, UK's new vice president








The University Appeals Board
Snyder's reply brief states that
will hear the appeal of the conBright was acquitted under the
section of the code designed to
viction of UK student body president Steve Bright at 10 a.m. cover disruptive demonstrations.
Thursday in Hoom 208 of the "The mere act ofdemonstrating"
is not punishable under the secLaw Building.
tion for which Bright was conThe board will hear oral arguments advanced by Lexington at- victed, Snyder asserts.
torney Iwirry Hoberts, who will
The brief also states the conrepresent the University, and
viction was invalid because:
Sheryl Snyder, the law student
The ban on meetings by Sinrepresenting Bright;
In a reply brief sent to Apgletary was never enforced since
peals Board members this week, there was no order to disperse.
Snyder points out that Bright left
Snyder states that the Univerimmediately when asked to dissity payed "lip service" to properse on other occasions.
tecting students from prosecuSingletary's ban on meetings
tion under the new unpublished
Student Code last summer, while was superseded by Cov. Louie
Nunn's cuifew, which was andepriving Bright of a right guarnounced prior to 5 p.m.
anteed by the Board of Trustees
The conviction is a denial
the right to demonstrate for a
of the "equal protection" guarcause.
Bright was found guilty by antees of the constitution since
the Judicial Board last summer Bright was the only person of
of "violation of rides regarding 700 present charged with the violation.
the use of University property"
There must be an "actual
for being at Buell Armory after
and impending danger" to make
UK President Otis A. Singletary
had announced a 5 p.m. ban on it constitutionally legal to ban
all meetings. This danger did not
mass meetings. He was acquitted on three other charges and exist last spring, according to
Snyder's brief.
one charge was dropped.

ious bonds and approved financial reports and audits submitted
by the Office of Business Affairs.
Airline Investigation
















vrr y7









Money Problems

President Singletary told members of the UK Board
of Trustees executive committee yesterday that the
university needs more sources of private funding.
He said an investigation of the problem was being
made by Clenwood Creech, vice president for

university relations. Singletary also asked for an
investigation of UK's involvement with chartered
airline services to be made by athletic director
Harry Lancaster and Larry Forgy, vice president
for business affairs.
Kernel Photo By Keith Mosier

Student Council On Pollution
And Environment

the Environmental Awareness Society




Tha History Department Undergraduate Advisory Committee will sponsor
'forum at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday.
Nov. 18, In room 110 of the Claaaroom
Building. Students are Invited to express their opinions on history curriculum at the meeUng.
Nathaniel Patch will present a facWednesulty piano recital at 8:13 p.m.HaU.
day, Nov. 18, In Memorial
public is invited.
Phi Alpha Theta, Tau Chapter, national honorary society In history,
presents Mr. Kay Bennett on InterOrigins of Southern Slavery:
Since 1040," at 3:45 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 18 at the faculty
lounge of the Student Union Building. The public la invited.
A color film, "The Time of Man."
with the
in cooperation
American Museum of Natural History,
will be shown at 8 p.m. Wednesday,
Nov. 18, In Classroom Building room
118. Zero Population Growth Invites
the public to attend.

Poll workers are needed for the
"Student Government elections Thursday, Nov. 19. If interested, call the
Student Government office at
Workers will be paid $1.50 per hour.
Student Government elecUons will
be held Thursday, Nov .19.
B. Kcu Rip pel. of Knolls Atomic
Power Laboratory, Schenectady, N.Y.,
will speak on "Current Problems in
Two-l'hus- e
Klow" at 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19 in room 257, Anderson
Hall. The public is invited.

A violin and plane recital featurand
ing Peter Schatfer
Kankin, originally scheduled for 8:13
p.m. Friday, Nov. 20, has been cancelled.
"Saathl." a color film with fcnglibh
in room 139 of the Chemistrysubtitles,
Building, at 1 p m. SatAdmission is 1.30 for
urday. Nov. 21. for
chilmembers. S2.00
dren free.

A Strip Mining Conference will begin Saturday, Nov. 21, in the Student
Center Ballroom and Theatre. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.; a $1.00
fee Is required. For more Informa-

tion contact Koger Westman,


The Narslng Students Association
will hold a garage sale Saturday,
Nov. 21, (from 3 p.m. at 176 Cherokee Park. Proceeds will go to the
Planned Parenthood Association.
An nnderf radaate major In Comparative Literature Is now being offered for students interested In studyal
ing literature on a
For further information, contact either Dr. Virginia A. La Charite In the
department of French, or Dr. John
Greenway in the Department of English.

special telephana nnmber,
will offer a recorded message
the week's events on
campus. 'Anyone with announcements
for inclusion on the program should
contact Public Kelations, 103 Old Agriculture Building.
Twe reams In the Classroom Building are open for use as study halls.
Kooms 304 and 346 are open from
p.m. on week nights and 9
p.m. on weekends.
Keys,, sophomore men's scholastic
and leadership fraternity, is now acfor the 1970-7- 1
cepting applications
academic year. If you have a 3.0
average overall and are Involved in
activities, you may
pick up an application at the Student
Government office or contact Buck
Pennington, Keys president, at19. 422
Hose Lane,
by Nov.

8t. Aagustlne's Chapel, 472 Rose St.,
now using Ian Mitchell's
Mass at Its Sunday services, at 10:30
a.m. Evensong at 8:30 p.m. Sundays
and is followed by a supper, 73 cents
per person. Sign up for the supper Is
necessary by Sunday noon.
Tha foertk annual Biblical Lectureship of the UK Baptist Student
Union will be held Sunday through
The lecturer will
Friday, Nov.
be Dr. M. Thomas Starkes of the
Southern Baptist Convention. Information on h'.s lectures can be obtained at Uie Baptist Student Center,
371 S. Limestone.





The deadline for anneaneementa U
T:S0 p.m. twe days prler t the first
pabllcatlan af Item In thla eelama.


Conference On New Approaches To



UK Placement Service

The Planning Concept

Students may register for appointments with representatives of the following corporations by contacting the
Placement Service, 201 Old Agriculture Building, at least two days In
advance of the date specified. Tele-


Peat, Marwick. Mitchell.
& Co. Accounting
(BS. MS). Locations: Nationwide.
December, May,
August graduates.
Nov. 19. Haskins
&Sells Accounting (BS, MS); Law. Locations: United
States. December, May graduates. Citizenship.
Nov. 19. Keller Manufacturing Co.,
Inc. Accounting,
Business Administration, Economics, Chemical E., Electrical E., Mechanical E. (BS). Locations: Corydon, Ind.; Culpepper, Va.
December, May graduates. Citizenship.

9.00 o.m.

$1.00 Registration




Attorney General John Breckinridge
;Fred Luigart, Jr., President, Kentucky Coal Assn.
Jerry Thornton, Past President, EAS
Professor Murray Shellgren

1:30-2:3- 0

Mon.-So- t.

Excepr Holidays


It kind of a western.

IIo sort of a cowboy.


Not Recommended
For Children













* ernel

The Kentucky





Editorials represent tlie opinions of



18, 1970

Editors, not of the University.





Frank S. Coots III,
Bob Brown, Editorial Page Editor
Jean Rcnakor, Managing Editor
Dahlia I lays, Copy Editor
Mike Ticrncy, Sports Editor
Don Rosa, Cartoonist
David King, Iiusincss Manager
Jane Brown, Hon Hawkins, Bradley Jeffries, Jerry Lewis, Mike Wines.
Assistant Managing Editors

Moment of Decision
Tomorrow's Student Government election results should be
more significant in showing who is
not elected than in illustrating any
future direction for campus politics.
In a campaign marked by a nearly complete absence of issue presentation and debate, it is of little
consequence which students are
elected on their own merit. The
overriding issue will be the negative votes cast. Since last spring's
presidential election certain campus groups have constantly asserted
that Steve Bright's election was a
mistake. Even with a
turnout and a landslide victory,
Bright has been constantly accused
of assuming power illegitimately.
In the game of amateur politics
the simplest constituency an ideology can claim is that massive, apathetic majority which didn't cast
its vote in the past election. On

UK's campus, the Student Coalition Party has played this level
of politics for all it's worth. By
claiming to represent the great silent majority of UK students, the
Coalition has repeatedly asserted
that at least 10,000 UK students
are thoroughly indignant at Bright
and his tactics. Finally the time
has come for this horde of students to nish to the polls and
repudiate Bright indirectly, by
denying seats to those candidates
who are in support of him.
If campus opinion has turned
overwhelmingly against Bright,
those people who constitute this
opinion should certainly be encouraged to vote for those candidates
who have based their campaign
on an
sentiment. If this
is not the case, may we forever
drop the controversy of who represents an unrepresentable


A New Commitment to Peace
War continues.
In spite of "phased withdrawal,"
"Vietnamization", "progressive
slowdown" and numerous other
War concliches, the
tinues. Fewer Americans were
killed last week than the week
before, but many were murdered.
The scoreboard still says we are
killing more enemy soldiers than
we are having killed, but the war
has been
new Congress



elected. For the most part this
group of electors has pledged itself
to a rapid end to the senseless
slaughter which has assumed the
top spot on our list of perverse
It is now for us to insist that
our legislators begin preparation
of measures that will implement
their convictions. Through every
means we have available, we must
emphasize that the war cannot
be ended too soon.

thanks (coff) if I ilon't smoke (hah)
then tobacco can9t hurt me (coff),'

Kernel Forum: the readers write
Free U Endorsements
To the Editor
The Free University Coordinating Body
would like to draw every student's attention to a number of worthwhile candidates for the offices of Student Government representative. These candidates in
the perspective of the Free U have shown,
and are showing their commitment to
students through their support of such
groups as Free University.
It is evident that the student community requires for its betterment peers
that will align themselves to the needs
of students. The below comprise a list
of those candidates we believe, if elected,
will lead students not into labyrithine
rhetoric, but into kinetic commitments.
Mark Paster
Bobby Potts
Dan Mohn
Willie Cates
Whitney Hardy
Tom Nick ell
Lew Col ten
Persis Krampe
Fred Walker
Ivar Avots

Steve Cosby
Walter Harding

Free University
A&S Senior

An Independent Flavor
To the Editor
Once again the election campaign is
in full swing and once again I am running. I wonder why I keep running myself
sometimes, but I finally decided that my
voice is needed. Why is it needed, you

Someone has to speak with an independent flavor. For now we have the
campaign of the mass machines ACT
and SCP are meeting head-o- n
in a bid
for total supremacy of Student Government. 1 teel ALT! is being a little greedy
since they already have 14 out of 32
seats. As for SCP, I feel they do need
a couple of seats, after all as of now
the conservative wing of this campus
has almost no representation and what
they have is up for grabs in tliis tlec-,

nesting the withdrawal deadline

tion. Myself, I am a member of the independent left so to speak. Tlie independents running who have what the
Coalition calls radical thoughts but who
are not in a formal party. There are
a couple of SAR candidates running but
the party as such is dead.
Everyone seems concerned this election
with issues. The only real issue is that
two factions are fighting each other for
political control of a Student Government that is almost powerless. ACT and
SCP preach responsibility, which is why
they condemn James Douglas MacArthur
Williams. Actually Williams does a good
job showing S