xt79s46h2f52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h2f52/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19860314 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 14, 1986, no. 475 text The Green Bean, March 14, 1986, no. 475 1986 2014 true xt79s46h2f52 section xt79s46h2f52 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES NEWSLETTER I No. 475 March 14, 1986 _ CALENDAR March 14 Gallery Series: "Sexploitation or Glorification: The Women of the Ziegfield Fo1liesu" Lecture by Dr. Geraldine Maschio, Theater Department. March 15 The Ides of March: Julius Caesar assassinated on this day in 44 B.C. March 16-22 National Wildlife Week March 17-21 Spring Break Week . V March 17 St. Patrick's Day March 20 Spring Begins March 20 Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian playwright, 1828- 1906. March 21 Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750. March 26 7 Dean's Forum: "The Earliest American Cultures: Human Entry and Adaptation to the New World." Lecture by Tom D. Dillehay, Anthropology Department. Noon, Peal Gallery, M.I. King North. March 28 Gallery Series: "Music and Poetry of _ Elizabethan England." Collegium Musicum. Next Green Bean issue: Friday, March 28, 1986 Deadline for inclusion: Friday, March 21, 1986. Production Staff: Editor, Kerry Kresse; Typist, Scott Lutz; Printer, Cecil Madison. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506-0039 -l.. FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK I Happy St. Patrick's Day! Attached to the back of this GB is a survey from the LSO Social Committee. Please take the time to read it and fill it out. Remember - the more you tell LSO the better they can serve you. SPEAKING OF LSO... LSO NEEDS YOU! This year promises to be a good one for the . Library Staff Organization, but to be successful we need your support. Membership dues are $5 and can be paid by cash or check (made out to LSO) and given to me, Jennifer Geran. I can usually be found in the Ref/ILL department in King South. Upon payment of dues, you will receive your very own LSO membership card (personally autographed by Judy Fugate herself) and will be entitled to all the rights and privileges accorded any member of this select yet fun-loving organization. Hurry while supplies last. (Submitted by Jennifer Geran.) DEAN'S FORUM The third lecture in the 1985-86 College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Forum is presented by Tom D. Dillehay, Department of Anthropology. Entitled "The Earliest American Cultures: Human Entry and Adaptation to the New World," the lecture will be held in the W. Hugh Peal Gallery at noon on Wednesday, March 26, 1986. FROM THE "TRY IT--YOU'LL LIKE IT" DEPARTMENT A recent note to Reference from an anonymous library staff member: I tried the LS/2000 for the first time yesterday. I loved it. I felt warm towards it. Instructions are just right...I am so happy to love it so and kind of surprised that I do. If you have not used the staff training packet for LS/2000, pick one up in the Reference Room and use it at one of the online public access terminals there. Medical Center Library also has OPACs, and terminals are available by special arrangement in Circulation, Online Cataloging, and P/N/M. (Submitted by Brad Grissom.) COMMONWEALTH INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS The Kentucky Department of Education is sponsoring its 3rd annual Commonwealth Institute for Teachers at the University of Kentucky this summer. University of Kentucky faculty members are being sought to serve as discussion leaders for the institute. A stipend of $750 will be paid, and it includes participation in the conference (July 13-19) and at two follow-up weekends in October and March (1987). If you are interested in applying, send a curriculum vitae and a letter of application the Dr. Donald Sands' office (Academic Affairs, 7 Administration Building, OO32). For more information, contact Faith Harders at 257-1585. Deadline is March 17. ..2- GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIP The Multidisciplinary Center of Gerontology is sponsoring a graduate research assistantship for the academic year 1986/87 to be awarded to a faculty member interested or engaged in research pertaining to aging or the aged. The assistantship pays $5,400, but does not include the payment of in—state tuition. To apply send a current curriculum vitae and a one or two page proposal to Graham D. Rowles, Multidisciplinary Center of Gerontology, 101 _ Sanders—Brown Building, 40536-0230. Phone 233-5471 for details. OMS LIBRARY SKILLS INSTITUTE The ARL/OMS Basic Library Management Skills Institute will be held in Louisville April 13-16, 1986. This institute was previously announced in the November 18, 1985 Green Bean. Contact Kerry Kresse at 257-5954 for last minute details. APPALACHIAN CENTER CONFERENCE · The Appalachian Center, in conjunction with the College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School, is sponsoring the two- day conference on Multidisciplinary Community Studies, April 3-4, 1986. The conference features Theodore Caplow, author of Middletown Families, and Ann Markusen, author of The Politics of Regions, as well as others. The conference is on Thursday, with small-group discussion on Friday. For more info contact Ronald Eller of the Appalachian Center at 257-4852. BROWN BAG APETIT March 26, noon. Donald and Dudley Webb, Webb Old Student Center Companies. Sponsored by the Theater Student Activities Board. March 26, noon. David Berry, Psychology Dept. Room 128, Home Economics "Sleep Disordered Breathing: Significance in the Aged." April 2, noon Cathy Shumaker, the Color Con- Old Student Center nection. "How to Dress for Theater Success." SPEC KIT FLYER SPEC Kit #121, "Bibliographic Instruction in ARL Libraries" has been received in Reference. It updates Kit #17, "Library Use Instruction," dated 1975. The kit discusses developing technology, changing audiences and changing librarian roles. PROFESSIONAL READING Directory of Periodicals Online: Indexed, Abstracted, and Full- Text. Edited by Catherine Chung. Washington, DC: Federal Document Retrieval, Inc., 1985. Call no: Reference 2699.22 .D5 1985. This reference work lists periodicals and their coverage in online databases. It lists which journals are available online, in which databases they can be located, ..3... what time period, which format (full—text, abstract, citation) and how often a file is updated. Network Architecture for Distributed Computing. By Edward A. Yakubaitis, translated from Russian by Martin Morell. New York: Allerton Press Inc., 1983. Call no.: TK 5105.5 _ .I1813 1983. Table of contents includes: Open systems architecture; Development tendencies in information and I computing technology; Terminal installations; Structure of computer networks; Wide—area computer networks; Local computer networks. Antiguarian Bookselling in the United States: A History from the Origins to the 1940s. by Madeleine B. Stern. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985. Call no.: Z479 .579 1985. Confessions of a Lapsed Librarian. By R.C. Benge. Metuchen, NJ:- Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1984. Call no.: Z720 .B46 .A33 1984. The recollections of a globe—trotting British librarian. Theory of Subject Analysis: A Sourcebook. Edited by Lois Mai Chan, Phyllis A. Richmond and Elaine Svenonius. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. Call no.: Z695 .T485 1985. Big names in library and information science discuss subject classification. Contents include: Decimal Classification and Relativ Index by Melvil Dewey; Principles of Book Classification by E. Wyndham Hulme; Classification: A Brief Conspectus of Present Day Library Practice by Charles Martell; Research in Computer Based Classification Systems by Harold Borko. ° The Automation Inventor of Research Libraries: Preliminar Results and Sample Listing, December 1984. Prepared by the Systems and Procedures Exchange Center, Office of Management Studies, 1984. Call no.: Z675 .R45 .A82 1984. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES M.I. KING LIBRARY Library Technician VI Grade 5, Special Collections. Process President's papers. Temporary, 1 yr., perhaps longer. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Geology Librarian. Salary: $24,000. Available July 1, 1986. Deadline: April 30, 1986. Min. 3 yrs. experience in a geology library. -4- CALIFORNIA Law Librarian. University of California at Los Angeles. Salary: $22,872—$40,248. Deadline: April 30, 1986. CONNECTICUT Associate Librarian for Technical Services. Yale University. V Salary: variable. Deadline: March 28, 1986. . ILLINOIS S Reference Library Head. University of Illinois. Salary: variable. Deadline: March 15, 1986. INDIANA » Reference Librarian. Purdue University. Salary: $16,000 minimum. Deadline: April 4, 1986. KANSAS Slavic Cataloger. University of Kansas. Salary: $17,000- Q $19,000. Deadline: April 20, 1986. 1 MARYLAND 1 Head Systems Librarian. Johns Hopkins University. Salary: 1 variable. Deadline: April 15, 1986. I NEBRASKA 1 Chair, Humanities and Social Sciences Department. Salary: 1 $30,000 minimum. Deadline: April 15, 1986. 1 Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences. Salary: 1 $19,000 minimum. Deadline: April 15, 1986. 1 1 NEW JERSEY 1 Literature Bibliographer. Princeton University. Salary: variable. Deadline: April 15, 1986. E University Librarian. Rutgers State University. Salary: variable. Deadline: March 15, 1986. 1 OHIO 1 Social Sciences Librarian. Wittenberg University. Salary: 1 variable. Deadline: May 1, 1986. i 1 1 1 I E N 1 -5- U PENNSYLVANIA Head Librarian. University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. Salary: variable. Deadline: April 15, 1986. VIRGINIA Preservation Officer. University of Virginia. Salary: $25,000 I minimum. Deadline: May 15, 1986. pgp SOCIAL ACTIVITIES QUESTIONNAIRE Here's your chance to speak out! LSO is interested in your _ opinions and suggestions about our social events. Please take a ( minute or two to fill out this questionnaire. Thank you for your time. Please send completed questionnaire to Kim Stinnett, L Acquisitions Department, M.I. King North, by March 28. * l. what LSO functions do you attend? ; [ ] Christmas luncheon [ [ [ ] teas g [ ] staff picnic f [ ] bake/crafts sale I Q 2. If you do not attend LSO functions, why not? § [ ] inconvenient _ [ [ ] lack of interest ( [ ] not a member . ( [ ] other (please specify) ( 3. would you be interested in: 5 [ ] programs at lunch Z [ ] intramural sports (baseball, volleyball, bowling, § etc.) [ [ ] raffles [ [ ] Derby Day activities { [ ] trivia contest [ [ ] compiling a library cookbook { [ ] medical checks (blood pressure, diabetes, etc.) ( [ ] student appreciation tea T 4. what other types of social activities would you like to see f LSO sponsor? a 5. what suggestions do you have to revive the Christmas luncheon 2 and the staff picnic? Do you think that the location of 2 these events should be changed? If so, where? i 6. would you like these events replaced with alternative ( activities? [ ] Yes [ ] No ( If yes, with what? (please specify) I 7. In what ways do you think LSO as an organization can be J improved? '\