xt79s46h348c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h348c/data/mets.xml Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History 1930 Other titles include: Alabama Museum of Natural History museum paper, Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tennessee Valley Authority. Issues for 1, 3 carry no series numbering. No. 2 also as Education papers no. 1. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  AS36 .A2. journals  English University, Ala. : Alabama Museum of Natural History, 1910-1960 This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Alabama Works Progress Administration Publications Museum Paper, no. 9, 1930 - including "Footprints from the Coal Measures of Alabama" by T.H. Aldrich, Sr. and Walter B. Jones text Museum Paper, no. 9, 1930 - including "Footprints from the Coal Measures of Alabama" by T.H. Aldrich, Sr. and Walter B. Jones 1930 1930 2015 true xt79s46h348c section xt79s46h348c ,§
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  * LIST OF ILLLSI l<.~\'l IC)l\S ,
M!) ;` ` i···
L     ; lr
g (ih'! Q; Plate Vzige  r vn
¤   ‘   . . . . i . 5 rl
·   —» 1. ;\tten0saurus indistinctus J\ldr1ch (reduced 0ne—half size) li . U
’ _q*. .1
· V/killa I. f
·   f. Q, ;\tten0saurus suhulensis Aldrich (reduced) ,,.` , ,,,,,,,,.A,rr,r . ,,,, li  = ?lY‘
5   (   — (ra
      3. .·’\tten0saurus subulensis Aldrich (natural size), front f00t » : \
.:.1. J ·
l Iv`- ¤» . . .  i
Q     resenting a larger animal than Sh0wn in plate 2 ,,,, . ,,,,.,,, lf)  ` m'
I rbi {*2 ” 7 _ _ _ \ . .
i   ;; —l. :\tten0saurus suhulensis Aldrich (natural Size) W H V teerrr ‘}l ( ill
( v 17,-= ` Q  ` iw
S '(’~*§ L' , . . , . . _  (
z Alfjglt A · 0, Bipedes asp0d0n ;\l(lI'lCl} (natural size) ,,,,,tv.,,,t,,t, . eetteettr, , ‘2·»  * T,
  ;- : »·
, . (. - - · \  ~ ll
{ g ,l z-. (». Qincosaurus Cobbi ;\ldricli (natural size). __,,,,,,,__er,,,,,,r,, ‘2!¤
1 JI.   V I Mil
; llggl (   T. Cincosaurus C0bb1 Aldrich (reduced) c,c,rt,,cc,.r__.,c,rcccrr   ill f M
c raw l ;;
Q   ` *` 8. CIHCOSLLLITLIS bisheri Aldrich (a) and Quaclmpedia prima Y ,
;i   ;{ rich (lj) (reduced) ,,,_,_,_   t H _,,r,,,,, W t,,,,___,,,,t,,,   t,,,,,,_,   ·»3 · ·*l
‘ 'r ` T
¤·(~( . . . . . . t _.   fl
l   ~   9. Cincosaurus jaggerensis .‘\l(lI`lCl`I (natural size) ,,,_, . ,,,,,,t,,, »)~~  - (iw
l Qllfl (   . .. . . \     (.,_.
l   ` _§j· ll). ClllC()$£lUI'llS l(JI]€Sl1 Aldrich (natural SlZ€),,,_ ,,,,,,,,__ ,_  in *1*
‘ <.. ( <· `   (
i (¤—·‘a· 1   . .. . , . t . (  ·( "`
;   A ( P; ll. Cmcosaurus _l0nesn ;\ldr1ch (natural size) _ ,,,,,,,_,_ , ,,,,,,, ·ll'  ·  
qlrili T ' l   Y · I { I g ‘ .'
; gra ij l?. Ctenerpeton prnnum Aldrich (natural size) ,,,,,,,,___,r   wl  , ll
1 'A 9:}. ‘;  1 all]
1 rdfs: * , . . . _ ..  ;· "
3   f 1*) H\'€lT“01N€flZl i'nnl>r1a1;a Aldrich (reduced) ___A,,_,,,__,   ,,,,, , ¤~ F ar
;(¤,)• » ;7 '  (. ·· V
= '·Ll’   . . . » . -  F  
Q     ]»l—. Lnnn0saurus alalianiaensis i\l(ll“lCl`I (natural size) ttttt U ·*l . l"
· nn I- E  -
‘ l¢‘·Y·tll   _ _ _ ..  `.
L     l*’· QU€l
t' "` A 5
- . l Zi •  
  I T T ,!\ . ;
1   I V .
. A  5 . ir  
·.  5 V ».
 i _ _ V _ v fl  tl g
 ` /·f_v \\`.xi.‘r121< li. _IoN1·:s   _` y ‘ `  
. l ` I _ 5 y . g-
. worizrv/ioaz. li or several years there have been reports ot curious   · .. 2  
;;·;» ’n the shale above the Jagger coal in the Number ll Kline of the   T °  
il. xy Coal Company. near Carbon llill. \\'alker County. These things ,,  ‘ '   ’    
Am ; ity rst noticed several years ago by workmen. who called them to the T  1   g
 ` ;i·i ii of \\'. lt`. Cobb. Sr., General Manager, and A. P. Kfaclntosh, ° y    
l l"   t" `ingineer. The original discovery tracks have been very appropri—  ·- M  
li  Q an ined ClIi}l(`O.S`tIll}'lt5 C0/»l>z` Aldrich. (see Plates fi and T). and were i , ’  
 · to iistributed throughout the area of the southwest slove of the mine. · I     
. °’ I
t ' V _\ or so ago, Macfntosh s soke to Arthur Blair, Geologist of the Ten- A ` ; z
I . b N y n  .. E
ly, ; air .`··al_ fron & Railroad Company of Birmingham. about the tracks lj  _  l
Jl T ar   like any good geologist, was rather skeptical. Early in Decem— » · `jl
 ._ ie ist year, Blair and f. \\f. Miller. of the Land Department of the   '  
`?·i Q l `·.. ·e Company, visited Number ll and went to see the new find.   _ A i  
.,,]  ` `fl ‘e somewhat startled to behold the trail of the animal leading for l ' V A §
‘ sti e. until it disa>>eared into solid   ‘ ='i   »
, A · 5 v . :
iii A pg"   ` y,  
Yr i T popped down a sample of rock carrying about a dozen of the Y i I `i  
3;; I isi » tl took the slab to his Birmingham office. ft was the author`s · , 5 ~  
__  i to nine to be in his office when he brought in the find and it was _ T i. -  
""   ~i¤·~:~ fiat they were entirely new to Alabama geology. David Defar- . i ·~·.  
3;;  ‘ writ —istant Curator of the Museum, visited the mine soon after that. { ' . yi * QQ
W  ° in ~ A specimens for our collection and for study. Delarnette obtained l _ N [ 4 §Q
Zl·  ’.v ` _ . . . . ' ` . . . ` 3
T =   ·ndid material. both ot the discovery tracks and additional var1e—   =.
3:%  ? it s V author made a trip to the mine on December 12, 1929, and was A { ` _ TQ
A  *. *1l~l txt still other new varieties. The diversity of the fauna was most · A " _.   · i
if i.., . ‘ ‘ · * i ' I  
t >l- *1. Several other trips have been made by members ot the staff. · ,_    
Jl · l`*¥“‘ All the specimens hereinafter described. {      
JV.,  . `-\`l`llCI'S wish to acknowledge, with sincerest thanks and deepest { l t
    . · . . t ` c ` ` ,· l
  s»~ the splendid cooperation oi the Galloway Coal Company. par- . t ·. g
"l'  ` lY‘?`l   X. liisher, President, Frank Cobb.   A. P. }l&ClHt<>$l1. H. I ' ·.    
 · \i . ·· . · ~ · · ~ °
M  _   ~ me. buperintendent of kumber ll Mme, and Charles Nclxen-   l ._  
    YU lioreman. All of the specimens have been taken out by the     li F  g
  l'* :·—l'*lll]>Z111}'. and under the supervision of johnstone. This work t " i §  
  1** `ipcnsive and was carried out in a very careful. deliberate man- °   , =  
 5 li"? &.it>1Np£uly has fostered a notable contribution to seiellee. \\Yitl"1— A . i if  
 ; Wi ` · ~~peration. the discoverv could never have received the E1tt€I1tiO11 . i '  
5  ‘ ‘‘·--· ·}’ its importance. ' I ‘ ‘  
 ‘ . f ` · l — l
· _ ¥i
· é

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 *1 1 S <)1·}(}lC.—\I. 2s011. 01 the .—\.111e1‘1cz111 M1; 1m  
1a' · 1 1
{ji. 01 X211lll`£1l His101‘y. 101 n 1‘z1thc1‘ c11111]>1e1e l)ll)ll(igl`Z1]i)1`l}' 01 CZ`lI`l)Ol`11]` _-14 111;  
?; 1(>(1l1)l'11l1.S. 11*111011 is I`L‘])I`Oz11‘t 01 1111 ~`;11·—   1  
  _ , hh _ @141,,
s ,721 ` ` 1'lO1` 0*1*011 1. . s 5
. . A4 0 4 (ll 1
5 {if;. . .1 _ _   · 4
1   . U he g`€I1('l`Zll sec11011 111* }leC;1lle1*.* is as 101lO\\'SI · 1111
1 .   ‘ ' ' . 1—5\'»
1 1 M-
1 ’   .4 J .
1 'Q 1 (;CIIt‘}'¢I[ .11*1*/11111 nf 1/11· (1111/.1 nlmw //11· /3/11u/c Crack Scam, 1ly(Il'}'1-(W !·`   111*
: ,11 ' - 1 1   1 ;—1_1_
1 ,,‘1§ 1JU bhules, CI]l'l< (]·r1ers011> %ez1111 · "1 111
1. ·" 4_ _ _, 4 ‘ ' · `. . . .
4*   ‘ 10a Shnles, SIlll(l$lOl1CS, 11·1111 s0111e 111110 l1111es1011c 111 places , [MM
4 1115 . 1)I'1l1l Seam
E     Z1, 5·Zlll(lSlt)lltfS. shales C1*>¤‘\
1 11 ; Fire Clay (Currlifl) Seam 11g I1
g   __ 2. 3()' S:111rls1011es. shnlcs _' .
t  ji· , .·\lIlC1'lCZlll 1D011ble) Seam 1**11 1
· ~ 4j·‘ '   S2' C011g‘l01111~1‘z1tcs, sn11rls1<.1111·s, shules 111 111
1     Ciirry Se;1111 Mx?
1' If" 1 _? `
pfhzl 4 1. . ri i `ir. H mfvn . —-—-» €—·*
i   ‘. `l'l·11‘ I1 11111 1l1e·1‘11s:s1¤>11 01 1110 gwnlngy 01 the (111:11 B11·;1s111us 411 1\l;1l1;1111;1. 1‘u11t’<‘i·» 11-**; `
@1:1 4 1·1 1111· 1·;11·1<111s 1·1·111»r1s 01 1111- Suiwey d1·:1li11g with this >11l>j<·c1. V 4 1 WCM
yu`11. `}l1*{`:11l1y. 111-111)*, The \\v;11‘1’i·¤1‘ C1»:1l ]=i1>lIl, S11. Rpt. ll}, Alll. GL"·l» SWYV-· W1 ‘ 1
 "1 1
  1;. .
· _A1, ._W~———— —» ~—#   ;_  · __ ;
1. Um   —l.3' Shales, sandstones   ~. '
_I `  I} Gillespy Seam  L · ‘  
l `»¤LE<  —,- l7l1' Shales, sandstones  V ‘ `; _  
 _ New Castle Seam l ·  
 · J2' Shales. sandstones  V  _ “  
i Horse Creek Seam 5 ` ’ I  
Ii S7' Shales, sandstones ? I  ‘ g
L  lilue Creek Seam i _ I | ; ‘ §
 _ lt)' Shalcs. sandstones t { ` · lI S ~ f
 l Qlagger Seam l {I ;
 t S2' Conglomerates, shales, sandstones   ` `_  
t jp;  · Ream Seam ; _ ‘ y F
mp Z  5o' Shales, sandstones, with some little limestone in places l    
*· “ * l,ick Creek Seam -    
ly];  l 4S' Sandstonesr. shales ’ ~_ t  
L_   jefferson Seam l p ·’ g
li` -·  B5' Samdstones, shales t. _  
ily j Black Creek Seam · ‘  
q * V l
¤?¤’·£i  Q `{ve evidently the sediments which compose this group were laid Q I .g
`¥ll"  ii tlow., li a constantly shifting shore—line, ranging from swamp deposits · I  
·  _} oi Y water amd a luxurious vegetation to shallow seas with their sprink— i ‘  
 7 lil; ~narine invertebrates. That these conditions carried also a rather § `, ‘ y · .  
‘ nc. ~·l»rate fauna is no surprise when one considers the ideal surround- ; _l i'    
V  rites inst such animals as these. 'l he sandy beaches amd mud tlats   ‘ [ ;
 1 betv t the sea and the swamps must have been at splendid place for these t     \  
unit. to play amd rest. _ j ‘ .  
 » . g I
 X ll Ill . lt
 ‘ . Q I I F ` — El
 Q OCC[iI}RIICN(}IC j ` I `   ‘  
 V   l .1,: 1 2-
I·  ` ‘ ' ‘ ' I II l I ll
~‘l plants from the coal beds have been known since mnnng began, . l ‘ l
1 · . . . . . I 1 v '
 g Milli ·· have been a iew scattering occurrences ot marine invertebrate _ r. ~§ 3
 , { I v . ` . , . . . I ~ [ e I
levi l his discovery of vertebrate tracks is the first in .·\labama, and the j L ¤
V  amzr which made them may safely be listed as among the oldest known. ‘ { , i·
 Q · ,. _ __ ·. · - , ` l » it
 _ >·»lt~ the tiacks quite evidently belong to reptiles. although there prob— ~· 2 5
_ I .V   . . . . ‘ · »
 ¤ sb; no great dttlerence between reptiles amd amphibians at that time. l y A [ ·  
 i tracks are found in the slate some 30 to —l‘2 inches above the top   _ ._  
i   _ . . . . l iV 1
‘ "l s- ger coal_ and are limited to slopes and entries wltlcll h2t\’C l?CC11 Q ` `{ §
 l `llI"·‘~ 1 the roof for additional clearance, or in caved roof. ln manv P ' · l  
»i · t a { {
  LM" `filcks can be followed trom the slate on one side over at distance [ 3 Q
  "l ll   Tian lll feet. into the slate of the opposite side. Usually. they I I I I   i
.~   ¢ . - _ - » - - , _ . ·' t ‘
I Wl * rl lot only a tew feet. _l`hey have been tound in several parts ‘ A _ I Q
”‘ ill`   but the fourth left entry off the southwest slope has been the   I { l
_, **1 ` for collecting, _ t I '  
‘ .. · . - · 1 E
  · »· · i·,· time these beds were deposited, the dominant land animals _ l ll · ;
· ; MVC ¥»· · 1Yllll€lllS_ which were usually f0ur—f0Ot€(l, Cll1lNS}' tl1i11§S. T1“E1Cll,<.><31C.»\L SL'R\'l-ZY OF .»\I,ABAMA  
t gt — In H W I VI iwfrw `I r "?WI?*"*r '''' rr 7" 3 .
I tl’ , ·
a ll of amphibians have been found in rocks much older than the Jagger ut Q tg
  but reptile footprints in older rocks are very rare. The Carbon leli   I (I
€%lj eovety is replete with interest and is one of the most important i, jug  
  I years. ~ All
isn , , . . . ., V .
fh? I he earltest known tracks seem to have been found in Lanail lu W
lm" I tI-
,   t in the Ivnited States Dr. .·\. 'l`. King descrtbed some in 1545 in \'ol_ .,§ , `
    the .»\nierican lournal of Science, p. ‘2l¤i. Ifrom the figures give is I IV
. "|g__ 'I ` I · l . " ` pbh
i ity prob;tl»le that these tracks were amphibtan. In the nnpresstons he att-4
j ["_jQ_ that the forefoot only had four toes and the hind foot had five. one U Y
'ZJ wears .¤reviouslv Prof. C. II. Hitchcock described tracks that ere  
5 W ‘ mssiltlv bird tracks m the 'I`r1assic. but so far as we can find, Dr. il`.
·   IH ‘ .. . . s . ' I
Q HI lung was the ftrst to describe tracks in the Larboniferous. In IN l` aaa { ‘
I .·; . . . . p. . . a _ 1
f ,§{j·2, l.ea ot Phtlatlelplna dtscovered some tootprtnts tn the Coal Kfeae » ol
· .*.` . . . . ,, _ .
2 hlgl _ l‘ennsylvaina. His account was probably published tn the lransaca ~» of
;   ` the I\tnerican Philosophical Societv. In 1875 Prof.   D. Cope dt 'lietl 1
. *15;* . N ‘. . . _ ». , I J. .
‘ "*+$l - a skull from the Coal Measures from Istnton, Ohto. thee Ceo. 11rv. »
l  »·I· . . .. . · ,
g Q y Ulno. \ ol. ‘2, Part ‘?, p. QUT, plate ill. fig. 2.)  
» · . . . . . ,. s , . II
l all lhe next writer tn the proceedings ot the U. b. battonal XI Ltin. ij I
§   \`t·l. IW. described some specimens from the Kansas Coal Measure Ibis li"
' ll ‘ Il _ 7 . . . .
[   writer. I{. I., Hoodie. subsequently reviewed the subject very t ally
.` WW and apparently brought it down to llllti. His excellent work I Ilttl
' .§·   ,.., , { I _ · . . . . . . V. _
I pill. I ltr L ttul rllett.tttre.r .'flll]"fllf’lt! ot .\ortlt qlttiertrti, published by t. cat-  
g   negic Institute of \\'ashington. Iillli. Prof. O, C. Marsh. of Y. has I
;   also written quite a, few papers upon the same subject. The ;r ~ ef .
i me these ancient animals have been of verv little benefit to the au listi
. 'Ixl and mor tholoutsts of the L ntted btates. However. the work of Dr. II`··l1t‘
~ lt. I: . . I · . . . . .. ,
. 'llf. · ts more encvclo tethc than anv other writer. Un were Qtll in }Io·i»·tI. —Ir·~1‘l< _
_ fp.,} . I , I > W
r ‘i_>gE wtll be tounil a list of the footorints known and the names attaclle ‘Ci¤*· Illl"
I NH: , ,, . . . " ·
I   _ her. tittti. Ibis list follows: lllll
E [gg thus.
I   I aniti
Z Liu;} ` l`C\'t;.
  c I Z I
i rl: l
E `   ‘ `   I—ll Al,
_ pail p I { tore
j l‘I g . .
._ ttyl. . , lttlni
, ·i?·'| . ,
I   4 _ ttlt;a·
llfflt »—
ps j 1
  I;e·~·} I
I —*r# WH V  

s. ..~».._  
- . . ~ | 2.
. · l ’
l Q . ·f
  l~‘(f><)’l`l’RlN'l`S FROM CU.-\l, MICASUIQICS ll   T ' n ;
I V _, r.)  rrrr ~ 77777-7 »"7 né 7.*.-77 .,?. ,,7,,,_,,._ a I `  
‘  t l i
tal  i· ti givin 5l’lQCIE$ .·\ L‘TH01R Hoktzox l.0c,vt,t’1‘y il . . . .
`lS—     ‘;'_#rai·a/ifv Marsh Coal Measures Osage County, ~ · 1  
fm   Y __ v_ Kansas V   I x .  
  { y4\- K pa/m·z·r.<¤¤»is1 king Du Pennsylvania ; · ;·
 ’ (Qtr//iiszzilriitlm King Do Do   ~ · - 2  
NH . _; $315 rift:iztgnwuiisis Leidy Do Do Q ·»    
" _     ,‘,~;;m_¢ Marsh Do Osage County, 1 ‘  {  
in  ' Kansas . i T ` t VE
i< ·    S_·i;;;_t· pir:irz·:*illua.i· l)Zl\‘»'$OI1 D0 D0 . `·  
’ Ul  I t;`jt`(la.v· Dawson D0 D0 ’ ' ‘ i
had it, inclcl. UU DO _ i l
` 2 {_ · qugzzrx Marsh D0 Osage County, l l g·
fill'- __ Kansas '_ . l lr
  ft. waiia/zi.t Marsh D0 D0 · . V l
 ‘ ``Vr 1 atimaziricimir Butts Do Missouri E ·_ l _.  
TIN. t   lz izzrzwztt Butts Do D0 g T ` °l ;‘
`lii; .   ‘ {tits aatirgisittr Dawson iuhcarboniterous Nova Scotia ;` t _ . 1
_    V p:·i¤:zt1t·r·sz.v ljea Coal Measures Pennsylvania ‘ · ,  
il¤l)'  ; .»·ym!w:isi.v Dawson D0 U Qape Breton Island ` ‘ g
fittl  ¤ ¤f1fUfl€f¤`*' DHWSOI1 Carl>0n1tcr0us Bova Scotia  
._ _   lhl1llSIOllC grit) ` `. _ _ ;
Wk _ Ti:   lt·,l`tmlt:rr_i·!a; King Coal Measures Pennsylvania  
has   ~r‘<·f