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2010 PROGRAM M 35,5?" Thirty-Sixth Annual W , .7:
 5. Symposrum on jM,-1_,a>
8:00 am. Registration & Continental Breakfast, of elaborate reversibly actuated patterns, selfassembling g <3) 5 :5 - ' MIT, ff." 3:3;- _ 1
Keeneland Room, W.T. Young Library into previously unseen structures with uniform, periodic 5:30 a, o- ; ' 3'. . _ 1,,
8:50 am. Welcome by Dr. Kumble R. Subbaswamy, features, and controlled handedness. The actuation is 5 8  XMZ 3, ,,-. 3 : , Chemlstry " f, M17... i, ;:
Provost, University of Kentucky fast, reversible, reproducible, and robust. These recon- E n: g 8 E gym; ,3 J , r 3
9:00 am. Dr. Daniel Morse, University of California gurable nanostructures may have exciting applications in 2 w, E? 5 $2,551 ~,._': j: ,2 & 1 _. :3 "115:?
"Bio-Inspired, Kinetically Controlled, Low- actuators, microuidics, articial muscles, release systems, g D 5 - 7 37", .,  7"  i 2:591;
Temperature Nanofabrication of Semicon- and in smart materials with controlled pattern formation, 20 I 21:12., 1,7. i, ', .~,
ductor and Ferroelectric Thin Films and reversible switching of the wetting behavior, and tunable 3.33] , 3. MOIeCUIar 3 7
Nanopanicles: Unique Advantages for photonic properties. "M?  f j; i _ 1:. (-91,
High-Performance Li-ion Batteries" i ' _ i _ :1
11:10 am. Poster Session, Gallery, Young Library f": ' ' BIOIOQy " - j
Biological systems fabricate high-performance materials at 12:30 pm. Lunch  if -. j j :M -.
low temperatures and near-neutral pH with a precision of 2:00 pm. Dr. Chad Mirkin, Northwestern University '  :j~"rr.j"13: :_ 11153? :~":;i;~:i.~,
 .. 4a., a 1 .-  if if r s ..  -. r . e. a .1 1 a... a.
W v" " 2..  " 2* w ,. "W... e..- i it... = r it t *1
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. =' : 7 . 19 " '. 37' , '..-.;';~.' ,, svtfy: . 39;-{..J1:"7. . -;-. :3 'f L3i$l"~f%c i"? .A 73-h"?! M . . Sittity'; 357. :j:,7~ ".ff-T'".f,'e.iif~:l.} L $31.9. ii? :1$,.,.;3Egiiwi .i";