xt79s46h426m_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011.dao.xml Freemasons. Lexington Lodge, No. 1 (Lexington, Ky.) 18.2 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, 15 items archival material 2018ms011 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington Lodge no. 1 records Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes text Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011/Box_2018ms011_09/Folder_6_7/Multipage3523.pdf 1950-1952 1952 1950-1952 section false xt79s46h426m_13 xt79s46h426m ifiexingtnn 71311th Nu. 1, 3H. 8: A. m.

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 3&2 LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON. KY. 7&


___-_____S_t:??_‘i‘,1 _____________________ MEETING

W. E. Lander
________________________________________ W. Master Treasurer

______ - _ ”___ fiQingfl ___ i- __ __ __ _ _ Senior Warden W’ W ' Secretary

Junior Warden Senior Steward

Senior Deacon Junior Steward

Junior Deacon

.. no. wflinhepiain

Lodge opened in form on M. M. degree at 7:15 P. M. and
45 others present. At ease until 7:30 when called to
order and 60 others present.

Minutes of meeting March 6, 1950 read and approved.

Secretary read the following petitions which were duly
ordered received and committees appointed.

For Initiation Committee .
Robert Hensel Clark Elbert D. Adams, Harry Couch, C. R. Meyer
Donald Jack Clark Chester Mattingly, Frank L. Null, Cecil Hardwick
Melvin L. Dean P. B. Dunn, Harry G. Herring, C. B. Malone
John Barrett Ott Chas. T. Crowe, Frank Lyle, Louis R. Grall
Raymond Merton Slabaugh, Jr. Chas. Curry, E. W. Essig, R. Spence Porter

For Affiliation
Allen Ernest Sexton Kelly C. Elam, W. E. Mobley, Paul Mansfiled
Demit from New Hope Lodge No. 56%, Gravelers Rest, Ky.

William Merritt Johnson, Jr. R.R. Anderson, J. C. Jones, Morris W. Whitley
Eminence Lodge No. 282, Eminence, Ky. demi