xt79s46h476c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h476c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 2001 2001 2001-11-19 2020 true xt79s46h476c section xt79s46h476c m Despite 21-0 lead over Tennessee in first half, Cats surrender win to No. 6 Vols PAGES ,

what to

buy? See
our holiday '
M.- ._

More lessons

First date


I realize that plenty
of people have
written articles
about things
you wouldn't
want to say on a
first date. but I
haven't, You

might ask why i fQOTBALL

am being so i

Hearing relieves UK.
penalties pending

I'll say I'm
sorry, take my
medication and
blame it all on
the weather.
Getting back to
the point of this
rail, how many
of you have
ever been
nervous on a
first date with
I know you have so
magic??? and hope you get more than‘Hap-
say on a first py Thanksgiving. Todd said. re-
date... ferringlto the response Mpmtns
. gave w ten repor ers ques ione.
Donahdi'lliiiimdoite him about the investigation.
her that you'll Officials are optimistic that
be a little late the llt‘lll‘vlllg Will end this dark peri-
because you od in UK football. Problems be-
have to find a came evident last season when the
place to get rid team finished With a 29 record
of a body if amid growing reports of Violations
they question from within the coaching staff, ~
you ask them it “it amazed me the number of
they'd like to be people who knew about this and
next didn i say anything. Todd said.
Don't ask your date 1 pop discovering the Viola-
ifthey happen tionss l k revamped the entire
to have any coaching staff ‘The athletics de-
cute friends partiiient established a compliance
, ' hotline to help report any poten»
0°” t "V to make a tial violations concerning the de-
partment The goal of these
changes is to prevent [K from re-
peating this incident
lvv hopes the presence of a
hotline will encourage people to
comply With regulations. “We are
making sure this will never hap-
pen again." lvy said
For Todd. he hopes this will
he the last time he concerns him-
self with athletic iinproprieties
‘You have to figure out where
that blemish comes from. then you
don't get hit by that dog again."




Ceebrnlat 0 years independence tt: wliwatyerneLomc



Men's soccer
team nets 3rd
win in tourney

Chrls McDaniel,
midfielder, fights
an Akron player for
possession of the
ball in the champi-
onship game of the
Mid-American Con-
ference Tournament
Saturday. The Cats
won in double-over-
time 1-0. The Cats
received and auto-
matic bid to the
NCAA tournament.


Punishment: NCAA infractions committee hears
officials' testimony, will decide in a few weeks


tor Larry

“The mood
(at the hearing)
was like it would
be if we beat
Tennessee." lvy

”it ren‘imded
me of medical ex
ams they give
out.” said Todd
about the nine
hour meeting, “it
was the only way
to officially and
formally close
that chapter."

M ii in m e .
who resigned as
head coach in
February. met With the committee
separately Mumme and universi
tv officials gave two conflicting
testimonies concerning the itnpro
prieties committed by Mumnie
and his coaching stall.

Dy Casey Hamilton

Starr within

While the NCAA infractions
committee decides what penalties
to issue to the UK football pro-
gram. university officials are re
lieved the hearing is over

"It's a relief with having it
brought to a closure. 1 wished l
could have done something better
for the past year." said Sandy Bell.
UK's director of compliance Bell
said she and other UK officials
have spent the last year conduct
ing an internal investigation con
cerning the violations. They are
hopeful that UK's internal lilVeSil'
gation will haVe an effect on the
N(‘AA's decision.

The committee should reach a
decision in about 476 weeks.

UK officials met with the (‘mllr
inittee in lndianapolis Friday to
determine what penalties may be
rendered against the university
The committee was looking into
various recruiting violations that
occurred during former head foot
ball coach llal Mumme's tenure


me of
they give

- Lee Todd.
UK Presudent

joke about Grey
Poupon. it was a
commercial to
begin with. and
stupid too it you
mention it. I
mean it, not a
word. And
remember. it's
jam, not JEHY.
Wait for a second
date to invite

One goal: Overtime header by Jantti nets
winning championship game at tournament
players] he said "i feel great

for our coaches and our train
ers They are the ones who got

By Tom Soper

Wit were

your date to
join your cult.
it's OK to ask if
he or she has
low self-esteem
or how she feels
and collective

Try your best not
to propose on a
first date. Sure.
it she says yes.
you'll live an
adventurous life
of happiness
and prosperity
but you’ll just
feel weird if she

Even if she tells
you about her
genital herpes
first. don't talk
about yours. Oh.
and if she does
tell you she has
any venereal
diseases at all,
at least count to
10 before you
steal the
nearest dessert
cart and ride it
like a bat out of

Leave this out of
the discussion,
this one time at
band camp

By Jonathan Ray

- rail editor



t5 :5 .

Did anyone see the "
meteor shower it
could have been at mid-
night or 4 am.
Ken tuck V

VOL. 8108 lSSUE 860


News tips?
Call 2574915 or e-mail

UK President Lee Todd and


Unity: Muslims talk
about misconceptions
concerning holy month

By Samioh Shalash


Roula Allouch looks forward
to Ramadan every year. To her.
it is not just a daily fast. but
rather a month that brings to
gether the entire Islamic commu-

“It reminds me of how grate-
ful i am to have all the blessings
in my life." said the economics
and decision science senior.
“Sometimes. as students. we get
caught up in homework. exams
and grades »—-» but fasting re-
minds me that there is a greater
purpose in our lives."

Ramadan. the holiest month
in the Islamic religion. began on

Although it has been ob-
served by millions of Muslims
since the early seventh century.
during the time of the Prophet
Mohammad's teachings. many
misconceptions about the holy
month continue to exist among

“Sometimes people think we
fast continuously for an entire
month. but in actuality it's from
sunrise to sunset each day." A]-
louch said.

Others think that the act of
fasting consists of avoiding cer-
tain foods and liquids. yet the
holy month restricts much more
throughout the day. While fast-
ing. Muslims pass nothing be-
tween their lips ~ even abstain-
ing from drinking water. chew-

See RAMADAN on 3

"You‘ll have to ask lMtiiiiinei



Todd said

mm | lithium"


The l'K men's soccer team
sits on top of the world today

They defeated the Akron
Zips H) in doubleovertime on
Saturday to claim their third
consecutive MidrAmerican
Conference Tournament
championship and a berth
into the NCAA Soccer Tourna

it was a thrilling champi
onship game that saw neither
team give anything away. For
108 minutes the Zips (10—61)
and Cats (13-6-1) went back
and forth unable to get the one
goal needed to Win. But in the
14th minute of the second ()T
period. sophomore Nathan
Fleetwood sent a corner kick
to the front of the net and se
nior llkka Jantti headed it in
for the game wtnner.

Jantti. who was also
named MAl‘ Player of the
Year earlier in the week. said
it was a tough game and the
team feels good getting this

“We couldn't feel any bet-
ter." he said. “I thought both
teams fought really hard and
we got a little lucky. but ill
take it."

UK coach lan Collins said
that this victory is a testament
to his team and his staff.

“i feel great for all of our



The Studentflewspeapr at th University of Kentuc



us here

"i gotta take my hat off to
(Akron). They played very
well; they are a legitimate
NCAA tournament team as
well and i hope they get in,"

About the winning goal.
Collins only said that it was

“You knew one goal was
gonna win, i think we all
knew that." he said "It‘s fit-
ting enough. I think. that the
Player of the Year found a
way to end it What a great
goal. Everybody on the bench.
as soon as they saw him rise
in the air. knew that that was
the game "

Along with .Iantti. seniors
Marc Theriault and Chris
McAlpine. and iiinior (‘hris
McDaniel. were all named to
the Alerournament team
Akron outshot UK H10 and
held a 96 advantage in corner

Junior goalkeeper Greg
Raber. who is 9-1 this season.
made two saves in the shutout
performance. his sixth.

All that's left for the Cats
now is to find out who their
opponent will be when the
NCAA tournament begins on
Friday. The NCAA selections
will be made at 3 pm. today.


 i I“ your", NOVEMBER 19, 200i i kikruck’ ”me


The Low-down r

My mama
wants to
see me
on 'I‘\'
there‘s too
many dope
games out.

- Method Man
admitting his
love for
electronics has
been keeping
from working on
his third solo


Speak out: party plan forum tonight

I.I“..\Ii\'ti'l‘t)f\' Students Will have the
chance in twice their opinions concerning the
Lexington .\ie.i Party Plan Monday night at
b‘ p III in the William 'I‘ Young Library auditori
lllll The meeting has been titled Wildcat War (Ir
ganirationil \Ieeting Student (iovernnient is
urging students to attend and share ideas that
\inI be pi oposed to the I'rbzin (‘ounty t‘ouiicil

LCC student turns himself in to police

I.l‘l.\l?\'t‘.'l‘ti\' liryin S Payne ot‘ llld
\\'iliiioi'e Rd in .\ic ho] is\ ille turned himself in
to authorities at It! Jill p in it May in connection
\\ Till the di iig bust .it .i I'niyers‘ity Housing apart
iiient. \yhii‘h ls located on 'I‘rans'cript Avenue
Sgt tire: ll.iII Htilit' I'lx' Police Department silllt
that PM he is being held on charges ot'cultivatioii
ot iiiai iiiiaiia and possession of drug para
plianelia lie is being housed in tIie Fayette
t'oiinti Detention t‘eiiter Payne. a student at
IH‘. is also .in employee lot the Hi Physical
I‘liiii Dit ision. \yhere tit‘ has worked for three
years iii maintenance Physical Plant otI‘icials'

had no comments to make on the future of

Payne‘s eiiiplm ineiit A person at Payne's i‘esi
dence on (lld \t'ilniore Rd refused to make coin
iiieiits regarding Payne or his iiiyolyenient iii the


Slain officer laid to rest Sunday
IIIXINHTHN I.a\y enfoi‘ceiiietit officers
from across the state gathered Saturday to bid
farewell to slam .Ies‘saniine County Deputy Sher
Ill Iti‘ily Ray Walls I‘oIice cars torined a line into
Lexington t‘einetei'y as hundreds of tinitoriiicd
otiicers stood at attention to pay tribute to Walls
Walls. its. died Tuesday illit‘l‘ he and two otliei
deputies. (‘api (‘huck Morgan and Sammy
Itroiyn. \Vi‘l't‘ shot as they attempted to serve a
\\.’II'I'.’lIII in southeastern .Iessaiiiiiie (‘oiinly

Kentucky troops may be deployed

I'tiRT (‘.»\.\II’RI