xt79w08w9x05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79w08w9x05/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1908033 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-03-jun3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-03-jun3. 1908 2011 true xt79w08w9x05 section xt79w08w9x05 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TIRJSTEES,Jun-2,1908 Page 253 of a Dean of Women, and moved that the ladies be invited to come before the Board at 10:30 o'clock A. M. to-morrow. Said -motion was seconded by Sir. Walker, and carried unanimously. Upon motion of Mr. Nicholas, seconded by Judge Stout and carried the Chairman Of the Board was asked to act with the members of the Finance Conmittee. At this point upon motion duly made seconded and carried the Board adjourned to meet at ten o'clock to-morrow morning , June 3, l9O0. Met pursuant to adjournment at the same place at ten o'clock A. M. June 3. 1908. The roll-call showed the following: Present - Messrs. Patterson, Frazee, Lafferty, Nicholas, Walker, wEther, Stoll, Carpenter, Barker, Terrell, Clay, and Davies.- 12 Absent - Gov. Willson, Stout, Smith, Brooks, Hopkins, and Crabbe. - 6 A quorum being present business was proceeded with. Mr. Stoll offered the following resolution: Be it resolved that a permanent Committee of three be ap- pointed by this Board to be known as the Oommittee on Appoint- ments. The duties of this Committee shall be:- 1, To recommend to the Board of Trustees for election all professors, assistant professors, teachers and instructors In the University. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-2,1908 Page 253(cont d) 2, No person shall be elected or appointed to any of the above positions until the Committee on Appointments has first investigated fully into his qualifications and unless recom- mended by this Committee. 3, No persons shall be advanced from one grade of instruc- tion to another without the consent and approval of this Com- mittee. 4, This committee shall have nover to fill all vacancies wnich may occur in the teaching force of the University, which P.254 appointments shall be valid until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, and in the event that it shall be necessary to employ any special or additional instructor, professor, teacher or assistant, then this Committee may make such appoint- ment, which shall be valid until the next meeting of the B4ard of Trustees; 5, All necessary expenses of said Committee shall be paid by the University when such exoenses are certified by the Com- mittee or a member thereof, to the President of the University; 6, Each member of the Committee shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. 7, All recommendations of this Committee shall be made to the Board by the President of the University. Said motion was; seconded by President Patterson put upon its passage and upon roll-call the vote stood,as follows: Ayes: Messrs. Patterson, Frazee, Lafferty, Nicholts, Walker, Mathew, Stoll, Carpenter, Terrell, Clay and Davies. 11- Noes - None The resolution was unanimously carried. The Chairman thereupon appointed said Conmittee as follows: Messrs. R. C. Stoll, Chairman, President James X. Patterson and Governor Willson. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJun-2,1908 Page 254(cont'd) At this point there appeared before the Board representa- tives of the various ladiesi clubs of Lexington and made ad- dresses before the Board in which they urged the Board to establish in the University a Char r of Dean of Women, and give to the incurbent and equal voice in the Faculty. P.255 There were present Mesdames.Harrison, Marton, Beauchamp, Preston and others. The ladies after making their addresses retired. At this point Judge Terrell-offered the following reso- lution: Be it hereby resolved that a Chair of Rural and High- way engineering be established in connection with the De- oartment of Civil Engineering and a Professor be appointed to take charge of the work, beginning July 1st, 190$, at a salary of $1,200.00 per annum. Be it further resolved that the scone of the course of instruction consist of the following subjects and such other studies as the dean of -he department of civil engineering and the professor of rural engineering shall deem advisable: (1), Cooperative study of recent road legislation, (2) High- wvay maintenance and construction, (3) Road M1aterial (4) Road machinery, (5) Retaining walk Culverts and Dams, (61 Cement and. its uses in making walls, siles, curbstones, building block and general farm buildings, (7) Design and construction of steel highway bridges, (8) Design and construction of re- inforced concrete bridges, (9) Farm sanitation, (10) Farm drainage, (11) Land surveying. Be it resolved that a free scholarship, which shall only be free tuition, in Rural and Highway Engineering be granted to two able bodied male citizens of each county in the state, such students to be selected by the county judge and fiscal courts of each county and said appointments must not be made later than Sept. 1st in each year. The Dean of the-de-eartraent of civil engineering together with the Professor of Rural Engineering will notify each P.256 MINTETS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,190 Page 256(cOnttd) county judge and members of the fiscal courts of the common- wealth of the establishment of the course of study in Rural and Highway Engineering and of their authority to grant free scholarships to students desiring to take the course. It is hereby further resolved that in order to carry into operation the foregoing provisions of this resolution that a sum of $200.00 is hereby appropriated. The department of civil engineering will cause to be published a bulletin the out- ? scope of the course of study and therein will also prescribe rules and regulations zelative to the selection and appointment of the students by the county judges and fiscal courts. The Executive Committee is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate such sums of money as is deemed necessary to supply th e needs of this department for equipment. Be it further resolved that all the students in agriculture be required to take the course in this department of Road con- struction and Road M'aintenance. Said resolution was seconded by President Patterson, and put uIpon its passage, and upon the roll-call the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Messrs. Patterson, Lafferty, Nicholl.s, wathe"IStoll, Carpenter, Barker, Terrell and Davies. Noes - Mr. Walker. The resolution was carried. Mr. Walker offered the following resolution: The Board of Trustees in session assembled, desires to give expression, beth of their sense of personal loss and the loss to the University, suffered through the recent death of Professor Milford White, Dean of the Department of Education. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,190 Page 257 We have ever held him in high esteem as a man of sterling Christian character, unswerving fidelity to duty, and of high attainments in the educational development of our State. While we bow in humble submission to the inscrutable Providence that has removed him from our midst, when apparent- ly his life's work was but well begun we mourn his loss as that of a personal friend whose personal graces of mind and heart have endeared him to all whose lives he touched. Therefore be it resolved, That we express our sincere sympathy to the family of our friend and co-worker in the cause of education and commend them to the one unfailing Source of help and consolation. Second, That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes of the Board of Trustees and a copy be sent to the newspapers of this city and a cony tCo the family of our deceased friend. Said resolution was seconded by Mtr. Stoll, placed upon its passage and carried unanimously. At this point Mr. Hannah, assistant Secretary of Agricul- ture of Kentucky appeared before the Board and made an ad- dress concerning the work of his Department, and his willing- ness to co-onerate with the work of the Station in its work and also the work of the University. At this point the Board took a recess for the noon hour. Met at two-thirty o'clock P. 1. of the same day. P.258 Mr. Olay, Chairman of the Oommittee appointed to recom- mend to the Board a proper apportionr:ment between the various departments of the money appropriated to the University for building, etc., which report is as followes: We, your Comnmittee appointed to recommend to the Board, a proper apportionment between the various departments of the balance of the $200,9Q0 appropriation, after paying our debts for buildings and equipment already completed, beg leave to make the following report, to-wit: After careful calculation MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,1908 Page 258(cont'd) we find that to cay off the existing debt will require about $100,000, leaving $100,000 to be divided among the several departments. After careful consideration of the subject, we suggest that $50,000.00 be appropriated to Physics and Civil Engineering for building and equipment; that $5,000.00 to Mining Engineering, $25,000.00 to Chemical Department and $10,000.00 to the Mechani- cal and Electrical Engineering Department be given for a build- ing and equipment. We also report that the first available funds, after paying debt be devoted to the Physics and Civil Engineer- ing building and equipment. The first available funds will be about $33,33.00 payable July lst,1909- The balance of the $100,000.00 apportioned as above, will be payable by the State July 1, 1910. Corn. 0. G. Clay, Jas. K. Patterson, C. B. Terrell. Judge Barker moved that said report be received and adopted. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Carpenter, put upon its passage and upon the roll call the vote stood a.s follows: Ayes: 'Messrs. Patterson, Lafferty, NicholpLs, Mthew, Stoll, Carpenter, Barker, Terrell, Clay and Davies. Noes - Mr. Walker. P.259 The resolution was carried. At this point Dr. Tuttle appeared before the Board and made a statement with reference to his refusal to permit Miss Hattie B. Boyd to graduate on account of not having done certain work in his department. Dr. Tuttle stated in substance that Mtid Boyd had not done the requisite amount of work in Chemistry to en- title her to her degree; that she came to the College from the Louisville High School, where she had lead some work in Chemistry; that another young lady who had some from the same school at the same time had had applied to him for credit for her work i n Chemistry in the Louisville High School; that as there Informed he believed this work sufficient to pass his requirements, and she had been credited with that work, and required to take no Chem- istry in order to receive her degree; that if he had been in- formed of the nature and the extent of her work she would have been required to take additional-Chemistry, but having been credited with the work, he did not deem it proper to require her MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,1908 Page 259(cont'd) to take additional work; that Miss Boyd had not applied for the credit at the same time, and when she did apply he was informed that the work done by her in the Louisville High School in Chemistry was not sufficient, and he had required her tontake additional work, which she had not done. He stated further that if Miss Boyd had applied at the time the other young lady who had taken the same *.mount of work in Chemistry did apply, she would have been given credit for the work in said school, and excused her from taking further Chemistry under him but this she had not done. P. so President Patterson stated that under Dr. Tuttle's st8ate- ment he would recommend to the Faculty the granting of Miss Boyd's degree. After Dr. Tuttle had retired, Mr. Stoll offered the follow- ing resolution: Moved that the President of the University be authorized to confer the Degree of Bachelor of Arts upon IMTiss Hattie E. Boyd and that a proper diploma be given her. Said motion was seconded by M11r. Carpenter, placed upon its passage and carried. At this point a telegraph was received from the Secretary of the Feceration of Women's Clubs, in session at Paducah, urging the appointment of a Dean of Women, which was received and filed. At this point Mr. Stoll offered the following resolution: I move that a Building Committee of five be appointed; that this Committee shall proceed to locate and have built a building for Physics and Civil Engineering, to cost not exceeding $50,000.00 and that in the-performance of this duty this Committee MINUTES OF TT-M BOARD OF TRTUSTEES,Jun-3,190 Page 260(cont'd) shall conform to all of the Requirements of the Act of 1908; that this Committee be authorized to make such financial arrange- ments as it may deem best, but the arrangements in no event to be made so as to bind the individual members of the Board, and be empowered to reject any and all bids, and to accept no plans or specifications for the construction of this building until after it shall have received a bid from a reliable contractor offering to construct the building within the estimate made by the architect, and within. the limit of the amount heretofore mentioned in this resolution and said sum shall include the cost of plumbing, heating and lighting and architect fees; and that the matter of the other buildings be postponed until the Decem- P.261 ber meeting, 1908. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Clay, and put upon its passage and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Messrs. Patterson, Frazee, Lafferty, Nicholvs, Walker, lithen, Stoll, Carpenter, Barker, Terrell, Clay- and Davies. - 12 Noes - None The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Nicholas, Chairm4n of the Finance Committee, reported that his Committee and the Committee on Salaries had met joint- ly, and he desired to make a joint report of said Committee; that the Committees recommended that the budget stand approved as reported by president Patterson, except that the salary of Mrs. Stout be changed from $1,200 to $1,000; and that Mr. Nol- lon be changed from $1,000.00 to $1,100.00, and that Mr. Thur- man, the fireman, be changed from $480.00 to $600.00. The salary of the Comptroller was placed in the budget at $1,500.00, but as the Committee understood that $500.00 of this salary was to be paid by the Station, it was changed from $1,500.00 to $1,000. In reference to Prof. W. K. Patterson, the Ooramittee examin- ed Prof. Patterson's report, and also heard the statement he had made to Air. Frazee in regard to the recovery of his health, and it decided to let that qu-estion pass until the December meeting of the Board. MINfTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUTSTEES,Jun-3,1908 Page 261(contld) Unon motion of President Patterson, seconded by Judge Barker and carried Mr. Nolla% was placed upon the same basis as first assistant professors in other departments at $1,000 a year. Page 26 Mr. Nicholas reported that the Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Department had asked that he be authorized to employ a tool-maker at $75.00 Der month, whose duty it should be to build new apparatus for the steam, and electrical laboratories etc. Mr. Stoll offered the following resolution: Moved that the joint report of the Committee Salaries be approved, and that the amounts as set budget as amended by the Report of Said Committee said budget is as follows: on Finance and out in the be paid, which Estimated income for fiscal year - 1908-9 State Bonds ------- $8,6L4.50 Morrill und- - 1890 21,375.00 Nelson Fund -- 1906 8,550.00 State Taxes ------- 42,000.00 Appropriation-1904-- 15,000.00 Appropriation-l9O8--- 20,000.00 Tuition lees ------- ,000.00 $123,569.50 Estimated Expenditures for fiscal year-1908-9. Faculty. Jmnes K. Patterson F. Paul Anderson J. H. Neville James G. White J. W. Pryor --- C. W. Mathews A. S. Mackenzie M. L. Pence --- A. M. Miller F. E. Tuttle L. K. Frankel --- A. II. Wilson --- A. 0. Zembrod W. E. Rowe --- $5,000.00 3,oo0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,900.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 MINUTES OF TIM BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,1908 Page 263 Expenditures (continued) W. K. Patterson --- Dept. of Education --- R. N. Maxson C. R. Welcher J. J. Hooper --- W. J. Carrel --- J. MI. Davis --- W. W. H. blustaine --- Road Building Engineering Dept. of Education A. H. Gilbert --- T. T. Jones --- Mrs. Stout --- F. VT. Miller L. E. Nallat -- W. S. Webb --- A. G. McGregor --- J. L. Purdom --- A. N. Whitlock --- M. R. White--- H. D. Easton --- Lst Asst. Agriculture 2nd Asst. Agriculture 1st. Asst. Khern.-Essex lst Asst. History 2nd Mathematics Pnd Chemistry 2nd English 2nd Physics Knox Jamison E. S. Kinkead Jos. Dicker Mrs. Blackburn I. W. Marshall L. L. Lewis C. E. Schoene G. M. Howard Gordon Thurman John Dicker Dean,Law Dept. 2 Asst. Profs. Law Extra Classes Oomptroller D. C. Frazee John Ginochio R. A. Milligan Miss King Lon Moore Tom Aubrey $1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500. 1,5 00. 1 )00. 1,300. 1,300. 1,200 1,100 1 100 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,000 1 000 1,000 1, 000 1, 000 1,000 1, 000 1,000 1,000 600 900 600 600 900 900 900 1)000 1)OOO 75o 700 700 46o 600 600 1,500 1,500 2 000 1,000 1,200 78O 4Oo 66o 600 500 In case of appointment P.264 MINUTES OF TH10 BOARD 0 THtUSTEES,Jun-3,1908 Page 264(cont'd) Exoend4.tures-Faculty- (continued) Mrs. Jones - $ 600 A. G. Spillman -- 300 Janitors --- 2400 12 Fellowships--- 100 Watchman --- 48o Departments Fuel and Lights --- $J0,000 Mechanical Engineering --- 4L,000 Carnegie Library --- 2,650 Repairs and. ImProvements --- 2, ;00 Advertising --- 2,000 Miscellaneous --- 2, 000 Contingent --- 2,000 Emergency --- 2,000 Chemistry --- 2,000 Interest --- 41000 Student Tray. Exos. --- 2, 000 Physics --- 1,000 Civil Engineering --- 1,000 Water --- 1,000 x Bulletins --- 1, 000 x Insurance --- 1,000 Geology and Zoology --- 1,000 Agriculture --- 1 000 Military Dept. --- 700 Mining Engineering --- 700 Traveling Expenses 600 Trustees Expenses 600 Postage 500 Officers 500 Stationery 400 x History and Economics 500 Botany 400 Anatomy and Physiology 400 P.265 English --- 400 Classical Dept. --- 200 French and German --- 200 Entomology -- 200 Mathematics --- 200 Domestic Science --- 200 Dept. of Education --- 200 Academy --- 200 Student Labor --- 300 Y. M. 0. A. --- 200 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,1908 Page 265 Departments (continued) Athletics--- $300 College Annual --- 300 Class Day --- 50 Law School --- 300 Total estimated expenditures $137,170.00 Estimated overdraft, close 1907-8 ------- 14,000.00 $1n170.00 Income ------- _2,5 9.00 Addendum. 2nd Asst. Mining Engineering $600.00 Stenographer ------- 360.00 P.266 Said motion was seconded by Mvur. D&vies, and placed upon its passage and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows: Ayes:- Messrs. Patterson, Frazee, Nicholat, Lafferty,. Walker, Stoll, Carpenter, Barker, Terrell, Clay and Davies. 11 Noes: None. Mr. Holland, a student, appeared before-.the Board and pro- sented the request of the Literary Societies of the Uniyersity that they be excused from the payment of the fees for the use of the chapel; and presents petition of the students for the retention of Professor Leaphart, as assistant in the Classical Department. Mr. Holland retired. MINUTES OF THE BOAIRD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,1908 Page 266(cont'd) The following motion was offered by Judge Barker, seconded by Judge Terrell, and carried: Resolved that the Literary Societies of the University be given the use of the chapel free of any charge for their annual open sessions, and for any society debates or contests. M1r. Caroenter, Chairm-an of the Committee on Experiment Station, oresents the Report of said Committee, which is as follows: The Committee an-ointed on the Exneriment Station begs leave to submit the following report: We find the Stations growing rapidly and new duties are being taken up each year. The Station building is already crowded and it will not be long before-.additional accomodations will have to be provided for housing the different departments of the Station. The last legislature passed a new Pure Food Law and gave to the Director of the Experiment Station its enforcement which will add greatly to his work. The Board of Control of the Ex- P.267 periment Station has direct supervision of finances. The food law has been a popular one in the State and we believe it has given credit both to the Station and to the College. The funds are paid directly by the State, and we think the Director should be given hearty support in the execution of the law and that the Board of Control should make liberal appropriations for getting the best seen for the work. As the Director is responsible for the work done, he should be given the opportunity of selecting the very best men obtainable. The following recommendations of the Director are approved and we ask their adoption: 1, That the anpropriation of $15,000.00 from the Hatch Act , and the funds from the Adam.s Act, the income from the Fertilizer Food, and Feed Control Work, and Farm, and any interest accruing from these accounts, be appropriated for the use of the Station. 2, That in accordance with the action of the Board, fixing the salaries of the heads of the divisions and assistants in the Experierant Bttatloff the salaries of the following persons are fixed for the next year, beginning July 1,1908, as follows: MINUTES OF TEE BOARD OF TRtUSTEES,Jun-3,l908 Page 267(cont'd) I.vI. A. Scovell A. M. Peters H. E. Curtis --- H. Garrnan --- W. H. Scherffins --- R. IM. Allen --- J. 0. LaBach --- J. D. Turner --- Miss I.N. L. Didlake S. D. Averitt --- 0. ML. Shedd --- J. W. Nutter --- Miss Lillie Liston E. C. Vaughn --- George Roberts --- E. S. Good --- Miss 0. L. Ginochio H. D. Spears --- J. W. McFarland B. F. Scherffins --- Miss Anna Wallis --- E. F. Worthington --- Miss K. T. Hopson --- E. J. Kinney W. C. Mathews D. 0. Frazee --- T. R. Bryant --- W. T. Lafferty --- $4,200.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,700.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 l,1800.00 19400.00 1,500.00 1,400 00 1,200. 00 600 1,000 1,600 1,700 720 1,200 1,200 1 200 600 750 600 1,000 450 300 600 500 + ($300 paid U.S.D.Agr. P.268 The Board of Control is charged with the enforcement of the Food Law passed by the legislature of 190g. It will be necessary to employ various persons in the work and we recom- mend that the Board of Control be empowered to employ, together with the Director, such persons as it may deem necessary to carry out fully the intent and purposes of such Act, and to fix and certify for payment of salaries of all persons so employed and engaged in any way for such purposes. Respectfully submitted. T. Carpenter R. C. Stoll Mywell Davies 0omraittee MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TIRUSTEES,JU1-3,l90 Page 269 MS. Stoll offered the following resolution: I move the adoption of the Report of the Committee on Experiment Station. Said motion was seconded by Judge Barker, and placed upon its passage and upon the roll-call the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Messrs. Patterson, Frazee, Lafferty, Nicholas, Walker, Stoll, Caroenter, Barker, Terrell, Clay and Davies. 11 Noes:- None The resolution was carried unanimously. The following motion was made by M1r. Stoll: I move to reconsider the motion made and carried yesterday in reference to the settlement of the indebtedness of this University-to Transylvania University growing out of the change of name of the Kentucky University to Transylvania University. Said motion was duly seconded and carried. Thereupon Judge Laff erty offered the following resolution: Resolved: that the question of the settlement of the in- debtedness of this University to Transylvania University, grow- ing out of the change of name of each, is referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. The said Committee will pay the attorney fees as agreed, and will then, upon re- quest of said University, make payments on said indebtedness in installments of $500.00, and upon exhausting the first in- stallment and presenting statement and voucher for samej a second shall be paid, if requested, and treated as above, and so on until the obligation is fully met, but in no event shall the total payment including attorneys fees exceed $5000. P.2P Said motion was seconded by Mir. Carpenter, and put upon its passage, and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows: Ayes: Messrs. Frazee, Lafferty, Nicholfs, Stoll, Car- penter, Bnrker, Terrell, Clay and Davies. 9 Noes - Mr. Walker. President Patterson asked to be excused from voting. Said motion was carried. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,190 page 270(contid) Mr. Stoll, Chairman of the Committee on Co-operation be- tween the Agricultural Department and the Experiment Station made the report of said Committee which is as follows: Your Committee appointed with reference to the co-operation between the Agricultural Department and the Experiment Station begs leave to report as follows: Under the Act of the last legislature creating the Univer- sity, it creates, among other Colleges, an Agricultural Ool- lege. We recommend that the departments of said Agricultural College be - First, The Experiment Station. Second-- The Agricultural Department. That, as the Director of the Ex- periment Station is the senior in rank, he be designated as head of the College, under the title of Director of the Agri- cultural College. The C.u.ies of the Director of the Experi- ment Station and the Dean of the Denartment of Agriculture to remain the same as heretofore, except that the Director shall have charge of all post-graduate work in the Agricul- tural College. The exception facilities for research work in the Experimental Station affords to advance students opportuni- ties which would come directly under the charge of the Director, and your Committee believes that by means of conferences be- tween the Director of the Experiment Station and the Head of P.271 the Denartment of Agriculture, it will be able to obtain the services of members of the Experiment Station Staff for deliver- ing lecturesetc., to the students of the Agricultural je- partment, but in view of the detail connected with this arrange- ment and in view of the legal entanglements which are likely to occur, by reason of the provisions of law under which the various funds of the Station are created, your committee must act with care and deliberation. Your committee believes that if it is continued, it can work out a plan which would be satisfactory to this Board and to the various departments of the University interesed in the matter of agriculture, and, therefore, it asks that it may be continued and that either it be given power to act or that it report to the Board at its December meeting, the results of its labors for their action. Your Committee sees that the President of the University has recommended that two assistants be appointed in the De- partment of Agriculture, but it believes it an work out a plan whereby the work of at least one of these assistants can be done away with, and probably the work of both of these assistants can be done in another way. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,1909 Page 271(cont'd) We recommend that the President of the University and the Director of the Station be added to the Committee. Respectfully submitted, R. C. Stoll, Ohm. H. S. Barker Lewis L. Walker Committee Page 272 Upon motion oQu Mr. Frazee, seconded by Judge Terrell and duly carried, President Patterson and Prof. Scovell were added to the Committee on Co-operation of the Agricultural Department and the Experiment Station. Mr. Davies, Chairmnan of the Committee on Minutes of the Faculty, made the Report of said. Committee, which is as follows: The Committee appointed to report upon the minutes of the faculty had read the minutes as recorded since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees and approves them. The committee would in particular recommend the adoption of the plan proposed by the faculty in reference to laboratory deposits, to the effect that, "In place of the varied scale of laboratory deposits now in use, that a uniform deposit of $10.00 be hereafter required of every student in the college and that this deposit be made with the Business agent of the College". Your coimmnittee further recommend in harmony with the action of the faculty relating to advanced degrees, that it be the sense of this Board that the awarding of advanced degrees in this institution be placed upon the higher plane, in accordance with the practice of the most advanced universities of this country; that such degrees should be given only in recognition of work accomplished under the direct supervision of the Univer- sity faculty, except in the case of those which are customarily bestowed as honorary degrees in recognition of distinguished public services or scholarship. Hywell Davies, Ohm. Lewis L. Walker, R. N. Wathen. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-3,190 Page 273 Upon motion of Mr. Frazee, duly seconded and carried, said Renort was received and adopted. Upon notion of Judge Lafferty, duly seconded and carried, Dr. Pryor was asked to go with the Board of Trustees to the meeting at Louisville, on Tuesday, June 9th, 1908. Mr. Stoll, Chairman of the Committee on Military Instruc- tion offered the Report of said committee which is as follows: Your Committee on Military Instruction beg leave to report that it has considered the matter of military instruction In the University and it believes the Mil1lary instruction should