xt79zw18nk61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79zw18nk61/data/mets.xml Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History 1931 Other titles include: Alabama Museum of Natural History museum paper, Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tennessee Valley Authority. Issues for 1, 3 carry no series numbering. No. 2 also as Education papers no. 1. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number AS36 .A2. journals English University, Ala. : Alabama Museum of Natural History, 1910-1960 This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Alabama Works Progress Administration Publications Museum Paper, no. 12, 1931 - including "Alabama Museum of Natural History" by T.H. Aldrich, D.Sc. text Museum Paper, no. 12, 1931 - including "Alabama Museum of Natural History" by T.H. Aldrich, D.Sc. 1931 1931 2015 true xt79zw18nk61 section xt79zw18nk61 V
.}c0l0g1cal Survey 0{Alabama ¢
A WALTER BRYAN ]ONES, State Geologist
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( These species are all from the collection of the "Alabama connected w
it W Museum of Natural History," and the types are in this Museum. Rcmmlx
I I V I ?.; Q. ments at Bl:
i I Lerjfusus pagoda, Heilpr. This form is figured from one like . gogligifoégi
M the type which is figured in Vol. 3, in Professor Harris’s Bulle- jp. _
{ ( tin, Plate 6, fig. 10, pp 51. Professor Heilprin just gives the 10- { Ailmfb
; { cation as Eocene of Alabama; it probably is from Wood’s Bluff t Of the interl
j ` l Horizon. There are a great many varieties of this form as stat- g D1"- H- G- S‘
j ed by Professor Harris. It remains for the Nanafalia Beds to may 1931, 3
9 - i show stout shells like L. indentus, Harris, (pl.5 fig. 5) and other N Lggaljt
W `i { forms almost without spines, (pl. 5. fig. 1) from Wood’s Bluff iii State Get-,10,
t Alabama; forms with a single row of spines (pl. 5, fig. 2 and 3) ; Ot (jtttjbom.
Q forms with a double row of spines, (pl. 5 figs. 6 and 7) ; and an- i jlay in the I
other with a triple row of spines on the body whorl (pl. 5 fig. 8). ] tO1~y_"
ii { It is hardly necessary to give names to these varieties but they 2
I all belong close to the parent. (pl. 5 fig 7.) represents Levifusus 2 Lgmmt
supraplanus, Harris which seems to be a variety also. T Omamgnted
Q, I _ nearly equa
“ Volutilzthes petrosus, Con., occasionally this species which is Q Cana] aye 5
It \ common in Claiborne occurs with a double row of spines on the i sugy tytmg
/7 body Wh01‘l. (pl. 6 fig. 3). `_ broadly ov;
‘i` . Crrzssatcllites (lf(l€fO7‘77ZZ.S, Con., var., a single form l1101`€ upper part
Ii nearly like the Maryland form was found in the Gosport Bluff I2 m‘m‘ (D
, _ or Claiborne horizon and differs greatly from the ordinary Clai- F Localil
Jl , borne species, (pl. 6 fig. 5). It may possibly be a very sulcate c collected th
I; I form of C. p2·oi‘c.rfa. Some of that species are also sulcate. I to Lcrifusv
i ( Eufrcp}2occ2·a.s haltomz', n. sp., shell nautiloid in appearance. » ""‘k‘§,t1;¥f
(pl. 1 fig. 1). Substance of our shell thin, shell large, the i the Cljgboi
gi I ) greatest width being 240 m.m. reduced to 140 m.m. in the ph0- Comhg iq
. tograph, sutures (pl. 3 fig. 2) rather straight but turning into it bwt tok
. the umbillicus abruptly having an acute angle. The SQDIEH RFQ §° `
Y flat. The outer chamber seems to have been large. Sutul‘€S E Arca-
f are rather close together. (Pl. 3 Hg. 3) is another view show- 1A). Pro
} A%.f ht. ·
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ing the sutures. The siphuncle is small, round and high up on . [T
the septa, pl. 3 fig. 3). (Pl. 2 fig. 1) shows the thickness of the — P i
specimen looking down on the top. The light part shows the _ A j ;
thickness of the shell and the darker part is part of the shell n . .
Jama connected with the base. . Qi .
Bum Remarks: This species is very common but mostly in frag-
s ments at Black Bluff, Tombigbee River, Alabama, or the Sucar- T l.
3 mw nochee formation. It is named after the discoverer, William L. S. »
;uH€— Haltom, Curator of this Museum.
IQ 10- Atm·ia alolmnzcnsis, Morton, (pl. 4 fig. 1). This is a cast l_
Bluff of the interior of this species and has already been published by ‘ i
gmt- -» Dr. H. G. Schenck, in Vol. 19, number 19, University of Califor— V4
ds (O nia, 1931, and is repeated herewith. ‘
3th€1` Locality: The specimen was found by Dr. E. A. Smith, late F .
Bluff State Geologist, in the Upper part of the Jackson horizon, west li
?l 3) 9 of Claiborne a few miles. There is another specimen quite sim- l it A C lili
Cl 8]* ilar in the collection of the "Alabama Museum of Natural His-
¥· Sl tory." A A 1;-
they g; _ ?
mgm Lcz·ifcu.s2z.s l>i.spz“noxus, n. sp., shell medium, whorls 6 or more, A F; ‘
ornamented on the body of the whorl with two rows of spines E _ s
_ nearly equal in size and 12 in each row. Both the spire and the l *
Ich is canal are somewhat damaged. The surface is covered with *_
H the finely transverse lines becoming coarser on the canal. Aperture gl V
broadly ovate, outer lip striated within. A thin callus on the .·
more upper part of the inner lip. Length remaining 28 m.m. width , .i`-
Bluff 12 m.m. (pl. 5 fig. 4). if ( if
Clai- Locality: Tuscahoma Landing, Alabama. Dr. E. A. Smith. ` 4 A V;
ilcate collected this form a number of years ago and considers it equal
to Lcri_f1¢sn.s firm/zncri, Harris. Its locality and other characters [V ~'
ance' makes this species probably an ancestor of the Jackson form. J ~ {__
the Omfzlrcnus rllscoiclalis, Con. This species is very rare in ‘
’phO_ U the Claiborne sand at Claiborne, Alabama. The figure given by `if
_ mm Conrad is poor and Mrs. Katherine Palmer of Cornell thought 5
are it best to refigure the same. See (pl. 6 figs. 4 & 4A).
tures Arca. cnculloidcs, Con., this is figured on (pl. 6 figs. 1 & l`
;ho‘.v— V 1A). Professor Harris has stated that it is very doubtful that `.
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this species is found in the Claiborne sand bed but this Survey _E’i`”’U“”
{ has two or three fine specimens that undoubtedly came from Clijubome Sa]
ZA Y Claiborne. The drawings have been presented to the Survey - bemg more Q
{ by Professor Harris of Cornell. .
i , Pseudolira ozanafaliacizsis, n. sp. shell rather large, smooth,
il l ovate, subglobose, suture distinct; body whorl slightly con- g.
I ‘ l stricted close to suture expanding rather quickly. A line on `
» ; 1 upper half of same indicates the position of a small tooth on the
i Q outer lip. Surface of body whorl is marked with fine transverse ‘
{ lines, thickened callosity near junction of the upper and outer T
_ g i lip. The interior is filled with natrix in this specimen. Length
j i 60 m.m. breadth 38 m.m. ·
· ii i Locality: Nanafalia Beds, Tombigbee River, Alabama.
. ’ Rcnmrles: This shell varies from the common Pseuclolira A
i l wfustcz, Con., in the shape of the spiral whorls the position of .
the tooth and there are varieties connecting this species with `
, I l ( some at Claiborne, Alabama. The shape of the aperture seems y
il l to connect it with Aincilla. (pl. 1 fig. 2). _
if ii Fusus rcgularoicles, n. sp. Shell regularly fusiform, spire
it 1 high, suture wavy; whorls seven, without the embryonic ones `
‘ l which are missing. A broad space between the suture carrying
; some transverse and vertical raised lines; angulated above the `
%\ l suture with about 8 or 10 nodes and 2 or 3 revolving raised .‘
, lines. Body whorls with strongly raised transverse lines to tip
.1}. ` of canal. Aperture ovate, smooth within, a callus on the inner T
ii lip; canal long with strong raised lines down to the tip. Length
g 50 m.m. width of body whorl 18 m.m. (pl. 5 fig. 9). ·
Remarks: This shell is strongly marked but approaches .
A Locuhty: W. D. Matthews Landing, Alabama. ·
( Fusus nzohri, Aldr., it seems as if Harris’s shell named by {
gil him as Fusus bellamzs is the same as the above. My specimen W35 fe
. described from a half grown shell but fragments connect thi? ‘
it two. The original type is in the collection of Johns Hopkins
if T University, together with another specimen showing a connec- V
li I tion to Harris’s form as named as above.
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TGV l Ewilliczr llignitica, Aldr., var. zrhecleri, is present in the Q.
Yogi Claiborne sand at Claiborne. Differs from the E. Iigvzitica by jill
We`, being more elongated and highly polished. _ ;
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g pi Figures of various species and varieties.
i 5 Fig. 1. Levifusus pagoda, Heilpr.
l tf Without spines. TZ
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. | Fig. 2. The normal form with a single row of spines.
; }· Fig. 3. Probably the type specimen.
` Fig. 4. Levifusus bispinosus, n. sp. gy
;'_ Fig. 5. Levifusus indentus, Harris. .i
i l Fig. 6. Levifusus pagoda. Heilpr with a double row of l
· l spines.
l Fig. 7. Levifusus supraplanus, Harris, with a double row
of spines.
. Fig. 8. Levifusus pagoda var. with a triple row of spines.
i' e Fig. 9. Levifusus regulariodes n. sp. ~ in
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, PLATE 6. .1A
1 i Figures.
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i Fig. 2. Pseudoliva nzmafaliaensis, n. sp. . KQ;
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i Fig. 5. Crassatellites alaeformis, Con. var. iii .
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