xt79zw18pf7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79zw18pf7x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150429 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 31,  April 29, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 31,  April 29, 1915 1915 2015 true xt79zw18pf7x section xt79zw18pf7x \
/4* o
. Q F
W l H E   ID EA
• •
. • University of Kentucky
l(_l )4 $·  `O AS  {
l l `i"" " · · TA E T l
‘ Illll Pllll .||lHllStlll   ""“"""‘“” """"‘¢ li|lllS’ ISSIIE lllll l““SE“‘“*'J TEAM “’ llllll AGAIN lllllll
—-— —-—< · l The annual prize competition drllll I K    
AIIIIHESSES SllllllllSrW··   ‘·‘· r   0*     APPEAH lllll lllll     ·» ¤S~bE ··   i l··· EVEN IN llll GAME
t hdct Lattnllon held on the Paradel Itnnvn Sunday for R weeks pmmgemnm
`· __ I<¤I:<>·¤r;<1.¤ Friday ¤ft<;r;¤¤¤¤;lr+*¤;;lt<;dil¤I im Western Tennessee. On mis trlpl
, . " " ‘ommny recevn e s · · · . . · . . —`_"` . .
4 Louisville Newspaper Menlkls uw helm drum! mlgpmlx ig tz; EVQFX Gil`] IS GIVE!]. gh3IlC€{:_l;G;° _jm:‘°;*lI;*‘Q;0::‘;’_:j;j_";']"§jb;*:j_fi‘;’; will FIPSC FPOITI Mlaml 7 to
0f the Old School Gives |¤¤¤¤¤i><·tlt1<>¤s. E. Fl. Drake, to Express Herseu li She t*¤tl·srshy mid time games. at {Lab-, 6 and Lose Second by
Interesting   of Lexington, was decided to be the HBS BCC!] Done ‘DITt, anon with (gnmbcrlnnd (ynnegn S_ p_ Close Score Of 2 to 1
best tlrllletl second-year man, and H. + + I, + ••*;‘;':'++ · ++ *• [T, have been playing good ball thlsl
Colonel li. Polk Johnson, journalist, ·l· ":"“""· Of F"*"‘kf°"t· H"' mst drmedln, •, S€8¤0¤. |0¤l¤K to V¤¤d€l‘l>llt 3 to 0. ln two of the best games seen on
Confederate veteran, and one of t'”‘l‘Y"*"` man ln the b**m*·H°“·l+ ATTENTION GIRLS AND * and breaking even with Sewanee ln algwn meld this Sgasun the wrudcats
.. l.oulsvllle‘s most loyal cltlzens, ad- m`"k‘°` tr “ "‘"`l’°"**l in HAH °°mp“·nY'+ sUFFRAbETTE8l * SGNGS of tW0 KMHGS. Bel-il¤¤l¤8 F!'l· boke even with Miami, winning the
dressed the members of the Journal- ami EV“"" ‘*‘ “ l"`l"“t" tn the samelln •|dHY with T€¤¤9S¤€<* 0¤ Sm}! Fl€ld mel first T to •i and losing the second 2 to 1
ism Department Tuesday afternoon, “""“l’““y· TM “'l““‘"`” l" the i“dlV'd' • Next k b 1 nm M *|Wl|d<‘¤tH will Dl¤Y eight Straight The flrst game though by no means
it on "'I`he Higher ldeals of Journalism? U"! """‘l"’tm"“S “""`*’ awarded “"V"" 4, 3 i th wie I :8 id g tgy +IK8m9S UHIPBS ruin DFRVGMS $0m€ of errorless, was exciting from the time
WE (‘olonel Johnson is a newspaper man """l“l*‘ *‘"d L- J- H°Y'“““· mpmln Or in nl;. Bbuliliisg B: ts ';;)EAB +lthe engagements already scheduled. the nmnm, ,.nn,,n -·nn,_y ball" uutu
E of the old school, and better quallfled um l"`lZ‘“ ""mp“"y· wa" given a sab"- + i r (pl? La on Oi I eh ` +l The following will make the trip: nn, tant nntp 0;- nn, ninth when gqngr.
Q to address the prospective journalist U‘“'“"l“"t M"N“m“"a· who is in 4, csumgncg ;:;:;sBg£€rs€l?san: +lSchrader, Crum, Spalding, J. Park, I-any Tnme poled n Texas Leagnen
• than any other man ln the State, °h“"g" M the low] recruiting Station- + if any mh, coed thinks 8 m8m_ +4 Tuttle. W¤¢€¥`8· R€€d· (P P¤¤`k· Th0m· sending Dutch across the pan with the
with the possible exception of Henry “"“`d as Judge in both (’°m¥’*‘“Y lmd * ber `f th 1 h d *las, Flynn, MGCIGUHH, Server. (7080h winning run.
Watterson, For this reason his talk mdlvidum °°"‘p"mi°““· ln hm, gdmg :108; igezerazhazx +I Brumage and Student MHHHKGP T¤Yl0¤‘· Flynn started the game for the Cats
was of lntlnlte value to those who _`;“°'°'”`°;' + to get Bvgn. *l and pitched air-tight ball until the
h0¤¥‘d lt- •, The girly stan is published ,., sixth, when errors mlxed with hits,
In a few words President Barker in- Y * in this edmon of the IDEA and ,•,     secured four tallles for the Ohio boys.
gnduced the speaker as his life-long + any Suggestion wm be accepb I,} He was then replaced by McClellan--
end, Seventy-OM >€¤¤‘¤ YOURS wld tt + ed by a member of me sum and •, his initial gamwwho served out as
thousand years old ln. experience. w + edited in the next iSsu€__Flm._ *` pretty pitching as one could wish,
llrlefly he told ot his career as a Lon- + (mw Hughes. + ` l l 'nonnng mem down to one nm. which
tederate soldier. lawyer. politician and 1- ,, _, lwas not earned. The batting honors
, finally a newspaper man, which title , _ _ 1; Iwgnt to w _
' Colonel Johnson prefers to the more Schtwl   B9 Dlsmlssed * * + + * + * * * it * · * I, + + I, D   J T     d I stocky secosclebisgrzinsslezlgrgg a drohué
‘ modern one_ of "journa.llst," on the After.   in Honor Of To whet the curiosity OY thv 1¤€¤`€ I" · W' ’ ut; 1 ecte lble and a single out of two times up
i plea that "newspaper men are bornl o men folks, and tc give them a hint. as| Presldent Of Hlstory S€c_ and Spalding noted two Singles in
and Journalists munufacwred." · { the Occaslon to what they may expect to find in · F E · Y time times at bat. The box score;
l Judge Harkefempliaslzed the fact;   the next issue of the IDEA, the much—° tion or nsulng ear I gum,. AB R H po A E
l ' ` l of the passing of the old type of news. 1 will be observed at the university Fri- heralded long-sought-for Glrls’ lssue,| , Y gcnmd€r_ Ss  
. ·` paper men. thogg who were the mak- day, and all classes after 9:30 will be Miss Florence Hughes. the edlt0r-in- kenutcky _Smt€ University was eS°l]·nm€ n, ____ : 3 Q Q (1; ii
L _ arg or public ggntimgnt rnthgr th3n'dlSllllSH¢‘d ln honor of the occasion. In chief for next week, gives out tllelpecmny acm,9 gl me departmental RQQd..(' _______ 5 1 0 g 4 0
~ mere organs of expression. T0 hlsi¤ddlU0¤ l0 the U`€*€ planting. there ¤·b0V€ ¤¢8i¢¥¤0¤l- meetmgé of We mitucky Educational Park, 3b ..... 4 1 1 1 2 1
I knowledge, he gnld, "thgre remain I Wlll be ll gumé with the Tennessee ng- Thls ls the HPS!. time tht? gll'lB IIKVB Association "mch Were held at Louis- Crum, rf ______ 4 0 ]_ ]_ 0 1
  only two, two veteran journalists orlgregation in the afternoon, and atrack been given a chance to freely voice vm°’ April 2l`24' The most atmw 3nanhnng_ ty __ 3 1 2 3 0 0
Q the Louisville Courier-Journal, Henry meet With the Georgetown College their opinions and they are given 8 tive feature was the Suite Unlvorsity \VgtgpS_ gb ____ 2 2 2 2 0 1
{ xvimorgon, and Colonel E, Pon; John. athletes ln their own backyard, On tree rein on the enire issue. dinner at the Hotel )W'tt9rS°n' Fri- Park, U., er ____ 4 1 t 3 0 0
son_" the whole, it should be a memorable For Week¤`b¤.St the girls h8·V6 b€€¤ day mgm' at whigh *3 guetss were Flynn, p ...... 3 0 0 0 5 0
ln response to the introduction, Col-·day in the history of the university. lwldl!18 Secret confabs Wil-I1 WhiSD€!'¤ present Judge “" T' Lauerty was McClellan, p .. 1 0 0 0 3 0
(mel Johnson took up his theme Ott The program for the day follows: and Smiles and rumors are that one toastmaster and responses were made _ __ _ _ _ _
"Highgr Ideals of J0urn3ligm" gndt llZ3tl··——Rally in chapel. President Wh0 KHOWS l1R¤ S8ld that UIQ i¤SU€`by Frééidentfienry S. Barker? Dr` HI Totals ...... 34 7 9 27 15 5
their relation to higher ideals of lite,, Harker has promlsed a. hol- will U6 ¤¤ lS¤¤€ of revelations. A` Dmldsom `)6’ of Louisvmm profes- Miami—— AB R H PO A E
dwelling particularly upon the tact iduy after this time, provid- The secrecy they are maintaining sf"` Kam°k‘ °f LOMSVMB; Pr°f°°S°r Mattern, er   s 0 0 0 0 0
nm journalism ls no hap-hazard can- vided the chapel is wen rniea, will be carried out to such an extent (‘ R" M°1°l'°° J" H‘ Fame and °°h` crm, za ...... s 1 2 2 3 0
lng, out one of the noblest pursuits or lUZUU··l.l.llll|) and Cross Tap Day ex- NMI the €¤U1'6 DRUG? will b9 SON-611 out em _ I Crawford, 3b ,_ 5 1 1 0 1 0
• lite. ln this connection he spoke of ercises. The university bat- WlU10\1l the uid of the 11196klY male. H was voted unanimously to mime Pierce, p., rt'... 5 0 1 0 7 0
the impossibility or combining the nre muon will parade ln honor 'l‘hi=» ulvrw ought tv be Sufficient tv }l‘° ‘"""" “" “""““l “"“"‘ D"‘ E" J" catwngm, 1b. 2 1 0 8 0 0
ot' a journalist with any other profes- ot this event. Ullikff YOU Fetilizv llwl Y0U CHU'! U- mmm was glecled presmem of me \Vons'ter_ rf__ p_ 5 1 2 1 0 0
slon, especially that of a Dolltlelan, l•r:Zlu»»—Arbor Day exercises. i`0¤`d tv ¤1i¤¤ it- ulswry Sermon mr the ensuing yeah Beckel, ss. .... 4 1 1 0 1 1
The successful journalist avoids of- Music by Cadet Band. The SHUT M H¤1l10¤¤1¢•¤‘d» bb' Miss AF me suggestion of Dr` Tuthuh Bollinger, c. .. 4 1 1 13 1 1
flce-holding and as a proof of this Col- Address by James Pakr, pres- HUSUGS Y0? next week isi lpmsldem Barker last month appomb Lgndrey, lf   3 o 1 0 0 0
onel Johnson sald that were it in his ident of the1915 class. I Florence B- H¤8h€B. 6dll·0l‘·il1·€hi€fL ed 8 faculty Committee to mgm after \\'ons’tler, rf, _ 0 0 0 1 0 0
power to live his life again, he would Slwvcll by J. Esterl Bolling. Cl“'l“tl“° H°Vkl“S· managing €‘m‘”`? lme umvemty interests at I" EZ A' ——————
stick to his pen and leave the govern- senior class orator. NMHHB Wood. RSSiBtv·!1t editor; Anita Headquarters `Hjre maimameq Totals ...... 41 6 9 25 13 2
ment of the country to hired officials <‘lass prophecy. Read by Miss Crabb?. HPWS 9dlt0¤`; J€*8¤9N6 Bell. throughout the Session in me lobby Ot Score by Innings.
an xvasinngmn. A paper must be cou- Christine Hopkins. "<>ld 1><>rm": Elsie Heller. arlileticsc "‘“ H"‘_°' H"""" w““"”°“‘_ state ........... 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1-7
enacted smeny from a news stand- ’¤‘¤-ee piammg. seniors will Uwiv White. agriculture: Eliwberhl TM _“’"°“'“‘“_"""{‘b"“_°‘,"‘° f"°` mama .......... 0 ti 1 0 0 4 1 0 0-6
point rather than on political issues. handle the spade, which will R0d€¤. 1¤€0l\¤¤l€¤l Bild €l8€U'l€¤l3 Tully UI qw mmlerslly or kentucky Summary: Strike 0uts—Plerce, 5;
In eongratulatlng the students on be turned over to Karl Zer- Mildwd 'l`¤Yl0F. Hllllillg; l•}¤th€¤‘ Rid€l‘.;Sp°k°_dun"g the Session: _ Wonsettler, 1; Flynn, 4; Mevlellaud.
the unusual opportunities offered by foss, junior representative, <‘>·<‘ll¤¤8€§ R€b€€€¤ Smith. $0€l€U'· Prowssor Mcuemy Rhoudth Miss 3. Base on Balls--Pierce, 1; W0nset·
O a School of Journalism, Colonel John- who will make a short '_""°'°*_`°"`" Rub? Uuckma"` lh-Q Fred Mutchlelp tier, 1; l·‘lynn, 1; McClelland, 2. Two-
wrt urged that they Pwlizé that bélngl SDBGCIL       rFl')£;}l 5:% SPr(::°;(;1z§;' base Hits—\\’aters, Tuttle. Umpiro—
a graduate of such an institution does`l2:tNt~eStatt' and Crown tapping exer- • ,' _ _‘ “ ' ' ` l _ ' Howard (lnyn. 'l`iine of Gl:Llll€—T\VO
not mean being a full-fledged journal-; cises at the tree.           I nmyssml L R' Meh-l,l€rI Mm {rows- hours and 15 minutes.
lst. While putting the highest, esti- 3:43 er'l‘etniessee vs. Wildcats, on 'l‘he triangular debate between Van-for L` I" lmmzm" lwmssor heorgel Second Game.
mate on all prelltnlmwy work he Bald SIGN Vivid. derbilt, State University of Alabatxialuobvrls SNYM us, chummm in [gw P`; Hard luck lost the second game for
that lt ls as nothing unless one's own "`—_"`°°°_i' and Kentucky State University will bel parmwm UI fxgrwulmw and kmtesi y State. Several titties the Wildcats
efforts 'are enlisted. At most it islVOLS_     hem at vanderbm and Kentucky sl_|si>'rtil;‘l$;il?;ivis in the Department ot Should have had the game, but wud
only a stepping stone to higher things. w inultaneousl Friday evenln ,A rll 30. ` ° Q " base running and the um ire's decl-
Here he made a personal allsulon,   The question ls: "kesilvelzl tl1at~ _ Pmtessor Dumzler liu vmuauy as- ¤l0¤1 kw! the bvys from Sl;0¤‘l¤K·
saying he was a graduate of the Uni- The Tennessee Volunteers wm come President Wilson was justified ln re-lbulufd qw (·rwm)u_ or a' Depurmwm Thomas, the hefty southpaw, pltched
versity uf War only and ull that lwlio l.t`Xllll-£l,l)ll lemon-ow for ztwtr ssc- saunas the literat‘Y test as surrletem mi bwélfkll .d.mhm [mm u Uepumnem ¤ brilliant same and Miumrs two runs
knew he had dug out by his own umlnnd mo.g,nne Bo;-tos with nn, cam grounds for vetolng the Burnett lmmi-I"' l··¤·n,ti.n,ts.i 7 _ were due to errors. Thomas allowed
tiring efforts. Newspaper life, he said, = lvphlny und Sntnrtlny In tho {jpg; ufutiull Hill. H. U. 6060·" _ The l’nlon Literary Society will lioldllmll UVB hits Mid struck UU! Bl! llléll
is an unendlng school, ln which tltere|S,n·n,S nt Knnxynn, [na (`utS broke Kentucky has the affirmative herein! {ns; nwennn for this year Saturday l besides garnerlng two of State`s slx
Q We UU "°*"·*U°“S· Th*"`*’ is UU ROYBJ ’evon, but thelr claws are whetted tu ulld Wlll UB l‘6l>¤`¢*S€l1£€d DY J. U- U0l€·\nlght, May lst. Uttlcers for next year mls-
ltoad to follow; one inust work to n nn,. ndnn nnd they my (-tnnn to both tnan and Orville lt. Willett, whlle J. will be ,·|o(·n.d nnd n,,nnn,.n_ nytnr The \\'lldcats scored their one run
succeed. of {np gouging (-nlmtntn pgnnnr Tnnn,. ll. Fowler and J. S. Sattley will chant-] whiph ,·p;·,·,.,nnn.,ns in tjbttpuj nnnnn. in the seventh. Jini l'ark singled and
'l`o prospective wotnen journallsts,ln,;_ Sn,-t»,n·_ M(.(—|,,nnnn ur [Flynn wm plon the negative at Vanderbilt. lm., nm nn M,..`.nn4 NWI.), "wmnnr in t‘rnn1 followed with another, Spalding
(`UIUIWI J0l¤¤\HU¤¤ ¤l>0k¢#<‘Hl¤‘¢‘l¤UY. ¤¤'§· shtml the sphere, while the intigldn 'l`he speakers from the llniverslty ofnul-nn.] to hp n,·,.M.n[ ut nn. fn,·,.“·nn walked, as dtd Waters which forced
U18 them not to chaln themselves to alnnn nntnnln wm Shoyv no (.nnngn_ nn, Alabatnu. who wlll be heard ln chapel ' n,,·,.th,n or nn. yen; l.linnny to score.
¤0€l<+l.Y IPHMV. U¢*¢‘0|l¤ll1H slaves to lllllkiless llasty \\'rh.iht ls able to go; hnpk are N. llowell Morrow and (‘. A. Lewis.; V •-oe · -—r — l llnt the boys lost their best chaneo
teas, weddings and receptions but tonnn, un. gunnh |·;·ofo,.;,.to;· l\tt·(‘u;·tney, of '1‘ransy|· ilton as well as our own l’att. llalllin the sixth when three successive
strive t'or something hlgher ln a liter-? · yunhn win nt-; for Alubttllttt hor.- in have been invited to hear the elo-~hits failed to produce at least one run.
ary field. iAhn high. For tnen hlt only that at conjunction with *’rot'essor Weaver in 'l of il¤¢*¤<' '|`l¤<>1¤H\¤ ¢i<·¤¤Ul•¤‘¢l Ul Phill! but WHS Call-
ln concluding hls address, the vet·twhich they ahn, and also, conie what selecting the judges. l¤'¢l>¤‘**M‘¤¤l¤liV*‘¤ of UM! t<¤`¤1Ml UN Ml ttul l`·>¤' H0! wuflllils NFB!. Mid
eran journalist said: "Strlve to belinay, whether lt bo good or evll, re- The question ls one that ls deniand~l$lut~* Wlllvll hui lM‘0d¤<‘<*d her Hub- Selwader followed with another clean
dlll.lllCl.lV€ lll YOU? Hlylv, lllllk &lldiltlt9lllbt·l' you are the erltgriun gf ygnr lng the wide interest uf the country isulls and l'Iltlel‘\\‘Uuds. Adlulssluu will -—-—————·-~— ~ —·— V · r»—Vr » ·
water journallsts accomplish nothing. paper and be gentlemanly." at the present th_ne. Sayre and Hani· be l¤'¤*~· uml it l¢¤¤'l»:~· ¢‘¤'UWd is ¤‘>4p~·t·tud_ wnmnlunn on Page Thma)
Q. •

g T H E ID E A _ I
hi I  ,..-,....~,.,. » · —•-¤——·    —·-·•-—•-•··¢·~-·——···— -x·••-·¢-—-.>..,...;., •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go'; G0.
Me At Admission 10c
Fm8T_cLAsg IN gyggy APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Owner and Mana •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
    I`(N\l.HlIl, hll:·¤kl·llmll and lmsclmll teams
_lll alllllltlml tu his two years on the
rubllnlled every Thursday throughout the Collazo you by the student body ·y, ,·,· i,_k.,y H I ,,_ R H; L FQR P ls
A 0 A M   D E or me Slate University of Kentucky, for the benem ot the under- __ I`; :,3) TI   ;h(;uAgr:::1;mm| Z(;(_I1‘_t;I ENS AND FENG! • •
, ol l d f I f h i l l . ' ` '
__,,__, EW, A gI`a?u·ti·,A_   In lcu ty 0 t 8 nu mt on ul ilu- Kllllllll I‘l Art ('Illh and is art      
    THE IUEA ls the ofllclal newspaper of tho University. It lll issued with IIIIIUI UI II"` mtpnn k°m"i`kI°"‘_ H°` STATIONERY
me view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, " °‘I*" “ '“""‘I"" el II"` “¥*"I" ( I"`I"‘
  together with a digest of items of lutoront concerning the universities of l`l`llll‘l`lIIl). I JO|·|N$TQN’$ CANDY
other states und Csnldt l'lis><•~ss•·ll uf ll ('(>Il}l(·‘IllllI lliltllro und`
2       · ll |¤I•‘2\Hllll{ rc-:<<~rl·<·, Rlllllil has •—arm·dI
‘eUl8CRlPTlON, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. FIVE CENTS PER COPY H IMM, ummm, of friends and mlmIr_I W E
8 · •     · • 3 Entered gt Lexington Pont Office ss second clan mall mntter. ,,,~ dim,. ,.0,,,h,g ,0 gmm up IH as m• •  
`T; i   " ‘ ' `H ulunl (‘UI\S('I(’I][l()IlS S[\l(|(*I]l_ u lskllledl ac. W"' Mlm ·"·•‘
E°IT°R'M- •TAFF· 1°1*‘1"°· llllil l:l`:l(‘Pl`llI athlete- und has donei
      CLYDE P, TAYLOR ....................................... Edit0l‘-lll-Chief S[lI•·ll(II(i work along urllsllc IIIIPS. He]
Kl~1NNl·2'l`ll UURIS ................. . ................... Managing Edllor Illl'~ llluclv llls presence felt in a varletyj  
I00 NIGHT 200 J, own ¤¤vNoi.¤s .................................... 4..l.l.¤l mmm ··*` *~=·>‘S- *·<>**· by hh elm and by mei
l‘lllll'f' student body. I • ,t g •
A...c.... E.....l.. ——···——— Unnversn
uml Entirely Nm M•n•|•m•nt JEANETTE BELL .... Patterson Hell 1. ll:. B0ll1,lNu ...... Mull. and Elec. EXAM'NA""°N$ T0 REMOVE y _ ,
. . l. ........... cn . . ............... g ARRANGEMENTS FOR SAME MUST
—··-·—···· E ——·——~rr~ ll. W. l=<>’l`H ............. Agriculture l~*l4ulll·;Nclg HUGHES ____, lgxcllauge BE MADE WITH THE REGISTRAR
ll I .  incr LATER THAN MAY 7TH.  
ILESTER W. GRADY ................................... Business Manager I SENIOR FINAL EXAMINATIONS
O   IJ. T. GELDER ...................... . .............. Subacrlptlon Manager lwll-LDBEGIN MONDAY. MAY 17TH- OEM" free tuition in an deP·rt¢"
II,} L IBULLETIN B0AR¤_ ments to the graduates
    A A   E I ~  V—» i ··—-·•·—; of Kentucky Hish Schools who
? Mr. G. A. Smith, 'I4, a graduate of
eu SPORTSMANSHIP IN ATHLETICS. I the Foliage of Agriculture, has accept- are prepared to enter the Fmlh,
r*~-y -~-——~—— `ed the position of County Agent of
I‘]IS(~`\\'Il(·’l`(’ ill the- ('()IllIllllH of this paper is found kill article entitlvd "Tllv Pendleton (`ounty with headquarters U18!] CIBBI. Q ‘
Ethics of Sport," \\'Ill('ll appeared lll the April number of the Kentucky High   at Falmouth.
School Quarterly. lt is il production l'rolll the pen of Dr, J, .|_ Tiger; 5mdI   Each county in tho   il
was \\l'ilI(’Il lxpressly for lllgll school athletics, but the subject vovered is .
        [N*[`Iillt‘ll[ in llle SIIOTISIIHIIISIIID of athletics in this university. IC@\£:$gE§R’%‘ (EO' entitled to lend FREE ef tut'
It \\'()llI(i be dil’l`i<-lllt to diagrzllll the uillllvlll of the student body wllen lt, . ° _· · ·
wines tu (-ollvgv spirit ill any furlll. (`mllplaillts are often made that vlsilillgI   W- Main St- nom matnculatmn’ laboratory
leullis are- lllll treated with customary K€fl(ll('k‘v' courtesy. I BEST SODA FOUNTAIN |N TH. and other f
. .. · · · ee! 0118 Ol' m0l‘| I
 ff lil-  ’ ~. I "l`l¤<· S¤u‘ is trensivm and ll is sad no relule, lll Some lllsmlm·S_I CITY- FINE CANDIII ' P.
-'·r¢f  _£;_f_;; Q: mai ilwy do IIUK he-ur the banner of their Alma Mater with the Sillllv dignllyI ikvm pointees.
’ f  *9:*  ’.•-I as did lllzllly who were gradllaled ill "tlle good old days" of the long ago.  
qq1··;’_l.;{·_;%‘;»¥;fQ‘—:j·‘ if For the bellelit of athletics and for the good name of the university vucll I HAVE YOUR Necessary €Xp€!lS€I moderate. JI
 kr 4,; · Siudem is llskvd lo read the article written by Dr. Tlgerl, with the ;lvowl·llI _ _
  — I purpiiw ui [lI`(»*\'(*ll[ me repetition of any errors of this llil[lll`(* illul may llllve~I P   For fill] lDf0l'm8tl0¤ 1’¢[I1‘d—
. 4 · been llludv at athletic contests. _ _
F gt   · _ __ FOR THE KENTUCKIAN IDX 8pp0lIltee8, C0\ll‘Be8 of Itudy,
V / I•(· •I· ·I· ·I· ·I· ·I· •I· •I· O ·|• •I· •I· O Ollglll l0Il21\'€’lIlP Sillld\\'Il‘Il would €ll·I MADE AT fb
h` `_ Ig, HUM Op THE GADFLY ly able them to catsup. I ’ · cost 0 Oardi etc•• apply to • •
`? + + + + * + + + + + + + +I()Ilt‘ (*‘V(‘llIIlg U.) IIl(·‘ I.)2:\S(*I)iiII gillllv I   S   H. S'   *
'”‘_;‘ TIll`t’(’ of the girls from Putt lIzll‘ .
· _ THE News in Rims. I (.8,,,9; I 341 W. Iain Sl. P|l0Il•l635-X Pr“id°¤t•
I ` 'l`ll+· day was llol Ioxingwuo KY-
A f()llI`-LIl‘I play will soon be stagedl I ul thm, Cured not _   _ _,,, ___________A ________ ____ _v _______
\_ I l Hy (`)'lllIllBll& scholars; I* l I I _   ' ` ..
Q ¤ _,l_lW Lvgislmurgs holding back . lll lloyy they gohblpell WHS il shame.
y _ ` _ I Alill Uolorllllo ·‘liollers." I UHORVQ      
  \ I IWIZHISI !I’I?y_` a 'I°`Im give I "H<· did [()lI('Il tirslill saw 1iim_" I —t"
°¤~=·¤¤ · I U ··;;&;,_~·&,.;,;gl;r;_;,· I wl.     lil     AND N
T _ ! S _ ` TWO wmwg 'ihpmyll be Ivrs liv had (lll yesrerlluy. Look ul that `ji
0 Inspect ble new pT1ngI H _ _ ‘ ‘_ W   lim, l,la(.,._-· sunda Ma
Styles in I HH. mm, lh gm“mg uearu" "i lle·\‘er did like St'l'Ull(l~IlLlll(] y, y   I 9 ‘ 5
rzlllukv." I
At I.•·l·i¢·>,·il ’peur¤ [hut the regu-` lf you dm".! WP any UI. HW Wndw O I
.XIUgtOn Igar O• :"*"_"I' i"‘I"‘ II"`   I"I“' ”"‘*“"" Md "f yur b¤»k•·ll>ull }ZiIlllt‘S l·l·l-l·illly you may lncorlorntdo. • I
l.°°"°'·“‘ dmv hhuum W (dmeu€d‘ Illlll kl1U\\ \\Ilu |{zlI]»ll I`I()l`[,L1ill is, llulpll I •
MIHUYICIUTOTI of *7 is l)Il•‘ of lilo llllml l·Iusi\•· l`(>I`\\'iH'l.IS I
    [h:\lll)LH;;;:lll`lIllllIlllllifilIl::I;mlIil1l¢il|(l<:‘¢L‘d“gg; ind iU'<'|lI`3.A{•‘ Soul sllnls •·\‘<·l‘ Ull the-     h N S g ,
' A ·` ` r I » .`lul•· llitlll 0* \\iiS (‘ii|lli\ill (ll ll '. t I
  Il‘iil`I>` Is>ll•-»_ should be uddrmssvd luly··ill·'» '\’;ll·¤ily llw llllll I|l'>I(l•;• pld]; g     I
is E T N STREET ··’l‘l..· l‘·llll`l» " ill care or the lull uud`illi_ liie li~ill.l ¢\(tH(II[I I I   I
_ __________M_l, E __ ,   , v_ _ * ‘* -· · . . a ·. ·· · Miillll'. rl¤nl·*'¤'·¤¤*l 'l*"ll “•‘lll lu <'0II¢‘l·£•‘, IB ll Isn liv l» ll Illl·IllIJk*l' of lllv IK (`Illl),I I
glu". ground Qg ord.,-_ yl luv! lllul ll¤•· |ll•‘||\l ||lU|`¢‘ when they I-lillllyiiwil or >ll|(l('ll[S lI'UIIl lli» \'Il'Ill· I I
ul¢cl•ll.¤¤ sollolllg. I\~···‘·· =·‘¤’ l~‘··¤‘e GM lily. l·l-mil or his versatility ll. ll·l.l.·l ]24·l28 N0!‘th Llll\eBt0lIe Lexington, Ky, I- ,
0HI•• Pn•n• ||2·X R••ld•nc• NI-X Im"' I"`*‘“*I ll ******5 W U5 lllhl WNY lm is ¤IlU\\ll by liu [)Iu)'lll):, lill I-lim, ° I

 Best Copy Available
}•- -A, ..
· I .   __________ e._...__...__..._.___._.._1£}L1!’!A........-_________________ __ Q
1 I I
,; 1
- . 1
Michler Broan ,.·,,,,,,,,,,,,(,l,,,,,, ,.,,g,, 0,,,,, PROGRAM ANNOUNCED SLHOOL IS ADDED EI,}i€7@§_QFFl(ZERS
Fl • '\\UAHl!;QI‘I` hui uma rmyght m lmmv It WM4 FI¥lh0\|¥lf‘f‘fI IRR?. wrvk HHN A H*'h¥W| or V"N‘N|\l1¥`Y H<‘U'|l<'¤* will AI :1 m4·r·tIng' nf rhs- I‘rq;h|h|||rm
  “|...., |,.\ ,,m.,,,m,..| U, ,u·(,r.» my S;||||r, '"""*"· Imhu" **|"‘“k*¤¤ and *°""'*‘ will h¤· mlrlwl tn tlw |>¢·par¥mr·n¥ nf Agr1— vlnh nr Smw l’mv•·r¤iey nt mum m.
415423 E. M-xwcu I.'l\.·_ }muh__ Anumpr d‘_NW_mt‘_ M_ M- im·lud<-al in thc- lnt¢·rH<*|10|nH|¥\P;‘;¤¤· mltnrv nt tho upvnlng uf Stats- |'n|- •h•_v, It H (‘uIh·n was r·l¢¤<*t<=rI prr·s|·
‘_ Umm U) www was mmlp in mp mst wats tu bv he-Id ut thv unlvvrs ty . ay vnrslty nvxt 80[)H’hlh¢’I`. I’r0f¢·ns0r ¤l•·nt, f', I lmtsmn vi:-¢~ [H`¢‘HIllPll{ and
SDGUQII BQUQUMS Madv for ,,.;,,,,,,_ hu, ,h,. mm,. WM ,.,,,],.,| by H I! rv l?·. in nn to Nw <·v¢·M+¤ al- lmrwrr Hmhnm wm head thv mvulry J n I(¤·ynnI’ =~¤·¤¤¤¤·‘·‘<¥· TMP ¤¤¤¤|·‘¤| <‘¤¤· nf the n<~w s<·hn<>l and will bv as¤l>¤t•·u·m tha e-lub
L, W. GRADY, I Mgmm AH R H pq) A pj FWIO. VUFHU FOV). vrwal ROI!). HW! V0"3I*U S. (`I‘iH|<*f` HIHI H I" NhlH>4PI¤1Hfl; in Ihr- Htutw ¢‘|lII\'•‘lIHUIl of the K¢·n·
• • K_ 3, u, neppuengauvg rNI}\'f(*[`||v pf   4 ¤» 1 g •» •» ·¤·¤4¤¤`!··¤¢•·· '¥`h·· wlhliv >~w·¤ki¤¤ ·*v<·¤¥¤| Mslwrnrnr Prr>f¤·s¤<»rs I,. R. Hanwmenwr. em-ky |m··¤—·»|1.·g1m.· vm|,mmm. A,.
V 7 WAM wrist. gh ,___4A 4 0 2 2 ,, ,, Imvv hewn divialvd into ¢I¢·vInmutinn¤)w·r and W. H Slmmnns, and lnstrun- >uwiat|<>n, whiwh will In- hold at Aa-
%(·m“mmv gh __ { ,, 0 3 I ,,1mr buys uml rwnclings for girls. ¢}0|¢l,‘t0r A. L. Hru+·r·kner. bury (‘nII•·u•·_ \\'i|m¤»r•-_ May 1; and 4_
`|·i,.,·,.,._ yy _   g 4, U 4 U Ugsilvo-r uml hmnzv medals- will hw
I• D•   ¥(·(,,.,“.r,g,,,_ H, , ., ., 7 ,, ,,iawar 1w,,,W.,,],,r, ,.,·_A 4 I, I I 0 0 `ovvnts of the- nwvt. This year thvrv /7 Y
DOROTHY ODD SHOES !y;,.,.k,.|_ gg { I U I 7 0 iwlll hn no (HVARAOII 0I` thv high swhonls ·
FOR WOMEN '|;,,m,,u,.,·_ ,. __ ; I I 4; 2 0 lnf thv Smtv, hm ull will vnntc-sr on an ‘ l
$3.50 to $5.00 ·1.».m1ry, p. .... as •» ¤» ·» a ·» H~<»··=¤* ¤‘<¤<>·*·¤¤ Wim PMN ·>¤¤·‘r- { and cspecmlly college fel-
RALSTON HEALTH SHOES , _ · ·_ · E ~ “ "Y""' ""“‘ """ "' ""' ""“"""* """ "T* V lows, like tho new ’Varsity
    |*I,'H|._ 44_4'_ :;_, 2 _. *2g; ll l (l•*\l)[P(I to I`f*H,|H(PI'HlK HN! SNIGPDES, _ _
l • Un,. Um yu,. nm mupmng MSL §Thur:·ulny {hn ¤·¤p¢·ukh1g und mush-ull Flfty·FIV€ models m3.d€  
$*00 to $5-00 Smm AH R FI pu A E e-vvms for girls, and Friday the samvl
S,.hmd,.,._ ss __ _; 0 I 0 0 3 ewms tor hoys will be held. The ten-; Hart, Schawner & Marx
• ,   Tmm-, 11,. .... sa u 1 x •» ¤» ¤i~ <···¤¤··¤t¤ will be distributed over,
;;;,~,.,|_ ,._ _,____ 4 gp 4; g 0 0 all tlu·¢=—e· days and the track and Held, _ , _ '
_ _ | ‘ . | Q; pm·k_ gu, ____ 3 I y 4, 2 0 \<·w·u1s will be held on Saturday after-:   S really thc Very best
  \ ;(.rum' N- '_I___ _, ,, I 4 ,, I mmm, on smh Field. I __ young m2m’S model out ChlS
RADNO  ]ShauIding_ n` ,_ 1 an an h 0 0 Thv list of entries will e-lose May! Season.
|\\m¢·r», 2h .... 2 0 0 4. 2 0 1, Sn fur the following high schoolsg E
r(`· '°**rk· "’·   4 " " I U Y h·xv<· entered the t0urnament‘ i ·
    , ,T,m,,m_ U ___I 3 ,, 2 0 3 ,, _ _ r- We show them m all the
        (atlvttshurg, Maysville, Shelbyville, A
·»,»“"\\\\*   ______   1 'Ihmls   .28 I 6 *26 T 5 ll _ _ b I h l   ' new Glen Urquhgrf, and
l C   I R ‘ 'I`l1mm1sm1t for n0tt0u<·l1im.·:tirst. "“`"m° mg {county hgh Sc 00 A' T rt n l   d 1 t f
 HE ` " I Score by |n,.,;ng,_ l('ynrhiz1na, Stanford, Louisville Man·l a 3 pal S an a O 0
Hllami .......... U U 0 0 0 0 0 2 042 ual, Louisville Male, Lexington Highl { styhsh Strlpes and checks.
RR O W •S*¤*•· —·········· " ‘* " *’ " " 1 0 0-* sunmnn, wumm, rmmhnend, Westp0int,‘
L l ’i;\\0;A;lrS: AAIA;SIQ;_It;l(”;_`aS'H:°h?g€:' Somvrset. Sue Hannan Memorial, Hen-I Better drop IH 3Hd SEG all
. . I · HS, S— / 8 . • »
• ‘ lmrst on naHS__(m. Landu 4. Struck dvrson, Erlanger, Springfield, Hardins- · thé IIQW Spflllg SLUCS WB
  our {ly Landy, aa; by ·r1mma¤, ¢;_I¥»¤¤r¤. Plliwbevrmcwn and Lagrange- show, priced from $1250 to
Sa<·rlh<·+¤ Ilitsr-V Tuttle. Double Playsl I{¢»du¢-ed fares have been secured on    
  I   l - *=·‘<·k··* *0 <`¤·~—‘f<>¤*- Game **9¤¤¤·e‘u11 railroads and a nam ¤m·¤mm··e H
'l`hre·e~ o':-lock. Time-——()ne= hour and
is expected. px
rlfty minute-s. I'mpire——Black. [_; ,
, 1 A I
AGENTS Tms wmaxv WEATHER SERVICE e Lexan me Pi msm
Hours 8 ¤.m. to 8 p.m. Phene 864-X   ————- cowwqueumscrmumramn 9 ‘ gg
*§ __   A meeting nf [hp (ujunty aggyug (yfl Noel M· \V“HaYn$. of Russellville, 3 —_ 1 r`   A 7 A 577 W"rH Yrrv-EVM-—Mm7nYr
h.»m» demonstration work as being{Ju“i0" in the ¤<=v¤¤¤¤¤<+¤¢ of AMS and
hvld this wvvk in the educational build· SCi€“"€`· has been ¤¤¤i¤<*d of ms ap' 4 D ‘     & Q 0
[     Q lh.}; Oy gmt,. {·,m»€.,-,.my_ ]ntPr9Sting{[)0EHElH€Dt to the position of assistant O 0 •
*  ° °   2   "‘§`"$v'1,"°“ d""'""‘I ."°“‘1““FZZZ}"§I T£IYf“`G2T.1S“¤E}1fL“"‘“‘i{T°KJ?}1° SP0,R'1`¤NG GUQDS
7 llPS(3)' um P nes uy, W tn a as or- / · · -- · · · ' ’
•     ,,,l,m.u,, ,,1.,,,,,. Tuesday €v9,,i,,g_&iu¤ns has snuuied this subjevt in me IX U   X" lx 5
° , ` *r1.·»M· progrunwa will be (·mm¤uedI¤<><·¤¤ -‘v¤¤·<>r ¤¤’f*<·¤ and last MH ¤<><>k 1*0 “v- MAIN
_ ,~ ( ? E,   throughout me wvek with many mm-·¤ <·*~·¤¤ ¤<~r~‘i<·¤ €¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤i<>¤¤ for the vo-
' U R ’· NExT¤ sstiug 1.·(·¤.I-M. A number of w€11.lsiri<>¤¤ w -‘hi<·h he has rww been av-  —;;———-
` ’M *·` ‘ . . . . . imed which he mssed creditably
_ M 4 *1%-73** 5 kmmn persona` who are workers along DO · I C -
C —N> J   Mmsn .....   my  m.|···~ ~~»¤··   ~·       ~» P H O E N I X H O- I E L
/   ISE   \ lima Mrs. 0, 1:, Marthn, Miss 013. Pow-I luke his new D¤¤m0¤- I    __     _        
UCWT $A—;u¤¤Av$. pn. mm Mm-»· +2. <*m-·e¤¤. or the Mr- *¥¤**·¤¤¤¤ has ·¤·¤¤~ ¤ >=¤<>·* M- "‘“ “"‘e ‘ E We ee  
I TURK|$H_SHOWER&PLA|N   |\Vuslnlm:ton Uepuruu<~·m; Mrs. Helen hh! vwhnlek indrhe umvenisny b0Th. ii? club Breakfasts fro"` Isc to 60c
_ G   0 _=_ ·I¢. \\’oh-uu, Smtv Agent of Home Dem- flfsb **0* M! U Ollie? ¤Wd€m du "
T BA.,m[,,T ,;5;mm$v_ Lmm¤¤,Kv Q_ onszration work, or Shelby County; lines. He was a pmmmem member gf Noonday Luncheon 40C to 55c
-----~——-—   ~-e irmas 1;, |~‘1(»m_ or me {mired stares UW $¥F<>U€*‘S amd was ml *¤¤1><>Fi¤¤i E A _ eeAE_EeCE_, ___ __E _V__A C C ¥___ A
I)•'|)1lI'[lll•'ll[ of Agriculture, besides 11 “'*”`k‘**` along m*"`*U`Y S0Ci*'U' H“*`S·   A A H 7 W "—
_A V A W_E___A__,_A _____ lurgv number of County iwms. ¤<>¤¤¤ of ~~’¤·¤<·¤¤ ·¤<·¤i~‘¤~~ MH ¤··¤~¤ ¤·¤¤·¤· The n¢=w Gull an the moat beauuful mom in Centra,] Ken.
·—··—*••·—··—· ° °° ""‘ [ tucky decorated with Rockwood Pottery
Banker! A Fotach, Pr0prI•t•r• , , ,   ’ '
O • x. . • J• ______‘ I _____________________4_r__________   ____ ____ r~_
| \ w 1 ";"*
      `     .-Xuuuum·•·rm·1nts uf the wedding ur`}
107 South Llm••t¤¤• 8¢•‘••¢ k 'I`h·· uu·|hhe1·s Ur l{•·neu¢·ky !·:p»ilo¤¤NJ°_'i'} H“"“ Ad“{'T‘· H" ":_""""·_Ky·· fwd I FQQTQ E"f`jEf"___ ___'