Josephine Clay papers


The Josephine Clay papers (dated 1788-2004, undated; 0.8 cubic feet; 7 boxes) consist of correspondence, legal documents, photographs, and financial papers generated by Josephine Clay, Henry Clay, William Russell, and the Simpson-Wood family.

Descriptive Summary

Josephine Clay papers
1788-2004, undated (inclusive)
Clay, John M., Mrs. (Josephine Russell Erwin)
0.8 Cubic Feet
Collection is arranged by subject into six series: Clay family papers, Henry Clay farm ledger, Josephine Clay scrapbook, William Russell papers, Louisiana Wood Simpson papers, Clay-Simpson family photographs.
Finding Aid Author
Sarah M. Coblentz and Megan Mummey
Preferred Citation
2005ms001: [identification of item], Josephine Clay papers, 1788-2004, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Josephine Erwin Clay (1835-1920) was the daughter of William Henry Russell (1802-1873), politician and California pioneer who was a political ally of Henry Clay. When she was seven her family visited Ashland, home of the Clay family, where the famed statesman signed her autograph album. Ashland, renowned as Kentucky's finest stock farm, stabled Henry Clay's wonderful assortment of cattle, jacks and jennies, swine, and horses. Clay made his mark on the early thoroughbred industry in Kentucky with a stallion, Yorkshire, and two brood mares, Magnolia and Margaret Wood, whose descendants greatly influenced breeding and racing in the United States. Eleven Kentucky Derby winners can trace their lineage to Clay's brood mares. In 1853 Josephine Russell married Eugene Erwin, the grandson of Henry Clay, in Missouri. The union yielded four daughters, one of whom, Eugenia, died in 1864 not long after her birth. In 1861 Erwin joined the Confederate Army and rose to the rank of Colonel in command of the 6th Missouri Infantry Regiment. In 1863 Josephine and her nine-year-old daughter joined Erwin at Vicksburg. One week before the end of the Union siege at Vicksburg, Eugene Erwin was killed on June 25, 1863 while leading his unit as it repelled a Federal attack. On July 18, 1863 Josephine met with General U.S. Grant and obtained passes from him allowing her and daughter Lucretia (Lula) to return to Missouri. Josephine remarried in 1866 to Henry Clay's son, John M. Clay (1821-1887) who, following his mother Lucretia's death, inherited a portion of the family's racing stock. The couple teamed to train and race horses through the mid-1880s with Josephine charged with running Ashland Stud during her husband's frequent trips on the racing circuit throughout the East, South, and Midwest. The couple raced several famous horses including Skedaddle, Survivor, Star Davis, Sauce Box, Squeeze 'em, and Victory. The latter was eventually acquired by General George Armstrong Custer and was present at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. During this time Josephine studied and became an expert on pedigrees. Following John M. Clay's illness and subsequent death in 1887, Josephine redirected the business from racing to breeding and the annual sale of yearlings. Included in his estate were twelve brood mares, all descendants of Henry Clay's brood mares Magnolia and Margaret Wood. Between 1889 and 1900 she built her stock to over fifty brood mares and two stallions and became recognized as the first female to own and operate a successful thoroughbred horse farm. Her notoriety and that of The Ashland Stock Farm reached national proportions when a horse that she sold named Riley won the 1890 Kentucky Derby. Josephine dispersed her stock in 1903 because of failing eyesight and the anti-gambling reform movement in New York and other states which prohibited betting on horses. Clay was also the author of several novels and short stories, many of which had themes related to racing. She died on March 29, 1920 at age 85 leaving behind a well-earned reputation as a business woman and a large and active circle of descendants in central Kentucky, Missouri, and other locations.
Scope and Content
The Josephine Clay papers (dated 1788-2004, undated; 0.8 cubic feet; 7 boxes) consist of correspondence, legal documents, photographs, and financial papers generated by Josephine Clay, Henry Clay, William Russell, and the Simpson-Wood family. The collection includes letters and documents from noted Americans including Henry Clay, Wade Hampton, Charles W. Morgan, Edward Everett, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln, and William H. Russell. Many of the letters written between 1827 and 1852 document Henry Clay's animal husbandry activities including the acquisition of cows, jacks and jennies, and thoroughbred horses. Clay's letters to his wife Lucretia provide insight into the family's financial and emotional well being as well as on national and international affairs. Additionally the collection contains one of Henry Clay's farm ledgers (ca. 1839-1882) which contains entries and records on hemp breaking, corn cribbing, the acquisition, birth and death of horses and cattle, a record of mares serviced, and the sale of stock.
These papers also provide vignettes into the life of Josephine Russell Erwin Clay and include letters sent to her first husband Eugene Erwin, passes allowing her and daughter Lula to travel through Union lines after the death of Erwin at Vicksburg, and letters of advice and consolation from Henry Clay's son John. The Josephine Clay papers also include a scrapbook which contains poems written to Josephine by admirers, newspaper clippings about Eugene Erwin, cut autograph signatures, campaign ribbons for Henry Clay, and a broadside. A letter from Abraham Lincoln (1862) to John Clay which praises the memory of his father, Henry, is also included. Subsequent letters written after Josephine's marriage to John M. Clay, sent to Josephine by Clay between 1866 and 1887 chronicle the couple's separations and are very informative about the workings of Ashland the farm and the thoroughbred racing circuit.
Also included are letters from William H. Russell during his time in serving in California (ca. 1828-1874) between his immediate family members and members of the Erwin and Gibson families. Subsequent items include books, pamphlets, and photographs collected by Louisiana Wood Simpson documenting the inner workings of Ashland in the mid-20th century and the Clay and Simpson families.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Clay family papers, 1788-1929, undated

Bond of Samuel Moore acknowledging 200 pound debt to William Meeke of Fayette County, District of Kentucky, Rockland County, Virginia, 1788 April 9

  • Box 1, folder 1
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Agreement between Commodore John Rodgers and Henry Clay re: jack Ulysses and Jenny Calypso. Filing note in Clay's hand, 1827 November 20

  • Box 1, folder 2
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Anna Marie Thornton's receipt of payment from Henry Clay for bay mare, Duchess of Marlboro, gotten by Sir Archy. Filing note in Clay's hand, 1829 February

  • Box 1, folder 3
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Commodore [John] Rodgers letter to Henry Clay, Aboard steamboat Huron, Cincinnati, 1829 April 24

  • Box 1, folder 4
Scope and Contents note

He is journeying to the new naval yard at Pensacola and encloses a certificate in relation to "the Jacks" in hopes that it will make them "more valuable to you."

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Note (in Henry Clay's hand) signed by George Lansdowne selling seven or eight year-old bay mare raised in Virginia with a star on her forehead said to have been got by Potomac to Clay, 1831 May 27

  • Box 1, folder 5
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E[dwin Upshur] Berryman letter to Henry Clay, New York, 1831 October 5

  • Box 1, folder 6
Scope and Contents note

Berryman has arranged to send Clay his horse Stamboul who, in spite of his appearance, has proven to be "a first rate stock horse." His price is $2,000, although he suggests that he could possibly acquire for Clay Sir Lovel, a horse of much finer appearance for $3500. Sir Lovel, who stands 16 hands high, "was got by Duroc the sire of Eclipse, & his dam Light Infantry the best blood of the country."

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Agreement (in Clay's hand) between Henry Clay, E. Berryman, and Buckner H. Payne selling the latter 1/3 interest in the imported horse Stamboul, 1831 November 17

  • Box 1, folder 7
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B[uckner] H. Payne letter to Henry Clay, Mount Sterling, 1832 September 11

  • Box 1, folder 8
Scope and Contents note

Informs Clay that he is coming to Lexington and will bring Stamboul's stud registery. Reports that Stamboul has earned "four seasons of mares which have been taken away nearly fifteen hundred Dollars."

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B[uckner]. H. Payne letter to Henry Clay, Mount Sterling, 1832 October 12

  • Box 1, folder 9
Scope and Contents note

Sends list of owners of 113 mares which Stamboul serviced during the season, at $25 each. Stamboul's net income was $2,650. Notes that Captain Henry Daniel has written an address for his constituents critical of President Andrew Jackson. In his postscript he states that powerful Jacksonian and state Senator Aquilla Young was immersed and has joined the Baptist Church and thus, "if he lives up to his profession. . . he can't be high fellow with them any longer."

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E[dwin U.] Berryman letter to Henry Clay, New York, 1832 October 30

  • Box 1, folder 10
Scope and Contents note

Reports on his tour through the eastern states and notes the "scarcity of Jackson men." States that we had "the largest Anti Jackson Meeting at Masonic Hall I have ever witnessed." Wonders whether Ohio will stand by "her best friend." Encloses the pedigree of the horse Kockani noting that "What ever arrangement or disposition you may make of him, will be perfectly satisfactory."

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Isaac Cunningham letter to Henry Clay, Clark County, Ky.; James Clark letter to Henry Clay, Winchester, Ky., 1832 November 3

  • Box 1, folder 11
Scope and Contents note

Letters of introduction for P.B. Hockaday.

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E[dmund] H. Pendleton letter to Henry Clay, [American Hotel, Broadway, New York], 1833 October 15

  • Box 1, folder 12
Scope and Contents note

Encloses a bill of sale from Grove and writes that "The expenses of the Sheep, which include those of a man going to Albany & returning thence to New York & back to Dutchess County are $17.75."

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Reuben Davis letter to R.D. Shepherd, Boston, 1833 November 14

  • Box 1, folder 13
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for Maltese jack asses.

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Receipt from E[dwin U.] Berryman and John H. Coster to Henry Clay, 1834 August 29

  • Box 1, folder 14
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B[uckner] H. Payne letter to Henry Clay, Mt. Sterling, 1834 September 30

  • Box 1, folder 15
Scope and Contents note

Encloses list of stallion Stamboul's services and explains his notations. Also provides explanation for two withdrawal entries.

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James Barbour letter to Henry Clay, Barboursville, 1835 January 22

  • Box 1, folder 16
Scope and Contents note

Sends a handbill with the pedigree of his filly Allegrante. Proclaims her to be "one of the finest ever seen," and proposes that Clay pay him $500 to share in the horse. Offers to send the horse to Washington with a servant so Clay can examine her himself.

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James Barbour letter to Henry Clay, Barboursville, 1835 February 26

  • Box 1, folder 17
Scope and Contents note

Barbour informs Clay that he is sending a servant to Washington with Allegrante and notes, "I think you can't fail agreeing with me and the public generally that she is the finest filly you have seen."

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1835 March 4

  • Box 1, folder 18
Scope and Contents note

Congress has adjourned and Clay is returning home and bringing plants to Lucretia. Proud that John, who is not returning with him, settled his affairs with Mr. [Enoch C.] Wines.

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Henry Clay letter to William D. Lewis, Ashland, 1835 August 25

  • Box 1, folder 19
Scope and Contents note

Letter of introduction for John M. Clay who is returning from Princeton, Kentucky.

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Daniel T. Patterson note to Henry Clay, U.S. Ship Delaware, 1836 January 6

  • Box 1, folder 20
Scope and Contents note

Commodore Patterson's draft re: jack. Countersigned by Clay, 1836 February 23.

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R.D. Shepherd letter to Henry Clay, Baltimore, 1836 January 6

  • Box 1, folder 21
Scope and Contents note

States that he did not intend to make any alteration in the "contract on the cattle." Indicates that if he sees any "worthy" cattle, "no disposition shall be made of them until I know your wishes."

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R.D. Shepherd letter to Henry Clay, Baltimore, 1836 January 21

  • Box 1, folder 22
Scope and Contents note

Quotes from a letter received from Captain Lindsey of the ship Unicorn that describes three Jacks and their Jennys that Lindsey purchased for Clay in Malta and has aboard his ship.

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John M. Clay letter to Mrs. Henry Clay (Lucretia), Edgehill, 1836 January 30

  • Box 1, folder 23
Scope and Contents note

Family letter in which John refers to the effect of his "poor" sister's death on the family. Letter mutilated.

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Daniel T. Patterson letter, Norfolk, 1836 February 25

  • Box 1, folder 24
Scope and Contents note

Announces that upon Clay's request he has procured a jack in Majorca, a place where the breed is "more esteemed in the Mediterranean than the Malta. . . and are higher priced." He has housed the jack in Norfolk and awaits Clay's instructions for disposition of the animal. He also adds that he would like to retain a half interest in the jack.

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Rezin D. Shepherd letter to Henry Clay, Baltimore, 1836 March 15

  • Box 1, folder 25
Scope and Contents note

Informs Clay that he can do as he pleases with the Broken Horn Cow which he presumes is now in calf to Orozimbo. Takes recognition of Clay's decision to take half interest in the six asses imported via the ship Unicorn "at the rate of 3000$ for the whole or 1500$ for the half."

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Daniel T. Patterson letter, Norfolk, 1836 March 16

  • Box 1, folder 26
Scope and Contents note

Informs Clay that he has shipped the jack to [Henry] Thompson in Baltimore. While he is a fine jack, his appearance is wanting because of the cold weather and his passage. Asks Clay if he would like him to procure additional jacks.

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Document signed by A.C. Rodes, 1836 April 6

  • Box 1, folder 27
Scope and Contents note

Jack license.

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Rezin D. Shepherd letter to Henry Clay, Baltimore, 1836 May 5

  • Box 1, folder 28
Scope and Contents note

Offers Clay immediate possession of two thoroughbred mares and of a stallion named Derby in a month's time. Requests that Clay send him descriptions of livestock he has purchased previously so that he can provide him with their pedigrees.

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Rezin D. Shepherd letter to Henry Clay, Baltimore, 1836 May 12

  • Box 1, folder 29
Scope and Contents note

Provides Clay with the pedigree of thoroughbred stallion Derby. Promises to send pedigree of English mare. Indicates that he is closing his business in Shepherdstown, Virginia (W.Va.) and invites Clay to visit him at his "humble abode" in Baltimore.

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Rezin D. Shepherd letter to Henry Clay, Baltimore, 1836 July 26

  • Box 1, folder 30
Scope and Contents note

Shepherd authorizes Clay to sell any of the stock he has sent to Clay and suggests that he will be sending Derby to Clay along with other stock destined for Kentucky in the fall.

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R. Beasley letter to Henry Clay, Le Havre, France, 1837 January 8

  • Box 1, folder 31
Scope and Contents note

Beasley, American Consul at Le Havre, sends Clay certificates for two jacks and six jennies which have "arrived here in good condition" and that they will be sent to Clay via the American ship New Orleans. Notes that the recent attempt on King Louis Phillipe's life will strengthen the French government and that President Andrew Jackson's recent message was well-received in France and England.

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R. Beasley letter to Henry Clay, Le Havre, France, 1837 January 18

  • Box 1, folder 32
Scope and Contents note

Writes that "Seven Jannetts & two Jacks" shipped out on the American ship New Orleans on January 14th for Clay in care of Mr. [Rezin] D. Shepherd and that they are insured against all risks at thirteen percent.

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R. Beasley letter to Henry Clay, Le Havre, France, 1837 May 16

  • Box 1, folder 33
Scope and Contents note

Beasley writes of European politics and business. Notes that "Commercial embarrassment seems to have fallen like an avalanche over our Country." Regrets learning that three of the asses he sent Clay were lost in passage and promises to credit the loss and remit the amount to Baring Brothers and Company in the name of Henry Clay, Jr.

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B.H. Payne letter to Henry Clay, Mt. Sterling, 1837 November 23

  • Box 1, folder 34
Scope and Contents note

Details the accounts he has kept on the stud services for the horse Stamboul. He will forward the information on Stamboul to Clay after he reaches his Louisiana plantation. Says that Clay is welcome to "have the service of the horse, to any number of mares."

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1840 February 12

  • Box 1, folder 35
Scope and Contents note

Clay, who has moved to another residence and now lives with Mrs. [E.S.] Arguelles, sends vegetable seeds. Notes that the suit between the [James] Brown estate and Kean [Richard R. Keene] has been argued by [John J.] Crittenden.

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1840 February 18

  • Box 1, folder 36
Scope and Contents note

Clay worries about Henry Clay Jr.'s "continued indisposition" caused by the death of his wife Julia during childbirth. (lines excised from middle portion of letter)

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1840 March 6

  • Box 1, folder 37
Scope and Contents note

Clay re-visits his Hanover, Virginia birthplace for the first time in forty years and provides description of visit. Sends bank drafts to Lucretia who is to take care of some of his financial affairs. Asks Lucretia to console Henry Clay Jr. should he come to Ashland.

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1840 April 2

  • Box 1, folder 38
Scope and Contents note

Writes of financial affairs. Hopes that Henry Clay Jr.'s trip to New Orleans will improve his health and spirits. Mentions the possibility of war with Great Britain and notes, "I hope and believe that there will be no war but things look a little squally" (This is a reference to the Aroostook War in Maine, 1839-1840).

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1840 April 12

  • Box 1, folder 39
Scope and Contents note

Clay reiterates that he does not expect war with Great Britain as he awaits news via the steamship The Great Western. Relates details of the Russian Minister's (Count Alexandre de Bodisco) marriage to a young woman (Harriet Williams) of Georgetown, D.C.

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1840 April 25

  • Box 1, folder 40
Scope and Contents note

Writes that Henry, Jr., who is going to Philadelphia for a few days, is in bad spirits. Clay will be traveling to Judge (Francis T.) Brooke's Virigina estate. Notes that five or six members of the Virginia legislature are enjoined in the Whig cause including one [Charles Thompson] from his old native county. He yearns to return to Ashland.

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John M. Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1841 May 27

  • Box 1, folder 41
Scope and Contents note

Discusses derailment of their passenger train between Frederick and Baltimore after it ran over a bull. They (John and father Henry) will be staying in Washington at Mrs. Bowen's. Franked in H. Clay's hand.

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Washington, 1841 June 6

  • Box 1, folder 42
Scope and Contents note

Reports that John's (John Morrison Clay) health is improving. He is attempting to send Lucretia some plants and flowers from her list and hopes that she will get them if the river is not low at Wheeling. Asks her to tell Thomas Hart Clay and James Brown Clay that James Erwin thinks that bagging and rope will be high and that they should not be in a hurry to contract for any. Closes with "I suppose James now believes Banjo Bill to be a first rate horse."

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Document signed by Josiah Downing and Peter Gatewood, 1841 July 12

  • Box 1, folder 43
Scope and Contents note

Downing as agent for Henry Clay enters into an agreement with Peter Gatewood to breed four mares to Monarch, the produce to be divided equally between Clay and Gatewood when the animals reach the age of one year.

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M.B.R. Williams note to Cyrus Downing, 1841 October 9

  • Box 1, folder 44
Scope and Contents note

Requests that Downing send him "Mr. Wm Stewarts Sorrel Archy mare and colt by the bearer of this Mr. James Perry." Includes hair from Monarch.

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Henry Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Natchez, Mississippi, 1842 December 9

  • Box 1, folder 45
Scope and Contents note

Clay is not well and is fatigued by his voyage down the Mississippi. Although met by enthusiastic crowds along the journey, because of his current state, they failed to excite him. He notes that, "I have found the depression in every department of business, and the reduction of prices of every thing greater than I anticipated." Clay relates that he has been unsuccessful in contracting for the sale of bagging and rope. Thus, he states, "I lament that I see no alternative but the sale of Thomas' (Thomas Hart Clay) property as was understood before I left home."

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W[ade] Hampton letter to Henry Clay, Millwood, South Carolina, 1845 June 3

  • Box 1, folder 46
Scope and Contents note

Presents Clay with "Magaret Wood, the Bay Filly you saw in my stables, by Priam out of Maria West." Claims that she is of little value to him. Explains that she was foaled in 1840 and won the Trial Stakes in Nashville as a 3 year old. Describes her as "a very promising filly, but. . . she was utterly ruined by the Trip." She may be in foal to Herald.

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Typescript. Charles W. Morgan to John M. Clay, Naval Asylum near Philadelphia, 1846 February 22

  • Box 1, folder 47
Scope and Contents note

Instructs John that his horse Yorkshire is now in the hands of his nephew Charles W. Fleming near Flemingsburg who has been directed to send him to Ashland. He notes further that "York-is of the best racing blood and his fine, bone and muscle, fit him admirably as a stock horse. He is imported by R D Shepherd Esquire with whom your father is well acquainted." Explains further that his nephew does not know what to do with such a fine horse and that Morgan had determined long ago to send him to John's father.

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Daniel Morgan letter to John M. Clay, at home, 1846 April 15

  • Box 1, folder 48
Scope and Contents note

Having difficulty locating pedigree. Discusses Yorkshire's virtues as a horse.

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R[ichard] Pindell's note announcing sale of White Bull Rover to Henry Clay, undated

  • Box 1, folder 49
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Isaac Owen letter to Henry Clay, Sacramento, California, 1850 September 11

  • Box 1, folder 50
Scope and Contents note

Letter of condolence re: Clay's grandson Henry Clay Duralde who drowned in the Sacramento River. Letter mutilated.

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H. Bush note to Henry Clay, Lexington, circa 1850s

  • Box 1, folder 51
Scope and Contents note

Receipt for 6 green house sashes and coffin for black girl.

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N[athan] Sargent letter to Frederick Billings, Washington, 1851 March 13

  • Box 1, folder 52
Scope and Contents note

Letter of introduction for Eugene Erwin. Sargent writes "Be kind enough to make Mr. Erwin acquainted with some of the prominent gentlemen of your city."

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James B. Clay letter to John M. Clay, near St. Louis, 1851 July 28

  • Box 1, folder 53
Scope and Contents note

Agrees to sell slave Sol to James for $400.00. Regrets that Henry Clay is in poor health.

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Printed Broadside with pedigree of White Bull Rover (owned by Henry Clay), et al. annotated by Isaac Shelby, 1851 October 11

  • Box 1, folder 54
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Bill of sale from Isaac Shelby to Henry Clay, 1851 October 11

  • Box 1, folder 55
Scope and Contents note

Isaac Shelby's bill of sale for heifer Amanda.

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Copy of Henry Clay's will, 1851 November 14

  • Box 1, folder 56
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Henry Clay letter to John M. Clay, Washington, 1851 December 3

  • Box 1, folder 57
Scope and Contents note

Has received John's letter which includes a copy of a missive from Mr. [Jared] Dawson. "He has made two wrong charges against me," writes Clay, "one of $250 which I never I think recd. And the other a charge of commissions on money not yet collected." Asks John to take care of his letter. Writes that his health is not improving although he attended the Senate on the first day.

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Henry Clay letter to John M. Clay, Washington, 1852 January 20

  • Box 1, folder 58
Scope and Contents note

Clay writes, "I think you would do well to employ a working overseer the man you have in view. I don't see how you do without one. Why don't you employ hands to help E. Watkins at your stable?" Sends John a check for $750.00. Signature clipped.

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Henry Clay letter to John M. Clay, Washington, 1852 February 28

  • Box 1, folder 59
Scope and Contents note

Reports that "neither the physicians nor I know what is to be the ultimate issue of my present illness." He is eating enough to sustain life, but cannot sleep at night without an opiate. Jokes that he has "nearly emptied an apothecary's shop." He does not want company and often denies the wishes of strangers to visit him. Glad to hear that Zenobia and Heraldry are in foal.

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Deed signed by Lucretia Clay to John M. Clay, Ashland, 1852 November 23

  • Box 1, folder 60
Scope and Contents note

Deed signed by Lucretia Clay giving John half the blooded stock of Magnolia and other horses. Attested by J.V. Harrison.

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Document signed by James F. Allen to John M. Clay, Harrison County, Kentucky, 1853 July 18

  • Box 1, folder 61
Scope and Contents note

Bill of sale for Negro boy.

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Document signed by J. V. Harrison, 1854 September 4

  • Box 1, folder 62
Scope and Contents note

Instructions on financial interests emanating from the sale of Ashland.

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James B. Clay letter to Lucretia Clay, Ashland, 1856 September 19

  • Box 1, folder 63
Scope and Contents note

Thanks her for her testimony in the newspaper affirming James' affection for his parents.

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William McCalla letter to Josephine Russell, 1857 June 26

  • Box 1, folder 64
Scope and Contents note

Sends her powders (medicine) to cure an affliction.

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Isaac Shelby note to John M. Clay, Lexington, Kentucky, 1862 June 16

  • Box 1, folder 65
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W[illiam] M. Mercer letter to John M. Clay, Locust Hill, undated

  • Box 1, folder 66
Scope and Contents note

Dr. Mercer apologizes for returning home early but needed to go because he learned that the water level on the Ohio River was falling.

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W. H. Mercer letter to John M. Clay, New Orleans, undated

  • Box 1, folder 67
Scope and Contents note

Discusses pedigree of Clay's mare Flounce. States that "brood mares ought not be very fat, certainly not till they become enciente. You may therefore injure your animal by too much care."

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Notes about Josephine Clay's horses

  • Box 1, folder 68
Scope and Contents note

Notes and pedigrees of Josephine Clay's horses including Yorkshire and Glendy (purchased by August Belmont).

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John M. Clay letter to Josephine Erwin, Ashland, 1863 December 27

  • Box 1, folder 69
Scope and Contents note

John writes, "This evil war has brought great distress and suffering to the whole county and although yours have not been the least, still you ought not to forget that you have sacred duties to perform towards your little children, nor abandon yourself to grief and despair."

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James B. Clay letter to Josephine Erwin, Ashland, 1864 August 26

  • Box 1, folder 70
Scope and Contents note

Clay pledges to continue work on legacy of Josephine's children and he attempts to console her during "her time of distress and affliction." Signs as her "affect. Uncle" and says, "do let us continue to correspond frequently."

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George B. Slaughter letter to Josephine Erwin, St. Louis, 1865 July 6

  • Box 1, folder 71
Scope and Contents note

Informs Josephine that she has until November first to "redeem your lands (in Missouri) if they have been sold for taxes, by paying costs & 15 pr. Ct. I advise you to pay the taxes at once."

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James B. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, San Nicholes Hotel, undated

  • Box 1, folder 72
Scope and Contents note

Has been ill, will arrive at Saratoga tomorrow. Letter written on the back of broadside which reads: "First Regular Meeting of the Joint Stock Laclede Association for the Improvement of the Blood Horse. Capital $150,000, St. Louis, Mo., 1866."

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John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Woodlawn Race Course, Nashville, 1867 May 23

  • Box 1, folder 73
Scope and Contents note

John found all of the horses safe and sound Victory does not exhibit the lameness which he did at home will give Gilroy, Victory, and Planet some work tomorrow. Stayed in Louisville previous night and saw "The McDowells and Susan and family."

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Anniversary invitation, 1867 July 8

  • Box 1, folder 74
Scope and Contents note

"Paper Wedding. Mr. & Mrs. Clay at home. . ."

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John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Cincinnati, 1867 September 20

  • Box 1, folder 75
Scope and Contents note

Horses arrived safely including Rivoli, Plantagenet, and Banshee. Discusses racing schedule and says he is due to arrive in St. Louis tomorrow evening.

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John M. Clay telegram to Josephine Clay, St. Louis, 1867 September 30

  • Box 1, folder 76
Scope and Contents note

Plantagenet wins second gallop.

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John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Buckeye Race Course, 1868 May 22

  • Box 1, folder 77
Scope and Contents note

Victory and Peter had a good workout and John expects to run them next week. Regarding a jockey he says, "I cannot say yet if I want Davy to come or not. His mother I paid $20 at the Cov. Depot at leaving and she seemed to think a months' wage extra was a little thing for Vic's race and thought I ought to make him a handsome present. She is pretty greedy." Doesn't believe he can get "$3,000 for Victory until he runs here, let alone $5,000."

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John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, 1868 May 24

  • Box 1, folder 78
Scope and Contents note

Vic (Victory) is the favorite versus the field in the pools. He is doing well. Billy Moran, who is reducing to ride him, exercised him this morning at 110 pounds and said, "He could have run a half mile in shoes in the 40s."

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John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, 1868 May 25

  • Box 1, folder 79
Scope and Contents note

Provides instructions for exercising Gilroy and Black Sal asks Josephine to have the track harrowed before they run. Reports on Victory's race: "He won easily in 144 ¾ 145 ½--he started at 21 yards behind first heat and Bob who rode him said he could have run faster the 2d than 1st heat. I was offered $5,000 for him after the race, but think him worth $10,000 if sound."

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John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, 1868 May 26

  • Box 1, folder 80
Scope and Contents note

"Peter got a wretched start and was beaten easily placed 6th. I think much better of him than before the race considering the blacksmith had cut away all his hoofs nearly as bad as Gilroy."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, 1868 May 28

  • Box 1, folder 81
Scope and Contents note

"The race is over for Victory. He won easily, never extended, in the mud." Provides instructions for the care of crops and the horses.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Buckeye Course, 1868 May 30

  • Box 1, folder 82
Scope and Contents note

Will run Peter again, who finished only "a throat latch behind Saratoga" yesterday, even though "he looks weak, feeble, emaciated, & debilitated." John has priced Victory at $10,000. Provided he doesn't sell Victory, he may send Patterson with Victory, Peter and Gilroy to Chicago "with a distinct understanding that the day he begins to drink, I take the horses out of his charge."

To top

Thomas Bacon letter to "Clay", Edgefield C.H., South Carolina, 1870 February 14

  • Box 1, folder 83
Scope and Contents note

Requests that Clay assist him in settling a breeding dispute he has with Abe Buford.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Woodlawn Race Course, Nashville, 1870

  • Box 1, folder 84
Scope and Contents note

Arrived here late because of broken steam engine. "Sally entered to run tomorrow against Sue Morrissey, Victory runs vx. Crossland & in the Dash 2 miles. Five horses entered in each race."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Maxwell House, Nashville, 1870 September 29

  • Box 1, folder 85
Scope and Contents note

Clay has arrived in Nashville and has given Sauce Box a workout at the track. Reports that Aneroid is amiss and that he probably will not "make a good race here." Buford's horses he adds, "are turned out so that S.B. will not meet Hollywood I guess the sister to Bonita will be the hardest to beat, but too soon to form an opinion. The track and stables here are very poor and barely fit for stabling and running."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Maxwell House, Nashville, 1870 October 3

  • Box 1, folder 86
Scope and Contents note

Haunted by memory of burning stable. Reports on progress of mare Sauce Box and owners who are attending meet. Provides instructions on tasks to be accomplished on the farm.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Maxwell House, Nashville, 1870 October 6

  • Box 1, folder 87
Scope and Contents note

Attended fair and acted as a judge.

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John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Maxwell House, Nashville, 1870 October 7

  • Box 1, folder 88
Scope and Contents note

Reports on his activities at the track. "Sauce Box is looking well, but I have not worked her strong here. She gallops 2 miles every day and today went the last half in 54 ½."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Woodlawn Race Course, Nashville, 1870 October 7

  • Box 1, folder 89
Scope and Contents note

He is running Sally, but she is becoming lamer. He complains that "I am plenty tired of this place and plenty sorry I came to it."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Maxwell House, Nashville, 1870 October 9

  • Box 1, folder 90
Scope and Contents note

Reports on his visit to church. Invited to dine "with Col. Woods, whose cousin Margaret Woods was named after and who has a daughter named Georgia Woods." Discusses Sauce Box's workouts.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Maxwell House, Nashville, 1870 October 11

  • Box 1, folder 91
Scope and Contents note

Relates that Sauce Box won the G.A. Stakes. Provides instructions on hemp, potato, and corn crops and on improvements to be made at Ashland.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Maxwell House, Nashville, 1870 October 14

  • Box 1, folder 92
Scope and Contents note

Taking Sauce Box to Memphis "having a good chance there to win." Acknowledges death of Jack. "Sorry you have no cook and washer."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Maxwell House, Nashville, 1870 October 15

  • Box 1, folder 93
Scope and Contents note

Discusses status of racing string and results. Provides direction of work to be done at Ashland in addition to feeding and harvesting instructions.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Chickasaw Race Course, Memphis, 1870 October 17

  • Box 1, folder 94
Scope and Contents note

Announces his arrival by train from Nashville with the boys and Sauce Box. Writes that "It is too soon to speak of prospects here. The Bradley Stakes being next Tuesday and the George Elliott Friday Following."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Chickasaw Race Course, Memphis, 1870 October 20

  • Box 1, folder 95
Scope and Contents note

Discusses problems with mare Squeeze'em. Wishes he was home to share Josephine's troubles.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Chickasaw Race Course, Memphis, 1870 October 21

  • Box 1, folder 96
Scope and Contents note

Glad to learn that Squeeze'em was injured accidentally, "as I feared at first it was the job of the Stable burners." Reacts positively to Josephine's decisions at Ashland and provides additional instructions on jobs he wants accomplished at the farm.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Chickasaw Race Course, Memphis, 1870 October 22

  • Box 1, folder 97
Scope and Contents note

Glad to learn that Squeeze'em is not permanently injured. Discusses work around the estate. Notes that Walter Parker of Hardinsville, Kentucky has offered to come and ride for $15 per month. Will entertain proposition when he returns because he is "a good rider."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Chickasaw Race Course, Memphis, 1870 October 24

  • Box 1, folder 98
Scope and Contents note

John plans to run Sauce Box tomorrow, but is not optimistic that she will do as well here as she did in Nashville. Clay observes that "he does not move as glib and elastic, nor does her coat look as shiny and bright, but I still hope for her to pull through victorious." Nevertheless, he writes, "she is in condition the fastest 2 yr old I ever raised."

To top

Broadside: "Honor Won and Lost", 1871 February 21

  • Box 1, folder 99
Scope and Contents note

Clay's fiftieth birthday. Family drama in honor of John M. Clay.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Long Branch, New Jersey, 1872 May 25

  • Box 1, folder 100
Scope and Contents note

John has arrived at Monmouth. All of his horses are in good shape with the exception of Ginger whose leg is improving. "If he is not hurried again in his training (he) may win one race and be sold before he breaks down."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Long Branch Race Course, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 May 28

  • Box 1, folder 101
Scope and Contents note

Hopes to have more luck in the east than in the west. His health is improving, he now weighs 128 pounds.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 3

  • Box 1, folder 102
Scope and Contents note

Left this morning for the Jerome Park races where he had to put up $100 in the Belmont Stake. Discusses whether to sell Ashland's hay.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 7

  • Box 1, folder 103
Scope and Contents note

John responds to Josephine's previous letters on activities at Ashland. Specifically, he discusses the hemp and corn crops and personnel decisions. He notes that he expects to run Logan Bruce and La Gotana towards the close of the meeting at Jerome Park.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, Monmouth County, New Jersey, 1872 June 10

  • Box 1, folder 104
Scope and Contents note

Provides instructions on feeding and pasturing the horses at Ashland. Gleefully reports that a "Jersey Dutch man" made out a bill referring to him as "Henry Clay's son." Inquires about crops and says he may bring a kitten or Newfoundland puppy home when he returns.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 12

  • Box 1, folder 105
Scope and Contents note

Reports on his activities while away from home. Notes that "I still like my and your church the Roman Catholic. And am trying every day to profit by the sermon I heard last Sunday against profanity."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 13

  • Box 1, folder 106
Scope and Contents note

John states that he needs to remain in "Yankee land" till the Dixie Stakes are run in Baltimore about the first of November. He also intimates that he needs to stay with his stable of horses because "when I am away the boys will play."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 19

  • Box 1, folder 107
Scope and Contents note

Reacts angrily to Josephine's last letter. Explains that he has been sick and living miserably in a stable and admonishes her "Don't mistrust your husband."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 21

  • Box 1, folder 108
Scope and Contents note

Says that he will not train anymore horses and has offered to sell the lot for $10,000, "but hardly hope to get it." Complains he is suffering from neuralgia. Requests condensed summary of each day's work since his departure. Pledges his love to Josephine.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 24

  • Box 1, folder 109
Scope and Contents note

Clay states that "I am strongly tempted to sell every d___ one of the horses at auction this week and come home." He has borrowed money from John Harper to cover expenses and notes that he will "be a dead beat" if his $7,000 note is not paid promptly August 1.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 25

  • Box 1, folder 110
Scope and Contents note

Discusses financial matters and instructs her to have the absent mares returned.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Eatontown, New Jersey, 1872 June 30

  • Box 2, folder 1
Scope and Contents note

Retracts his previous letter of indignation and reports that his neuralgia is relieved after a dentist extracted three teeth. Notes that "although Git and Bally were both beaten I felt better than if I had won and the neuralgia unrelieved."

To top

Agreement between John M. Clay and A. Keene Richards, 1877 February 3

  • Box 2, folder 2
Scope and Contents note

Clay places Buff and Blue in Richards' hands for racing purposes until December 1, 1879.

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John M. Clay letter to Lula Clay, Ashland, 1882 November 3

  • Box 2, folder 3
Scope and Contents note

Clay refers to Lula's illness.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Lula Clay, undated

  • Box 2, folder 4
Scope and Contents note

Glad to learn that Lula and baby are doing well. His own health is improving.

To top

John M. Clay document to Minor Simpson, Ashland, 1885 July 18

  • Box 2, folder 5
Scope and Contents note

Bill of sale for horse Glitter.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Ashland, 1887 June 1

  • Box 2, folder 6
Scope and Contents note

Reports that he made out well during her absence and notes that "Slashes is nearly well and tapering off on quinine."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Ashland, 1887 June 2

  • Box 2, folder 7
Scope and Contents note

Notes arrival of Lula and Josephine. States that Slashes is getting better.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Ashland, 1887 June 3

  • Box 2, folder 8
Scope and Contents note

Everything fine at home.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Ashland, 1887 June 5

  • Box 2, folder 9
Scope and Contents note

Discusses the potential sale of her land for $15,000 per acre.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Ashland, 1887 June 6

  • Box 2, folder 10
Scope and Contents note

John encourages Josephine to return home because she is sick and her prospects of selling her land are not good. He adds that "you may gain useful information, and be able to sell through an agent after your return home."

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Ashland, 1887 June 7

  • Box 2, folder 11
Scope and Contents note

Advises Josephine that she will probably not be able to sell the land at its face value.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Ashland, 1887 June 8

  • Box 2, folder 12
Scope and Contents note

John, again, implores Josephine to return home because he doubts that she can sell her land on this visit. Warns her to be cautious with agents.

To top

John M. Clay letter to Josephine Clay, Ashland, 1887 July 5

  • Box 2, folder 13
Scope and Contents note

John acknowledges Josephine's telegram and awaits more detailed information on the condition of her brother.

To top

Printed funeral notice for John M. Clay, Lexington, 1887 August 11

  • Box 2, folder 14
To top

1899 Annual Catalog of Ashland Thoroughbred Stock Farm by Mrs. John M. Clay, 1899

  • Box 2, folder 15
To top

Carter H. Harrison letter to Josephine Clay, Chicago, 1912 December 9

  • Box 2, folder 16
Scope and Contents note

Chicago mayor writes to his cousin that he is unaware of the existence of a portrait of Colonel William Russell. He has forwarded her letter to his brother Preston who may have more information on Russell.

To top

James K. Patterson letter to Josephine Clay, Lexington, 1920 March 28

  • Box 2, folder 17
Scope and Contents note

Thanks Josephine for her birthday wishes as he writes: "No greeting, however, came to me with more affection than did the one from you and none came which I value more."

To top

George H. Clay letter to Mrs. Minor Simpson, Lexington, 1927 February 9

  • Box 2, folder 18
Scope and Contents note

Encloses letter from John M. Clay to Lucretia Clay written in 1838 along with account by Bishop Smith of Henry Clay's last years.

To top

Maitland Allen letter to Mrs. James M. Clay, Limeton, Virginia, undated

  • Box 2, folder 19
Scope and Contents note

Encloses old family letters including several from her father.

To top

Henry McDowell letter to Mrs. Minor Simpson, undated

  • Box 2, folder 20
Scope and Contents note

Thanks her for the "pleasure (of) your coming yesterday."

To top

Gamaliel Bradford letter to Mrs. Lucretia Clay Simpson, 1929 April 19

  • Box 2, folder 21
Scope and Contents note

Thanks her for being so charitable with him as a biographer and notes that he will correct mistakes in any later printings of his book. He adds that "I am sure that you will make a book of great interest and of great historical value and I wish you all possible success with it."

To top

Assorted envelope contents, 1823, 1836, 1905

  • Box 2, folder 23
To top

Henry Clay farm ledger, circa 1839-1882

  • Box 2, folder 24
Scope and Contents note

Contains 93 pages with entries and includes records on hemp breaking, corn cribbing, the acquisition, birth, and death of horses and cattle, a record of mares serviced, and the sales of stock, etc. Page orientation changes throughout the ledger; pages were digitized in order but rotated for readability.

To top

Josephine Clay scrapbook, 1844-1919, undated

Passport of William Russell issued by U.S. Consul, Acapulco, Mexico, 1850

  • Box 7, item 1a
To top

Henry Clay political campaign ribbons: [left] Boston Young Men's Whig Club, Massachusetts Whig Convention; [right] "Clay and Tariff", The Democratic Whig National Convention, Baltimore, 1844 September 19; 1844 May 2

  • Box 7, item 1b-1c
To top

W.J. Eddy letter to A.E. Erwin, Benicia, 1852 July 10

  • Box 7, item 1
Scope and Contents note

Presents Erwin with a gold watch on behalf of the Mechanics of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company.

To top

Newspaper clipping, the Gazette-New Orleans' merchants pay off Henry Clay $25,000 debt, 1893 April 15

  • Box 7, item 2-2a
To top

Henry Clay note to Thomas B. King, New Orleans, 1851 April 11

  • Box 7, item 3
Scope and Contents note

Letter of introduction for his grandson Mr. Eugene Erwin.

To top

Circular signed by Eugene Erwin to the officers and soldiers for Erwin's battery, 1862 July 4

  • Box 7, item 4
To top

Eugene Erwin letter to W.J. Eddy, Monterrey, 1852 July 17

  • Box 7, item 5
Scope and Contents note

Thanks his friends at Benecia for their "beautiful testimonial."

To top

Bill of sale from Isaac Shelby for slave named Mastin to John M. Clay, 1857 February 21

  • Box 7, item 6
To top

H. Clay letter to Eugene Erwin, Ashland, 1851 July 19

  • Box 7, item 7-8
Scope and Contents note

Clay warns his grandson to stay away from "bad company and gambling. It is always attended with the loss of character, loss of health, and often the loss of fortune." Because of his poor health, he asks Erwin who he would like to have appointed as his guardian during his minority.

To top

Newspaper clipping re: Sixth Missouri Cavalry (Confederate), undated

  • Box 7, item 9
To top

R. Hutchinson note to Colonel Erwin, Grand Gulf, 1863 April 10

  • Box 7, item 10
Scope and Contents note

Requests that Erwin report to Headquarters tomorrow at 9 a.m. because the General "wishes to get away for a few hours, & desires you to 'run the machine' in the mean time."

To top

Clipped address: Col. Eugene Erwin, 6th Missouri Infantry, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, A.W., Port Gibson, Mississippi, undated

  • Box 7, item 11
To top

H.L. Duralde note to Josephine Russell, 1844 October 16

  • Box 7, item 12
Scope and Contents note

Thanks Josephine and her family for their kind treatment of him while he has been staying with them for the last five or six weeks. On a page from her autograph album.

To top

Note to Josephine Russell from unknown, undated

  • Box 7, item 13
Scope and Contents note

Refers to Josephine's album as "a storehouse, whose bright pages treasure up the cherished tributes of friendship."

To top

H. Clay letter to John M. Clay, Washington, 1852 March 13

  • Box 7, item 14
Scope and Contents note

Expresses sorrow at hearing that Margaret Woods lost her twins. Clay instructs his son on the disposition of a jack and jenny. Explains that his health has not improved and that he continues to be sleep deprived even after taking opiates. Briefly discusses the results of two cases (The Fireman's Insurance Case of Louisville and the Ray Case against the Brazilian government) he had before the Supreme Court.

To top

Poem addressed to Colonel Robert Spotswood Russell from Fannie Allen, 1847 August 5

  • Box 7, item 15
To top

Newspaper clipping, "A Mother's Training" Re: Caroline Russell, undated

  • Box 7, item 16
To top

Poem to Colonel William H. Russell from Mary A. Jones, Clifton, Virginia, undated

  • Box 7, item 17
To top

A. Custis Washington note to Josephine Erwin, Steamer Imperial, 1863 July 23

  • Box 7, item 18
Scope and Contents note

Washington writes, "Do not hesitate to call on me for anything that may add to your comfort or convenience. I trust your state room is as comfortable as possible."

To top

Poem to Josephine Russell from M.B.H., 1844 December 20

  • Box 7, item 19
To top

Newspaper clipping "Our Old Battle Flag", from 6th Missouri Infantry, undated

  • Box 7, item 20-21
To top

Poem "To The Blue Anemone" by Anna, undated

  • Box 7, item 22
To top

"From Senator Benton to Miss Josephine Russell", undated

  • Box 7, item 23
To top

James B. Townsend note, Bluffton, 1849 January 12

  • Box 7, item 24
Scope and Contents note

Because he is no poet himself, Townsend pens some lines from a Sir Walter Scott poem.

To top

Poem by W.J. Beebe, Bluffton, 1845 March 17

  • Box 7, item 25
To top

Edward Everett letter to John M. Clay, Boston, 1863 April 19

  • Box 7, item 26-27
To top

F.W. Russell letter to his sister Josephine Russell, 1845 August 20

  • Box 7, item 28
Scope and Contents note

Russell expresses his love and esteem for his sister, looks nostalgically back on their childhood, and their hopes for the future.

To top

Newspaper clipping "Iroquois Polo Team Triumphs", undated

  • Box 7, item 28a
To top

Holograph copy of "Truth" by N. Breton, 1616, copied by D[olly] P[ayne] Madison, Washington, 1847 August 23

  • Box 7, item 29
To top

Broadside letter- "Clay Monumental Association", New Orleans, 1860 February 20

  • Box 7, item 30
Scope and Contents note

Invitation to inauguration of the statue of Henry Clay in New Orleans.

To top

Obituary of General Robert Spotswood Russell, 1842 January 31

  • Box 7, item 31
To top

Ribbon carrying obituary of Colonel Eugene Erwin delivered by W. M. Patterson, Chaplain, 6th Mounted Infantry, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1863 June 26

  • Box 7, item 32
To top

Poem to Miss Josephine Russell by Robert H. Foster, Alabama at Sea, 1851 May 11

  • Box 7, item 33
To top

Pass for Josephine Erwin from A.J. Barlow, Headquarters, District of Memphis, Memphis, 1863 April 3

  • Box 7, item 34
Scope and Contents note

Guards, Pass "Col Stephens escort this lady, little girl & driver through lines . . . baggage examined and passed at this office."

To top

Ulysses S. Grant. Pass for Lt. E.A. Hickman, CSA to Cairo in company with Mrs. Col. (Josephine) Erwin, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1863 July 18

  • Box 7, item 35
To top

Ulysses S. Grant. Pass for Mrs. Col. (Josephine) Erwin to Independence, Missouri with her family, Vicksburg, 1863 July 18

  • Box 7, item 36
To top

One line note for "Senorita Russell" (Josephine), undated

  • Box 7, item 37
To top

Note to Colonel Eugene Erwin from J. Murdoch, undated

  • Box 7, item 38
Scope and Contents note

Reports that a friend saw Mrs. Erwin and Lula encamped with a portion of the Army at Grindstone Ford. "Mr. Patterson had brought word of your safety, after the battle; and they seemed cheerful and hopeful; when they left us at 6 p.m."

To top

Erased note on an illustrated autograph album page, undated

  • Box 7, item 39
Scope and Contents

Illustration caption "1 Sweet Pea: An appointed meeting. 2. Spiderwort: Transient Happiness. 3 Crown Imperial: Power. Majesty. 4 Tangier Pea: An Appointed meeting."

To top

Newspaper clipping "An Old Battle Flag", undated

  • Box 7, item 40-41
To top

J. Shobe note to Josephine Russell, 1850 January 23

  • Box 7, item 42
Scope and Contents note

Shobe writes a poem to Josephine.

To top

Jefferson Davis letter to Colonel I. Hays, Ohio River, 1851 March 18

  • Box 7, item 43
Scope and Contents note

Letter of introduction for Eugene Erwin.

To top

Brigadier General Martin E. Green letter to Colonel Erwin, Headquarters 2d Division, 3rd Brigade, 1862 August 27

  • Box 7, item 44
Scope and Contents note

General Green issues instructions on electing officers and on fowarding recommendations to the War Department.

To top

Lucian McDowell note to Mrs. Colonel (Josephine) Erwin, Hospital, Vicksburg, 1863 July 14

  • Box 7, item 45
Scope and Contents note

McDowell reports that he does not have any spirits of camphor "as the Yankees have entirely failed to supply us with spirits of any kind since we have been in Vicksburg. He sends a substitute."

To top

Abraham Lincoln letter to John M. Clay, Washington, 1862 August 9

  • Box 7, item 46
Scope and Contents note

The President acknowledges John's gift of his father's snuff box and then writes, "In the concurrent sentiment of your venerable mother, so long the partner of his bosom and his honors, and lingering now, where he was, but for the call to rejoin him where he is; I recognize his voice, speaking as it ever spoke, for the Union the Constitution, and the freedom of mankind."

To top

Page from illustrated autograph album, undated

  • Box 7, item 47
Scope and Contents

Illustration caption "1 Purple Rudbeckia: Justice. 2 Persian Cydamen: Diffidence. 3 Coreopsis: Love at first sight. 4 Scarlet Azalea: Your blush has won me."

To top

Clipping of Mrs. John M. (Josephine) Clay and Henry Clay Anderson, undated

  • Box 7, item 48
To top

Notes on illustrated autograph album page inscribed to Josephine Russell by Henry Clay and D.H. Allen, 1843, 1847

  • Box 7, item 49
Scope and Contents note

Clay's inscription reads: "I record my name, with great pleasure, in the Album of the daughter of one of my best, one of the most faithful and intelligent of my friends."

To top

Henry Clay letter to Mrs. Zanette Freeland Russell, Ashland, 1847 June 2

  • Box 7, item 50
Scope and Contents note

Clay writes in support of William Russell's effort to sustain John C. Fremont's authority in California in light of the latter's dispute with General Stephen W. Kearny. Clay states, "I shall take great pleasure, and be most happy, to do any thing in my power (altho' I fear that will not be much) to uphold their power and authority."

To top

Poem to Josephine from Annie, undated

  • Box 7, item 51
To top

Poem to Josephine from HCR, 1851 April 13

  • Box 7, item 52
To top

Poem "An Acrostics", L.R., Bluffton, 1846 August 24

  • Box 7, item 53
To top

H.K. Garrison letter to J.H. Blethune, San Francisco, 1853 May 16

  • Box 7, item 54
Scope and Contents note

Letter to make Captain Blethune aware that the family of Colonel William Russell accompanied by Henry Clay's grandson, Eugene Erwin, are passengers on his ship.

To top

Page from illustrated autograph album, undated

  • Box 7, item 55
Scope and Contents

Scratched out message. Illustration caption: "1 Iris Versicolor: and 2 Persian Iris: A Message 3 Colored Marigold: dedicated to the day of the Annexation."

To top

Henry B. Jackson letter to John M. Clay, Forsyth Place, Savannah, 1889 December 18

  • Box 7, item 56-57
To top

H.C.M. Bryant letter to Josephine Clay, Lexington, 1919 March 22

  • Box 7, item 58
Scope and Contents note

Thank you letter for the seventy-six pairs of hand-knitted socks that she made and donated to be worn by Belgian soldiers. One pair is to be placed in the Museum at Brussels "as a memento to the name of Clay."

To top

Cancelled David A. Sayre and Co. check issued to Eugene Erwin, by D.M. Simpson for $500.00, Lexington, 1854 May 22

  • Box 7, item 59
To top

Frank Carter letter to Colonel Eugene Erwin, Grand Gulf, 1863 April 12

  • Box 7, item 60
Scope and Contents note

States that Erwin's court will have to adjourn over until Tuesday and that he will send across the river for officers to fill the court if necessary.

To top

Note from Major General John M. Schofield, Headquarters, Department of the Mississippi, St. Louis, 1863 November 3

  • Box 7, item 61
Scope and Contents note

Announces that the person and property of Mrs. Josephine Erwin are to be protected.

To top

Newspaper clipping concerning Col. William H. Russell and clipped signatures including Daniel Webster, John M. Botts, Winfield Scott and John Quincy Adams, undated

  • Box 7, item 62-76
To top

M.H. Sanford letter to John M. Clay, North Elkhorn Farm, 1879 June 24

  • Box 7, item 77
Scope and Contents note

Letter thanking John for sending him a memento of his father, Henry Clay.

To top

Faded handwritten poem, undated

  • Box 7, item 78
To top

Josephine Russell's signature, undated

  • Box 7, item 79
To top

Calling cards, undated

  • Box 7, item 80-85
Scope and Contents

Pages of 23 pasted-in calling cards. The calling cards include ones from the Russell's time in California and ones from Colonel William H. Russell and Mrs. Henry (Lucretia) Clay.

To top

William Russell papers, 1823-1904, undated

Letter from Mr. Carroll, 1823 October 10

  • Box 2, folder 25
To top

Photocopy of letter from "Thomas", 1828

  • Box 2, folder 26
To top

Photocopy of letter from J. Bledsoe to William H. Russell, 1828 April 26

  • Box 2, folder 27
To top

Photocopy of letter from F. Henderson to William H. Russell, 1828 August 29

  • Box 2, folder 28
To top

Thomas A. Russell letter to William H. Russell, 1831

  • Box 2, folder 29
To top

Purchase of land by James A. Grump, signed by president Andrew Jackson, 1831 March 1

  • Box 2, folder 30
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1831 October 18

  • Box 2, folder 31
To top

Thomas A. Russell letter to William H. Russell, 1832 October 4

  • Box 2, folder 32
To top

Arthur B. Erwin last will and testament, 1833 June 12

  • Box 2, folder 33
To top

Photocopy of letter to William H. Russell from William H. Ashley, 1834 January 10

  • Box 2, folder 34
To top

Purchase of land by Joseph Watts, signed by president Andrew Jackson, 1835 October 13

  • Box 2, folder 35
To top

James Erwin letter to Henry Clay, 1835 December 15

  • Box 2, folder 36
To top

Payments for land from Joseph Watts and William H. Russell, 1835, 1837

  • Box 2, folder 37
To top

James Erwin letter to Henry Russell, 1836 January 12

  • Box 2, folder 38
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1836 January 20

  • Box 2, folder 39
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1836 July 12

  • Box 2, folder 40
To top

Zannette Russell letter to Priscilla Freeland, 1836 December 11

  • Box 2, folder 41
To top

Notice to "members of William H. Russell's company", 1837 February 10

  • Box 2, folder 42
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1837 October 31

  • Box 2, folder 43
To top

Photocopy of list of items received from William H. Russell, 1837 November 30

  • Box 2, folder 44
To top

Orders allowing William H. Russell medical leave, 1837 December 17

  • Box 2, folder 45
To top

Muster rolls for Captain William H. Russell, circa 1838

  • Box 2, folder 46
To top

R. Beasley letter to Henry Clay, 1838 February 4

  • Box 2, folder 47
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1838 February 25

  • Box 2, folder 48
To top

Purchase of land by William H. Russell, signed by president Martin Van Buren, 1839 April 1

  • Box 2, folder 49
To top

Photocopy of letter from A.G. Morgan to J. Hook, 1839 November 13-15

  • Box 2, folder 50
To top

Thomas M. Allen letter to William H. Russell, 1839 November 20

  • Box 2, folder 51
To top

Thomas M. Allen letter to William H. Russell, 1839 December 5

  • Box 2, folder 52
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1840 September 7

  • Box 2, folder 53
To top

William H. Russell letter to Daniel Webster, 1841 March 6

  • Box 2, folder 54
To top

William A. Weaver letter to the Marshal of the United States for the district of Missouri, 1841 June 2

  • Box 2, folder 55
To top

Photocopy of letter from Thomas B. to William H. Russell, 1841 July 7

  • Box 2, folder 56
To top

Letter from the Department of State appointing William H. Russell to Marshal of the United States for the district of Missouri, 1841 July 26

  • Box 2, folder 57
To top

Photocopy of letter from Thomas B. to William H. Russell, 1841 September 21

  • Box 2, folder 58
To top

Photocopy of letter from Charles B. Penrose to William H. Russell, 1841 November 9

  • Box 2, folder 59
To top

Broadside letter by William H. Russell, concerning the creation of Federal Circuit and District Courts, 1841 December 22

  • Box 2, folder 60
To top

Notice of treasury draft from US treasury, 1842 January 15

  • Box 2, folder 61
To top

Thomas A. Russell letter to William H. Russell, 1842 September 25

  • Box 2, folder 62
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1843 May 6

  • Box 2, folder 63
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1843 November 9

  • Box 2, folder 64
To top

Thomas A. Russell letter to William H. Russell, 1843 December 17

  • Box 2, folder 65
To top

Deed of bequeathed money to William H. Russell and wife, 1844

  • Box 2, folder 66
To top

Thomas A. Russell letter to William H. Russell, 1844 February 6

  • Box 2, folder 67
To top

Appointment of William H. Russell as agent of Mordecai Bartley to transport fugitives, 1845 April 12

  • Box 2, folder 68
To top

Excerpt from William H. Russell's journal while in California, 1846

  • Box 2, folder 69
To top

William [Broadwill] letter to William H. Russell, 1846 March 23

  • Box 2, folder 70
To top

Zannette Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1846 June 8

  • Box 2, folder 71
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1846 July

  • Box 2, folder 72
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1846 July 17

  • Box 2, folder 73
To top

Washington Allon Bartlett letter to J.A. [John Augustus] Sutter, 1846 November 19

  • Box 2, folder 74
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1847

  • Box 2, folder 75
To top

Pay amount for William H. Russell for January to August 1847, 1847

  • Box 2, folder 76
To top

William H. Russell letter to Thomas A. Russell, 1847 January 3

  • Box 2, folder 77
To top

William H. Russell letter to brother, addressed to Mrs. William H. Russell, 1847 February 23

  • Box 2, folder 78
To top

William H. Russell letter to Daria H. Allen, 1847 April 20

  • Box 2, folder 79
To top

William H. Russell letter to Sarah L. Russell, 1847 July 21

  • Box 2, folder 80
To top

Richard Jacob letter to Colonel William H. Russell, 1847 August 2

  • Box 2, folder 81
To top

N. Tomson letter to William L. Marcy (2 copies), 1847 August 13-14

  • Box 2, folder 82
To top

Zanette Freeland Russell letter to Sarah L. Russell, 1847 December 1

  • Box 2, folder 83
To top

J. Mason letter to William H. Russell, 1848 March 24

  • Box 2, folder 84
To top

Thomas A. Russell letter to William H. Russell, 1848 December 29

  • Box 2, folder 85
To top

Slave deed, Robert Spotswood Russell to Zanette Freeland Russell, 1849 April 29

  • Box 2, folder 86
To top

Photocopy of letter extract in newspaper from William H. Russell to Thomas M. Allen, 1849 November 9

  • Box 2, folder 87
To top

Photocopy of bills accrued in France and Germany, 1850

  • Box 2, folder 88
To top

Thomas A. Russell letter to William H. Russell, 1850 September 8

  • Box 2, folder 89
To top

Zanette Freeland Russell letter to Sarah L. Russell, 1855 March 4

  • Box 2, folder 90
To top

Photocopy of letter from William H. Russell, 1857 June 26

  • Box 2, folder 91
To top

Photocopy of letter from James B. Clay to William H. Russell, 1859 October 29

  • Box 2, folder 92
To top

Bills and account notes, 1862-1869

  • Box 2, folder 93
Scope and Contents

Includes a letter from "Sister Lucy" asking John M. Clay and Josephine Clay to repay her for Lucretia and Nettie Erwin's school books at the H. Catherine Academy; A list of Hired Laborers and accounting for the year 1869; and a note from Isaac Shelby to John M. Clay.

To top

William H. Russell letter to his aunt, 1873 September 10

  • Box 2, folder 94
To top

Photocopy of request by Consul of the United States at Acapulco for safe passage of William H. Russell, 1874

  • Box 2, folder 95
To top

Photocopy of newspaper clipping discussing presentation of Randall Lee Gibson's portrait to the Confederate Memorial Association, 1900 April 25

  • Box 2, folder 96
To top

Photocopy of cable announcing marriage of Preston and Margaret Gibson, 1900 July 28

  • Box 2, folder 97
To top

Photocopy of death notice of Tobias Gibson, 1904 December 7

  • Box 2, folder 98
To top

Photocopy of document granting William Russell two thousand acres of land and survey, undated

  • Box 3, folder 1
To top

Photocopy of letter from Maitland Allen to Mrs. Clay, undated

  • Box 3, folder 2
To top

Letter from the Department of State sending compensation "due to your assistants for taking the sixth census", undated

  • Box 3, folder 3
To top

Transcription of Robert S. Russell military service, copied from pension papers, undated

  • Box 3, folder 4
To top

Assorted envelopes, undated

  • Box 3, folder 5
To top

Calling cards, undated

  • Box 3, folder 6
To top

Anne B. Erwin letter to Henry Clay, undated

  • Box 3, folder 7
To top

Anne B. Erwin letter to Henry Clay, undated

  • Box 3, folder 8
To top

Photocopy of pictures of "Magnolia", undated

  • Box 3, folder 9
To top

Photocopy of obituary for Randall Lee Gibson and history of Houma Fire Company, undated

  • Box 3, folder 10
To top

Photocopy of ancestral biography of Randall Lee Gibson, undated

  • Box 3, folder 11
To top

Photocopies of Tobias Gibson's death notice, undated

  • Box 3, folder 12
To top

Photocopy of announcement of Mrs. Preston Gibson filing for divorce, undated

  • Box 3, folder 13
To top

Photocopy of Preston Gibson's divorce and Evvie Gibson's death notice, undated

  • Box 3, folder 14
To top

Photocopy of Eva Gibson's death notice and Preston Gibson's second marriage, undated

  • Box 3, folder 15
To top

Photocopy of obituary for Randall Lee Gibson, undated

  • Box 3, folder 16
To top

Photocopies of clippings pertaining to Tobias Gibson, undated

  • Box 3, folder 17
To top

Newspaper clipping of Tobias Gibson's obituary, undated

  • Box 3, folder 18
To top

Photocopy and transcript of final statement of Eugene Erwin, undated

  • Box 3, folder 19
To top

Biographies of William H. Russell, undated

  • Box 3, folder 20
To top

Louisiana Wood Simpson papers, 1950-1983, undated

"Henry Clay" by Judge Samuel M. Wilson - Ashland monograph no.1, 1950

  • Box 3, folder 21
To top

"The Cat Who Lives at Ashland" by Louisiana Wood Simpson, 1963

  • Box 3, folder 22
To top

"Gypsy: The Cat Who Lived at Ashland" by Louisiana Wood Simpson, 1978

  • Box 3, folder 23
To top

"The Colonel's Lady" by Louisiana Wood Simpson, 1981

  • Box 3, folder 24
To top

Pamphlet commemorating first day of issue of Henry Clay stamp, 1983 July 13

  • Box 3, folder 25
To top

Newspaper clipping of Henry Clay's law office being razed to the ground, undated

  • Box 3, folder 26
To top

Program for the dedication of Ashland as the Henry Clay memorial, 1950 April 12

  • Box 3, folder 27
To top

Newspaper clipping of picture of Mrs. William McDowell Stucky with son Bill, Jr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Simpson with daughter Jo, undated

  • Box 3, folder 28
To top

"I Take Your Hand" by Louisiana Wood Simpson, undated

  • Box 3, folder 29
To top

Clay - Simpson family photographs, 1853-2004, undated

Louisiana Wood Simpson and George Bagley, undated

  • Box 4, item 1
To top

Lewis Burwell next to an airplane, undated

  • Box 4, item 2
To top

Wood Simpson and Louisiana Wood Simpson, undated

  • Box 4, item 3
To top

Unidentified woman, undated

  • Box 4, item 4
To top

Louisiana Gibson Wood and Wood Lausey, undated

  • Box 4, item 5
To top

Group portrait of unidentified women on the porch of a house, undated

  • Box 4, item 6
To top

John M. Clay and Josephine Clay, undated

  • Box 4, item 7
To top

View of John Bradford house, undated

  • Box 4, item 8
To top

Margaret H. Preston portrait, 1867

  • Box 4, item 9
To top

View of John Bradford house, undated

  • Box 4, item 10
To top

Clay Simpson on right and friends, undated

  • Box 4, item 11
To top

"President of American Trust Co." in St. Mark's square covered in pigeons, undated

  • Box 4, item 12
To top

Louisiana Wood (Mrs. Henry Clay Simpson, Sr.) and unidentified woman holding a baby, undated

  • Box 4, item 13
To top

"Louisiana Wood Simpson - center, Wood to her right; Clay Simpson far right", undated

  • Box 4, item 14
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Clay Simpson (left, holding baby) and Louisiana Simpson on couch with unidentified woman between them, undated

  • Box 4, item 15
To top

Louisiana Wood and her granddaughter Elizabeth Burgmaier, 2004 April

  • Box 4, item 16
To top

"Lou - Bee Mayer", 1926

  • Box 4, item 17
To top

Henry Clay Simpson, Sr. and his mother, undated

  • Box 4, item 18
To top

Portrait of Erwin Eugene Simpson, undated

  • Box 4, item 19
To top

Portrait of Lewis Burrell, undated

  • Box 4, item 20
To top

Lou and "Boone" Simpson, undated

  • Box 4, item 21
To top

Henry Clay Simpson (far left) and Wood Simpson (center) with unidentified persons, undated

  • Box 4, item 22
To top

Interior of 1551 Tates Creek house, undated

  • Box 4, item 23
To top

Portrait of John M. Clay, undated

  • Box 4, item 24
To top

Portrait of Minor Simpson, undated

  • Box 4, item 25
To top

Josephine Russell (Mrs. John M. Clay) portrait, 1853

  • Box 4, item 26
To top

Portrait of Eugene Erwin in military uniform, undated

  • Box 4, item 27
To top

Josephine Clay and Josephine Clay Simpson standing on either side of Henry Clay Simpson, undated

  • Box 5, item 28
To top

Clay Simpson, Sr. on a horse, undated

  • Box 5, item 29
To top

Portrait of unidentified woman, undated

  • Box 5, item 30
To top

Picture of portrait of Henry Clay, undated

  • Box 5, item 31
To top

[L to R] Eugene E. Simpson, Louisiana Wood Simpson, Josephine Clay Simpson, Henry Clay Simpson (baby), 1940 December 25

  • Box 5, item 32
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Unidentified man standing next to a bed, undated

  • Box 5, item 33
To top

Portrait of Katherine Gussett Jones, undated

  • Box 5, item 34
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Portrait of Alice Quarles Henderson, undated

  • Box 5, item 35
To top

Portrait of Stowe Moody, undated

  • Box 5, item 36
To top

Portrait of James Gussett, note on back reads: "My first beau - isn't he handsome?", undated

  • Box 5, item 37
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Portrait of James Gussett, note on back reads: "childhood friend of Louisiana Wood Simpson's", undated

  • Box 5, item 38
To top

Picture of participant and beagles at the Beagle Club at Walnut Hall Farm, undated

  • Box 5, item 39
To top

Portrait of George Bagley, undated

  • Box 5, item 40
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Portrait of Tom Alexander, undated

  • Box 5, item 41
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Portrait of Breward Moore [?] in his Navy uniform, undated

  • Box 5, item 42
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Portrait of Dorothy Brown, niece of W. H. Wood, undated

  • Box 5, item 43
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Group portrait of Vinton [?] Liddell's wedding party, Louisiana sitting on floor at right, undated

  • Box 5, item 44
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Portrait of an unidentified woman in intricate gown, note on back reads: "Old girl!", undated

  • Box 5, item 45
To top

Portrait of Alice Burt, undated

  • Box 6, item 46
To top

Photograph of "The old Simpson place where Eugene grew up", undated

  • Box 6, item 47
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The Frank Jones's Wedding Party, 1934

  • Box 6, item 48
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Nancy and Donal graham's Wedding party, 1931

  • Box 6, item 49
To top

Portrait of Connie and Bill White, undated

  • Box 6, item 50
To top

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