xt79zw18pj0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79zw18pj0g/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1942 x leaves, 43 p., [2] leaves of plates: ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.210 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Shelby County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 210, Shelby County, Nov., 1881 - Aug. 11, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 210, Shelby County, Nov., 1881 - Aug. 11, 1939 1942 1942 2019 true xt79zw18pj0g section xt79zw18pj0g ' 1111111111711 ' v ‘ 1111111111111 1 INDEX _ TO PROBATE CASES 5 FmEoIN f ' v°“E STAR a ' i ,s’” 5\ 5* , 1 1 ‘§9 ‘ No. 2 IO } SHELBY COUNTY ' ‘ ' TEXAS STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT . 411111119111 911112111111?“ INDEX TO PROBATE CASES OF TEXAS No. 210. ~SHELBY COUNTY November, 188l—August 11, 1939 Prepared by The State—Wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration ' The University of Texas, Official Sponsor 2 Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences , y The University of Texas, State-wide Co—Sponsor E San Antonio, TeXas The Stateswide Records Indexing and Inventory Program April 1942 ' PREFACE .- " The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate cases 9 filed in Shelby County, Texas, is No. 210 of the Texas series of couné ~ ties. The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day—to— day usage by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and - other citizens who have occasion to consult probate case records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The publication may be used by historians and genealogists to obtain references to unpublished source material. , . ."' The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are arranged alphabetically, with reference to the filing date of the case and the case number, The following numbers in series 1-2143 were not used as case numbers: 1—3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 23, 32, 36, 54, 63, 64, 71, 73*75, 77, 81, 84, 89, 93, 97-99, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 112, 114—118, 120, 130, 131, 138, 1394141, 144—159, 162—164, 166, 169, 172, 174, 179, 181, 185, 186, 188, 189, 192, 193, 195, 198, 199, 201, 203, 206, 208, 210, 211, 216,‘ 220, 221, 223, 226—229, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237-240, 242-245, 247—249, 251, 252, 254, 256-260, 262, 264—266, 268, 270~273, 276, 278, 281, 288, 294, 295, 305, 311-313, 317, 318, 320-322, 324, 326~329: 331, 333-335, 338, 3391,341-345, 347-353, 355-371, 373~ 381, 383-394, 399, 400, 402, 404, 406, 408, 410, 411, 413, 415, 416, 427, 430—432, 438, 440, 445, 448, 4.50, 451, 458, 461-473, 47.8, 479, 483, 492, 497, 498, 508, 513, 515, 519, 523, 530, 542, 544, 546, 552-554, 556, 562, 572, 574, 576, 578, 580, 590, 593, 594, 596, 605, 615, 618, 622, 624, 625, 632, 647, 655, 657, 662, 664, 678, 680, 685, 686, 692, 693, 695, 701, 706, 707, 709, 714, 721, 726, 730, 731, 733, 734, 740, 741, 750, 751, 763, 764, 767, 770, 772, 773, 776, 780, 781, 783, 785, 787, 789, 792, 794—797, 799, 800, 801, 803, 804, 811, 815-817, 819, 820, 821, 826, 828, 830, 835, 842, 845, 847, 848, 853, 860, 863, 864, 867, ' 7 870, 874, 878, 897, 899, 900, 904, 909, 916, 918, 919, 929-932, 939, 924-7, 950'953, 958, 96-1, 963, 9653 967’ 970’ 973) 979’ 981, 984-986, 9961" ' 1001, 1002, 1006, 1009, 1012, 1015, 1016, 1022, 1025, 1027, 1029, 1031, 1034, 1035, 1038, 1040, 1041, 1054, 1063, 1064, 1067, 1069, 1071, 1074, 1104, 1108, 1118, 1123, 1127, 1132, 1135, 1138, 1143, 1146, 1147, 1151, 1154, 1155, 1157, 1158, 1164, 1179, 1181, 1182, 1192, 1193, 1211, 1213, 1219, 1223, 1228, 1243, 1245, 1254,1255, 1257, 1258, 1263, 1265, 1280, 1283, 1292, 1294, 1304, 1312, 1318, 1320, 1324, 1332, 1361, 1366, 1369, 1388, 1389, 1397, 1402, 1405, 1412, 1421, 1424, 1434, 1435, 1437, 1439, _ 1443, 1449, 1452, 1456, 1468, 1473, 1503, 1506, 1507, 1510, 1513, 1514, 1519: 1527, 1533, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1556, 1559, 1563, 1569, 1579, 1592, 1595, 1600, 1611, 1624, 1627, 1630, 1639, 1645, 1657, 1659, 1664, 1666— 1668, 1670, 1671, 1677, 1681, 1688, 1691’ 1692, 1694-1697, 1703, 1710, 1711, 1716, 1717, 1720, 1722, 1725, 1729, 1730, 1732—1734, 1736, 1741, 1748, 1749, 1754, 1762, 1764, 1767, 1776, 1778, 1781, 1783, 1789, 1791, 1792, 1794, 1797, 1801, 1802, 1804, 1808, 1810, 1815, 1823~1825, 1829, 1837, 1838, 1840, 1841, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1851, 1855-1858, 1862, 1863, 1865-1871, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1890—1892, 1894, 1906, 1927, 1930, 1936, 1939, 1943, 1948, 1966, 1980, 1983, 1986, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2025, - 111 — ‘ 5 2030, 203A, 2062, 2066, 2068, 2078, 2081, 2083, 208b, 2087, 2093, 2097, 3 2099, 2102, 2108, 2110, 2111, 2113, 2115, 2120, 2122, 2127, 2129, 2131, 3 2133, 2135, 2136, 2138—21h0, 21h2. 1 ' 1.,In Shelby County the probate case papers (in file jackets) are filed 1 in steel file boxes in the county clerk's office. The cases are arranged 1 alphabetically by first letter.of surname of principal party, and chrono— g logically thereunder. : y ‘ .1 3 Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has af¢ i fected the venue in probate cases and has therefore determined the coun- f ty in which the probate case should have been filed,'a map and table of ; territorial changes are included herein. Notations concerning preSent 1 location and availability of records pertinent to Shelby County follow: i , Pssgfi'Auéustinexéounty,.dan Augustine, records extant. ‘ . E ': Sabine County, Hemphill, records destroyed by fire, December, 1875, g ‘Nacoédoches County, Nacogdoches, records extant. ' ' ,. 1 ’5' ., . I” _ 1 . , .w 0'] ‘4 ‘ V i ” ,Harrison-County, Marshall, records extant. ‘ ‘ ' ‘- é 'RuSKYCcunty, Henderson, records extant.e'”‘ ‘: g ‘ :..l j ,I 1 . , 1 ‘ ~ ‘ , , .1 , . - ” .- ‘ ’ 1 ‘ 1 ". i _ 1 g , , , . » . ”'7‘. . . ,l .- E]; ‘._ < r..,~ . ( 2A. . '.- - g . Li" ._ V. > , . 3"“ ,,‘.‘ \ z? ’ ' y S 5 - iv — n 7.; ;‘ ~a EXPLANATION OF THE MAP AREAS _u';e.~-'V,e ,- 3- ; ' Note:' All the areas numbered below from<§>thnough(:)Were in the municipality and county of Nacogdoches until the earliest date givenbfor the particular area.(l)*&; ‘ ... '”;_.. . in municipality of San Augustine from 3/6/1831. (2) to, ..l2/ 5/1835 " n and county of Sabine " 12/5/1835'(3) "'12/11/1837 , ." Shelby_COuntyj‘,., » H 12/11/1337 (1) _".r... ,date ’ (:>, in municipality and county of a”, .;;. - — , l . sen Augustine from 3/5/1831.(2) to 11/11/1835 ' " " and county,of.,fl. ' ., " Shelby (Tenehaw)* from 11/11/1835 (5) .vj12/1t/1837 " Sabine County ' H 12/11/1837 (5) " date (:> in municipality of San Augustine from 3/6/1834 (2) to.ll/ll/1835 -" " and county_of;- .g. . ' Shelby (Tenehaw)* " 11/11/1835 (5) n _ date . (E) in municipalitygof San Augustine from 3/5/1831 (2) to 11/11/1835 , " " and county of v . - Shelby (Tenehaw)* " 11/11/1835 (5) " 1/28/1839 “ -. ".Harrison County a, - " .1/28/1839y(7) " 1/30/1841 '" Shelby County " 1/30/1841 (8) n date ' * Name changed from Tenehaw to Shelby in 1836. (gee Gammel I, 1025) .(1) It is assumed that the municipality of Nacogdoches had jurisdiction over all the territory later called the "Department of Nacogdoches" and defined in 1831. (gee Gammél I, 281)” "‘ ' ”“” ‘””’ ” ' (2) Gammel I, 352. , . , . __' , a l (3) Ibid., 1, 993. , _ _ , ‘ (4) Ibid., I, 1390. . , . . -.3 .‘ (5) The district of Tenehaw of the muniCipalityflof San Augustine was ' made a separate municipality in 1835, centering around the town cf‘ Nashville (present Center), but its boundaries were not then-defined (see Gammel I, 532). It is assumed that Tenehaw* which became one of the original counties of The Republic of Texas, included all of_ ,San Augustine north of the northern line of the municipality-of ’ , Sabine, created in 1835 (see Gammel I, 993), and north of the San . Augustine-Shelby line as defined in 1837 (§§§.Gammel I, 1394). 1 (6),.Ganne1 I, .1394. a _ .. A - . . . (7) 19.19;; II-,,159.-- " 1 -. ; - -, . .- (8) Ibid., II, 617, section 4. ,.' , - _9- _ ;_ _ v - , , . i Explanation of the Map Areas (continued) 2‘) g .' (:) in municipality of San Augustine' from" ? 3/6/1834 (2) t0 11/11/1835 g ” ” and county of p ,, . , 1 _ ‘ ; ' 'Shelby~(Tenehaw)*i' H . 11/11/1835 (5)::" :1/28/1839 3 ' " :Harrison County} ‘ ’ ' " 1/28/1839 (7)~ U'i1/3Q/1841 i " Shelby County ” 1/30/1841-(8)v:”112/31/1844 i , " Rusk County H 12/31/1811 (9) " 2/1/1815 1 r'H'fsneibinounty ~ " I 2/1/1815nuo),'vg - 1date g (:> in municipality of San Augustine from 3/6/183h (2) to 11/11/1835 i ” " and county of I , , Shelby (Tenehaw)* " ~1l/11/1835 (5) -" 1/28/1811 1 . " Harrison County -" . . 51/28/1839 (7) " 1/30/1841 g " Shelby County A, " 1/30/1811 (8) _”-12/31/1811 i " 'RhSk‘Gountyj,l . I =g u-~ 'z12/31/1814 (9) " date i (:> “in municipality of San Augustine from 3/6/183h (2) to 11/11/1835 1'" ”5"":3'1'1d Connty' 0ft" 23:, f; .1 _. " , ‘ ' _ ,, ,, .. Shelby (Tenehaw)* H, 11/11/1835 (5) H 12/11/1837 -**"' Nacogdoches County = :1 =‘ 5-‘19HV2‘ 12/11/1837 (1) H 2/1/1812 ' - v, Smith County ,,,I .. 2/1/1812 01) I. 1812 i‘WI‘Necegdocnes County“ . 'v “.1 1 1812 01)'J1.l/16/1843 ‘ 1.."1 Rusk County ”I " . 1/16/1843 G2).'!' " date 1 .'>=zna. ~., . ;., -' ,_.. ,., p 5 (:)f in municipality of San Augustine from 3/6/1831 (2) tOgll/ll/1835 , '”‘" " and county OT= r’ 7 ~ 1 L “ 1 Shelby (Tenehaw)* H 11/11/1835 (5) '" 1/28/1839 1 " Harrison County " 1/28/1839 (7) H 12/31/1811 1 . . " Rusk County 12/31/1811 (9) " date f (:> in municipality of San Augustine from 3/6/1834 (2) to 11/11/1835 I " " and county of .H., ,1 .Mnn.....n..u M... W. , ,. . y . Shelby (Tenehaw)* " 11/11/1835 (5) " 1/2871839 i '" 'HarriSénv'Count-y - ' f = r' -1/28/1839 (7) 3/30/1896 3 " ,Panola County**ri ~91: I- ”“Efe'?n"..v ~3/3o/1816.u3) 1.. date g * Name changed from Tenehaw to Shelby in 1836. (522 Gammel I, 1025).. g - (2) Gammel I, 352. w . , (s; E (4) Ibid~,_I, 1390., j . . 'H “'5 1 (5) §gg footnOte (5), p. v, supraer: a'? . .w-.- . , , i (7) 'GammeI:II,*159. 4-1 r;<' -: v.;;t.~ : , , (8)"Ibid;,‘ll,f6l7, section 1.: '. ~!.{.e . i (9) Ibid;,’115~105h; 5 " "H ‘ - J . Z . (10) ,Gammel II; 1108;' 5 7" "‘ ' ' ‘ 2 § (11) Ibidf, II, 759. This was the'judicial Creation of.Smith County. i ‘*~Dec1ardngjjudicial creations=as being uncenstitutional, the Texas 1 , supreme-Court abolished this and other such counties at its January , a term in 1842 (see Dallam's Texas Reports, Stockton v. Montgomery, , p. £173)a Therefore the territory remained in the original county. j (12) Gammel II, 859. 1 1' , ."‘< . ,.l j : (13) Ibid., 11, 1337. L — vi ~ Blank Page(s) 4 T I T U S . 4 ‘54 4 4 1,, 5 I ".4: frwj‘cgn \ 4 4 ‘\ \\ 6:42: g N 5 ‘ ‘ FRANKLIN 4 i ,: . 'M O R R I s, \ 4*. '42 A ' g’JE:;i-: :- W-- -----:- 1-1. . I 431cm 9 DAINGERA 4 \k \' oLINDEN \“J 0"” 4“"WR ‘ K~—" ‘ w" — " — g / - ,--,----;--;,:-;«. ’ 4 "m 7 4:; c A 5 s\. 4 4y “4.77777777 7 7777777777 7 77777 ~ . 4 \’\ 1 \.\ , /4 W% 'E'P'T‘E5‘fiiii .--, 7 o - 5., 4 _ —7r/‘*" 4 c 549-1717445757.i::-”7.. 4 4 ‘5 : 4 4 ffii 4 4: ‘52., 5 4 4 . v4f3'\:;.;g:i”"”*j ‘5. 4 :J g 4 4 7:; , / , ._-1._.._._._._ ._-_-_-__.__.__._-_'_. ._- . . “WW: I .4}..E‘,,/7E; // // .7/ 0:54;]; I, , 4 4 j 4 4 4 4 4 l ‘ r n E 6 osumuun 4 4/44 4144 4 4/,» 7 7/ 444. 7 , . 44 W 0 0 D 4 o , ///C ,/ PL x :7 77 M A R ' ’0 N a 44 .44 1 0M 74 on ”I '4',/, /»// . j 7 , ,7. - ---.- :14 4 7: 4 I 4 4 " JEFFERSON I / 7/:\ : 4/ -‘It 1 4 //\r/ ////// ,7/1..:/ , , ,75/43: 1- - XI. ' 4 40 4 4 I %M 1‘“ . fa—sm ‘ . {J j \ 4 U P W39 /./.U,7w« R /—_:*A -44: . :a l-flv4 V 557 4 4 4 \"n’°'7LME" ' "/ /, /. 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'#‘—}T’_4 ‘ \ \4 ® 4 47,, , 7 7' ,7 ,41/ \;~.5\ \ . Q . 4 4 45,_\.\\\'4 ‘ ,7/ ' flil \ .\\\\“ i 4 4 §/ R U S K \KJA__L,_7M,W$JE[ f1)", ‘ Lifimf 5 «’4 ‘ 4 4 4 4 4 ‘\\\\ o . 4/. WW . 1., 4 ‘4 4 7 .0 j 77—: / 6.1.; ,"/' 4 1 I 4 : 4 44 ‘. \j\_ , 3 If :4 ° 4 .34 4 4 4 4 ,fi’j; 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 9;. © _ 4: : \ 4 . [74,7 ‘1 44‘ 4 14 1 .4 44'. 1 4: 74 // 44 ~44 5Ill/7,0,MU575‘434“ 47; 44014444 «4 44 44”, 4 onusnwms v 74>: 5 E / b 5.3 4 I, 1 4 ‘ 4 , “,7 ./ x/l 4 4 , 4 4 4 4 4 4 ‘ 4 I 4 4 v 4 1 j” ; 5‘ .55. ' \fggjr 5 -__ '7’; \ 5 \ \\\\ \m\o,. \ Msuafo ' ,0 \, 3X 74: _ ©>>;_;d__i \ \ <.\\VEM;\:\\ \\V\ 0 \§\ \ 5,4,. 4 n :j o mun». ) ®/ \_ \\.\j:%\\\\ \\\\ °.\ \\ \ \\ _ \ \ 5,, \\~.77 6‘ 4 ‘2 y / " ‘ 5747—17—5 7\\:\\\5.;;\\\ 5.\\\:5.: \ {.55. \2 w , 1 / ::;"7 ~. \ S ' _’ L" ' \ . 5 .‘ ‘ ‘. ‘1 7 7. 7 .. 0 WQN.\\ \5.5‘ 5 %N\ \55 5 4 C H E R 0 K E E 455555 55 \ 7......5 \55. \\5§\ \\.°<\\\\\5\.\ 4 ' _________,_, _A.____,________.i' \; ; _ \ \ \ 5 .7' I ‘ 7“ X \\ ‘55T5.\\\'5\‘\5 \.\ \\\\.§\\ \4 sAcuL ' \ \ x x 5. " \ \ . >5. \ 7 \ \ "x \j. , ° ocusmuu “WSUNO 47.“ 5.\\\ \;\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ do. \§\ ..\\\.\\\ . GRUSK ': .\, _\_\\ \\\\\j\\; \ \ s . \H\\\E~\\\ L B" \Y \7. ; \5\\\_; \ 4 .mm \X. \\\\\‘5~.\ \\ .\ \‘\ 66§<<\:\ \5\\ ‘5. Q‘\‘5. ‘5." I . .v \ \ \5: ‘ L 0‘ \ L \ \ 1\ \ \“5- " 5x “I 4 4' - 5.5.5 \ \5\5\ . 2 " \\\ \ \\\\ \5> ‘55 ,/ 50,5. \ , \ \ \5 ..- . ~-.__\.,;.....0.. _ 5\ ._ .: .. w . 5\. 5 \Q . 5.2...cz\ 5.\\\\5 \;\5 \ a, 4 . .7/ . 4 \ 7 . \ ;..\\\ \ .\5.\57. 7 \5 ,7 5; )4 , onaususs 4, \\5 \5\- 5. - \\ \5Q;_\\\= \\. \ \ 4‘ \ -.\ 5., x, ‘7 x ‘7. 7_ \ \ \X ._ , _, ' \ j ' .4 . N A c 0 e D O c H E s \\.\ \\‘_\\ 5.5 g ‘\ 7- ., s "7, ‘7 4 -, ‘ "\"\,\ “WINK \ \'\\ . ._;\ ‘5. ‘ l I; a“ a: 4 onncoeoocuss \ \ \' \5 ‘. \ when '\ \’j\ \\ f, 4 i , ' ' \0; -\ “5:355” 77 L.) ’ \\ ' \ . I 4 ‘ ‘ . ' 7 ‘7 ’ .4 i 4 4 4 I 1 o MORRILL - ' a 4 ‘ r, 0' 4 .® ’4 \‘z I ' 7 ~ 0,, ‘ H 0 U S T O N “‘1 I), cum“ V: 95AM AUGUSTINE 4 Q ‘ ' Im' 4 ' 4 s A N ,4 4 4 j 7 r " R , 4 , MAPoF " . 5.7L, ,, , A u G u S-T| N E //° . .7 OLA CERDA ‘ ( cl 7 .' ; 7 . o v ~ SHELBY COUNTY _ . W... ,/ S .1 B , ,. N E . SHOWING THE SEVERAL PROBATE AREAS " ‘ 7‘ 4 ” ‘ " " + I EMMG I — PRESENT BOUNDAR|ES 0F SHELBY COUNTY o 54 ' / ._._ COUNTY UNES OTHER THAN SHELBY COUNTY A OLquKm G E L I N A _y‘ 4 Z /’ 0““5” @NEMPNILL (FOR EXPLANATION AND REFERENCES SEE ' o , 4 THE PRECEDING PAGE). K4, 4 0mm“ 4 | YELLOW PINE ,4 . ,0 \ 0 4 4 0 NW“ 4 \\ ' o rmELmn 4 PREPARED BY w.P.A. OP. 2654—65-60 I2/IB/IS4L _,_ 7 A“Lngcwii-1..-1111:fi...¢s==41— ,_ _, X, A,_,_i. , -l-_ X. .-______———_——————- : 7 , ‘ , , , , , _ 7 :--,, 7 7 7 , - " ' "7’i”““'#‘ " 7' " , --,-7X_-,---X71-- , 7 Blank Page(s) Explanation of the Map Areas (continued) ! . . , \ <:> in municipality of San Augustine from 3/6/1831 (2) to 11/11/1835 " " and county of ‘ Shelby (Tenehaw)* " 11/11/1835 (5) " 1/30/1811 " Harrison County " 1/30/1811 (8) " 3/30/1816 1 " Panola County _" 3/30/1816 (13) " date (E) in Shelby County from 12/11/1837 (A) to l/28/1839 1 " Harrison County " 1/28/1839 (7) "r-3/30/1816 " Panola County " 3/30/1816 (13) ” » ' date ‘ \ (:) in Shelby County from 12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 % ” Harrison County " 1/28/1839'(7) " 1/30/1811 ‘ " Panola County " 1/30/1811 01) " 1812 1 " Harrison County ” 1812 01), (11) to 3/30/1816 1 " Panola County - " 3/30/1816 O3) " date (:> in municipality of San Augustine from f3/6/1831 (2) to 11/11/1835 ” ‘" and county of Shelby (Tenehaw)* " 11/11/1835 (5) H 12/11/1837 " Nacogdoches County " 12/11/1837 (1) " 2/1/1812 ? H Smith County H 2/1/1812 (11) H 1812 " Nacogdoches County ,. ‘ 1812 01) " 1/16/1813 1 . " Rusk County .. 1/16/1813 02) '1 1/30/1871 1 " Gregg County " 1/30/1871 05) " date 1 . . 1 (g) in Shelby County , from 12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 ." Harrison County " 1/28/1839 (7) H 1/30/1811 .8 Pamela County " 1/30/1811 (11) n 1812 ” Harrison County " 1812 (11),(11) to date : (:) in Shelby County from 12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 E . ” Harrison County ” 1/28/1839 (7) ” 1/30/1811 E " Panola County. " 1/30/1811 (11) ” 1812 ' ” Harrison County ” 1812 (11), (11) " 1/27/1816 " Upshur County from 1/27/1816 (16) to 1/12/1873 " Gregg County " 1/12/1873 (17) ” date 1 * Name changed from Tenehaw to Shelby in 1836, (Gammel I, 1025) . V (2) Gammel I, 352. (13) Ibid., II, 1337. y ' g (1) Ibid., I, 1390. (11) Gammel 11, 617, section 1. , ; ‘ (5) §§§ footnote (5), p. v, sugra. This was the judicial creation ‘ j (7) Gammel II, 159. ' of Pamela County. gee also ; “we ’(8) 181g., II, 617, section 1. footnote (11). fi (11) §§2 footnote (11), p. vi, (15) Gammel VIII, 181. supra. (16) Ibid., 11, 1115. (12) Gammel II, 859. (17) Ibid.,-VII, 189. j - vii - Explanation of the, Map-Areas (continued) ,_ § (:) in Shelby County 1,1-1. ,_, 1 , from.12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 1 ‘ " Harrison County ' ‘ ' " '1 " 1/28/1839 '(7): "'-l/30/1811” i " Panola County v; . 1 n . 1/30/1811 011.13 . 1812 , " Harrison County 7, , ' .. " "' fl " ‘ 1812 (11), (11+) 1 ' - , - ‘ . to 1/27/1816 1 " Upshur County H 1/27/1816 (16) H 1/12/1873 1, " Gregg County 1 _,_ .. 1/12/1873 07) " 8/11/1882 1, " Upshur County I - ‘ " 8/11/1882 (18) " date g: (:) in Shelby County from 12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 i " Harrison County .11 " 1/28/1839 (7) H 1/30/1811 I ” Panola County .' ' ” 1/30/1811 (111) " 181.12 3 " Harrison County ” 1812 (11), (11+) 3 _ to 1 27/1516 " Upshur County " 1/27/1816 (1.6) " date 3. g (:) in Shelby County from 12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 » g " Harrison County 1 . ~ 1 " 1/28/1839 (7) H 1/30/1811 1 " Panola County ‘- " 1/30/1811 (11) n 1812 1 H jHarrison County , _ ,. _.l H 1812 (11), (11) 1 _..~ . , ‘. - - to 1/27/1816 1 .' " Upshur County h‘*1" . " '1/27/1816 (16).".e1/6/1874 g 1.. n. Camp county », ' " , " 1/6/1871 (19) " ~ date 1 - (:) in Shelby County., ' ' from 12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 1 " Harrison County " 1/28/1839 (7) " 1/30/1811 7 V‘ " ‘ Panola County -. . » , " l/ 30/ 1811 (M) " 1812 :33 I," Harrison County 2 - ' " .1842 (11»); (11+) 1 1 ~ 1 ,‘ 1 . , to 2/1/1858 § " Upehur County . H 2/1/1858 @0) H date 1 """""‘”'"""““““"""‘“"‘ . e g (1) Gammel 1, 1390; . , i ' (7) Ibid., 11, 159. (ll) S_e_e_ footnote (11), p. vi, suEra. . . . .. , _ 1 _1 ‘ 1 1 (11) Ibid,, (11). _. . . 7 (1o) Gemmel 11, 1115. -' - , i ; (17) Ibid., v11, 189. _ 1 (18) Given to Upshur County through provision of the Act to Create Gregg ‘ 1 County (see Gammel VII, 1,89), and a boundary line survey. (£332 . ; Commissioners Court Minute Book, Vol. B, 11, at Longview, Gregg_'Coun— I _ ty, _Texas 5. ‘ . ,3 (19) Gammel VIII, 67. 1. 3 , - . 3‘ (20) Ibid., IV, 977. . 1 , 1‘ ' i - — viii - ' E E Explanation of the Map Areas (continued) E‘ E (:) in Shelby County from 12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 ‘ H Harrison County " 1/28/1839 (7) n 1/30/1811 . l " Panola County " 1/30/1811 (11) " 18112 E " Harrison County " 1812 (ll), (11) I to 1/30/1871 3 " Marion County " 1/30/1871 (21) n date . (E) in Shelby County from 12/11/1837 (1) to 1/28/1839 1 " Harrison County H 1/28/1839 (7) " 1/30/1811 E " Panola County N 1/30/1811 01) vv 1812 E " Harrison County " 1812 (ll), (11) E: E to 12/8/1863 . E V H Marion County " 12/8/1863 (22) H date E ® in municipality and county of _ E: , Red River from 11/11/1835 (23)to 12/11/1837 E n Shelby County " 12/11/1837 (1) " 1/28/1839 E " Harrison County " 1/28/1839 (7) ” 1/28/1811 E H Paschal County H‘ 1/28/1811 (21) H 1812 E " Harrison County " 18112 (11), (21+) . to 1/8/18hlt " Bowie County " 1/8/1811 (25) 'v 1/25/1816 " Cass County " 1/25/1816 (26) " 2/8/1860 E " Marion County ” 2/8/1860 (27) " date E . . E E - E E E , (1) Gammel I, 1390. E (7) Ibid., 11, 159. E (11) §_e_e_ footnote (11), p. vi, supra. . EE (11) 892 footnote (11), p. vii, supra. E (21) Gammel VIII, 180. .E . (22)‘ Ibid., V, 719. E (23) 11112., I, 532. . E (24) $92.91.": II, 520. This was a judicial creation. §_e_e_ also footnote (2L1). ’1 (25) 31151., 11, 921. E (26) lbid;, II, 1111. E (27) Ibid., IV, 1119. ' E - ix - ‘ E E E E E 1 '1 l - INDEX TO PROBATE CASES I SHELBY COUNTY COURTHOUSE, CENTER, TEXAS ’ w wmm 1 Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. i mmWMW—M— I _ _ A _ , ' Abbott,Lizzie and Oscar,minors Nov. 8,1907 0155 9 Adams, Annie Ruth, Kate and f Sammie Fay, minors \Sept.29,1957 2015 3 Adams, Audrey Annette and l Marlin Morris, minors Oct. 15,1952 1709 } Adams, Bessie Lee, Charlie 8., ‘ 3 John L. and Marguerita, ; ' minors Mar. 22,1916 674 l , Adams, Charley 8., John L., f and Marguerite, minors Sept.15,1917 746 1 Adams, Daurice and Maurice, ‘ minors Apr. 12,1920 956 1 Adams, I. N., deceased Aug. 24,1955 1744 ? Adams, Josie C., deceased Apr. 24,1919 854 ‘ . Adams, La Merle, NCM May 16,1958 2056 Adams, Louie, minor July 20,1955 1759 Adams, Thomas 0., NCM;Thomas D., minor‘ Jan. 12,1927 1519 ‘ Addison, Eph., deceased Oct. 7,1950 1545 Addison, Eph Jr. and Ruby ; Mae, minors Sept.15,1950 1541 5 Aiken, Alda, Cecil and Harold, minors Nov. 20,1917 759 ‘ Aiken, Pete, NCM Dec. 22,1958 2095 . Alexander, J. H., deceased July 1,1911 495 1 Alexander, J. H., minor Dec. 29,1950 1554 1 Alexander, Waymcn, minor Apr. 20,1951 1598 l Alford, Mrs. A. J.,deceased Aug. 15,1950 1497 l Alford, B. A., deceased Nov. 5,1912 557 l Alford, J. M., deceased May 15,1926 1286 ? Alford, Marjorie Helen, minor May 10,1937 1994 l Alford, Sallie, NCM Feb. 15,1924 1166 1 Allen, Ernest, James, Lucile, ‘ Mozelle and Orlan, minors ' Dec. 26,1925 1267(8) , Allen, Mary L., deceased Feb. 15,1911 . 480 { Allen, Maude, minor Nov. 12,1906 0116 J Allison, Lillian 8., Lois 1 Level and Marion L.,minors Mar. 25,1951 1590 3 Anderson, Ed., NCM June 5,1951 1619 ; Anderson, Elton, NCM June 6,1955 1850 , Anderson, J. P. Sr., deceased July 2,1954 1788 1 Anderson,J.T. and M.F.,minors Aug. 50,1909 0162 1 Anderson, Mrs. M. E.,deCeased Dec. 19,1904 084 A Anderson, Madgelease, minor Aug. 22,1955 1875 1 Anderson, Temple, deceased June 12,1955 1852 ‘ Andrews, Carl, Mabel, Marcus and Ned, minors June 17,1915 557 3’ 1 2 3 T i Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No, 3 3 Andrews, Frank, NCM July 1,1958 2061 A Ansley, Mamie, NCM Mar. 12,1929 1456 3 Arendt, H. 0., deceased May 4,1918 788 U Armour, Effie, deceased Oct. 26,1915 655 3 Armstrong, Fannie, deceased Mar. 18,1891 119 u Armstrong, Fannie F., Hardy _ H ' F., James F., John E., . 3 Kate, Thomas B. and William H W., minors Oct. __,1891 106 N Armstrong, J. 8., deceased Oct. 8,1892 022 3 Ashley, A. 0., NCM cot. 8,1926 1505 3 Ashton, Elmo, minor Mar. 19,1892 250 3 Askew, Dorris, Grace, Iris, 3 Morris and Norris,minors Mar. 19,1927 1551 fl Askins, C. 8., deceased Aug. 28,1915 645 3 Askins, Harris, Rozine, Walter 3 3 and Willie, minors Mar. 22,1920 944 M Atkinson, Mary, NCM Aug. 5,1956 1940 3 3 Baggett, Althie Jen, Davis M Frazier and William F., 3 minors Aug. 17,1952 1698 g Baggett, J.'H ., deceased Dec. 27,1907 0158 Q Baggett, W. J., deceased Feb. 27,1951 1575 3 Bailey, Mrs. Deavin, deceased Jan. 8,1909 0154 V Bailey, Mrs. Julia, deceased Mar. 9,1906 0104 3 _ Bailey, Polly and Wilburn; _ W Kimbro, Sebron, minors Mar. 5.195% 1580 M Bailey, Edward, Spurgen, Vance ' W and Vena, minors Nov. 25,1911 0175 » ,3 Baker, Bonnie 8., deceased Mar. 22,1952 1675 H Baldwin, Ray, minor Dec. 6,1921 1045 ,93 Ballard,C.D.Jr.;J0hnson minors June 5,1916 682 j Ballard, James W. and 3 Melitta, minors Nov. 7,1899 504 3 Ballard, Lewis, NCM Aug. 26,1896 029 ‘ Ballard, M. N. and Mary M Ann, deceased Oct. 20,1920 980 3 Banks, G. 8., deceased Apr. 14,1925 1255 3 Barber, E. 1., NCM _ May 14,1957 1995 3 Barber,E.V.and Edgar,min0rs Sept.21,1920 975 1 .Barfield, T. H., deceased Nov. 5,1902 65 l , Barnes, Eula, deceased Feb. 10,1954 1756 3 Barton, Kate, deceased May 51,1957 1996 3 Barton, Virgie May, minor Sept.14,1926 1501 3 Bass, Clarence, Earnest, 3 Fannie, George, Ludie and , '3 Willie Mae, minors Oct. 14,1919 888 3 . Bass, Irvin and Ruth, minors Oct. 14,1919 889(A) 3 l , I 5 i MflW_W I . I; Bates, Clarisy, John and . Melvin, minors Dec. 16,1910 455 j Beach, Bernice, Carl, J. W. I and Lois, minors Aug. 15,1930 1537 ; Beach,Ba1ph and Ruth,minors Jan. 24,1922 1051 t Bearden, James, epileptic Apr. 10,1915 631 I Bearden, Jas., epileptic Jan. 14,1916 665 l Beauchamp, H. M., deceased Oct. 12,1921 1036 1 Beck, Mrs. Amanda, deceased Mar. 15,1895 115 L Beck, Amanda, Isabel, Lula l and Walter, minors Mar. 13,1893 109 1 Beck, Frank, deceased Feb. 13,1888 125 1 Beck, J. B., deceased Nov. 29,1912 540 r Beckett, Anna, NCM Sept.12,1923 1145 ; Beckham, Dewitt, Grover C. and ] Herman T., minors May 29,1902 58 l Beckham, Homer P., deceased Nov. 7,1952 1714 r Bell, Bunion Day, Jesse Parker, ‘ Lavena and Milton Craig, , miners Nov. 2,1894 225,0110 1 Bell, Charley, deceased June 8,1910 429 1 Bell, Docia, deceased June 18,1934 1784 I Bell, H. P., deceased Feb. 12,1925 1222 ‘ Bell, J. M., deceased Sept.11,1891 125 , ' Bell, Louise, NCM July 15,1938 2063 1 Belsha, Alice Alvertine, NCM Apr. 5,1924 1162 J Benjamin, Earnestine, Ezell, - l . James, Jezebel, Lola and , Rosa, minors Dec. 6,1915 659 l Bickncll, Edgar and Virginia, , fl minors Jan. 28,1911 481 f , Bicring, H., deceased Feb. 24,1931 1547 7 Bigger, J. A., deceased Oct. 15,1925 1252 [ Billingsley, 0., deceased Nov. 16,1886 O2 1 Billingslcy, Mrs. Nancy E., deceased Mar. 6,1917 722 1 Billingsley, Mrs.S.E., NCM Nov. 17,1938 2091 l Billingsly, Joseph, deceased Feb. 1,1929 1431 y Billingsly, Lucile, minor Sept.l2,1923 1144 l Black,Crawf0rd B., tubercular Aug. 6,1923 1136 Black, Miss Jessie, NCM Oct. 8,1930 1546 I Blackman, Tollie, NCM Aug. 29,1929 1472 3 Blair, B. T., deceased Sept.27,1938 2080 1 Blake, Willie, NCM Aug. 7,1917 742 l Bland, Howard F., minor May 5,1921 1010 Blankenship, A. E., MOM Dec. 28,1923 1160 Blankenship, A. E., NCM Dcc. 26,1930 1553 , Blankenship, A. E., NCM Nov. 23,1931 1646 F Blankenship, A. E.(Gus), NCM Dec. 29,1936 1965 . Blevins, Bryan, tubercular June 15,1927 ‘ 1408(A) l Blevins,Mrs.Bryan,tubercular July 20,1928 l408(5> l Blount, Will, NCM June 5,1916 681 l J ~ 4 ‘ J « Name of Deceaseg,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No, ; J J Bogard, J. T., deceased Jan. 25,1930 1500 J Bogard, s. M., NCM Feb. 21,1955 1828 1 ' Boatner, Mrs. Ollie H.,deceased Mar. 11,1936 1909 J Boazman, Addie,Narry and J Nellie, minors Feb. 6,1890 124 J Boles, Bonnie, Dale, Eula, J Gladys, May, Paul, Tommie, J Vera and Vessie, minors June 23,1919 862 J Boles, J. W., deceased Jan. 14,1916 666 J Bolton, Lige, deceased Mar. 2,1926 1275 Bookout, Kate M., deceased Dec. 20,1922 1107 J Booth, Laddie, minor Mar. 9,1917 723 J Booth, W. H., deceased Mar. 11,1911 485 J Booth, Zack, deceased Feb. 1,1883 22 1 Borders, Abe, NCM Jan. 27,1908 0143 Bosley, Ardella, NCM Aug. 15,1922 1079 s Boucher, R. E., deceased Jan. 21,1939 2100 J Boulware,Mrs.E.A., deceased Mar. 19,1935 1832 5 Bowlin, Ferde, Lyndal and _ J Velma, minors Jan. 17,1923 1109 j Bowlin, Ferde, Lindell and ‘ Velma, minors July 2,1929 1462 3 Bowlin, Hey, Jerry,Julia, ' Myrtle and Nora, minors Oct. 16,1912 535 J Bowlin, Hey and Nora, miners Aug. 26,1915 643 ” Bowlin, Jim 9., deceased Aug. 25,1957 2009 J Bowlin, Winnie L., NCM Apr. 9,1938 2048 J Boyce, H., deceased Apr. 27,1903 66(0) Boyd, Emma, deceased Oct. 19,1894 224 J Boykin, Mrs. 1., deceased Sept.16,1887 128(A) J Bradberry, Cleveland and J Mozell, minors Dec. 24,1931 1655 Bradberry, Travis Earl,minor July 11,1906 715 Bradberry, Wm. B., deceased May 28,1906 0109 J Braddock, John M., deceased Feb. 13,1936 1905 J Brady, 0. U., deceased Jan. 11,1890 121 ‘ Brady, Mrs. Mary V., deceased June 15,1920 964 J Braly, Lahore, epileptic Apr. 4,1925 1232 J Brantley, Frank Mason and ‘ ' John Thomas, minors Sept.21,l920 974 J Brantly, T. F., deceased Jan. 15,1908 0141 J Brawley, Lee, Leon and Vada, J minors. July 6,1933 1737 J Braxton, Ruby, minor Sept.20,1922 1090 J Brewer, C. 0. Jr., minor Mar. 7,1923 ' 1113 J Brewer, Mrs. Leila, deceased 'Feb. 19,1923 1111 ; Bridges, Mrs. Alice, NCM Jan. 21,1933 1719 H BridBGS,Lawrence Payne,minor Apr. 4,1920 51(8),95l J Bridges, R. L., NCM Jan. 2,1929 1428 J ‘ Bridges, R, L., NCM Jan. 15,1929 1429 3 Bridges,‘s. N., deceased June 23,1921 1021 ; Bridges, s. T., NCM Feb. 28,1922 1056 J 7 5 1! 1! Name of DeceasedLMinor or Lunatic Filed Case No. I W W t Bridges, Susan E., deceased Sept.14,1906 557 ” Bright, Vera, NCM Nov. 28,1951 1648 Bright, Vera, NCM June 2,1954 1782 I Brim, Rebecca J., deceased Jan. 28,1922 1052 ‘ Brinson, A. J., deceased May 6,1909 598(A) U Brinson, Mrs. Laura, deceased Jan. 25,1954 1755 ’ Britt, Elizabeth and K. L.,‘ , deceased July 4,1906 0115 U Brittain, Clifton, Hazel, m ’Lois and Zack, minors May 15,1905 111(8) ( Brittain, D. W., deceased Oct. 5,1904 077 f Brittain, Daniel, deceased Feb. __,1894 026 i Brittain, Doyle, Margarette ‘ and Mary Elizabeth, minors Jan. 8,1950 1494 ; Brittain, Jannie, deceased Sept.27,1924 1200 g _ Brittain, Lucille and Price, H minors July 2,1914 599 y Brittain, Mrs. N. 5.,deceased Jan. 21,1891 125 y Brittain, Perry, epileptic Oct. 2,1922 1095 W Brittain, R. D., deceased Nov. 29,1895 204(0) g Brittain, T. F., deceased Nov. 18,1922 1097 1 Brittain, Wm., deceased Aug. 9,1887 127 g Brittain, Mrs.Zelma, NCM Oct. 18,1955 1882 d Brook, Dora, Grover C. and H Rosco Herman, minors Mar. 4,1894 212 § Brooks, Noah, NCM Sept. 6,1915 649 1 Brooks, William G., deceased Jan. 16,1951 1557 1 Brookshire, Monie;Richards, W Forest, minors Feb. 10,1926 1275 ‘ Brown, Cecil A., Christopher ' . H. and Ethelwyn W.,minors Feb. 2,1904 064 1 Brown, Clifton, minor Feb. 21,1955 1827 * . Brown, D. 0., deceased Dec. 10,1918 822 ‘ f 5 Brown, Lillie, minor May 9,1894 217 ‘ . Brown, Lucille, NCM May 25,1929 1451 '1 ' Brown, W. L., NCM Dec. 51,1955 1897 , Bryan, A. F., deceased Feb. 15,1917 697 1 Bryan, Claude, NCM Feb. 7,1950 1501 f Bryan, Dorothy, Jennings and d Louise, minors Oct. 20,1916 702 1 '- Bryan, E. F., deceased Nov. 5,1899 50:5 11 Bryan, Ed., NCM Dec. 19,1955 1765 q ' Bryan, Clara Bell, Eugene, j Jessie Arthur and Paul, “ I ‘* minors Feb. 17,1951 1564 n Bryan, Clara Belle and Paul,» W minors Jan. 50,1956 1902,1970, gr _ 1972 11 _- Bryan, Walter 0.;Mathews, f h Allen, minors Dec. 11,1914 617 , ; Bryarly, Annie R., deceased Sept. 5,1922 1085 J ' Buckley, Brit, minor Aug. 24,1899 299 , 6 E Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. 1E E Buckley, Lettie, minor June 5,1901 55(8) U Buckley, John W., deceased Aug. 29,1899 045 I Buchley,Louise and Roy,minors May 2,1929 1446 H ' Buckner, Alford Pearl, minor Oct. 25,1899 501(A), E Buckner, Samuel, deceased Mar. __,1882 51 g Burgay, Clyde 0., deceased Mar. 5,1951 1581 E Burgay, Clyde, Johnnie, Ludie M Dallas and Silvester,minors Sept.21,1951 1640 g Burgay, John M., deceased May 29,1951 1618 E. Burgay, Louisian