xt79zw18pk3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79zw18pk3s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-02-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 25, 1974 1974 1974-02-25 2020 true xt79zw18pk3s section xt79zw18pk3s Th

Vol. LXV No. 118
Monday, February 25, 1974

an independent student newspaper

Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506






Kernel Staff Writer

ANTICIPATING an increase of the on-
campus student population because of
gasoline shortages, the Office of Student
Affairs has compiled a report concerning
the problems resulting and what could be
done about them,

During the rising concern over the
energy shortage last fall, President Otis A.
Singletary appointed a committee to look
into the problem. The ad-hoc energy
committee recommended a contingency
plan in the event more students stay in

The plan was drawn up during January
by David H. Stockham, assistant to the
vice—president on student affairs. He
consulted various campus departments in
forming the plan.

POSSIBLE HOUSING problems were of
primary concern to the committee. if
more student housing is needed, it was
suggested that residence halls and Greek
houses be completely filled and some could
remain open during vacation periods.

Both the Housing Department and Food
Service said an increase in on-campus
students would cause no major problems,

although it might necessitate hiring ad-
ditional staff.

To “increase opportunities for leisure-
time activities”, Campus Recreation
suggested increased free play hours in
gymnasiums and additional residence hall
activities. It also proposed extension of the
softball program, new programs of team
competition and organization of weekend
hiking, cycling and camping trips.

(‘AMPUS RECREATION said that such
expansion would require additional budget
support, but the cost would level off after
the initial purchase of more equipment.

Changes proposed by the Student Center
mainly involved enlarging present
programs, and would not require sub-
stantial financing.

Movies could be offered during the day
and in varying locations. Live en-
tertainment could be increased to com-
pensate for inability to travel to Cincinnati
or Louisville, but the lack of suitable
auditoriums might pose a problem. More
art shows. competitive gasmes, in-
structional activities, and talent
programs might also be arranged.

HEALTH SERVICE reported “an in-
crease in the number of students on
campus over the weekend would mean an
increase in demand for medical services.”
If weekend medical cases approached the
capacity of the emergency room, Health
Service would have to handle student
cases. Weekend coverage would be ex-
pensive, and would require a cut-back in
services or a fee increase.

Health Service abo predicted problems
with isolating contagious diseases, in-
creased sport injuries, and increased
student use because of nonavailability of
family doctors.

Dr. Robert G. Zumwinkle, vice-
president of studentaffairs said, “This is a
checklist of items that need to be born in
mind in the event that the energy crisis
gets so serious that we have more demand
on the University than is the case now."

“i guess at the moment it will be filed,"
he said. “This is the kind of planning you
do for contingencies, and you hope the
contingencies won‘t arise. I hope people
won‘t think we‘re panicing."





Kernel Staff Writer

SALARIES OF most University faculty
and staff were released today. The figures,
based on the September 1973 payroll, were
placed in the King Library Reserve Room
and in the Senate Council Office.

“This is a carryover from last year when
we released only faculty salaries," said
Mark Neil Paster, UK graduate and last
year‘s Student Government vice-
president. “We included staff this time
because last year some staff members felt
they had similar problems and also needed
the information."

salaries, which are available in Frankfort,
in September. The figures were then
transferred from microfilm to paper.
“We did it because it seemed there were a
lot of inequities in pay at UK and a good
step toward elimination of inequities is
to shed light upon them.”

David Mucci, SG administrative
assistant, said the salaries were made
available so that comparisions could be
made between an individual’s salary, the
type of job he does and his background.

Continued on page 4

invisible force

The power of the invisible wind sweeping through UK was a hair-raising experience

for Frankie Artnias (Kernel staff photo).


News In Brlef


0 Possible rationing
‘Aw-y from 'coaflals'

0 Republicans down

a Barley investigation

0 'Should be impeachad'

0 Today's weather...

0 WASHINGTON Federal energy
chief William E. Simon said Sunday that if
motorists were lined up on a wide-spread
basis for two to three hours outside service
stations to buy gasoline, “it would become
necessary for me to recommend

But Simon stressed in a broadcast in-
terview that he believes the three-week-old
gasoline-allocation program will end the
“suffering and harbhip and in-
convenience." He repeated his imposition
to coupon rationing.

. WASHINGTON — Rep. Robert H.
Michel (Ii-Iii), chief strategist for House
Republican candidates, is telling can-
didates to get away from President
Nixon’s coattails if they have to and go
after the landslide conservative moderate
vote of 1972.

Besides the obvious campaign dif-
ficulties of Watergate, the economy and
energy crisis issues, he said, Republicans
are getting only about a third of the big
campaign contributions they did in 1972.

O PRINCETON, NJ. —— The latest
Gallup poll shows Republican strength for
the upcoming congressional elections is at
its lowest level in the 38 years that Gallup
has been taking such surveys.

A total of 3,183 registered voters were
asked in two national surveys in January
which party they would rather see win the
congressional election in their home

The Democratic party enjoys a 2-1 lead,
58per cent to 29 per cent, with 13 per cent
undecided. Gallup said the figures would
indicate the GOP would suffer a loss far
greater than the average of 29 seats lost by
the President's party in off-year elections
in this century.

. LEXINGTON — The head of the
Justice Department’s regional Antitrust
Division in Atlanta said the division is
investigating Kentucky‘s burley
marketing system.

Donald Kinkaid declined to comment on
the probe, but said he is looking “with
interest" at a series of newspaper stories

which quoted farmers, some tobacco
warehousemen and company represen-
tatives as saying that the true auction had
been replaced by a system of allocation in

0 WASHINGTON -— A former White
House speechwriter said that with
reluctance he has concluded President
Nixon should be impeached for abuse of
power and failure to seek full airing of the
Watergate scandal.

John K. Andrews Jr., who resigned last
December after four years as a
presidential aide, is now the first one-time
Nixon aide to publicly support the
President‘s impeachment.

...not much longer

The cold spell and snow may not be here
much longer as temperatures should be in
the low 305 today. The low tonight should
be in the mid teens. The outlook for
Tuesday is warmer.


 editorials represent the opinions of the editors. not the university




The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press Inc. Begun as the Cadet in I094 and published contininusly
as The Kentucky Kernel since I915. The Kernel Press Inc. founded I971. Third clue
poetege peld et Lexinghn, Ky. Business omcee ere located In the Joumeiism Building on
the University ot Kentucky cempus. Advertising, room 210“ News Depertmmt room
He. Advertising pubiimed herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any teise or
misleading edvertislng should be reported I: the Emma

Steve Swift, Editor-in-(‘hief

New Opportunities

Elimination of the College of Dentistry’s
prerequisites is the latest modification in UK’s
academic structure helping to create an environment
of broader educational opportunities.

Students have accepted two other changes in recent
years which also work to fulfill this liberal goal. The
topical major has proven benificial to some; others
have been drawn to the fundamentally sound
Bachelor of General Studies program.

Formerly, prerequisites have been courses taken
by undergraduates, then repeated after having en-
tered the program. Elimination of these courses will
allow students to widen their academic scope with
choices outside the perimeter of sciences and math.
The plan may also reduce the cost of dental
education, as students will be allowed to enter the
College as sophomores or juniors.

Competition will increase as more students seek to
fill an already limited number of vacancies. Ad-
mittance will rest heavily on the individual’s potential
and performance on the entrance examination.
Because the plan adheres to a pattern developed by a
national accrediting agency, we find no reason to

Letters, comment policy

Kernel editors remind members of the University
community of their opportunities for response on the
editorial and opposite-editorial pages.

Letters to the Kernel may concern any topic as long
as they are not libelous. Letters not exceeding 250
words are more easily read than those longer.

Viewpoint articles may be commentaries on any
subject from inside or outside the University. Sub-
missions to either category should include signature,
year classification, address and phone number.



\ V


Letters to the Kernel

Has gas shortage hurt dam?

It is surprising the oil shortage
hasn’t curtailed the Red River
dam project. After all, a $28
million dollar construction job is
bound to use a lot of fuel.

Hasn’t the Federal government
urged citizens to avoid any un-
necessary consumption of

If our resources are limited, I
would rather they be used for
farming, education, hospitals,
home heating and essential
transporta tion.

Robert Ashford


Although we haven’t seen McQ
and are not sure of the validity of
his other criticisms (Kernel, Feb.
20), we feel that, contrary to Mr.
Bennett’s opinion, any shots of
the Pacific taken from Seattle

would be spectacular indeed. It
would require a fantastic camera
and photographer to get a Pacific
shot from across Puget Sound
and the Olympic Peninsula —
maybe from the Space Needle?
John Baker. M.S.. 1971

Ken Mitchell. MS. 1972

Clint Worstman, 8.8. 1974
Dept. of Physiology


At this point in time, it seems
that very few laws are passed
that show Americans have mor-
als and integrity that make it
superior to other nations. Our
state recently became one of
several to vote for the anti-abor-
tion amendment. I was very
proud of the men who did this.

An opinion piece in the Kernel
Wednesday (“What would hap-

pen?“, page 3) ridiculed these
same men by giving far—fetched
examples of things the writer
believed could happen if this
amendment is passed. At the
same time, he gave no serious
reason why it should not be

While I believe in freedom to
express one's opinion, I also
believe that a matter that
involves life and death should not
be taken humorously.

I hope our country will take a
step in the right direction by
passing this Constitutional
Amendment and others like it
that will insure all humans the
right to live.

Rena Vicini

Father's pilgrimage to land of son's death




THE new YORK TIMES news senvncs

BRONXVILLE, N. Y.——\thn my old-
est son, Mike, was killed in Vietnam
nearly six years ago I never thought
1 would visit the now-bleak coastal
plains between Quang Ngai and My
Lai where he died. Last month I did.

This was a difficult pilgrimage for
me because I had long since concluded
that his life was wasted by his own
Government in a war that his fellow
countrymen want only to forget. I had
reluctantly come to believe he died
for a cause that had brought only dis-
credit and shame to the United States.
it was my hope that in going to Viet-
nam I might find some consolation
for his loss if there was evidence that
his sacrifice had somehow served the
Vietnamese people.

I wanted to find the honor promised
by our Government when we signed
the Paris agreement in January, 1973.
Sadly, it must be said that none is to
be found. The very use of the word
when applied to the conduct of the
Government of Nguyen Van Thieu is
a mockery.

Nor is there any peace in Vietnam.
At night we lay awake listening to
the sound of the guns and rockets.
Responsible sources said at the time
that there had been at least 119,849
casualties since the "cease-fire.”

As a lawyer I welcomed the oppor-
tunity to join four other Americans
in a trip to assess the prospects for

peace in Vietnam. I had heard much
about abuses of the legal and judicial
system there, but I would not have
believed it had I not seen for myself
what can only be called a total police

President Thieu’s palace is a fortress
surrounded by army tents, pillboxes
with antiaircraft guns, and helicopter
pads. On every block in Saigon we
encountered policemen and paramili—
tary forces equipped with United
States M-16 rifles and sidearms.

We were overwhelmed with the per-
sonal impact of talking with people
who had actually suffered torture and
the brutality of prison life. The pal-
pable presence of terror was every-
where—in the sure knowledge of these
people that any apparent opposition
to the Government, or the indication
of a desire for peace, would be met
with reprisals against members of their
families, even young children, in the
form of seizure and subjection to the
inhuman incarceration so prevalent.

One of our group attended a Saigon
military court where defendants were
tried without benefit of counsel, given
five-minute hearings, and in every
case convicted of “political” crimes.

Particularly disturbing was the real-
ization that many of the people who
spoke with us, at considerable risk to
their own freedom and safety. believed
that once we were made aware of the
facts of daily existence in South Viet-

nam we would be able to do something
about them.

In separating fact from myth, we
knew that 80 per cent of the costs
of the Thieu Government were borne
by American taxpayers. Just how
much of the money was used for
humanitarian aid to the people was
one of the myths. Unfortunately, we
say" little evidence that American
money was being used for anything
but support of the Thieu military re-

When I was in the northern part
of the country, where my son had
been, I visited an encampment in
which 750 families lived who were
supposed to have been resettled as
part of the “return-to-village” pro.
gram. They lived under appalling con-
ditions behind barbed wire. They had
not received their allotments of money
and tin roofing to build new homes;
they did not have their promised al-
lowances of rice; and they were not
permitted out into the fields to grow
the rice, on which their lives de-
pended. With horror, I observed a
family of six, near starvation, eating
a meal of chopped banana stalks just
to fill their stomachs.

I visited a small primitive hospital
that serviced many of the more than
100,000 civilian amputees. Nowhere
did I see a sign of sophisticated Amer-
ican medical assistance. Instead, a

small group of dedicated, privately
supported workers were making vali-
ant efforts under impossible condi-

We heard and noted that even the
food supplies paid for by the United
States did not reach the intended
beneficiaries because of the ever-pres-
ent graft and corruption at all levels
of the civilian and military bureauc-

The fact is that the American pres-
ence now, as before, remains a dis-
aster, not only as a result of the
wartime devastation, defoliation and
displacement of people, but as a con-
tinuing financial presence that main-
tains a Government of military offi-
cers that clings to power no matter
what the cost to peace, freedom and
democratic principles.

I wish every member of Congress,
before they vote more funds for Presi-
dent Thieu, could share my experience.
The Paris peaCe agreement was sup-
posed to guarantee the right of self-
determination to the Vietnamese peo-
ple through democratic liberties and
elections. It was supposed to provide
the honor in my son’s death.

It is doing neither.


Robert C. Ransom is a lawyer
with a corporation in New York.












opinion from insidt,z and outsui'v‘ the u'lllVQTSlly community Vie I I p0|l1t

Greeks: 'mindless group creotures'


I feel compelled to act against the inane
practice commonly known as the “Greek
System“. I‘ve seen boys turn into mindless
groupcreatures, gladly relinquishing their
individuality for membership in a frat.
The girls go through the same process.

Both groups pay an exorbitant fee for
this privilage of brotherhood and
sisterhood. Are these poor unfortunates
such misfits that they must buy friend-
ships and loyalty? Are they so insecure
that they must hide behind Greek
letters? What is happening to the
beautiful idealism that once typified the
American college student?

I SPEAK not as an “outsider”. I, too,
was once duped into believing that I must
pay for love and friendsship. I once joined
a sorority, I blush to think that I was once
that insecure; that much of a puppet. Soon,
however, I had to rebel against the at-
tempt to steal my individuality. The
attempt was made to force me into the
stereotype of the sorority. I was told that I
was no longer free to act on my own
initiative. I was now a member of the
group and must judge my thoughts, my
actions by the group opinion. I was no
longer a free person, but a member of the

The poor social inadequates are
regimented into a group personality that
consumes personal integrity while feeding
the pocketbook of the nation head. (Who's
to say where that huge profit must go?)
The tragedy lies in the ignorance of the
poor brothers and sisters who con-
tinuously, month after month, dole out
money in order to gain acceptance and
love. Little do they realize that friendships

cannot be bought; nor can one cling to the '

family perpetually. The fraternity takes
these home-sick children to place them





back into the safe, secure, restricted
comfort of a structured group. No longer
does this new adult have to act on his own
intelligence or rely upon himself for
security—he can now safely escape into
group identity.

Is our society so weak that we create
such crea tures‘? Does our society no longer
transmit the ideals of individuality and
self confidence into our young? Our
nation slowly deteriorates as the “Greek
system" grows. It feeds on the weaknesses
and produces the seeds of totalitarianism.

One begins to wonder how
“brotherhood” is from “Big Brother”.

HOW FAR will the young people of the
seventies degrade themselves with open
confession of insecurity, fear,
inadequacy? Can an adult human being no
longer choose his own path to walk? Do
friends need to be bought? Are we so in-
volved with status symbols that we cherish
those that convey the greatest amount of
inadequacy? Is that our standard of
quality? Our pioneer fathers would feel



shame at such an idea!

The Greek System is but a symbol of the
deterioration of the rustic individualism
that once characterized this nation. We
were once a nation of ingenious, hard-
fighting pioneers with hearts filled with
courage and conviction. Now we slowly
turn into brothers and sisters with
stomachs filled with beer.


Beverly Jane Stewart is a senior
history major.

Failure to use contraception is irresponsible


While attitudes toward contraception
vary, failure to use some type of
contraception undeniably is irresponsible
unless the couple is willing to accept the
responsibility for a child. Individuals and
couples have good reason to consider what
sexual activity they consider appropriate
under various situations but unless they
are abstaining from sexual activity they
should know as much as posible about

First, no method of contraception,
except abstinence, is absolutely 100 per
cent, effective. Contraception varies in its
esthetic acceptability and in its risk to
health and even life. Contraception does
demand planning and neglecting this
planning for sentimental or other reasons
increases risks. Both partners should be
involved in this planning to avoid placing
the total burden of decision on one.

THERE ARE various methods of
contraception available. There are chemi~
cal methods — foams, creams and jellies.
Thes are available for purchase at
drugstores without prescriptions. Their
function is to immobilize and kill sperm in
the vagina, so that the sperm cannot make
their way into the uterus and the fallopian
tubes to fertilize an ovum. The woman

choosing this method inserts a measured
dosage of the spermicide into the vagina
with a special plastic applicator provided
for that purpose just prior to intercourse.

Mechanical devices are used to prevent
sperm from entering the uterus, the most
common being the condom and the
diaphragm. The condom will be the only
method discused here which depends
primarily upon the male. The condom is a
thin ,, skin-tight sheath which is pulled
over the erect penis prior to intercourse.
The tip of the condom acts as a receptacle
to catch the seminal fluid and prevent the
sperm from being released into the
vagina. Many couples effectively use a
combination of the condom and foam.
Condoms are available for purchase at
most drugstores. The condom is the only
contraception method that provides some
protection against venereal disease.

The diaphragm is an oval, dome shaped
rubber device with a flexible spring at the
outer edge. The correct size must be
determined and the diaphragm is obtained
by prescription. The diaphragm is usually
used with a contraceptive jelly. When
properly placed the diaphragm fits
securely and comfortably between the
rear wall of the vagina and the upper edge
of the pubic bone. In that position it
completely covers the cervix and holds the
contraceptive jelly tightly cupped over the
entrance to the womb. This provides a
chemical barrier that acts to kill the male

PREVENTION OF implantation is
apparently the way in which the IUD
(intrauterine device) prevents pregnancy.
It is inserted into the uterus by a physician
and left in place for as long as there are no
problems with it. Once the IUD’s presence
in the uterus is well established, it is
somewhat more effective than the
methods mentioned above; but up to 25 per
cent of IUD’s cannot be retained in the
uterus. The uterus expels them spon-
taneously, or they cause so much
discomfort that they must be removed.
Also, it may be difficult to insert an IUD
into a uterus that has never gone through a
complete pregnancy. Occasional other
complications have occurred from IUD’s
but when successful they have served as
an accepted form of contraception.

The oral metod of contraception calls for
a woman to take a contraceptive pill or
tablet every day. All types of oral
contraceptives contain female sex hor-
mones (estrogens and progesterones) and
are designed to prevent the release of an
egg from a woman‘s ovaries during the
cycle in which the pills are taken. “The
Pill" is the most effective of all
contraceptives if the directions for its use
are followed and the woman is careful not
to skip doses or take it irregularly. Oral
contraceptives, like all patent drugs, may
have some side effects.

Minor side effects include breast
tenderness, nausea, and breakthrough
bleeding (spotting between periods) which

usually disappears within the first three

FORTUNATELY. serious side effects
are relatively rare. Periodic examination,
as recommended by a doctor, is essential
to provide the early detection which may
prevent serious complications.

FAILURE RATE (Pregnancies per
100 Women Years)

(100 women using a method of con-
traception for one year)

Chance (sexually active) 80
abstinence 0
Foam 12
Diaphragm 10-11
Condom 10-11
IUD 54+
Oral Contraceptive .1-.6

The above brief summary neg-
lects individual factors. The desira~
bility of different methods in each
case should be discussed with a


Dr. Samuel Scott is a physician
at the Student Health Service.
Mrs. Mott and Mrs. Woodrum
are ClinicalNurses at the Health





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I I.



Seat belts help

Engineering survey reports
drivers training dangerous

Kernel Staff Writer

High school or commercial
driver‘s training does little to
prevent driver fault in accidents,
according to a study made by the
College of Engineering.

Several other accident factors
were studied, including a positive
appraisal of seat belts in con—
trolling a car.

headed by Dr. J.W. Hutchinson of
the College of Engineering,
studied 41 accidents between
May 1972 and June 1973 for the

US. Department of Tran-
Findings contradict popular

beliefs about the importance of
driver‘s education.

The only driver in the survey
claiming to have received
military driver‘s education was
found to be at fault in his ac-
cident. Three of four drivers
taught commercially were at
fault. More than half of those
drivers having high school
training courses were at fault,
while only half of the drivers who
reported no formal training were
at fault.

THE STUDY showed the need
for a new system of driver’s
education. “What appears to be
needed is a completely new
approach consisting of effective
driver reeducation on a con-
tinuing basis,” the report states.
This suggestion has been tested
successfully but is not in practice
on a widespread basis.

The report also reveals that
those wearing seat belts in the
studies suffered less than one-
half the average injury severitY-
In addition, their cars had one-
half as much damage. “Seat belts
are excellent because they keep

the driver from sliding over into
the passenger side and losing
control of the car," Hutchinson

The need for other passengers
to use seat belts is shown in the
study. The report states, “The
seat belt restraints are excellent
in holding down the driver to hold
the wheel, but there is alsoa need
to fasten down front seat
passengers in order to prevent
them from being pitched into the

in the report were:

—Short drivers cause more
accidents than tall drivers
(especially short drivers in large
cars because of their inability to

—Steel door beams may be very
hazardous to passengers in ac-

—Drivers of smaller cars
suffer more serious injuries than

the drivers of large cars.

Faculty and staff
salary figures now
available for study

Continued from page I

“We hope that certain groups
in each department, perhaps
Student Advisory Committees,
will do in-depth studies,“ Mucci
said. “Student Government just
doesn‘t have the resources that

-studies in each department would


AFTER THE release of the
salaries last year, such a study
was done in the sociology
department which resulted in no
salary changes.

Paster said the figures show
there is unequal pay for equal
work and some rather absurd
priorities in University payment.

“One of the most ridiculous
priorities is the old un—
dergraduate versus graduate
dilemma which is best demon-
strated by the fact that the Dean
of Graduate studies makes a full
fifty per cent more than the Dean

of Undergraduate Studies,"
Mucci said.

salaries can also point up such
practices as hiring minorities
and women for lower paid
positions, the lack of minorities
and women on powerful policy-
making committees, and using
teaching assistants and lower
paid professors to teach the

majority of undergraduates,"
he added.

“Ideally, groups of people in
every area of the University will
get together on their own and
study the salaries," Paster sai d,
“It is only through a grass roots
reaction in many places that
change will take place."

The salaries are listed under
department number and are
divided into bi~weekly and
monthly employees. Faculty
members are paid once each
month and staff employees are
paid bi-weeldy.



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group activities at a Drop-In-Center. 241 N.
Limestone. Call 2512166 or 233-0890.
Females 8. males needed. 22F26

February 28 at 8:00 pm. in the President's
Room, Student Center, Theodore Kisiel,
Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Nor-
thwestern University, will deliver a public
lecture entitled "Heidegger and the New
Images of Science". 25F27

Association presents a lecture on herbs;
what they are, how to grow them, their uses,
etc. on Feb. 27. 7.230 om CB 204. Guest
speaker: Connie Robinson 25F27



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WOMEN STUDIES Film Festival.
"Wanda", Feb. 27, 7:30 p.m., C8 118. Free .
Discussion afterwards at 658 5. Lime. 25F27

THE UCM LUNCHEON Forum presents
”Situation Ethics Re-Visited", by Rev. Ed
Payne Miller, Jr., Campus Minister, UCM;
Tuesday, February 26, IN p.m., Koinonia
House, 412 Rose St. Snack lunch served (tree
to students; donations from others.) 25F26

FELLINI’S "OI/z" will be presented by the
English Department, in coniunction with the
Office of the President and the Student
Center Film Board, on Wednesday,
February 27, in CB I06, 6:30 and 9:00 pm.
Admission is free. 3F”

UK SCUBA CLUB pool session Monday
night, Feb. 26. Members planning to attend
must call 2606328 or 278-9262, before it pm.
Monday night. 25F25

HILLEL WILL BE visiting the Veterans at
Veteran Hospital Tuesday, February 26 at
7:00. If interested call Elaine 257-1260 25F26

IS ONE DAY as dull as the next?
Christians live a life of peace. Share our
peace in studying the Good News Tuesday,
Feb. 26 at 7:30 p.m.