xt79zw18pm9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79zw18pm9v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-08-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 25, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 25, 1988 1988 1988-08-25 2020 true xt79zw18pm9v section xt79zw18pm9v W,W25.1§38


Drought conditions still having some impact on University

Staff Writer

Although rainfall for the month of Au-
gust is above average. UK is still feeling
the effects of this summer’s drought.

Jim Wessels. of UK's Physical Plant Di-
vision. said the University is assisting the
water company by voluntarily restricting
some water use on campus.

'l‘hree outdoor fountains, in front of Pat-
terson Office Tower. the Gluck Equine Re-
search (‘enter and the Faculty Club. will

remain shut off until Lexington water lev-
els are back to normal. Wessels said.

Unless there is more rain. the fountains
will not be turned back on this summer.
Wessels said.

In dormitories and other campus build-
ings. PPD workers are continually check»
ing for water pipe leaks and drippy fau-

Watercooled equipment in ['K buildings.
such as compressors and air conditioning
units. have been "adjusted to their tnost
effictent operating status." Wessels said

Rainfall in Lexington is 332 inches for
August. according to the National Weather
Service The normal rainfall average for
August is three inches

For the year. however. Lexnigton ls still
lit 17 inches below normal

Usage of outdoor water at [K was first
divided during the summer with different
areas of campus alternating oddeyen
days From July it to 23 outdoor usage ot
water it as halted. Wessels said

Wessels said l’Pl) is still asking students
to be mindful of the water shortage but no

restrictions haye been. itii'
itig iii campus housint'
We're com;} to cut t .rtd “1' i: ': ~-

holds its own lvt‘tlll‘v Mi.” 3 1.... . Hymn. ..

restrict their visage Y .i iii-r
\i‘iid Right now i' litttks pretty 3 lti’l

'Hlt" al‘t‘HS ltdl‘tlt‘Sl lill in it»: ili'tongtil tit-

ianiptis were iii-artotisttowtt v: ~ '5“
Wessels said ,M, w... gt no.

\uuatit- i enter and ~..t . ...v..,i

.tig iat'tlity "i \oii't (itlfilt'h ‘ i '
lie reseeded it. t it titlier

We t.oi'iti.ill\ .I.. -. .i;.. ;.v..-...gt


Editorial Editor

The Democratic and Republican can-
didates for Vlce president told members
of the 42nd Southern Legislative Confer-
ence yesterday what they feel is the
main issue of the 1988 campaign.

"Lately. you've been hearing a lot
about labels.“ said Texas Sen. Lloyd
Bentsen. the Democratic candidate for
VH'P president “But really the issues in
this election are competence and lead-

Bentsen's opponent, lndiana Sen. Dan
Quayle. however. said the election "is
about more than Just competence."

This election is about ideology and
it's about competence.“ Quayle said.
"'i’ou tnust have a political philosophy
where you want this nation to go.”

Speaking before a packed ballroom in
the lA’XlllgIOn (,‘ivtc Center. Beanen.
who is running with Massachusetts Gov.
Michael Dukakis. stepped up his attack
on the iunior lndiana senator and the
Reagan administration. while Quayle
defended his congressional record and
iriritictzed (‘ongress for its unrestrained

lletitsen. who spoke to the group yes~
terday morning about it: hours before
Quayle. was critical of his opponent for
voting against the bill in July that pro-
posed to make the Veterans .xdniinis.
tration into a cabinet pos‘ition, The bill
was overwhelmingly passed by the Sen
ate. but Quayle was one of only 11 sen-
ators to vote against it. Bentsen said

"When Quaylei stood up before the
WW tie has a deathbed coriversn.-n.”
Bentsen said “He saluted smartly. did
an about~tace and announced that he
actually favored the cabinet post. He
said the \ote against the proposal was a
youihtul indiscretion. I really dont
think :\lllt‘l‘lt_'ki cati risk youthful indis
igretion in someone who could become
our next president at any moment."

\‘i a press conference following his
speech. Bentsen hinted that he Wlll con»
tuiue his attack oii Quayle's record.

'Vle re going to be talking about the
records." he said “I want to talk about
the legislative records and what each of
its has been able to do 1 thitik
those will be interesting things.
wi- re _iust getting started.”

When asked about Quayle‘s service in
the \Lllltlll‘dl Guard. Bentseri continued
to refuse to comment on the issue as he
has done so far. saying: “That‘s a that—




Demooratic candidate for Vice DreSi-
dent Lloyd Bentsen (top; and Republi-
can candidate for Vice preSIdent Dan
Quayle address the 42nd annual
Southern Legislative Conference yes-
terday at the Lexmgton ClVlC Center


lei ltl his ioiicern and for the ‘iiilei‘it'aii
people to dectde

Quayle responded to recent attacks on
his congressional resume by dedicating
.i good part of his LIN—nnnute speech to
talking about the .lob Training l’ait
nership A\cl of 1982. of which he was a
primary sponsor.

"Fhere are going to be people who
lose their tobs through tio fault oi their
own and our duty is to put these people
back to work as soon as possible. lit}
said And we will put them back to
work as soon as possible.

The program established a .‘ldlltlll
wide training program that ‘lillllS tile
and local gm erntncnt with business. in
dustry and labor 'o proxidc unemployed
and economically disadvantaged illtll

\cc BEN ISLN. l’ag. "


Rgv. [fin


t t. t t. @©@@@t

Nominees differ on contest issues

.ol \tufllmi‘ _ ~

-‘ i't-l‘


'i-‘ii' ue said for \‘tl' i- [it‘ll i-s we :it‘i-

.‘t.'ti.’ l~ l.l‘.l" 'l"‘|‘,1\i' "6‘ .ititiiiiiii ,

II liti' . I: t‘l'tt' '~~»i;' t' "
1: went

."t" " Zl‘til‘ l illt't‘l"

‘~ lllillil‘f‘ ~

..ti..\~ . i,.,...-,,._. .,..t

drying y'ltl

,. tip to 'Vi’i<'- 'yi-iu iipi

'ltlil,’.' i' itl"it;_’t‘

iv'kriiiw'i ltv.

can receive
drought aid

‘ixsm infeil Press

r\"tll‘t .’ t\.

Manuel, Ellis are optimistic despite
unknown outcome in NCAA probe

fly ioiisi' \l lll\(.
Spoils l'ltill-‘l

Eycn .iiili allegations ::‘i~.i;. it. \i -‘\.‘i
ycsttgalion hanging «wt-r ‘hcii littltls l K
basketball players liellot. l‘IHIS ind l-ji‘t
Manuel said \esteritay that ‘hcy ari- ipt.'
mistic .ipout t‘.t‘.\l seasot. eizil 'i'lt
versy has brought the tcan. \:4).\Ul fogclh»

Speaking to ii iii oup oi li‘pi'l lei s .i: ‘iliiit
cat Lodge ytstcrday. Klaziiiil ind Ellis
said they ill't‘ trying to :-u’ ‘he
tion lit-hind then;

'\\e don! 'liink too :tinsli afoot ‘ fin
uni-situation .' \lanuti said ‘i\t'
pretty niiiili look forward to fla- iipi-oimng
season. so out and play .i lot «it piik up
ganics .ind :llsi try to haw tut; We do. ‘
think .llltllll w liat‘s going oi: We _i.us‘ ‘iy 'o
keepoUi minds preoccupied "



H\ has been under tinestigation by the
NCAA since 'l'lic Los Angelic: Daily \cws
published .i story \prll ll quoting ~.i~ii~t~.il
Emery \ir l-‘reight (‘orp employers say
ing a package allegedly sent from l‘K .is
sistant coach Dwatie ('asey to the father oi
lIK rcu'utt (‘liris Mills came open in 'i'aii
\‘ll. ri-i eating ‘30 $50 hills

The \t‘.-\.\ already has issued one otti
i'ial inquiry ionccrning the Hills iniidcnt
and also has informed l'K that .ippt'o\i





'\\t‘ lime
well ...' '
.lli'mt ‘uiiilo.
h\t‘ l’l" ‘~
things -., it .p '.‘,.~~ "in.
.‘laliucl .ils. \oo
would lit l'l'W'lL‘in'

“tritium-d 'llt‘i \

itriltlzce'vt- ‘ p13“ '
v. ,lu . ...i
i. it i ..ii.




75‘ -85‘

Today Mostly sunny, mild
Tomorrow. Warmer






‘Temptation’ gets mixed

reviews at UK. See Page 4.


l—=or a look at the people who put out
the paper. See Page 6.



 2 -- Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. August 25. 1988



Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor

Van Horn lacks trainer, gym, opponent but ready to fight


Darrrru ‘Sdioo: Boy
weight Sands a punch in a

Van Horn a UK gunror an
ltjiO’y last semester

Sports Editor

He doesn‘t have a trainer or per-
manent boxing ring and isn't sure
who his next opponent will be, but
UK junior and professional boxer
Darrin Van Horn plans to fight a
“tune-up" bout next month any-

Van Horn‘ 5 fatherG L has been
taking over as interim manager of
his son since Darrin‘s previous
trainer. Don Turner, was let go a
few months ago. The Van Horns
have locked up Las Vegas~based
trainer Hedgemen Lewis but with

I- .
97‘0 (fi'y

loss than a month to the Sept. 20th
fight, it may not be enough time.
G. L. Van Horn has said. however.
that he's not worried.

Darrin Van Horn, 36-0 with 23
knockouts. also has another prob
lem: no real boxing ring to work
in. He is working out at his father‘s
home in South Lexington in a ring
built in the backyard.

“The only thing I'm not real eon-
fident about is the gym." he said.
“We‘re not stable yet. If it rains.
we don't train. We need the inside

place. I need a trainer and we
haven‘t got that yet. We just have

to wait until things fall through "





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792/ Kernel —
About Students






l\/lol leaders He said he is anxious to see the ty and that it's “not blasphemous 1"“ N0“ and Burton, Paulsell would "like to get rid of the film


has not seen the movie, but is well
aware of the controversy surround»


Burton said he can understand altogether."
National Campus Crusade for

1111 tiiiiipus the lh-it‘tllllllfl, Martin movie for hiiiiselt‘ because he in 53), that (‘hrist shared our
N'l)l‘t‘t'>t‘~ l‘h MN. ’l‘t‘mptaltun doesn't trust the media reports humanexix’rienee"


tit 1mm, lulu-i \ we the film as a about it mg '3‘ which, he'sald, hasvniade the (‘hrist President Bill Bright's offer Paulsell, on the other hand. said

WWW ‘1‘!" "WW "'1' Y't'itgttith ed Dawd Burton, who is director of Noll added that “a lot of depic~ mov1ea boxoftice bonanza to purchase the film to destroy it he "l't‘SiStS CPHSOFShlP" because

umhoi: the University's (‘ampus Crusade lions miss the humanity" of Christ Burton said he is disappointed because the movie is “irresponSi- “intelligent people can make up
The to . i).1:, \ull 111 the turbo tor (‘hrist ministry. does see rea 'lhw such (1 mystery no depie- the media has characterized those ble.“ He said there must be a "bat theirownminds "


ilt' \thtnhi'. ~"1-"11 would like to sons why the film shouldn't be
im- 21.. :v:.1..11 .1“ an ::i.\li'u1‘!ionul shown and he said he wzll write a

1 ,, Ferris wheel living up to fair’s expectations

busts l1: inn «=1!l\'1lt‘t:‘tl starting .1 shown on campus


lutml‘it with .11111111' .iii‘)“ \lil 'Personally. I‘m disturbed be
““1”” 1‘ ' "H' ’1'” H” ”1"”. 5"" “We“ 11 Hikes the Lord‘s name \“miatedl’i‘ess No. 1 piece,“ said Jimmy Floyd. On Saturday. 9.600 fairgoers rode people at a time. in 20 gondola-type
"A“? '5‘1‘17“ 1‘ "“" ' """Emu‘ through the WM” urton WI.“ president of Cumberland Valley thewheel: ears It weighs too tons and is car-
""“l‘”"" 9“"ed ”W “In” P""”“‘-‘"“1 m ”m“ INVISVHJE. K) ' The White Shows. which owns the wheel. Floyd said part of the success ried on tour semitrailers At night.
N" M ii" 1.1.12, ”1' ”mmnm‘ t11"t-alliiigiiiy ”mmm'“MM.“ W and aqua “1"“ wheel “'35 the “We‘re real.realpr0udot~ it.“ might be because the ride attracts 6,000 red, vellow, orange and blue
““"i‘i'i 1“ L" " " “" m“ mm BUM)” ““0 has Wild l' PUNK“ first thing 7 yeai'old Monica Evans Th 100 foot tall ‘h 1 ~ the a different market from the other lightstlluminateits spokes:
- “'“W‘W’ Wh“ script ”1 tht‘ hh“. W511" "ptMt' >0.“ iii the Kentucky State Fair 1‘ 1 et F“ .h rbeel l'5 m. Carnival attractions. fi 1
‘11: Ms "11 l‘ 1 1511f lot’lt‘ilmt 111 Jesus being tempted Hi the movie. was “it,“ the my thing she wanted érges errissvt 9" .u‘t m ‘ “We really didn‘t have any other Hoyd said it takes an eight-per-
‘ei‘pi‘tvmm .s 1-1 lite eta-111s the but he said he has a probleii; uith Mm}, L‘mted States since 1893- The “9"! rides where'an entire familv could son crew 15 to 17 hours to put up
, , . t .* ~ , . .. s, . . . ,, . . , -_ ._ tallest ride at the fair. the double '. . ,, - i the wheel [)15n}an[hng it takes
“1“” i'(‘("" ‘ \‘ "“l‘d (hrh‘ bunt, ”u‘d‘ Out 2“ h. ‘11] 1h(‘ (ildiii V0109]. “huh 15 the F . 'h l . ih h get In one vehicle‘ Floyd said} _ .
“11,, «.‘1111 ‘h« i "l‘.<)l‘\l5‘1 1> an average guy it crazed ilillilllt' t.111“,\ tallest attraction. seems to errisw e‘9-157‘5f9‘3 1g » “And the older people, thev don't niiietoll iitiiirs_lies,ii(i
tvtmt 1.11m. 4w». the M111 and whogmsbaek alldlUl‘thtlllhf“ H be livmg up ’0 the high expecta< The wheel has attracted an im- want to be turned upside down and "It sure does let You see the sur»
l"lit“ 3h“ “'lv‘J‘H' ‘ "WW“ “Mr“- [A’thtlllm 'I'ht’UIOEK'Hi WWW“? lions otits owner andcustomers pressive number of riders since it spuiiand thrown around " rounding countryside," said Paul
'.\‘1iit1111lL‘,,i _, “1,; President Bill l’aulsell said that Thix it the prototype and the began operating July 7‘ Floyd said, The wheel can carry up to 120 (11.8“,le 0, Shepherdsville





The Kentucky Kernel



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 Kentucky Kernel. Thursday.August25,1988 —- 5

Bentsen, Quayle address Southern Legislative Conference

Continued from Page I

viduals with training for jobs ‘in the
private sector

“The private sector is beginning
to fully understand a wellatrained
job force is crucial