xt7b5m625j7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b5m625j7g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18730211 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1873-02-jun11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1873-02-jun11. 1873 2011 true xt7b5m625j7g section xt7b5m625j7g 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
      Morrison College June 11th, 193


Meeting of

'Minutes of
read & ap-

Soci eties

Five minute

Report of
Tres. with
motions con-
cerniug it
laid on table

Recquest from
the Faculty
of Col. of Arts.

     Board of Curators met pursuant to adjournment at 9 otclock
and upon cral ling the roll the followin.- Cura tors were found
pre sent-
     R. M. Bishop, J. B. Bowman, John G. Allen, Benj. Gratz,
Andrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodlnpe, G. W. Elley, J. S.
Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman, C. T. Worthin,-ton, Joseph Smith, G. W.
Givens, A. G. Herndon, R. J. White, R. C. Ricfetts, B. B. Grooa,
John Shackelford, J. P. Tfrtrlit', R. R. S    Eo.n,  nos Campbell, Z.
.4. 'lerley, John Aug. X6illi3ams, S. M. 'ling, Horace Miller J1m. E.
Rogers, James G. Kinnaird - L r. Crutcher - Z. F. Snith.
     Curator Campbell opend the Session with prayer.
     T-e Mi-Altes of yesterday s session, ..-ere read and apprnove q .
     Curator Elley moved that the By lms reKquiring secret session
be sus,'ended for t'-c tine beinZ - lost.
     Curator J. G. Allen offered the following resolution Res:
That in the liscussions w-hich may arise during the session of tie
annual meeting of the Board. of Curators each speech be limited
to five minutes and that no Curator shall be allowed to speak
twice on the same subject until other Curators who mnp'v desire it
shall have spolen- unless by consent of the boardi adopted.
     The Treasurer read his report of the condition of the f inan-
ces and investments of the University and was fully discussed.253/
by Curators worthington, Ricketts, Elley, 7hite, Allen, Kinnaird,
Sloan, Williams and others v.hich with several motions to amend
refer to a Corntee. of three was laid upon the table to be c8alled
up at some futhre hour by a resolution of Curator Campbell.

     Committee on the preparatory Department made their report
which was upon motion of Curator C. T. Wlorthington refered to
the Extive Comtee.

     The following communications w,-s received from the Taculty
of College of Arts -
     Resolved by the Faculty of the Colle-e of Art,3 - That the
Presiding Officer be appointed a Committf-a to request for th-e
said Faculty the privilege of attending the meetings of the
Board of Curators ea.cept lwhen they are in Executive Session-

                              Wednesday !,Morning June 11th, 19873
     I respectfully present to the Board of Curators, the request
of the Faculty as expressed in the resolution - quoted above E. JM.
Bishop-Eso, Henry H. White, Committee
Pres. Board of Curators.
     On motion of Hegent Bowman offered the following - Rcsolitions-
     Viz:  That the degrees be confered as recommended by the pre-
siding officers of the different colleges as follows-



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 11th, 1i0/ S

       In Commercial College

     Harry Bedford Acdair
     Virgil Homer Abbott
C    Carlis Bryan
     John Henry Guthrie
     James William Ha-an,
     Allen B. Harlan,
     Washingcton Hine,
     William Edv;ard Hixson,
     James Jefferson Huston,
     James Robert Kirby
     Robert Stanley McNess
     Samuel Riley Payne
     Edwin L. Price
     Issac Brown Sandusky
     John Hughes Walton
     John Browning Weber,
     Charles Jonathon Willock,

Shawhan Station
Natchez, Miss
Bentwood, Tenn.
Sedalin, M1o.
Columbie, Tenn.
Painsville, Ohio.
Johnsonts Station
No rt h 14, i dil e town
Smith's Grove
Sedalin 1io.
Clifton M-lills
St. Charles, Ark.
Mt. Vernon
Mt. Cury, N. C.

in Col. Arts.

G r lua t e s
in Classical
course &
Bible Col.

in the Eng-
lish course
of the Bible

Degree of A.M.

     In College of Arts Degree of Bachelor of Arts.
Galbraith, Wm. Thomas, Germantown, Ky., Jones, James Benjamin,
Bethania N. Cardina; Jones, Wharton Stewart, Richmond, Ky.,
Yancy, George Worth, Palmyra, M'do.

            Classical Course of Bible College
     Jones, James Benjamin         Bethania., N. C.
     Yancy, Geo. Worth             Palmyra
             Bible College English Course

Baston, John Daniel
Crutcher, John Henry
Easter, Jepthen Hall,
Lee, Jackson Monroe,
Scott, William Harllie,

Buena Vista, Ky.
Cynthiana, Ky
Wilmington, Kas.
Reedsburg, Ohio
Lima, Ohio

Henry 'S. White

        Degree of Master of Arts conferred on
Henry Warland White,          Lexington, Ky.

     /255/ Regent Bowman moved that the degrees of
ferred on Henry Warland White - alopted-

Bible College

Curator '7Ior-
thington rssolu-
tion of investi-

A. M1. be con-

     Curator Ricketts Chairman of the Comtee. on the Bible College-
Reported that his Comtee. had nothing to report different from
that made last year at your meeting-
     Curator Worthington offered the following Resolution Viz_ Re
it resolved by the board of Curators of Ky. University that a
Comtce. of three be appointed whose duty it shell I)e to investi-
gate the whole financial canagement of its Treasurer more especial-
ly the following item

of degrees

Comm ercial



Kentuky University, Lexington, Ky., June 11th, 1973

Bowman,- Ex-


Com. on MIed.
Col. reported

Com. on Coimer.
Com. On A.&.M.
for Cur.,tor
Resolution of
the morning.

of iy lay
proposed by
Curator Jos.

of Curators
White, Barnes
& Gano. &
of the
officers of
the Board.
Peti tiorn
conce rning

     Viz  To see if the four %6 over and above the six nercent
basis, ordered by the Board in 1862 has ever been accounted
for - upon which a warm and unpleasant discussion took place
engaged in by Regent Bowman Curators 'w*orthiiig & others.
Regent Bowmon explained. his language  in this Board addressed to
Curator Wortbington which on motion of Curator Campbell was
unanimously adopted.
     Curator Worthington explained & regretted his hasty conduct
before this Boari Curator Joseph Omith moved that said eplana-
tion be accepted which was accepted as satisfactory.
     Resolved to adjourn till 3 otclock P. M. Benediction.--_----

/256/  The Board assembled at 3 o'clock and the minutes read and
approved. Comtee. on Yedical College made their report which
was adoptea.  Committee on Commercial College made its report
which was adoptea.
Commsittee on Agricultural & Mechanical College reported and same
     Curator Worthington corsented, to accept the following resolu-
tion as substitute for the one offered by him & recorded in
forenoon_- Whereas - a disc-epancy seems to exist in the Treasur-
oris report in that a portion of the funds of the Institution
were during the years of 1859-1860-18561 at 10% while the estimated
income was based on 6% Therefore Resolved tnat t'Ie Trea',jrer be
respectfully recuested to ma-ke such explpanatirn as may be satis-
factory to the Board   Adlopte,..

     Curator Dr. Smith called uo the resolution offered bv him and
recorde_ on page 255 marked. (4) which after Fome disoussion was
adopted. anl ordered to become one of' the Bylaws of this Boarl.-
     Curator Groom moved, that when we adjourn until 2 o'clock to-
morrow afternoon- Adopte1.

/257/ Curator Dlr. Smith moved. that we go into Executive Session
adop ted.
     Committee on Nominations 2resente2 the names of Geo. Mhite
of Bourbon, A. M. Prnes of Fayette, and R. M. Garo of Bourbon-
LBy la-W suspended and vote v-va voce and all elected..
     Same Comtee. al-o presented the names of the present incuimbents
as officers of the Board - On motion by laws suspended. and vote
viva voce and report al.opted..
     A petition 1'as relad by Regent Bowman rejuesting the rescind-
ing of By-law forbilding Secret Societies -hich on rmotion bo refer
to University Sencte -az amended referring it to a Committee of
three to confer wuith the Faculties of the different Colleges :nd
report to this -Beord - Curator J. Aug. Williams, White & 'ling were
to com-os e said. Committee.
     On motion the Boerd adjourned to meet 2 e' clock P. M.
to-norrow-  Benediction by Curator ,I-ilkes.