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I H E  
  V()L, VI], LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, OCTOBER 29, 1914. No, 7,
- I
· f "llll lll l}lllI}IllllllI" "‘”"'"““’" PLAYS 'lllllllll |lllEl||l$ ""m‘°“ °" “°"°" Elllllllll lllllll llllllll
,_ lll SEE tlllll GAME           llllllllll llllllllllt     ...   W .,,..,., .. Bl lHl lllllllill SEIIIIBS
-—--—- —— R I C tl P l d. —;-
_ Wlll Att•mpt to Trlm Local wu lr own. on oro
Wlldcats to Meet the Best Hlgh School. _ MI"     Spra'gu€’ of But-I The election of offlcers for the stu- Kontucky T°am» Composed
Team Ever Turned Out at -— mingham, Makes Val- ldcm scvcmlcs crscnlmlcn will be of Second Team Men,
_ Undnuntnd by theh. dntnnt nt the . held Wednesday at the usual convoca- .
, uable Ex lanatlon. 4 Run U H1 h .
        hands of the heavy muisville Mala p tion hour ln chapel. The meeting   p g  
·——— High Schothl tenth the Lnxtngtnn Hlghl —···—·· be called to order by the vlce-presl- —·-L-
        eleven are coming out to Stoll Field       KY. d€“t· Wayland Rn°°·do“· tho °on“ttt“'    
_ Friday afternoon and attempt to tion of the organization will be read
tame the pNnhm,,u_ The Fhenhmen with a few explanatory remarks fol-
, The wlldcats second hard game of Since what they themselves term umm ln another runaway contest the
S t rd easily defeated the strong Cynthlana their udtsutmus Kenmcy tripu the 8- Wildcat H k d th E h C u
·· t s c e e r
_ the *’°*‘”°'* °°***°” **°"t no ny team tn thnh. Own back yard hut F", Mi tsl t te m h B dom at lot of All students or the university are t f R I t ° “ am ° °o°
  ‘”*""‘ """ ’“°°‘ "‘° °"°“‘ U“""°""" day and consider lcct Frldafs cchtcct " ° °" “ " expected no no mascot and to pmlcl- °“"‘· ° “““° V “°· “*‘"““‘· by “*°
T of (gthcthhtm team at Carson Field gh any- thinking. Eine following ti atsllpplni pate tn the atmtrs of the student gow Score of 81 to 3. The game was fea-
A_ { ¥ f th rmlnhm ay ews,o t dbthhdll f f
tllat city The whole strength of the High School has 8 couple of good mm 8 l K n * nrntng nnnnctnttnn um Y 6 an ng 0 the orward
mighty whdcht machine will bg October 23. ____•_•____ pass by the Wildcats, getting away
players in Robertson, at quarter, and
thrown again the combination that No Rlngara at Kentucky, with nineteen of them to their oppo-
Shouse, at end. The former showed 8. n Ptnntdmt nt Atnmnt I _
Coach George Little has whipped to-] Y ' nents '¤0¤9-
j ~ th t U t it { Ct I tt .¤p cspccinlly well in the Louisville There's always two slacc to every (_ h B
t ge Br n nvm-B Y 0 nc mm ' lgame, making practically all the quG¤ti0¤· I mm mmage used m°St °f ms
The Cinclnnatlans are busily pre- gums for ms team. Couch Stewart, A day or so ago the Sporttng Editor       Second string men in the game and
parlng for the Wildcats, as reports who is hammng the Cuckoo eleven of The News W88 informed, by 0¤6 thad the regular Varslyt lineup bja
from that city show and their team wno vrcbcblv noon not novo tho boot jj used a larger score might have been
will receive some great support from this year. also hu the High Schcol mtemst of Kentucky State at hea"' made Gumbert Clark Birk d
team in charge and claim that they that that school aged ringers, Work Quthngd and Steps. ‘ ’ ' °°
not only the students of the school wut give the State yeuungl the tight Today un tn tntnrmnd by the tncnlt • tJake all handled themselves like vet-
but from the general publlc as well. Ot their uva before the game is Over. president of the Kentucky Alumul,. Takéll L00k1I1g TOW8,l‘d ' orans and gained at will through the
The following despatch from Rhine-; who docs have the bali i¤|Z6!'€¤£ of Publication Hoosler's line. Tuttle and l-lite were
• 1¤¤d ¤hcw¤ hcw wc stand ln the cycsl " `°'*"‘“" nm **°**°°t at **°¤”· out §°**°“°*Y ‘ oclug l-cctocl rot- the culclhoou game
of the football fans there and thel ¤ gtttxinishsfxhiziiz sxxttg scmpu- _ next Saturday, but they were not
strength of their team: I Tun Snnrttng Edttnt. nt qthn News         missed. As usual, Park played a fine
"When Kentucky State meets the bgligvgg ln fglr play, and having given game, making live touchdowns and
University of Cincinnati team at Cin-I     c H S Mr· J· S- C¤¤¤¤¤lm¤¤’S SW6 cf thc. Th dit tl tu tm 191 K kicking nine goals, besides starting
Q ' -
clnnatl lt wlll bump against the finest, ' ' ' Sto"Y· no now "ocoivos °' communica" 8 Ora S B 0 6 O an all the forward passes. The longest
l tion from J. M. Sprague with welcome; tuckian held its flrst meeting Friday
grldlron aggregation that has ever| it . , _ _ ` and the most sensational run of the
t The letter of Mr. Sprague follows. October 23, at 3:30 0'cl°ck tn tht,
represented the black and red. Coach   Outplay   School Bhuntnghntn Atn Ont 22 {J H d t t Th' game was made in the flrst quarter
t · ‘· ‘ ‘ ourna sm e ar men. -
George Little has not only whipped to· _ _ Sporting Editor Birmingham News; Ib t t pm t ff 6 sem when "l·‘ats" Thompson grabbed the
. ers com r n :
gnthnt. 8 nnwnttut uttt.n_nt.gnntzntt0h Boys Bhd Wl!} EZSIIY, Dear Slr; ln Justice to the Kon-'S L its gR fs; ::8 wa:] kick-off from Earlham and copied Jlm
· ¤ . .' . G, Q . , t
nt the dntnnntvn nun nttenntvn htndt Score   to 0 ttuctkh Suztetllhitersltt ands; order tial (mv 6 lori t a tim Zrggn Lei Parks Stunt in the Wilmington game
• . re ar - e or; ~soc , . . -
but has instilled a spirit which has Ipu le ac S 6 me _ 19 p\;_ C it I ab a 9 G Drs by running through the whole Earl-
--——- .i¤s thc cyctcm cf cthlct cs at an- hovltz, lt. s. Ehrlich, Clyde P. Taylor, _
been ¤¤d‘Y locking ln t°rm°r y°°'rB‘ ttucky State I would ask that the fol-; R B t. I tt H N I Ch t tt nom team tor 8 tccchdcwc-
* . .’ayor, ’m. . oe, rs nel
C 'l`ll9 boys ll8.V(-3 C&\1gh[ SOHIG of the       lgwing bg published in rgply to several The \Vi1dCatB Started Scoring right
coacll‘s llre and and ln a gamel questionable statements that have ap· Hopkins' Muguerite S°hw°°rs and
DGP --— t _ off the real. After receiving a kick
they ctc c nyc bunch kidding lthoclt- . ¤¤¤¤*·* *** The News S*¤°¢ the d<="€¤*· “`"’°" D· "’“"“‘“· J““’°’ ""“°’· 0 F rlh .. t t d u u
t b tt d ttm Bach other The brosttmon toom jonrnoyod to of Mississippi A. & M. by the Ken— The meeting was informal and was n ”& ams or y-yar ne an re`
  zziitzlg adnaedze {mi wondrous Cynthiana last Friday and d6f68¢9d tucky team. K given over to a general dlscusslon ofgtilmingltwanfy ya:1dS’ Captain Park
thc nlgh School tooth of that place Tc qucrc Mr <‘<>¤¤cc1mc¤. "¤f cc-; , I t, tu Sm a c¤g crwar pm rc Wright.
_ I t tl0 pan to e o owed in compiling Y
tackles. i i h hy the scorn nt 31 tn 0_ Itufsgl ltttosrelggrtggltlslr i;;m<*g‘0t;°;i>;\;   and publishing the Annual. w ho sgrried the ball over for the flrst
"E t i wn po- — ~ , ' t t * . S tt d Tl
very man s a s ar n s 0 qha [.1-eshmeh Scored in Byery uunr {they probably had Several extsmrst tt Mts decided to meet every twot ouc own co t an lompson
Emo"' with two and mma men ready Far oxoont tno tnn`d· wnon t-no CYn‘ from Michigan and otller Western uni-¥ weeks for a time, with more frequent Scored mlfvhdowns m this quarter'
t to step into BUY One of the eleven D0` thlana team Stl‘8llgth6Il€d Bhd h6ld.tVt.*l`SltlGS lll Ul€il` HU€·UD·n tn it “'n·Y llléelillgs as thg time for publicgtignl both making nice broken Held runS'
hltlons in case the flrst man used does At ho tinle dtd the High School agg,-8, I of explanation would say the old Ken-t upttroacmst 1 Park kicked all three goals.
, tk ll'..·'t*t ·'l` l i* ·.   ..
not play an almost faultless Same. gation threaten to cross States goall t?§tv’;}rSt$:“x:`;d ;:)°;:\ittr::3;rv?:uit tt tu thnuuht thnt the nnxt tnnnttngt l‘»¢\!`llld.lll s only store came in the
"The squad this year is the largest ‘line. mmm in tuutt and the team that dn   uu t.—t.htny_ Ontnhnt. 30, cnn hn held tn thlrd quarter, when after a series or
' that non ovor ronrooontoo U- C- and Grnntoloon RoooS· Brttton and feated Mississippi A. & M. Saturday the IIBW editorial room which is being mug "'"S by Logond and Bono· tno
every man is hustling to hold a job Sturgeon played a star game for the was Kentucky State ljniversity {pre? htthd uu human the hall trntn the former dropped a nice goal over from
pm the flrgt line, The gama that U, Freshmen, while Dix, Rgygr. and Dur- vlous tc won htnto lcllcsc cf t\on't_lhut.uttttStn Department- This room the fifteen-yard line, This was the
(Y. put up against Kenyon made the bln performed best for the Hlgll [ui xvttum Mk the Editor Ut HUH tha uth ht. uuuu hy ntnmhhrn nt the Kt,u_ only lllllé that the Earlhaln team
rooters gasp. Kenyon beat Western School boys. tevtu., mlunm wunru he gets uts m_` tuuhtuu nun IDEA ntnul St*t‘lll€d dangerous. After tllis Park
Rcscrvc and cxpcctcd a picnic with U- Abcur twc huudrcd Suppcricrs and l'()[’lll8,[l0I\ that the l|Ll£‘SKl0Il or l-least A Sll[.{§•3S(l()ll, which will be carried *******8 *“‘° ***0*** *°**<‘**d°W¤S *****1
(‘. but the manner in which the Black the cadet band went over with the college athletics is so little regarded   out nt hut.t,_ uns nttnrnd thut nn An_Ikicked both goals, nlaking the score
and Red backs tore through the Kon- [BSI!] ln their special tralll. Such sup- ct ¤~c¤r¤<·vk moto- As n lnnttor cf; uunt hnx Shuhnt. tn The IDEA hnx lat the end of the half, Kentucky 35,
yon line made the Kenyon motors port ls encouraglng to the teams and t:;:;1b*;:"‘tt;" :1% ost': lA"t‘;"”;sd liu: “.uu_u ts tut__t_t,u ut tue tmtmnw to tue ltarlham 3_
shudder. causes them to work harder than I _ , ,' I, Z. t , . - . _ { tls ttl d t wth].
been for sex eral years. llle hdltlil of Mdnl blllldlilkt be D|&0€d Bi 3 LOHSDIC n t t " llnnrtor tin Hits
"'l‘he defeat of ll. (T. by Ohio Wes·l tnoY would kccwlcs tnnt ccbcdv ccrcc "On the Level" l'0ll1llll1 states that, lll nous point to roooivo oontrtbuttoug scored four times. Wright went over
loyall was a fluke, as Wesleyan was wnotno" tnoY Wtn cr not· S|’*’nkn*l·¥ cf Kontn"kY· H; ~ ·· ntwnys from the stlltlollts Any ono having a tvllce on long forward passes and
‘“"“""""’ “'“" '““" °‘°"‘“ "“‘°" U" °‘ TM "”°""” gt`.; KtmlOtt-Syl,.slythmf Qff,,,ig`Q ¤¤····>» l·c<~¤¤·. 1·>k——. cmwlttc ot- coco vnu st-otco the cthc.- th-., .-....,_ t»,,,..k_
, , · s Ul c ·   _
had failed to take along alld flound- *"`*’*n*n*°**· P0¤nt0n¤*· tY**tt*l¤l*¤- anu, nth]., I um`, Mk uuuth, Ot, tuuuni shot wllicll ho thlnks hllght be ugod_ l`larke and \"l`IL!,ll[ went over ln the
cred around on the lnuddy field llke HnYnon --·····--· Ln ····   Hnn°***¤n hurthlu tt, t,,~t,dut~€ tt Singh, (-ust, of hai should place lt lll this box. Snapllust quarter in which the Wildcats
lt llsll out of water. Ht*‘k€*`¤on ········ LT ··········· UU eligibility lll thc Kl'll(lll'k)' State lillc—tshots ttro t·spt·t·ia||y dostrablo used the forward pass to a great ad-
,,,t,utt work ut, Tan ttnnttth tuttbwut Spalding ......... LG ......... Ingles UDL t lk q U tw ti   3|t—_ 5lot·gtth_ tu-t odltoyy has ton orlvalltagc. S[)l`lll'\‘ llllll llotld pulled otY
struck horror in the ranks of Kanyon- lhgnlpsey ,,,.,.... (7 ....   Vanbcrell uhhiigt (t;‘l;;;:·°ll‘i`gh;i::l` in lllzgl?   l t“,.[t-tt tthhtstutttth Tho t·(mU·u(·[ for St)lllt‘ pretty l'IlIlS for the Hoosiers lll
H0 tum tumugu on awry attempt tm, Slnlpson ......... HG .......... Land the uutwrstttt t_nutmt_ttuuy Mk tutttL..t,ht·t,t·;..h has boon hush to the lthlthis pcriod, but at critical ll\\)IIlt‘ll[S
stx yards und mort, U_ (}_ ts not uh. S*""’ot` ···-·—··-·· RT -··· Annnormnn this bt. t,uh|l,.thod_ _dilulzlpolls "Ul'(‘l\ll uf ldngravlng, the \\'ildvuts held tllclll ill chock and
ttnnmttmuttug Knntuhky Stntnt Not StUl`gtlQll ......... IU'} ...-.-   Royer Yours very truly, 1 .—`l\l|()llll('t*|\\€|l[ was made that tlwlUl¢*¥' W¢’i`•* Ulltiblti to l‘0lll¢* ll•*ul' S¢‘0l‘—
lly a jugflll. 'l‘hey have a wholesome R°d°“ ··········· on ····· M"Ut"u*·'·n It M [ Ht t   M‘AS;wtA;'Ut:‘· t"l<" dance brought ln about ono hun- ing.
. res *ll l·lnll ltllll unlll cn-
rp5|)g·(·[ fur K9||[u(•ky' fulllelllbarillg Ktnno '''' ‘ `'''''   ''''' puludexte. tuvk; Stunt ttufvttrsity `tlrvtt ttttltarst Wl\ll'l1 ls nearly [Wil'? LIS HUIMI, l,()g&ll, 'I`[|()|‘||[t)|| und Spruqg
. llrcbfcldcr ······- Ml ······· M°n"“nn _ ____     _   _ _ t nnuch us has been obtained from this played well for (`()Ll(‘ll \Vhltt·slde's
ttumtututtd on Page Six.) tlirltton .......... FU .......·· Uurbinl ttumttnuuu on page Six.) NUll|'l'\‘ lll prcvlous years. t‘lt‘\`t·)Il, while Morrlsh, thc vlsltor’s
. 4 •