xt7b5m627z74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b5m627z74/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1989 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1989 Vol.60 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 1989 Vol.60 No.9 1989 2019 true xt7b5m627z74 section xt7b5m627z74 . y‘c’“ ‘
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n45 , ") Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Volume 60, Number 9 - September, 1989
’ P t t G It k tKPA
. . '. T'liii‘i‘t. . .. TheKentuckyPressAsso- convention in Louisville. Frank session. KPA hopes to have other
‘ ' "9 J "9": . . h nf' d U S P t willbethe featured speaker at the Postalofficialsavailablefollowing
, ‘ ,7: .1 cration as co 1rme ' .. OS - January 19 and hasagreedtoleave the luncheon to talk with circula—
master General Tony Franks ap— ' ' ti n directors from around the
1990 KP A winter time for a question and answer 0
pearance at the state about Postal problems. That
I ' part of the convention will be
Board 3 reSOIUtlon may get more scheduled for the break-out ses-
. sion Friday afternoon.
Defense Dept. ads In newspapers The eeveeeee we]; be
sifion was also sent to Ken- Eddknliary.18:fioagftheRa?ls:%n ,
Efforts by the Kentucky tucky's Congressional delega- Hall“ mI 0111135“)? on??? te
Press Association and at least 11 tion in Washington. bol ton Lnn ast ”Br 0 urs -
otherstatesmighthaveabearing The proposal by Con— ume ane.
on more Department of Defense gress that the Department of
advertisements being placed in Defense spend more dollars in Green elected
newspapers around the country. newspapers is expected to be
Congress may order the presented soon and would re- to K PA board
Pentagon to look at spending quiréthe department to justify
more of its $200 million ad how it divides its ad budget Jim Green, director of
budget in newspapers, accord- among the media and analyze human resources for the Lexing-
ing toarecentreportinAdvertis- how increased newspaper ad ton Herald-Leader, has been
ing Age. spending would affect recruit— elected to the Kentucky Press
At the January, 1989, ing. Association Board of Directors for
Board of Directors meeting, the The legislation was ini- a new District 15A.
KPA board unanimously en- tiated after 12 state press asso- The district was created
dorsed a resolution calling for all ciations (including Kentucky) from a reorganization of KPA dis-
armed forces to use newsPapers, passed resolutions urging an tricts that was approved by the
particularly more community increase in the $9.5 million (five membership at the summer con-
newspapers, in their recruiting percent of total ad dollars) spent vention.
campaigns. in newspapers. Last year, 29.7 Previously, District 15
The resolution by the percent of the budget was spent was the largest of KPA's districts,
KPA/K135 Board Of DiI'ECtOTS on television. covering 17 counties with 22
was personally given to Gen. A Rand Corporation newspapers.
Michael McRaney, one Of the report on the effectiveness of Under the organization
convention speakers, and sent to Armyrecruiting ads, concluded recommended by the KPA Mem-
the Secretaries 0f the Army. that newspaper and magazine bership and By-Laws committee,
Navy, Air Force and Marines. advertising appeared to be District 15 was split into two dis-
Copies of the resolution more effective, in producing tricts and four other districts were
1 l ' ' KPA' - ' ' .
anda etterexp ammg SP0 enlistments than TV and radio (Continued on Page 8)
“ fiefité’eie'éezttre
”5‘9 7" M ,e.
.viatlfiggieiéy CL": ampulm

 e. Page 2
. r ‘
Gannett grant establishes WE E [KEN‘U’GD @[KW
John Fetterman scholarship @fiESS
A Gannett Foundation grant of $4000 I has
been awarded to the Department of Journalism and mo Eucutlw Cammhtu Dlsuict 12
Radio-Television at Murray State University to assist Louise Hannakar
in the establishment of the John Fetterman Minority flag? me" “m“
Ioumalism Scholarship. Green RiverRepubncan new 13'
Don Towles, director of public affairs for the M“ “W WM" .
. . , W Mt. Vernon Signal
Courier-Journal and coordinator ofGannett grants in president Elect
Kentucky, presented the check to Dr. Bob CM" mm” “m” 32:31.4
McGaughey, chairman of the department, and Dr. cm McDonald New 395:)" ,’
Gary Hunt, dean of the College of Fine Arts and Vice President
Communication Lenue ooumy Herald News District 15A
' J' a ,
McGaughey said the first scholarship of at Mainchurz LgkxinHerald-Leader "
least $500 should be awarded for the 1990-91 school Dm' G Momma mm 153
year- Guy Hatfield
Fetterman, who died in 1975, was credited Isaiah’s:- Citizen Voioe mines
for two Pulitzer Prizes won by the Courier-Joumal. A Hafiz?" GrI‘eaner m. “m.
1948 graduate of Murray, he was honored as a Distin-
. . Si Low v
guished Alumnus in 19?; . .. 193930.“ oi Directors K35“)! ggmm
His story titled 'PFC Gibson Comes Home m ‘
won a prize in 1969 for general local reporting. my We! Joiin has
Fetterman was also chiefly responsible for 39mm TrbumCOU'ier 6mm" PM
the Pulitizer Prize public service award to the Couri— m 2 Kentucky Press Association]
erlournal in 1967, spearheading the paper's success- Jed Dillinghsm ”mum 9"“ SW“ 5'3“
ful campaign or a tough stri-mining control law. mm" 59“"95 “9’9“ David 1: Thompson
' Donations to the Fetterman scholarship fund District 3 Executive Director
may be made, payable to the MSU Foundation with RM ”and“ _ , Um Howard
a notation the check is for the Fettemmn Scholarship. m Messenger mum Members Services Director
- Dlsuicu . '
Paducah Sun buys Arkansas daily MmJamSmlh minnow
Logan lander/News Democrat Eusmess Manager
Paducah Newspapers Inc. has signed a letter I _ .
of intent to buy the Paragould (Ark) Daily Press with District 5 SggaMDi’fimg DMD,
the sale expected to be final in late September. . gfmfifimm Enterprise .
Fred Wulfekuhler, publisher and preSident gall"? _ _
of the Daily Press Inc., said he had not been seeking 32:: “Mammy m a” mm“!
a buyer for the 106-year-old family-owned newspa- can”: as Division Otllcors
per but felt the offer could not be passed up. . . mm“; Division
Fred Paxton, president of Paducah Newspa- aimzambk Lany Brooks
pers Inc. said the company was seeking to diversify in Gallatin Coumy News WW“ “Md'mde'
other markets and had explored buying the Kennett Dim s9 Chum" Division
(Mo.) Daily Dunklin Democrat. However, the com- Gary Quinn Rabn Henshaw
pany backed off because the Kennett paper is printed Maysville Ledger Independent ”mm“ m” ““5”“9‘"
in Paragould. That's when Paducah general manager Km Mm News Editorial
Wally Lage suggested making an offer on the Arkan- Bath County News Outlook xflmfiisenwmmm
sas daily. . ’
If the deal is completed, the Arkansas news— Dm "H1 Dan LEV
”h" °°' 53"” Ashiand on lnc
paper would join three other subsidiaries under the my“, Daily “pends,“ mm: 'DMs'ion Chairman
umbrella of Paducah Newspapers Inc. The corpora~
fionr owned by the 1?an family, owns the Paducah The Kentucky Press (ISSN—0023-0324) is published monthly
Sun and its Sun Printing and Sun Publishing subsidi- and second class postage paid at Frankfort, Ky., 40601, and
aries, plus WPSD-TV and Harman Supply. It also is at addgfional mangle: sigm- Sgb‘flipfiotn {$68125 5:13;;
' - - - ear. ostmaster: en an e o a ress o e en c
seeking federal pemussmn to provxde cellular tele- Lmi 332 Caniml Avenue, Finkfm' Ky" 40601, (502,23
phone semce in a number of Cities around the coun- 882:1. ‘
try. Official Publimtion of the Kentuck Press Service

 page 3

KPA vice president Celia Newspapers, parent company of journalism graduate of Murray
McDonald, publisher of the the Daily Independent and the State University, has been named
LaRue County Herald News, will Chapel Hill News. Staff writer for the Cynthiana
spend three weeks this fall atColo- Paul Sierer, editor of the Democrat. During the last two
rado State University in Fort Daily Independent since 1980 and years at Murray, she served as the
Collins as Professional-in-Resi— a 35 1/ 2 year employee of the editor-in—chief 0f the Murray
dence. The program is funded bya Boyd County daily, retired July 1. ShiBld: the COllege annual and also
grant from the Gannett Founda- Sierer served as chairman of the WOTkEd for the Murray State
tion. Celia will have three princi- steeringcommittee that organized NeWS~
pal assignments with the Depart- Kentucky's First Amendment Camilla BOX, who previ-
ment of Technical Ioumalism: Congress in 1985-86 and is a 01151)’ W35 With the Paducah Sun
conducting guest lectures in jour- member of the Ioumalism Hall of and Franklin Favorite, has been
nalism, public relations and tech- Fame( at Marshall University. named general manager 0f the
nical/ specialized writing; co- Wickliffe (Russ) Powell, manag- Union County Advocate in M01“
leading a seminar for Colorado ing editor of the Daily Independ- ganfield-
newspaper editors and reporters; ent, has assumed control of the Jim Jennings, graphics
and meeting informally with indi- editorial operations of the news- director 0‘ the Lexington Herald-
vidual studentsand workingwith paper, according to publisher Leader, conducted a 5655ion on
the Collegian newspaper Staff. John Del Santa. "Working With Color,“ August 13-
Betty Berryman, publisher of the Maggie Utley has been 16 as a part Of an SNPA Founda—
Winchester Sun and a past presi- named society editor and recep- tion seminar on 1ayout,design and
dent of KPA, will serve as a co— tionist for the Ioumal-Enterprise graphics
leader for the seminar. in Providence. Tim Kelly, former sports

Mike Anders has been Mike Howard, a 1988 writer for the Ashland Daily Inde-
named publisher of the Elizabe- graduate of Eastern Kentucky Pendent and more recently the
thtown News Enterprise, . University, has joined the adver- managing editor 0f the Orange
succeeding Frank Batten Jr. An- tising sales staff of the Manchester County (Calif -) Register, has been
ders has been with Landmark Enterprise and Headline News. named executive editor of the Lex-
Community Newspapers, parent Melissa Ann Fentnor has ington Herald-Leader. He
company of the News Enterprise joined the Ohio County Messen- replaces JOEl Rawson Who was
since May, 1979. In January, 1988, ger as account representative. named deputy executive editor of
he was named director of recruit- Scott Mandi, a 1985 the Providence (RI) Joumal-Bul-
ing and training for LCNI and will graduate of Eastern Kentucky letin. Kelly also has been executive
continue as regional manager for University where he earned a sports editor of the Philadelphia
LCNI's three Indiana newspapers. degree in journalism and speech Inquirer: news editor, assistant
Anders is a 1977 graduate of the communication, has joined the managing editor and deputy
University of Missouri. Batten, Richmond Register staff to cover managing editor of the Dallas
who has been general manager city government and law ,nforce- Times Herald; managing editor of
then publisher since 1986, has ment beats. the Denver POSt; editor of the Los
been named associate publisher/ Bobbie Foust, a reporter Angeles Daily News; and since
marketing director of the Virgin— for the Eddyville Herald Ledger 1987 served as the Register's man-
ian Pilot & Ledger Star in Norfolk, and former member of the KPA aging editor.
Va. board of directors, represented Theresa Hockenb erry,

Robert W. Parks, general Kentucky in the Communicator of former reporter-photographer for
manager of the Ashland Daily Achievement competition at the the Adair County News-States-
Independent since 1985, has been National Federation of Press man in Columbia, has joined the
promoted to publisher of the Women Convention in Coeur Greensburg Record Herald in a
Chapel Hill (N.C.) News. Parks is d'Alene, Idaho. similar post. '
a 14—year veteran of Ottaway Teresa Bragg, a recent Continued on Page 6

 Page 4
Kentucky may be 'open for busine
I. Preamble to Kentucky's
__-___.—-— _""'--.._‘ The people of this com—
. monwealth do not yield
their sovereignty to the
agencies which serve ,
them; the people, in dele— r
gating authority, do not i
give their public servants
the right to decide what is
good for them to know;
'1—11 r 1|[I_" the people insist on re—
_ w maining informed so they
r!" ‘5}, may retain control over
J" the instruments that they
.1!" Th... have created.
."'"- I ' '5 1. '1
d I 'I. 'u. ‘
n I I c . s -
Editor's Note: As you enter ard Gerhard brought forth that eral said pncmg information con-
Kentucky, road signs declare J'The Kentucky LotteryCorp. shall tained in bids is not proprietary
"Kentucky is Open for Busi- be accountable to...the people of and cannotbecalled a trade secret.
ness. " That may be true but as thecommonwealth...through thor- Lottery president Frank
for her local governments, ough financial disclosure." Keener, who later relented to the
Kentucky appears to be much During a late 1988 special release of bid information, said the
less than 'open.’Because of the session of the Kentucky General corporation would not appeal the
interest in open meetings and Assembly to set up the lottery for opinion in circuit court.
open records activities around Kentucky, several legislators in— ,
Kentucky, the Kentucky Press sisted that the corporation be FRANKFORT-AS'l-page 1
begins a new regular feature mandated by the requirements report on a bend in steel girders
With this issue. Each month, a set forth in KRS 61, the Open on a newly constructed Frankfort .
synopsis of the actions involv- Meetings, Open Records chapter bridge was finally made public
ing open meetings and open of the Kentucky Revised Statutes. after Transportation Cabinet offi-
records will be recorded in the Th . . n came on a Cials first denied a request from
Kentucky Press. e opmlo . the Frankfort State Journal for re-
request from the Assocrated Press
, h b'd d mentslead- lease of the report.
FRANKFORT—Thestate tomspetitt tl: lawZIC': of a $163 The State Journal filed a .
AttomeyGeneral'sofficehas rult .. 11:51:]: cgntraect to GTECH Co ' written request on July 20 with the '
that the Kentucky Lottery Corp. 0 rp. state Transportation Cabinet but
must conduct its business in pub- Lottery officials at first Roger Cole, the commissioner of
lie and must release pricing bids refused to release details of the administrative services denied the
submitted during the course of pricing information because the request, citing clauses in the law
contract negotiations. two companies involved con- exempting public inspection of
The AC opinion, written tended it was proprietary. But the
by assistant Attorney General Ger- opinion from the Attorney Gen- (Continued on Page 5)

 , Page 5
. I '
ass but government IS often closed
(Continued from Page 4) . closed session prior to Benjamin's 0rd cards; lists of autos and air-
preliminary documents. During a announcement on open meetings craft registered or taxed in the
legislative panel hearing at which county; copies of boat registration
time the report was given to legis- FRANKFURT—Attorney forms; and assessment records,
lators and the State Ioumal, assis. General Fred Cowan has ruled that includingtaxrolls tot-aircraft, boats
tant highway engineer Tom Lay- propertyvaluationadministrators and vehicles. .
man said the report was "final" must provide public access to a C0wan's ruling reversed
from the cabinet's consultant but broad range of tax-related docu- an earlier attorney general's opin-
was "preliminary" because the merits under the state's Open Rec- ion which had said the adminis-
Federal Highway Administration ords Law. trators could deny access to com-
must first agree to its findings. Cowan said administra- mercial and industrial property

The report was given to a tors must provide the general record cards because the docu-
reporter following the meeting public with year-round access to ments were preliminary working
after Transportation officials were the tax rolls and specifically must papers. Cowan decided that the
questioned by Rep. Paul open current tax rolls; building documents were not preliminary
Richardson of Winchester. permits or applications; assess- drafts or notes and may not be

merit record cards; property rec- exempted from inspection.


Bowling Green Daily News was

denied a r uest to ins an '

applicationefgom a l’aduczlialfCt man NCWSPBPCIS In. thC NCW§
to open a "topless bar" in Bowling .

Green. . .

The Daily News request C-J to install flexo unlt Pese was gutted byfite onluly §1
was denied by the city and the The Louisville Courier- With only the press beingsavedln
request was turned over to the city Journal and Publishers Equipment a.blaze {hit desuoyed a mmple‘e
attorney for a ruling. Corporation of Dallas have signed City block in the Clay County seat.

Catherine Staib, attorney a contract for installation of a The fire ‘was reportedly
for the Alcoholic Beverage Con- newly-designed PEC five—color caused by lightning and repeat-
tl'Ol board said the application was printing unit into one of the Cou- edpeatedly sppeatedly sprung up
public and should be made avail- tier-Joumal's presses. during the mght. .Fflemen used

. able for inspection. Don Stringer, The unit, costing about more than 1_m11h°"_ gallons 0‘
managingeditorof the DailyNews. $1.5 million, will be the first flex- “3““ “.‘ fighting the fl’e' "‘“Ch °‘
said the newspaperfinallyreceived ographic unit in a Gannett-owned that being directed , to. the areas
the application from the City in the newgpaper and should be opera- around the Enterprise S press to
Prescribed period Of time. tional late next summer. save H from destruction:

The new unit will be used Jim Nolan, publisher, said

HODGENVILLE -- A for selected advertising and edito-V the Enterprise had relocated to the
series of requests from the press rial Color in the Courier-Joumal's old Southern States Building. in
andmembersoftheLincolnDrama Neighborhoodseditions as well as Ea“ Mand‘esm and 15 making
board may have finally paid off. for preprinted insert sections, arrangements to purchase that

51319111: Mcgonald, PUb- both advertising and editorial. property.
lishero t e Rue ounty Herald "Our advertisers will en-

. News, said that the new chairman joy the benefits of flexo, parem Kentucky Post wins SPJ award __
offhEbOBI'd for thedrama,Warner larly the intense colors in inserts, The Kentucky Post has
Butters, and producer-director without having the expense and received the Queen City Chapter
John Benjamin, promised that all long lead times of outside print- of the Society of Professional Jour—
board meetings for the drama ing," said Ralph Drury, vice presi- nalists' highest award — the Ger-
would be open to reporters and dent and director of operations for ald White memorial prize for ex-
the public, beginning "Right now." the paper. cellence in investigative report-

.Howeverleters'eleChon Fire hits Manchester Enterprise ing-
and malor changes in the goals or The award was for an in-
plans apparently took place in a The Manchester , Enter ’ Continued on Page 6

 . Page 6

Continued from Page 3 and Mike Feeback, sports editor. County Recorder as associate edi—
Lisa Lynn Fee, a reporter Kerfoot has been with the News &: tor.

for the Harlan Daily Enterprise, Times as sports editor since De- Sharon Tuminski, a 16-

has been honored by The New cember; Jordan is a graduate of year employee of the Winchester

York Times Company for in- James Madison University in Vir- Sun who most recently was busi-

depth coverage on contamination ginia with a degree in journalism ness manager, has been promoted

of water supplies and soil in the and Spanish; Peterson graduated by publisher Betty Berryman. In ’

Dayhoit community. She received from the University of Kentucky her new position, Tuminski will

the Chairman's Award. from the with a degree in journalism and oversee the advertising depart—

. Times company, the first of its has recentlybeen editorforastate— ment, business office and circula— “

kind tobe given to aDailyEntprise wide science newsletter; and tion department.

reporter. Feeback was previously public Kim Tomes and Stacy
George Ferrell, former information officer for the Ken— Kassinger have joined the staff of

editor of the Manchester Enter- tucky Deaprtment of Fish and the McLean County News. Tomes

prise and Headline News, has Wildlife and media assistant for will be responsible for the layout

been named to a similar capacity Athletes in Action. and design of the newspaper as

for the Jackson County Sun. Fer- Julie Pheifer, who has well as advertising sales represen-

rell previously was a reporter and been associate editor of the Car- tative for Muhlenberg and

photogrpaher for the Richmond lisle Mercury and editor of the HopkinscountieswhileKassinger

Register. Georgetown News and Times, has will work in the composition de-
Victoria Schreiner and joined the staff of the Boone partment. .

Brent New have joined the staff of

the Shelbyville Sentinel News. -

Schreiner and her husband Bruce, NCW§papC I18 In thC NCW§

who is with the Associated Press

in Louisville, owned the Andover

(Kan.) Advocate prior to coming Continued from Page 5 Earlier this summer, an-

to Kentucky. She WI" be a staff depth study of Kentucky's educa- other series on the bus crash,

Wnter/Phomg‘aphe’ ‘0' the Sen’ tion system, titled "Politics in Our "Bending the Law on DUI," by Gil

““91. News. New, who recently Schools." Lawson and Tim Roberts, was

received. hls pubhc relations and Staffmembers sharingthe selected fora certificate of meritin

advertlsmg degree from Eastern award were Connie Remlinger, the American Bar Association's

Kentucky, ‘5 “WES m the Senti- William Weathers, Debra Arm Silver Gavel Awards. '

nel News‘ advertismg comp051— Vance, Mark Neikirk and T.C.

tion 1:‘11:partrrt1:nt-E AttEaster, New Brown. Magee buys full interest

wor e on e as em rogress The Post won four other ' '

staff f9". three years, 58”ng as awards from the chapter for fea- In weSt KentUCky News

advertismg director. tures, series, editorial writing and Juliette Magee has be-
Jana Roettger has been spot news photo. come the sole owner of the 21-

named soc1ety reporter for the _ _ . year-old West Kentucky News,

Union County Advocate in Mor- Courier-Journal wnns Clarion based in Paducah.

ganfield. The Courier-Journal has Magee purchased the in.
Several changes have received another award for cover- terest of business partner Phyllis

been made in the editorial staff of age of the May 27, 1988, church Osborne and said she plans to add

the Georgetown News 3! Timesl bus crash near Carrollton. several staff membersand "makea

according to publisher Bob Scott. The C-j's photography lot of changes."

The Staff now includes KeVin K91“ staff will receive the Clarion Magee and Osborne had

foot, editor; Kathy Jordan and Award from Women in Commu- co-owned the weekly for two and

Stephen Peterson, staff writers; nications Inc. ahalf years.

 L Page 7
( ; “M ' 341‘ u $331.. ‘ , > W 1" (3‘ ‘ ,5 4’ . .
"-2. ,,\, “s ’ V " ‘lmm 5&1“; «I ‘i ~ > 4 V :4»; ,1: _“ _4§;_‘. : "151,5
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““1 1 mm .. £5, ~ ' ,— V . .. ..
, ' r . E 53%; k a; ,. 5 ’7
(i ’3): , “f“ . is! T‘ t d ‘ 1”
"’5 i5 Sa‘fi fl “‘5; 4% ‘ 5% ILA
V i _ . .- {I i £15,124, f 3: A ; S§LRT“15";91'159
. V 4, s. 3i: i m E _.: x W“ s
; i? 55575:;2; ‘3 . ass—ea: ‘ ’" . “’9 .i \u
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. .1; 1““ ', Jr; Liwyé‘“; 5‘5»: Elli}: . 1' «L .4211! if: 1 ‘in '
“Our ds unif
customer nee to ysystems.
Youcotfldhaveahundreddifferent fig“??? 335M 3,“ emcientlywhetherit’spayrolls,
locationsinaechool systemorcollege. $3”; 3" purchasingor student records.The
Eachlocationmighthaveadiffemnt ii 3:55“ “a ? technologybehindthisnetworklsbased
:, 1:45,"; i , .a. !

» phonesystem.Butweca.ntiethemall Afi‘ § 5 ‘2 ff ‘7 mourcentr'alofflce,eothecapabflitiescan
togetherintooneconsistentnetwork A T3 ;» 5' eaaflybeupgradedtomeetseaeonal
withourESSX"eervioe.Itofl’ers Lumsanncemuseu demands or changesinenrollment.
four-digit dialing and dozens of other features that can help With our people and depth of resources, the answer to your
you save time and money and exchange information more oomnnmlcatlons needs is just a phone rail away.”

’ The O 'IbTurn'Ib
South Central Bells ne .
@ SoutheniralBell"

 r Page 8

Jim Green elected to board QM

(Continued from Page 1)

combined into two districts to keep the total at 15.
Green began his journalism career with the

Lexington Herald in 1964 as a proofreader. Through

the years, he was promoted to numerous manage-

ment positions including becoming the first Sunday

editor of the newspaper in 1974. He was named man- 4

agingeditor of the Herald in 1976 and was pro-

moted to that same position of the merged

Herald and Leader in 1983. ~
He was still managing editor of the Her- District 1513

ald-Leader when elected to the board but on }

September 1 was named to human resources di- J

rector by publisher Lewis Owens.
District 15A includes Bourbon, Fayette,

Franklin, Woodford, Harrison, Scott, Anderson

and Nicholas counties while District 153, repre- '

sented on the board by Guy Hatfield of the Citi-

zen Voice and Times in Irvine includes Clark,

Jessamine, Mercer, Boyle, Garrard, Lincoln,

Madison, Powell and Estill counties.

Assomates DIVISIon gives scholarships to 2 students

The Kentucky Press Association Associates University, where she is a senior journalism major

Division has presented its second annual series of with an emphasis on public relations.

scholarships to stude‘nts in public relations at Ken- Hartlage, also a senior, is a public relations

tucky universities. major at Western Kentucky University and has re-
The Associates presented Traci Helm and ceived numerous public relations and business hon-

Chuck Hartlage with $500 scholarships apiece for the ors.

1989-90 school year. During the summer, Hartlage interned with
Helm is a resident of Crestview Hills in Hill and Knowlton, Inc., inChicago, in sports market-

Northern Kentucky and attends Northern Kentucky ing.