xt7b5m628051 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b5m628051/data/mets.xml California California Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Historical Records Survey (U.S.) 1940 12 l.; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14: C128/2 books English Los Angeles, Calif.: Southern California Historical records survey project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. California Works Progress Administration Publications Manuscripts -- United States Musicians -- Correspondence List of the Letters and Manuscripts of Musicians in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (University of California at Los Angeles), 1940 text List of the Letters and Manuscripts of Musicians in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (University of California at Los Angeles), 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7b5m628051 section xt7b5m628051 1‘ . z. ., . , . _. $221, ' 2 '--“i—'z2‘v=‘-’:>:'=1'i-i n“ ’W‘ 2! t%:-1;I:i:-:;;t‘5£f"f’bfi’a'lfl w - - ' , uNIVERSIT‘IOF KENTUCKY - 1o 5.2% 2'_-,";-.";$;,. 3'. . s ‘ , - ’ -, .- - , 1 ~ 5‘ y” $4.4. 1 1 5 1:11:44. - - .1‘ 7?, 1 ,1 56112;}; , 71%;... . , 1 4 ‘ ' :2 5‘2“ 52M}! ~ .. 2- . 3 13 L4 2 5 L: ? 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I N ‘H E E';‘-'5'Jr'zfiizé262-15315?"-2" 2.5511452? h2d§sf?‘:,,/}.Ja is, 5-: ~ '- I:‘-’-“:~‘:affiienkfihifiiifiz-3: 433,-;52'42 It igfi-‘Eia‘g‘; v5.1a?- . - [- "4-253‘535;5:5"~31’=3§'§‘i 9: " vi .5445" ' tie“ . ‘I E. 4-2;,-;r§x£f.93';;4’41-;-‘ 8‘5 . ,1 1‘ u -’ ““3 '4' ‘ . ,.x.,'--';‘.- :1 1.. , 1 93‘.'.?:--:3:55’:‘:§1ii:fiz‘ 5% 13:5; .21, s5 ‘7 . ‘ ;-':2:5:2j515151g2:~.s.:4.“~: W, 21.4 2 5 ' - ,--.=-.-.-.4:.;.;4;.:,:,.;.,.;1;,; 2 = .--4 5:5 5 5 . 12.: '14-35.}.-a:4:5:51;4;21,g4; 5': 113‘“: .- 4‘, 44‘! " ,_ i‘. ’ .‘5'2 -‘._ ‘ : 1 1 4'.- -.:.-.41.,;4:,:;1-fg:;:f.'1:&1.13113; :55 ‘w’ . , - '5'} 453'13- "4’” ‘4 lg; ‘1‘ V ’ ' “"3! 1333': $- 1" 2 ‘ ' . 5 44413431311519: 1- 1 . _ , e N. 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Los ANGELES- , 2 45:43)“: 4,;- .' in; 5:12:41; ! “JR: if.“ ‘1‘“: i 4’ $7 :1" 7:334:23 EA _ : *3“. *5: 5:13;: TH E SOUTH E R N CALI FGR N -'- ‘2 i1 5:» RDS .5 ; -..:.'.5,u.r, ¢ 5 4' ,1. ':._ ”1.455;”: , , :.,..15.5._\~ 4 ,3 ! : ...: 1. 1_ 51.3%}. . 1 - ,‘Jggzjg . g 5581 $4.533? ' H ISTOR I CAL R E c o . ' ' “Wm? M l '- r: 5 v -;> x a 351‘: 1 / ~ 1 4’4: .‘54' ‘11! ‘1 My“ 573”» in“: ‘ "My ? 5 i H .2 4:14.452. “-.-='5-¥-‘-?“’“' :- 5§ .1 12:42: .4-2 SURVEY PROJECT 1 , 4424,47.de 4 «films * ”“45; 5-;- .5”. . .--:,-,4 499,141,413 {ug‘zi' . 35:11 ,-1. 44-1113. 5 0 =, :.:,1‘vi‘~-'.'4~'- ' ‘i‘ I ~ 5:1: , k. .,V'7.."». . 5-15--":2‘-T5:5‘§3u. 1'5“?- ‘ '-'.-.$4‘4‘514~:22-25I-.-?”-°“ A P R I L I 9 4 1% :‘;-:1_I:5':.37=,‘\)' £nyng '4," f "45?. 5a- . a ‘: {Gm-‘4 i441! 1,.- ' -»‘5-.-..z,=4=a>c?‘= ms. ‘ ;-:5;2,«.gfi4:z ““42 3- 23 -. . '..}€.’L’.“I'é;§fi‘§\"-= ”L5H ' ' : 253.1{1i1131‘3flf- £1. 13%,, ..-? 5 i;;‘:-;-_:::fi?*~§h gr. :, .321: :-.‘.-..:.n.-n4£\_u 5L ..8 ..5 l ‘47-92‘37’.‘ ‘ ..., 2!: - ‘4 111‘ :s-Iiil’TEé-nglé‘zi v 1‘ 5:! «as-.52»? $244155 5 5-24 1 ,- =y:gfgwx€‘{b§k§;vl,l)if < 5 1.5::“55-4- uni-“‘4,“ -. y" ‘ 54 4519:331er “3 1 ' i--.-::-;a;;: ”=2“ 134‘: lg?- , 2.- 5\.-..«..L. 1 .. ; - . . . Y in ’ ' . » ' i I .II _ . _ ' ’ 3 ’ T List . of the LETTERS AFB KANFSGRIPTS OF LIBZCIANS in the Tiliiam Anfirows Clark Memorial Library V (University of California at 103 Angeles) Proparefl by The Southorh Cniiiornia Misforical chords Survey Project ' ’ Divioiou of Professional and Jarvice Projects Work Projects Administrotion Vi . _J 103 flamelos, California ' F The Southern California Digtori01l Records SurVoy HrOJoct '9 Laylflifl i; ‘45:” . i 333:; .1. . 3% ‘3 3 .33 ’3 . 3 < 32:3 . -v. . - ~. . £533? The ni_s-tol~ical Records burvoy Program ; 3" 9 3 I .33 33:; l :‘ Sargent B Child, Director 33" IT 5 David M Inlaynard, Regional Supervisor 3,31 ‘1‘“ ‘ "T ' 3d - » r3 -. --; 2' '1‘. Edgar L. 1310115313, state oupeitisor 3:433 .3 W; {1% S 311;: 3333 _ IE: 3 3%: 3,3 m- 3 arm 3 3 53353 P ‘5 31:33 ‘ 3 3 .-; 3:" 3 32 1,, 1.3 5% ,7. Division of Professmnal and SerVico Prouiects lg 1. .3133 93 ’3 3 tc 3‘ 3 .33 3.33 Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner 3.5133 333 . . . . :1 :33; .3 June Owens, Chief Regional SUPBI‘VILSOJ.’ 1;; 335 131,23 Elizabeth Connolly, Acting Director 3% '3 r3 _ . .3 . . . _ . . k [I ‘ 3‘33 P. L. ohobo, ACtll’lf—Z Adininistraitive Assist-ant 33 .533 f 85 3 3 re 3;! g“ 3‘13; 3 B‘IOI—PK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION [ g... Lo; .31 13‘. C. "Ihrrington, Conunissionor 3 33 H. E. Smith, Regional Dir-actor Ex ' 3 . 1-13?“ ;. H. G Logg, Administrator .933“ '3 13.3.2: E 3332-? _: ._ . W. .W ,,,._~W__i.i_,..____.m_.:_-:-mllmlun « 3. 7 - ., 3. t PREFACE $3 This list of the Letters and Manuscripts of Musicians is the first of - fié a series of inventories of manuscripts in preparation by the Southern i3 California Historical Records Survey Project, of the Work Frojects Admin— fii istration, sponsored by the State Relief Administration. g? The present work was compiled from the original manuscripts located a§ in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library of the University of . 3% California at Los Angelos, located at 2205 West Adams Street, Los Angeles, g? and is co—sponsored by that agency. Ls! fig The research on the collection was commenced on August 19, l939 by %3 David Himalstein; preliminary editorial work was completed on September 15, gr 1939 under the supervision of Hilda Broger. A complete recheck of the , Efi; manuscripts to assure accuracy in presentation was made between Nevember 3% l959 and February 1940 under the direction of Sallie Cutler, assisted by jfi’ Ruth Jurow. The list has been made in accordance with instructions and Efi suggestions drawn up in the Washington office for these publications by Ffi, Margaret S. Eliot, editor in charge of manuscript inventories. Mr. Sargent fig} B. Child has been National Director of the Historical Records Survey {3% Trojects since March l, 1940. Li Inasmuch as a considerable number of manuscripts were partially h§§ illegible and in the native language of the authors, some difficulty was {3% encountered in setting forth a complete and accurate translation; in order »f% to assure preservation of the authors' meaning, it was found advisable in Lg: several instances to make complete transcriptions of the manuscripts. The E%§ translations made by Ebria Levitsky have the approval of the library staff E3; as exceptionally well done. 'fiéh‘ BE Appreciation is expressed for the cooperation and assistance of Cora Efi Sanders, curator, Marion Waring, librarian, and Frank A. Lundy, who, until Efi recently was head cataloger of the library. l s . Enczir 11. moms: E? State Supervisor $3 LOS Angcles Southern California gfi March 25, l940 Historical Records Survey Project pa. _ \ . (C 3 . 3 \ . 1% LIST OF THE LETTERS AND MANUSCRIPTS Oi“ MUSICIANS ’ in ‘ W2; The William Andrews Clark Memorial Library /717789 Eran}? Joseph__ilv‘1IDl\l, @ustrian compose_r_'7, Esterhazy estate, ‘ is? 29 Eisenstaidt, Hungarl'. To ARTARLA. .4111) consign _/_r_r1usic pub1isher37, V1 enna . _ 1. Sends his third sonata which he has rearranged with varia— ‘ ‘: tions, with request that it be printed as soon as possible; has ‘. "created, in an hour of happy inspiration, an all new capriccio - E for pianoforte, which due to its tastefulness, originality, and ‘3 special workmanship, quite surely will be received with approval 1 35 by connoisseurs as well as anmteurs”; offers it to them for twenty- E .n four ducats; agrees that the price is a little high but assures - _ them of good profits; adds that since he is indebted to them, they ‘1; $33 may deduct from the price. _ ‘ ? inns. 2 pp. 22 x 17.5 on. [13/ i .filasa 3 Midfim Maria li‘elicita Garcia] MALIBRAN, Loperatic contraltg7, 1~:’2;/’s‘ep./' 28 ficndon/. To /—?7 BENNETT. ‘ ' 715;“— __ Itegrets theft she cannot make other arrangements for the two ;: ”soirées" he proposed to take place at Chester and Shrevrsbury on . M: :11 the 5th and 7th of October,- asks him to let her know as quickly as 3 ’55 possible, through general delivery at Liverpool, if the fifty ; pounds an evening she requests will be suitable. __ 31.1.8. 1 p. 2:5 x 19 cm. [723/ ~ 1'}; W ‘ '— ' a“ ,— ' —‘ ‘.r "7“ ."> ,— '= ‘7 " Y "‘ ‘ 31» 43318011- _/-Jz_i_cob Ludvrii/ FLellE/ 11.131912145801101LBM‘LIdUIDI, sermon 3'01 15 composey. To Barham LIOUIS[3/. 3* Attributes his delayed reply to an unsuccessful attempt to 1. “if. gain free entry to the theatre for the addressee; he is now out of .33 the management of the theatre; offers to peed the manuscript of it? ”Lastiges Ehepdar” and give it to fiuliui/ Rietz, fionductor‘ of ‘ 3% the opera at Dusseldorffi who with 1.11“. Immermann, Zdirectcy, . 33 decides on the stage productions. __ . x§ 11.1.3. 1 p. 21 x 13 cm. 15] ; _ __ . @1840 F/ranz7 LISZT, filungariun composer], lletz. Io Franz von 3 1‘ WI“. {’1 SCHOBERT [Ev-Tedish poet, Viennp_/. . . 1 if Disappointed not to hear from Scho‘oer» at Leipsig; feelshe E1} was indiscreet in asking Schober to undertake certain work which . :3: ”if by any chance you have already done it I.shou1d be grateful... . 3' otherwise we will not speak of it anymore”; inv1tes Schober topo . x on a European trip since "your society has always been beneficial g ,3“: and strengthening to me.... Your qualities.. .all please me and i if; attach me to you”; assures him that ”the question of money need I : . Q g3 . V .r : “ 2 ‘ ' 3 ' i€1840 not be considered...my purse will be yourson.”; apologizes for ' iiflpru 3 speaking frankly about money matters but feels their friendship 7§(Cont'd.) makes it possible; has sent back Mr. Kiss of Dresden who ”is a 3 'Q good fellow, but a little awkward, and wanting in a certain point ” i of honor, without which a man is not a man as I understand the ; , word"; M. Hermann, a former pupil, has undertaken to arrange his ,3; concerts; has given six concerts in Prague, three in Dresden, and ’9 three in Leipzig and is very tired; plans to rest in Paris; asks “ Schober to write soon and assures him he can always depend upon ( ‘V Liszt; [postscriqg7 requests Schober to advise Diabelli [Vienna , numic publisher/ not to publish the third part of the Hungarian ‘ ‘,; Melodies, whichjhe sent by Hartel, without sending a proof to I . Paris for correctionso . AaL.S. 4 pp. 25 x 20 cm. H r In margin: ”Best remembrances to Kriehuber and Lowya Why ‘ does not the latter write to ma?” £f§§7 . 1846 /Wilhelm7 hichard WQGNEP, /5erman composen7, Groszjgraupe . Key 17 near Dresdeno_ To Louis /Ludwig7wSPOBR, /Eerman—violinist/ Cassel, V fie rmany7. — — _ — writes from his vacation retreat in Saxon-Switzerland; "after ‘ - E , living through a horrible winter I Am able to breathe again in ‘ , the charming scenery which surrounds me...”; finds it difficult to i v mention disarreeable things on his first day of freedom, or to j criticise his general—director's behaviour who ”as I have just "I learned from your communication, is so rude that it seems to me 1 i almost ludicrous; who is more to be pitied, these country squires ‘ who are given posts and at every step make themselves ridiculous, 3 l or the artists who have to suffer from their lack of taste...on v the whole I call you very lucky, dear Master, if in the course of 1 r . your great career, this is the first insult you have met with...”; remarks regretfully that "we are scarcely in a position to prevent § f any rude behaviour. At any rate you have given Mr. von Luttichau 3 ' a severe lesson.... For the present will you allow me to let this i j unpleasant matter rest? It is this very fight'with stupidity and ‘3 lack of understanding that makes life so difficult for us...the ;' greatest pleasure I could have, was your offer to meet me. I have J , only seen you from.a distance and did not dare to approach you.... f Leipzig shall be a sacred spot to me if I at last can approach you ; T there”; any arrangements Spohr suggests will be satisfactory; :- /postscript7 requests his mail be addressed to Dresden. "‘ —' A.Lo§l 5 pp. 27 x 21 cm. £f§§7 3ZE§752 F/ranz7'LISZT, /fieiman7. To /§erdinand7 LAUE, /themian E ,iugv 29 violinistyi— ' ”‘ I I _ ' “ AcEnowledges receipt of letter; awaits Concertmaster I ;‘ Joachim’s return from London to discuss his proposed resignation; f v? admits that Joachim has received several offers, among them one 2 a; from Munich, but assures Iaul that Joachim does not intend to ; ff exchange his position even if it s ould be financially more desira- I Q? ble; regrets he cannot make use of he agreeable offer; hopes that i 23.5% fir? , . , \ l . :17 V V .: .-, f :52. I '52.: '. 2 ~ 3 - ’ " i/T8752 Laub will visit him on the way to Leipzig; recalls Laub's last ‘ = $115.29 visit when his let Ler 01’ recommenz’“-ti0n to the Grand Duchess did ' :(Cont’du) not elicit an invitation to court l;cause of the sudden death of x ; Her Royal Highness, the Duchess Bernhardt; feels the opportunity , . to admire and enjoy Laub's wonderful talent would be very pleasant. ‘. . A.L.S. 5 pp. 20.5 x 15.5 cm. [6—7 ‘ ' fl8757 Fir-anz7 LISZT, Weimar, To fierdinand LAUL7'. 17-337 10 Anticipates attending laub's music fete at Aachen flix-la- 1 . Chapelle/ since his health has improved; declines Mr. fil—egmond's ‘ offer 0? hospitality feeling ”that perhaps I would displace some ‘ of his other friends who have promised to visit him at this go— casion...”; requests one change in the program, that ”Festklange“ be placed between ”Sanger's Fluch" and ”die Kindheit des Herrn"; ' ‘ promises to bring a sufficient number of copies of the orchestra— I , tion and score of the ”Festklange"; desires Laub to inform the ‘ . ' Committee that ”the English horn is indispensable for die Kindheit ‘ des Herrn” and suggests Hr. Hofi‘man...be asked to bring-msfii—fit—ru- ' ; EmwlTe—e—ls Laub will enjoy the musicians from Weimar. a 5; suggests pieces to be played for the third concert which they can discuss ; upon his arrival; Laub’s interest in his "Vocal Messe" pleases him; i he "wrote the work seVen years ago simply out of a full heart With— ‘ out regard to editing or construction, often quite carried away -‘ j with the half religious, half lyric note which you have perceived ' in it. In the Graner Messe the musical phrase assumes a far broad— ; er expansion”; EQ—ets—he—Eannot bring the printed score which is E not yet off the press, but promises to bring parts of the original : 1 copy which he kept; /p~ostscript77 mentions a letter from Brand, and ; : relates that Mrs. Pohl was delighted over the invitation from ' . Mr. fie r7mond. _ ‘ * 1.3.3. 4 pp. 21.5 x 15.5 cm. [1/ I [1—8587 H/Einric‘Jw/Elheinf ELLST, floravian violinist7. To f ~ July 59 /(_3l'1arle-s~7 G=_)TFI""-il-.IEQ.w _ — . ~ Invites Goi‘frie to his wedding with Mlle. Irona Levy Putt/7L7 : . to be held at Welbak Street the following Monday at 11 o'clock;— , ' declares it will be a special pleasure to have Goffrie and his ‘ ' - friends attend. __ 3 A.L.S. 2 pp. 15.5 x 9 cm. _/_~8_/ ‘ l ’1867 11/304005 BERLIOZ, fllrench compgsej, Petersburg. To .Nov. 26 /}_3‘erthold7 Darrow, fierml-x‘n conductor/, 11 rue Mansart, Paris. . .- Apologizes for. burdening DamcEe with a musical ccmmission; ‘ ' several principal Russian artists and critics reproach him for not a > having brought the music for "Les Troyens", part of which they } would like performed after the sixth concert of the Conservatory; ? requests Damcke to send the copy of the complete major score of E "Les Troyens” made by Roquement, as well as the instrumentation of _ ’ this work; instructs Damcke as to the exact location of the score 3 2_ and instrumentation; directs him to mail it in a case addressed 1' "Mr. Hector Berlioz, in care of the Grand Duchess He'le’ne of Russia, , 3 1 w: . 3/ a? J ii p l t l - 4- - ‘ «E1857 Michel Palace, Michel Place (St. Petersburg)"; urges care in mail- llbv. 26 ing; expenses incurred will be paid by his mother-in-law; speaks itflmnt'd-) of preparation for a concert and praises the orchestra but com- ; plains that the chorus is amateurish; there has been a "terrific : snOWStorm"; he received a charming letter from Miss Feghin; /pcst- 1 scrip£7 "You'll also find in the mirrordwardrobe a libretto of ' t ”Les Troyens"...send it to me with the music.” , ‘. A.L.S. 3 ppo 20.5 x 15 cm. Black wax seal, 2 x 2 cm., with a silhouette impressiono if??? 3 : l i'/T87l37 Johann STRAUSS, zzustrian conmose£7i f ;” Musical fragment of four bars of the Blue Danube waltz, and l ; two bars in march time. 3 7 A.D.S. 1 p. 20.5 it so cm. T In lOWer right corner: "Wien Hietzing". £397 =1872 Ch/arles Francois7'GOUNOD,o/French composen7. Tavistock ' any 5 House, Tavistook Squar53 /lbndon7t- Tel/7:7. — ? Acknowledges receipt of letter infbrming him that the E " Princesse de Galles/rl77has honored him with her patronage for j 3 his concert to be given July 15, at St. James' Hall; wishes his } grateful thanks to be conveyed to the princess; expresses apprecia— : tion for the necessary arrangements which were made for the concert. = A.L.S. 2 pp. 20 x 16.5 cm. 5 1 Pasted in a morocco volume containing holograph of Gounod ; : entitled "Mes Souvenirs de Pensionnaire de l‘Academie de France_ : i a Rome"; for this essay, see entry 55. [31/ ¢ 1875 Edvard /lhgerup7 GRIEG, /fibrwegian pianist—composen7. To 1 ; Feb. 15 Oskar ARNOLDJEN, Ewe—dish lyri’c‘ tenor7. _ 5 > Musical composition entitled "vandring i Skoven", a solo of i ' three stanzas with piano accompaniment and with corrections of the I E ; score; title page: "Edvard Grieg Vandring Original Manuscript". E ~ A.D.S. 2 pp. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. " Bound, with a portrait of Grieg as a frontpiece. zfi2§7 ' f HHS Dr. Hans v/oé7 BfiLGW, /§axon conductoi7, London. To I June 5 Ch/arles7 GOFFRITE-I New York..— } —- Regrets he cannot accept the offer Goffrie made him, "since i 3 my tour in America for 1874-75 was postponed, I am in a position to § 9 sign...a contract which is going to be more advantageous to me". l ; 1\.L.S° 1 p: 18 x 11.5 on. 137 , ll&w A/Eexandefi7 C/ampbell7 MACKENZIE, /§cottish composer7, The ;&fly 10 Limes, Eddington Grove, Lower Sydenham, Zinglang7. To Charles ‘ p GOFFRIE. .’ Mentions receipt of a letter from Madam Hillebrand; desires j ;‘ to knmm hmw long Goffrie will remain in London; plans to visit him ; 5 and see his collection of violins; suggests Goffrie contact Sir : K. George Grove, principal of the Royal College of Music, if the ‘ ~ violins are for sale. ;' A.L.S. 2 pp. 17.5 x 11 cm. £37 ‘ / f V ' I l‘: I! .3 gflfi857' Ch/arles Francois7 GOUHOD. j” 7“ Proface to ”Annals of the Theatre” by Edouard Noel and {i Edmond Stoullig; a critique of conditions in the French theatre, g? particularly in the realm of musical art; discusses reluctance of y g? the pupil to accept innovations, such as Richard Wagner’s new {1 arrangements for orchestra and stage lighting in Bayreuth, an idea 3 f expressed years ago by a Frenchman, Gretry, who was unsuccessful i it in influencing the French stage; continues with problems between 2 5 artists and directors regarding salaries, hours, and tenwerament; i E- believes that the demand for high salaries is responsible for hurd— g { ships in the theatre; deplores the modern trend for novelty and 3 ‘ ? business in art; suggests establishment of a museum which would be 1 3' to the theatre what the Louvre is to art; emphasizes the need to : continue the development of public taste for true art which is un- ‘ changing in principle, of‘which Mozart‘s "Don Juan" is a perfect t example; deplores the practice of hired applause in the French ‘ t theatre which destroys artists’ morale, substituting illusory suc- f oess for real achievement; arpues against conditions of the press ‘ ‘ which do not allow justice to be done to first night reviews; 5 thanks the authors for allowing him to express his points which he : hopes will help to adjust matters in the theatre. ._ : A.D.So 27 pp. 25.5 x cm. Zié/ V/dd788 /Kuguste Emil7'WthEHJ, /Eessian violinisfi7, Elasewitz- ' ‘ $75.19 Dresden. To, /‘T7.* g § Letter divided into six numbered sections; number one ; mentions Ludolf Vinata's translation of ”Paganini’s Leben und 5 Treiben" by /dblius Han7 Schottky. f A.L.S.m'5 pp. 2l'x 14 cm. .“ Contents of sections tWQ to six of this letter are unde;__ ‘ { cipherable. ldfif 71688 Anton SEIDL, /fiungarian conductor7, few York; To { Llhrch 26 zfiotifried Heinrich7 FEDERLLIN, /Efierieun organist/. ' jI Apologizes for the delay ii sending the score for the 1 Beethoven song, ”my head has been so full of all sorts of things"; I; promises to serve Federlein better in the future; criticizes the % score, stating that ”this time you have made the thing a bit too 9 difficult for the singers, even though the fault is mostly : Beethoven's". __ y i.L.s. 1 13.17.53 2: 11.5 cm. [11/ , 171394 E/Efielberfi7 HUIPEEDIHCK, /Ehenish composen7, Frankfurt—on— 54¥mil 9 Main, EEchersheimer landstrasse~lCO, /Eermany7u— To / 7/. t He has accumulated a veritable 1Thope chest" offif3iry tales if which would suffice for a lifetime but is still interested in the } addressev’s stories; finds it difricult to picture a modern con- 3 I ception of a medieval fairy tale; asks the addressee to forward :7 the work by‘Jodnesday if possible as he plans to take a trip on i, the Rhine and would enjoy taking the poem along; discusses when E‘ and where the poem should reach him if mailed later; states he s }; will be home by the end of the week; proffors thanks for the book fig of novels and says he is already acquainted with ”Todesring" and E ”V77l7dunkgang”. _q_ . ‘ _._. 3 A.L.S. 2 pp. 18 x 11.5 cm. zlé/ ‘ 1 , w ,. . . .y H , \ i ‘ Y I’ 5 I . ' I l .. 6 .. ‘ 1395 Anton SEIDL. To Mrs. .115 F tmne 18 Plans to present the name of Mr. Breitner as soloist for the g g following season at the next meeting of the Philharmonic society; ; Li proffers thanks for ”working for my name for the Metropolitan 5 f opera, 1 only hope, that the singers (besides de Reszke) are so ; 2% first class, that I may return the hard Work, which you all had, t g with first class performances, worthy to New York, and its noble g i people.” t a; A.L.S. 1 p. 17 x 11 cm. [137 9 1896 Anton SEIDL, New York. ‘ ’ngil 20 Musical fragment scribbled at the top of a cerd° §, AoDoSu l p. 6 x 8.5 cm. Z§g7 :3/1—87‘38 E/Egolbert] 11114133119111101;, Boppard em Z»_hei11, /£.p.7. To /_?7. ' fijn 5 .A—concert tour and sickness in the family prevented his—.w- = A? 'writing; thanks the addressee for ”your amiable lines and the g 5? little autobiography, the contents of which interest me deeply as i { one'who was thrown into the whirlpool of life by similar circum— 1 - 3 L stences...”; encloses a photograph as a keepsake; hopes that some i day he will meet the addresses. 3 A.L°S. 2 pp. 17.5 X ll cmo Z§£7 ! 11905 Walter Henry 110'111.‘-1131.L, English composer and conduct-017. I deu 2 A song for mezzosoprsno: contsininq twelve instrunent_parts [to with corrections and additions or the score; based on "Uber die fzgr. 18 Heide”, a poem by Storm; heading: ”(Partitur) (comp. 1900) 3/12 i ‘ 1905”. 5 ; .1.D.s. 10 pp. 54 x 26.5 cm. 1537 3 - l filQDV ” Blietn§7 IASCLGNI, éfitalisn composer and conductofi7. 3 Tel1. 142 liux1cl1ez1a i v. Autobiography recounts his early struggle against paternal ; objection to a music career; mentions the compositions which inter— I ; ested u wealthy patron who sent him to Milan conservatory; married I 5 a womnn_who proved inspiring; composed ”Cavelleria Busticsna"; E ? gave music lessons to earn his living and tried to produce his 1 E operas; substantial and lsstins success was finally achieved. _3 y .1.1>.s. .12 pp. 25 n 14.5 on. 155/ £3915 Melter Henry ROTHWELL, Boothbay harbor, /E.p.7l To Albert 1 2 SPAULDIL’I’G, ,A‘Zmeniosn vio11nist7. " " I 3? fiusicmfirnuscript, ”Wiener Gruss"; dedication on cover: "To 1 Albert Spaulding. 'Wiener Gruss for Violin and Piano by Halter i '2 Henry Rothwell". ___ E: 11.1).s. 5 pp. 55.5 :1: 262 on. 1.35:2 i é I jlmfi /Ehsrles7 C/Enillé7 SAINT—SAEIS, Lfircnch comgosei7, Paris. I §3hh 26 To /fiechel Boyer,_founder~director of the Union of the Arts, l ii Puris7. i Q “‘"There is somethinfi so admirable about your work, thxt is } E the flame you cost which will be communicated withrut doubt to the 1 g numerous friends we have in America.” 3__7 f Facsimile. l p° 22.5 x 18 cm. iflfif 1 " <1 1 \ 1, . I X f A 1 a _ 7 _ i @916 Sarah BERNHARDT, [firench actresg7. To Ziachel Boyer, Paris?‘ _Lmh SO Engaged in raising funds for unfortunate colleagues and com— . E H rades, victims of the war; monies collected should be sent to g Thomas W. Lamont, Treasurer, War Relief Clearing House for France Q § and her Allies, care of qlEhfi7 P/ierpont7 Morgan and Conmany, Wall 5 E Street bankers, for the account of the fihion of the Arts, Rachel I .3 Boyer Endowment. 1 fl Facsimile. 5 pp. 19.5 x 16 cm. [€57 ' -:: "’ 1 @926 Ernestine scannrr-Hsnn, /dramatic contralto7. 800 Orange ; $ep.ld Avenue, Coronado Beach, California. To Uilliam.A/ndrews7 CLARK, f }, junior, 2205 W. Adams Street, Los Angeles. _- —- y Q Hopes to see Clark before going East; ”I love you and your f 2; son, my friend, and wish I could see more of you both”; plans to i ;; teach after she finishes her career and to ”stop being an old tramp"; 5f teaching will keep her ”about 4 to 6 months in the East, but I earn f a fortune and don’t need to travel”; affectionately describes her i " son Henry as a member of various organizations, and remarks that he - ' , Wishes to meet Clark, saying that ”to know you is an honor and i 3 means a lot for every man or woman”; hopes Clark can hear her sing E ,1 at the metropolitan in the ”Meistersinger”; speaks of her stay in E :1 New York fromSeptu 27 to 30 where she will sing a few songs for i i Vitaphone;. Oct. d starts her real last season in the Middle'West; g i‘ signs herself, "Ever your old and devoted 'Mother‘”; /postscript7' i j "Henry /§chunann-Heink7 delivers the manuscript of the Partitur—of { § an Aria—ppmppsed and sung by the great singer Edme. halibran and a i 5* letter writtenuby her. Please do accept it as a little gift from 1 -: me and put it in your library.” I j A.L.S. 4 pp. 17 x 15.5 cm° ~_ 1 ,1 For enclosed manuscript, sec entry 28. [@2/ . E 31.11. maria Felicita /Earcia7musics-.1. l 37 Musical composition 0? the partitur of an aria composed by €~ Madame Malibran for /Caetano7 Donizetti's opera, ”Der Liebes Trank", 1 5 With the words and parts r0? eleven instruments; inscribed to } Ernestine Schumann—Heink in 1895. ' {fl A.D. 20 pp. 21 x 33 cm. __~ l f This composition is an enclosure to entry 27. [ZE/ : 'Ld. /ihcob Ludwig? Felix hENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY. To Captain % Eider; LIOU 187—? 7. — i Womnng Invites the Captain to rehearsals, naming the hours they will 1 l. take place; suggests the Captain ask for lendelssohn_at the en~ 1 'f, trance to the rehearsal rooms, or send to UpsesanTZ/ v. Whringer - it (TEJ7'to inquire for the promised ticket; thanks him for the 3 3f journals. _' 3 A.L.S. 1 p. 20.5 x 15 cm. 153/ f a _, 1 ‘gl‘d fiacob Ludwig-7 MEL‘DELSSOHN B/XMHOLDYZ To Captain LIOUISPJ’. 3 fi Epologizes far not sending the music: ”the copyist who had E ifi kept my score was not to be found anywhere...and accordingly I was E ‘E obliged to send for the parts and to make a new score for you"; i f§ hopes it does not arrive too late; he is sending a parcel to London E. is. ‘ ‘f i I” E — a; — § 4 ”next week“ and otiers to send anything for the Doptain; requests § the boerwr he fivon the hook which they discussed. 1 i A L.Su l p. El 1 15 cm. Seal shows shield with letters i i ”F'M.B ” in red wax. [fig] i I _ _ '1 in.d- [fincob Ludwig Felix MLIDILSSOHI BARTKOLJE/K ; Musical combosition in four parts for three instruments, 3 i; with Jiructions for interpretation, numbered one, two, three, and g E six; number ono: “Reitcr Liei ; number six: “Schwert Lied," 1 j A Do 2 pp. 30 x 22 cmi i g Numbers two and t