xt7b8g8fft3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b8g8fft3c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19180228  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1918 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1918 1918 2012 true xt7b8g8fft3c section xt7b8g8fft3c THE KENTUCKY KERNEL
University of Kentucky









"The World War and the Centre and U. K. Tie For
Championship of
College Man' Subject
the State
of Address

Don't fool yourself.
No man's word is as good as his
bond. There's more patriotism in
a Thrift Stamp than in a multitude
of words. They are on sale in the
Business Office. Have you bought

We sat on Centre 22 to 20!
To the team that can say those
words belongs vast credit, for it must NEW PROFESSOR FROM
be conceded that the quality of Centre's team does not fall below the
Wildcat's standard. There was never
a game in the memory of the oldest
inhabitant that was fought with such Vocational Work Introduced
and that
skill and determination,
Under Smith-Hughsuspense. A
caused such
score three times tied was almost too
gym as
much for the fans, who left the
exhausted and as happy as the team
Itself. An undecided state championProfessor McNeal James, the new
ship and a football defeat still rank- professor of Agricultural Education,
ling, gave the Cats added pep for the provided for in the
arrived Monday evening from Valley
With the first half as a criterion the City, North Dakota, to assume his durooters had the right to expect at least
ties in the University.
an Interesting second period. None
Professor James will have charge of
expected so rousing a battle as the
the teaching side of the vocational
teams began when the whistle blew.
work in agriculture. He will conduct
It was soon evident that the teams
research work in the extension departwere too evenly matched to permit of
ment in agriculture and will be the
any great disparity in the score. Guard
head of the Educational Agriculture
and forward stuck together like twin
work of Kentucky. His offices and
brothers and every forward seemed as
classrooms will be in the Agricultural
exasperated as a certain friend In the
and Educational Buildings.
Greek restaurant.
Professor James, a graduate of IlliThe excitement was too much for
nois State University at Normal, Illithe gridiron brain of McMillan, who,
of Science
by the way is "some" football player, nois, received his Bachelor
degree in Agriculture in 1903, and his
but not of stellar magnitude on the
Arts in the general
floor, and he went up in the air. As Bachelor of
sciences from the University in 1909.
he arose his knee met part of Bastin's
anatomy, seriously disarranging said After his graduation he served as the
Agriculturpart. The referee was shocked and head, of the Department of
al Education in the State Normal
McMilan was shelved. His protests
City, N. D., for seven
went unheeded by the Wildcats and School, at Valley
years and as county agent of Barnes
his own sportsmanlike companions.
county, N. D during 1916-1After Centre had called time to figMrs. James with her three children
ure out why the dove of championship still perched afar off, and to con- will come to Lexington In a few days.
duct a clearing house of ways and They now are visiting In Mansfield,
they came back slightly refreshed, Ohio. Mrs. James is a native of North
means to get all of the Cats' nine lives, Dakota and Professor James' home
But so were the Cats and the see- 'was in Illinois.
sawing went merrily on. During the
Speaking of Kentucky and her
second half, the scoring was recorded weather, Professor James said when
this way: 8 to 7, 8 to 9, 10 to 9, 10 to he loft North Dakota tho temperature
11 and '12 to 11, and here the score was a little different than it was when
stayed awhile in Kentucky's favor un- he arrived here this week. There it
degrees below zero,
til it seemed they had the game. Near was thirty-fivthe last of the period, however, Davis with a' strong wind. Hero ho found
threw a foul and the score was tied. Ideal spring weather with warm sunbegan. Five minutes
Here the
SENIOR CLASS DUES were allottedfunfor play to decide the shine.
winnors. After a few minutes' rest
Seniors Attention! The following
the team began again in a perfect bed- have been selected to colect the sen(Continued on Page Three)
ior class dues, amounting to $10, and
Three hundred words of simplified
every senior must see one of them
spelling havo been recommended to
immediately if ho wantB his picture in
tho University Senato, for use in all
tho Kentuckian.
Action will
A concert by tho University band, University publications.
Agricultural students shall pay Miss
assisted by Miss Estelle Baldridgo, bo taken on this at the next meeting.
Celia Crogor or J. B. Flego; A. B.
The Kernel last year adopted simwith Mr. Cover as conductor, will be
students, Ruth Matthews; law stu- tho feature for chapel tomorrow. Tues- plified spelling for a number of tho
dents, Benn II. Scott; engineers, J. A. day Doctor Ganfield, of Centre Col- commonest words. A list of tho proposed words will bo published later.
lege, will speak.
Brittain. This must bo done today.











Chapman, Morton, Planck Lieutenant Perigord and H.
V. McChesney Are
Honored by Journalistic


"This Is the war of the college
man," said Dr. R. H. Crossfleld, presiCollege, in
dent of Transylvania
chapel Tuesday morning. "This war,
of all other wars in history, makes a
strong appeal to the college man because it is to determine whether
might makes right, whether there is
any God save force, whether sacred
treaties are inviolate', whether the
small state has any rights to be maintained, whether we are to have the divine right of rule of the people or the
tyranny of a potentate, and whether
the convention of the Hague, Brussels,
and Geneva are to be held sacred. The
college men have decided that a world
peace cannot be founded on the Haps-burand Hohenzollern plan."
Dr. Crossfleld's subject was "The
World war and the College Man." He
said that 50,000 men from American
colleges were already in the service,
many of them in France, and many
more in training camps; that 85 per
cent, of the commanders of the American army at home and abroad were
college men; and that many more
young men with college training wero
daily joining the colors, as two years
of college or its equivalent were required for admisslqn into the aviation
corps. Among the college men who are
now the nation's leaders he named
President Wilson, General Pershing,
both of them former school teachers,
Herbert Hoover, and Dr. Garfield. He
said further that while but 2 per cent,
of the population of the United States
were college bred, 67 per cent of those
who reach distinction are college men,
and that young men should not leave
college to Join the army, as frequent
warnings had come from England, asking the government not to send young,
immature men across, but to keep
them until they were able to give their
very best to the cause.
Dr. Crossfleld was introduced by
President McVey, and both rejoiced
in the prevailing era of good feeling
between Transyland
vania and the University which means
so much good to both institutions.

No. 19



The Henry Watterson chapter of Al
pha Delta Sigma, national honorary
Journalistic fraternity, announces the
pledging of Virgin M. Chapman, Sam
M. Morton and Charles E. Planck.
Alpha Delta Sigma, ranks with the
highest honorary fraternities and has
influence on the press
The members of Alpha
of the nation.
Delta Sigma, men with ability, zeal
and enthusiasm, qualifications of the
newspaper game, are chosen from the
upperclassmen of the University with
especial emphasis on scholarship, de
portment and sociability.
The local chapter of Alpha Delta
Sigma was installed five years ago,
with Dr. A. S. McKenzie, formerly
head of the English Department of
the University, now president of Lenox
College, Iowa, as president. Four of
its members, J. Franklin Corn, Mc- Clarty Harbison, William Shinnick and
Herndon Evans, have already heard
the call to arms and are now In serv
ice. Several of the honorary members
hold commissions in the army, and two
of its alumni, John Marsh and Owen
Lee, leave tomorrow with Barrow's
unit for training at Camp Zachary
The initiation of the three pledges
will be held Friday evening, followed
by the annual banquet given In honor
of the initiates by the local active
chapter and its alumni.
The pledges of the fraternity are all
closely allied with the publications of
the University. Virgil Chapman, president of the Senior class, is the editor- of the Kentucky Law Journal,
the official publication of the Kentucky
State Bar. Sam Morton is editor-in- chief of the Kentuckian, the
of the University, which promises to
bo the best yet gotten out by the student body. Charles E. Planck, junior
in the Department of Journalism, is
sporting editor of the Kernel, snap
shot editor of the Kentuckian, and one
of the editors of the "Weekly Dorm,"
the original humorous publication of
tho University, which appears "when
all other publications of the Unlver- Ity fail."
Tho active members of the local
chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, are Lee
McClain, Thornton Connoll and Frederick Jackson.
wide-sprea- d



Tho Houso of Representatives. Tuesday, passed a resolution commending
John Marsh, who is in Hospital Unit
No. 40, for volunteering his services in
the war. Mr. Marsh was graduated
from tho University in 1916. Whilo
hero he was activo lu literary and dramatic work.



The ceremony of the "escort of the
colors," by the battalion on the cam
pus, the presentation of the University service flag with its 476 stars,
and addresses by Lieutenant Paul Perigord, of the French army, and H. V.
McChesney, educational secretary at
Camp Zachary Taylor, featured the
University Washington birthday celebration Friday morning.
Lieutenant Perigord, in a graceful
Introduction told of the love of the
French people for the American flag
they accorded
and the veneration
George Washington.
"When new
France had to choose a flag," he said,
"it could not take red, white and blue,
so it did the next best thing and
chose blue, white and red. And now
when France wants to honor her sold
iers it gives them stars and stripes."
"This is not the place where tho
spirit of Washington loves to linger
most," Lieutenant Perigord continued.
"Now for the first time his birthday is
being celebrated in France, and it is
celebrated with a love you cannot com
prehend. We have had great men,
but none were so pure, so unsullied
by selfishness as Washington. He is
not only the inspiration of your President, but the inspiration of the whole
French nation. We are fighting under
Washington. It is he who is the leader
of the armies of freedom today."
Lieutenant Perigord told how the
French had honored the United States
by endangering the life of their greatest general in sending him as their
representative when we entered the
war. More than that, when the first
troops went into the
trenches, they were given as a special
honor, the sector of the front best
loved by tho French, Louvaine, the
home of Jean d'Arc.
The defense of Verdun was described by the speaker, who told many
of his personal experiences on tho battle front. Ho pictured vividly tho
6,000 French boys, who met tho first
assault of tho Germans, July 13, 191o,
as they knelt for his blessing before
entering the battle. Taps was sounded
(Continued on Pai;o Five.)


When Doctor Barrow's Unit leaves
46 more of tho University's
sons wil lonter active service for their
country. Nino of those are now in
school. Two other students, Eugene
Wilson, senior In tho Collego of Arts
and Sclenco, and Polndexter Mabry,
junior in tho Law Department, havo
been drafted, and left this weok. Both
are connected with tho Kernel, and
Mr. Wilson Is business manager of tho

this week

* t'ag



Open from 10:00 A. M. to 11:00 P. M.


Home of Paramount Artcraft Goldwyn Pictures.
High-clasthat's why they cost more.

Prices 5 Cents and 10 Centi.
Afternoon and Evening.


shoulder. There nro so many differ"PRAYER," SUBJECT OF
ent kinds of uniforms nniong the
nnd the Insignia of rank bo very
PROF. IN FRANCE different in the vnrlous nrmles that nn
ordinary soldier could not hope to
recognize the ranks of all the offLieut. Hutchcraft Describes icers of tho Allies, and that would be By Dr. Benjamin J. Bush
His Life "Over
a very, very, terrible thing, dontchcr-know- .
Patterson Hall
So nil the officers In tho nllied
armies wear the Sam Brown belt, and
D E NTS so the soldiers know whom to salute FOUR MINUTE TALKS
and other officers know whom to ask
The Sunday for Universal Prayer as
Tin following excerpts from letters to take a drink, nnd everything Is perset by the National Board of tho Y.
from Lieut. Reuben Hutchcraft, Jr., fectly lovely.
cf Irls, Ky., nn Instructor last year
"Speaking of taking a drink I had M. and Y. W. C. A. was observed by
In t: e Law Department, who Is now a terrible time trying to get a glass tho student associations of the Unl
In active service In France, will be cf lemonade for a brother officer who vorsity in a Joint meeting at Patterson
read with Interest by students of the simply "had to have one to cool his Hall last Sunday. Doctor Benjamin J.
The letters were pub- throat,"
I asked for lemonade and Bush, of the Presbyterian Church, leclished in the Louisville Courier Jour- the girl brought out a lemon pop. Then tured upon the subject of "Prayer"
nal, f3 mday, February 24.
English as distin- to the Btudents.
I tried English
Jasper J. McBrayer, speaking in beand
r.33 Bark In "United States."
guished from American-Englis"C.i Active Service With the Ameri- asked for a lemon squash, but she half of the Thrift Stamp Campaign
preceded Dr. Bush with a
can Expeditionary Force, Oct. 31, 1917 didn't 'comprehend.' When I said
Dear Mother: I am now loafing In a
she manifested signs of In- talk, "The real purpose for this camY. M. C. A. A number of American telligence, and I went on to explain it paign," said McBrayer, "is that tho
of.lcers are scattered around at tables was made of citron and sauce and eau United States is at war and needs the
writing letters. Some are reading and made signs to represent stirring. financial support of every man, woman
newspapers today's papers in Franco, She giggled (they always giggle when and child to clothe and equip the
or yesterday's continental editions of an American tries to talk French with soldiers and sailors who are fighting
the London Mall, New York Herald his hands), and went out and brought for the honor of America and democor Chicago Tribune. Two are playing ,back a bottle of water, two glasses. racy. The Thrift Stamp comes as the
and two others are playing two lemons, a squeezer and some sug answer to the demand upon Democchess. The victrola has just started ar, so we maae tne lemonaae our- racy for a more democratic form of
government security. It creates the
playing the Sextette from Lucia.
selves, much to her delight.
"Altho all this seems just like home,
shortage of smoking tobacco "ea of thrift In the individual that Is
we are often reminded we are in a forMy own necessary for victory."
and cigarettes continues.
eign country. The soldier who waits supply holds out. I
Doctor Bush developed his subject
Just sold at 2
on n:o at mess does not know a word francs each five packages of Fatima from two angles, the problem of pray- The orderly whp makes
of rnslish.
cigarettes, which cost me 15 cents. C1
up n:y cot is beginning to pick up a
nrayer has erown with the encash in the States. Tell sister to be ' lm of
few words, 'good morning, sir,' and sure and send me the Prince Albert largement of the world, it being easier
'good night. He thought It wonderful
gods and fellowship with them
about which I wrote her. If the mail, to have
when I told him that In America there service continues at the present rate
ie shut"in world of the ancients.
wne little children 5 years old who I ought to get the first installment The interest of geniuses and masters
ortulspeak English fluently.
in details in particulars Illustrated
about the middle of January.
' V'hile the dogs bark in perfectly
the point of the little in the spiritual
Visit To Old Walled City.
go.id 'United States,' they do not un
world touching the mind and heart of
"On Active Service With the Amer- the Father. From a historical viewsay 'lei'
dovr'rnd it, and one has to
rr 'couchey vous' to them instead of ican Expeditionary Force, November point great preachers, such as Dwight
'Iwre' or 'lie down.' A great many 11, 1917 Dear Auntie: . . . There L. Moody, attributes the beginning
of the French officers speak English Is not much I can write to you. We f thelr new Ufe to the power of pray.
must not write anything about our er."
well, and that helps a lot."
work or where we are. Today I have
A Venture in Grand Opera.
"On Active Service With the Ameri- been playing and I will tell you as bu(. the kItchen wa8 ready to make
can Expeditionary Force, Nov. 3, 1917. much about it as I can without locat- whatever we desired. Twenty eggs
ing the places. Five of us started out made into an omelette? My, but we
Yesterday was a French holiday
I got leave to go to after de Jeuner at 11 o'clock and walk- had a grand appetite.
Ml oouls' day.
Here Texas
the city, a short distance from where ed about six kilometers, a kilometer Is spoke up with 'Tante Suite,' which Is
of a mile, to an old walled one of the three French phrases he
I was stationed. I was much interest
ed In watching the people. Later I city, now practically deserted. We ex- knows. Right away. Yes. Yes. Right
plored thoroly the ancient fortifl-- j away and out she DUStled
went to the opera, "The Barber of Seville.' I heard the same opera in Bos- cations which withstood a desperate
"In a moment she was back again
ton, where the costumes, scenery, siege before Columbus discovered with a loaf of bread a yard long. The
lighting and the like were very much America. They were quite interesting omelette would be ready 'tante suite
better and the orchestra was larger. to study in the light of modern theo- and so it was. Madame was honored
Ot course, the audience part of it, the ries of fortifications. We went into the that the Americans thought it was
old pure Gothic church, which is of delicious. And what else did Madame
vrr.cn and the Jewels and
a later date than the walls because have that was hot? Everything
rircscs, was very much more brilliant
in Boston. But I believe the singing the inhabitants tore down their old
Yes, yes, and potatoes? Yes,
mil the acting was much better here. church to get matelral to repair the yes. Fried? Yes, yes. Five portions?
The au Hence certainly enjoyed Itself. breaches in their ramparts (I wonder Yes, yes. Tante suite? Yes, yes. And
It rocked with laughter at the funny if there is anything symbolic In that?) out she bustled again.
part, and when the prima donna skip-lie"We went down the hill and across
"While we waited she chatted. Misoctaves and wound up with some ,the valley to a modern village on the ter the Lieutenant spoke French very
There, we found another well. Only a little? But he undervecal fireworks, the third, fourth and railroad.
fifth galleries rose up en masse and inn, several shops and lots of people. stood It very well. He was too modyelled like the rooters at an American We flirted with the girls, taught tho est. She, herself, did not understand
ba". game when the homo team makes little boys to say "Hello," exchanged English, but a son studied English at
the winning Bcore.
greetings with tho old women herd- the Bisters' school. If the Americans
7 francs, about ing goats on the edge of the village, came often he would prepare the menu
"The best seats wore
$1.25, the cheapest running as low as and wound up with a dinner at tho inn. In English with the aid of the book
HO centimes,
about SVfc cents. Think
"Madame was very happy to see and Bhe showed us one that he had
cents. more Americans. Yes, she could tell prepared.
of hearing grand opera for
"Potatoes a la fry. Coffee to tho
"I also did some shopping. Bought American soldiers by the woman's
hats they wear (all tho European arm- milk. Wine read ordinary.
some handkerchiefs and a Sam Brown
belt. What is a Sam Brown belt? ies wear caps or helmets, while wo were some of tho items.
"Perhaps tho beefsteak was ready,
II. 13 simply a rather dressy leather have been ordered to wear no caps).
would tho Americans have to and out sho bustled again. Soon she
belt, tan, a strap like half a pair of What
suspenders, going diagonally over one eat? There was nothing prepared, returned and wo completely succeeded



Al-l'- n






four-minut- e





beef-stead- ?

tho void cnuscd by our walking afternoon. The addition? Yes, yes.
And n franc nnd n linlf for Madame,
tho Americans wore very kind. At
whnt hour would their train leave?
Ono moment; nnd sho opened tho win
dow nnd looked at tho town clock. At
'his very mlnuto It was duo If wo
hurried wo could catch It.
Good luck. Come again. So wo ran
fo the station nnd rode back to steady
work again."
Billeted On Service.
"In Active Service With the Amer
lean Expeditionary Force, Dec. 1, 1917
Dear Auntie: I wish I could picture
to you the place whero I am writing.
I nm sitting in a kitchen of a house
where I am billeted. There was no
fire In my room, but here we have n
range. You
wood fire in a
must understand that the fact that we
have a range is a sign in this village
of affuence. At the cafe they cook
on the hearth in a pot set in the ashes
or in a kettle hung on a crane, and
every few minutes it is necessary to
blow the embers with a bellows and
put a few more faggots on the and
"But to get back to the place where
I am writing.
The wash is hung on
a clothesline across the room. From
the rafters, blackened by the smoke
of years, is suspended a string of on
ions. My light is a candle stuck on
the top of a can of jam. On the table
beside my paper and the candles are a
pile of letters which I have just finished censoring and a bowl of garlic and
four pigs' feet. Madame has been making sausage today.


In filling

As a fitting prelude to tho patriotic
exercises held in chnpel Friday morning tho battalion of tho University
held its first public ceremony of tho
yenr on tho campus before a small
but appreciative audience.
At 9:30 b'clock, the color guard company, company A, captained by Head-oSchoiiBo, with Paul Anderson, and
A. S. Gill as lieutenants, preceded by
tho band, led tho battalion to a point
opposite the Main Building. There,
each of the five companies, In "company front" formed a line, whllo company A marched to a point before the
steps and received the colors from




two-hol- e

"The door opens directly from the
kitchen into the stable, where the cow,
another mark of affuence, occasionally lets out a peaceful 'moo.' The
baby, a little girl, 20 months old, is
clattering over the stone floor in her
comical little wooden shoes. All very
picturesque and not at all comfortable.
"Of course I can't write you any
real news, but occasionally an inci
dent occurs which might interest you.
For instance, today an announcement
had to be made by the town crier. The
French law calls for the town crier
to make official announcements, and
so there must be one; why the town
has had a crier since Middle Ages. But
the men are all away at the war or
are very, very busy, so a little dried-uold woman, weighing about ninety
pounds and looking that many years
old, carries around the big drum, beats
it to call attention, and then reads the
notice at the street corner.

"Gallantry will out in some way or
other. Today I saw one of our boys
carrying around the old lady's drum
and beating it for her. Heaven only
knows how they made each other un- -


Beside the president, standing at at- tentlon, was Lieutenant Paul Perigord,
of the
the brilliant
French army, who left his studies and
his monastery to take up his sword in
the fight for his country. His pictures- que French uniform, with his service
stripes and cross of war, gave a note
of reality to the scene.
Misses Freda Lemon and Ellabeth C.
Loughridge, appointed by Captain Roy-decommandant, served as a color
guard, prior to Its presentation to the
company by President McVey. These
two young ladies are enrolled in the
University Signal Corps.
Immediately after Walter S. Piper
.received the colors from the President,
the band played the national anthem,
while the entire battalion stood at attention. Following this, preceded by
the colors, the battalion marched In a
body to the chapel, where special patriotic services were held.
Captain Royden, in speaking of the
"escort" said that in his belief "it gave
Just the right touch to a perfect day,
and that it would have been a grave
mistake had not such a beautiful ceremony been held."


Prof. G. M. Baker, Department of
Education, spoke to the Home Economics Club Monday at noon upon "How
to be Interesting tho a College Professor." This subject was handled along
the line of the dangers and limitations
of specialization by becoming so narrow that contact with the world is
his talk with
lost. He illustrated
blackboard sketches showing how the
triangular person or the person with
only a few interests could add sides
until they become more nearly the
person of all round interests.
derstand. But I fancy the simple old
woman regards that particular Sammy
as a fine fellow, even if she couldn't
tell him so."


Member of A. N. A, M. of D.
106 N. UPPER 8T.
Classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.
It is the aim of this school to teach dancing as it
should be, advocating at all times proper
positions and decorations.

Piano, Saxophone, Violin, Trap Drum




Nino Wildcats will loavo Thursday
night for tho South to play Cumberland College and tho University of

"Jim" Park, former student of tho
University, now assistant athletic
coach, has been accepted for servico
in the aviation corps, flying section.
Ho is awaiting call to tho Columbus
flying field, where ho will recoivo two
months' preliminary training before
being sent abroad.
Park was a leader among tho students while he was in tho University,
and when he returned from a season
with the St. Louis Browns to coach
football and basketball ho was reinstated in tho hearts of all who knew
him. Ho will add another star to tho
already glorious service flag of Kentucky, and will be without doubt, a
credit to his state and Alma Mater.
Whllo in the University Jim Park
was president of his senior class 1915,
captain of the Wildcats 1914, active in
Y. M. C. A. work, all athletics, a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, and
one of the most popular men ever on
the campus.


Campbell, Thomas, Shanklln,
McKlnnoy, Zerfoss,
Marsh and QHckman will make tho
trip. As a parting thought tho Kernel
wishes to remind them that Tonnes
boo owes Kentucky four submissions
to make tho record equal. Cumberland
Collego was easily defeated last year
by tho Wildcats. Tho Wildcats will
play Cumborlnnd Thursday night, and


New Plan to Be Introduced
in Louisville this




Miss Mary E. Sweeny, special


resentative for Kentucky of tho United

States Food Administration, and head
of tho Homo Economics Department
of tho University, returned from Washington, bringing tho administration's
latest plan for fod conservation in the
home. The now plan is known as the
CATS DEFEAT CENTRE "Honor System for Food Saving by
(Continued from Pago One)
Voluntary Rationing," designed to
place each home on a practical ralam of noiso from tho rooat and tho tioning
basis, and will bo launched
pit. Tho argument waxed hot and
for tho first time in Kentucky next
Bastin threw a goal. In reply a yellow
Friday in Louisville by Miss Sweeny,
sweatered man throw a counter from
with State Food Adin
tho middle of tho floor. This performministrator Sackett.
ance was repeated, and the five min
The complete rationing plan under
utes were up.
the "Honor System," which will
Eor the second time the referee
eventually be carried all over Ken
started a flvo minute period to decide tucky, will be issued in the form
of a
the game, and again life looked rosy to Ration Card, and distributed to
th gallery when Bastin rolled in one homes. This card will show
the ex
beautiful goal. Then the dream faded
act amount of each kind of food to be
when a Centre man put the hoodooed
eaten, as recommended by the food
ball thru the netting. 16 to 16, and the
whistle blew.
At the foot of the card will be a
specThree times tied and half the
pledge, to be signed by the house
tators nervous wrecks. "Suky" "Give
wife, promising to ration the house'em the axe," and other encouraging
hold in accordance with the directions
yells edged the claws of the Wildcats
laid down on the card.
eyes of
and they started again at the
Various foods which the administhe Colonels. There were no fouls
tration recommends eating unsparcalled. Time and chance were too,
ingly, and others which it would limit
precious for any carelessness.
under the plan, are given below with
repeat the story. Two other perfect
the proper weekly allowances per pershots by Marsh and Bastin, two suc- son in each case:
cessful Colonel attempts and the cry
Fish Oysters and sea food, all
was 20 to 20.
kinds As much as necessary.
There was no lack of excitement
Poultry and game As much as necand interest when the last five min
utes began. Feet were used to stand
Meat Beef (fresh, salted tinned
on and lungs often forgot their func
and hashed); Mutton, lamb and veal
tion. Thomas ended the scoring 22 to
(mutton by preference); Pork (the
20, in U. K.'s favor. '
weekly allowance of pork per person
For Kentucky, Bastin, Shanklin and should not exceed a
half pound) two
Thomas deserve the most credit, al- pounds uncooked, including bone.
tho their teammates made them work
Buter and cooking and kitchen fats
hard for any honor. Thomas was in
One pound.
his best form, shooting unerringly ex
Margarine, lard, substitutes, such as
cept in the last part of the game, when
corn, cottonseed, peanut and olive
he made several unfruitful attempts.
oils Only as much as necessary.
Bastin, who drew the redoubtable Mc
War bread Two pounds.
Millan was "there," all the time, hold
All bread must contain at least 20
ing that gentleman to very few goals
percent of a substitute for wheat flour,
Shanklin played his usual game of
i. e., 2 pounds of bread required 1
twirling evasions from his guards and
pounds flour.
spectacular dribbling.
SugarIncluding table use and In
Marsh, the long boy at center, was
cooking, Including candies and sweet
an added attraction for fans. He still
meats (not sugar used for canning and
has a few youthful ways about him, preserving)
Three quarter pounds.
but it can no longer be doubted that
cereals Corn meal, oat
he is a basketball player of Wildcat
meal, rice, hominy, barely and rye
Glickman and Dishman at
As much as necessary.
guard were two "mans" of skill and pep
Vegetables and Fruits Fresh and
and held Centre forwards to a low
dried As much as necessary.
Whole milk As much as necessary.
Zerfos came in trimmed for a fray
Children must have full allowance.
and he made one of his own.
Cream As much as necessary.
Davis was Danville's individual star
Ho was never for a minute out of the
Cheese Use as substitute for meat.
gamo and was responsible for three
Hold goals.
The summary follows:
Senator Meriwether Smith, Harrods
Thomas burg, and Senator Frank Rives, Hop
Shanklin kinsville, pr